The petition said 18 street lights Twice Weekly MONDAY and THURSDAY Idlll Miltllltlsltill general ch izct Mcirioriiri Hospital Clitllprlilzn lurid announced yestci day that cheque for 53000 from Ildllli Steflrtliy KC o1 lhis generous donation coin the firs rlliilpilicri by the Till $7300 given by Mr McCarthy 57 in YeorNo 27 tirlnair oi the llarrle and Dis AJltltitilib sl lASS IAIS Bi P051 OilCf Campaign Now $90000 $3000 Donation By Frank McCarthy KC lStart Excavating For PUC Reservoir DIPAFINlNI OlllwA At Bayview Park tlilgtl it in li lliitl ll IILllll iron li lad liltll ltttlit1 on llrcsday loronto toriilcrly or Barrie loll 13 led with $4600 contributed in vi lrl out lawyer makes rl total of to the Barrie hospital fund lllflv list or mill tr made to ltloiir 121 llli tll li iwlii irtli 151 ii=ll=i mitv the plarlii ll pl clut li ill311 Wllsul tho 11 or libi upgiy 1h illlgtgt frultvl llli thltllt lilt new hpitii unit tlrll 111 itlllttl ill Ullol to his all iptlrlmils lll tilly inf April 101 lailvxi Illlll tiller or statlrl tli ll as of 1m Light AprlI rt illt total of lltiltiK ird tilt111e received in LIlt office at 113 llllnllill Street had l1lltii Siltltillll 1111 510000 short of the new obv jeitrle of $10000 set on Monday Ir Drill said tin all campaign workers iverc fill confident that the objective would he reached lit vet hor llllli it was pointed out that lttitll $10000 and $1v 000 of the ironic raised in the llli gliizd lliillc of $7600 was not lichlally from ill people of Barrie and District hill came from out slde solllces Mr Wright had made his lztlleuilis offer of taroforone oil the bris that $70000 ould tie subschliied in the iiistlic IIow evcr by now the people have over illbscrillld that liglnc The new objective has ltll scl to take care of pledge from 1111 first Jllllpllll which have not been 1111 for iiious reasons iilllll Ildr IIll ti Kiliscllu on behalf of the 111111 ltlid tillre aridell it caml pargn ozflie pljrlielr1 of Iilt Ldi once of the pledge lililtll illlie lorilclis Institute lllilll totall of Silltx lioptli lliiiutslioiialil tile leaniplllgli has icsllltcd in the liltillv es etloit t1l put forth i=ltlllliltli by workers and contributors lll tili coriunurritlcs of town and distilct result have been little short of astounding number of events ill aid of llu hospital are still to come One of these 1121 plano iiirial hy iItsztlixlid ioddlll native of Barrie will lil sponsored by the Irotaly lub lti this month Committee plilllllirt the event consists of Dick Stcelc ll Iloss Illrlrhull II Iolnlinson and Selvam On Tuesday lilt Greer Iinlrspui ltllliill of Ilarrlc came forward wrllr tilic donation of $1500 in that same day Ilap Iilllltls Ctlllll in with turn generous donations one sum from the Han ric Flyers llockey Club and an other sum from Weston Adams president of the Boston Bruins Hockey Club iarrie Illt Dlparlrnenl this week donalcd much appreciated sunl tll llllllt 0n lllesduy night at llzirrie Artil only there was donation made to the hospital fund of $300 from the officersantl personnel of the 135111 ESSA COUNCIL NOTES llsiia township councrl meeting was opened at Angus shortly after 10 am last Monday with Reeve Wood antLCouncillors Thos Fraser Harold llalbcrt alid Jack Wilson present Deputy Reeve George Wilkinson arrived later The reporter was also late and was gently chided by the rcevc for his tardiness Charles Henry of Thornton was present to quote council some prices oil road signs The quota tiolr for standard size was $235 each Among the relief cases was one where it was said the father of the family was 111 prison but another man who did not work was living at the house Council passed motion that every houuschold with an ablebodied man would be cut off relief on April 15 Arthur Wilkinson chairman of the trustees of the village of An gus presented petition signed by 92 of 110 property holders desir ing electric lights in the village He said there were few Toronto residents who owned property in Angus who had not been contacted of 100 watts each Would cost $15 each year Mr Wilkinson thought it VQlld be fine thing to have the lig ts installed before the Essa Centennial which is to be cele bratetlat Angus onJuly and letter from the secretary of the town hip school board asked for $500 that council had agreed to bayfoi th Cherry Hill school Theclerk was asked to write and advise the so 001 board that the money would be sent after the deed has been provided for the councih Truman Flatt chairman of the school area board yvas presupt to ask about the deeds school properties on this was available letter was received cil ltwas decided that Wood CounWilson and Dempsterg rbadsuperin tendent was present at the meet the road acA authorized for ingand presented counts which were payment School boaidf chairman Truman Flatt was present to speak about conditions particularly as they af feeted Angus He said 20 pupils were being sent to Thornton and The present school at Angus had only and he felt two more were required He suggest ed the school board might obtain some property in Angus this year roomed school He saidthe depart ment of education had estimated school oft four rooms would cost $80000 On motion of Halbert land Township Clerk Norman Coxworth was asked to write to of education re garding school aqcommodation for another 20 to CampBorden two classrooms and prepare plans for Wilson the department Angus ReeveW Wood outlined plans to the various No information pump hoses and other equipment romthe Royal Victoria Hospital asking to discuss thedeficit withsthe coun eeve loun Halbert be appointed committee to meet with the finance commit ee of the hospital Iprressiiig annoyance at coili nlent by Royal Victoria Hospital hoard delegates at IIillllt towrl council 1Ctllll that only Vespra and lllnisfil paid part of hospital deficit last year Councillor Nor man Stoddart said last year Oljo offered to pay its share of indigent deficit but received no answer from the board To verify this Clerk ll Tud hopc produced copy of the letl tcr sent at that time to the board No acknowledgmcnt was receiv ed he said After reviewing figures oil the hospital deficit in possession of the elcrk council Oros share of the 1941 deficit of $5516 would be 53 per cent based oil the number of both indigent and paying patient days incurred by 010 residents It was agreed this would be paid provided the other municipalities paid similarly tentatively agreed he llti EIIIL hiLllcl fltllillls the Iitl auditorium at dati later illon in Cm Share 1948Deticit Royal Victoria Hospital If Others Do LikeWise derive more benefit The 1940 deficit was not con sidered at the meeting On re ceipt of letter from Cameron hospital manager asking that meeting be arranged be tween council and the board to dis cuss the 1049 deficit council moved that the boards delegation be ask ed to appear at the next council meeting Present at the inectiilg were Reeve Woodrow Deputy Reeve Sglith Campbell Councils tors Normah Stoddart Andrew Bartholomew and Clerk Tudhope Absent was Councillor Lloyd Scott who was on trip to Florida The matter of fire protection was discussed and although no defin ite decision was reached council agreed fire equipment bought jointly by Barrie and the town ships and stationed thBarrie would be ofno great benefit to Oro Reeve Woodrow said an other joint mecting is expected soonat which this view could be aired Councillor Stoddart said if Oro wanted protegion the best thing it could do is buyits own equip ment Only two trained men would be required to operate it he said Reeve Woodrow claimed this would be cheaper in the long Erun and would provide better protec tion Clerk Tudhope had pointed out that equipment considered re cently at Barrie for the purpose as quoted at cost of about $8000 He was in receipt of letter from Kitchener saying equipment avail ablctlierecou1d be bought for $4900 This was Willys truck with Jeep engine equipped with but no water tank CouncillorzStoddait was of the opinion that if needed the equip ment could be purchased by the township 1517 in li rllvl Atl Il 1er it Illl to llv Ilt lilt lltJ il in gii ciiallxn 111411 illllt1llllt and pl iorl Illll1t itlllt lltktlli to irtall the Iltl tCll tolrcrcle tank but the lllli cll5lilll ulil lit rovilcd lell tutu llti lit ctiill lltl lll lM rlttllll ill gins nill purrip Illitli to ll built at lhi east end of the ll to Iiit the appealhitc or an attractin house tiililwtrlild and with slate loiif Illt Illlltli 1lI lgtl tp ltl Spllif 000 including l1HllllIlL cipiiplilellt It is intended to uppll the 11s greasing demand here for water service and to boos pressures in of the town Contractor is the bunch tolislrtuv KANSAS HEADS LIST The lzllgest grain elevator iii the United States ill Kalisis City illrice concerning dogs unlicensed THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRlE ONTARIO cANAOA THURSDAY APRIL IKIIER AUDIT IURMU OF IRLUtAIlth BARRIE EXAMINER South Simcoe Night School At Alliston WILL NOT PUBLISH ON EASTER MONDAY lhire lII be no lxsltt of The IIJHH Illlllltr on Enter Honda Apr 10 llle next ltguIJr lll will be Thursday lllI 13 the Hll Monday is III Iic oil prll 17 when the lit typiigrapliy will be irrtrotlllvttl to giie vol of con emplojv crs threwLl rest over the IlLl weekend the plant if the llairic Iiinliner will he IllI on lritlay illil Satur lll this iEI owner the otlice will be open as usual on Saturday from El 1111 to 330 pm for those llio Isl to ply tulisrrlpliuils or place orders for lilveltiiiig or job printing organiseti wo Other Barrie Bylaws Amended iil ii lillt rIlitIllllll Monday IIlt li Ill Nl iitll llCilISIIILE restraining and regulation of dogs It lIt troub tilllt dogs The powers were liltlillif in the former bylaw llidil the uw bylaw licenses ill be required for male and st tor l1lill ind fines are pro vldl for owncis convicted of of ill va passed and in town council or at large The 1111 is $3 for lll offence and can be increased on further offences liaising an objection Deputy Ilecvc irlfflll said he could not gt that the 1liw which dors not call for dog calcliir or pound could llt liltulccd airy more than the old one 111 asked if police could shoot dog found at large under the Ilr bylaw and claimed that if this was so many people He failed to see where the equip ment could save barn or farm house ill the hack sections but agreed the equipirielit wouldbe of beltcfitto builtvup areas oilll rillor Stoddarl said the villagers and cottagcrs would pay only about 10 per cent of the cost blit would Even if trllck got to farm ill insufficielit to save Reeve Woodrow said Nearby buildings might be sav ed bill could hardly be reached ill time if there was low water supply Deputy Reeve Campbell said $th cant help to pay for equip ment for Barrie Councillor Stod daitsaid He claimed if Barrio needs more equipment the town should buy it Wcll pay for it when no need it he added Council was advised that if the village of IIdchStODC wishes its main street primecoated this sum mer the department of highways will approve the work The let llurn to page eight pleasct inolc the required for all construction lllUICk tune water supply might be buildings fastburning building would object He was assured that dogs would trot be shot illtIiSCIllll iliatcly if it all In any case the owner would be consulted on dogs picked up The building bylaw wasvamcnd ed to abolish building perlrlits for construction costing lllldcr 51100 The previous rule was that permits were required for building costing than $1110 lcrmits will still The parking meter bylaw was zilnendcd to provide for addition of meters already erected and the taxi bylaw was amended to the cffect that taxis be permitted to park on lnain thoroughfares only if they are taking on or discharg ing passengers The driver must ibc in the vciclc while it is park cd BORDER FRIENDSHIP GREfNA Man CPIThe town of Neche North Dakota just milcs south of this village has of fered to fight Grctnas fires Ncclre has two new fire trucks and newlyorganized volunteer fire lbrigade Before erecting building with in the township of Vespra persons must now obtain permit from the township clerk This was contained ill bylaw passed at the Monday April meeting of life township cOLlncil The bylaw also regulates the types of dwelling houses garages and other buildings that may be erected within the township lsafety purposes The Monday meeting held in the itownship hall at Midhurst was prcsidedcver by Reeve Earl Rich ardson Deputy Reeve Roy Hick ling was in attendance along with Walter Downey councillors Donald Bell Forbes and Carman The bylaw provided that dwell ing houses must have stone or con crete foundations not less than eight inches thick with floor area on the first storey of not less than 400 square feet Furthermore the exterior Walls must consist of dressed lumber or better materials and the roof must be covered with cedar or asphalt shingles or better material Living rooms sleeping rooms and kitchens must have one or more windows with an aggregation glass area of at least 110of the floor area Vespra Township is givingser ions consideration tobuilding their The question is do the people want Deputy Reeve Smith Campbell commented He agreed that the cost would not be too high for the township but feltthe it before action is taken byeoun cil Nobody haSfapproached Ame Reeve Woodrow said allitaxpay ers would have to share in the lap pf lands and forests for authority have float in the parade to illu irate the 100 years of forestry in ssa first the fine pine forests thn the land de nuded then refor sted llished in newspapers and fiom other sources and priz 5willbe awarded De pe end indicate they want tion was adopted directing the wanting fire prOteetion he added but the equipment would be own high school meanwhile cau tioningthe Barrie and District High SchOol Area Board to pro ceed with caution on their build ing plans At the Monday meeting mo clerkfto writeto the Barrie board regarding the new addition to the revision for Township Clerk Coutts and road superintendent Ivan McLean lVespra Twp To Enforce Building Restrictions whatsoever on that raise Every cent of that comes out of us They have no right to be raising the school teachers standard of living when the cost of living is going somewhere in this raise in taxes the police lttl to act on HINDIHCDS TOOK PART in the recent closing exercises of the South Simcoe night school at the Community Hall iir Alliston photograph Mrs Drenllrln of anip llordcli sewing teacher is seen Mrs Drcnnan made the dress she is wear ing and the girls Joyce Matchett of hllrehill and Helen Hall of ilford made the housccoats they are modelling one of the visitors at the exhibit Wanita Robson of Alliston shows an purse that was made by student ill the leather class down There has gotnto be halt with two of her students are liss Marjorie Holt of Egbert class COMING Dance Llarglillrst llall Thurs day April ti Admission Title iLunch counter 271 Dance every Tuesday night golflllgt Hall Allandulc Music by lSimcoe Ramblers lltfbflii Rummage sale April 23 Worn ens Hospital Aid at Trinity larish lllall am Phone 33107 133le Rummage SalcSalurday April at Trinity larish Ilall auspices Trinin WA Doors open am 1728b Rullilnage Sale April 22 Collie St United Church Recreation Robin am Auspiccs WA Group 2T30bT Stiotld and Lefroy Young People iprcsent three oneact plays Stroiltl tion of assessment is borne by rural ratepayers and as the income of same is steadily shrinking the board shouldproeeed with caution wardcd to the clerks of interested municipalities Councillor Downcy admitted dur bringing high school back to the township was not popular one with thejstudents and he thought there would be decrease in at tendance An April 13 meeting of ratepay ers is being called at Cundles School for the purpose of discuss ing fire area zone in the town ship adjacent to the Town of Barv ric in view of the fact that the township is unable to continue the present fire protection arrange ment after June The meetingis called for eight pm Turn to page eight please copy of the letter is being for ing the discussion that thesidca of Reserve Wednesday June for Kiwanis Auxiliary tea at the heme of Mrs Craig Proceeds for the Hospital 27b Daryce Gearin Hall Phelpston lEastcr Monday April 10 1050 Good music Everyone welcome Bring lall your friends 2527b Dancing every Friday night Bee torl Community Memorial Recrea tion Hall to Norm Beurling and his Kings Mom pm tol ain 15tbe Afternoon tea and bake sale Wednesday May to pin IOOF Hall Collier St auspices cBeaver Rebekah Lodge 27p Dance Guthrie Community Hall Thursday April Music by Tom Pattendens Mountaineers Admis sion 50c Lunch counter 27p Keep May 23 open for Chilli iWiIlis Big Barn Dance in Doug Kneeshaws new barn Norm Beur Iings Orchestra and big floor show gt27b Allistori High school Levies$42425Irr195 present school drawingthelr atk tention to the new schedule of grants particularly that portion Which does not recognize auditors iums The March 23 meeting withvG for the CalithumpiahParade to be Duffin 6f the Ontario depart Essa Centennial on July ment of educationhad encouraged arman and Mr Kirby or somewhatthe idea of buildinga seed plant were present sehoolwithin the toWnShip Coun at the cou eil meeting to discuss Keillor Carman Downey maintained Tliey agreed to ask at the Monday meeting that the township would actually be one dollar ahead on each pupil attend ing the school if such an aetloh were taken Barries schols has ceased to be air urban school when almost 53 of its taxes come from rural aSlt sessmcnt Put ring around the Town of Barrie and it will fade away and die Hogs are down Wheat is 50 lower The milk man is being trimmed The picnic is over Yet they are going ahead upping school teachers salaries $200 There is no government grant it Although the levy for mainten ance of the new Alliston High School in 1950 will be only $0000 the levy fur debentures will be $3342 This information was con tallied in budget reports sent to the nine municipalities affected Essa Townships share is 170222 St the total budget or $742437 This report was received at the Essa Township Council meetingiat An gus on Monday The total levy of $42425 for 1950 Vwillbe apportionedas follorvs A1 liston 17191 Beeton 314 Tot tenham 32002 Adjala 16329 Essa part 1750 Mulmur part 453 Tecumseth 32239 Tossorontio 1026 West Gwillimbury 9134 The budget for 1950 for the Allis ton High School follows 41949 ex pendittires are bracketed Teaclilt ers salaries $3185914 $310750 in structional supplies $143450 $1 000 administration $173858 $2 250 plantcperation $80 014 $9 060 plant maintenance $197973i $700 prizes convention trutees expenses etc $104117 fees to other boauds $438976 $3600 transportation $20513BSl $25000 capital outlays for equip ment etc $499980l$5000 extra neous payments $593121 $200 in teredt on loans $26565 $650 The above figures show that $77 92774 was spent in 1949 and the budget for this year totals $91530 The provincial grant in 1949 was $3876740 and this will be more than doubled this yegu to $8209690 Other information provided by lthe Alliston High School District for 1949 follows teachers 13 plus two music teachers average at tendance 307 number enrolled 357 number enrolled in school outside district 18 number given transpor ltation 238 cost per pupil per day $129 lstalldiilgl who are modelling suits made by themselves ill the sewing tIliotographs by George adogllni commencing at 630 pm $2820 banquet will follow In the above lilthe photo on the right 0n the right seated and Miss Marie llanlirook Ye Ultle Iynic and modern dance cvcly Fllday night llaiigt Ilall Allalidale Scottish Italnblcrs Ad mission 30c Lunch counter 1010 Easter tea fancy work and 1le sale at St it0iigt Parish Ilall the Glad or are under thc Club Tuesday April 300 illltil 600 pler 2720 Felridalc School lhllrsday April lllriilts of EVENTS 13 at ll pm box social dance and cards Draw for pair of towels and basket of groceries llonle arid School Club 271 Notice to llilli Willi lr Farmers of Broom Balliahie betwecni Allistoii Noltawasaga arid Chillil Willis ln Allistoii Arena dance till Essa Tawn 155 hall afterwards on Anal irtsftcfi The LOwnshllD is DEWEVCL pile April 010 in Adirl Tm may Sqng mm mur When 5mm Or he Essa Tow ipmgdito IlLboimtcvaii life Dance at Baxter Friday April BOSS blsiGilld YP 11 TINHSdaY Ship llVllll SUSMSWd 1h lax mimm fumhm It 121 to the music of plxfons or April 13 under auspices of Cllurcli WW 0010 mi 500 more bomdjt bUt suggCSt malt they lie chestra Dancing from 930 10 ill WI Proceeds in aid of library detailed stateirlcnt of township ammo the SCthule of glam l13 gtfth Numbers by Simcoe Airs aiidoth bllsincss at the annual nomination very CalClllV and COordmmc Central United Glee Club of Barv 01 lalCIll 3713 1000113 T115hi1 Alldllor 510W Tth Plans lth ll 1in in chloy communpv Hair Old tyan dance in iownship art Joscelyn said the trend was to The clerk his lettcl wm 11 April 19 at 315 pm Admission iHall Midhurst IIastcr hllonday get away from the old idea of iSO 90 01 limit as the major p0 50c and 25C 271 April 10 Dancing till Ad ltcmizing every little payment The auditor attended the council meet ing at Angus last Monday nrolning Mr Ioscclyn referred to recent article in the Municipal World in which it was pointed out that the auditors reporther the only one mission illc lunch protldcd door prize Auspiccs Home and School Association 116271 Postponed Box Social moving pictures and address by George Morrison on Rural Community Life Iin Centre VcspraoSchool No Fri be on sale cil expenditures the auditor delt claret that in moderlr bookkeep ing setup the clerkvand treasurer have very little leeway any more Auditor Joseelyn said that on Dance tickets will not at the door so must be purchased in advance 2527bl Valley of Barrie account of the muddy roads he had Rose CIOIX Plan not been able to complete the audit of the books of township treasurer Harold Bell However he had filr on the evening of Maundy ishcd the scllool board books and Thursday the mcmbms of Spry had found them in very good or der Tile auditor did suggest that tax collections were beginningto dc lcriorate and he suggested it nught be time to clean upthe list of pro perty few years in Arrears for taxeslle saidii wassomc time since there had been tax sale and some of the taxes were for be lrind Reeve Wood 111kth Other lmembers of council thanked Mr Joscelyii for attending the meeting and they were assured the audit would be ready next month Because Mr Joscelyn had three other jmeetings to attend he was obliged to leave before noon Late in the afternoon township treasurer Harold Bell attended his first council meeting in several weeks He went over various items of proposed expenditures for 1950 and finance matters were discussed with the council lt wasexpect ed the tax rate would be up slight 1y this year During the budget it was point ed out that grants were Lip $550 this year These included$100 to Alliston Arena $200 to Barrie Agricultural Societyy$250 to Bar rie Memorial Hospital Fund Hus pitalization for indigents was Sovereign CEhlptCl of Rose Croix Valley of Barrie will participate in ceremonial feast obligatory at the in Barrie All Knights of other valleys within their jurisdiction are invited to attend tThe April service will consist of the ceremony of extinguishing the lightsAn address will be by Sov Pr Hon Diury of Bar rie The ceremony pf the mystic Masonic Temple Easter Ceremonies An Easter Sunday morning cere mony will take place on April at nine oclock when the ceremony iof relighting the lights will be held All members are requested to at tend both ceremonies The annual meeting of the chap ter will be held on Thursday even ing April 13 at eight oclock for the election and installation of of ficers and for transaction of other business EASTER SERVICES Rev Babeock Superintend ent of the Muskoka and Toronto Districts of the Free Methodist Church will be in Barrie for special EasterVasettvieesreApril to in elusive The rst service will be Friday at pm Pages garlic cuss arcs $55 Few Finance Details To BexGiven In Future ship Reports that should be presented da Aplli ii iiil lim IIUCCCdS Conn Harold Halbert said he $01160ng dlc depaltiiicrxt for Hospital Fund Jack Slclssor thought man 01 11W lampayuSsntl PIUWSPU 31 Ballll hm auctlonccp 2128 Would 500 ho 01d of qlltlllLlS till Department lit NOAH 5mm llmlmi FillmCiS simple report they could underrlhiihlmys 311 mg mu 51 Assocratlon annual lilectllig ban Stand The presentation on Saturday grief and dance at Guthrie Com ll made by the patrol foreman li lmmlll 10 012111 13 Unlmm 913 mt ill dlu mud the men of the BLIIIIC headquarters inc at 111 pm Baiiqutl at 630 inert lll orma ion legal in coun apprccmnon of his hm SWVW Three Sections 22 Pages per copy to soarx swears Highway Employees Make Presentation To Thomas Banting Iiionras Banting who resides at 30 Mary St and who has Dtt an employee of the Ontario Depart ment ofHighways off and on Slilt 1920 was presented with pen and pencil set and IVIasonicnn blcnl on Saturday by his fellow employees Mr Banting has been itl charm on the job Davis Arnold of lvy presented llllBarltitlg with the gift on lit half of the employees 5170471 last year and it was peeled it would be up this year Relief last year cost Essa 341317 but 40 of this was recovered from the province and it was thought relief would not be pny less this your Bank chargeswere 3744 last year Itylas suggested that al though the Centennial celebratioiia wouldpprobably be selfvsupporting there should be some nioney set aside in case it is neoclch Last year the torishippaid out 016711 for sheepelosscs Duringr the discussion on the budgetyit Was suggested by De puty Reeve GeorgeWiikinson that the Nicholsoirbrldge might be left over forranother year However the others said it would have to be replaced soon end the province would pay 80 of the cost Conn Wilsonsaid it would cost the township as much to repair the bridge as it would to build new one and he did not think the rate payers would be anxious to pay for new bridge in four or five years after spending few thousand for rcpairs Corin Fraser said there were other bridges that wouldhave to be replaced in few years and some ofrthe work might as well be clone now The Essa school area Fgaesl was for $28000 this year approximately the same as in1949 on You Inlu 1r ilrth