Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Mar 1950, p. 5

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that IlFourF Circulation Is To Juveniles 50 Of Books Fo 11111 111 11111111 11141 l111 11 to 11iii1 While iiiil31illr 1111 pztwiJ tigi1 of Lllti it be 11lLlLl illi il 11 11111 1d illiilhil ii 511 Sun Life Appointment But 15I 15 lilllli 11 11 l111i 1111 iii 11 1111 l1111gt 51111115 coiiii1cl 111 iii 34111111 Loiiily 1111111111 1111211111111 bet11111 no it 511tioli 11rlllllltllllI1 11111 til11 IHCHAKI lllll$ lia 511 11 icit1is 111111t111111 lira11 111 111111ll11 1111 1111 1l1 tld tii11i lllt 1pii11i1111 11 llcpi51ii1c llilt siititc 111 111 tiittit l1llllti llslivii lillA 1115 and l1lllll1 111211121111 illlt 1lii1lI 1111lnlllll distinction 11 lilk 111oiii11 toiis inch 1111 the 111111 lt11 1111111 1l1iiiii llt oi lizi 1111111 11 ictiiiii 111111 1115 1hoouii t1111u1u1 111115 11 i1 KXttllt1l 1111 Ill c1l15 klIHl 11ili1 1113111 Perry Co burn Wins Mi ing Trip In Essay Contest paint shoil talk lciiy 111111111113 fsliltitlll of llillvlllld Will ollLiliiti lilis 111111 1h piic offered by Ontario Mining 4tltlillllll 111 11111 High School 11551 toiitist held by this igttitlilllll 11151111 1115111111 Tho 1557113 Unwind HMS init three others length 1115 written on lilt 51111113 lhc important1 of 1111 Base Metal aiiadian tiist 111d 111 ij 1111 c5511 111111 lIcoioiiiy from ililtit giiiic coiniiiittcc library group it career night with Miss 111115111 submitted Kill students at llaiiic11llclt Final sclcctiim of this essay for the prize mad 111 Toronto by lllt 0111111111 Mining Association other lciry was llllll iii cotilpcillioii with all the trade XIII Silltltltlsittl ll of the Ontario Second lcdcratioii lliis Distiict includes fioiii Allistoii lltltll5llt Sound to Owen Sound District School Teachers ltltl from lairy lhc prim is 11 asit to Sudlnuy with all tiaiispoitatioii accommo datioii ins1 Dulillil three lay tiip April 121 It and 171 isit willIbc paid to thc liitcrnsitioiial Nickel and lal coiibiiilco 1311115421 order to 1111 first handpictiirc of ii lllttllltlffl minim centre in operation students been chosen prize 1111111151111131 the Provinceof Ontario and will make aiid thiid and pro4171111 paid week The first have 01111111 Ia degree team Council The above candidates ha1 operated by Trinity laiish Aid in aid of the hospital fund is to sclccted lhursdaIr Itodayl iil cam tlllll from Tlit quilt was made and donated to the Parish Aid by Mrs Sham been Conveners of the draw were Mrs and Mrs Ba Nlllt Crude lll II II Mldmllb MVWWVJV QUIiT DIOW Winner BC Knpwn TOdOY IQ IIIIIIII II paiin licadipiartcis non Pool Street and 511111v ill Ztllcl5 Window Charles CairnC11 bara thclci or no0 WWW maxa5 cm 11 ANIOVKD HIVICE iiiii Wlthlll Ic1iiiiiiiis Phone 5551a 5552 1i Xutintnle on tl1ilioiI llf of otlz 5ltkn as 111 =113i 5li11 111 li1111iiii 5111111111 picvlchooi play Member Libraries 1111 111 11111 11 11111 itiilti l11111 11111111 15 lit111y 111511411 of 111 This 1111111 11 111 rjo1il 111111 iii 51111 11 1111 llt Il111gl MUNhm ii 1117 11 iltllllltlrdll 1111 11 ll ii111 ill Itll111 such 1111111111ii1 ilt11hmt to li 11111311 711511125 lii111 lhv lit ii iiiiiriiia 111111i to 1111 the 115ng 11111 1111111 iiiiiiunls 511111 15 poviblc 1ttl lioiid litad Al llzautuid iiuicliili lllllt 111 111111ii Midland Citilllolr libiaimii 11 11112111 111i liio 111 1l1 2111 11 ll lat l1Ir 11 111111 t11111111111l lit1111511 Stations titllttl 1alion5 1111 11 This 111111115 1111 Visits were lllilit public and Pent111111 5chools art111111 iccciv 3111 county books Twelve schools classrooms were visited 111 liiiiist of these lllt librarian pay on tIhi makeup of ii hoult care and iiicndiiig of books stories to the classes Plans are being made for schcduli storytelling 15115 111 South Simcoc schools in May The librarian spoke at nine lilcct 111215 and represented the library Groups addressed llidhuist Home and SchoolSoioptimist Club of liar iic Mintsing Library Board Sim coc ouiity Services ollcciati ofC Initiation Five New Members In Barrie Council lltllc members of the Bar ric Council of the Knights of Col umbus received their first second degrees at initiation ceremonies in Barrie and Toronto The fic candidates were liiul ONeill loscpli ONcill Rud Arbour liiigcnc McBride and Joseph Shauglmcssy all of Barrie and second degrees were conferigd on lhursday cvcii 11111 March 23 candidates with 60 fioiii TOltiit liiiitiatcd into the third degree at Toronto on Sunday Maiell 26 The dcgrce was exemplified by team LockpoitMedina New York State Attending the Sunday 1111 and banquet following along with the candidates were Robert Bibby Eugciie SmitltKcitli Zahn Dcn nis Moran Frank Guilfoylc Joseph thlaii Joseph Caruso Alfred Gartncr and Ainby Rivctt 5A0 IX GINGERBREAD M111 Many coat you thoughtallthrough car godmick into use afterrdiereint SaInieI who Dry Clehningl Heres servicethat gets outso much more ildih that colors and patterns come back to life stubborn spots vanish fond soft iikencwaIecl is re stored Find out what it means to get clothes really cleantry Sanitone iitiiii Aiitnli i11iiii 11Alttt CANADA Adults iii 1121 Tl11l11 11 1111131 in 11 1112111111 riiiiii 1111 1111 liulitil 111111111 11i health utti 1131131 coiiiicilr 111 111 111111111 11 1111111 11 11120 1111 t=i11 111 diet Iii 11111 1111213 it1lt111111il 11111311 an Hl 11151 mm 111i 11111f111 111ltl1 li 1111111111 ll 1oti1l rain 115111121 111111 loinLY 21112 llli lt1iltl 111 litll ll 1111 11131 111 111111 11 1111 111111111 Holly and 111111111111 IUHIIMHWIr In IIIIII Illoth 111 sponsoi 111 by federations IIIIWI Imp IHIIIIM III 11111ult111c 1111111111 lllllllt1 11111 1511111 ll111 Summidpr kn1115 l1lllllll 11111111111 11111 1151 Scliools lliatitoril divertt 111 out11 111111 in 11 11111 111111 Iui ll 11ll 11ifili1 11u 111121 unit and 1id IWIII 111111111t1e 111111 Midland Concerned About Water ltll victim of cerebral pain is patiently t1iitit lllllstltHHHIITII ition by skilled physich therapist 11 the cichril p1lsy cciitrc LoiiI don He needs spyrial facilities liieti you iiioyiilt willii you use llzistcr Scals salts ziiiipiiigii toi llltil lzuili lit to pril it Barrie Kiwanis NI IIIIIIIIIINI III IIIIIIIII VIII III Iliil1iliiih is handling the campaign in llliiilt1llll sciitoiit thousands ii of letters of appeal for contributions to turthii this work of liclpiii crippch cliildrcii iult ll 11 11111 lu aiiii ill111 5111111 More Test Drilling Midland 13111 liis Herald prospect Midland this year liiiincdiatc 1151111111111111 111 the test llillltlli program to 111111 additional domestic made Erection of plant for Midland and the of Midlands itltl supply from the consultred lhcy Llllllllltl 81 water supply will disposal 1111111 111115 iii1uiy 5113151 lwo litllllt clnldrcn escaped sci when they were struck 111114111 111 car on Bradford 811111 Salli only of Social 1111111 llairic propraiiis tltllitllth consideration at the 11111 1iiciit 11111111 111715 Coiniuis5ion 1Council lltlillltll by possibility of the and Midland both shown Im coiuiiiissioiicis on iei 11111 apparently tltc children were Bradford gm my 11 11111111115 ll alton relief was tltlSSlll 51111111 end and may have been 1111 seriously affect increases Two Children Escape Elcct Thomas Scrannogc lScrious Accident Injury President Collingwood Board of Trade 2nd Term Itotliir1w1l lillllllllSUlllllltllh ll11 Scianiiici was 1111gt day about 1131 pin giiiiiiioiiij illltlttl lrv51dciit At ltoyal Victoria llospi1llmcs 1m 131I1 1pm nmp 1111s 011ml ll llitVt tlil 1111 Will1 11 1111 1111111 minling llttc lilklS Illt llltlitilltil Ilijtlliti ankle and arm whiti 1115 11111 111 1111sdziy March 31 111 1111 imrlmllm VimW tnl IllIVtIl sister ilini had inclrated ltllltllllt Assembly 111111111 Mldlund HIM UmmwiMle him5 Tim 1111111111 icc1tic iiiiuilicis licliildrcii of ill and Mrs liar II Mm 1mm 1th 11m mm undw lomqu um Ill I1lllll Slltll Th 111115 11111 1111 chairmen 11 111 lihullis ihvlillwnlltd 11 l3 SWmmll ill aiiiiii coiniiritltcs will be all Illthi hospital and allowed to so 111111111 11m incl1111 ii1lt over the opeiaiioii uid IIiiillllltllIhUmII ance of iVlidlands sewer system foiisidcrablc by utilities ccipt of word from secretary 11 King that changes made in power charges by llillt would not too the Midland sysi tcm licliiiiinaiy analysis of de1 tails of the changes indicated that Midland hydio 1elected 111r1 lcs5r5 Bill ltziivI Cons15 Hum mm 111 llidoii RDA ltiilc John laliilhc who ii1c5tlLattd reported SWIM lllll 13 SttWllll Jami5 ll1ll llilliaril Kelly 1111 llydc and llarr Crclliii Siiiiiliiccis 1111 ilt fuscd by traffic it was lJtllttl lh they unexpectedly lllt into lllt1ll Sdmvnx mldv path of car driven lgt Lawrence Oliver of lctiolia Iic51dciii Scraiiuazi picsidcd low1 thi llitliti4 51551011 which rates would be needed for the time1 being Later structure will again be lLlLCl Commissioners concerned about the adequacy of ltlidlands water summcr peak demands especially ifpioloiigel hot dry weather is encountered Duringr the summer and fall of the fcommissioii spent thousand dollars 1051 Well drilliIIiig program aimed underthc direction of District Deputy Lou Coppiiig of The first degree was con ferred by dcgrcc team from the Barrie Council and the second by from the Oiillia ca rate however ll Stevenson But the fact that Ilcnctauus 11111 I11ow 11d Swain lohii MiCiib milliongallon well tapped its flow Tom ludcc Murray 111 llilll at the lilofoot level has not p1s5cdllall Allx Dohiity Harry itlliii unnoticed Midland program were not 111111 loolc ltoy Allan lIlmoic Me much below the 10040111 E2111 1l1r loolc larciicc PLllLng level Mr Stevenson points out land Mr Girrior supply to meet Cll last year Councils about five taken tiation Lawyers Attend Course Lectures on Company Lawl special course of lectures 011 Company Law which opened last Thursday in Osgoodc Hall hasat barristers Earl Smith Society of uisclosIo Attending the lectures from Barrie arc Donald MacLarcn KC aiidi Wilson Almost all of represented with more than 20 per att iiding barristers of Toronto booted from parts of Ontario taiy of the Canada eCrc Law pper JULY Weather exceedingly warm lhciin 1H Coldwatcr iii the forcnoon heavy showci with Mrs Wilson toToronto We returned from Toronto George ilvcnt to Orillia for Mr lohnstone who preached at Coldwatci in aid of thc Biblc Society 11 fair collection obtained 16 Georgeand went to Orillia Therm at 93 itIo along with Mi lohiistoiic to attend Bible Society meeting good collection Heavy thunder storms to the cast and at Oljllllilllll no rain in Mcdoiitc 17 George and returned 18 Commenced Cuttingl Hay 20 llad call fioiii Mr and Mrs Paterson and Mr Forbes They went away in the afternoon 21 Crbps ripening fastI No rain all last week Employed at the Hay Splendid weather for it 25 fine shower the fiist for lt or 111 days which has done much good crops looking well 25 Mr Gray preached at Coldwatcr 302 Employed hocing potatoes province is cent of the from centres outside Graduate students from the class years graduating class are registered as well as of 1895 to last AUGUST Got the last ofItlie hay ll middling good crop and secured in good order great part of it got no rain George 1ch to go to Hillier for his sister fine shower which was much waiitcd man shot at Goldwater Verdict of inquest justifiable homicidccmploycd fciic ing etc 14 Mr Buikit called and stayed all night 16 George rcturucd bringing with him Mrs Buchanan and three children 19 little frost lastnight which has discolored the Pumpkins little but not the Potatoes 01 Indian Corn 26 Mr Gray prevented by illness from preaching at Coldwatcr 28 Pretty smart frost two nights running which has com pletclyIblackc11cd the Potatoes and cutofftlie liidiau CIOrn very during tlicIclayyTI commenced cutting down the Oats war SEPTEMBER Fine cool pleasant weather long time 0111116011111101indiy weather All the crops safely housed in illscod order except littlelate Oats still unripeIGrouud much parched 1111 cracked 10Gcorgc with Mrs Buchanan and children lILLL us for llillici17llcayy rain continued f0r12 hours 20 George returned Win went to Orillia to iittcndthc hummusKc number of thirdyear students iof Osgoodc Hall whoarc being ad mitted charge The society has long recogan that lawyers like doctors must be well informed on current develop ments within their profession Mr It is gratifying to nOte the response byOntario bar risters to our plan fora policy of continuing education Many prominent Canadas legal profession are lec turing during the special course with attendance far greater than during war years special coursesWere conducted toI the lectures without Smith said members coonHonour he 51mm went to Orillia with Wm evening 16 fine mild day Mr Gray preac Wilson and Wm went to Orillia the account of my sisters death See Page 24 Spring Lubrication OFFER DIANGERFIELD morons Douglass to Orillia and returned in the evening 20 degIbelow zero in the night 31 Weather milder Mrs and George andWin went Ito OiIilIlia 1111111111111 1111 LlillLLlllitll banquet at finding additional water supply mm II lam If pm hmm Wm IWV Hm mull hmlA number 11 i5itoi vcic introl than we were at this time 111 1Im1I WM Hm wruwnvrs IU mmmcm Chillmll hlhIlllt business 111hi of olliiiiuvood llltltltlllltl OscarSchwartz luin Sonic of the wells 1111111 Staifoid Sheldon ltcdpatlrf Journal of the proceedings at MARUHBURN FARM Mlihthlli Simeon County anzulii WestI 1833 11857 by 1835 Cattle Show and brought MiSs March 23 MirjGray preached 111 Coldwatcr OCTOBER lt 31IWm 1111 Miss March left for IHillicr Mrs Wilson and George ac companicd them to Orillia The first fine day we have had for long time Some of Wms oats still out Wms oats got in but not very dry 17 Commenced lifting potatoes poor crop havingbecn cutIoff by frost 28 August 21 Mi Gray preached at Goldwater and stayed all night 23 fall of snow and pretty severe frost at night Still too wet to lift Potatoes or to repair the Dain NOVEMBER 6zEmployed lifting Potatoes Three good days this week Got the Turnips in 16 Sevcrcfiost wolf killed pm of Wins sheep 18 Mr Gray preached at Coldwatci None of us couldgo to Church 20 fineday 12 foot of snow on the ground DECEMBER thaw Snow nearly all gone Ground covered Iwith snow 13 leighing pretty good Returned the same bed at Goldwater 19 Mrs andIreturncdin the evening Received 20 Sent money letter to Mr Fredk Rochester 25 Dull cloudy with snow George with Mrs Wilson Snowing 28 Very cold Therm CANADAS FEET COFFEE VALUE EXCZPTlOttAL UE LOBEEiiiEEiS truism 1111111 27c CCTTAGE tilt110 11111 iWilNKYSWlGS 1111111 512 24c LOAF BIRDS EYE 1101111 commonsz 011111111 rim1111 MAKES 20 015 NC Nwii Ir Es11W JV 11 31 tent91 13 VI mldal all EE 10 as Green Elli Eli dcglli Gray preached iitl it the afternoon WontI new war=5 ate liiiiifl SPEICIALE II II 111331 111111 GUARDlOlIIIAICHOILCE 11111111111111 JACK JILL LtlBiiliiiSfiidiiiZii STORE hours Choice 1411111 111 LEEIBBRST ISIhonkHalIt lb 55c iiiiiiiiii BUTT 11111151 1b so 31111111511111151 airs1 11s 59 HOMELESS EiiiliTS lb 49 WNW V5111 11145 IDEAL FOR PATTIES or MEAT LOAF rnisii BERN 1011115 Eirrcsisib 47 121111 1111115 3LITTLE Pit Whit Shit LOBLAW GROCETERIAS CO LIMITED iriursiu 11 W01 of gait PillilE iii if an LOBLAWS 2107 LCM 15213 5211 irb 3x 1H PRMEM WEQETA SPECIAL NElEE mm 211 01 22 SPEClAL CALlFORNlA 51131111 Wii CALIFORNlA it its FMESEE FEEEEREBPEE To smvt FRESH GREEN TOPS ORlGlNAL lg BUNCHES BiSCUiij E3325 LEEdialSI 1112c 35 1511 021114 Week 01 April 38 Closed N00WedAPF c105 1111111111Apr New Season roaster5 16111511 55c FOR ICE CREAM KRAFT PLAIN KRAFT KRAFTCHEESE PiiitflllELPlilll 211131111 dim31131 6111111115 LOBLAWS corrrr as 11 CONTEST HALIEKMIOON 28c CANADIAN NATIOJAL SiQlileLN CHOW MR MAYHlW 0A1lLll ONT for his guess of l3640 Actual aunt 1363 3112117111151 21 160 $333$315 PASTRIY 11112311111 was 1211 11111111111111 11111111 11 49 PURPLE LABEL 111rails 11111311 r311 51 VEGETA 815 iiiEIGHT FANCY Zola ibis trygr Tori rt t3 reS 11111 136357i fit 11 hi Ll1151ll 33C fyi SEEDLESS EXTRA 5331111 LARGE 5le 139 ONTARIO N0 SO MANY JVAYS 74 941952112ch 2200 edited iiiiii EAMT Hill itiiiiiii ME Lance PKG 33c 5mm 1ch IPAIILIMOILIVE soap 717 0111111111113251nears 131w Your Favouriieroniop Choice chi119 cm III lb 89cII nounsrs 11181 WINGS rig62 BACKS 11127 lOiStfAWS Couumv 51111 PllitE roiiii 1111151111111147 LOBLAWS THE BEST TEA BUY TODAY SHCIALLY GROWN 11131 on Obi IHDUHEJX 1111 Amp in nonduie 01an tlovour is in shad 11111211 nc 7110 porchd ed at 171 tiny lindql uicI lions CAREFUUY SiLECllD Aonly the N11 111131 110 ponlation gliiully ho111 for their 1191 and part 111 11irtnce it to L171 1111 THEN only tbrir 1111 mobile me good enough 7m Lahlrn huyci 111111111113 CilCCDLiTE Or WHITE 171171111111 Eitltlll 1115115 111111 29 Tons4 13mm MERRE ENGLANDPURE saviiic we 12 Ftllilir lllilllliiiiltio 25c our 1L oz 1111 tiO TEE 1331 iii JUG 1502 IKG rel TIN IRISH summon1110 111I35c Hi 5911111113 KETiiliiil 0235911 170 SlZE 351 idmdlib UlildEils LARGE ORIGINAL BUHCHES 11 Fi impu 3th LARGE PKG 33c SEC Safii 51411 23c 13111111 SPEEB 111111 11 59c CONCENTRATED 1602 15c Javex JAVEL BTL 111111 12111211111 saint SOAP WW wannabes anal lGlANT PKuG 0F SUPER SUDS ALL FOR 58c KEN 115111 IPEAMEALED 11111611 END curs CENTRE cur BY THE mulb 6513 or SLICED 117 11 511111 SMALL LINK lb PRICESEFFECTIYE MARCH 311 31 91111111 Vt

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