Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Mar 1950, p. 4

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Hut 101111 111s tiAltitll LAAAHIHJL Uittttt Uixlsiiilu cannon viiigngirn 11131111 311 111311 IV PWwvwfM WMM Wadows IM MIA vfrTi 1193 31 Van Fashion Days of 50 Years Ago Recalled M1 Leeds Presides Quarterly Meeting 01 Library 30013 Salado Tea Bags are limiin for afternoon tea iFeted on Golden Wedding 111l 1I1 II II Ll IV ii v115 II Ell111111 11 u1i 111 1311111 llc 11 111111 1ii 11 run 111 1111 toii111il 11 i1 lllx 11 11 31 diii 13 lttllitli 1111 111 1u ticigiiioii ll1lioii liti iittlil1 5111111411 111 11111111 111111112 11 IIIIIH IIIIIMI IIIIIIIII 1111111x 151 11 III 1111 lr i1liiui 11 lo Ioruard to Brit1111 II II lI II II IIIII III III Iv II II I1I III II IIII II II II III 1itllliilI i111 huh Hm III 11 wt l1t1 11i 11 Mir ll 11 111 1111 1111 iroic than WEHMI kW v11 zt111 311111151 111111 11111 11111 11111111111115 111 1151 iii IIIIIIII III II 11 11 i1tii 1111211 Abuq CIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII III HHIIIIIII HIM piil bruit11111 192 1111111 ll ic11oi toiici111lti 1111 tounH 111 11111 j11 1111c 11 ton II II =2 I1 11II1I p11 111111 11 Supplied by 51mm county 111111111 p1 rehpiiwiit 11 11 11 till II III III IIIHI III It 11II mu 11 11 111 111111iil omen lmuiul 11 11 11 111111 11111111 11 1111 111 II IJII IIIII 11 111 11 111 11111 v11i 11 111 11 11 I1 ll iii lltll 11 11111 li 111111 Hits 15511111 II II snort 1111111 twi llll1t IIII II IIIII II 11131 15 11111 111 11 71s 1111 111 1111 111 IH IIl ll Al 111 11 11 13 II 11111 11 131 1111 ii1 111 111 11 111 11 11 IHII1 It iioii tn iiuiiiczoiis ililltli 12 1115111111al 1111 11 pm My 11 II =11 111 o1111ii1 11 Um lliIIHI 111111111 to 1b i1111111 111 5115 11 Flu 1111 llil 1111111 11 15 Hm my 2th imp pm IIHm 3111 111 111111le oi loi olio gtlgtit IIII IIIIHI 11 cum on 1111 11iitlit 111111 1111111111 II IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIII II IIIIIIII IIIIIII II Amih MINI hIIIIIHIIIII II 11 11 i11i coma111 ii1 ll Ml Hm UH1II5 beautiful cape of black silk ilc1 II 1211 kIy i1i1125 111 111 1111 11d 511111 1M lit1d iii 11 111111 111 with niltlllltltlltl 1111 black Jtl 11 I11 pm 11 p101 11 111 1111 111111111111 111111 home Mb l1 11gt llllll 11115 111111 is of 511111111 II II 11H 11 11 111 11 lintLl 11 111111115 1111 1opitiiii illtllltl 11 l1I IIiilslu in mm In lemm mm 11 11111111 111 the 1111 11111 11 lrlll 1111111 111111 151112111 HE 1111 111 lM hm 1ll 1111111 11 11515 woiii 111 illgt llunlil One lCOthn gt 14 13 111il Then 11 111111115 1lt1i oi 1111 1111 11111111 I1i1i London 011 oi iiaml ll lit mm Imvmpm th kes 11 INII IIHi +1141 1111 11 to ll11 l1in115 5511i1 iiiiuou liniziimu 11 the Linn1511 1111 mmmmm of Stmmpi Ct 11 11 111111 new 111 ill Itlil1lt 1111 11 5111111111 11 2511111 1111mm iiidicsszd 11 iiil tllll False Teeth 111 111 land 111111 11111 11 115 liiiii mom5 1111111 trot 11111191101111 MIN 14 lllITl 111 l1n1 1111ill1151gt 11 1111111 111 111111 111 15 11111111115 1114111111 Mil1125 were tilMihMtl it 111 11t the handy 1p 1111 ciipc lizi5l 101 llit lilit 1v 15111 111111 4111 1111111511 ismstill 1115 lawls 11111d11 15 MIII mm for cIIiliIiiiiIs iiiiIl 1111 pmS 11 111 tlt 1111111 115111111 1111 11lt lli llll lLl 1l t111 1111111111115 11111115 re 1mm NH II Booklet This VCCk 11115 101111 and iiziiii ll 11111111 riot1115 alll mm charm111 1111 1111 141 111 lb tiiiiliin 111i1 gttttllI1I lw II IIIIIII II 111 lltllili piI15 i111 HM mm II MIIIH III11111 11 tiniti 1111115 111 51 c1 gt1lt II 11111111 11 i15i 111111 and Annual INNS 1115 tllltllt pairiniil olI 11111 lixclusivc Agency 11m hm hm Id um 11113111 szuiic called lut iiiiii itltSlflll 11111 ltL1lllS to thc cx 11 ltl iiil5 II 111 IIIIIIIIII III 3100 INN IIlm1Ill1llIif Hdu 15 All lltl11ll ltlliltllll Vdwlm hlwl 11 1111 ludhido liolttll Duncanl Newwlmfe 1111 111 their 11145 111 511 11 Q7 Uziilnldiillitll 11 iii1 nil1 15 iii llll cciitrc 51111ouiidcd l1 coinpaiatic statistical rcpoit exl5ifcll Niall111 111111111 1111 lit Will illfi KIWGHIS Ladles 1111111111 tiiiitiis 11 iilazio oiiiily lii1iirli5 1H Perfumed lttily the odd tier 111111 111111l Wu ill illtl 11 11 IHII NH hIlSistudiid Annual grants to county II Wurm Hf Mil khmwmw Donate To taken to crowiiii flowers paili mmlrws by mmV Cuunmls my 112111 11 11111111o1 ll1 ll 11o Stilltltl Sinicoi ouiitys annual 11 13 WI cl 111 1m hi ML km m1 dish11 1l1i1 thicrlppled Chlldren iiil l11llgttlitllli hcli blot 11 Llilnl 1s $301111 11 was noted that circulating stiitistics of this County due to Of the new iuliz5ai 1illttuillllr help to lllflllitll lllt homes of 11111115 Library wcic lupin51 1111113 1111 WI mum 11 11 11111 Sewing Centre at Collingwood the class Vimllf MI insiltlilil 111151111111 iviis read at the II II III IIIIII IIIII IIIIII III 1i11it 115 1111 15 11 11 is 15 mm mt 5111111oi 11 11 1111 11 Ali1 li 1l Hilhii thinu Quin ml 31 LlltSlS foiii1iiiIt double circle 11 let5 and lcposn stations in ortli 85 In SeWIng to start In Barrie 11 1111 11 511 11 ii1 515 c5 suggested and 113115 li111115 tub llic hospital boaid Hm ill1 011 MGICLI CtSpIeVIOUSlY dvernse W111 11 Mimi lclici 11 thanks from the lb JAM litiiril ol trustees of tlic lioytil Vic MN Vllllll md The bride and groom 11 1111111 left arc litmi made for one in April 1151 iing ia iicc worn ttltlL ics ci sin WIlImI1 IIII IIIIIIP 111 piisiiit 1111 11111111 littti 11111 o1i is po our shop and iii short title you 11 111111 shiny new IIIIIIIIIIIII II III III IIIIIII II IIIIIIII IIIIIIII III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIII CIIIIII now commenCe on Tuesday Apnl looking Stlllt lt1 11 the hosutal mar mm With hull How 11 iii 11 111 i11 ll 11 llookiiiobili Diinonstmtion 111151115 1151 11111151l and lllll The March mettins was held it l$ll15 llicii tiiriids wish tinint iii November ailci12111n5 111 llillltlldl lhcatrc illt Ullllllllllll lltlm Wm 45 lung JUHHCM 1h ms lliiiis were also made tor book Id 11 1111 1111 111111 111 iiieiiibcis present The director Iil ml and milli lipm 01 1011 111ml ltd SWLN LhlltifS mobile diiiioiistiatioii iii Novcin stagc 111111141 hc ttmlilllt and Mrs ll Lakiiig won the at IIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIILI III II IIUI W11 11 11111 111111 Mrs Iciidaiice eoiitcst with 1151111111 imi Jtl 11s ouiIi was supp1 IlInllI IllIdlllIL I1I tIlIll 111151111 IhIlltLIiILIlllIlLdIlllb MINIIi Sign ll11w 11115 of the Better llgtl01ll of three on her team ed that It Iiilson librarian of illl100l ldt illl LLnlitIIllt ill mottltl pure OI Shop 1111115 a5 ttllllilttlliillilp 31135 ll llodccis thi auxih IeSSle BrysOn 1cnth1oitli Loiiiity be iiiitLIl ItIiiI furniture Simply choose from our wide selection of No11 111 51111 111111 1111313 representative to the 111111 dispiay 1111 wen111111111 liookiiioblit II itittTSiII pimpat illlS Lliltl COlOlS You 1111 depend iii11s5oii15 iron lIyilyii lucks Iliiil council meeting mad report to Be Delegate Elicic at that lllllt 511111 and l11s llll1tlll wcic thc11icctinc with view to setting Music Teachers on port Clafisnuulship at Barrie Furniture Repair shot1 by three 1111111015 The mmi 1111 ll Barrie and district council An executive meeting of the March Tea 100 WOOL liiid wriltiii 111 Lltlilllttit for the tire llttlSltlt tables which the aux iliary had pi15ciitcd for word 11 Dairy and 31155 Marion Pickles 1111111111 to give consideration to PHONE 5048 cls i1 3115 Noble 1111s or Iiiid to enable the womens organ Ontario RLDLlSlLlttl Music Tcacli 1iis l1i1s 1coiimitiidcd 1111Ilhc ldtil Association Blltlt Braiichl 111111111 oi the 1t for this 011 motion of Mrs William II lhc iccication 100111 of olli Vii Will be Dim Md 1111 ill 30 home X0 mm sinms 111311 touches 111 red in ac Stewart $30 was donated to the if mIIdI In BIlldfOfIf buff ISllLCi United Church was the 531 Funcv weave 110 obligation lccssoiiis paiiicutaily 11115 1111151 Crippled Childrens Fund VMFlInIedIdI MInCIlIl VImIHILHting for successful St Pillilclii II lpopular 1131 picttics ltilllli was 11 qvnnou in char play 019 illlbblf 1m Eglld 1151 during the week of March 17 StilpCd W001 Sillidltg 56 WlCltli 1111111 1111111 111 111 and red and we lucmgs musu m1 1110 tea table was Ctlllieil Dflllc lOQlttl T111 12 34 white modelled 11 115s licklcs mm wokhfnmmiltfllm i111 05 with an artistically arranged 111111 ii nmmis JI Hi MaiI 311 Ypurs summons amid fashioned with high plain iicck T11 111 1401101111 10141111 111 qitct of spring llOWClS and throuuli 11111 11211 llirceuiiarter length illiaiibrligilit b259 if 50 held MOllClil April 34 ill 111 the room decorations were ill Hounqstomh 74 Henry St Baffle Sltt iml an extremely fullImch INN SCIIIIEII dIIIIIIIlI tlIIIq LiltJIat the home of Mrs Aarson on honor of St Patricks Day Black 01 BlOWli 5km WW le Stilllldcimin mea Sim The Blane The nests wore received by in 561Width $3 hasthiitcen active members and it pICSiiIt of mIw0nmn Aqgociaw II licl capejackets and stone llllllllr IlllkftIIat 15 mm ab p0le tion Mrs IMayhcu and il land mink furs to be worn ever IS Lewis Wife of the recur 11 Sbiiilg dresses and stilts lAcccssor Mlss BrASUH RM 1Pr05ldcnt PUUllng lea CICMYS Thonms ics indicated plenty of color for gm DIG hIC IlICICgfltiIfor lhe Barrie ItlalluIMlSIII CC JffSII Om Spring in both long and Chowch IlailCi In to or icoming music and 1V1 00 off gloves Whey5 CIm0 10 he social cnnvciicr Mrs Newtoni Lth Quutmg Broaddoul Lyndon 0mm from Apr 13 toiwith licr committee looked after 36 Vidth 391 yd BUNerick Among the round of early spring 11 imc arrangements for the aim ID on tcaIsthcld at town was very SUCH general meeting was held moon iibifiiL iiildL ngiMSELCdgfgLISSCdingl xiiimys the home or MISS my The Charge or the 11 Dan River Fabricsi 98c Yd Blue eiiiiii ior groups under the coincncnipl lg diplCSblman CmIHCh An interesting talk on sight icad of Mrs Cox while the seniorI whiledt lasts Iii1e prpms 30 um 35 Swen 111155 AUdICV lgroups took charge of the 511 If mm II IUI QIIIIS IIIIICdbII Ihc pIIIdICI Villligan wio emphasized this all lhomemade baking IVthiCll was held P1 II mportIant part of pupils musicaliin the Sunday School rooms up 11 III IIJIiIiIlelcncIIIIIIbftIgIcoeiiIIItgwII11 ediicaiioIirind spotlth of tIhe sulI Imam See our Wide range of printed crepes in assorted colors 17 rec as cuig esscn 1a to tie car lt Bush Mm WI EI MCMlckmgI Mm lessons my AN EXAMINER WANT AD Su1tableI for spring dresses and Easter frocks Llillellland aid Mrsf lVIlI Robertson This was followed by Stimula1 PHONE 2414 IIIjtCerEUE agile tIVEIIaCCmiO ng account of rural school music lson 15 A11 Miss Eva Rumble who spoke 5011 Mrs Ullman Mrs Spcn CCFI MrsI II RobCIIItSOIII MIISI JI CIIII 31 the vaiious paascs and activl He Mrs Cameron Mrs Ness Mrs Simpson Mrs Cameron Mrs Londiy and Mrs McKiniion looked after the 12 tea tables until late in the after noon when members of tlIiIccvcn ing group took over I4 II The main tea table had spring illower arrangement of mauve and white stalks and iris by Mrs Gates and was covered with lace cloth Yellow tapers were used with the centrepiece WA presi Idcnt Mrs Empke rcccivcd ics of music studied by children See 11 die commIv schools Spring Lubrication Helpful discussion followed of 11 yttj 11 OFFER 16 mm ems mg cmnm DANGERFIELD MOTORS Dunlop DIG vhich these two talks broughtvtoi ight are the guests along with the rectors are Mrs James Ferguson Working in the kitchen was Mrs Harvey Jones assisted by Mrs Edna AitchesonI Mrs Mc Lennan and Mrs LeGeai Mrs Harry Milne andMrs COwaii were cashiers atfthedooi II The eveningcircfc had parcel post tabldn charge of Mrs Jean Black assistddiby MrslJnkins and Mrs Fred Doughertyv In charge of tlic bakeItabIle were Mrs Hazel Barker Mrs Wolfciiden Mrs Powell Mrs Love and Miss Margaret ReIiveI 1A hatfl 6f fragrance 1115 new spam mm by Faber$6 perfume in the Fabergetits applicator vith matching cologne nestled in an WhorislitogoodeS little straw saIor 375 the set Your choiceof Aphrodisioin chartreuse lint Backaclie is often due to an upset kidney condi lion and for over half century Dodds Estb 1876 Kidney Pill have helped bring relief from backache by treating the kidneys Get Dodda Kidney Pills oday any drug counter Look for the blue box with the red bmd You cut depend on Doddfs 155 Sim1011138 Signof thIeHBearIw The Coat Store no in uIIvhite fess In blame hat II II Wonderful Variety of Styles Io Finest Materials Welling H9t91 Bigik Moderate Prices DIAL 3710 =1 FREE DELIVERY BECAUSE

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