Twice Weekly THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY THURSDAY BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MARCt ti and and Demand For Seed Dly Make Hundjeds of Baseballs Softballs Meeti II Three Sections 24 Pogo 5c per copy Aarev in vtm HA2 BI nuiniki oltHiA IIIILR ALEll IURIAU 0F ClRLLlnAIDIS Mother Wolt Killed Cubs Taken Alive In Mulmur Township tit imp xgl int all ll pogest 08 New Barrie Industry of Lannom 8c Wellinger iVespra Twp Residents Do Not Want Garbage Delivered From Barrie ISIV in ll ll of tlie trucko garage couple of private llanles would and few town of Bar halibut tinl dull ed ole lllt llit till vliktili illtit in mitallled was as gltol ltil tlictlucs cone mics whole all addressed to Ill diulns mark of Hit garage heads Cartons dlills and last scantily of corre head offiCc to lilch Should have Lot in the dump ml easy to ex It there articles this dumping all to select your lie dumped ill the person 11 flc dumping give lt vfltl out vehicle lltolni him clear til the evidence incl to lawyer the results are age is removed ml can save yourself cl2illl nl and inform the local tiling il tut tiolii tile clerk but gen pal llil re ls ill llll method is too liill tlll only person to be llllI it it one who causes the it llltlllll ll the Lilgt lllltl ii deplay it rain fl AV the whirl yitilxlit ll ln lvrttt ttililitlltlll pith till tt li li Frail danlt i=1 liveneh lllzlli ti and lt lllile tielltnzen tt it tttt ilt 51 Ll lllrl lll le giliiili Chaplet lth li=ltc lii tilht tltltJ lll lllll law lt opt lle lllli ltltllj Illill ili uni tlll tlvl gm duvet lill cxgtltalltn Itt itll lllti tilt of ectl All should liritill 32th LIM llillt illorl tl itll ox ZillLli tlilliieis llvttlll that ill ltxl vax tl mood ll did not illn2 lllpliie trtattiwnt hate leal lied llll llllltt Ititll lll lll PM well tll til the 3i tile the tirltlid seiliii llll Vilma lrci l1lelliii ill tt ital ta ill il 1l till lilet ltl dlluylitlhiv ltti utilitlwl llIV inurlt it ill Lltalzltl sow lllsptlio iiil iii ii 34 piltuie ll route llll lillt irul llli it If Slat it ll Llll llaliltt will on that ltil only lltlI litirl Iiitilllililtl 1lli nilculv unit iltv 1lllltllt llltltt He llU lll IlASIIBALIA li StillllLlS oi lilicccllcd quality are now being produced in quantity in the Lannoni lcllinucr ltlctory on Victoria Street in Barrie this new llarric industry had some pro cesses in tililllltlll prior to thristlnas and has been stepping up production ccr since Llniioni cllililler completely nianiiiacture in Barrie tllc famous Worth brand of baseballs lnd slilllllllls of which there are lit grades oi baseballs and It oi softlizills The entire production ili Ilarric is for the anadiaii inarkcl ll tile tilltx niadc inncl llli itiil gt litltitll1 Ill ltl Ylt iniclnaitell Jtil on tow it Hi ll lilt tIJltiitIl In the aliole plloio may lie ttll piles of finish ed hasthalls alld soltballs about onethird of the present output in the llarric plant lliesc halls have been dumped and are ready for packaging and shipping 11h lt lltl it Sitainylx cziouzzli ll int1tillrtrlll llta tollnd zilliollzz lillij dilleilieli lei installer tour the rd lltiiltl upon lttlllill it liitl ii no ulilcltaiii ll to out uli lt lulue the pink vtlii OBJECTIVE $76000 $228oootfederation Secretary Defends Price Support 110000 19500oilior Canadian Farmers Decision to establish or llarrie was made one year ago and the plant lt constructed durng Summer and Iall Lannoni lr ol irinncll Iowa is president arid It Wellinger of Toronto vicepresident llr llcllincer is head of the To ronto firm of lellinccr Dunn Lid manufactur ers of sporting goods moi who make itllttillli palbagon lltltjtSt change of rude tilil tttitllitl them that chil dren llt itttlitit lhey delve llo tli will they see and who Y1lil tii wlllls they may pick TH llltinl iti ltl r1 I3 the ril last time is it live At the rear may be seen Leonard Slicttcll sliip ping clerk ltay Ashbornc plant superintendent lrank Wilson of llillalioina Tennessee who was llll 2litl or oma Tennessee Equipment OAndTechnique EllieAsfltiT ullah Ily ILIll IIAIIELI One or lilt lplcstlons frequently asked lii litllltlgt of the board of ltllettol the Silucoe County lelllzfltmll Aurlculturc is what has the lttlllilllUll cvci accom plilicd ln Itpllll to question of ills lve time is longY list lttliltlliiiltzttlli to the credit of our rural organization just as there has ill the days of the United Farnlels lncallilltion At the same time lcliiewmenls of this type cannot always he measured by yardstick as it is difficult to say how llltltll it attractive the farm crs poalion illieht have been at times without the strength of his own orealilzatioil it there be any discouraging fac Icmperzltures in Barrie from lmQW Iih IthC IlOmO March 16 to March 27 ranged from tII 1m Im Wmmmton descw four degrees below zero to inn ot tlillltlull it is the fact that above 530000 til 150000 45000 1351000 Four Below To 44 Above Temperatures In 10 Days HERE IS VIEW of the winding room in the Bar rie plant of Lannom Welliiigcr manufacturers of Worth brand baseballs and softballs All ina chinery and technitiuc is complete duplicate of the operations in the big lannom Manufacturing Company plant at lulltllioma Tennessee which supplies baseballs and softballs for over half the professional and amateur leagues iii the United Slates and IlOSt product is famous throughout the sports world From left to right may be seen After Learning AlIPlant Many Women Wolkanilp Hbrries preliminary baseball winder where sis cones of woollen yarn are handled at the sanic time George Sutton and Jan Dalekirk of Shanty Bay at two highspeed baseball winders Alf McMillan of Barrie at the softball winder Roy Patterson of Barrie at thebaking press which operates hy draulicallyto bake the cores of softballs Most of these macliincsIand others in title plant are the secret patent and development of the Lannom Company engineers lwc still have few farm people llltitIl to accet the tCCOn1llSlt According to records kept by The Examiner the low was durl mcnts ot the Federation of Agri cultu as lilttei mg the night of March it the high Ck Th SC on March 21 The below Zero same noncooperativca minded people will condemn the organiza dattwvm 01 Mlllth it 13 tion and retard its progressto th2 incluSlvc Following are the high and loi best of their ability AsIa farmer who is sincerely interested in pro temperatures dillml the 12day 20 000 tCIL IIAIPELL period lt High Low moting the farm and the farm buts mess to the pomt where it will be lrecounineuaccording to its import Ztl ance and value appreciate thc 17 23 lfaet that rural people who take 18 it thousympathetic attitude toward 19 has been successful in obtaining ill Ftdmillll 011 becoming 10W 20 37 John Brighton Field Director 01 CV in umber 93C Year 2l it the Ontario Division Canadian We are proud to announce the 22 39 Cancer Society as speaker for the itact that in Spite of the fact that 23 noon luncheon meeting on Thllis our Dominion Government said 24 25 34 was Cancer Society Speaker At Barrie Rotary Today Program chairman Coir Lothian 10 10000 it 42 5000 ducc would be dischntinucd almost immcdiatcly they have agreed at the request of the Federation of Agriculture to continue them for another year at least To those who say price supports for larm produce are unfair and unjust suggest to them that price srpports granted industry in the fullNi tarriffs be removed the Bank ct which protects our bank lug insthttions be abolished as well as government assistance tQ housing be diScontinued and ask why no one complained aboutun fair and unjust practices when tax payers were asked to otect the investments of private Exterprisc in Canadian railroads We have right to and must have the 55mg support at national level and in no tionzil policy as is given to other industry IOne dollar from you means three dallars The value of the 1949 catch by for the new lCanadas fishermen was over $53 000000 will be both timely and informa tive to lplaiti but loot lilrl in tleatiizent ili llarrie tor tinic instructing local uolknlcn on NWer hwmqlilh fillkliliiilq the llltll machines during the training period Lth iill ii Lulu If hmkn link pm IMHmII Jud ILPlmHllli luliticlw Itlijl 1le litiltltfl litllltllil le5 lllllth lllHiL company director oi the parent ilrni the Mmmmi HMlu WU ltlli with Iinltiiir llti Laniloni Manilillcturiniz ontpanv ho is in ILir illilll titl llttilt ll tile liltil llllle ll Crittli littlitti Zv lie in an advisory capacity front line to time is gommi mmll vtlilliiilitli Ill41 Jlti ill Uri itll lwI HI MLHHI hm Hugs mm In production itlray aiiu lleiily ltl of the sec Lll tlll2litl lt Illai litl the llnuil illt ltank trautold who came here from Toronto to illmf hlImLih mm 1m wi Th llt311li Md Mi lic plant liiaiiagcr ot Lalinoni it Vellingcr i1 iltiltiltiion depait llligtllil tlll tutti 1iltllllel llt Talon ll toull 11 will luwurmmd Mr Slmnu Mr Ihlmlrv lfllt1llylytl illllicilllltlt leii blurtilt poll it llE fif Master to lllt tllttt tki MI in lih and Mn my mum Mm Sump ml WWI llllmlllmllllwccctj 11lllt slur Till lcliolt Itlon of Sliiicoe Wat iii lliltll aspij II il H35 llli tr ltttlll lid IIIV II It ilnlshtd baslballs and soltballs dunmnmv mpW inky WW and nNHLWM and HM leftamine la lilspector for North Slmeoe Arthur olltainld llom any llltLlvtL lll lWlilt and Morll lhlroy picsidciit Crop llllltltillittlilltiLlllltili or Iitid ftttitlllltllhilltl respccthc Itioni the Ontario tilpl2tlln it of the North Simeoc flop ln lrictltlne llallll Dance every Tuesday night lmcllsove enable one in Orange llall Allaiidtilc Music by lientcl Htltonl Altllitlllj April Siiilcoe Illilllldtll 1le Aid oi llairll llopitil llind 13xll Rummage sale lit 33 Wom North Slinwle lli ens llopitil ildtlt1llnlity llirlsh Association aiiilllal Ulllttltlilltl llall ll aln Phone 3307 23lllbl tillll and dance at illlllllt tlb llance aiIlillxtAr Finlay April inuiitH llall April 11 olllllzeiici 21 to the music of llaxtolis or Iinu at 113 ptln illinluct hill Chphtru Daucjng from 930 to Dance tickets will not1 be oil 13le BitMT it the door so must lie pllrell lttinlinadestlle April 1st hosesllllldiilllw ineilt lIssa lioad lreslrtcrian iie llln iuiiuc til tkuitv oi Church ill 2lltt Auspices litlliilliStlllili Srncoc iniull illetiliI Auxiliary gmlAllintoll Orange lllll Friday IIllchie and dance to the music of lil iit p1ml llltlltill of office the Simcoc ltallililcis in Stroud Wm NW MVU omlnuliity llall Friday Mar ill MilSitll ll lIlilNlL Refreshments Bitfilitlt CmmV SQTWHIAL giii Euchre Stroud Masonic llall Merlin til lltl SIYIHW itllltiYZ OESIlVlolitiziy April 030 pm Aquarium Society llolidly April1 sharp Lady lllcnlhers bring lunch it pm 70 Elizabeth St Bariicl 23c Doorpiizc Bradleys Llilleh Speakers ILuchle Township llallllldhulst 61505 SUM dayv Milwh 31 Gd PHI0 51 Sccy Toronto Aquarium Society and second Ausplces LlB 511Ewrylmd wlwnuc 33h Midliurst Lunch Zzic 23230 Dancing every Friday night Bee toll Community Mclnorial Itecrea tloii llall to Norm Bourling and his Kings Men pm tat am lStbe Churchill CurlingClub annual dance Churchill Community HallI Friday Mar 3bezittys Orchestra Lunch provided Admission 50c 24251 Ye Olde Tyine and modern dance every Friday night Olange Ilall Allandalc Scottish Ramblers Ad mission 500 Lunch counter With Central United ChurcluChoir are holding bake sale April lst at pm ill Sitliday School Room 23p Dance Edgar Community Hall FlidayMaich 31 Good orchestra 35p March British Israel meeting Stttldujl131Ch April at pm in Orange Hill March Bradford and High St Speaker March Rev Couldrey Subject AMarch warning note with message ofMarch hope 230i Trinity Church Choir vill preslMaren ent Miss Iva Fallowdown cloculeCli ionist and entertainer a50 vocal March dailirerltllCllwilo Ml Brlghtoan1118199SlllQllQllQlsflgCglturalPTO and instrumental music on Wed March wellknown speaker and an auh ncsday April 19 at 815 pm in March 25 39 why on the work of the Cancer Tlmlty Parish Hall 23bMarch27 3r Society and as the month of on Old time and modern dancmg will be one of promotion le Wednesday April to the plume Cancel Email both in can of Pattendcns Mountaineers at The name of Albertas Chinook vmd the flirted State his mehire amp C1ub479 Barrie sponsored by thepvinds originated wuh early trad Barrie B0xing Club under thelcrs in OregonIThcy used it firs management of Orv Dash Ad to describe winds coming from the mission 500 each Snack bar direction of Chinook Indian vii Dancing pm to am 2426b lagcs gmwEggrsgaguzgiammg Li Sewing Fine Baseball Seam MUCH OF THE SEWING of the baseballs and soft balls from the Barrie plant 01 Lannom 84 Wellingcr is done in spare time on piece rates by women in homes Before they can qualify period of in struction and practice is necessary under skilled shpervision in the plant Here is pictured group of local women getting instruction 51nd practice in scvving from Ms Olive Sutton home sewing in istructor as Ray Ashborne superintendent looks Ashbornc came here from Toronto all others in oil Attire present limcIIsome 80 women are doing the IBarriprlant are local peopleI thiSscwingal home inIatldiiioIn 025 fulltime all II II the factory It is expected that another 80 may be employed at home sewing when further clamps ar rive Eachwvoman must be supplied with ccial ctampas seen in the photo plus baseball liers special thread for the ball scams the covers which are cut from leather in two pieces by special machine operation and the cores The plant man agcruFrank Crawford and the superintendent Ray Pressing Kapok CoreIor Softball 1V Wider Five Miles Of QYN911 lia hospital rates were amtingthc if Mi lowest in the province for that digs ttiifIthhpspitnt Hammond Hm Libmh 0t eBarrie and Orillia hos Tenders are 6th ca or Are Lower Than Barrie pitalsarc contemplating extensive thc Ontario department of high luildinghprorzlims hlxitCipresent the ways covering 51 ImileS of con amc ospla ing pub crere base andas halt to for the gag $25 sc$ilgsiia$mhg$gcl lic subscription campaign for funds widening Of Yophge Strget from the loviesl for any comparable in= has seven private rooms at $5 consdtru large addition At Steeles Corners to Richmond Hill stitution in the province and are day two alsssosonealscand one Chargigno hgge $221831 $6 The zoirlk Wltll risug widen considerabl bclow rats hurged at $731 dayv 5mg 1C Spec ee at the Royeyll Victoria Hospital in The action Ofthe Barrie haspital mm Baffle has offer germ mu curb and guttenand Barrie in adding$l day to its private At recent meeting dflhcBal and Semiprivate rates was in or gasms law Orillia Packet and Tlinesl Orillia hospital rates are among rwawathltr will provide for fontlane high way hooking up with the present fourlane road ed to contribute $2 for every $1 raised in the campaign up to $76000 54Lm192tmrtw am 33 rie hospital board it was decided derrio ward offdeficits which have to increase the rates for privateloccurled in the operation of the and semiplivateibomlsbyfiilAday hospital in the past The 1949 effective March 20 Private rooms Barrie hospital deficit was $14898 at the Barrie hospital will now be Afthe annual meeting of the $750 axiay twobedSemiprivate Soldiers Memorial Hospital held in $650 threebd semiRlivaie l$6 February the financial statement and one fourbed semiprivate $5 for 1949 showed that the Orillia The public ward rates in Barrie hosiptai had ended the yearwith WhiCh were raised by 25 cents deficit of $4411 after allowing far day in December are to remain depreciation So far there has at $375 day although itiwas not beenany public suggestibn Stated that these might be increasv that the rates should be raised in ed slightly in June Orillia By comparison the rates charged Members of the Orillia holspitiil in the Soldiers Memorial Hospital board haveIwexpressed the opinion in Orillia are Private from $5 tolseveral times in the pan thittOril Recently the board of directors of the Soldiels Memorial Hospital approached the town council seek ing $200000 toward its plan to con struct new maternity addition to the present hospital The council decided to seek information as to the possibility of raising the amount by debenture The hospi tal board have also made plans to approach neighboring township councils seeking financial aid ELEANOR SIMMONS of Battle is shown the specialized job of set ing seams in the famous Worth baseballs and softballs She was one of the first two girls to qualify forthe job on piece work Since this Canadian companies producgdin photp was taken several weeks ago four other girls have qualified I948 soaps washing compounds The sewing job requires considerable instruction and practice About and cleaning prepalationsdtopage 25 girls do this job in the plant as wellias 80 lvomen at home cord value of $67587000 PHOTOS BY SMITH STUDIO BARBIE of theriiw kapok and at the right and wrapping The kapok is obtained for this vegetableflbre came npilgiuully EARL WATERSIof Barrie may be seen above at softball press press ing kapok core There are two such presses in the Lannom Wellinger BC won the 1949 Worlds wheat factory room allowance for three more date adTJzinsing III Tepders are called for April offiClals of the department of high ways have informed The Liberal and work will be proceeded with at the earliest possible moment The new highway strip will take lthe place of the old radial tracks voted out of existencedastfall and since torn up Mrs Kelsey of Erickson At the left may be seen some championship atChicgos sonic softball coresI after pressing tiorlal Hay and Grain sh Canadian sources although Cariadian to win the him from he East Indies 33 years of competition through Willow