Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Mar 1950, p. 14

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PAGE EIORTEEN Tar BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA r1 r1 BORN DIED 14 11 11 WWl Vl I1llll 11 fl Mmll 1I gt ll lll ilt 1l l1 H111 cum 111 11 cllsous1 111111111 LOBA Rummage Sale 11 11 111111111111 ii1 At Oran eHcill it Ii dill Eir nl icior1 l1 Sunrim 13 131 It 111 ll ll neh 111 11 43311 pHv 1111 1x lLb1llfi 1111012 311 111 mm ML mkii lidn shib MM In My 11 1i 1111111 lllini 11111 1113011 AI 111111 111 111 l1 it Mm 1115111 111 t11iiilil1 112111111 lianiiei 111111 ililinar inll 11 th lloyoll 1ci1 511mm Iplmnnnt Storm 11111 or ncr 13 31 Ice Cream iii tumii 11 11111111 Mm 1111 mi tlt lllltH 51 liiispiml oil lliiriii 111111l1 il ll ll IINFLL 1111 l111 llein heiold 1111 EIIIZAWT ST litll 111 1111111 iillt and 1Iil 11 1111 lit in 111 and 11 lion illltlllltiti l1 Srlclni littiliilill ss$sss ll Ar Infill ItlHtiKl llmtl St ndrews Presbyterian Church 10 Iilrlisride Drive JAMESIIHQEESLSON BA slxlml lltll 1010 llIIC Ilflllli 1110 111 llIlC Illiltll Stlltllll Communion 7111 pm lrcachinzz IAltiliatcd with lenleeostal 730 p1nGideon Service Illllll lelcnmo Awaits You 11 Arm PM Central United Church SUNDAY APRIL 1930 11 amtMORNING WORSHIP Refcption of Members Cepti0n 014 mmbers 27 pmEVENING WORSHIP Christ inkCcthscmane tNarrative by reCordcd local voices beautifully illustratch CHURCH SCHOOL ll amBcginners and Primary pmSr Boys Class 230 pmAll Other classes Come to Gods House on His Day md JIVBLlIItOn Avenue United gChurch 39 Carder 113 AMinisler WcoCOIZEIERST Mr HTDemDSGY Organist and fThe Home of Friendly Worship Choir Leader Sr Captain aners Strachan SUNDAY APRIL 1050 Reception at new membersand lIolly Services pm and pm tlfll illliItlllll 1111 ll zIli ill 11 lilu illtil them iiiit Ell=Irl Ali111211 LwMCCM XIIKllltlllllllll On 5119 ietnln 1111 li Is 1111 1111 Iltlllii In 1111111 Illlttl 111 11111 llo 1i1i 1111 llllll angina 11 1111 litiii tli1ll Illt p11 ilotllli linui 1111 lilll 11 11119 11m 3111 Sllillld hoirmaster llam BREAKING OF IlillMD Anti 11111 11 11111tllll1 rszanis rpm Sunday 31010131 and pime 311111 taxilchln lfll if They must angels ilillt Illint Ill lch llllllt ll11 is do Iii1 1131311 their Yrs sweet to ltlllllllllll cuts so denim absent nun Lllseen ll hy our Mlle And whisper Deariliiltlrcn death divide reininlhercd tiiltl lllgtl we down itilt on lzlss SINIHY MRII if will 111 GOSPEL MEETING PALM SUNDAY SERVICES 111111 11111 1112111 Met1111 11 Hill uilll li Welcome smis Free No Collection ti it came to Chmh First Baptist Church Illlll they shunt 11v Luck DA BD Minister 1Awr Miss Elsie Cloutzllley ATCll Organist and Choir Leader cannot liver tamily lOllY ln dear lory IllIT Gone dear tallur miic itlttl Allow we miss your smiling 111cc Ilnl ull letl us to iNone on earth can take your place happy home we once enjoyed Ilov sweet the memory still But dtath has left 11 loneliness The world can nevir Sadly missed 111 with and trim llllil llillli 11nd iiicnioiy tathi Spring Lubrication lolul April husband who passed away lNllltlIElil MOTORS Church 200 Hayfield St stn Al 1111 1010 Phone 4572 950 tiltl SIINDAY SCIIOOL REV AND MRS CHASE Classes 101 all ages Himmler nineMORNING WORSHIP Suliiect Mxll mn mm Iile tonlliideshlp ol the Church Itllltllllltl 111 00 CHML 330 11 am TNURSERY SCIIOOL Light and Life Gospel program Mrs mJCharge 200 pnlSUNDA 811001 PmeICVllNING SERVICE Blot pniPreaching mm TRIM All Arc Welcome lio1idcast lxllll 111111111 at it pm THE ltlllN DIY CIIURCH 13 women 1512 Evening Tea Sale The second annual evening tca in aid of their ward iitthe Royal Victoria Hospital will be held by the Barrie sional Womens Cllllln the East Vclncsdal Full Gospel Tabernacle Ill Mulcastcr Street Church milependent Business and Profes Itln Star rooms April 12 Tea will he Served from eight to 10 and additional attractions will include an apron table knick knack table and aside of home made candy and cookies Assemblies ot iinadiw SERVICES REV GleTCIIDLL Mlnlsterl SLpDAi APRIL 1911 SUNDAY APRIL 1930 10 illlStlildav School 191111111111 Mission Sunday 11 aim01011111111 Worship at Rev Brillinger French Equatorial Africa Guest Speaker at all services PM Visitors Cordially Welcome iizzzz PE LINESS CHURCH Evangel Gospel Centre NEW HALL HIGH ST ISouth Off Bradford SLI Pastor Nosclvorthy SUNDAY EVANGELISTIC SERVICE AT 730 pm EVERYONE WELCOIV Minister lCollier St United Church Rev BelvelllBA Rev Lewis MA BD Choir Leader Mrs Lenover Minister Organist Mr Smith ZMr Lloyd Tufford Organist and Choirleader Friday March 31 1950 EASTER COMMUNION 730 pn Precommunion and Re SUNDAY APRIL 1930 11 amMORNING SERVICE COMMUNION TOMATO CAT iAYLMERBOSTON lROWNEDIN Tis TEE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 amlunior Intermediate Senior Depts 11 amNursery Beginners and Primary Depts pmAdult Bible Class pmEVENINGSERVICE Bctwccn Bigotry and Flabbinessrl1 Tlie Salvation AWIMROV Elisa MA SUNDAY AIPRILZ 1950 PALM SUNDAY SERVICES 1711 amII0LINEss MEETING 1230 pmSUNDAYSCHOOL Holy Communion 17 pm eEVANGELIsTIcsERVICEgp NURSERY CLASS iWed pmFellowship Club All Departments of the Sunday lThurs pmWomens Meeting School meet at 230 pm Fri pm Prayer Mcctin pm1EVENING WORSHIP Start Building Today For Tomorrow Better Trini ANCLICAN PALM SUNDAY subjectKING FOR DAY pmSACRED CANTAIA By Ferris Tozer PREACHERLJHE RECTOR ARM WELCOME10 ALL ty Church Before you decide On your silverplate see new APRIL by WM ROGERS 8i SON com1 and quality and choose APRIL forty for eight in the exciting new PACKAWAY CHES costs only $4195 Stepzendanid Jewelde pare price ve 8am HOLY COMMUNION 11 am MORNING PRAYER piece service comEmma CLASS 230 pnSUNDAY SCHOOL TTHE WAY ORTHE CROSS wagt Rector MrsP Ruberts Organist 1lli 1111111 Illiltitil le llnla itilli 121111 11 Munch 111111 li 111 l1lt will MARRIED March 31 ltlill 11 the 31111111 lot hitAllis iii lvlllllllill 11111111 lint the Rev 1101 llihil I1liel iltuiph1 oi 11 and Mix It iirdi 11li to All itllllti Villiiiinl IN APPRECIATION INSURE We wish 111 think all the Ilpl ot tioun Ilill community for the oclil llllf and ltilllllllli Iloiit lamp invert to us on our departuri tiou iown Ilill Mr and Mrs li l1ull Stewart 2531 See Page 24 0F IICR TO IiARKS Pork and can TiM25 1511011111 THIS wm AT DOMINION AYLMERCHOICE QUALITY1N SYRUP sucio PEACH AYLMERCHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES AYLMERFANCY TOMATO JUICE SUP AYLMER AYLMER AYLMElFANCY Apo Inc gt momnplegr OMESTICVIbJ30c mutant naturist slvEET RIPE PINEAPPLESWW 373 SWEET JUICY FLA ORANGES iJUICYSTOP TIIAT COLD LEMONS iSWEET RED EMPEROR iCAL GRAPES TYELLow NEWTOWN 36 APPLES CAL SNOW wnITE niiuurmwrli CALI GREEN TOP NEW CARRDTS All Merchindlio V5011 It UriconditionaliiiGuaranteed lo lecw tlnl liloll heloveti and tent lather iIllll lonesi ltiislyn =h 1111 llt i1illlltlll Match llari 1e iluh ll lillllt noon llotln 11111 11111111 Ilillllt 1ine1n Sea Egypt lies to that wnth and the River Jordan to the 11sl YLME 15 9c 8c 21 01 ll 01 Bottle 15 BEANS TOMATO pit GITAIL Aylmer soups 231 T99 CHILI SAUCE lgl9c EST 10 15 Oz Tm 210s 602 1111 39 c1 37 1111237 11 Ellen aubunches 12111 5111i 100 Sitistoclion lillLl piii will St Marys PTAI v11 1111 Have Movie Night 11 on luisday lherl Jnme husband 111 iilt llDllllllt Hi Istwti 1s litilllltlttll 11 1i p11 ll llllt it Hi Ill llltl 01 by mlmnn and SVHIL ll ill lIlli itll tht iii my IllAH IKl 1111111 on the west by the Mllhterl S$S333i NOW TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE SEE STEVENSON CO Fire Auto and other Casualty Insurance Ross Block Barrie FOR QUALITY AND VARIETY CANADA NO wuiEiHO MACAR0NIZ BONELESS ROLLED rSWEET PICKLED icon lions SLICEDV inoLoaNA SMOKED M6011 SQUARE RESH COD TilLETS TCIIOICE SMELIS TASTY SMOKED KIPPERS Tutu armadillo 3311 Dom INCREDAY MARCH AU ItibU DRESS PUMPS and STRAPS Black Brown Navy Grey Sizes to 10 Widths 1111111 lllltl lnillii Church 11 tlnh AAA to Priced at $795 $895 $1095 $1295 11 oclock 111 il1lI 137111 ill llt llii movie littlli it St iillllli Snaipe lllthell idlt ii1tichers Asoc1ll1ou Match Mary meet lhl lllll Ntlili on luiwtlziy 1llllllllul director l1 111 Hair lilms many ol them of St lirvs hoot tlllltltlll and pal1shionios showed Aliens lr March oll1me series includ 2111 tenieteiy on March 11 is ht lltl Suddenly 11 his hoine 1mm ml 1unlnIh Mulch lllit lltie itIilllli 111 titilliuie 1Mls lleichls tlari nc1 ltlel The last summer inlsllltu church garden party vlltllil childien 111 the playgrouild illt rchonl rhythm hand and wed or local interest durint the XX lilj1l1l past summer were anions the pasu Iillilii lilnps hill ille llnvion lxillilzuid Lake and prm1 41 me zronp ol pups tollowlllit their 1mm clpint 1inolhir thlouizh tleld had been and thence ll taken at Funeral Sll lSnnlh lust outside of Ilarile vices 11 the letllitlISnltlh Iuil llavlield 81 Friday luch 11 at 13210 p111 Inlelmeni 171111111 emelerl lili ll ENGLISH CHAMOIS SUEDE New Crepe Soles Black Blue own Illlns iltPll illti Mustard $850 lair larm lingerie In addition Dean lnir showed hhott 21nd ostellir film for and holllillt tllms and several musical shorts the parents tlshintl Mrs The association evcilintzs entertainment Edward Illl111t president Mrs Eugene Smith pre lll at the meeting Other Styles at $495 CO CURTAIN CALLS Black Phone Sizes to $350 pair wALKwELs SMART SHOES FOR Brogues Moccasin Toese Plain Blutchers Balmorals SLATER $15 $16 $17 FEATURED THIS WEEK AT DOMINION AYLMERASSORTED INFANT FOODS 35112 23 LYNN VALLEYSTEGOLDEN cur WAX BEANS tar101 LYNN VALLEYSTDVACUUM PACK IKERNEL CORN 1c Eiiiaiiiiiiiis EARKERS BSCUIT FEATURE CREAM FILLED SANDWICH BISCUITS 5291 BEEKISTaNO 10RANGE LABEL GOLDEN HONEY WHITE HONEY 391 NET far1 691i 3113 =l==== 401 9c 29 20 02 Till 53 27 ens Shaes 0950 01095 01200 121121 9699 costs BROUWERS RESEARCH Sizes 31 it CHILDRENS jFEET CAREFULLY FITTE ous Makes by Savage JUMPINLG JACKs for babies 19 HURLBUTS Pussy Foots on EROUWERS RESEARCH HUIELBUTS good year welts CHUMS good year welts BIG LITTLE SISTER SISMAN SCAMPERS ALL WIDTHS 31 SIZES XRAYF1TT1NG litMEMO SHOES DIAL 2397 1$s00 Pam 251 115101 31 111 man no mm

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