lAUh Liaiv Air Draw050 suit Oi Air Force And Army chain the amp lSordcn iiircn Orillia Kiltic Band llit lltt gtt ltlltil tt HOS STUanls tl itti ll aft Viil not 11 pm Ltrtgit illlItL liivit taift Kin ki if la vi mop Mac iii ti Ill itioelt in llt cctly vi dzoiritzii lllt it llt rilli lg of iltAi it litftSt ic xniul ti in lto it tlt the tin ht AM SAlll t1 ittiwfvmih itl ti not hoitc Em lads itv xi its tici AZ tl ti lt=ltlltllt 212t tm iiltutit iilio niptpii anti tin tii belittling remit lyliiulm it in TtV spinal Regardlnq Transfer mm nv wit mm 51 ii 117yec1rold HOUSE lino Sgt it Sid litiioi ltltll le lltlttit tam lar hm illi1llll Nil gtlilotts iv lii litl lin ninth kirk It taken innit lln no Tunnel on H113 llltl ti 41 to Mm ioltltxti li1it tt lll tiltgtllvl nail in muons pitmg Th ll utttipinxn aLti tltittil tbotrl lll litmt tlil Il tin Height nip mu HIWIHIKHHK tlill ltlot too litioii it til ltnlllgli ldll among and ayetrold group gtiuii ltlltt ll liil old tiil niatt at laiivallcy ht ti oi tiio itzoiicci oi lltl pail tiiitniitc Eur ltttl Wm VV Midland Dale Gets More Water offered by Mi bail lloa llzt otxir tl ii gift to llit lilt oi toltl For Grovenhurst lcir lliiiigt liiilv Mott xaai any they who bro ht up ill rubitc at the DUN hmmmm UHlllttl tiid tilllll litllll ltt tin piniont Thy um it llllll vc offciiwt to toniiiiiutc 411 mm 31 Lil Hm ka lililt titti nmnex to illl it iil by it tjiwlmt plum Hui Wm tltlll tltvcliiiiL llilltltl and it btnlt oi the fair tliilll1ti it toldr onninssion wait1 liltil2l tit lloncit ilzrtll ilitcr ioit lltl land loliii iljokovnlii slaitetl coil1 Moitday lilltl lttlll lllillitl iiul churnout the HVVV PM lJiiu intake it pipe in Hull llfrw Wllx WNW L31 Tm J1 lmudm that John hitem loll lint inanj unmdpd yxuwlm ycti llLtl tl tiit lll father Capt lilciiic tivcd ill IIhe repairs lll allow an intake mmdrl led with of l000 gallons per lililllllv in place Mp BlUfi dunner lhos of the lUlllhl 200 gallons each initi taig and his iltllts at the old tile rllt last time the pipe homestead lot tttlttiilill lit ilonte while theygain lntbrooat the lw lions gtllli ltllt tililtltl ed as historic object The Steele faintly becaini tanxott in Military land other circles Sons of Capt lClenies Stcclc vtiie among the first Ito join the llthll which Mi lf cleaned wasin lilrll Lucky Draw Brings vaitzerland Trips DURHAM linglaiid Mar l3tl Luck of the draw is giving sixwo men employees of Durham cloth ing factory free vacation iii Swit zerland this summer receive pocket money Six other employees one man will have free vacation iii the British Isles Says You can depend on Topcrop Hybrids They grow andstand up Brown C0ltd Scedsmett Since 1871 07 Dunlop St Barrie holiday trip which holiday as had myself drum and 12 chosen disabled soldier Easter Is Coming This is the seasons turn into warmer weather Tlte time to give careful attention to all lubricating points in your car Warmer weather means more heat at all friction areas Drive in Let us Lubricatc your car SAFELY for Spring HAROLD HILL LIMITED CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGOKZ 55 Elizabettht BARBIE Phone 4273 999 amount ovaiRs or EIESTAURANTS EATING Houses we can make you THREE sacriou ALVANIZED SINKS asrecently reqtiif2 by the health laws 00000 00 gt Let us know Your requirementsNOW PHONE 269 T39 Tiffinv Barrie weooo llll tl In addition tol1aving every pciiitv of their expenses paid they will including Thc tree trips materialized from managing ltlircctor Lcwin toolastsrrmnter After it lie said What pity all the employees cannot have as happy Dewitt then decided that 12 of his employees should be given the op portunity It was decided the names of all employees should be put into First name out of the drum was that of 49yearold Mrs Helen Wilk inson of We Aukland wife of rtlitt3ltlfl0OOW rs rs The lMurrayPrattMtg Co Ltd Trottic Toll Among Children AGES tatti 13 ill 120 it Mitt to 319W xxx 1w 11 llttl BASIC on study of 100 fatal accidents on streets and highways oiicsitlt Ontarios accident problem Mr Doucctt said Since total of 1300 children have been killed on our streets and highways ill liAllltll LXANHNLIL MAKEUP UNTlb CANADA lllUltSlY tiAliCll 30 win ww iOllllJJA ll Bth slllOULb Canadian Garden Service l950 ll Gordon Lindsay Siitlth lltllll ll sl it til 2x paw lr1 ll tiist lltitliiis litx Ln it ttitt Itllll SUVU ill in its t1 Lent giver as dcid 202 in ruooooooooo1 Paths and lrtt or llzt ltvl Linigl ozo Um tl ift limit MT Illiti lliol go NH llWllUli hill titl Lil aiittttit if no of itltl itl Hol Not an otta Ilial llJH cf Tlc bit lain wif Mr ism iiitt of tin lilal in ltlJ is to =ll ltl ttil viw llvi it lt six ti ii lt ill tt lttltl are iv In 1N llillelli Hut lot Wittulllg tlic lion litri 3l ml Ni with lze ltt tl le bacl tLoo tint Cut iisl Iizc iiit roA with lle cttlit giiitii ttilii HIV gt ill is loo litt old gtollv tilliLt itil il in witiit ltc it icol ial will hate to HaitiJet lzt ltti 1W delimit llitlli lllll pcizdiiig tipiii ltllillill tllli can 111 =11 UN il toitt it tel5 aver lriulrr iiul Sriitiilendcr tlllrllttl llltitlr or some Hl li li ltittl hilt git are plum patcti malt llt Lei Lt li altrviiiii it it gt id giro ttl down tlt ll the lilatliiii til tuthide lltc will this atnfictd bobcat iion lli oti non will we main gardening standpoint tlc puiis il or two if mgr her1i Ht mind that then ll kit dont tplt imum the built as to lllitllt te is lilt her out itlt izitiil piac lt1 litrllit Ill lilJb lit host is over Wlicie piopeily lazu and 11 it iiilitlll ittiid of out one lititiltl be able Iv lll llit as Exclusive Agents for ll tlowvis cormm Iziziiias lilbl ti Ilmiit and save lil oi ltl pilunr and all lllt l1illltltlllllh with littlillliIJtl ii the picA tri thil tztagili 1x well as lietiis Innis tti lit tiltlll cm llhllw 91mm had its llttllllllll ii llttiogit ill lt ittlltnlli plaizls last of all we have the ictll1 Amhlir IH illtlll thing Frost mini ttlettnan sriciilisi dwizioiitiatcd lltl they dont like and will that it bch toot et tlc lal vt lziite iii tlOl tlllltl or cool stored sttgat ideiittta 11li lllll ill noii tllt ilowets atc thel tlll gladioli dahlialis and iii tcciitttntioiiv GROWERS hild Deaths are about mm 1011 VIOHFPIOVEN Buy Your Feed the Are Profits An Evil Thing Dy ittvis llllliN the rtzittxtion can be disfin Lnashwd liiiz graitdfatltets be ci Ist llgt come to believe that litwlll ie an cvi thing said 311 lililtltl lliitl deputy editor of The ltiiliiiiigt lllilltltill ill recent lttlllit tllltlkll to the Iiverpmlliuost anything led Until We get rid of the idea that profits are an expression of private capacity and substitute for lZcoioian uui Statistical Society He said there is more misunder standing and deliberate distortiot tliou prolis than about any other economic question There was tilli1 school that would end orl sttutely control proiits and Mr iliitl bought this was the mark of static and declining economy coiitwni with the present stage of litltillllltli and not even prew pared to do enough to maintain it llittallM ll insisted on consuming tts capital llnsis good and clear diagnosis of the rapid consumption that has lliokovskis father lilltlwti hand in ct in in llritislt economy in the founding last five years under Socialist descendant of the family liar planning One need not be wood Steele has recently had trained econotitis to grasp the lbook published Ghosts lleturit plain truth thatiiobusincss can be big tale of the early days of carried on without profits and thc Mounted Police that the consumption of capital mu ends in bankruptcy Yet Social isls wottld have us believe that pro llits are not only unnecessary but tirc the cause of all economic and social ills Joint Stracliey in his cialtsm begins by condemning the lproiii motive Capitalism he uses profitability as the crit ltiiUll or test of whether or not any given thing should be produc ed and if so how much of it should be produced gt Wheit Mr Stiachcy was Minister of Food ltc had an opportunity of putting his noprotit theory to practical test Hc promoted scheme for thc tablony it was financed by the La rbor Government and was to be an lcxamplc of public entetprise Tens iof millions of pounds were expend ied on the project but it proved white elephant which rapidly con sumed all the capital invested in lit with little prospect of producing sufficient peanuts to pay for oper iating expenses Things got into isuch mess that Mr Strachey itvent to the colony toscctor him lself what was the matter Sincc thcn there hasqbccn no report on ithc condition ofthc project and Ibasis If Mr iability as the test of whether or not peanuts should be produced in iKenya he would have saved the tBritish taxpayers lot of money and himself lot of grich His ex ipcricnce as promoter must have taught him that even public en terprtse must yielda profit on thc money invested or sooner or later go bankrupt In his lecture Mr Roland Bird said the key to the economic prob lem in Britain was the ability of industry not only to maintain but of iiilitin tliitlgt recent basis of claim put foittnitb by the lllilllttls for an extra ij week on the ground that piotits equal were worker one is ready to believe tl listlfnlld paying fair return on risk capital prejudice will have long start over truth lbook Theory and Practice of So production of groundnnts peanuts in the Kenya tnow Mr Strachcy has been apt tpointed war minister and is relicv Eted of any further worry aboutl lproducing peanuts on profitlcssj Stracheyhtad used profit capital He defined prots as the vjsion for the replacement capi tak at current cost On of this sunbihc said industry aide com liictitoive return on it capital and set aside new sayngs for capital extensionstcczpt restrictions profits he said in dustiy had itain its ital to put dc saving for extensions Mr ird said it as almost un beli cable that ideas oh prots had ome so mixed up in Arena At Orillia Advertised For Sale Oiillia Packet and Times Rumors that the Water Light and Power Commission had com plctcd the sale of the Drum arena to the village of Creemore were stated to be without foundation by officials of the Commission this week The arena was recently ad vertis for sale in Toronto newsp per and while severalt en quiries hate been received there have not been any definite offers to purchase the structure which would have tobe dismantled mov ed to its new location to expand itsfixd and oating sum remaining fromtrading opey ations after meetingvalvlicurrcntr ls charges and after making ful pro scievoer metotallistoarmew of government tbecn able to main intact mueh less minds Pioneer Way in Paper Bags at $500 per ton less PllilllRYllthS in tutti i4 fllut aftci in 1H week It And he conclud Gilmores Poultry Breeding Farm 60 Penetang St BARBIE Phone 2735 lOlOOt0O Simcoe District Cooperative Services Baldwin St Phone 2429 Burric nt idea of industry renewnig Ol 27 5744 No Now inmostDwainfirmengine ERIE THEY1L1Etltctoughesttrucksfor ability fastensmooihcr accelerationfaSrer rhetoughcst jobsaand powered by the warmup improved slowspecd operation new110 1115 Torquemastcr Engine most better Pctformnwcvely Wayl Yes every Chevrolet Truck gives you tjztluc aplenty to deliver your goods and reduce haulingexpcnsos ChcvrolctlAdvancc Design meansmore performance more features more IlcadJEngmcs Thrlfmdwr hP and of everything that matters todrjvcrs 21ml own Loadmaswli ahusky 105 1113 Allthfcc engines crs Chevrolet is First again with more Dower give you more power better hillclimbing than alter more value than ever powerful ChevroletTrtick engine cvcr built And for light and mediumduty hauling two more powerpackedChevroletValvcin Saves YouTime on the Hills Saves You Time on the Getaway Saves You Meneydll theWay CT7508 PERFORMANCE LEADERS PhYLOApLEADERS PcrutAnirv LEADERS PltiCEIlTEADERS ms Morons 83i continuum