Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Mar 1950, p. 9

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Uvngraded Eggs Wanted iij sinned woo ll tn ri llvlli 24v Lint hurt it git IIJ lmt ii tlLilr ritti1 weir riil mi it Silkuln diarrhlri li Itiitl wiry iiimit to in rt or tin IlJtltt iolti atlwl lrjiiiiiml ul lilx iu Ior lm in irni notoriar Brit ii ih ll la xl Hit ilhlrll irl Imnt nitilwli ill tliltii Ll lrtx ililll lnc lltiilitl tl Itiu Air UIl If MUM gt iliu IElII inrl toil urn lhr an in sin riv rittlrlut LI ti1tiri pop 1l llLI was Ilill it tll int ozl nacho lho lli hog iirl lhv Wu ctrxvii pm itl fillx ifllhiI Ar Jllltlliliiill St lui imcl Etiixfi iozulultd uil pr 11 Izl lIilliIl $50 to sI000 znmour tunonsrns on uumir StCUlllt You helium Mil up to $1N7tlrlitlllilllv at Illt uizmlus ohlmt and Lotwt Lj consumer linumeorganization llorroiv here to take mire o1 old lgt1l nnlnal or dental llllll repair llllla tor any itlt gtrIni Itlllllt Mrs ill sick truer eruv ll itlllllllll lluztulo lxllllil team on signature only ith li illh YOU lllll ml Hillme or liaiikolile Norma nml lii nest Hoiuisonio Iccuruy at lltnsFlltill lhig mums lttlll 1w days with riliitiv yougel the money you until promptly 1ltlll rrot when you mod it litpayment Mi plans are specially arranged to tit your personal need lilc 612 liiorupto Nil Hi 24 mm my ltllll Itllllll tlll turn slot lu weekend iih his 1iiiirimo out of dream Household it Rankin You too Wlll like lllti courteous If mil William proiiiplstrvumSoilyouhnvcuinoncy 1ll1i 11 KHdwv problem phone or come ill today Th mm mot Hi Itlrs Tomb5 rdnodiy and tho lillll$ quilted Itl tltllllr during the tr5 llouiisoim Itlltlllltl Amount No of Monthly ot lmsii Months Iayrncnl 521479 12 320 axulmiu ltlllillllttl in Ioioiilo $49046 18 3330 Mr and Mrs lilllciy lSllttl $70058 CANADAS LAIOISI AND OLDISI CONSUMII HNANCI ORGANIIAIION MONIY WHIN YOU NIID HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 24 33mm llownis and liiinily it lilmvalc on Sunday riiiiL oiio WCEN made to rcrldonl nlarby lam mm or rustic IINCI 137 340111 01 Its Barrie Youth For Christ International RADIO ARTIST 10 yr Old RENA GLOVER BAItITONE SOILOIST EARL BUCKNAM New TESTIMONY TWINS FROM REGINA RAY AND ROY BUTTERY nova EIHJ DNINHiU non snisivru DNIAHIISISI SI BNISIilS NOILDV NI HLOL NYILSIHHD REV TOM JOHNSTONE Toma TUESDAY CENTRAL MAR 28 UNITED AT pm CHURCH Egg ProduCersf 15 IA Medium 369 iA PUllls iii11 33C alarming CasesReturned Free Prompt Payments Ship by Bitpress to Canada Packers Ltd 60 Patanocrdp TQRoNro lilll the wax ull hutw 11 March Itl jilll funeral ot tlulc nun Alllsu MI and Mrs likli Bllllxllll $10168 151800 lzinrl lurk spent Sunday in Toronto with llltll daughter Mrs March 30 Chris lhtkcit and sons Jacki and Chris from Ioronto were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs March ll zuul family of lliiwktstono ll lhrl Mr and Mrs Vltk Sriiisom ltll Esmldnii death oi hlti husband Mrs on lliursday loi Jacksonville llr llill is tlillltillltl of Mrs Mason liuihc oh and Bob liastoilnl this itinit tgoycihnnnt taxes wtdmuzht hike have had the hybrho installed ii= blh JnltmCkFtnlI tl ittuirud to her rs cwi ond 53 home it Atlicilcy illcr Sptmlan IAIN ONT hwihro days will hIl llld MIS OlllllAnaAthtx Dan McAilliui Mlulmnu Shinmud Ileanuno 2194 Congratulations to Lloyd Pear Wn9t05wby Dppolnlmlnl sail former resident of this coin inunitv who scored the lllllllli thr Boriic Junior Fly ms and eliminated Owen Sounri ATTENTION Bofrad 11 mama emiiirJt unied ukiiuuu but TALK OR NOT THE BR HA5 MORE bizxsz THAN BlEiDOMEl Iooih WILL you Ltd lT TUCKEEED our MATS THE some Dov THE PET 5HOP AQE Ml FRAU Mk To To ASK FOR we NlCNiY MK MAT Petb CLOCK OF 3A ooss or we seen 3700 voice On fntzi wow Egan as memo TO we so Liem HELLO TREMBLECHIN JP SPEAKING 10 LIKE YOU TO cone 0152 TO MY Home lulin lllgtt thlruxttriy t1IX INFORMATION tlinn gtllilIlL well liltl 501th His inch in 3313 muh ANTEN MILLS cntly Missts lidith and Marion oV and Miss Loretta Luck were remht visitors at oxsx Mrs Fleming and Mrs Mason visited with Mrs Hill in lluwkr stone tor few days Mr and Mrs Alvin ox omll home on the 2nd lino ot lrlos Scott liml it vi SlltCtSKlJl PHELPSTON Stone Miss June Crown of lilmvolc Johnston the village homes Death of Mrs John Mulroy Mary Jane Mulioy wife of the late John Mulroy died March 12 in tier 80th year having bccn ill for some months The funeral mass was sung by Rev Doyle PR ton Frank Coughlin Gerrard Coughlin Eugene Moran Gerrard Moran Relatives attended from Toronto Barrie and Elinvalc Sur viving are two sons Bernard and lMary at home and Helen of Tor onto Hcr husband and one daugh years ago MITCHELL 56 March Womens Institute 14 Owing to the bad reads it was closed the meeting and the hostess served dainty lunoh Central WMS The March meeting of WMS of Central Presbyterian Church met at the home 0fMIS IrwinHClark witha very good attendance In the earlyafternoon quilt Was startedand then adjourned for the worship service which was in charge of Mrs McCuaig with the president Mrs Ansdell absent the meetingopened in the usual Way Roll call was answered by verse of the Bible In short busi ness meeting plans werelcomplct edforl the bale Mrs Strachan gave the topic on Japan which was Mrs Clark served silver collec tion tea Rm Burril MR EIEEIWMleSTEPlN HERE our IODrNE TREMBLECHI WHAT ARE you kkoozuo HERE Mrs Martin had the mistorturr to lull while carryinuzt lriigidilocl ul wood with tho liltltk landing on March Bill Mrs John Stone of Viuo spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs iii Spent the cckciid with Muriel 17s CQURlvlll ll hit bflrviicc isllcd with relatives and wrntcring in Ioioiito is back in Misses athciinc ONeill and after spending the winter with Mr Mary Stephens 01 Toronto spent the weekend at their ltSpQCllYP on Tuesday at oclock at $1 Patricks Church The pallbcarcig vcrc Joseph Sexton Daniel Sexg Gerald at home two daughters tei Agnes predeceasod her Stunt Toronto friends RV Hospital Barrie All wish him The womens 119th met 31 Margaret spent fevdays in Tor the home 0f Mrs Flemh uh onto last week with Mrs Cowansf very good attendance on Main mother who is in very interesting closing as usual rie 16 ring on $6400 i2 $6400 if Buyer to Supply Bags BARRIE FLOUR MILL WANT you TO HEAK soMEmi The Slllttlll oi the oimiiiliitu rxlviuhd to Mrs Walter llrll her hands lllltllllti hoi to have scvv oral stitches and also tiucvi was Walter lllllllf gathered at their llullu on Saturday night as lltlll laniily have moved to hit lhslop WWW mm and hm SWIM ltVtIlllltf din nu which they pic ltmrr nhrrmrtivtrnjmimvith thiiitilul abh cloih prior to their tttipttlllllt for their home in Mili losing ttlvlitll in two platm The neighbors of Mr and Mrs WAVERLEY March 20 lolirrsotiSetil of Toronto spout tho weekiud with his parents Mrs llYLl Hutchinson of Tor triends lolin Millir 51 returned home and Mrs ilcn Mundy iiisdlillsdulc The YlU met in the schoolA or Wednesday night Robert Achei gave talk on his trip and co llSx at Guelph Mrs Vm Crawford and dough tor of Toronto spent 11 low clay with her parents Mr and Mrs Ernest Stacey The Farm Forum sponsored social cvcning in the school on Thursday night The music from Saurin Farm Forum was yer much enjoyed by all March 20 Mrs Bernard Pope and son Larry are visrting this week with Charles Webb is patient in the speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Earl Shannon and family visited with Mr and Mrs Jas Leighton at Holly on Sunday Mrs Frank Cowan and daiiglitei Knock Sewing Circle held theiri posmqned week The mewng 09 monthly meeting at the home of erred in the usual way andthe roll Mm Mona Pope on Thursday call Was answered by an inteicst March 16 The program was in thc mg fad about Nefdland The term of St Patricks day After the toplc CltlzenShlp was tam by busineSs part the hostess and com Ml5 Storey and V350loye1 mittee served lunch Next place The anthem and The Lord5 Pray meeting will be at Mrs Bowman Allens April 19 March 20 Weekendin Toronto Donna Brown was winner on Hidden Town over CKBB In the Chapel was conducted last weekby Rv Mactaggart Lord is my shepherd Mrs Rex Watson Mrs Sin over CKBB His subject was The clairhand Mrs Wright were hostesses tor the fireside games held at their homes in aid of thr Womens Institute Hog Finisher one GETALL DJZTY 0055 HEY twwu GIVES kili TALKtNtiilr Iltitl ptullit Jll mudi llilt of tho so tullwl llltlllll or llltlllitl tuxis th new lionn trtrltil which add 1llgtlilllllill to ttllhlllll ll cruh of us know what pay in your in itn ttnx xnti more interest gerssrig Mrs Harold Osborne spent the any other make MARKET SQUARE iltl llll if li lllltd Itrolliis Illllt his ii tl ll 11 ll until lintLulu Hi 11 lllltlill sli r1l tr two lash lirr llll ili Winlain Ilflll ll lint iv it Illllll illitilitl lirti Ililvl llnlllllttll iit ll vivfw Sorry tr ipi ltwvn Alumg 1min rl it lot ll uni Ir ull fun llt iwm liialmrtw trmuts Yl ill llrlldi till won in tllltl hm ti hourr tool 34 tiimldll MILAN gland liii1 ll Hm With tuiti lilirllmtlllllt n1 ii HI 3mm llohimis tiui llillot lln ttlllllltllll Il llll Iiriii illuin In what goes on it Liltl Trucks have to betough to take it1 in the lumbering and pulpwood eldiAndthats why here againas in every hauling eldwhere real stamina countsmoreFORD Trucksilre usedthao Builtstroriger to last longer Fromnew and Ston3iBig Jobs to 12ton Pickup Ford gt Trucks have extra strength built into every vital partfor that extra margin of durability that means longer life and lower costs The right truck for every Hauling lob series ratingsslz to tons Ford V8 Truck hrm rwunntl nick Lon Illtl nut ll 15 Itluiilrtt ilzii Ill lllllllt twill he gtlllltlll llllgt clot and Ottawa and loionto 15mm WYEVALE STERLING TRUSTS Barrie Office 13 Dunlop Stud lustlnnger NEW lOWER PRICES Engines poweredfzr truck jobrjupptOhZSS ftrlb on Guaranteed Trust Certicates ISSIICI or any amount for term ll xvlHII and llligt liNi tltllltltd thrilled to riioh liniriiis or lm iluv or at holder option may be allowed to securiiulau at amiimund hitch21 mints snilnnrml ll law for ecuqu boards clcrgtilul and other uuewa KAUL ilIItE You outcrst you tulure turns on rim meet ll Oh be lar vnrd with 000 out BTARTKR In nab feed it will receive prom bahneed supply of uid drunk ml protein COOP CHICK STARTER COOP BARRIE lllthli Tlrllfl girrmmi truth to principal An Illtl iiirwiineiit for iiulividuxla the CORPORATION Head Olco Toronto Now in Eect Ask yotrr Ford Dealer about the new lower prices onall and lTon Ford Trucks made possible by advanced production and engineer ing methods plus the fact Ford of Canada Built and sold more truclrs in l949 than any other Canadian manufacturer torque 10 wheelbasreVSLVGrossivehicleWeights up to 215001bs GTv up 39900155 The biggestFord Truck line ever offered BQQUS Built Ford Trucks give you truckengis neered features andlmariy SFeirtrasl for longer life greater adaptability lower operating and maintenance costs Get the whole story of this exclusive Ford Truck constructionprinciple from your Ford Dealer iiinsilnnrrnll TlltltllSnu CORBY MOTORS LIMIT Your FORDMQNARCH DEALER othermnlre

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