Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Mar 1950, p. 3

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4783 LARGE FRONT ROOM furnisth ithDAY MARCH Zr lJlltJ HELP WANTED HARDWARE ciczk iritrn priftrrcd Apply llaiuii ire IARI TIMI bookkicpcr and liatcii Barrie Examiner Classi Bring or Phone your AdDiul 2414Iofon 530 oclock Saturday or Wednesday FOR SALE is you In It la unison liUYS prey litfl suit like law aist Ilion clit 333 leg 27 7423ult LISTER engine 111 bun saw in fied Ads WANT ADLETS lhcse adlets were received 1llln1fr95In filly hood condition Apply llarri after noon day before date l1 l1iricsirrp Am Ilibllcillllull anddwuc loo acocrssiyuucrbead MQIEHRIA MM li lWAlUl buffet and llilill cab fun INKV or 41 mcllikr intv Apply llcrcz mother works liot ilit liiilpn 3517 lXHHHWZ hr MindfulS amok lliiim 01 TOP RUGBY ricarlv new Set of Ilziratl cictzi Sm ll AD lllliLHV llilllv driving harness Wilfred Hell thliiulic ii aiii utimi 1731 25 1105 Wkly ll Cooktorr Ilione 1313 724 to put in and iznuntairi private ROOM AN HM pm 03lilll Ml gfl 85ltl iicrtint gmiii colitlltioll ft 2050 3n lurid lawn and runs lxcmpmfclt mi 51 mp Am 3m ll Balls ltlr innitiii St or piione 4701 maxi rUiiNisriEb ROOMS tin Ilos 10 lliriic hxamrrici 121Iibi 1mm 3pl Mm pp UIAI SHADES eu corrrincrcral allo it SHAORRAPHPR ll Ill rftixtuies with haugbrs 200 watt for ll Llllll PSgt Mu ll lllsale $130 each Apply Harrie Ex VIIAI ll Sl liioni float2 efficient typist and able to take Hump 31m thumb shorthand Applications will be ie ceiveil by lredl lIIllll1klt1R of ADDDK MACHINES and MW fquL TRADE 1101 mm mm ll 011111 01 MIIHWJ llll HUN wrifcrs for sale or rent at Barrie and all at suns for best 1111 lllllll llll ll ka Business College 00 Toronto St lChevroleY scum timed Iii MillLll ll5l lillll llll Phone 42121 IwUJlfb BO 11 llar Examiner Jllelti MM out if Wilt eioxrzicii inicox ltotltittt illog Wbh lll5lkiigtcir $70 iiiiv toil delivered 101 RELIABLE turn it airmi Slllltllld ll lllVMl llllllllll 0W your farm lliune Craig lllllll2llgl1l llHtlrtHUIli for liiil 41 GW mllm 1U mlL mm dam Slioud ram teaesp plc mi 11 year oltl rim yourself to improve present fun 3500 it illlllill NUHW ltWt us an PIN POTATO DIGGTCR Masseyllarris llllll llltlll IltlWSllll also chJIVal cream scp itor Iloth NYthJli WISHING fraiispoiti to you replies treated eorifidcru National known coriipany lkil write Box 20v IAZlilln ial full particulars Barrie Examiner POSITIONS WANTED IIOUSIIKIIIIIING position yaiiteil where two boys it and Igt will be welcomed This position is needed very soon Apply bog 30 Barrie Examiner 151 iiiNACrais in do your red ious timewasting office work pick up and delivery llox 217 Barrie Examiner Ihorie Sfroud 20r12 between 1230 arid 330 or after 530 21 AGENTS WANTED VACANCY now open established Full time lcighs Dept treal PROPERTY FOR SALE 50 ACRES buin lot Corr NI Rawleigh business in Barrie Trade well IIxccllcnf opportunity Writ at once Rawi AIL0128430 Moni gt17721blll Flos Twp Apply Box 30 Elm valc lfi2itp ATTRACTIVE modern room brick house storey and half with garage Lot 511x130 completely landscaped Situated in residential area near Schools Call 3004 IGWEZlIllb flROOMICD Zlgslorcy brick house in good condition Modern conven iences mile from Barrie on acrc lot lriccd for quick sale Must be seen to be appreciatedl Phone 075 102224p OWNERSmcw Trooru brick home HARLEY it $310 g00d Clean SPKl ifnl Illllgsdii Vilma 23 for 5319 Ground floor two deJPriccd reasonable Ihonc Elmvale UloL rooms modern bitli iiid kit lrer 6122 1024451 ms Hbt an mm and Mrs Robert Hunter of living rooru and lining rooirr livo laige bedrooms upstairs Oil heat ing insulated storm windows1 awnings and vcncfiau blinds garl age in basement Excellent locationi Owner transferred froru Barriof Apply 11 Eccles Street Phone 5316 1624ffb FARMS FOR SALE 90 ACRES clay loam 15 acrcsl wheat 23 sccdcd down plowirigl done now barn new garage hcn house broodcr pen 8100de house hydro and water in house and barn C0unl road one mile to highway This is good farm Sell cheap Owncr not able to work Cole Anten Mills 824p LOST AND FOUND FOUNDlight tan female hound White srrpe on forehead Murray Duncan phone 1310 Oro 1724pl PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED BEDROOM phone 1524l ROOM self contained apartment unfurnished Phone 5302 iii24b for light housekeeping no child ren Phone 2902 91524 BED SITTING ROOM Suit quiet busmcss girl or eldenly 1315 40 Barrie Examincru ItliJllOO 15241 av FURNISHED rooms very ceril tral abstainers no children availl ableimmcdiately Phone 2219 1524p MISCELLANEOUS TEA CUP READING Available for parties For appointment phone 5704 52226pM HOUSECLEANING time is at hand One year Old other months also sowhy not have your Chesterfield and rugs cleaned with the new Filter Queen bagless vacuum Roy Tracy phone 3482 15232410 r0l0090f000050 Attention it or RESTAURANTS Let us know your requirements NOW 39 agin Ihlt land Cattle retiurrcmciits now while stocks are lfor sale li11105l8 and EATING HOUSES jer more yoiz THREESECTIONY GALVANIZED SINKS as recently requir ed by thehevallhlaws idle Monday Pratt Mfg Co Ltd PHONE 5269 Alar 731 corid it It lairiswick ur good Apply Lciirrox VENICTIAN BLINDS 72111 for an cstimate Will show you ll differ erif colors These blinds will 1101 crack or warp llione 114112 7232311 COMPRESSOR les two guns or hoist 217 cu ft Apply Sam Catairia 1105 1711 Brad ford lliorie IllIrv 12711 IYIIIWRIIICRS office machines portables adding iriachincs cash registers Sales and service II iOsney 17 Francis St icpr 724tfli MASTER FEEDS for Poultry Hogs Order your Fertilizer complete Pay May Free dcliv cry to your farm Ilione Craig Iluiifer Sfrotid 1313 7171251 VACUUM cleaners good condition some used only for demonstration work Bargain Dont miss this oportuuity to equip your home wrth cleaner equrpmcnt for 1930 Box 28 Larrie Examiner 132324 WOOD FOR SALE CEDAR POSTS cedar logs GEtp and MONEYTO LOAN NATIONAL HOUSING loans biirldcrs loans properties financed at current rates mortgages pur chased Ilerrry Elrick Owen St Barrie SEED AND FEED tMrs Harold Mongerr of Barriot Ihelpston Phone 010 Elmvale 1024250 AUTOMOBILES 35 PLYMOUTH sedan prcstone and heater Apply Orville Hughes Bradford 110DC57132 1930 CHEV coach fair runriingi conditipn five good tires $50 cash Apply Carl Gilchrist Oro Station WE ARE PAYING inemosi for your used car Sec Honest Joe Cross Toivn Motors 220 Bradford St Barrie Phone 5430 131829b 1932 PONTIAC sedan good mcci anieal condition new tires and practically new cylinder type 111 Hand1 Barrie lliorie 1113 Box 07 Smith Corona 3419351 13241 13241 ion by road to Iftlilllil and Sala itoon competent driver preferred 21110111 for three lt11111 June 10 please colrncf lliompxon Sttls Iless RCAI Camp lloiiieri fr Zlilftii GOODMAN Ilti lllt lllllll of lll daughter Mrs 111ft11tl ooksfown on Sunday March 20 1930 Arthur ioodliaiid lie loved husband of lillllllll Mum and dear faflnr of Ieail IIlis Shannon Ilrcliua tMrs Slicar down Velma tMrs icei Dori iMis Crawfordr and IIlsre lbllbi Adamsoni in his itiflr year Rest int at the home of his daughter Mrs Crawford with service on liiesday March 20 at 230 in Interment in Thornton Cemetery Flowers gratefully declined IlICKLINiSlltllLlll iir IIlmvalc on Saturday March 23 1010 William Ilicklirig 111 his 7311 year beloved husband of Mary Elliott dear father of Mrs Johii Coc IMelinai Allcriwood rit Inez of Illmvalc Mrs IIred Ls Bayes tSylvia Mact of London Ont William of Winnipeg Marni and Orpha of Toronto Resting at his late residence Peter Sf ikl4 Laxnnian VeSpra Meting Hears Dis High Soho that tia lioru tui1itii Iti1Lt lrri 1i Ill igtili 1ll it ill 11T 111 11 wits 14 ltil ipZii1ti 11 TM littf iitllor Slaw bt lUlil iiilil tl flail Ii AntAr 11tlllr lit lltllilltLffl in M1 iltilfh iruld iii eiil list itl YIN 11iil izfrt aide in liiic 311 iiiis trill llf ill ILHI lltllt liw pinni llial libl iiiiiral ll llziil Hf tllifl lrll1 svliuiiixini llli up It critiic rarit ll rniiliri Iolitiltlfll1iii1 li tlrl ttllliit oil the loud 021d percentage of ljtllltllilff ri 101 SLil 01111 per room He told the rrccru iii to fllltlltll Lt Rtiu Iffl Ml that the depazliricnl dotl wants on auditoriiiiiis l1 illv l1 iiiilitoiiizrris they 113 lxliltl tlcir at their own expert ii at 11 pink Mr liltliditlrtill rrieutlelvli auditoriuiri tp seat fl proposed for llcf My ll211u the dcpartriicnt considers iflilwtnl auditorium large enough th lv itt and that according to the grants at 830000 room the depart illltlll would pay grants on only 312001l0trf the new sliiictiu which it is esliiriatcd will tesl 3070000 He wanted to know iihciher the extra money was to pay for the auditor ium If so he pointed out that no grants would ippll 011 ll Mr Duffin said he ricw iilfltt led lii could not it ttlllltllliC more on Optltitltrllh Itiiil support the plans he added fi lAltlt CANADA iii f2 word cash minimum 35 cussed II lilt In ltlxltdtl that der before its finish rid lloiit tt1llllltl plan carefully and the people will like iie ilirros Speaking briefly on aspects of the new grant for public schools Mr Scott expressed his favor of lllti new plan He said that although public school boards would breve Funeral WW 51 llllmk blistual on lefails of the proposed the overall picture is that grants IIILLuStiddcnly at her home 31 Sanford St Barrie on Thursday Mar 23 1930 Mary Elizabeth Bradford beloved wife of the late William Hill Interment Bar rie Union Cemetery Mar 23 HUNTERSuddenly at Vancouverx Churchill and brother of Helen Glenna Mrs William McKcowui 0f Neweasfle Out and Ethel Mrs Gordon Tomst of Toronto Funeral notice 1afcr McGlNNISAf his Ironic 7113 10011 NEWS has re two Ireland after Miss Velrna turned to business mouths illnes Mr 2111lMM1S Rf Chittick were vcckcnd visitors iii Hamilton with Taylor Mr and Mrs Ralph Snclgrovc and N11 and 111s Bert Suelgrove are at the General Brock Ilofcl Queen Street East Toronto on Mar 10 1950 Charles John Mc Ginnis son of the late John Mc CI is and Ann Hamilton belov ed iusband of Annie McKcowrr and dear father of Mrs Ernest Call Anna Mrs Gordon Duke Zeda Gerardo John William and Robert all of Toronto IRWINIn loving 21 memory of tubes two spares new battery and dear mother Lillian Mac Irwin P10115111 Vllul Cam 0f tr Mr and Mrs Wilmer VIIsoriL Stctcta1Ttcastircr Bradford brakes $150 Phone 4667 132425p who passed away Mar25 1940 Imonthin the south Georg by way win some Lslut Axxxxaawwxmxxxnywxyfxwmm Too dear loved to ever be for of Detroit and throuuh est Vir 1940 PLrYMOUTH recentlyOver goiiew lginia thew motored day with hl EOE5G Hzm ===HDCV hasstiiaelfesclttetla Sadr missed and 10ng for stop to Ironwood CARDS or THANKS in her may daughlm Gladys and rda when they remained until rc ouse mg as grandson Mervyn 24p fGe rah ud on soon Room for passengers Phone ttillllllg In ay 2243 1324p to New Yprk Slate and Buffalo In Mm Walter pim und family QfZIII POULTRY trip some 4500 1111195 they Hawkestone wish to thank their LIVESTOCK FOESAIE found that the weather was quite friends and neighbors for tlieiilll GEESE for sale Phone 827 cool even in the Carolinas and far kindme alld Sllpfllhii flllddflflilll PIGSI 83h lggolbs gags Oro 1424p from summerlikc untilrcaching belimgggcmulg mesmg one Florida We wish to cx rcss our sincercl YEAR OLD codeue April CHICKS AllCllllonv Ladies T9 COm thanks andapprgciation to my Apply Ivan Spbem Ivy Qphognie SPRINGW iiillelner 0013181322312tylsiggy Caglfllfggs For the reception of the Financial Statement and Report of the SOOper 13 order now for lipid and liltiy dcR Phone 3884 La Melina Beauty llldneSS 3le lTClD t0 WH L3 for 1149 the ElatilllhQf DilfCCtOlSi the approval or Byllysr and the SIX HOLSTEIN heifers to freshen livery Some good April bookings Salon 53 36111 St 24271 Kcarns and staff and Mr Max transaction of such business as may be brought before the mating fromApril to April 15 Vaccinat ed and TB tested Sanford Flemingf ty Stayner PhOne 521r3 9242513 REGISTERED Holstein heifers calves vaccinated grade Holstein heifers bred three months Apply McCallum Cookstown Phone 27r23 REGISTERED Shorthorn bulls first and second litter bred sows due to farrow inApri1 Sproule Stroud Phone 23r11 gt StBarrie 9240 9424y25p Auction Sale of swine and impler O000 Niariara Falls from March 2029 for the annual convention of the Canadian Asociafi0n of Broad casters of which RalphSiidlgrovc is the 194940 president Toniuhts Barrie Kiwanis dinner meeting with the Orillia club Joint chairmen are Dr Church of Ollllla and Norris of Barrie Program will be prepared by Oril lia Mr and Mrs Webb returned on Sunday March 18 from very the latters parents Mr and Mrs at Conilriiinity House villrbe joint EVEERIK 22 121 kllgb lglmrni new high school addition biit will be farther ferment llerrwood Cemetery IIILTV the Royal Victoria Hospital Ilariic on Mar 221 1050 to Mr and Mrs Alvin Ililtx Mirr tsiun daughter DEAN rAf Parry Sound viricial Constable ecil Dean and at Mrs Dean Parry Sound lauulr tci Jeane 1c Ursula May at DUNNICTlAt the Royal Viffitllltll Ilospifal Barrie on Mar 233 1030 to Mr and Mrs Dunneth Caroline St Barrie son LAYCOCKAAt Gravcnhurst on Quayt son Franklin Earle MILLERAt Winnipeg to Mr and Mrs Ray Miller irrecToivrrship School ilti p7 lllllt which is damn bc Mary Johnson Billtlttt SUIWOtvrlrrnbury Ilaus arid SDtClllCill Hull to loin lllclbm Patrick Norman rtlons may be so It 0mm of coming popular PAITENDENAi the Royal Viv 10 500101311 Bradford tOria Hospital Barrie on Maui 224 1930 to Mr and Mrs Mdrvyn Paftcndcln 92 John St dough tcr WILSONAt thc Royal Hospital Barrie IlllVlIll 23 1930l gh iii ReSuIt LNGAGEMENTS Ill lllc tastin of 1ir11 riiixiii I1tlll 11 MARY lillofrm Ilion ierreral land Melinda Sts Ioiorifu crime school He warned firm l1L tiitrlire be ironed out and start ATKINSON leicased IVAV CLEAN spacesaic flieciisflyiftrrr llttnl llill mini is possible lwo Alfpeisoi li1lllvliltl1rIltit for orn rcason tho iii 1lgttllii1 llilil of llll usual liltill If lglll 1w gt1 Roda bllmlmundun so 11 in 11 11 in pmmeii out that Igtlldll twainc ire porriicdotrf Man xivmkwl MW Mm mmp double t111 would Stnl aboa 1Esiudvirts attending now might lllll 332 Hi Him rum 100 pupils Amliiuriun are nice ltHlIIt lllt benefits of the addition 1va 11iijlxiuiitfl ii in pif to have but if is bit It the areas ll1 attendance could Jump iucat 12111 1010 trill Illiiliifiliul or HimXIV hind UM Hwy WU KID clirrri fti llldl the 14 VI want to build tllLIll1i said lll advised that lt111111gt gtllllttltl lllllv lib llllfltlllblilch tlmxi Ill y1 Illelu Reaclnlir Dtttrl Model 45011 if ttlpdtlly Wltll 33 YV iirtltiil Iiiti gt lmlf lll ll signed Sllllll i1m may tt11li11lllf unit 00 cycle motor by 43 Oil expan proposcd 111 the ulthtioi at lttltilll want your school to be iri Data in 13 ii lm11 1115a In ino my pumpkins Notice is hereby LIt 11 that lljk law was passed by the ouucrl of the Town of Ilaiiie on the 7111 day iitv March 1030 to borrow the Sum oI 860100000 for the lllltllitSi of public school school houses thereon and flylaw was registered the Rev rsfry Office at Barrie 111 the County of Srtrictic on the 13111 day or March 15130 Auy motion to ipiash or stt Hospital aside the same or aiij on Saturday Mar 1030 tolru musf be made within one month Itl notice and cannot be nullit fci Hf LitvriiERWORit ART SEWING MtwmmMlhLw snowman WRITING WOODWORKING 2321201 Scalcd tcridcrs MillCll lb 1900 lo Ml fllld Ml by the undersigned up until Aprilf Itllllt Laycock t110 Isabel Mo 1950 fol Hm pant Wham and light fixtures for School Stctioiis1 Mariitobtlnumbers 11 and 11 of the Tenders for this wiring may be received for collectively Lowest or any tender not nec Victoria cssarily accepted PM nuns IFLW tow Iiiwflo that Box numbn 25c Ixtrl all felt rat 11 tnf re lic EUnited Church YPU Singles Play lDramcx Contest 11 lav Badrnuittn at Barr afternoon air It ladies tool laid on Aprii Qm qualified for ladies Miss Iu ttliritrit liulli te It ii 31 lien Brown poliilimi MIS Mrs Fde Town Baffle ireri Jame Notice re Sewers of 31111031 ii and Roy 1liririynirris hit di ire of the top 1p inanle to take gt iii v1 tiii offrcrals lC1i LtLllri 131111111 1101 the draw not ring and in NOticc to Creditors iillill And Others learns in Ntrlltll 1s irlir1i 23 111 ladies titt alt llillli it up tiirxaii St fkitiitt at it in txi iuipi oi ii lit ii in lilttlil iari Hi 53111 llii draw 100 Sowtin March 18 iiili In il1 illlt lli Ind ltIlltl draw wrll iIu 11 on or ore ic mm miiwriil m5 ll in April if of kit tiitiitl 111 Xtirr 3311 11 cf R1 tl llzil irdwii on 11 ii PUBLIC NOTICE RE ROADS ll itfr ni tif tiii lIlliilllEZrfll ha it Hivl itl iiiiiti thol fiit11tt la irl Illlfti are not llltlill ii1111l1ltl until about 1211 tll lilllll ltf wliill AivmwV1 Stalaa that ll is lrlllll up trii By Order of the Council illx INSUN iitislt Iiil it This refrigerator has been in operation for only ll months Il Efilill at our sturrmcr resort Reason for scllirre being re iius tniiiiiinnn frag placed with WalkIn Box Must be sold immediately Price 555000 PHONE 83 WASAGA BEACH for further iirforniatiou 02221ni Town of Barrie NOTICE0F REGISTRATION 0F BYLAW rrric outrun DISTRICT COLLEGIATE iNSriTUTE EVENING CLASSES OFFICIAL CLOSING THUR MAR 30 730 phi 930 pm GROSS ENROLMENT gt104 NUMBER 01 CLASSES 18 the ctc IUII of that such sites and uork of il1 tilIIllllilltllISSIS arranged lhcic lli be display of This will include work from the ill the Collcuiate uditorituu followum classes part flicicol the first publication III llllS tlicr 16 BURTON lerk TEN ofris will be received The dancing class will demonstrate folk and square danc ing in the gymnasium tlll01lllt direction of Miss Louise ollcyuassistetl by Miss Fern Ilampcl Visitors will be in ixsstissssxxs vssssxssxssxs maxusxsxxu ilsiionsorcd byIlic In iiy evening March 31 closing party for New Canadian lassc ner Wheel will be held in the school Fr vrsrroris wETIOME so amnssrox CHARGE It BOWMAN Principal individual schools or ARTHUR rtNEEsrrnw still open Started chicks special Contact Gilmores Poultry Breeding Farm 60 Pcnctang St Barrie phone 2735 Canadian Accredited and Approved Hatch ery 24242911 AUCTION SALES Tuesday Mari28 Oscai White Lot 13 Con Tecumseth Twp mile east of Beetonion County Road ments Terms cashJSale tat130 meu JamesaR McCurdy Auc tioneer 2324ig Wednesday March 29 1950 John and Patrick Hayes West LOLI3 Corr Township of Qro plemcnts and household leffectsd Terms cash Sale at rpm 1H Slessor auctioneen 2124 Tuesday April Charles ch1y on Highway 27 eight milessouth of Barrie at the village of Thorn ton Auction sale of 60 headof choice HolsteinOOWS and heifers TB testd and vaccinated under yearsof age Stile at 130 pm Terms cash DSpr0ulc Auc tioneer 2l26x WEDNESDAY APRIL Estate of the late Harvie Bonncy West 12 lot 11 Concession If Oro Auction sale of farm stock implements and household eff ects Terms cash Sale at pm Slcssor auctioneer 2226x Wednesday Apr Binning ton 8V2 lot 11 Con Innisfil Auctidn sale of farm Stock im plements and household effects erms cash Sale at 130 pm Sproule auctioneorr 2326x iTuesday Apr 11 Ross Hughes Slit lot 18 Con Innisfil auction sale ofvfarm stock implements and household effects The farm wil also be offered for sale at Auction Sale of farm stock rm the same time Sale at pmv BADMINTON FINALS MR Club finals of the Garrison Bad one weekfrOm Wednesday March illness Of several taking Courts at the Armoury Managerp McCllF LHE BELL cashC Sproule loner pf 2327 auctt ST 21 minton Club have beentpostponcd124p Whitney and Hazel Thompscm 29 to Wednesday April due to nesday but not on Friday or Satl part urday March 31 and April when will be the annual Georgian Bay district open for play as usual this Wed tournament will be held URGENTLYNEEDED fro RENT Unfurnished House or Apartmentin Barrie Or ininity TWO orxthree bedrooms For our newly appointed Zone ropniinaci Call some 4374 700th To KLEARN TELEPHONE OPERATING THEBELL TELEPHONE OO REQUIRES OPERATORS FOR PERMANENT WORK No PREVIOUS ERPERIENCENECESSARY COMErlN AND DISCUSS TuE OPPORTuNiTiEs wrru CHIEF OPERATOR TELERHONIETCO Mitchell for snowplowing during our fathers illness and at the time of his death 13 Oil Co Ltd tendenSOrchestra will provide dinner mus icaiid if the business meeting is Over on because of uncertainroad conditionsthere are nit real familyvparty wcdlike to have bijVcd fair estimate Of attendance for the Policy of the Cooperative SIMCOE Distiller c0 AT Guthrie CommunilyHall 0n the BarricOrillia Highway NO 11 about 10 minutes drive north of Darri Begiiining at pm and previous to the Annual Meeting Fowl Supper will be served to the members by the of Guthrie Tickets are $125 and limited to abOut 300 so members planning to take in the Fowl Supper are asked to secure their ticketsnow fromftlie office at the Coop or from any director NOTICE To MEMBERS PATRONS OTiTifFowl Supper is form Turkey Cra nberries with all the trimmings Tom Pitf prcscnt Streamlined Schedulethere will be danegDOnft miss this its gOing to be big evening COOD members andcustOmers phone 2429 and orderyour tickets stillplentyvof tickets so lets make tho Guthrie ladieswho are caterin Guest Speaker HAMISH McLEOD of GUELPH Mariagc1Fced Division United JOOperatives of Ontario The COoperative have had good yar in 1949 Sale were $86573902 After de ducting Operating expenses there rcmained net of $24 302 to provide Patronage Dividends add to Reserve and for Taxes This has enable the Directors tovdeclare dividend of on General Members purchases that is ividend of $300 per $100 on purchases The annual meeting should not be mi ed and Is an opportunity for all members to bring forward suggestions to elect Directorsandin general direct

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