Kiwanicms Hold Annual Ladies Night ftmi tl1tll to 114 Guthrie Community lill line HITZN Il lit Ii triziur Iizziimi tlill the liirll tiioiyi Illll lltilln iriiitfft it lllltxitzl HI makes ironing 37me5 gaser try it today ii ltlltll lllilltl iii il their ti I1Ii111 ii stoi Enrol lirifri the ilo AT YOUR GROCERS LA Ellillitl lt izzi 12mm Illllll MOTHERS WATCH FOR THE Grand Opening oi all Bcirrie ing 1n from CLAPPERTON sr ltlil iliitmiw lzti lllt tiilll fl 1ilililltlvrttt1ilnlltli riftiriiisrs Shoe Store Somethincj new for the convenience of Barrie and DistrictMothers Specializ4 Children and TeenAge FoOtvvan CRADLE TO COLLEGE 11110100101t13 For Parents Only Manners DO Count By Nancy Cleaver 1ii tllltiit ol tlllllll attention to deal It bid iiiN lfgt It with it wise to iliscoiiitesy Ill rginore rout Illlall of with him frientiliuess But good 10 fair in ss ializics 111 is gradually learned plcase and thank you lze home copies tiny be good him Courtcence they usually become illiti NOTICE IOOleMembers Of the Grey and SimcoeFOresters Regiment meeting will be held in the Armoury Dorrie onSun day April 2nd at 200 pm to discuss plans for the Te ilniori in June iimc and lend hand by bringing your suggestions to this meeting tiirroooooiioii Ramos Convener TEE 3mm ONTARIOLQAPODA 12 til riaic fashion child who 15 Ill or litiucti or exliausfed may be oziiitous and uricoopcrative gSoirittuzzes child acts in boorislr lll fashion in imitation of the actions Once in while child may do an unexpectedly rude thine Sometimes rude in is to isolate the child At other some Mi but disciiss the childs he iriay feel no necessity for showing manners like pretty clothes can add much to childs happiness The attitude 05 kindness to others is one which Mothers can L1 little all iand crumbs Place in electrie overt Lin HEW HY rro expect too rntich of NW cild but they can encourage uhwh sou or daughter to be friendly and msisiiggcsi definite ways to 5m friendliness Sorrietmies it is good pf Wm iplnn to make little game of usw ling courteous phrases such iu As boys and girls enter adoles more 51 lcoriseious of their own need for neverknowledge and practice in the cor ch way to behave in different so cial situations The lonely airti social teen tiger is often acutely aware of his lack in training in if supcryision whcrcmbgy and girlsin Ithicrr teenscan ieett0thif01 rm norm lllel ANN AILAN Nydio Home lcanomhl ll lie men and iii ikyfs Macaroni tili llitiltln Irii il belong In the paste lam1 lficii rriurc riiirrilicrs ofl 11P bat ask to ltalia riaiiie tlicii Macaroni llll dzfter iriostly in town gtilk cook ii iii ir ll lfitllll in liritiria fioir sticlQ th lil to prvnrit to break ill in lfl lie taritlii itioiil diit cilariitc rsc quickly nitli lllll crld il adv to the sauei win are masters or tips kinii if Illlt lilll llti base of sjinlivtr and rlirt iIl lit Sil iltl ml is alanist IltttSxll til nrppy cheese coarsely lvl Chopind cooked ricit or clams but ltt added along aitl soriie comm sticli paislcy cirrus lithllliilllIS onion tops and toiriatr jash To some ltlk lrirt tl their ithiin better than rriacaroiir iiil tti drenched lIl butter and cl me We suggest one lllIIIr 111 its of chives For iiuitific= sec tttllh Ri WIIII IllIS 31gt lb macaroni cup iruriccdl lines clip buffer or ruargaruiel up el cheese Add iuacaiorii Itmly to briskly liorliriiz salted ll 1c and cook about 20 authors nr 12111 tender Drain Add remaining in dicrifs and toss lilitl ll iiiit Serve very hot Mzikcs gttifli SIRiIlIIHI WIIII llIl BALLS cup diced salt pork lb iriirn beef cups canned loltlllltim tablespoons clroppcd paislcy tablespoons tomato paste clove garlic teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 1b spaghetti ed old cheese liry out pork Shape minced meat with pork irito balls Add to1 rrzatos parsley garlic salt and pepper 1r sriuccpan over simmer with meat balls llHlllltts took spaghetti spaghetti and cheese LltctSt water Drain and rinse with coldt water Arrange noodles peas pi izrrierrto almonds and bacon in ers Pour on part otcieain sauce is filled and ingredients are used Combine grated cheese dish at 300 degrees until disir rs hot and Show lerurribs are browned Serves to Ii CELEKY AND SIAGIIEITI Latin and Greek had been considerl AU GRAIIN cup grated cheese ll cups medrumcrearri sauce cup diced cooked cclerv cup cooked corn cup cooked spaghetti ed pimicnto cup cruiribs Add cheese to sauce Now add1 corn celery spaghetti and pirruezrJ and sprinkle with crumbs Brown and heat through at 100 legretsl for 15 to 18 minutes in oven Serves electric Send in your suggestions oil horan making problems and watch this zeoliimri for replies Social amenities Tecn agcrs necd to have their own friends and be accepted by their own group of chums Aboy or girl hates to make Ea social blunder in the presence Of ithe opposite sex great help to feeling atw ease in the presence of others isfor Eboys and girls to have the chance lto welcome friends in their own iYouth Centre under satisfactory Epartics discussions and sharing of =lhobbies and athletic interest Main inerstand morals tooit take care of ithcmselvesgvhen adolescents havei he Chance loswork and pm to the Unemployment Insurance Com Igefher in the righteafmosphcre irrmission fa place of their own Supervisor crri irciids cup grab the rpcrribci at their meeting last llriiisday cveiii ii and 01100111110 airring for 13 first hand to various iristrtiirieutsf wilgu if mm1 in Ms school band he had brought lllill pour meat sauce ovcr homnlmm six of 1m ymmg immunwnb gfouiid it Look noodles in sailed bodinuim MI Add remaining noodles ctc until their niolhndg of education convention had proved great iri spiration to the band conductor on his return to this country cup din by many people to be just as es buttercd scrrtiah Ire clairrrcd was setting the pattern to Turn into buttered casscroleifor the world in music education Ecompariying Mr Fisher several combinations of instruments Anne Allan invites you 10 irifcland in solo capacities Miss Joani to her co The Barrie ExhitiitiCIFislicr played Tschaikowskys Chanl son Triste On the French horn ac companied quintet Prelude by chebvre was played by Sylvia and Joan Fisher Beverley Diival Jerry Stubbiyigs and Jack Harris Griegs Love Thee irfa cornet solo accompanied by Joan Fisher and loarr and Sylvia Fisher played lhomes Another real need is for 1110 evehing for the Club members Insstuctents performancen rcfre sh imcnts were served by the hostess Lu and siriiliuzt lRINt IISS IIII7IITII as slit arrived iiipenilv at ll tench 1iiilialtsy in Londons ltirisirndon laliice Gardens for rlttl 1l11ll 11 ii ml The conductor of ilzc llCI Concert arid Iislrer describpd mod ru music education for of the llllllltll Club members an and listen the club to study thI Llt most interesting to hear about The pan and his observations One hundred and fifty years ago re explained to the club members Dr Hanson in the United States band members ac played in The young by Jane Perkins A1 Miss Jan Perkins played Edvard violin and piano duet two move ments of Mozarts Sonata in Majorl an outstanding number in Following Mr Fishers talk and1 and eohostesses Mrs John Dobson and Miss Lila McPhee In 1946 Miss Jackson came to Barrie as supervisor on the staff ca73 sat 55 mcie am Maybe you cant save You get few dollirir in the old bank account and whooshl Its gone So give this formula try Itworks for sOmevpeoplci it cahwork for you Whether or not youahavc cheguing account open Savings Account that will mean exactly what name implies Make it an account that 37will be usedto save the moneyyou wantgto ibuythcthingsy you want 1llJEI1 you warft 1ch mddposit small amountgufarly Youll Vi nd you won dip into it so ensin if its solely funvings Open that special savings account where the sign of friendship hangs at The Bank of Nova Scotia Theres branch near you and youll like the personal service accorded every epitomer Mario Bantams Asioubrmnumuu fil ELECTROLYSIS HELEN TBLACKMOBE Late of Hiscott Institute Torbnto Will be at Regina Curl Shoppe 58 Elizabeth St from inclusive and for one week in lAddresseS it PW Childrerrstid Society spoke to the members of the Businessand Pro fessional Womens Club at their March 21 dinner meeting Miss Jackson who is agraduate of MCGill University and its School of Social Work was welfare admin istrator for the cities of Kitchener and St Catharines during the de pression years There she set up and Organized departments of pub lie welfare and later waszwith the Ontario Department ofPublic Wel fare as supervisor She has set upand organized un dr the Youth Training Program Seven homerservicetraining Schools to wind girls are brought from all pans onlaliovto live luresidence gto beftau ht home service and then placed lnRWQIk During the early years of the war leMiss Jackson Worked with the dir Wector of the Farm Service Force organizing arid setting up camps Miss Dortha Jackson superlMiss Violet Wadeand thanked by visor with the Simcoe County Miss Ann Middleton who also pre the Community House with Ivice From there she went to Ottawa as womens employment advisor with Aid for iuinay lllv hierafi liesalcril urd liifiiuc Vin Harmonthlub Hears Four Jr Of Modern Music Education Trends llerfect Exam Papers In day for junior members of Ilarric itichs Baud four youthful stu dents turned in perfect papers Gilbert this was an excellcrrf showing con sidering that the examination was fairly advanced The band has issued request for additional instruments to facili 1er str umerrt like my WW VOODUN xx Vl BACOV lalists in his group to play several juniors the band can be notified lewd manners has rather eup llltttmlittl iiOOdles llt1iglltllll5 l3 lflllllltllllllf 4597 vague impersonal sound gt to green peas tablespions choppbd The mmng held Iiiprls turning in perfect papers youngster But being friendlypunierito 14 cup cooked chopped mu Mrs stun now 13 0min WOW lloy UNION LOFT0 Mil has very definite meaning inmost Blltablegpoons choiipyd allg we Mm pram and Jmm little child is often Iltlllll vlllm 31 in my prawn of 5aiglinilgi cup bread crumbs cup grated The Harmony Club members BallljgglgoIAISZZ lgrfilgfllil SLAT COLORS members are to give instruction on llSlltlS experiences at them insmlmoms recent convention of inusic cducatl lav ors held at the University of Mich vy Iunror Entertain Friends The Ivy imoetm was held in the hall on Tuesday 0lllllg when they enter ftained their parents and friends The president Jack Brcfliet be roll call was answered by introduc ting the parents Keith McRuer and his assistai spoke briefly The main address was given by Dick Hilliard was introduced by Arnold Banting The spent playing games andcontests Lunch was served atthe close of the IllCOWCXU meeting will be held in Th9 THE EXAMINERHCAN FILL YOUR vaTrNO NEEDS PHONE 2414 MONDAY iTrinidcrd Teacher iSpeaks of Meeting lBurton Ave Church Marion i950 ll ulti1 Uzi lriiiistia rung tl1lfii held tllIlLf pi Caliltr Li 12 tlll lgi hill from Ayeiiue ttil lititcii irztf the la Edit from the fulll During an unprts lLllIn ccretiit riy titc Cill group criic tizizrili affiliatei ierr the WMS iizd on ticlzf Itli arxrliziiv Mr Gray plvSflltil icacli irl tzr Wu it zczidsfiip vc candle iif litri loft Qbad4e The ill choir ltlSlllll of Miss lo lldipp Kain liaster Iiiuiibir liii story of lffie crucifixion fold in St Marks itiiispel is read it Mrs highs Speaker for thc ti11tllj was bliss Atzries Rarnpeisad teacher from Ndpiilllllu High School in Trinidad iIlWl RIMS liiillitrtlflfll chose as llt lsubject Church Vocations and told lot the workers that were needed in ithe field It lriiudad At the conclusion of tlic rricetiiip tltl the lead itea was served lr tlrc tricrribeis and social hour was enjoyed Triiiiriiuriir YOUR wmnows WITH Band Members They last longer and look Better Htoritl examination Mori Wiley president states the juniors Mr anyone has an in rn use and would it available to the Ill not to make 20 TAPE cororrs to blend with airy color schemc Hees Venetian Blindsa are longwearing and dependable Available with wood steel or aluminum slats Farmers Junior Ifarmers March ed essential subjects in higher ed ing absent past president Cleve and guaranteed for ucatiorr Now music was considered Patton acted as chairman The quality and long service Ihonc usfor Estimate AE SMITH STOVEs FURNITURE 129131 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 449 from Toronto who balance of the evening was on Monday Apr osw VENETIAN BlINDS the county The speakerwas introduced byl sented her with cup and saucer in appreciation The dinner meeting was held at president Alma Bebb presiding in the illness of President Mildred Meredith Following sing song the club membch discussed plans for their Spring Evening Tea to be held in the Eastern Star erS on Owen Streeton April 12 The meeting closed with the club creed Oscar Bates Gilda and Delmer attended the fimeral Of their eou sin Mrs Benton in Manseld on Monday PAKISTANS ROADS PakiStn has about 62000 miles Of roads of which 13033 are paved Apr to Apr evenings Consultations Free each month thereafter Open Tuesday and Thursday For Appointmenf Phone 4311 Removes Unwanted Hairmoles and Warts EyeBrow Arching fl r1 r55 sniaiievisoioo nits Jdlamondr $5300 use Solitaire $7500 157 idolayppdi 259000 113 soiiiqiie 300007 1136 90030 Snood I61 English and Slum 317000 1152 31mm diamond 310000 JEWELLERY 166 Summits pricing 2250