FAUE EILN we ma tllptlttH ilo MARCH 21 lltfil ll MONDAY lmuuig lxAnulll llftltillll liltIAIilli CANADA fmeT 95 $1MMM mm The teiular tlzontldy llicetait oi St Tliollills Church tlulid we lcld at the lltilllL of the pitstdent hlt iecluc Siilaison illi tolli telr ltltiillhl present lia next unwell to llt tilVltlctni tplll lellestlssl ti Sung mil and Mrs tti Sutton Widen to Mother lilrlttltillktlltlti ot latliei and Son banquet put on ii the Shanty llay Mens Club VASEY Match 31 Mr and Mrs Louis lodll isltlli Ill and Mls llzl lodd Victoria llaibor Sunday ill Vtitneii meet at the iitiltle lillwalds Match 39 Mi iud lrs Melvin ltussel tsiteli with Mr and lls ittitll llills ale Idtth Yorke Midland spilll ckelld with ers lIlezlnui lirlclios and Calvin Edwards Mr and Mrs Manley lidwalds sited With Mr and Mrs ltupel Mctilaill lilnivalc on Sunday Mr and Mrs lllldzc olliils and Joyce Anne Midland lsltell will li llltl llls llarl lltlilltl$ Sun dlly tll UTOPIA Your Tractor One of Many Saved By Elusive Spring Is Not Far Away 80 Itlihllllllllt llaztll soil to learn that Wen VWe lll to WV labia lyli Ll iLceury Coll it Event to ltixel Latitultl til ll Itllillsliloltxll HIJI lo llili raid pally sponond tlLl Vtizlells lllgtItI 71t midiN11 by lltll lll ltl mi in dli Hull lili itl that My ill llt ire lrt Before you buy new furniture be sure to see us Chances are we can make your present pieces look and feel brand new and tipto date The cost is low and service rapid Large stock of fabrics Call us now tlililllUClii tlUHtUithti Assoclailon will of hits Dont Chance BOTTLENECK ill ltlllll ttt lll liltl it lilll lllll le in 32 ill llll toltlillitl vi illitIlltIl li the ltiltLIv hi1 ill itsllla liltltli tittltllllt lil llttli liilllt tllltlli limiting loulllillIl lil ml pm illt ti tilltl hard back llllld shot oil the stick of right illtll liav Ictalluni llur ltllfllltl Lloyd Icaxall makes ILIII lt the puckin ln ettoit to help lirewer out while tllltllltlllalt lrl Iillllth looks on it till ltll ltlll Hi all the tlilll round playcdult Owlll sound siu the tilt lie the tlh up once ltllt till loin lllrili s1 ltllil met the Ilycrs Barrie Tent Kl Awning C0 ltl lLil and Mrs David Webb and tilllliI and liddll Wissniore Mrs Delhi rt Brown and daughter iicd Mrs Newman and Violet Urn liain lilliivale Mr and Mrs Jack Nixon end Mrs Nathan lIdwards and Fred Iltlllgt visited with Illr and Mis Walter llovlcr Aurori lit celebrated their titltli ttllllif anniversary Saturday Hospital ltcnsiun llind illl ll tllz it llieiits ll llrcucr who tis iii the way oi news IIF ElMllAllI llolii the less islit the anti oi Illirlic lltt nllnllci Sill liftimslls lit AII to titltlltl ltc iltli tout lli to liltkl illillls ln tlt tltil as this llllll lltl nileli llzolc tillv eati lltl lll lo wont Ie=I i1 it BRENNANS Auto Electric Services PHONE 2464 33 Batillsill Street II II It= ll Mr Phone 4314 ad pi L144 30 Baylicltl sl SH Io intend make still tiiiioil toiitlut Ilola itiicl In it Vt spu letiiesi litate llilse voe lliltalr oikels lile done to illliill illliltt they veie asked to lie itlle lsltld ixty homes and used ll Nili llllilliltlt on icy roads and said lad AN EXAMINER WANT AD rnosu 2414 PURE CANE FEEDING MOLASSES 25c Per Gallon in Buyers Container BARBIE FLOUR MILLS Still lots of now it re ottlcililly address and stressed iii ll work bruit doize the ii loil and hospital bell pie lll and Mrs leo lillli tlall is bent carried Ulllllill spent Sunday lll lolonto ire not exutll youngster either tlliouuhollt the province of ii nlI Nlltlv o1 lllkltitil Illttgt have tootslocced to home loll itlllil U1 iiitUlils1ili lttvl Station was home ll tliilziild lttlti no aiisweis to their mielzers lien lleliekall Lodu llltllmt lt11ltll on the door lll inlle lip loltiluo slei Mallory Viiitttin last Nob Inns Jean ltoliillsoli tittil to ltilidale and Vtslilll lesi iltlltl pr ciilltl tiltli isitor wit titlll few bus at Lou dents who have ilot taken part in in siiil Iitt Attcr the piesctitatloiil imp ollie on and ad inviiilieis joined lit the name Wmmmv WMme iiliiid lio tillllkoI Sister ltlltll lllack betllt IIIIIimIIm VIIIIMI4 to he tllltt Imp and sons Douche aiid ltobert on ll lo it Ititll House at IIlIH IIKlIIIII I3mildit mm ljle litit is of till llh were op lIltll to the littlllt onl lhluisday of ill ii in Week till ie roone 0R0 STATION MM lllliiiltltil lUt it spilii lilt lhul till liltl lt Itiooooo MVr in ullllldllld loloiito Neillj 12 if lVespras eiea ctloit Is rue ltorjt he blishtul neyci sllulll your donation lets llle ll lllltllil tlic ldays Snowplou inc We almost made null mistake Illliti Hopi Liliada Limited it ill llai MEIle alloul the 7tsli maintainer last Having read in the report last lownship ouuell lilttllllLl how the Council were handicapped by the lack ot elloperation from the Toronto llilil which is Ior wast responsihe tor lttitills or lack oil to the said illaiiitaincr we wrote several pal lluraplis to whitline cave lltttltl4 Vcspra hlaintaincr Returns lroni Winter llihernation We have oi ten heard the story of the ground Iioll which comes out from hiber nation to look for its shadow and their noes back into its hole again Last Sunday afternoon we heard the sound of machinery looked lotter is making coolilthrounh the bedroom window saw yellow painted siiowplow and Sunday attcrnoon Iutte nicely decorated The Lions ie tf lllli sponsored the Public Speak liii inn conttst Rev Stubbs It lloiwrts and French were ilie Illlliels The lltZL winners in trillr were loy Bertram spcakine lleaslii til eltltltl Direct Van Service to Eastern and Western are ll on th llklrllu llv llie llolncork lroblciii and HI MI SW hmr Mil Canada Hl lint vilillllllli llltlligtLltlllllliiill lily lldlll is ill the llllllll hospital iii he lulu ic lilies lnlnnllle need 8110 Illvjlill pneumonia rift llilt March ill tolks are sulterinIL with Many the flu lit and lll tilitllilts ind the no out lilllitl CALI BARle glr 4803 gellool llll boysnvere loe Irillil limb iigiillvp oolluliis gt1iljttt was The llllpstl liltlllllfslhttytli titjtlltsoiliitud volllv at WM mmgot lltlltllilt and Bill BtltILts mil Illuiltillhu it tin CLIINHd lspoltii on lllllnolous Iiiltlll II it rnmmmllrce Others who took part were Congratulations to ll and Mrs lttilill lrvsdzllc Betty Vollick blielswell on the arlnal ot and l2t ltlrnell All the speakers baby Ialrl sister tor iltl and llllli evecptionally well To add in Ann tlie evcnincs amusement ther Donnie lit llalsoll TorontoLibero songs latices and musical use of his new wheelchair and ii llil Alix Stewart ol numbers and last dainty lulich helpiiie him to devtlop llttlSClti veiled with iehulit bprinIe li Vanda with lll andlwzis served lli his arms keep up the cowl here The maintainer ls passme pelit ls Lloyd zlarson iomi mud hmwuw Um hbdp lo Allher Oil lucsday March picseft ponitment when cit uifolm ltllli tjgtlotillt it iIN tllIl tlltion shower party was held at ed it was not Vespra maintainer day he Pol olholne to mm mm No it school Oro ill honor of llliltlt hiredpiachine so now we Mew il RIIfliilnkl13 II ltauditmium and the basement have ACLOUNTANTS MUSIC LESS NS IHIIIN IILIII11 tbecn nicely decorated Reel Lvwwm ih an illardsall attended the ltlnllwiPlilquglii inlmiiupqiliw ARMSIRONG MMLAREN 00 JESSIE Rv BRYSON RMT eral of the late Charles Cluie at 10 as 1D an 91 CHARTEREDSACCOUNTANTS TEACHER OF PIANO SINGINGillt Elolnt ot his daughter hliilurmd lcnmmon Aggzmtil 53 QOHM St Barrie and THEORY Ptlpi1SDICpared 10 Whitney lhonipson at tlllston on APlanktlggtthllcadhii it iring 67 OIIILC Sit Toronto lexaininatlons of the Royal Conser satinlnl linktn it U15 RCSltlLItl Partner valory 01 Music TorOnto all tmd MFMFdllm an 5191023 MacLAREN BComm lCA grades including ARCH Modem 11 Cue two gvely cIiR Motho Bartlesnoll March HI ttistiI itlllclwn b3 HECI 1m BADGLEY Studio 27 Br dford St St Andrews llospital Midland luiSnglI wily IIIhngt ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR rT Mr and Mrs Rodney Barnes lillil195 lulu 151 At 24 Dunl0p Street Barrie DOROTHY JOHNSON mpg In ittmlripgltmcscccMOW 3411Tclc hone 135 it In INCOME TAX SERVICE tollsyimbigeMugic Egdorgndggntslngt million League lane was asststcd by Rev Bur tr College 01 Music piano and The Junior LeagueofSttrrJohnsthSSIand Rev IA Bow HERBERT HARRIS Thpmv United Chinchillae just cllmplel Elam till tlicivrlglzglegicltllpn101lit Certifixd Public Accountant 152 Ma ed their first lizlndcratt work andClUICL qty Tiironto and Barrie ltEeLWuol tilic ahoull to start it tell plumCIIrcndered severalsdcicd Itillltlt scl Barrie Office AVGU R0 ru llne young ILillS would appleciateiftiitotis REV MiBecll alllliall Wilson Building Post Office Square 513 315 it if the ladies would send alongOI Sinicoc Presbytery was the Te18phone 3397 Hill If lag 1199 solpe colored discarded hats to 11105 speaker Resident Manager anlclglignlgna1iIglnauddzifrcd help iltelll in their work ARRICK 1340 Dug bi SAMUEL ROSE Barrie Tel 5775 Chartered Accountant 39 Collier Street Phone 4949 WARD MAYOR and COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 18 Toronto St Toronto WELCH ANDERSON C0 Chartered AccoEutntants Trustees Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto For information Wlitiillltt Montreal 024 Menuhin lte Opening Services St Johns United Church ltiCil was damaged by fire few weeks lIIthl reopcned on Sunday The and Mrs Butler whose quiet vcrilt dont know whether it is splinu lint took place on Dec 22 This or not Nevertheless it did pioVL entertainment was held by OrJthat the local council are dour School Board its exlncmbers and their utmost to keep the roads the Ottl teachers for their super open Then we read more about visiiiu principal and his newlyac the last councd meeting and riot tuired wife Music dancing and iced that the Reeve had attended table ciiteitainmcht were provided Good Roads Convention This lor by the group Upon introduc should be good news for those who tion all agreed that Mr Butler had use the Vespia roads So now you venv suitable and charming wife know The maintainer has been The address which was in the form well rested throughout the motor of humorous poem was given by the Reeve knows all about good Mrs Robins Mr Bidwell theri prc roads the Council intend to have sented the happy couple with aa scaled governolkt put 01 the chrome trilicht floor lamp with maintainer so that themotor can pale green shade Thanks were exI not do too many revolutions per liended by Mr Butler on behalf ofI minute and ruin the lnzlchitieIand he and his wife Lunch was then all youhave to do now is persuade served with Mrs Robins pouring the Reeve that Ferndalo is in Ves tea Good inattendance was amplttt pla and that as soon as the snow evidence ot the good wishes ex disappears Hubbard IRoad the tended to the couple Many thanks autowreckcrs paradise Will be to all those who helped in any way bubbling over with delight to greet lto make the party success his better roads staff Ann Eliza Burnett 88 Enjoy Slliglllide Many friends and relatives at Oll Tuesday afternoon the Son tendcd the funeral on Monday dzlv school children of St Johns itlarch 13 l930 for Allin nlliza Bar nett who passed away after lili Unmd Chumh enjoyed their an ll at the home of her nual slcichridc Returning to the 20 53 Pllrish Hall where the mothers SISKXI Mls r0nSThmi had pot luck supper ready over MISS BillmtlIWHS b9m 151i one hundred children sat down to F105 TIOVnsmp and SPl htl tlre hie in the C01TllllLllllilll re ligion she was Anglican Rev enjoy all the good things After tl no ies Ofce 13 oweniSt Banjo pp mum on Stubbs conducted the impres sive services at the house and at Branch Office Elmvale Ontario 1d Cullflan 1001 p13 53 ghoys and cuts were present lolo ROWE BogSJKSCEAGRAMl Sulldaysaild gleatumbcr intss the glaVCstCtC ln Wavcilc cemt cd onlv one or two Sundays ill the 1010 one SlSlel SUWVCS MIR JOS Townes and one brother Robert Barnett at Wainwright Altaflf COWAN COWAN PM BBFTiStCITS SOlilevOlS NOiliesl In Aid of the Community Hall followinalieth as pallbearers Os COISUIlmg HOW54 am i0 pvmii The members otithe Board of car Archer Robt Graham Dave Monday 10 Fllday Tracle held another special even Ritchie Jim Bealdsall Wm Wllli OSTEOIATHIC PHYSICIAN K055 COW Iing March to in the Parish Hall ton and Mel Ritchie There were WILSON BUILDING ICOWAN BUILDING Iin aid of the Conniiunity Hall The many beautiful floral tributes vlthlRRIE ONT 53 Collier Si Barrie OntI high score for cuchle went to Mrs nnsu aion appoin men II Mel Ritchie and Calnllltlnl TELEPHONE 2293 Jngglglgllsiggm numbel of people were lucky lt lblngo and carried home some vcrv an Belt all of MONEY TQLOAN Inice prizes The car tickets weptl8 Iliglvnend de ybod0n l97 Dunlop SL Barrie Phone 31751 won ov Mrs Burton Mrs JI 13 Thompson of Hillsdale Whitton and Mis Ritchie Mls BOBI BABRE F1280 DONALD MacLAREN KC lb BARRE Barrister Solicitor Etc BC1 Mammw itovdd the music for dancini The onlalio SOClQiy for Clipple Ilgaznm OPTOMETRlSTSaU Money to 130an lEverioan reported having goolvl Children 15 CallylngphySIOI literi OPAztena hceglehlme 3933 330110 Temple Billldlnx BQIIIQuUmeI apy min the home of the crippled BEBE SMITH At Glen Rebekah Lodge ehildilri sixmonths one physioi VRODERT IIgtSMII 804 Successor to ttherapist on 1611 Societys staff On Thursday evening March made 550 visits 161 physio thcr OPTOMETRI DUNCAN MCQUAIG 1950 Glen Rebekah Lodge No 200 53 Dunlop binPhone 2580 Barrister Solicitor Etc apists will be added toU theF staff had the ilcasurcbt receivinI As when finances permit 58 asler Hours 96 daily Ross EllecgNFBialuri 1201213138 2719 gembtl lalclen Sistey Betty An Seals litelp rippled Children To grasp anIOPPounIyi that can load 19 Payne NOEL STEPHENSON Ro kl 1mm North BF her 9m menl or increased security OPTOMETRIST nkJOHN WOODS Kc accompanied by ism To meet emergencies like sicknoil death in the family in Bunion Stnlnarn PM um BEAREnt9BISgbgjvigglt or iemPPrarY loss of walk =Iial vipjt ilOROLoGl ALWINNOVATION Violet Fawcett Disllict Deputy Galileo was the first to apply the CHIROPRACTORS Phone 2661 To pay off scutfeied debts mentallyone banal unofmcrsLstE norms LIFE INSURANCE liftesidcnl of Colliiigwood District Pendulum principleA to clock con LoanespiAidWwe YEW WTSUC of income ii To preserve respect by meeting obligations without Licensed Drugless Therapists El asking friends or relatives for tmunctu Guidance ecrIIIlIchaangoThm all ott Is urnIiture in GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Conveyancers Etc MONEY TO LOAN IN CANADA BORROWS UP TO $1000 EACH YEAR osruorimlr EDWIN WILSON BSA D0 Friends from distance were Mr and Mrs Alvin TownesMr and Mrs Thos Dwinell Mr and Mrs OPTOMETRY who during the day will drop into the branch bank Savings depositors their pay heqltes iretailmerchants Withtlie days cash vpeopleconzsultilig theinanager about 1011113 Tothers cashing cheques it all part of the dailyiwork of the branch bank rd Hg i11AR111S 11 Vlftheise or othernancial problems are yours see your friendly ills Dunlop Street phone 3194 am glamming and Estate Analysis Close Corporation Group Key tManartnership Pension and Solo Niagara FinanceManager He will gladly arran private Intervxew for you at once Its his job to help settle our money problems in the most convenient bustnesshke way In wn yeasz theJlumberof accounts DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3070 17 Owen Street Barrie 13v APPOINTMENT DOUGLAS RANDALL no Chiropractor 34 Dunlop St Phone 3205 Ovor Olympia Restaurant Barrie vmummmu on 8M0 veterinarian and Surgeon Elmvale Ont P110332 Elmvale 3411 remnant Dual013i sriironou tm bonito it Barrio Piano 05 Proprietorship Insurance FRIENDLY DISCUSSION OF YOUR LIFE INSURANCE NEEDS Phone 4174 or 2705 Representing London Life Insurance Co Barrie IRONERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS snlrii co Eshblishcdlilsi FUNERAIn nmllorons AND EMBALMEns OPE DAY ANDNIGHT BARR ONT Rhone 2530 Motor Lmhulsnee in connection TOASTERS VACUUM CLEANERS POLISHERS FANS ANDCARRlY LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F PARTS w139 Dunlop St WE SERVICE WASHERS morons REFRIGERATORS IRONS GRILILS HEATING PADS ELECTRIC BLANKETS Phone 3721 TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN AND SERVICEMAN FinanceCompanyl 5w I930 Subsidiary of Iliduslriul Acceptance Corporation maintained by bank depositors has grown from 5000000 to 8000000 This shows howICauadians have come to count on their local banks it great variety of services The banks keep pace with the growin needs of the nation SPONSORED Iv ouo BANif