Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Mar 1950, p. 1

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TWICO Weakly MONDAY THURSDAY 87th Year No 241 Two Sections 10 Page BhRRtE ONTARIO CANADA homow MARCH BARR1E+ EXAMINER AUINLRIZLD AS SENDNB CLASS IML HY Inf HIS CHlCE LtPARIMENI OIIAiA per copy IiIIER AUDIT normal CIRCULATIOKD jNo Provincial Grant For BCI Auditoriumj Vespra Meeting Toldl Ugo The ABCs Of Traffic Safety The First Column BITS AND PIECES 11y UKURG ADOUAN Pages to Doe Let andlcap Stop Him 100 Strong offce In the 1700s llit1 ioldslznltl lczllarked on lt gt minutiaets They only collect their 33 my 14 llltelals Itlltl the oracle of some gt coffee home which olacle has hun self gathered their the night be fore from bean th ganlzng table who liasplllagul lil kloledgc from great malls gentlelllan who has invented the whole story for his own ullnslvzllent the night ple ceding To this We might add that the cost of colllctlng items for EN this column has doubled since lust ml MM month when coffee was only flvl Mi Uh Hle ml cents cup 1111 lstitlli spwl setup if 111 Il till Tllt it lSootl l1ltl IS Th mm pu nosed culling llolsptcl illlltllllS 1111 itllllm of lltkutillt 1lefjtj1pitllmlltuillltltfk 1111 llurls Stones wuh Friends Wife And to tollclllde paragraph in the story be quoted ll woman curler as saying All want now is another one Poll of tin new gin tll townships as lllll by My 11l 11c ld in 111111 41 tall ahall till 2tlll1 from tlit 121131 lrlli 191 Ell 1111113 Illlllltf t1l 111 It follrllltiol to til It11vlit on the Ill Hm Ilnzl to Elllt 15121 12 lill 1111515 would not bv illlt tol tlllltli to lower el JIM FORGHI csslnl 111 llltgrlrl 1111121 Hr Sci ntill 11 Til Wild fltor to llll= 111 one ltllt ktl blind uorkcr at the first oopcrative Packers Barrie Itltsnt intend to let his handicap stop him from earning his own way After ollly two weeks at the job his work is up to normal standards rmtll WWI and he has mastered two processes some pcuplt find too intricate He also did much of the work to lolllpletc an unfinished bungalow he and his wife purchased at Wasaga Hutch before moving to Harrie Photo by Vince Farr Blind Man Builds House At Wasaqa illtl 1111gt ls litlljv lll zialltr tlllilllltli it an ll llollltrllcnt tzlx nllls tlcatlol torlzplrtl leuulntiolz ale to hr 11i Irtl 1121 to 111 otllcl tttltlfll schools llil1 till illgt Yesterdays AdvertisingA lllllll It at ilen lluron winch is still in bllsl 11145 heals the following legiblc illscrlptlon which was written about 100 years ago Shear your sheep and wash your Bradford YPU Play unit llcnillt it person who for few without the Vgave Orillia whirl Its bottleI constable bottle containing tropi cal fish vool Pack it up in slleetsoi sacks Pile it on your horses bucks lll buggy cart or carriage tlllr mills we dont disparage llring it on to llnron Glen Come here once youll come again Spring is Hcrelhis is the time of year when the motorist who llllttSlliS eye off the road to gaze at flock of crows is soon jarred back to his senses when his frollt wheels drop into deep hole Some of those Bump signs along the highway llligllt well be erected up side down to indicate depres sion Parade of the enturyW Wood Reeve of Essa Township is planning ll milelong parade for the Essa Centennial at Angus ncxt July In addition to teams of oxen drawing wagons and pillc stumps well have horsedrawn hearse said Mr Wood But the vehicle some of the ratepayers would like tosee is the township snow plow and no doubt that will be includ ed too Slightly ExaggeratedOn Friday we read that famous scientist said he would lcfusc to work on the lIbonlb because it could be used only for destruction newspaper editor will had just written screaming headline about how the Hbolnb could destroy the world llc dozcd over his paste pot seconds and dreamed that series of Hbombs had been exploded Everyone ill the world had been killedeveryone except ing himselfso he wrote news story and published it with thf heading Mankind oblllelalcdrt Butxlftcr the paper wasoft the press he recognized mistake so he wrote letter to the editor to say that the story had been ex aggcratcd by one In the Cups AgainThe Third Columnist of the Olillia Packet and Times laments the fact that inone ofrits readch has reported He said he would give free subscription to the first produces clear evi dence of flying saucerwith or cup What gliding home on moonbeam last night roving reporter asked flying saucer pilot if he ever passcd over Orillia The only time ever the people there wouldnt believe me so havent been back since replied the 23inch pilot flying saucer Eskimo TobaccoAt LloydDun lops store in Moonstone last Week clerk sold two small girls two plugs of tobacco When the clerk reached into the freezer he made mistake and pulled out the chew ing tobacco that had been placed there to harden for special cus tomen Afterrrleavmgchestoredh children were surprised when they opened thei bag and they soon re turned Fish StoryWhile walking home along Bradford Street oneevening Ward resident was questioned by police constable who drew up in cruiser Whats that under your coat queried the officer Well lets see whats in it carltshowyou here its too coldzGet inside the car its awarm herel So the citizen did as he Was told and opened up his coiltIto show the Siatute Labor In the days be4 fore taxes reached their present state of limportance roads were built and maintained by statute la bor Each property holder in the rural districts was required to do certain share of the work Com menting on the lack of success of the system writer compiling history of Essa Township said the Lstaute laborer did not work too Drive Slowly The Financial Post reports that the automobile business is showing signs of giving in Prices are going down and in some cases one can get immediate delivery Used car prices are down about onethird from last fall and it almost hew cars can be bought at $200 discount Toronto used car lots The auto business was one of the last to hold out against buyers market This brought to nd the Story Of aitwo daughters Mrs Williams IHCCAISF MOTOR lIiillWH is on the increase Hon ieorge Iltlncett minister of highways states Young cllllllrclldlave to he taught safe Inlbits Ronald aksdalc five left alld Sandy Shannon Harry Bruce Thompson Retires iAtter 39 Years As Railwayman Many Friends at Open House Monday March 20 lllarkcd the bond has lived all active outdoor retirement of Harry llrnce Thomp life and has been outstandinli ill son well known Nit conductor many branches of sport When who completed his last run on the boy he became jockey under the Toronto way freight Oil Saturday orange and green of the Dylllcnt March Brookdale racing stable when Mr and Mrs Ihompsoll had made Johnny Dynlent was in command no definite plans for that evening Naturally he played hockey with but their home at 50liffin Street the Brookdale team scrappy or was all open house for friends and gallization of boys from that area neighbors trapping in to offer cons tlrallk Lollgllurst is probably the gratulatiolls and vspend social only other member still ill townt time informally Later he waswith tllc lullior 011A Bcsidc llClCll illlll Robert dough in the stirring battles of 15101 with tor and son at home one laughter the Colts Still later he played in Almll Mrs Bourrie of Fort Erie torlllcdizltc and senior when Barrie was present with her husband for was going places the occasion and they remained With the sturdy hockey of the few days Church League Bruce again found Other members of the family are time to put up his usual strong game with the Allalldale Will ners for several seasons In baseball it waLthc same story with perhaps his best showing as llltflllDCIwpf the Barrie team about 1912 110 also excelled ill jumping Bernice of Toronto Mrs 11 Schlizcr tllazcll of Chicago and it son Herbert ill Brantford Bruce llllsalso two sisters Mrs Keycs Toronto and MlsE Byrncs Chicago and follr brothers lacrossc and sprinting and has clear Robcrt Toronto who is now visit cd 12 feel ill the pole vault big here Ernie ill Scuttle James He is member of Corinthian soiluncouvcr and Lorllc at Powell Lodge AF AM of the Brother River BC hood of Railway lrzlillmell and of Conductor Thompson entered the the Allandalc Lawn Bowling Club Service of the GTR as brakmau whcrche is looking forward to the ill 1911 and in 1916 became con comiilg season on the greens ductor ll position he held until Prior to tile last World War he retirement with an excellent record donated silver cup lfor annual throughout Through those years competition infurroad race of about he was on many different runs and five miles on the Elizabeth Street thud maily unusual experiences Ferndalc Road and Tiffin Street Born ill Barrie Bruce since child route OEV$6000 Nearer For Hospital Fund To Meet Objective With the hospital fund at $70000 five are coloring safety illustrations in the of Traffic Safety hook provided by the Ontario Department of Highways STAR PHOTO BY NORMAN JAMES ABCs Arena Charges 25 To Charity Groups Minimum Fee $150 Marcll 1111b 1050 To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir In order that the general public and all parties concerned will not receive wrong information regard ing the rental rates of the Barrie Arena we wish to state that the following rates are applied to char itable organizations and local scr vicc clubs 255 of the gross gate receipts until the Arena receives maxi mum of Three Hundred Dollars $30000 with minimum guarall tee of not less than Ollc lltllldlCd and Fifty Dollars $150001 Also that the organization bcrcquircd to use and pay for at cost regular or specially printed tickets according to the Arena scat plan it being un derstood that should floor plan be necessary the tickets shall bc numbered consecutively and that all tickets issued sllzlll be accounted for Yours very truly llic Barrie Arena Commission Wclham SccyTreas DayOld Baby Rushed To Toronto Picked up byla police escort at Aurora car carrying sick baby from Royal Victoria oSpitul to the Sick Childrens Hospital at Toronto made the trip in about One hour Friday The baby is the daughter born Thursday to Mr and Mrs Ted Har daker Ted Oaks of Allandalc friend of the Hardakcrs drove the car The baby suffering from 11 com pairatively rare spinal condition was taken toToronto on orders of Dr Smitll Mrs Fitz simmons 183 Bayfield Street was the nurse accompanying the baby IAccidental Death was TDpel Ltll of all costs up to 200 pup Mr Itntfln tale that according to the lllltlnlllttnlllll the 111le grant would be made up follows thil lllillliltllioll tor tlllllllllltlll and other tactols no grant per pnpll of average daily llltllliillltt 1010 This would lie based on assessment per jcaplta ol the area covered by the high cilool ii rough esti nlation he placed this portion of the ltlfllt lznn to litl at 3111 Il percentage of expenditures 1111111 10111 or debtlltlne charges new bulldzugs tl additions trans portation old tltlljlllltllt up to tilt amount lppwlcd lll each case and Ian lets leld hf titaritllllC pupils In the case of 13131 this would be about 111 per cent cI grant for night school ld nan of S100 foreacll rur all school nation that ls colllpletcly Willth the lttlllIKiillltS ot high school district that operates 1111111 revolving around the colllpliclltlonsi was Clarence Brown 111 rula areas will include ta grant of $10 per pupil of average daily attendance ill 1010 This could be interpreted as cover ing nlzlilltellancc administration ill structional supplies etc school The new grants for public schools alum lb prlcelltaec of teachers sal zlties debenture charges transporta tiopapploved capital outlays front current funds The percentages 23 in allwlie between low of 10 per cent and if lugtl of 90 per cent and nrcbascd on assessment per Classroom cl Township school areas are entitled to all additional grant of $1100 for each former school section ill the area Urban boards sucll as ill Barrie receive percentage of teachers salaries debenture charges approv cd capital outlay from current funds and $16 per pupil of average at tendance Ill his remarks Mr Duftul ex plained that in previous years ppb lic and separate schools received percentage of operating costs up to iLarge Display Room New Front Project Of Emms Electric Leighton Hap Emms cant seem to settle down despite the fact hockey is rapidly moving out of the Kcmpcnfclt town He has made several outofstown trips in search for hockey talent in his cf paign Saturday campaign officials were DarkHorse confident that if the response of past weeks week should see the fund over the $76000 objective They were still emphasrzmgd however that some people may have been missed in the canvasses and their donations will be great Also anyone wishing to increase their donation will boost the total at time when most sources have been contacted The campaign committee met on Thursday with view to review ing special names and checking on local sources which may not have been canvassed It was feltithat campaign head quarters would heassisted greatly ifc canvassers still operating make an effort to turn in collclions and pledges received to date although they may not have completed their work Thiswould give an accurate check on the progress ofthe cam somc townships had about com pleted their campaigns lgAll have their work well under Way but some had been held up by poor road conditions ff Vespras campaign is nearly com plete andhas achieved over $2000 more than its objectch of 33800 Orods virtually completed and officia1sthere ekpected the ob jective of $3800 would be passed iReturns from Essa have almost reached the objcctiveof $3500 with the campaign continuing No returns had reached the office from Elmvale and F105 but the campaigns were going well In Innisfil it was believed the objective had been passed with the campaign still progressing Poor road conditions had hamper ed canvassers It is expected that as substantial sum will be sub scribed at Camp Borden where committee headed by JohnMitch inson general chalrman of the continues another Spitres To Junior Title Guelph Biltmorcs who fin ished in fourth place in the DEA junior standings cop championship mmmsachimn heg for thcfftr mcSatmday ped the league night with 32 overtime vic tory over Windsor Spitfires campaign is handling arrange ments mel residents Last week donation of $100 received from the Nuljss Alumni of Royal Victoria Hospital $100 dunatlons wastalso received from the Oddfellows Homanssoc iation of Barrie was BAD COLDAND FLU COMING EVENTS BABYyCROMPTON DIES IN HOSPITAL Mr andMrs Joseph Cramp top 12 Elizabeth St Barrie lost their siximonthsold daugh ter Susanne Diane tastweek The baby had been suffering from severe cold andu and doctor was called On Mon day night the baby was taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital and she died the following day Rev Mr Hdughtonnconduct ct the funeral service on Thursday and the body of Sus anne wll rest Kin vault at the Barrie Union Cemetery until next Spring when interment wllt be made in Churchill Cemetery Surviving little Susanne in addition to her parents is l8monthsaoldxsister Linda Good returns had been re any Hill who had the earmuffs of ceived from Sunnidale Township Some special events are planned for next month and committee is todeal with arranging for par ticipation in the campaign by sum fort to remodel Barrie Flycrs for the next OHA Junibr season And bn top of that he is in the middle of giving his clcctric shop new look Dclcr lovely cFVCtITCL fixtures refrigerators radios and electric stoves plus various electric appliances Emms is dividing his isllop into twostorey business He has already commenced work onja display room on the second floor where over 200 various types lof light fixtures can be shown to the public cw Emms is also constructing me his 9313 down was WBIChiUE for 311 angled front on his store which other train due and failed to hear promises to be one of the most at the Slititching engine It was active in Barrie brought out that the engine was Thisv project will take from travelling slowly and soundingtits three weeks to month he said warning bell but wearestill carrying on with The inquest Wsheldundcp Cor service work and will endeavor to oncr Dr Jardine William serve theconsumcerin anyway we Thompson KC crown attorney can conducted thejinquily Of Hawkestone Man On Orillia Tracks Accidntdldeath was the at an inquest into the death of Wal ter Hill CNR track patrolman killed in switchingaccident on Thursday March 16 at Olillia The jury completely absolved the crew of the switching engine which struck Hill who had been walking across the tracks after removinghis gas jiggcr The jury felt that prob Euchre Township HallMldhurst Friday March 31Good prizes first and second hospices LTB 511 Midhurst Lunch 25c 23251 Churchilt Curlirig Club annual dance Churchill Community Hall Friday Mar 31 Beattys Orchestra lLunch provided Admission 50c 24251 Bingo at the Loyal True Blue Hall on March 29 at 830 pm LOL 3166 2324b Youth For Christ rally Tuesday Mar 28 at pm in Central United Church 2324b Old time and modern dancing Wednesday April to the 1music of Pattendens Mountaineersp at Club 79 Barrie sponsored by the BarrieBoxing Club under the management of Orv Dash Ad mission 50c each Snack bar Dancing 9pm to1 am 2426b LEIGHTON HAP EMMS lne liradtorll plzl Married at the lnlngproductzon were Irwin $75000 Wins Drama Event Allenwood Second liradford Young Peoples Union 011 the 11111111 drama festival cd lrl Itcal tlll loyelorn girl sponsored by Snncoe Presbytery of for getting more rt lollslve each Elc tnlttd tlllllch 1311 year The time nl applause liradtord YPtY pllv won out ot1 trln lilo ill the and illenlloo1 YIt lit the finals tlli rnce vlost of the scan 111 the nude 11 iday 11111111qu he Ilnrrlc Collcgl torlulll were occupied lto auditorium Winn Mrs 110V than congratulat 1o praised for their parts lll iullrlsc llllillti by George lrown tln lrdnesdly of this llotnolllc as the young corporal Dorothy their in the mother and wit the liradteld YIU will stauc lnrlo llau lttlzs as tit pert kid sister then ply lt Elurchvllle nean 11 WW pine the 311llptol llle ltllltl of this event llllltltl vlll tlllll the right to compete ill the was wall lorollto Conference finals to llclpllly and him the cooperation ot held at lloild Head on luesdly 1111 iltliltlltt the way r11 1101114111 arrled at Sunrise was comedy icorgo Brown said Ilt lllilllll to put on ax we had it lrolllptor for the Bradford play The stagci of soldier who told his girl his setting was quite good and the go had been cut short and he cral effect was entertaining for the wished toigct lllal rlcd at once The audience main scene took place ill the ltonlel Rev Mczlolslvlsil of Bradford of the brides parents ill 12 21111 with was called on to present the champ mother and father and grandmother ionship shield to the winners 11c and kid sister all on build to help noted that this YPL had been elilll Mrs Dorothy Bollinll of New hinted ill the first round two years tllarkct who has been the adjlldililli llttttltstd to the finals lust Lilttll tllrouehout the Simone contesti TUl 21110 11111 111111 101101100 1111 since March also judged the fillle toP plays Mr Mchlvish said he had noted Conllllentlng tllillcvillllillg p1uyi00C Of 10 lim 1111115 1110111 111C Mrs Bowman particularly praised drama contest that had at first trou ttlc work of the grandmother Lois bled llilll and this was that so many Farts Sllc worked so hard and young people were learninc how she achieved this character She to lose liesaid News Cll 11 lcallycamc into her own tonight 1301111111111 life to know how to 1050 The adjudicator also commended and he noticed that thc losersweirc the father Kenneth Brown and thCCDIIllg this with better grace mentioned his good voice strong In commenting on the other play and not seamed gwllicll reached the courtly finals 1110 Friday night performance by Mrs Ray Spring with Marion Furlong as assistant The only crit iltg winning sllleldlm hl ll jllllllt 1ilhlliltb at several jobs lSunllidale Illc Allcnwood play was directed m3 rumor will be remembered as Works At Copaco Jim Forglr 30yearold totally olnld liiilll now of Harrie is prov that reverelj handicapped pwple can find place in indus tly Now in hit second week of cm ploy at the First Iooperative laclers lllll Jims work is ill rlady zip to normal standards states Charles McMartin superin ndollt Mr Ilclartnl said that to date he has lllastered two packing jobs reolnrinl great amount of dex tcrzty with the hands Many people have found difficulty with the lots and some have been llll able to rlt on to them Mr McMat= vttltl rho 1111 been sightless since lllltlltli ill 1940 iii gold blast ill Northern Ontario idleness He has worked snlcc he was re leased from hospital ill January of 1011 eight months after the acci dent lie and his Wife Barbara bought an unfinished bungalow at Was ago Beach and finished much of the remaining work outside of few specialized jobs themselves He gives most of the credit for lhz decorating to his wife but he painted the exterior laid concrete ill the garage and completed sev eral other jobs himself The couple and their nine nlontllsold son James Austin arc rle Jim had worked at drilling and blasting underground in the north for about three years before his accident Before that he had work ed at garage work ill Stayncr but had spent mast of his time at tarnlv ing ill that area His parents Mr and Mrs John iMrs Bowman said 1110 Allcnwoodl 01 to die now lctn St YPU had reached their peak with ed alum after thrilling for thinly years ill whcrc 11an was born cal lidatc in 1929 for thc provino cial legislature icisul offered on this production was that the characters did not ADVERTISING IN THE EXAMIN ER BRINGS RESULTS Turn to page tillOCDlCElSCl 70000 210000 65000 195000 quarterfinals with Westo the more than eked out 32 180000 ry The fifth gamc of the bestill scven series will be played in Was ton Tuesday with the sixth contest 50000 551990 ll Dukes Saturday night when triumph Henderson to hold the Score to minimum But when Dukcs Georgcdllmu now living on Wellington St Bar $22sooogtFlyers Duck The Dukes lWith 32 Win Saturday Lead JuniorBSeriesj Barrie Flyers took 21 onegame lead in their OHA junior 000 fans havechartcrcd bus for the trip to Weston and those wishing to see the match are requested to Isolooolcontact Bradleys Lunch The Flycrs had marked super iority over the visiting Dukes ill every period Mistakes allowed filledsIrimileadftebkthreatencdrin the late stages when Weston mov cd every man up on the attack Bill Longs charges outshot the if Dukes 168in the first period but could gain only one countcron net minder John Henderson That was shot by the star of the scriesito date WibMcArthur with 12 sec onds remaining in thckstanzap Bill Sexton and Lloyd Pcarsalt assist cd Flycrs continued their dazzling attacks inthc second Although they only carried 107 edge ill shots territorily they had WeSton cradtmednvitjin the confines their own backyard Henderson had tlvo goals punchc ed behind him before Barrie goalie Marv Brewer saw sunshine back of his cage The trio of Dan Po Hand Dan MacoDnaldand Bill Scx ton provided the victory At least one member of the line figured in all Barrie goals MacDonaldcEught Henderson on 15 his back at 347 of the second to give the Flyels 20 leadand while Barries Ken Collins and Wcstons Wally Max cooled their figthing irotlsi sinbin Poland literally battled fora mark One dOQIiiIOIn You or at 1247 shooting while he was falling to the ice means three dollars for the new hospital 120000 60000 The lead appeared comfortable enough to hold Weston at bay for the remainder of the game And the way the Flyersi were skating and passingthe disk it left only iff 31111119019113 litidllcsil Tel lcson took pass over two liner WllilC dcfcnccman Lloyd Pearsall was interfered with by Eric Nestor to move in close and break Brew crs loonlingvshutout it placed different outlook on the contest Weston caught fire and provid ed the crowd of over 1000 with emanyithrills Early in the third Weston forward Bill McFarland in tercepted Scxtons pass at his own blucline to race unmolcstcd for goal number two and narrow the deficit to one From then on ABalric found it nipandtuck It tooka nifty piece stopping by McAltliur whilcfBrcwer was caught out of the cage to prevent Westlin from cf puck gaining equal footing It also took ciashing bodycheck by rockrib bchcarsall to slow the eetfoot cd Jack thldrake and take the f5 spark outof the Weston attack The Dukes pulled Henderson 1th one minute and 22 seconds rc aining for Six forwards butBar ric made great defensive stand They had opportunities to Clinch the contest with shot on the open net especially when Polands loopg or rolled inches wide of the corn er penalty to MacFarland at 19 endedthe Westou drive al though thcy left Henderson in the players box Coach Long placed Ken Collins on Jack Weldrake andthe Temis kaming product did grand job Forward Bill Hagan aggravated his knee injury in thethtrd and Print Emms dreSscd for the fiftliganl George Litster wellknown in North Simcoe has beennppolrlted to the Ontario Municipal Board suffered badlyibruised hip from collision wtthgthej gold post All hands are expectedtolbev

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