Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1950, p. 9

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t1tllillllll casoavtsgaucii 16 1850 lH Mrs Andy Cumming Presides at WCTE tts owl Wotitiik lIioi 3515 was held the Knapp Ml liltlrtl hl lllll An It llliflt1 ll 6054 90 moaAIy NEnftIPER c5 we we Doris 5cm CCLJD us magmasow ma coo AN in iiont Jiln tulllliytttl lliUI teats lot fiaiiitt llltiIlllll nation tatli pill the Ills BlzUTUF1 with an plat ll Iiolij All Itnlll lllil lllt dtllwatd lllt pit illittl llltvlflt It of tlittaiio ttdtiatton n1 leingitiuittg fltIS ttltiit then lllilllV instan children and youths lives Knapp selvttllea Zllltff by Mr llllttlStltt llIniltoit lltltl teeently was the Hattie llittllllli blts lll 551v IlsaHate the UHth sot QotTE SURE BJT THI5 816 RENSDAPER PAL OFwImE WiLi DO IT at UP RarITl COTrtJS ITHltlI DON KOIV AW iiiefv PAERLENWBJI COJPT TELL THE 1132313 THAT llewell amt it the GREAT1LTEJROIJ HELLOYES ME WORKy rust 1211s 1W NCODINEHWATS jHENQYl THE PLUG 1902 FE will lsassmrca 155 VERY 11cm TEORgtOU3ll VIEBED yoghwsmw WHAT PAPER kutgmlllr 5191 31 ot ll1t trainel liitei adult oik we ind inspiid leadiitl ll er teiiipeitnte lollowintt the medium Mic gt gtVV trahani FARMERS ATTENTION CLOVER SEED TIMOTHY SEED lASTURF MIXTURES and all grasses are now starting to move out AND BE SURE TO LOOK Late WANT A05 YOURE Tagtitan YOUYOU=4$ WltATICHIEFn 1T MADE THE PAPER lT L9 Aw OF TODAYS not PAPERS MAYBE IT LL 5E IN TOMORROW Come in and see our display at 119 Dunlop St Barrie DO NOT DELAY YOUR ALFAIJA SEED mam WLQNFARIO FADE It will be scarce later on GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS NOW READY We ltthO the famous FIRE CHIEF PETUNIA SEED IN STOCK It is startling color Broandolld Secdsmen Since 1871 117 Dunlop St Barrie PHONE 2435 Written for The Barrie Examiner By WALLY IZSAK About as well as could be ex pcclcdtltttts more or less how the British Empire Games turned otit front the Canadian standpoint thn the weeklong sports spec tacle concluded at Auckland NY recently tlte point difference be tween tlte fourthplace Canadian IIeaiit aitd the turned the games into onecoun try show arid ramped Off with 634 points 1031 better than ttic Cana dians zith 231 Australias effort was the best since the lllcountry event was first run off at Hamilton Onl iit 1930 Th host New anland took the ttiitnerAIip spot this time with 370 points while England was third with 311 Canada went into the games with eight 1113 records but by the time the fatal race was run the Aussies had rubber out seven of them Each person has his own opinion as to the reason for the rather dis topaaitkinu Ans tialtans was huge The Australians which specialize iii training men for thch international gettogeth crs liven at that there were few bright spots for the Dominion in 010 recent games And these point cd tip the argument that it is lack of training aitd levclopittcnt Cans ada suffers arid not the lack of good materink As an example it wasnt until tltc final day of the panics that Canada toolea first iii track and ficld cvciit Then longlegged youitgstcr from Vancouver sped around the the mile track in re cordbrcaking timc Twenty0nd yearold Bill Parnell outdistanccd Englands Lcs Eyre by four yards in four minutes and 11 seconds Before that day cndcd Leo Rotti iiicitwho at that went to Finland Clean Clothes Wear Longer mal showing of Canadas $100000 team But mainly its the same reason that saw the Dominion do so poorly at the London Olympic games And that reason is the lack of proper development and training of Canadian track and field athletes and not the lack of athletic material itself This country ncvcrhas been stronghold of track and field and it probably wont be for good long time yet Canada has alot to learn about the development and organization of the sport on more national scale Ito pick up few pointersaddcd Canadas only other trackand ftcld first place The Sudbury 0111 athlete won the javelin throw lwith toss of 187 feet 4153 inches Another bright spot was the work of handsome young doctor also from Vancouver Dr George Athnns put on brilliant comeback in drenching rain to defeat Ictcr Heally of Scotland in diving Clean Clothes Wear Longer Clean Clothes Wear Longer Clean Clothes Wear Longer and look better too Let us help you give the entire familys wardrobe it better appearance Call us today sit that the doc will stick strictly to medicine front now on and forgot about future international compe tition HELP NEEDED Attf and 11359330 if 13035331331313 Name Omeesmg struggling tokccp the game alive Roe Manager Of Bank and trying to remcdy the situation Their job without assistance at Stratford BeacOnHeiald Roe 113 Glastonburyqu pears to be almosthopelss In other words the majority of the sports eventsat either the Olymplc Games We accountant since 1946 at the Strat type 0f atNewsneglecmdm cal ford branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce will leave the city Feb for London Ont to make preliminary preparations to take ada How then can we expect 0111 young athletes to put up as good over his new position as manager of newlyconstructed branch of show collectively as countries the bank to open at Dundas and Durinda Sts London about March PROMPT DELIVERY com5 CLEANERs Clean Clothes lear Longer Clean Clothes f35107 109M slgllo uoalo Wear Longer THE TREND ISTO THE Mr Roe who has been teller at the Stratford branch of the bank from 1933 to 1941 returned here as accountant following his discharge from the Canadian Army after four years service as an officer He enlisted at Londouin 1942 as arilieutenant in the Canadianln fantry Corps leaving his position as accountant at the banks Sea forth bank after one year there He received his discharge at Lon don JuneJQi 1946 holding Lhe rank of captain in the First Can adian Armoured Carrier Regiment 79th British Division Mr Roe began his service with the bank as junior in the branch at Barrie near his home town of Minesingwin1930 WHewscrivedat Elmvale Midland Parry Sound and Toronto befOrex coming to VirgibiqittiryTarrim The shadow there however is justh protective it Jouml at the proceedings at MARflIBllRN FARM MIDONTE Slmtoe County amda West 1833 to lllfii by GEORGE WILSON it eue dri oi il lll tie iiltItti 31 ll 11 di and his liar tii 11 tlttl ll ltid ltivi ltllli It hit 111 1011 if llt lltl it Ulmihtl llit KI llltlt tout appeared 111 alitytli lion 111 Iit laitt pot ll lo It div lt It tulvl tttlrll no 11 north IIlt ill tolitlt finiit comet 2ll I1gtiivtlt le lI tilt rll lll lt 1iit liia tli has pieticil lll lll ltlllltl lliiltl tlittlia limp 1th SI ll11HlTlt li lll ltta lilwl at note tilvleied the toiii and went to hillia to attend the torriiitiitinii lltltittlei Storm 30 lillllllttt flli Ihit Indian tain LES lnu day 1r tiny pteaetad ll meditate at 10 20 Ditto weathel limployttt dont Statute 1inni ill old Til llueltanai left for dontieal Ihli Wilson aitito ol tlw llatelitaari loarnpl leit It days later tlllltlitil lllllll Stpl ll lint the lld naittty li the intenal the ltitlllla was tllllI1 ni ilt hyone of hi Titllrx oi Ilttttittisinlaw llllil leoit 10 uu ihliiltlt llllltl front the Sault Ilttll ll In illfl oa ll 1nt Itd lottot over ltlt It 1th ll ltlilll lll itll la litllt LIII itety 11 day Ititalil ll lttlllt lotvio terminal Mr Wilson llIt tortndotot llllllatll onto Ali lhtehanan itttiintlt tioiit lonltel lll hlts Match lelt tor liiitee lfduartt District Ilinvt where thiy had itttltlllttl taint lie lllllll left the employ of tle lluti sons Ila litIait lll itotistlteepiittg lountl tnw llitlt very tall and lonely lot all my potatoes lifted Yield 110 ltus front llaittetl The line weather at an end Bl llewan getting the Llil in oidei Ytet lay MI fray preached it oldwalei 2ft Worlair tl Itutei lllitlti lions iii the Alill and StalileSttited the ill ltltllfllttl from To lhe la tltl NOVEMBER Went to Oiillia for stove pipe and snowing all yl Ieidiy Snow fell inches last night lll Very warm for several 1a lllllll Summer 20 Wotltiiu at lloard lentt 21 Sawing Witt went llt the ien to Orilha for lltlll Trees front Leslies frost with wind very cold Wolltlitt at liiidpe over the 23 llard frost still continues in lliltlllll dune Jtl Fine clear weather lhaw ltl Stitsiill 24 Severe waste unto cellar settired froiti the Frost Dunn Stlltt lee on the ellurine first time this llntlint llEClZMlllill Frosty Witt employed llfltllllll ottt ltlll Sawin Malian Ioieh Received letter front lapit dated lltlt Nov No snow oii the ground About ait inch of snow fell last niulit tl ltaitiinu and thawmp il freezing ll1 Collecting at oldwalcr for Mr tray Beautiful clear weather not cold Looking for the Side Line of los land it Witt ttawson beuait ttllfltlblllSltlllt1 Sawing 10 Sawing Win ttniasiiinzz 11 Sun very warm Had the doors open all day 11 Sawinit and working the stable 11 Sharp frost last night All day llllilSlllIlt for Win Ifatsi 16 llild aitd cloudy with misty rain Sawing the last of my lots 17 About an inch of snow last night Wm killing puts lll 1r iray preach ed at Goldwater in the afternoon 10 Hard frost aitd clear Brought the thrashing machine over to my Earn 23 ltttashinc my wheat 20 Mild with high wind About enough of snow for good sltiuhinc but rather rough Wrote to England the Saull and the lluchanans 37 llaid frost and cloudy great deal of lraveling on our roads 21 Witt hauled flay front my Barn 29 Very cold Witt went to Orillia Collector called for Taxes 10 Cleaning my wheat Witt returned Ill lllll with clear stin seeing Inone SlilllC Finished cleaninu my wheat TOURISTS SPEND NG Eight Thousand Eyes Dmm mm Goggles may seem bit both ors to Canada spent 5270000000 or somc biit youll get much more used to them than you would to with only one eye 01 at allstalcs an cffcctivck black and yellow bulletin sent out to thousands of plants in the mem bership of the Industrial Accident Prevention Associations The bulletin reminds industriall workers that while the ordinary house fly 113301000 eyes man has only and these he must protect through the use of properly adi ogglcs tarfo Sign TlME FOR REVERENCE In your bcrcavcmcnt when you nccd help most we are at your call with sympath ctic understanding ready to offer your loved 73110 the last reverent tokens VTTTWDERATE TERMS STRAYS EAT WELL ll McCREARY MAN CPtHun dreds of deer have strayed from Riding Mountain National Park game reserve andarc finding the pickings good on the farm They have developed taste for hayand are giving farmers 11 lot of trouble says gamc warden Robertson Funerals complete front $100 and up Petliiclt Smith Funeral Home PHONE 2530 127 Baveld St Listen Sun 530 pm Barrie Chapel Chimes CKBB Regiment which he joined in Sep tember 1946 as captain He is at present adjutant of the regi merit Mr Roe has wife andtwo daughters Beverley Anne 10 and Judith two charter member of the Strat ford Kiwanis Club Mr Roe has been treasurer of the club since its inception here in 1947 FocButl illl olI ILI lll Inil linuxlti Iitlll line waim weather iiotiitd drying fast Witt returned front Orlllltt 13 Win workiiu at his lurnips itllllltl at which 3105000000 was spent in It wings The Amazon River which flours tlil1git Print Brazil has an ap iz v32 natt Timid miles Honor Grandmothers March W1 Meeting Election in April ttll llafltll ll till am wad fr il lltll 11 httil llIIlIl Ii lll 31 ThcrcI quick inilifnctory Ioltition to tcmpoury money Ilioruga NIAGARA lOAN life innircd It no extra on for your protection my to get quickly The Niagara Loan Spcclllltt II friendly helpful member of this community II no help you to budget your Income to include your repayments He often four kind of loan pllmt 1qu or truck business equipment firm ock and equipment husband and wife There are 251 loan amounts and repayment plum running tip to 24 months See the Niagara mart privately today iI lelLitl the ltllitiirulosl It llilli ll Ill lo gt kittiti lltllilll till tattatvtttstiiizttisiiion Alls tIIlttoit tll tli 1min itiade the to shell tonalti tlis took llllle the timer or till lead hv llt paper ptt ltlle lll lt llillls ivy 2m lllt 11 that It ltlllllillflttfl le ll ltt tltlltil to lllllltltl The nest lilttllll of the lusti lilll 1ll he held on April at the home of Mrs Jacobs 221 Hayfield 51 At this nieeliit the election Iof officers will take place and tveiyone is ttlttlhltl attend The officers will he hostesses FINANCI COMPANY LTD IUISIDIIIV INDUllltll Atmqu The Wilson Building PHONE 5533 SQUARE BARRIE illllhtlll lniieli as served by the non tzraitdmothers of the Institute to nneltide the March meeting 20 PROTEIN Crumbled CHICK STARTER Not MashNot PelletJust Crumbled Better GrOwth Stronger Bodies and Economy in Feeding United States isit Expiariment Norris and Heusr This chart proves the importance of proteins on growth 20 protein feed in weeks produced 10 greater growth than did the 18 protein feed Blatchfords Crumbled Chick Starter contains 20 protein Relished by chicksgrowth is the resulttry bug todayyoull be more than satised DEALERS IN YOUR DISTRICT Ira Wilson COOKSTOWN Wilson MINESING Eric Mercer THORNTON Bell UTOPIA Alliston Farmers Coop ALLISTON Brown 800 BARRIE Dennis BRADFORD 4Day My xStratford in 1933 He left Strat Ifotd again in 1941 to takethe posi tion of accountant in the Seaforth branch Mr Roe has been active since his return toistrzttford in the Perth BATTERY JREPAIRS Fast autism RECHARGING BRENNANS AUTO ELECTRIC Iszitvtccs 33 Baytleld Sh Banto PHONE 2464 reexrOtAccos roeivivo snokip SATISFACTION Join the parade of Winchesterfans who hav found dayin dayout smoking satisfaction in 1Winchestets balanced blend Try week with Winchester get acquainted with their full friendly avour Youll decide that Winchester is the brand for you for keeps inchester ICIOAQRETTEsI 3W ll Drug Store 084 Dunlap Street Dial 2731 rh Thur Mar 16 =ri Man 17 Batu mar18 VAt Your ReXall Dealers warrrvs may Essa Road $512323

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