Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1950, p. 8

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PAGE TEN ELMVALE Death of loittltnsoit in ttnsoii aims Otil Florida lttcs Pt 11 of yea Citltlllzll faintly 1141 tt it Spflllrjvllllsiiuv ttlfllll Hell 11131 lil lll llllgt ttttlllltil llltll ei at tltl If it and 11 eat 1ltl ill the tht Ala 30 ltrflo ititd liznt itvta tzle to leelt the am PM 311 to oi lllllt All rni eiidehthiixii 1tItty in tel aiu llonitte tilalmnt tine iiiedweelstd hiizt ttto Harness elitezated at lzente ttiitreh titti ttttie lollnwtngz weze czeke rtezianlt lit loltn 1tiziliie llav lto ILeiizrnl and lllt laioiiy pallbearers xeie KIllltill llltls tlultlti vtll tltth lltttliei SpentI llie nit lltltal llllitllvs Love and tttlt istt vts held litillll llail ltlt linin la 1a lit the the tier tztd litlt Ilylillltllll llllIL OneMan Power Chain Saw real moneymaker uts all 11 lttllt IW tin hl Mitt1h to the ti 31 lh l1l tt Data II llv PH 11 ltieh and ill it liiiltnii sl ltli iaiis Sltvlll Ml llzlllil Illl llltit 1Is It tutelteite ittlpteitl l1 and ssor All ls llalliii ni and 1Is tiordon oi tho visited with Sitnot on Sunday Lou eett ot loionto ll pat 14 Mr and ls ll recently and it IIIItt Mary lgtutevd returned to To lIIltlll llll Iln Aloud eltittt lay 10 Rev taitier wili show some slides ltl the hasent nt of the tlttlltlt The will serve lunch liveiyoni route and this Hat social eemitt and Ho lelittt and Altltoit iled nlr iti THE BARRIE EXAMINER Australian Farms Face Heavy Loss By Rabbit Hordes 11ItlltllltNl Australia Match IltlillliltS Rabbits with their yetspud liiztltutte are costizt Aus tlta ltltlutlotltltl sheep lti gtltilt n1 tll mans efforts It ti tlylllllllllt this pest it is estimat ed lo Alluliotluuo rabbits still over 3111 til 1111 dous traps poison and gas nave all failed to keep them in etae2 Despite fllt flood lltllllillli anti Lannie the rabbit still flourl ishes lll speed of reproduction has so far tlifltll all the repressive re the tltllllllllltlll of lll dnstiia and scientific research Yet the ltlllll while an economic paraszte is also all economic blesslt nit tarvass exports of the rabbit In llli840 were worth 50341000 while skins evpoited in the same total value of Ila eotaitiysitle of this tontiitE sinners of period reached $tifinll 000 11 the same paradox while one ea ltil iiiitl birthday llar llalieaits Tiliiitaxine BOND HEAD Alaien EIlllltpt lit The 1t tl li paisliliagt leyinils an tiniitiiieisoii ttltllil lll ltlttlltll oi the liion lll he at Alis lleit llama pi Fools Day flu Lenial policeman 13 Altlltllh was undo the doctor tll last week htit he is out lodav lii iiuleait WA titet at tltiittiiiiips Wednesday Mar it Thu haw shipped one hai hr ate ltli ouilttnu lhe liiited church WMS lld then Match lllxtllltti at 1is Walls on Thursday Mar El wtt lti lptesent Nicely typewritten plJ nams outline busy years ml hale is needed by June of lay etlt and waim piIlls ne titzil twill he quilted at Alis lint llrtt lnians lnadlntd lld oIt llttusia Mar to Alts ltohson tt1ettl chapter tour the study hok In Peace Or War Its Red Cross HI of llARRlE ONTARIO CANADA guy Kiwa llllliSltiY rii38lt Lions Clubs Drop Winter Ice Show al that Lxltllt ll Int te held this yin lllt holding itoie noitei tan lye ilttalfl1 ta rivet Ellie 131v 1lt iilll iIle ti lllllltt nm tlttltltil tampons lnta Zollll ftel lllvi incl cwl it hospital in the tellta If the arena tt felt that the way citiztxal at the illlllu could would lie lliitvtitt In lltvl who ate for the am iiIl lt mant In lllllglntlll chants tlltl business already helm tauntsseti hospital tllilltlalLll ll illlSltltlttl ill of thy ttititttltllit lliltl Match that the l1tl it helo would hate three but poses to provide fol the public school children to provide lellouship between the two clubs and lo make money for the lllhilli tat campaign With the earimal cancelled the first objective could he handled by the race committee tittlillll Wed Itesliay afternoon after school and tile second and third could be taken care of by Joint titertint ot the citrus to lie lteld at ititlli nuinity louse oii Friday March 21 at 111 the date to he moved on It the Flyeis continue 111 the playoffs The Ilittlltl1 would take the pay uiyeilhittt wild llttlt litttltltt Sunday earnnal it itlttk laim Arena TO ltullA lallglllp liaitl tnd plot tili ytais by merchants tl lllllllt will leaiieis and oitn tlll tlttlHoIllli were At Molt High UPHOLSlERlNG IIESIERFIEIJIS AND OCCASIONAI IIAIRS REIMRED AND RECOVERED Factory Guarantee Free Picktip Delivery SlRAlFORD UPHULSTERING nut 42 Brunswick St Stratford For further information enquire at EPLETTS Furniture Electric Sales and Service PIIONE 3721 139 Duttlop $1 Barrie il fetid xtzt ltlli Ill ll ltl lit lllt llzt ttlitilttllit ltopttal ttll fli as follows llllllltilllllltll litttsey and Mac AliaAna lot outtat llilet Mil the ti Iii inure tl chin SltAI lllllt ilttl livtls Cook iipi talliill It Ltiies til lllt pinytdeti llltl all member lioni cups Rillllllllltt lll liktlll he at stake in tin oi the public tlionl ciuldtti llte enps weie donated by llllitllltll All tors llariic titaiiuiv Itlt Aiillilt titertint Ittyrs at the Mac lfletl Present at the AlaeAtIley image llliok llarris llitiee 1ettilev trial Byers Steve lliiies lacn liable and Kenneth Walls were contact rd later on arrangement form of Millionaires Nitzht All Iitatltineiy of the stIItiiner carnitals would he installed at tontmtiitity House to he used by those in at tendanee liiiisioii price of 31 pet ntein Insurance Wills Discussed Guthrie FarmHome Meeting Stewart Kt aitd SAMUEL ROSE 7ltltllliREl AEfOllNIANl 69 Colller Street DARRIE Telephone 4919 types of wood htrd soft or frorcn 11 30 30 and 21 cutter bar lengths Repairs readily matte larts and service readily available FOR SALES SERVIE write or call Products 1947 Limited 71 olbotirnc SL ORILLIA ONT 5It includes two llltllll in St tonct tltilattoih to Morley fly5 tt Sticky and nchrane who es battle of exttfrminatioit auhinst Ill lillililii the pielill IVtlllHIY the rabbit another group is encas ml ll 01 RNkllll NH ed 111 niakinzz pacts with other uov land one 111 Chicago at the 99015 lwrlltm limit of hotels Superh food unit 11mm piotttablc industry meriean hospitality Nevertheless in sonic quarters it The WA met at lls Keitvei is hoped tltat something ittay yet Ill Iml illlll Um eomc of an evperiment introduc ext nteetiitt will be lit the church in msum ms which will km I1 II ll iIc= ii li ealtite Rockwool Home Insulation ctltice lirc llalard by Reduce Fur1 osts by III II at lhasentcnt and ladies eonte pte Ipaicd In lllll the dos of the meetint the hostess assisted by Ml three yllttllt larnteis Billy and Winning the battle for many ltohby Kennett and Bobby Lotiuh Fem5 mm population got WW Hml llmlh tremendous extra impetus from war 1Ti leoiiditions Lack of manpower lack tt migants poisoi riiaiflliiilutttliit ctlittiol 1ttt1tlsttl ltlowcd it to titultiply almost ltllllltlv tested March Miss Wilson has returned to the Latches from Noranda Qtlt Wilson Holds tlmportant Iost irt South America ASIR0IIA1 Otto pair of rabbits cotild be re sponsible for between 0000000 and Walter Wilson geologist 10000000 offspring iit three years lineher reck Alta formerly cven after allowing for Itorinal mor iiianapei of the Sinclair Oil COYD tality To continue the calculation lllltttp of aiverniitent officials waul tlte rabbit titd leave stock ttllllltlllt Ilvroni the atiip Borden itircni There ii so or Wham Alaclancn spoke oii leuall lt it Willi tWl tlltl those Who an piobltms tt tttt faint and 1101111 Itttrned home as casualties It is llllw lN Mlll neeessary for us to ht nmnndvd llll persons attended the pathet Hnummmm mm 10 is mm int and insurance and the making Illlllllltll war effort if it can he lllf ll lhumwl gtcalled such The anadian lled levll jlml mm lllm ross has tlte same interest in et llltllllllllh lllstlialiti stttssini tians Intmt pmwhnu gt it had the iiitportaiice of life lllhttltlllttl pH1m mm itlllltlitllllttl method of 1101ltlltllll aitt ltlltl tip an estate to late lll Illl mml Snd lcare of the dependents of the luv tlltll lltoiti tio lel truss ltidgos jdulll an uh immenu Ml attached to hospitals acrossl tv tanada Bedridden tlltltls 11 molfm Pllltll ilmnmul poltctes reviewed every five years istttt icutilaily personal shop my 1wvro mw lmngff mm my them slung lttate and took care of all essential relatnes are aecomntotlated when IN requirements If LWJMIETLTA 11 Automobile insurance was con HH f2 Sllll increasingly important ml 1312 lllNlif guru Lm this day and age arid Mr Stewart illiulflluwpat712 01101 of recommended that cfcryonc should WNW mml he sure that the coveran was inch lenotiuh to meet presentday haz Hull lm llfllflll tl Olltll Iards when claims running titto a1 and mm than mo km Om hundred thousanddollars were not RM WWW lllllllk lllllfs Ollttnhpard of and might well vipc THE FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE 7lllNiIfSlfftlwlllll slteliked about Sterling lrusttt it lepositor in our Savings lllpart iiieitt said like the friendly atmosphere lliis pleased its greatly for iit nttr dealings with client ii iii every ltlltlllllnlllfvnillglv estiitcsniortuagcs we have aimed at spirit of friendly cooperation ellicielicy coiitliinctl with personal interest iii those we are privileged to serve THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Oica Toronto In years your initial FOR FREE ESIIAIAIE 2311 MINESIXI 3506 BAItlltlZ Scott Iuir it lhc oldPadvicc to keep your fences Ittcndcd should licblpplicd to your relationships with othcrs Suppose for iiisrmccstltat some one opposes you in some matter Probably you will rcycnt his atti tude You may even ritliculc his views or llyoti the handle even though you realize that in doing so you are only making matters worse thnever this happens dotit just let matters rest Try iomake amends Admit that perhaps you were little hasty in what you said Admit too that the other fellow may have ltad case If you in dispute or an at tempt to get your own way with Rhianna tlontrub it in Try to regain his goodwill and do what you can to help him save face wt GlARANTEE ouu WORK ro rovu SA DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVESU Wa WWI outlay will he returned Ill ttsmcriox ii PHONE zoui synovn II 2369 tiaumr Frank Armstrong it orations operations iii Colombia iSotItlt tlllllt has been named viecpresidcnt andiucneral mana fcer ot the Canadian cotnpany llc is the son of the former Miss Pass of Barrie and nepwa of Miss Wil tlll lWI Attendance Suffers Itrom Too Many olds The regular meeting of the W1 was held at the home of Mrs Muir with the president Mrs Pat ridge in the chair and 11 present We are sorry to hear that quite litttinlr of the members are in ldoors with coldswhich prcventd them attending There are 18 ment hers all told in the Shanty Bay WI Surely we can to better than that in community this size Ladi please make big effort to com out and join thcWl and let us lwork as liCVOl before to provide SOmCtlllllg good for the people aitd to improve the com7 mectiitc on Apr at Mrs Ralph Hieklings Asthis will be the an Lnual meeting please come out in But if you should he the loser dont hold grudge Similarly fcnccittcntliiig 4e equally necessary when we wrong others or they wrong us In such ElWhtild try by expressing our regrets or letting bygoncs be bygoncs to keep all contacts friendly Acmally few matters are impor tant enough to warrant letting them impair your relationships at Your life itisuranccplans too may need mending from time to time Additions to the family the needs of growing children increased liv ing eosts these and Other changes suggest bringing your life insur ance plans uptodatc with todays needs If ILL party with Otherswin any way FOOD FOR THOUG BENWICK lull force to elect officers for 1930 This is grand opportunity for ncw members to enroll and put their shoulders theme and country Our visit to ers Muirs seemsto have devel opcd into an annual affair Our ltusbands always have special invitation at this time to enjoy and take part in the entertainment program Imostly musical whic Itollowsthe short business session Many thanks to Mr and Mrs llVlllll perfect host and hostess llVllS Terry was mostly respons liblc for the program Plans were for supper and card discussed the hall on Thursday in 16 IL HT Cambridge England CP Hoiighton Benwick librarian told the local Womens Institute that one book was re turned to the library with the Mar backbone of kipper as bookl matk Books were chewed by babies more than by dogs he add ed Tn European Courtobiiiiiif Whyohuidercd Vii It Supremehonourto be allowed to watch the King out his breakfast But no king ever anjoyed it more wholesome delicious satisfying dish it thewanderful TWOGRAIN emit rosrs GRAPENUTS FLAKES ripenedfmnmlted barley Heres royal NUTS lover because they needs useful rein minerals made from sun POSTS GRAPENUTS FLAKE yocerstollay nap helpcddeliver hi youngt umin spirit as whole The next to the wheel 10 of property involves mathematics Oll lel flSllOlltlllllell Stlllf Prospects of farmers settlers and grazicrs ill the rabbit war this sea son are not bright For the tabbit they chuld hardly be better Rain has fallcn iii the parched country where there has been no rain for years Now there are asses and wild flowers Where the sscs are there are also rabbits their countless hordes When grasses are eaten off the rabbits lgrub for their roots Dcnudation and burrowing are followed by cr 0siott dust and choking of rivers With every advance of the rab bit lcgionsfrom the hot north to the cooler south in search of feed more millions of acres of country are marked for ruin Plagues of rabbits have ruined much of the once profitablc land along the inland rivers frbm south west Queensland to South Australia Graziersrhavc literally been driven off the land Agitation has been icvivcd for moreipositive policy of extermin ation There isaidcmaud tliaLAus tralia should seek the help of scient iists versed in animal virology from other countries It has been suggest ted that Australia should act through the Food and Agriculture Organiz lrs iii iation Of the United States Today the onesidedbattlc is on lagain as it has been for many years iBut the rabbit timid defenseless Iiin itself defies land laws and land gowners and thrives by sheer weight of numbers rREMOVES TOOTH IWITH TEASPOON ttFrom the Camp Borden Citizcnl Scorning modern techniques No 12 Coy RCASC is fast building lamong its men an ultra independ Vent outlook entirely devoid of reli tance gnmscience and itsrispecialists Only last week WOlI WR D1171 withoutresource to any aid Of Imedical science FollOwing Iquickly tipon this learlier Show ofindependcnce tliefe breakfast crisp sweettasting honeygolden flakeswitll the distinctive GRAPE Extra good for youngand old provide nourishmentreverybody quantities of carbohydrates pro and otlieifood cssenlials Cot at your 3is another incident to report Last Tuesday IWOVIlfFICd Hay tward also of No Coy RCASC iwas stricken by severe toothache and hastenedto consult Capt Earl Brown No 23 Dental Clinic There Wired that one of hisback iteeth was abcessed butwould not be removed until the swelling subsided Hayward went to bed eatlyi vTuesdyay night still suffering By THE sickness In 711 aiiadian pioneer tOllllllllltilitS the Red Cross has Illllll and maintained outpost hos pitals and nursing stations In national program that is to be found in amp Borden the Red Cross places great iiitpottancc on swimming and safe water conduct In 1949 there were 41 thousand Canadians enrolled iii this project These sTrrviccs and the many others of Red Cross require hard cash When you give to your unit low give gcitcrously cheerfully and from the heart Many have al ready made their donation and re turnsvwillbc reported next week Let us all pitch iii arid reach the Camp Borden target at the crfilicsf possible date this month Unit representatives Camp HQsCOL Todd DSO RCAC SchoolCapt Pa ton RCS of lLt JSpcncc RCASCSch0olCapt Hihn RCAMCCapts Moore CEro CWOl McNamara Coy RCASCS Sgt Gil kinson RCOCRCEMECapt Hul me 23 Coy RCASCLt Day Coy RCECpl Aslimore 31 found the painmore than he could stand He arose proceeded to the kitchen and re moved teaspoon from kitchen drawer Then laying one finger along the length of thepart Of his guru which contained the bad tooth be inserted the tip of the spoon into cavity just above the Using the spoon as lever and applyingpressurevdown gum line jtdvhile using tYmgeifis fulcrum he soon wrenched the tooth out offhe gum but ntw1th out good deal of sweating exer tion Having completedlhis deliat operation W011 Hayward return ed to his bed feeling extremely relieved and spent qriit night The following morning Hayward PAKISTAN RAILWAYS Plismbout 7000 miles of railways proudly presmtedthe tooth to the Completely astound Brown gt What willthcse do next 5296 LU his representative who is named bc 13XRCAFSgt Seegnttiig RCAFxsmtionFlt Lt House from camp Border Cmemi the wee hours of the morning he from his bed edl Capt Earl Coy people out anyoncs estate over night if not given adequate protection Mr MacLaren spent some time answering the question How to lMalte Will will was most important said Mr MacLaicn to ensure equitable distribution of the estate with reference to benefits ztlrcndy received by members of the family to provide for all dc pcndcnts and to give the individ llEll choice as to administrators of the estate Where there isno will ldccidcs the distribution the law of the 3051310 on fixed basrs and no al 310wancc can be ntatfbffttr specialg assistancc received by tmcmbcrs of the faintly Ethcrc are children lllldCl Volvcd the piQcscnts them where no will is made and they may add to the expense and inconvenience tak ceitaip 21 in In case Barrie Office 13 Dunlop Street 38 tyoursyin Business To your boy youre the great protectoragg yin official guardian rc Wing care of the essential cx enscsl INORWEGIAN IMILITARY ATTACHE VISITS BORDEN Colonel Refsum Norwegian Military Attache Ottawa visited Camp today and made tournpf the Corps Schools This morning he visited the RCEME Workshop RCAMC School and RCAC School He had lunch 131 the RCAC School and then this afternoon he toured the RCASC School andwthe RCS of At the conclusion of his tour he had tea at the RC5 of The purpose of Colonel Refsums visit was to observe training at the Warious Corps Schools 4065 ARE STALLED BOTWOODNFLD CEThe long period of almost snow1ess winter hasone district lumberman tworried He hasabout 4000 logs stacked in the woodsand has been able to pull out only about700 of tthem At lwaitingn for snowto ease the job It atccessarytosvofasscts last reports he was of minors although the official guardian does in many cases of fer protection to children The lack of will also frequently forces the sale of an estate at an inopportune time incurring un li VWHA behind those big earnest eyes when your boy looks at you Certainly not knowledge of tltctmccrtaintics of lift simply an unqticstioning faith in your ability to protect him and provide for his needs Have yourforgntten smutthing Would he continue to have all of llltlllitt5 attention and altOInc free to grow up in if you were prematurely taken froitt your fluidly ion will enjoy your home more if you provide non for income to meet the mortgage payments and family expenses should the day come when gt your family gton its own Call in your imperial Life rcprescntziiitc oday aiid find ottt l10 you can do itconcnientlyqtiickl lfs if All lMPERIAL IIFE rouNpm 1897 iier OFFICEzTORONTOV BRIANCH Oracle BanofTorontoIBuildingEurtie When youmt haves plumbeij Toqunblqoktliejsirik mow mt will and mm Quick as winkli REGISTEIED to

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