PAGE EIGHTEEN Gsod Luck Stcm 40 Blasting of Greys Take 32 Lead In Series The tiixlar iznl thi Sound Greys lialll r1 11914 ore puns til liOtiiej llul liitlii ill lllt Lttlllt ltll l1 ch 99 ita 31 i1 1l11 itvtaLy lieu litillllt1tln to rauued 1tllI 1111 group litial JLJI 11 Barrie 4v0wcn SoundO 1i 11 till Junior 15 qui tinal an 31h iiin Iitlrlll uveu writs ilialrl rni larcli Lit ll Nil till 55 iltli 11 l1l tilm 111 wt II Xlilllxttl 11 II Ii tum IiI or Evin illil ittfil 111 tiiyAi ll1ittiui lllR of four years with 1A imp II III Barrie Flycrs in tll junior II II company defenceman Stan Longs left yesterday for Buffalo and 111131 lt threecame tryout with the lll Lump Li 11 llisons The past season Longs mp 1151 in 11 11 ll tll List in junior ranks and now the limp Hm leagues allstar hluelincr ill make sluiiui 111 11 Did Ior ro ranks Ftl made great show ing while pcrtornirr ici imam kaliw the Ilycrs llc nasIalnas one Oi the with llan teams leading point collectors and Donald llnxll nus given the distinction of captain idelun iii tit liIa this season We know Barrie fans mainnull 1o who thrilled with the Tilhll5hiil lati 11 ll spectacular rushes and effectivelmto ainn checks on the liluelinc are pulling pm tiipw 11H for the Owen Sound land to make llll until good flulped on one with Hill the neutral Lt line II lin llti Ila 11w II liluelnni In piodizet aunt up lilnlttztl tttill 31 III ItII II IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII wm its xx vI II IIIIII IIII IIII ea in tired slim To 12ii otln to In TIII ll ens lll illltl had tll llsi llan loiantl am diot Vtlie thick of the i2tvtll tartar lli nainertd oia groin iv tilil it lino lictalltini gtllltltt partnan tlltl tiriatl 11 riulei llan ltrland hack pitloimancc l1n lilt ll l1thins ienonini into lltS li1 lt ll ltttl llon llunzs was he rIIl l11u li1llt sizelt to their knit self shifty and ushiizz igt tiw thud Iiiiiiti So much he iiier toutlies law it ll s1 tit in new lgttgtttl until all lad who didnt ii ie 111 at nlr M11 11 line oi the pciiod llo 11 Sound couldnt overl When they did llgttli Lit i1 lint iieihap shipped Karrie otttl ll toli ip WH nuskannntz la there its onch Loin hail Willins 9113 litllllliiill clzneliid the lwen Sounds top marksman llil it 311 mmi ulm1 ii McIntosh iilitvrj4er wlm lltl 11mg Hun Hp Us Wm 11 briit lllll llll Stiattoid lxio iI he lmllm and ms tnzson tor the counter ih lcthuis marker at llll inih ivs innior lttlltiilll ins did vondclld ion in km inn the Owen Sound flush ill111 lti ltiall nzaik llitl insulted from gt fact llclnosh liamc 12 aiunycl iletlt Md ltllliillli drive merely that his followup ntoi piinialsciwit to attcn gtLtlllll11 averages him with three lillllil llAlhilll llct netnunderla lliewer Emms rllikiil was sensational in Hit lll gplayott shutout Itlt from lltitiz Flyers Prlor To this when hL dreaded to stroil through the tltllllti pailmsi lll IHOme Departures for his home in Kirkland Lake Turmuo product was the man oil John plans to remain there fora 11 hour when Sounders listkci Although holdint no official ca fewwccks before leaving for Gcr through unmolestcd Ipacity lll tln llarrnf llycr aldton where he will work Will Flyers had things ry much llockey lub other than an ardent his brother flit lltllill bouncer their ll way hit Ill HMS supporter Roy liiims gonormisly Js enthusiastic about keeping in with crushing cheeks ouiplaycd prmided lovely shape for thcvtall when he will them on attack and by far out if 111 luyorg and xviititre at fry out with Eddie Shores Sprint skated them lIlns home lucsday field Indians There was no scoring 11 the must isniinupm mi guruniptnug din JOHN SHEDIHZN tcnccmun of the Barrie llycrs and seasonlong employee of The llarw ric Examiner departed last night period but Barri opcncd Hp tilt1 intr which was prepared by Mrs IiiVil in 16 Stttllld 70 3111 lloy llmms and wives of the Flyei lsxronb 10 OxlARlo lwork by Owen Sulllld Iltllllllldli executive humorous siugsonc During 1948 nearly 1126000 borv lAtkinson kept the llycrs off tlittil11I tmg held What probably of the cveninc lLI DOlmltS 010 lSSUOd Ullittisc011 sheet until 847 of the stanza HI mist States motorists entering Ontario Even then it was rather odd GI gmiu Jiln Bmspiyg 1m pretation of coach llap Emms L1llll1 an inbctween period talk SPRINGTlME OFFERINGS to the boys Music for thecvcninr was pro vided by Don Einms Howard Nor ris llap Emms and son Paul all $55000 1937 DODGE SEDAN A1 of whom wcnt together to make 39 PLYMOUTH SEDAN new motor 385000 most formidable Orchestra Several Of the boys departed for their homes after the dinner Real Clicvrcfils Doug Towers and Reg Campbell boarded the night train for Timmins while others lcft yes terday Detenccman Ward Bran PLYIMOUTH CLUB COUPE $77500 Dangerfield Motors Ltd journey of all expects to leave this weekend forhis home in Winni USED CAR MARKET gCoxall Salesman BRADFORD AT JOHN WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPERATIVE SERVICES dwiii St Phone 2429 Barrie Ontario LIQUID Authorized NACHURS Dealer FERTILIZER IDEAL STARTER BOOSTER AND SUPPLEMENTAL FERTILIZER For many years fNACHURS Liquid Fertilizer has been acclaimed by specialized crop llh flitltil ittt turkey dinner Idow whoprobably hasthc loagcst lilli BARBIE EXAML iFlyers In Wiisusi Flyers In Go NER DAiqu ONTARIO CAINWA il Zia Milled tinck in the circuit and llliltlltll ting itillll Slitldeii Kirkland Lake lmuirte lift lIlLliiillAi flAlltil it iBarons Hot After chxriison Clu ZIReverses Verdict Aiztci tall III should not iJva lollmxin lt 11 Il1l ill9 III IIL lnp hopes Ni lltelatzti 11 11 IN 4H1 1111 are mm linvlf 115 13 lwlxtll to ltltill ulv an MW out ttixf plan run lt riven llliitt i1 11 illt Elitlkilllt could the Aral II II II IV III time yet lint Satisitlay gt fl Barrie Airna the llaiuns lizid he Ho ii liefu day at thr 1Xi lntx lilktil ltlrt Al flll li 11mph liotnrts as they s1iii tlll lirt 111cm lll Ln loli It II II llil ltltt ll the tiiligtroiiic rlni true littii Lllld Jtl poals in lllil lit two gt ll ill1 it yivlll nll tit ittlllllu inch is it at wozth pcrkiny the Buffalo tiil While What Miss 1ll rl they a2e has1 1111 to mu 311 um 11 not 1w itllill it iItr illIDltlill izsv pee Irllilitl with the bruitst poke tJeveland Iiioved iiilo sole pmws Him stun of second place the ttitlllllt 311 llii lllilltl tenand an Itll HM NV HM 12H lttlll Nev llnven llnizilgtlei illlilltiittllti31l nti ll Mi ll Mi vaiyml my Dim Ucmml 5W3 cann tiom tithind to tie lluttalo lrui lltllllill izd Ll liaznltl Illlx II LH but and lirin build of tornwail 13 53mm deity Mi lll 121 not EiiMI IVIULVIii with will Itll lllllt liomixiniz puvksciiarer lini llall iltss Mami Lrtl El lri into ItIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII II to IiIiItIndIfall ItIiiiIiiIItIiiiiIi at Ililllllttl home the lonizist llmtllt tot io II p15 ltll lint Katine llll llvtLlItlliiL Isiah my Bin0m NIH twill MM ENS I135 iljihlikw IIIII III II IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII 11I siaa illt one iill led all ltiillf collector Ihm mi up 3me IIIIM lltlvtti xkttllll Hum ms mu 031 mum fr my imlmljiis illHM lll linklinn and Standiilf 141 han est tUleltS til the Barrie camp llt oitlcy and hen Wilton followed BMW Ami 5mm Hi Hm hit lllltl llowttl plenty of inon with brace while led lltltl11iii ma Lia or Kin Adm mm um and nutrition hut intdud more man and Horn lemmel notched 14191 em Ilmi MI llm ml mm skaluztt ability lllll thinks mk itillii lg 3m ll mmH ll mud tltonnm lim promise and if he lil Rugged llobby llioiiipozi had tli WE panillwl LAURA Eula iritlil 1min lll tln l1ni IHIIIII IIIIIIIII mu IIII II IIIIIII III SCIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III III III 11 IuiIIII IiI IIIIII1IIIIII IIIIIIII AA nx ilmm EW um up the hockcv trait Inuit as lie drove home three of tow inf ldf Ulh1i snlv 11111 lHl Spitres II II Pittsbuwhs 10m IIIIIISI IIIIIIK KIIIII xtilllx lcteitvitIIlliitt Iiii 41 MW Wit llllllzulmil lIU who lei oiI 1es through 1m mm 1M arrie lilliltll performing tor Slierliriiokc in 1l sit iin Nomi be back latadinu the parade lltnliltfnkflilarfIn hIU Mix llllllI littllllllill the Qliebec Senior Hockey Ill perltapn ll1 the l1 of any Ifl1lll ml mwnflx 11113 iiiillllignflfl1imt and Kearns tud Scandiett and League this year as snspcnd Ecliio in tin lo IlmmmV HWF ll ll 5114mm UH Plm llillui in pmvim 1iIIMHHH Imd mum tll for three games along with ouh llnis Vina llt ll phi Hmm lmynfl In ill Tilni in ton tlvteatid Eaton and Senor LHI lonnnyI ltlllltrl of lon iis i111 11 the gtiltlt1gt1gt Bum mum Id hlsliililix J11 0111 U1 Ion Smith and tnnirron littl ltlliIiu trcal lloyaK for stickswinging rode no lill he loaned llllm Fur llHulk livid 2161 10 snuff land llunter 11 Illll and lelieir during the teams last meeting VIII WI out the cainpaitni with Stan Loni IIllIIII III IiIIIm IIIIIIIHIH XIIIIIMIIII IIIII III IIIIIII and Hmmm IIl Both blueliners have missed To gtllil Izzln he has capable imlh mum immn mi Lumamm dlI1i tIIIIJIiLIIiIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIipiuihlisnlgIIuc irIIlIllIlIllItlIIIIlIIIlitIlllIITIlIllIllilllIEVIIIIEllili IIIxnnInaInIIIIOIIIzzI IlImItIeiIs IiuIidI I1 SCUM My mm Nuw Haw TylcNair and lIIIstiiiiiIIJll llryIson need the extra punch to deadlock and llIlliin tltltilltll Allllllllll illltl 13 bum mle NH llllor to win game they have to call Motlock Jtt latteison md Alilie Vd bV Dm Mml llm nu llol Earner for nice illilllll cor deteated load and Mason mwiicn mm mm Siluwllarner came through in the clutch amcron and Smith defeated IVIII1QIII 12quIliiiIIIIIIIFESEto knot the count in 11 third stan AliNair and luan 1H llai me ill In on pass from Millar to tltil1i1tiitlti It Take QuarterFinals 21 Win At NewImarket 43 Stroud lillllll tinally emerged Hltllltlll over llltillillitll Monday intLt Marci lit as they iownczl lownship laujltt to take illlt nest in tl11l Zl tlianipiuns li tlncc liliillltl llc1hnd uid lttltltlll one was played cuinirltet Arena before lltll yellinz and cheering mob of titllIl tans lio 3111 fans formed the Stroud orocesion nt cars and two hosts down to tlzt Niulllltllicl Slliillltiltl lly irnu of the ih Stioxtd nowl Indyowe lllll 11lll lnittl scinilznals auaiust llalliiizilatl the llilllinih lensiuc The name inns eltlisvli night at ieoreiu town lit eliminating the strong limit hum sextet the lltziins llltl their match and did it the hind way After dinpptnp the first contest to Brougham til Stroud tool the sci nnd back home by 63 count in two periods of overtime lhat torc Webb blinked the light for Strou which iroud behind ed the third game won coming from out the lIt victory No two of the contests resembled the other The first was neraei Idoubt and the third was cleanly played fast and bruising ties scoring ll coals apiece New istars popped tip in each contest Two stars were in the lime light spectacular Jack Bradshaw and Johnny SnaClic beat unmolcstcd forwards relentlessly There was lit tle to choose between either Onlybnc difference was noticei able between the teams That dif ference was staying power Stroud had it As was the case in everygame Brougham was the better team for the first half After that they be gan to fade as the Bruins came on In the first contest played in Brooklin Brougham led 21 at the end Of the first and 51 at the end of the second However they wicrcT outscored 31 in the third by the driving Stroud band Thc second contest was the same although not nearly so great dif lfercucc Tied telat the end of the ltirst Brough outscored the iBruinsl int be second However the fatalvthird came along and only the work Of Bradshaw in the Brougham nets held Stroud to one goal Extra time was needed to produce winner and the teams split goals Kviwith only live piaialtics three to llioucham two to the Bruins the second was rough always lll Gav Young Jack Young Reynolds with Both teams were even in the ser the Brougham marksmcn out in the bruising contest ten to 11 limCS BOW ROlllllndLlS few ltctnpcrs were on the brcaking point semiFinal it 1IllllfslSliilrnll lom Garner scored the lone potllv AI Thom on 0N IilI illu of the opening canto to give the iltlllllll Bill llagan and llonIepmm Dukm 10 ide but mm Ballinofad vs Stroud llallinatad puekstcrs invade lhornton Arena Friday night in the second game of the Hi ll intermediate sciui linals when they tackle Stroud llruins local rural champs Strond eliminated ainbray in two games and have just shovcil Brougham into Oblivion 911ml MIth lililIllt l5 Xlltdtd lithe first period but that was incitast tic to llt new BOhtOllgnough 10 gm mom 10 junim in touch series Balliuafad is eight miles from itorgctowu and the boys are champions of the llalisbury Township league The first game was in Georgetown Wetl ncsdav night Raine time 830 p1n at Thornton is The game was cleanly played In the 135 victory iOr Stroud at lhorntou Austin Bowman with two illdubctf were the maiksmen Pascoc it Spcnccrly and Llark were Sixteen penalties were handed Brougham Several fights ensued as but only two majors were assessed In the third and deciding cpn test Rod Black with tvo Harvey Fiona and Elwood Webb were the Bruin innrksmen Clarke with two and Spencerly were the Brougham sharp shooters Only three penalties were dished out in the well handled game all to Brougham Twiss New President Of Barrie Gun Club The 1950 executive of the Barrie Gun Club was elected Tuesday at the annual dinner meeting held at Robindalc lnn Retiring president Jacobi spoke on behalfof the past execu tch and thanked the membersrfor their support and cooperation He expressed the hopevthat the forth coming year wOuld bring increased activity at the Iclub Plans for the additional types of DIVN lld mi illlltl llIl ulhis mates one point for the morni tend the all sessions invmgz lumms commence his championship build wmm Au int effort junior ll llyers will graduate tonmm Marlboroa lillllllS received tlirccutanie tiytutlsnwm hp 1151 Hwy Saw 0f the Wm through the Marv Brewer 1lllltlllllll in two IIIIIIIIIIII lsttond for four goals and added for contest dens and letencemau Lloyd lear sall performed on one fixture luls attended the affiliation isinp puckstcrs during his winter travels and llllllklt fans can expect the lilyer insult than over next year Associiionseis Tentative Dales For Harness Races sociation held their of the 1950 year Monday and plans were made to and possibly two racc meets at the Fair Grounds this summer Tentative dates are set for Wed nsday June 28 and this has bccnl applied for by the Sccondchoice date was June 21 likely take August Definitc races or classes have not been set as it is too early in the season ronto it means 400 pacing and trotting Thorncliff will be interested in the l3arric track tlic IOUrace Charter growers and general farmersboth in Canada and the United States Being in liquid form it offers all farmers many Special ad vantages EASY TO USE Sthd however were the power Shooting were discussed and it was INACHURS can be applied at time of direct Seeding usedon plant beds when transplanting for prefertfmng grain for 51110 dressfg Boom NACHUR is liqttid it supplies the lltltEleltSCilCCl tothe Seedlith when they are mostvneededII the early stages Ofgrowth provides an Evri distrii jbution Of The Ofliqrridfrbihzaori that can be used withquuala3e by giOwOrf Or gardener WHATEVER YOUR CROP RY fNAciIURS LIQUID gt FERTILIZER NACHURS has been used succcssfully from coastto cost on vinelaf and root vegetable crops and trans1 plants ruin trees berry bushes tobacco tomatoes oats corn wheat alfalfa as well as by florists greenhouses golf courses parks Its record of suc cessful use bya great Variety of growers is import ant to you Test NACHURS Liquid Fertilizer on your own crops fwhatever you grow test costs very little and if it will increase your yields it is too good to pass up PROVE lT T0 YOURSELF See your fNACHURS dealer for complete details on how NACHURS may be of advantage to you for everything you gr ow Try it NOW you be the judge ENACHUIiSEPLANr FOOD CO Canada LTD CANADA ings work Owen Sound Merciirys of the sprint extended their ilopruni margin to three points mm mm 01 PVCCl Ewith smashing til win over lo strong foundation with which to CCM lucicuas arc BEST 55lm Hh Niall Owen Sound opened up in the Pill Eln illW Ulwo more in the third Elvin ill MIllllv lltill cm Norenuo plunked pair across the red line to lead his mates whilel lllltllm Frank Jardine Bobby Quinlan led Sparrow and Bob Miller lentedl the twinc once Barrie llycrs scored one goal inl Last season over till junior hopelt ltlycr training EllllllS picked up prOm Viciou over Guciph Bil mores letcr Kayncs was the her as he notched the goal that proved lo be the winner The vwin placed Barrio in threeway firstplace tie with Guelph and Marlboros while Wind sor Spitfires hold the cellar posi tiOn Bicycle Accessories GREAT LAKES WATERS The waters which run through the Niagara gorge are the drainage 36 Bayfield St of 255000 square miles in to stronger Bairics Driving and Riding As first lllCCLlllg stage at least one Barrie Iron Works GOWAN ST PHONE 5046 STEEL for SALE Plates Bars Angles Flats Channels andIBeams House RIails c111 kindsof Omoirrientcd Iron WOrk andIGeneralBlackSIiIithing association If second meet is held it will place on Wednesday If night racing goes ahead in To owncrs of some horses at This will be due to 1919MERCURY SENDAN COUPE Black Low Mileage 1949 METEOR CUSTOM SEDAN Seamist Green in Spotless Condition 1949 METEOR DELUXE SEDAN Looks like New Car 1949 MERCURY PASSENGER Cb green radio and heater new car On Toronto house and Broughams only goal hoped that both h0pscotchI Skeet LIEI0 on 3111an will land trapIshODting would be intro 1949 Grey 1946CHEVROLET COACH iod egtiguharsnccottiltgd iii Di ideas 1949 FORD COAOH Green cw preSi en can 15 Bruins wrote the finishI as they Twiss with Harold McNabb 1948 HILLMAN MINX Convertible Continental Design aLBLadshaw for the winner rmg 10er the vicepmsident 1943 WMNIOwned ahd driven by corpagy executiveI 31de 19 $135 $11ng 0m and A1 Wigg WW 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN COUPE wa mileage spotlesswgidition rou avouri es in t3 II Brougham held big 20 lcadat the 1graugafilnlgpam the directors I0 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN TWOITone GrayII II end the Blllins roaredback GeoffIJones Ocoff Glenn THE ABOVECARRY OUR 50501PEUIGREE GUARANTEEEscw mGEWME 19 39 me cot Brougham wetea very tired out it in the third and onlyhea1t i7 rI It kept thcmin the contestNeveitl1e Game 1946 1033 my did give Smell few MovedTo Friday ll anxibusImomnts at the End of the II game with 35 seconds left they DueI to aI misunderstanding pulled the goalie for sixth for1 Tuesdays midget NHL game IbegI ward StiOLid Icheckedieicely and tween New york Rangers and To II II was QueSW not of mm mm Maple Leafs was not able to 5059 WARRANTED FOR 39 DAYS but if Stroud would hit the open be played Howeven manager II nct WeSI Allsopp has allotted the hour Loney ivith tIVO Clark Derusha and Pascoe were the Brougham marksman in the first Hamilton contest Austin Bowman Gord Shering Geo Young and ElonOd 383535389 BRAN $5400 PER ISHORTS from 415 to 515 pm on Friday March 17 for the scheduled tilt Recreation counsellor Ken Robin son asks that players spective clubs be on hand $560 of the re TION Barrie Flour Mill 1940 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 1935 DESOTO SEDAN 1939 FORD SEDAN 1933 CHEVROLET SEDAN RECONDITIONED TRUCKS 1949 MERCURY 12 TON PICKUP excelle nt condition 1948 MERCURY ONE TON EXPRESS 120 00 miles practically brand new 1937 INTERNATIONALTANEL 1947 FORD 12 TON PICKUP 1946 FORD TON 158 1946 DODGE PANEL 125w MORRISON Co LTD Successors toIMorriSOn Motor Sales 32 androidst Dial 5566 31 HangowomomouogmuaomMo