iiihitntittl 13111312 id 112 TiBarrir Examiner 8711 who 13 BARRIE ONTARlO CANADA THURSDAY recite11133 195G sec11o1121gtoge5910 115 LaW Fred Grant Reminisces lFrom Examiner Files And Haas To The Girl yamamm Sympathy With Suburbanites 31 Years Ago tilt yeais ago 11 liazm 11 11111 111 v1 1111 111111111 11111111 MY OLD DAL lite iinsitlerits tritium1 and this district bit 121 lJlUllltln were gt11 helplesfi lllld i1 in thong 311 11111 3111111 are 111 sympathy with the suburbauites 11 ho eood tall 111 snow white the town lllplufvetb 51111111d1l111 11111 1111X1r1l11111 l1llliy 11111 Wu 1211111 11131 HAlENT SEEN are threatened Willi being taken in by the 11111 the tt11t1i situation well 111 hand lion MN MW NW mm mm 11 11 311111 11111 11111111 1111112110 lL 11 11 111 MN MMWHZ WWW wk My mwmmcl WUHWHin 31 11 131 YOU F0513 ms 111 111ll11111t1oii1topt out 111 no 111 was 51111 tunttiiltd and tilt side loiollto are usiaill 12111st to agree or relereuee to Barra belllg suburb of TM to the this of turn yoittii and toru i1 tllll 1H ltti tili 111m it 11gt11l of San111 ltlil11l it lONG TIME eouloined oppthitlltm to the steps taken by 111111 was lltllelttl 1111 far fetched for serious condition lilll with ti1oselrlatfiezil 111111 111111 its pivrsitnhty tin 1111111 11111s1ry 11 111 of the present liitleeti to route it tl iliililltllati 1124 111 nulldin 11111111 ttllll 11 of 4111111 1tti 111 it lllt til to perpetuate ilk liltilllltillt litig lululidirlutlun town Toronto is apparently issuing an tllll lllt1tl tne 1111111rlet lira and Express 11111111111 to the surrounding municipalities to 11111 1111t111111111113 leelsimt 111111111011 sub Illllillslllllilll llllll llllll l1 llllll Ul llll ll1 tirbs tllttts us all 11 the municipalities permittiilu any alternative Ullllitlll to the blurth oz Iorouto ttll as Aurora and neighbors market are eventually taken ill by amalgam lllv ltlllh use 1111111 ltubrrt Saunders atioii the territory may some day be extend WW llilihlvl 10101110 lh Addressed titeet ed to the north boundary of York County Line in Barrie and otlered assistance from 1111110111i mean the Toronto eltv limits the big city to the ninth town 011 the eyeii would reach almost 111 Bradford and be only 1118 he hlhliit llllllS 11011 llllllS llll fillllli1 about 20 miles lrtim Barrie ttiininentingr on were blocked with snow and the citizens were the continued expansion of the city the Era lemhuhumus about the hirlllcleiwr ol 11111 Express 11111 The concentration of pop the works lttiltltllltll UH lllill Will lllllllrl ulation in the loroiito area reflects the tend the main streets of Barrie were entirely lltt racy of the ace towards centralization It is 11 snow and every block 111 the 30 miles of all unhealthy trend particularly when it is 1treet1 in this town was open to traftie Dtir 1111111111111 in uorertiinent It leads to such an is almost tht only pieasiiie left Hut eeii fifty years 31111 wiltl an Ml 1th but we should be iJtlllrlt iiidtetlnot he reealled by some there 1111 31111 luriiliti lll his new noun1 to recognize there are many things popular song llltll had for clior 111 1111 111111111 111 11=l11111 Hl 11 of totia utliln lift lhltl llllll mUllln 1111 1111111 1111 5111111 latte Mm it in tiitl 1111 1111 11111 lill 11111 111l111iioei tihli 11 t1vi1ipt11ll 1111 At any 111 our youthful div ll1111 mum Ai 111 littll liiltl mini my 21 in Hwy three tier 11t llltllllttl ltlyllll 121111 1111 liltltlt latiits club are 1lll11llltilltl 111 some llllllll mm mm lglmllil Manager 111 ilt 111th e121 lillilllii and to Jlioiii 1111211 of the Uthtl Wme 11 NH dwi in mm customs of today 1111 not appeal 111 are not what they 11 111 11 111 iiihth are doubtful if er 111 best Anti aloiit pretty llllltll the samel Mm UM mlm Illlz this 1111111 tlltt 1111 112111s1vh23C ML HMLII 111 llllt iii il1llt of tllLth l1lelm lwizliwii MT Pom 1111112 i1 had the heme to itilll gt Hnwjlil lwnnrdi tue tullotninzt tall at 11111 patty HMH NHHHH 1111 one of several llll tictttitill1 MU LUMMN lulu called upon to 112111111111 to Dual to The Lollies l1slltltll 111tllti lim gentle 11111 Perhaps the strongest reason for siltl1 opposition by the oldtimer to the nay the young people of lllt present day are doing many things is l1ee1tise instead of litint able to personally take llill in each of those aetiyities as in past times he llilli1 but due tlllLillttl owing to 1111 impure and ltlllcliletl rink 11111le now he route in silluuuil 11 111 It11111l 1111111111 111 11 lr1 ahslriztl It in 41mg Im in 1111 course of his remarks 111 Saunders 1111111111111 c111111111 11111 of 1m 151031 anmait 1111 1111te111111 1H would mm 11 11 13 mm mm Hm ml Ml rm21115111112 hi trialimplttegi also made brief reference to Barrie as be plmum 01 0111110 denummnp may annex it an old hasbeen And eoiiseoiieiilly 11111111 11111 speak for the dear Ladies 5m IM mm mm 19 1111 ll suburb of Tortilllt 1111011 be under tray by 1951 he finds lll only amusement iii trit while must lllllQl admit it is my Mr Saunders was telvermg goodwill lll It rpquing 11m slypuh 01 hp 111111rjntlt1011 dress and his renutrks reflecting on the eitil to 1111111 111101111 111 the day when Barrie will ens of llairic were probably made in innoc 111 11 511111111 01 1111011111 1101111111013 1110 ism ente1 But there were residents hcre Wilt eats of this part of the province would like W01 mildly Olltlldul Will It W115 lllllllhd to hire moral support to those municipalities llllb W010 living on the outskirts of Toronto that are opposing amalgamation with Tor Other local citizens were amused that their 11110 iti7lll And among those many lii li1 111 11111 111 11111 11111 51111 stitiitioiis he eoiiileiitiis perhaps the the suite time 11 seems woudeiu greatest objections lire found in the to waste 111 energy since from time various phases of the girl ques 1111111111111111111 tliel1tlies hare always tion been able and anxious to speak for But then Hum 11 muse ntoit theinselyes if Lgiyen any sort of an worry than ill llitle surli opportunity ollrtttttelltl it will 111111 as being too particular ltlte 11111 11 ntgln that certain Wise 111111 who cut two much 111 their behalf And anyway holes tlirouuli his doorwa bit litilt man will liaye his hands fiill if for the turtle to illllllt llllltlltdll be properly handles this subject ei rmed hum Th Edmml and 11lliulleiliohfottlh little ill ther as her advocate or her com LlllhllUllthtil reports The 1111111131FLTSI And also that very proper old maid punk so 1111111 1101111 101d ltllltlll 41 lllilhbillli 011 ill 511W lltit lllll1111ilgtfllk 319kgt1nfifhdplld Woman has ever been at 11cit 11 lllvjml 11 $1195 H1n Orr openedap encouraging letter was received Many of those who were generous 111 the pic Ci 114 disadvantage as compared with the mm lat campaign headquarters from former 1110115 campaign have made further contribu Latest Neils The ruling for the 11111 popular teather has been dropped from the Mother Ghost Fair owinz lo the ladies Uljttflill to the lttlUltl likely to ensue from such contest The fair is sehetltlledi for luestlagx February 111 111 thel Town Hall 1lt1111oon and ttlllll 111 aid of the Public Library hm Mrm Former Resident Contributes On the day the hospital campaign was week have been getting good response entertained male company and she mm mm many years the millwriphts are owasgnentg 111 11 11 wasayerentertaining11ersoutoo Stu on 11m Sinful my 341093 working on Carters tnill and WI 11 11 105K Vi 110 no Ill1M5 115 homo UPh Hllmllldh 3110 ll Ol an lsscd two She was Seitlldlllilttl 111 her ltiulill gm Con1111011fthinug SHOW have it ready to resume operations il01liOll The man lllltl his Wilt VlOlC it 5113 years2th llC appreciating th DICSCHL l1rcper mind one when S011100110 11m 11 111111cc1cdi ML ht shell lime NIH limelihtlS that they had read in The Barrie Examiner 1111111111111 to do their share to assure that iiitn l11t t11t on st11l1t 1111 111011 the l11stoi of tilt schools of 11 l1ith 11111 lllt atttntl about the plans for the no hospltul mt and the R0 Vlcmna 05pm 111 be 31131ng mentioned certain article of fc ind then possibly thinkintz lle Missouri wanted to be And we mule apparel and the offence was iwaecs they were receiving from13 11 V1 5mm bone 01 on smond 111111111 County toimtd p111t 1111 tiut 11 1iininii LlU was aggraVaICd 11111111 her guest protest riuL constructed 13 110 um $16 to stir per month with board innshow 1151011 mp0 1111111 11 tlity llblletllt shale 111 this piolect Tlitsc 111111 1110dc111 new unit od Hm Her mnm know Mlalns ribsafIcr man came wo At an entertainment in Collier llllltl ll MlS ll lllellllL in 1111 yar littlll the name was P011110 1131110lmmdxnlS 3l310550d IPIINCCHI Illt iltlhtlls 0i BtllllO llth 11 big lCSDOll they are there Venall know now mm and She has been an hm Street Methodist school room on Barrie at 71 recent meehh eflorhtialty changed to collegiate in tion for the generous otter by William 11 sibihty this week The success of the town lllgtltllllle lhtllihtloinxlc cut1 since iThursdayevening last the 111110111 lLciitre Vespra omens lu 1111111 wrigmnd enclosed their own Cheque H325 campaign will have considerable effect on 115 10 It has often been said that 11111111011111 10 Pd 55 Cdm MW 11 Wt Such incssa 01s as the above imiclc an 1111 the results to be ex cctcd 111 the surrounding torical le no wusmn NHL 5mm mch bell Miss lda 141114 Miss Mamie Mis iIlLlllll his 1d 11 llond 111111 11gt school dit nlow Miss Miller Miss Lower and Search also led to liudiuaszubolll not carry on Very successfully allpetus 10 the Cdllllmlgll OlllCldlS llld lllllldlCdS municipalities The township campaign of also know they are encompassed MCSSYS King 13 Ed early council 111cctingis ill one time having only six pupils by circlcts of irridescent hues that of volunteer canvasscrs When people 111110 ficials are getting their drives organized and is probany the reason why so many men are said to have been 1111 Hint W130 Illlllblfvfwk comm delusion when some schmnfihct wards and Batter townships lms With limes til and closed fol six months at have not lived in the district for many years they will be encouraged by the measure of kWh have laid out goes wrong and tlicirl New ml mm UI if Ill li lglftl if take the trouble to make contribution there success 1111110 town If everyone does his Why Men start financial resources drop down iii1 Whlte Cane Week 30 is all the more encouragement for those who share in the presentcampaign it will be pos 10 me Cpmborhood of 70 She briefly reviewed the histoiy inch had petitioned the council wth mg Of of 01er 1111111111 service in Barrie 11111 Velisprctiotls 111 that 1111111 1111 are in the immediate icuuty The canvasscis siblc to have the new hospital unit complet in 1m nms men are also unjustly charged Vlill lveS ense ha mm mercmnv 10 md encranv topic she considered timely nita school It as not until June who have been makmg calls 111 Battlethts Cd someume 193 Andhiiggra slim ookng for 11 7011113 hflqbglHd Security To Bhnd view of the present campaign 18071 thatthe county council tilted WW Mrs iiickling hadbeen unable by bylaw the fees to be paid by Wllh bOWCOlClCd SllDDvrs 11 somdlmo s9mc Other Umanhv My WilliC Cm ElilS lllt to find any school records prior to pupils attendinu high schools and Are county Taxes FQII slicerst of hose 3d the 1le ma or may Wits sense of sceuritv that nothing else 1323 A13 ttvt it ll rtwti tt ti 11 11 tt of necessity welloff bClOIClleiwtQ 11 mm 10 151L on Wm pcua 005 000 seems to do said Lacey Gwrllimbury united to secure lll 1a month while 111 attendance clothes married ony he didnt sccmiio when asked it he thought the sight summon 101 then children and MW mowing 10mm in hm We noticed that Miland town Councd has contribute 3183981111syeai 101 the malnth Llmlch 10 ltmlll 1Spawm 541 mu 15 10 11 llbf will dCtSUOlbllhellmill it 101 Gabi 5011001 DU1 01 11111101111111 the first township cotin asked Clerk King td1scertain the best anec of county roads and bridges TlllSmls Vi lit ll 11 Cllt ill 10L eight concosion sixV Vlicl gl lsi gt11 for this And lookingglnss Muck 10111411 we have most of us occasion person come busy Smut so served as place of wlmhip gmixpuscrtl glut liltldl 131111ng means of lllltllllb out what ltCCSlS the tow 1115 more than the llIOlllllllCbC lild Fligwlsm lOWl01tlff raised 0111 glasses to Our Mothers there is 110 one close by listen Arm its erectmm Licukcw Jr 5me 11105 and Sunnidmc taxpayCls 101 the service they icCC1ve thiougi purpose all the taxpay 115 in 10 garters like rainbows that and Sisters11nd to Our Sweet and then step out with my cane Mahmud visited schwl 10 1337 1550 SllllCOC County scrvrccs year ago the Town of Essav F105 and Dre combined catehtllc suns rays hemts and Wivtvsnniay they never slightly estended confident that house and some or the younger The 10mth mwmw of Ormm took Similar action and some of the Finances are not the only matters to be 11 11 AmiI $3951Lffllfbt mwmu mistflld 50 iiifmtulately if 9390 gnugifli llolals CY 950 31 35 held Juiuiiirv 16117 in the councillors were so convinced it would be fin consrdercd in relation to Bairic11and Slmcoc 50 53 919 30 Welt5 05 010 ym 01s VISIl and his kind Words 10 1111111111 Barrie at 1111 house it anciallv advantageous to withdraw from the County however The present relationship With hats which it fellow cant be who have never had either of the 0811 know that OVCI the laSl WV them sin to describe mm Bmmm Mil hum county that plebiscite was arranged flow between theCounty Town andthc County is latter and must thereforepass years The Canadian Council of the 11mm first tcacmwus Winmm Pam Whit Frauds Hmwon and quite good Barrie has Reeve and Deputy MOUHL 111 ill 10 SpllWrJ or 1826 Charles Debenham were present CVCI tllC Ollllfl taxpayers VOlCd for the 513 his was misspent tor was it really missspent youth who now finds queue Who calmm naught for me till someone steps up asking DO llshcd in that year having SSLllll hlSlUlY or ill Gully hoStlltll jmoucywa by love her hcillt 35 yet you wish to cross the street Ilc ed control of school matterst Cetmuoduliouiliilhe or NOChanCe bbonhsriiuifurlcd those dear ones by to embrace an Blllld 11d Th Canadian Nutlolml 5lllCl ottlrcrccmlcrser7=w Weryom as to whai lyletrKotltlyethisvtllcuedGil11141411374445ue Hm mm Reeve W410 SEFVC the County Councn This nimllslSlw 0m an 13 alm tor as we would call it reeret iwmihi Food idealilTlTl WV her boyislrform all gel1LFlhalbwttdi lhfj While Cdnc with from Scotland the previous stlm We WM was ms wk From mm to me some Bamc town coun lcplcbelltalIOllLOlldll 0b kg 16 and How can any girl ever find fault 509 Like Dally the 110 titer llis salary was paid direct by M1 11 1111 1d b4 mutual undelhmn mg ween an rmaihc 111101171111211011 11111111 to use swung Caneraearitsmr arms 01 111 11 110 We that molmmn 51 energised the county hermetic is limitlqu mm bnt nd we hate dead ones Mr Lacey continued thought Alinong the rilgtppgpiilg of 1m 321afllilggmijtzzxrWig tamed regarding the amount ofmoney that but him the DIV countlgsiinbntario People may now complain will 31 199m 31mm Cgalcucv would make muffler conspicuous school was Thomas McConkey 01ci1101h wouldbe Saved by this municipalitys With 1171 th rders an they didnt engage in necking pct o1 drink glass of wmc but no understand the some of who 1mm became sheriff or the 1mng from the county But there has new that dpcs hot laveyvr in xting and parking parties in their 3110 gel breakfast lea 01 lime independence it gives to blind county 1mlrl 11 fdy m1 115 mormumon in gm separated mllmCiDahW The lay Wm 001119 young days but holding inmeniory DfIIZPPCtlP ll person moving about alone Now Prior to the year it which inllthofcnuin9131131 Ivtllil ye Gen CODCL when one of the Simcoe towns will secede the pleasures of the oldtime Stin ling1a 1155 lzszmrcrcilu md 31110111 come to 11 busy street COlll we may regard as the close of the hCMCwLI pinigniu 01 C101 quamlty to be 0f muCh ivaluc but the present arrangements appears to be at 1r not to croslmove to the ftl gill1gihzohtigfgiflfidcglictliiiuslioiu Md 1813 50110 151 llmy dgdloliiiecurbi Lcausc perhaps liligiiziilraliidiioideliicusiciiiiif iicridil Wanwm and Kcnmii 9011 wall glance at the 1950 buagi 01 the coumfy qulleammme for the majority who are con deed be an old hypocrite 01 else Sm Who always seems to wm 0i PlCVlOUS While Cane cam in thchistorv of schools of the was Cmcmdamevg Comic indicates that Barrie taxpayers W1 CCIlled lcrcs to the bold and tiny co paigns Wm 0151mm 1ch long county the district council 5513b Mrs Hicklings rcyiew of the profeSsional We think that with respect to squeakmg After an appeal to thepublicfor Barbara Ann Scott the mayor is 13th one thatgels the 3170959 dam aha which he went Eng funds the main part of the hospi gt wrong The honors she brought to ItvSnie 3va peaceful soul land 11 ial was constructed for $20000 Canada and herself while still an Ana not too hard to please ably7piepared to admit that the young peopleof today are no difv intentfrom what we were excerpt ing in those respects Where they fault with oun co 1C And there pfp1ms who were SWIM Im he will notinention my cancnor com about 50 common schools wcrc in 110 0M buck 10 low gt was W01 Ck E1 Boasts of love to the timid dovc willing if not really anxious to meat on my handicap JllSl pass operation Many of these were In that year number of gin7gb hold minds 11311110 affairs La17nvygblfonfb 10 the time of day see that 13m satc kept open for only part of the ions of Barrie interested in pgo Occasmnal stories from Ottawa suggest 011 the Government to stop these lltlpoltb And truth to 1111 some ofthose 6mm Lnofv icmyofBag ly 01 the otlieisid01aml continue year and even then with the riding hospital accommodation that the Dominion Government is hoping The United States needs very little mthe hoydms of our boyhood hassociw sound onmiis rigind person My Laccv angelic that the present difficulty in selling Cau way of Canadian farm productsomer cotunt tions are now the mol 015 01 Heres to the heights of heaven adian farm products abroad will be solved tries do The problem is still how to res ore 31 we on thc White Cane is for their children near Aidaghslgrove at cost of gt1 531dTciii12infsdiiiaiiiiiyii tiiii lift at WLU shlcl f10mqucslions when 110 The number of schools in lhcl$11000 by simply finding market for them in the trade With Sritam and the other countries esdapadcs and1lnconyentionalitics Who can have good time 01005 the unusual 01 what to the various townships in 1343 was ap charter datcd December 13 United States instead of Britain and other which badly need Canadian food hich arc proving mm as much Wm sense enough to ten sighted ivlit 32cm liooliih gtohllllllalgely Gilfr follow JOVXSl 1891 incorporated the Baltic Gtn countries That is probably vain hope The President of the Royal Bank of Can gt like their mothIS aslwo People T1911 L931 0110 Dmkt 22S 2byxfhiee jail mlilsf 5cc25 00 LTlhdc agilgiifpgfllquglu The fact 18 that the United States is ex ada Mr James Muir says that the answer gt bCiBlgotrnsghxggmb 3YSfif 10 es for caution Moslquotorists iion Orillia Mcdontc and Flos Tiny August 15 1392 Thou peliencmg the same difficulty as Canada 15 15 Simply to restore conveilibility Of Cllllell 53 aes an exempliiry mother understand thiStbuthl is the unin fhIVCSPI Sumudale 21 and Stratliy was mostfacttvc during inselling farm products abroad The United ies Without that there is as much difficulty formed motoris 21y cause umur these early days and was instru uld14i W111 later MPG mum her 1dugrh The Mayor May Fmd dreadful accidents There was great deal of UC mental in securing the Charter StateS would have Iea1market promem 01 iladmg betmein counvtngg Sctglrguxaies or the we Himself on The Spot so be Its hands If It were notthat by the Mar be leans ween lated gruwoi use passeb such accidents prevented M1 40s1 owing to the liberal aid to 1mm Jubilee in 1397 sufficient shall Plan the United States were substan in Canada if each provmce of Canada had if and PW gaggile tizaniglfggfbegmlhc Lacey concludedthe CCB and 11h scfhtmsl gIVTChn by tgc SclroolhA funds were obtained to purchase tially giving away few billion dollars year its own dollar and tried to establish the value 331 young folks of every age Town of Barrie voted to hayea gigs atfl11re3$gog3$f lfm coum lgggiegedo house on High Street for $310001 of farm and other products of its dollar at too high level have craved for freedom expen civic reception or BarbaraAim mg Whc Cam week dispmc twosears liasaicoiigdoiilcnaii $111052 ang With the United States in that position Convertibility of currencres Will not cure 1111th and igangei 031 35112 335 $323tggrlggofhggugglli 1311 the information possible on Somif theBcaalliest ttcgtchcla was gven the new namc of the there could be nothingmore unlikely than all the troubles of the world but it would at ycome rougla an 59 what the White Cane means were lam 00 01 You much international trade tied down to sedate respectability tale any part 1L hOIdmg that in the earlyJBOS and William voyfuyvminia HO$tpita13 1112 121 general Opening of thlsmarket to Canadlan Ieasr pelim andtkenmp the duties of 115C Miss Scott despite hermagn1cent THE KICK Cm in log schoolshouse 01 hat in first Idmms SC 00 farm products The United states farmers go on as 18 pOSSlbleF0relgllexc$339011 r01 Where their parents left bffBut Pefotmlnc Land delightful hitmaid be kicker Crown Hill In the Barricschool EinufSFs jmdr have too many votes and are too wellorgan as applied by so many countries actually 1111 the vital matter of characterev Smalltlnfplfetcdthe131t99wm1 10ur firstleacher we have any 10 Pl berm gm ized At the first sign of competition from blocks international trade far more than is rob recognition when she became aways 0m 1011 Lh cord of was Frederick Gatesman accommodation was rcqutrcd and or airmm smell But thewheel that does the the present 1111111 sitcnwas seemed imports fromCanadamressrure would be used tariffs ever did now rst school inspector Was with opening ceremonies on March My ther who now1 does pretty much the same things ashlar daughter wood and others who have no IS the me who dyesvthe nanS apart the large mom in the lower The need for proper accony claims to fame other than their Quebec Division of CWNA and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Subscriber to Service AVERAGE PRESS RUN box office Value Let us not put any notions oor 015 the Cast Wing of the court modation for nurses was met in 44 have impwVEd And theyvsmuld amateur skater it is true entitle But the dog thatdocs the Rev Amish from met6 1902 her Whale pubhc hon may scratching JThe history 20f the advanccd Eight years later hospitalization bears 361153226 112211122151111133 Is th one thalvhas thetflcasrr schools or high schools asthcy demands were agaili paramount Someyoungliidies defy the con However on the broad question hate to be kieker withogafliiiiivinfdsiletcgvvii Sllriiilimgtlye cgiistiiiiftiohatoef anirIiL ClOSS OlCOIlOdO ventionalities now to be sureruse of civic recleptions toproresslonal Seems little in 315mm 01111111 ust 1843 the vernoi to theytir lbuildin under slan smoke cigaretteseeven swe ntcrtainers he is on the ri ht The lekerS in the chorus lglla gr gr General Sir Charles Metcalfc is takenby Strathy and 1115 Th just little occasionally but it Is track CiVic dignatories in many Are the ones that get the dough sued ommission appointing buy mother It vvas completed by llbllbhe Eveiy Ion ay an lurs ay not so much the fault of the young places have gone much too far out The art of sowsoap Sweding tees for district grammarv school March 1911 This new wing en at The Wilson Building Post Office Square Barrie Ontario Laiiada by gzgpigeezzriitlliodiiggsedfifgvgid iiifiiigeliiywitghldiinigheggig IS thingthat pails and stales Slmcoc then being called dis largedthe hospital to beds THE to someexcent at least if her 1110 comes to Vismig Stars from H0113 Futhtgfmiiei Who wields the iillscttricllmieiiaiiirciif orl umsylxt Zhihxcielarzcwcd the commLEmty for Macinrcn President Walls ViceePresident iPaegSecretaryTreasurer ugu Member of Class Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly NewspapersAssociationOntarios $23153 taggeiignsegggg Bariiesv mayor Shay have pm That are harmful in your head Pnzlisescoarrle for use as gran l928through the donation of the chemble grandmOthers in abbrev high 1115311113 itng gtuiimbiiiiiiy tiliiit giigpietlinmg The government granted him EgigiOiillilctiiictiiyby me Hon Average Net Paidwmiit iii tilted costimes Chang 1d the players of Which have beed By Courtesy intario 10l5 in Barrie for school 11011505 In 1938 ducuto overcrowding for Six months ending 599 30 Highest iii Canada for Home Town mg athletlc Stunts they wele at gathered from near and 313 and Agricuuural Reyiew and masters residences Frederick again the third floor of the hos 1949 Weekly Newspapers MacLaren Managing Editor Walls BusinssManager their own mesmeS holdlrgugow were not attracted there solely by Gore the headmaster at the gram pital was converted from domes the honorable posthon ipme the sambrious climate and delight civic reception Would the mayor mar school received these patents tic staff quarters to maternity guard and 9ng 1dt5 all people of that necommunity participate or would he refuse to for three lots making total of ward there m9re ailment191 the If this team shbuld be successful have anything to do officially threequarters of an acre chland The daily number of patients daughlel51flndlng Contentmenti 1001 and merge from the various play with such recognition of players on the north side of Blake Street from 1920 to 1935 wasfSO in1939 1m associations 01 home Mei Win downs with the Memorial Cup it whoare injspirit if notcin letter on August 20 1845 also No 12 on it had grown to 44 and in 1943 today to V81 large extent do 101 is conceivable that giateful coun just as much professional as is the south side of Collier Street and to 65 By 1947 the average daily GXIStIr The 131838 romancem cilwould want tovtenderpthem Barbara AnnScott others at later times had risen to 80 George fadogan News Editor Chittick Advertising Manager Tomlinsoii Printing Manager Cooper Plant superintendent Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office ADepartmentlouawail Subscriptions payable in advance $300 yearly in Canada $350 yearly outside Canada cents single