Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1950, p. 5

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llibli 11211 lillrLilii 11111 Librarian Resigns 111 tlnv 1ti11 Kllzistolt 11p1 111111111v1s 1111111 1111 the Kiwanis lvi111l iin 1111iit11o1 lll be made at 5111 11111 school asmnililx on 1111111 Mwtday ilt111o1 at the toliciiiatt lln li1111 Llll ol llitllZi 1111 111 1111 txnpliy which lll be ttllttl 11111111v lltlltylullll Saturday 11111111111111 1111 11112111 lll 111111 for lomnto win1e 1111y will toinpete 111 tln tlllll 1111 1111111 ll1lil lcli1l lhey have 111 To MISS IlI IvIIIIII 111 resigned her post of librarian 11 the Barrie 11111111 11mm ll1r 111it1115 was rcrchcd 11 the Ic111 nary nirci in of the Library Itoard Miss Iellicts Icsignaiion Culllth after 211 years of continuous service to the Ilarrie reading public Slic 11111 indeed the be 11 their class up he tirpci mm 1113 of 1111111 school and collegiate bands School in lolouto Iiss lclhee 1111 lilli 1n the 11tt11 is native of Orillia slle is tcl iiie 111 111111111111 of the lltls 111111111111 in town following her re fume 1111191 lrft school lzrl 1911 signzition 111 afternoon 11 in chartered CHEESE CORNNIEAL FINGERS Mix 111111 sift into bowl oncesifted pastry flour tor c011ccsiiled hardwheat flour 3151115 Magic linking Iowder tsp salt 1111 in finely yellow tbs chilled shortening and mix in cornmeal shredded cheese and tbs chopped parsley Make well in cenirc pour in cniilk and mix lightly with fork K11eathor 10 seconds on lightlyfloured board and roll out to thick rectangle cut into fingers and arrange slightly apart on greased baking sheet Bake in hot oven 425 about 15 nunsServe hot with butter or margarine Yieldl dozen fingers wiil be llltylllttl by 111 301 Band cay on Rotary Festival at Kingston Compete in Toronto Saturday 111 111 111 lit11 lr 11111 liilz ll1lxlll 1111 11111 1111 l1l the tax 11 1111 =t11 c1111i 111mm 211 1111 11 11121 11 ta111 1511 11t1 121ks 11 the its1111lti 111111 lt111111 iiil 11111111111 It tp11t 11 that ill Miami Yileum lilJl lllt llt i111litl the it linustozi 1111 glint tililtc urtiuizitntal dump in rtudrntn paid for llliil 1111 1111111 lllll 11 1a 111 111111 humanist 1r1t 11111 111 ol Collegiate 1111 anon 111titutv on 511111 1ll 1111111111 1311 121 il1v it K111 on 1t Sunday 11 11111111 11111 1111 tin11 bust tier111 131 11111 not lll1 111111111 1111111 1i1i midniilit While 111 111sto1 1111 b1211 1111111112 lure 111111111 1111 1111 uhi 111 ttlililtgtv ol lilo student 1111111 11 of Kingston Collegiate The hand llltllllhla l1ttlltl to 11to11 anti incl at thin spenre 1111111 hand funds 1111 The 1111 1111111 $1111 fertnai prixt 1111 scholas 11 IIllllYlIlllllI 1tlltl1fl 111 1111111 11 11 non to 111111to 1nd place ltolary cost of the trip tival Ilagt510 James ll tiilicttc lltll they play liirlds 111 assist in tovtllll 1111 Then no test pitces at 1111 11x 111 lltl4rltll 5111111 for Band 11111112111 11v 1lt yd in tin toiltpiate oi 111111 school whom they Conductor Vl that the band malty suipassed it self in ll 01111111111Qeulneront petition lt was on lllli occasion that adjudicator Illusch txreen of lliriningham 1111141111111 them superb excellence 11 the small lerth Col legiate llantl thcr 1lJlltliLttitilS for the festi 111 vere Dr Charles ONeill 1111 Toronto John Sterling of London lantland and lrllc111y Willan of Toronto This afternoon at the Kiwanis Festival in Toronto the band will again he CJlllptllllgllll the North Toronto Collegiate Band with have been in very close competition for several years Their test piece will again be the Golden Century Overture The adjudicators were particu larly impressed with the depth of tone possessed by the llarrie group reports Mr Fisher This mellowncss and fine group play ing 11oziec1ctlits to the enseinble practicing necessitated by their position as part of school curri yculum In connection with the Kingston trip the band students paid for all their own meals and they were billeted without charge at homes of Kingstonstudcnt council mem bers he bus transportation was paid for withmoney raised spons sorship of the Canadian Artist Series of concerts here Junior Red Cross members have sent nearly $20000 worth of cloth ing to children in British War Nurseries alone Top Honors Accepts Position lollonin St Georges Choir Presents Concert NW iTo Large Audience Mr Fisher alsi remarked 11mm chneh ttilslr 11111111 11 11 immun LAAMINLH llss lIIAN KNIGHT assistant burian for the past eight months the Barrie Iublie Library has1 eceptctt llic pmition of librarian the resignation of Mia Miss Knight is Ll gradu llie lniyersity of Toronto Irlhcc tc of and 111 the degree of bachelor utitantanl lid Iiigieskcy 11 re run Iibian seicnee 111111 the lnivcrslty 111 Inicll for 1111111 not of 11111 1111 siw hm wot1111111 duty to matte the branch 1111 i11r1rv School iband class conipctni 111111111 v2 izcd in the work of the juvenile luitablc place to enjoy fellovhip lliiiicsttm school tmmr m1 department at the library since The spoils conunittec innit1 11111111111 Tom11 wuuu1m joining the staff and 1111s levellivniietl1 Ramsay sponsored bowl lhew Lake 111 which tinv eoiupti Ioped 1uil cpantlel this libraryiin teams two ball teams one of lttl um 11 lgptlltugln ivhbuwnv service with the young members 111111 111111 the intermediate chann llo 1111111 pionship 111 the Barrie and district Ilshtt 511111 Illduuo LegiOn of Barrie Active Year In 1949 lttl It 1119111 ll President 11l1e 1111 11 lowph Jenvcll Major Iltllil1lllgtl 11111 pirew of 111111 31111 an average of 1771 per Hlii ted the in further fellowship HAILRLZ UNTAMO CANADA Continued from page one itzuzi fir1r elect cu 1w 121111 Matty Dunn 111 Vllth dilli111 I1 111411 Report liv lrcidvit ll 11111910111 1111 1111111 111 wcu ispre ed to 1111 for tin17111111 lion lre Lee 0111 Mt last Thomas 1111111111 KITl A1111 Jones and 11lt 17111 ozniade llanlpll Congdon Truman 11111111 lltlli1l for their lltlp 111 1111 ad Ihiv en out during 11n 1111 11 day Mail leeriveti totalled littttS uttlriitlf Longdon 111 the reprisentailxe to 1111 pro 11111111 011tlltlll Capt Ilobeit Blake teard and Earl Smith and 1111 olc 11s1stv oiniiiittee during 1111 entcrtai 111111111 ear Last lhursday errnine 111 St Morin3 llall Allandale the jun din and senior choirs ot the alone 1llt several guest presented 11111sie11 prot 11111111 and appreciative audience The hall was packed for the com 11 which proved tot he even more 1K1 success than the one held last The senior llllqllil fivc sclcc lions during the 111 1113 Their program consisted of ecial arI raneenient of iod Save leing llail llim with ltcjoicingz A1111 an April Evening Dear Land Going Home The junior choirs selections in chided Come to the Fair Skip 101 My Lou and Our Lullaby Vocal dines were sung by Mrs Walter llayliss and Miss Norma llecchcr Conron Ilnbert Bibby and ltobert Ricketts filled the lap to make visits and look after the sick The president personally visited all 1111 sick at Christmas and assisted 111 delivering Legion gifts Comrade Blopg and the muml 111rs of the home committee were congratulated for their work in ittllll the chairs and 111aking several other improvements to the club Larry Maves and theeducation 111 committee assisted various vet erans during the year and om rade Maves was the Legion repre visory committee ltentative on the public school ad Jamcs Clyne and the member shipcommittce increased the num ber ofpaidup members and job was IOIlt in converting the books to providigor the change from llayliss Joan and Walter Buschlen quarterly to ycarly payments The Emory Hill and Mrs Walter Bay liss and Mrs lloy Urry and Mrs Cook Mrs Ilarry Sincthurst Mr llill Miss Nettie Coleman Brude Dibble Mrs Urry and Mrs Cook paid11p membership at the end of hi was 287 Ilalse $37864 Bill Fleming WilsonJebb and aloe Jewell headed the ways and also entertained with vocal solos Instrumental solos were lwedsidcrable sum of money means committee and raised con for the by 111111 and Mrs IIobson branch They ran the Easter draw and an instrumental duct was pro vided by Smethurst Special mention Mrs Hobson who trained two groups from the junior choirfor several dances Mrs Hobson had alsoprcparcd 1111 amusing radio shit for the evenings progrann Mr and Mrs Harry 10mg Ider Joe Jewell baseball and and bingo the donkey the December draw should go to These activities netted $237864 The Poppy Day Committee un sold so many wreaths the Barrie branch was well up near the top in the prov vince Money was used for needy veterans in the district gt The sports committee administer ed the Midget NIIL which was sponsored by the branch From 200 to 250 boys of the town played hockey under guidance was also donation to the Barrie Minor Athletic Club RothLRiclmLfsnandAlmdlI 11 New it no aiIBaADroaD sr EXTRA COMFORT Iradled between front and rear wheels on Mercers balanced springingyouir1sttloaralong New zip711 springing and foam rubber seats for added driver comfort EXTRA CONVENIENCE New pushbutton doo handles and rotary larchc assure easy dooropening and positive closmg And you cant lock yourself out Examine the 1950 Meteor inside and out See the extra value everywhere the rich quality of its broadcloth or mohair upholstering the smartness of its in strument anel and Interior trim Take the what and drive it Then youll realize how much extra value the Meteor has to offer you 11 may ampsMagma6 rate wiredebb awmfoe mm mammals CO LT Marrow MERCURY MERCU EXTRA SAVING TouchOMaiic 921121511auxnuosrlgmulmer more restful driving on the open road Saves gasoline reduces engine wcar Chrome wheeltnm rings and white sidewall tires optional at extra cost saw45347540 MCICUIVllNCOLNMUEOI DIVISION Overdrive Mcrcors cm as 1030 MOIOI COWANV OF CANADA LIMNE EXTRA EFFICIENT AIR CIRCULATION fresh air in summer With the Magic Air Heater it gives complete winter comfort too with efcich 11110111111 win this connection Mr Harris suggested that more veterans should attend LegIOn funerals and bingo the horse race rcfresli There PAGE SEC L1 FEB 232425 remains WALNUT emu SPECIAL BiSCUITS 111111125 11111111115 11131111111 Narrows 29 lb Lillllhiifi Ilililf ii llll PEIINUT BUTTER 35c Gilllltllllllil CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 01511 21c llllYlVltlllll SWEET MIXED PIEIILES 01151 BLUE 11133th 11111511111312 PEIlilE TEll we 52c GOLDEN REEF 1111111213 liPIlllIilTS HALVES 01911 28c llYllVlEll STRAWBERRY JAM ADDEP PECTIN 302151 42c NIBLEIS Fhlltflf llillllll lllllillEl 301111 0111 17 UNGRIIDED SIZE 2011 01 TINS 23 Yllllll EllllIlJE PEllS 15th iihucn 111121 19 RED RIPE lMPORTED TOMATOES SELECTED QUALITY STMKS cAuromA sreoirss LARGE 48 SIZE 25 1111111 1111111111115 45 33539 535291 ATLEAST ONE 511 AVALLABLE ONTARIO GROWN APPLES FANCY GRADE ORTHEBN SP SELECTED QUALlTY YAMS 25 ELL PK 619 11 ris acted as Poppy Fund trustees builtin ventilation sys surcs an abundance of dc frosting EXTRA POWER Mercer 100 HpV1ypc Scylindcr engine with liqumllo ecoling is smooth powerful economical v1 11321111 11111111 sored the formation ofthc Barrie and 50 of these houses were being rightful claims funds to Lthe building committee and the ball Col Fitzgerald who has since arrrivers BARBIE The branh inrcughhecom inendation of the trustees spon andhDistrict Welfare Council The housing committee underl ithe efforts otRobert Bibby suc ceeded in showing theTown of Barrie the need for rental houses Comrade Bibby did most of the pension advocate work and as sisted veterans to establish their Sixtyfour cases were handled and 48 of these had been completedand 16 were pend 1111 Mr Harris thought that no other branchbfomparable size in Canada could boast such re cord The band committee under Del Cole returned the assets of the band to the lruStecship of the town and complete inventory was pro vided Special Events During the year the Legion sponsored the getoutandvote campaign in the federal election district convention was held in Barrie the first timcin the his tory ofthe branch Earl Carroll headed the committee and Tom Burton organized the parade The branch had part in wel coming the GovernorGeneral on his visit tovBarrie Comrade Bur don arranged the President Harris received His cclleney on behalfof the branch shook hands With every veteran present 011 November 11 there wcre LOUDcitizens at theCcnOtaph for the annual BemembranccDay ser vice Comrade Burton staged suc cessful smoker on Nov 14 and it was suggested that this be rmade an annual event Rev dePencier Wright the new padre assisted the Legion greatly since his appointment nominated by Alfred Harris and was later elected to Succeed the late Comrade Manning of Cold watcr 33 Zone Commander The ladies aixiliary raised $600 during the year and contributep the Midict NHL teams Visitors during 1949 included Provincial President Evans Lt been elected provincial president Pat Biggs provincial secretary Maurice SeatlcjDVA pension ad vocate zone Commander Manning 11511191 encased parade and ThoGovernobGeneral spoke and Past President Robert Bibby was lLB Weslons Creamy crackers ms 27 77 Westons Golden Brown Sodas 115 271 VIII 1121 321 Welons EXTRA 1111147 13125 296 if llIB 11 331 Neilsons caca msn 111 291 Hubilunl Pen Soup 27c TCIIEIIM WKG 100 1t 01111101 Nubob Irradiated Coffee 1111 44c 5m SPAN Quaker Oats ouncx REGULAR 13 30c 23 Hurryomes Garden Peas lf 10c pliwc Graves Apple Juice 611qu 1111111 21c MAPLE LEAF Seedless Raisins cwronm 21b537c TllllEl Slll Clarks Vegetarian Beans olllhsIDc 191115 151 Connors Fish Cakes 11131 23c Turkish Table gs 121 15 SUIII FIIIIIES Lge pkg 28c EllVI 33 ILI CTN Swifts Swiltning Morgene Margarine gt Prepared TheiModernWcy No Feet Head or Inside POULTRY DRAWN wnaour CHARGE cumin 1111111111 10111 1111 111111111 311111112121 111111111172 11111211173 FRESlIPtlllll SllllllllllillS HOCKIOFFQL 31 LEAN Pillllti Lilllli IltllISTS mm 1111 91141 1111111 Burr1111115151 mops 31111111 11111 11111111311115 mums 150111111151115111 1101111 MAPLE LEAF 11 45c iWIElllillS rnrsuniiiirns mosrun mu 5111011111 11111115 41a titllllllm 1111111111 1111111111111 nuns 921111431 LOBLAW Gnocrrritnscogunirm 1111 CELLO PKG 902 111 finf5fgTgefgagl 15111 mass initiation lat Elmvale He vice as president in 1949 Mr Heir spoke pver the radio on behalf of the reserve army tor recruits On 1issaidhe had looked after ad iNov 10 he spoke at Remembrance mi istrative activities before social He took part in the zone Day services at the Barrie District gt faW me Waste in What You Buy c11111c1 nrrnrssrn CHICKENS 161 39 11545 5111151111111 45 59c 33 115 3413 High School King Edward and F103 Area schools In conclusionithe retiring dent pledged his supper

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