sbvlidlanLiJlImc12clElwis admindroao PAGE Tamersmo 1131121111 Clinch 5de Collingwood Iearsall Nets Three Points Barrie junior Flyers clinched first place in the Georgian Bay group standings Monday night with hardfought 31i victory over Calliiigwood Greenshlrts at Barrie Arena The Flyers wind up their schedule Saturday night in fol2 llngwood and their move r1to be Owen Sound Greys iilllflaksru 11 2r1111slii vi commenci 11111 OIL1 ilaviyfl 111 111ii1t info 3111111111 ll11s Stroud Fnday from turrlor 111i111111oi Th mm liiiden lon1rc11s 11A rr WNW 51 31 turn visit to Stroud Iriday Id Hog dullII night Ieli LI 1Ilcll the tailJr mlmmdmh MI 111111 the South Simeoe League The hwm HM 1m leaders at lliornlon rc11a in mm mums In preiioiis contest played IXrIllitl IIIl 111I1 1111111 such low 1112111 ilic itd Hider villi 11 7141 111111o11l 3111111 111 121111 111 lla 111111111 1111 Ihc lrlyris mine Incl defcriceii1zr 12111 11 capturril il srcoinli and 11111 had the twlllil 11 itofld of 1111 1111111 chain1 Itarsall tjtllll 1111 1111 111111111l1t 11111111114 1111411111111 the triumph 1111 blueliner scored 111 and assisted 11 the two to break up 1111111 writet Ilespite receiving the of the penalty Illdtlt voods lithe111111111 never gtIlllitl llylllt 111 1111111 hometown I1ilr Only ItfIlIlt work by llaiv Brewer in the 1111s kept 11111 Creenshirts from catchiiii 1111 llyf er attacks Each game produces combination and this tune it 11 the line of Iloii Illllllls Des Kelly land laul llriims who earned the locals Paul lZriims nullified 111 early Collingwood goal by Len ook lll thc second Slitllll and Don liiniiis clinched the test til the third on pass from Des Kelly learszills unassisted marker from the blue ine in the second ravc Barrie 4licir 21 margin There was no scoring in the first period although Walter Lorre hitI the goal post on tlose111 shot tvith Goalie Ilruce Ilook beaten Completely Cook started the lightsblinkinpl tit 243 of the second for oiling 11 IIIII the 11 11 11 winning If 11 5BCISenior Cagers Score Initial Win Down Midland 37I6 Daft Nesbitts BCI cagers have ho hope of making COSSA play off berth this season biit they are making things interesting for their porthern rivals Friday at BCl gym they failed by one point of sweeping double header from Midland High School The local seniors scoredtbcir first victory of the season with 3716 count but the juniors were edgcdi 2322 in tightly contested tilt Shifty Don Elliott was the pace setter in the senior triiimph lo climax sparkling twoway ef fort he potted 12 points to lead his mates to moralbuilding win Jim Armstrongwas close on his heels with eight Despite an eightpoint effort by guard Don Crosbic BCI juniors had to succumlnto an early rush thrille from the opening tipoff with arrie tryingfdesperately to Sink the closing basket for victory BCI girlshadto be content to split doubleheader with Midland on the lattcrsoor Friday The juniors gained the twopoint nod With an exciting 2119 Win while the seniors dropped 2515 vcrdiCt Barrie SisDon Elliott 12 Norm Harris Jim Armstrong Bill Ayerst Dick Kirkpatrick Bruce TarBush David Frid gt Barrie JrsDon Crosbic Doug Baker Leon Garrick Lawrence Duty Bernard Cryderman Minden Monarchs in lindcii the Monarchs 111re itl are high si llUttI 11111311 11 Illtrrlltlr goal ill Scstou with Ilob for talking out of turn ICt with 11 beautiful that point Barrie played tight dc lway in their division speed hustle and good passing at attrrcks scoreless 21ng to stymie consistent Hook tended the nets wellhiit his defence corps was great power house shim bmuli ONTnRIO CnNADA Top Rug Here 31 stinsevengroup11111w1111 the lctors score Hou nilli the return of III tlIIlll ind taster ice Stroud hopes tor rrvcrscd leiIsion I1sl spllllti Minden delimited Stroiid in the tIlll Interme diile ll playoffs and then cut on to obtain the title Stroud Here 11 that time dc fending champs and every game decision lindcn to 1111s close hi1 advanced this season the higher bracket llic carni promises to he thriller regardless of the out come and is cJIItrI for Kilt p111 mill 11111 11ttI 11111 1111 1111 111m 11 than llilvr Jinn11c 111 when he bziiiud Ilritlll Iicilvs lioiiiid resriltinzg from Icaisalts lup pass Still 11111111 llUllj 7111 on 1111111s The middle canto as featured with player1111 111 the l11 111111111 of 1111 Ilill Sexton 111d tolliiig oo11s lvybccame 11111111 111art 11 boards in listic brawl tol nowood fans iisappiovrsl of 11111 311 the battle was tgilllll and goin riii 11 tryrru to iitl piece of Sexton It was finally broken and received iiiajois Iltl of the visitors III11111111111 misconduct II11 11111011111 Playing five 1gti11 to start third Dori limins put the game on of play and from minute goal in the first hey failed to hit the score Collingwood should goo long acks Coaclv Jack lortlaiid has arranged his boys forbalancc and it paid off against the highscoring lilycrs keep the Barrie but theypman most of them 611 Bruce They couldnt backchecking MidgetNHL ActiOn Saturday At Arena iame stab at shoving Windsor Ijhbewllailrierj ch of the Can lmmDhLmo cm adiaii Wilda arewhhTniTmfi msrm hands run Operating the Midge On the strength of three goals IIL system this year but thcvlbl naiiagedytoip offanother smooth rerformance Saturday morning at Barrie Arena The record registration of play ers finds difficulty of not enouin ice time However the Legion had wery division operating over the east Week with some close scores ccorded Guelph Biltmores opened their uniorA schedule with 40 ilanking of Windsor Spitfires 1111111050 11 ITS CHRYSIIElgjlLYMO slum You LiSIentoithe iv iii HAROLD H111 LIMITED HCKEYBRUADBASIS qurie FIYersl ovEEcKBB BARRIE 000000 WANLu You WANT UTEFARGO DEALER They Take It From One Who Knows Six tlllllllsllll 111111 skiers pick 11p valuable point Ihv HL crs from qualified ski instructors at the Ontario ski school held in loco Sound recently Standing fifth 11p and sheet vhieli is an unusual occurrence They have Paul Desourdic and George May lHornets finished strong to gain from the left is Ircd Newton of Barrie who is swift3 ly becoming topnotch instructor at Mount Jimmy Ski lrrh during his spare moments Helen Makes 11 Look Edsy cy of IlIIIlIIS HELEN LIVINGSTON was attendant at tlic liitario ski school held in won Sound recent ilton Ski liili the Boston Bruins And from all ly One of the top performersof the Barrie Mount appearances that too is neat Jimmy Ski luli llelen above left illustrates Photo icourtesy Owen Sound SunTimes PUMIIJII SUIIIF 11 6111110 about tho vnr WW 1p CCum5 with Smytlie on his way back to Tor F==== Ionto from Florida vacation goals apiece Dick Forbes made it EDGES BARBIE John Moore Hamilton Tigers racked up 42 triumphovcr Tor onto Mziilboros in the SUIIIOIA1 lrace Don Jones scored the single mn Bobbie Stewart rind Ted Kelly tallied for Toronto lrlarlboros in the third period to avoid shut out The American Hockey League saw two highscoring tilts finish in tics Buffalo Bisons rallied in the final frame to deadlock New Hav en Ramblers izi while Pittsburg Members of 1110 Owen Sound Badminton Club defeated team from tncrrBarrie Grirrisdns Clubiii series of friendly matches played at the OSCVI gymnasium 11 Owen 180111111 on Saturday evening The llinal count was 2519 The Barrie comprised players of both thcl snow any more Those who were and 105 mm 1111 at the club over thepast weekeiidrson Chb Owen Sound held 1310 edge in will verify that Although the wind was cold the skiing vas good mlxed dOilbles Play and fl Slmlilill lthreepoint margin 129 in ladres on hard unbreakable crusty surI face with ght dusting of powid011bles Only 111 mens doubles did der snow Those without steel edges found some difficulty in manoeuvering the turns and found lthemselvesv sideslipping great the evening was between Jim Abl deal but considering the speed1botts and Tack Agnew mainstays travelled we think for the mostlof the Owen Sound club and Fred part good control was evident laAnderton and Doug Smith of the NA We cant beef about the lack of 166 stalemate with Cleveland Bar 65 margin in this division ons Paul Allems and Ron Beatty headed the Buffalo scoring parade with 11170 apiece while John Gar twnotchcdthcsingle counter Gary Clarke was the big threatl We have another beef wed like 103123 Hay as hf dentefd lhelto air in this column and that is twine wrth tour of hlSIICllmS five the apparent lack of support of the goals Edward Lacurk tallied once Barrie Mount Jimmy SM Club by Bob Chappells three goals en itsown members and the local ablcd Pittsburg to come from be puc We would say that 90 per hind and tie the Barons Bill Mon cent of the people on the hill last ger and Bob Comer followed with Sunday were from other clubs two and one respectively towns and cities and if the admit Jimmy Hall garnered pair for tariceto the club was limited to Cleveland while George Field Baffle alld dlSlIlCt OHIY the Agnew and Abbotts in the mens doubles nals of the Georgian Bay District Championships The Owen Sound duo gained some measure of revenge on Saturday evening by defeating the Barrie pair twice by 1510 count The results with Owen Sound Ron Noble and Doug Bassett scor Barrie mount Jimmy Ski Club players namw rs led singles would be Va miserable flop and Mixed noubles In an NHL game Tuesday TorIWOU1d g0 mm more than bank Marie Abbotts and Jim Abbotts onto Maple Leafs went on scor lthCy in 1Ul0ne Elis Operation tied Mrs Livingston and Anderth ing spree in the second and third 0f the low and falilles 158 1115 Isabel Leming and periods to trounce Montreal Cany Tack Agnew tied Mrs Anderton diens 112 and Smith 1815 1215 Gladys Eral TheLcafslcd 21 inlthe first ongoals by Wayne Stewart and Letsallget behind our Ski Club and show the hardworking cxecuy tive and gencialJos that we MissLayjnd Smim 159A 159 Legate tied Mrs Smith and 111 ingston 1511 215 Elizabeth Mc Faul and Bob Taylor defeated Mrs Young and WiOugh 1510 Lois Aiton and RossGardhouse defeat ed Mrs Oughyanld Oates 1814 Ann Aubiii and Doug Findlay lost to MissxParker and Lounsbury 1510 JoanSmith and Mac McKer roll lost toMiss Rozell and Chit tick 615 415 Helen Brien and Bill Danendefeated Mrs Smith and Young 157 156 Marian merits in hospital that she knew Douglas arid Don Nicol lost to well herselftsince during her ser Miss McGregor and Livingston this Saturday but if only five childrenturn out to make use of this service it will be thelast time itwill be offered this seaI son The cost is only one dime eo lets all climb aboardfor the fun at the club and dont forgetthbse lessons Listen to Billy Hewitt for any last minute changes or plans Although Wannamaker notched single for the Herbs in the second the Leafs soared for quartet with Millet Salter heading the attack with two Stewart with his second and TCm Lacuik added to the total Thcthird and final stnzawas all Leafs as they raced to five quick goals Salter completed his hat trick with single with Paul Borysuick two and Bob Montgom ery and Lacuik one each Canadiens were handicapped10 certain extent when their players she was given physiotherapy treat vs eIs Majors vice aSa Wren she had become 915 Ann Allum andDoug Find physiotherapist lay tied Mrs Smith and Oates When she was well enough to 815 1813 ElizabethMcmul and work the Scottish woman was told she had job as physiotherapist in Sunnybrook on GMHA entries departed f6 Owen Sound for playoff action Hospital Patient New Works There TORONTO Feb 13CFlEdin burghborn Elizabeth Stewart was patient in Sunnybrook veterans hospital not so long ago She werks there now During the war Miss Stewart as and Whitby 115 945$ Vera Mc yKenzie and Bob McKee defeated lMlss Parker and Ough 1512 Besides her job of curingveterlTDtal0Wen Sound 131 Barrie 10 ans Miss Stewarthelps the patients to bevuseful despite the faCIIIleyuLlzitgobrzsr defeated MC are lying on their MISS lGregoroLay 1511 1517 AltonMc She learned skills in occupational Faul tied AndertonLivingston 18 member of the Womens Royal therapyleather Working toymak 15 1718 LemingCatt defeated Canadian Naval Service lell and ingimd now her favorite hobby is RozellPnrker 158 1510 Douglas lnjurcd her back Unable tovwalk tcachingpatients the same hobbies smith lost to SmithYoung 1115 Conn Sinythe they say is one of the shrewdest player traders hock pcricnee this has been borne out In the last six months the gen lezifs has twice shoved other news vtroni sports headlines with start mcrits that echoed through the Nil 1ionril Hockey League The Brittle Turk dered to slim down or else15 still fresh hockey fans Christie turn with Florence De Graaf of the llam stopped off at Boston to watch his team play While there he called statement that Boston doesnt know manager had been gagged by Adams nled these charges Ross too do nied the gagging report picked up right around the circuit lBarrie prove superior gaining 21 of falling Boston gates bore some logic Said Adams Smythc has One of the feature matches of dream schedule andours isnt good Wed like to have 24 Sundays with our other 11 dates split between Saturday and Wednesdayl Baiiclfibb rifiisidotibIEST schedrrmfHe hasnlls these Saturw Last Spring Anderton had team 1618 High Toronto5 best night OI led with Hollis Robinson to defeatithe neck points the other way for budding London and snatched the British Maiy Oatt and Ralph Clark de1 Wallace Kirkpatrick Graham appreciat What they are domg 101 Creighton scoredyCanadiens mark Sf feared MisslMchegorvand Whitbyl er The bus should berunning again 153 154 Isabel Lemingiand Doug Don Fleming lost to Miss Rozell 11141 Ill Kt Liiielph Iiillllt St llichaels Stratford 1ilt tshrw Last Nights RtsllIIs VIIltIMIl Jl lsliatvgi Ill St llicliaels itiatfoid St atliariiies gt1 Specially Written for The Barrie Examiner By WALLY IZSAK has ever seen And by past ex al manager of Toronto Maple II Brodas Bulge when goalie Broda ol the Leafs was or iii the memories 01 most And now comcs his verbal tiff itli Weston Adams president of ud1uade he ow to sell or publicize hockey He lso1sald Art Ross Bruin general Naturally Adams vigorously de But right or wrong Smythe cer ainly demonstrated how to pub lcizc hockey forthc verbalgo ngson between the two men was Even at that Adams explanation Smythehas all the best of the The cry once was Go west young man but now the signpost young Canadian boxers Theyre going over to Great Britain Lil Arthur King of Toronto started it when he took off for Empire lightweight crown He re turned tol Canada and then signed up with an American promoter and presently is fighting out of Phila delphian After Kings success in England gel and Don McIntyre Adrafeated lot tnCanadians followed andcuri rently there are at least five top rnotchers making name for them selves over there Two areVCanardian champions heavyWeight Vern Escoe of Torori to and bantam weight Fernando Gagnonof Quebec Escoe along with another 5111 essful heavy Earl Walls of Wind sor Ont have their eye on the British heavyweighttitle The two latest arrivals are middle weight Frankie Belanger and bantam weight Charlie Savard1both of Quebec 1115 AubinAllum defeated Ough Smith 18 159 Total Owen Sound rrie M83 oubles AbbottsAgnew defeated Ander tonSmith 1510 1510 TaylorLen ahan lost to BrysonnWhity 515 915 McIntyreDane defeated Liv ingstonYoung 156 ClarkMcKee defeated OughOats 152 154 Mc KcrrollGuardhouse lost to Louns buryChittick 1215 715 NicolLe gate lost to LounsburyChittick 15 1617 Total Barrie Owen Sound 51 4gt Greenland is the worlds largest island L362 lliv N111 yr 11111 1111111 is 4114 ti 1111111 1111 mwrrid lgt tli it is hoped the 11111 decide to send repiei lrl1ll1 1rrl 11 lrFliirl III 111ft 1111 the llllr 111111 Won 111 15111 IIII 1IlltIl l11l 1111111 to thernsrlvi out to t1stozi 111 the 1111111 by one liior to 111111 they had 111111 which roort Iyvulwilrl 11111111 211111 itl lltttorlt stuff ttrlllrl 111 the Town rcveral loru copIc will sit on the piiiicl and Discussion 1111 II11 11s lriiosoi 1h ehrirch 1111 21 bodv on Africa program Shepherd dainty lunch everyone Review night Hy KEN ROBINSON Hockey titi1111it 1111 11 1111 1151 11p 11 till 1111 11111 111 tlo N111 1111111 liiiil 1111111111111 1111111111 11111113 1U 111 3111112 1111 11in lladio If on Facilities Ildll 11 ctlll tir iri Barrie Recreation ounselior 111 31111 lIlt lltl Toronto Illlirt 111 lot 1111 1111111 11 11111131 Icon tchniw locals girorip Tonight at 513 there will radio pziiiel on 111creation ltllll1111 II JUNIOR v11 Ili HT 51 11 21 111 11 111 11 11 11 11 Ill 21111111111 llriilboros 13 Sl1IllN 51 11 11 ill 31 213 ll 111 801 Ill SIMCOE HOCKEY SIANIHNG Stroud llsmdalc Klltltk IItolllltin lircsilay result Stroud ltl Allanrlale eiisive hockey mytie trey also say is one of lhl hm Dd Pflmd mm the smartest publicitygetters 1111 Slur1100 Mziclhinald and 11111 Sexton were Mr hrcats on each outing although r4m 11 115 0mm 5mm Sundm borne out Stukcsr Hal and Mrs at welcome over to Miss Edna Thompso posuiOn in Barrie Midhurst East Forum will meet at the home of Lynn Rossell Topic What the Forums Dr and MrsJ Galbraith and sons of Rrince Ruperta BCire v151ting With his sister Mrs Lynn Say Russell Mr and Mrs Cooke Toronto and Mr and Mrs Ronald Campbell spent last weekend with Mr and Mrs Fred Cooke Mrs Thomas Sutton is under the Her many friends wrsh her speedy recovery And still the mystery remains Whatiis causing thednoise on the Sollinei The lineman would appre crate any clue to the source of this doctors care trouble Vespra hospital or you are welcome 1i Il rcrccgw mph Saturday 11111 and only first it II 231 11 ll If To fill fill tti Home and School Association held in the school last Illtltll c11 itiorrrcliorr 111 pl 11 2111 1121 11111 ixiiiill I11 11 11111 311 in 21 21 Social Cunine dis 111111l11111 111v I1 life eliool Irv lioml Srturi 111ml 11111lrle rt 11 l1i 1111111111 llllltl 1s 111111 IlllelllilIlU 11111 11 1111 truly llll lrili 1111111 111 tl21 11111111 11111111gt 11111 pity1 to 111 IlIZ 11 trivu 11 cw 111111 111 11111 Iluspilal IIteiisiui1 Iriird 11111111111 1131 411 loizrr lllll 1111111swrs to 1111 11opit1i lilllirll lurid 1l 111131 11111 111 lllt111 t1llll llulis I1 lmade for Iortjwlin riiiss1rs 111 turl the 1111111 12111 Iliekliiiu whose upturnz 1luilsi111 1111 responsible for or 11 1111 111 tirlltl tho llitllwlllll upon which the atom 1111 11111 111112 of the 11 1111111111 lt111pir11 111 11 mo 110 is to be aided Il lis 111m sori Ztlrs Illllfilt A11 111111171111 Mr oulsorr 11111 Illi Mitilicll Iii1 fullest voopeiutzon of 11iiirlnl1 irsidents 111 lltllIilIlt the work or these voluntary canvas 11 111 111i lrrslt is earnestly requested 191 11111 has always itllsl4 1111 call 111 this br our bed Home and School Association The monthly 111111111 of IIlr 1111 with the piisirlcut llis 141yiic presiding The minutes or the pzc vious llitCIIIlt were read by the secretary llis llosnl and 1dopt ed In answer to litttslltill 1111 seeirtary iiitoriiicd 1111 member that as the school 111151ch 111111 11111 vet held lllttlllllt no reply 111111 been received with reference to the question What 111tron has been taken with reference to tIltlIlllll the deed for the school property lhe treasurer Mrs Hudson Ilt Sented her report and from 1111 came the fact that the Association at Farmersdont forget the ation meeting March CHURCHILL February 20 Eben lodd of loronto is visiting Akcrs again the Sinclair Relive and Ralpl dattended the Toroio an won monogrammed leather billfolds and sccretafies in 1110 North American Edition and Walter MIDHURST February 20 has taken Iva Mrs 11 Black of Thornton is staying with Mrs Jamieson Hmdhhi for month or so Mr 1130010 spent the 11 and LhthOl Feb Storeys near Lindsay Miss Barnett rcturninglvith them Congratulations toGrace Baxter and Don Wedlock who tverc mar ried by Rev NewtonSmith in St Peters Church on Wednesday Congratulatist to Gibbons llcrve who Bonspiel ym Com Sunshine Mission On Saturdaydtcrnoon Feb 18 1110 Sunshine Mission Band met in 119111 JQQDTQLlh members and rtors present The meeting opened With the Singing 0f Cana Little Child Like Mewith Edith Keil afghapiano The roll call was ans wered by telling what country we would llkCIO visit if Mr Winks were to ask us skating party was arranged for Monday night Feb27 weather permitting Every Marlenc Baldwin was elected ppess secretary in the place of Margaret Sturgeon who is ill and unable to attend Mrs Pros scr led in prayer and offering was taken byGary Sawyer and Allan Stewart Aftcrsmging of hymn When Mothers of Salem Mrs Morr told very interesting story gt song The Many Marry Children was learned The presrdent SylviaKell turnedthc convencr Marilyn Todd May Prosser read story Pillow verses were read by Stanley Todd Barry Brookes Syl vrarKelerllerloddrWeslerProsr Marlene Baldwin and prayer by Marilyn Todd The meeting closed With the singing of Jesus Tender repeating of Mizpah benediction and the goodbye song The boys made fern stand from an orange crate and the girlsmade umbrellas Games were played and was enjoyed by Midhurst United Church catered to the banquet given to the canvassers their wives on Tuesday evening in the township hall The YPU work of Midhurst United Church has been organized into weekly group1eader Miss Doris Mason assistant Miss Flora Peacock The Sunday session lead Flora Peacock CouttsCome along young folks The new allotment of books ar rived in the library Please take your book and leave card with name in box provided This library is for everyone Dont hesitate to had given social 11ltll1 to o1r forty teennewts 111111 the lloys lub members On behalf of 111 youngsters 11 Iousoii thanked the relation for their thought fulncss in taking such interest in the welfare of the young people or 1er11dale Several business lllllltlt were discussed and left over 1111111 the next meetian which will be ari lverliscd under omiiiu lilvciits in 11d MYS Clnienec Bell ol1hc Barrie1 Examiner 1911111133111 11 11112 the brrsinoss portion of the meet debate on whether home Wit work should be given to children in hurtn created much interest and several humorous situations The scholars rid Iiiie illlt schools took part in the debate which end ed in judges oulson and Longson deciding in favor of the ilfrriiia trve that homework should NOT be given to children After the dc repast It tas pleasing to note sev eral new faces at the meeting but we acre especially pleased to so Iitince again This dear old lady 1121s been fighting an uphill recmitly and the lllLllllltlS of ie association were delighted that she hasregained her strength sufficiently more NGUS Euchre Party cuchre prize all Ladies first Mrs chst Second Mrs De Bock corisolationlVIis Bill Freeland Everyone cided to gold near future District ser Glenna Stewart and Edith take sick or have an accident Kell who represented the days of the Week poem was read by ValentuieSale M115 Holland Mrs Mrs Columbus chn Agers The teenage club is House Destroyddi ers by and was successful your books at borne Of Human Kindness fFace ofThings bate the mores provided the usual In get illtllllltl IllCt February 30 partv was field on Thursday Feb 16 at thochion flail There was 11 good attendancv and lot of fun was enjoyed by Plaxton gents first Bill Freeland second OConnor 10110hand prizes went to Doris Smith Mrs Plaxton enjoyed themselves so much that it was de euchie again in the February 20 is the day the drive for funds for the Barrie and Memorial Hospital Unit gets under way The weather be ing pretty cold to start but with please greet your canvasser with warm heart Remember she or he is doing their part to help to pro vide that extra bed that you may needAndliefuturesifbtoudhould7 gomg strong having held ababy party two weeks ago at which young Mr Bunt vvon the best baby prizc Then they went skating atthe Mill Pond atUtopia lastwek and this weeklhey held euchre party at theschool house in Angus Another dreadful fire struck A11 gus Tuesday evening resultingi the total loss of Mrs Camerons house and damage to Vic McMast garage and apartments above Due to the tremendous efforts of neighbors all of Mrs Tuckers and MrsAlbewaites furniture was 1car ried out only smoke and water damaged their apartments They were all takencare of for thenight neighbors drive for friends to help Mrs Cameron will begin on Wednesday as shelost every jhing He twosons were at the Show in Camp Borden and her eld est daughter 1was at home at the time it happened but she was SO hysterical that she couldnttcll how the fire started Camp Borden 13X fire brigade fought hard and ingt saving nearby houSCS and McMasters garage On St Valentines Day tea and bake sale was held at the Legion Hall by the Ladies Auxiliary In spite of the stormy weather good many members turned out with their baking pies cookies cakes candy and tarts Everything was so delicious looking they Were soon all bought up Tea and light lunch was served by Mrs Johns who is social convener and her helpers Evans Mrs Smith Mrs Lolly and call to get book Please check for these which are stillon the missing list Swartz How to Write Success ful Business Letters Mitchell Rilncr