Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Feb 1950, p. 1

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nftcilioolis the lalri Aloha there are dolen girls who plo vide frcc skating lessons fol the young folk Ilic Ilccicatloil Conl llliltc sponsored this group Blade Aides and Manager Wes Allsopp supervises llic activities lciii referred to the Inilcd Nations was the matter of 1c Full of Bi kolii in Africa There were coiii plaliifs that lie hadfoo lnally vlvcs and his manner of living was such as to cause unrest in other parts of the world After making per disappointed when she recalch Twice Weekly MONDAY and 87th Year NO THURSDAY IUUllU The First Column COMMENT ll ILUIIUI AIMHEAN And No Income l1 Indium to some iitHH nit1 aign ovci statistics LthLl lie cos of living senior facioi xktiihii ciid Ill own case indicate that figure could lie lll had been told that it cost $3130 to cell and cliltllc 11ml ollnlyvise Ldll fol Lllltl fer oi vein To false ii fluid to The llc of it It Ul2l1lgtitl stlnoo Till worker hail latrctl Iitllii of If childicil Ihczefolc Ile rllcillat he must have spin 51211100 be cllilre he had led and cliilhtd all thes children He had also pio 1idcd for his WIT and himself too and 111 Sill ycazi Ilt hadnt even WNW pump ealiiiid $3011th fills Sonic Icc in Satindali break throuin lll ice International Affairs ile prob sollal investigation the UN staffers expressed their apologies to the Foil alid reported that there should be no interference with this part of Iogoland Although the F011 ada milch to having 110 wives he said 1H of these had been inherit ed from previous Foil And the present Ion was over hundred years old IIirow It Again Barrie voin all who wanted to bake pic was that she had broken her rolling pin Not to be discouraged she made special trip down town She visited two stores but neither had glass rolling pill similar to the one she had broken so she reluctantly bought wooden pill After making the pics and placing them in the oven the good houseJ wife cleaned her new rolling pin nild then opened the bottom drawer to put the roller away She almost fainted when she saw shiny glass rolling pin iii the drawer in the very spot where she used to keep the one she had broken The glass rollillg piii was precisely the same as the one that had been broken The housewife sat downin chair for fcwmom cuts trying to compose herself Suddel+lytl+el+ghtdawncd thii slieiccalletl the odd circumstances iiiidclgwhich she had broken the rolling pill she suddenly realized it had only been dream School Politics Studying list of rooms for the proposed new Barrie High School one municipal official was surpriscdgto see the dcsigiiafmzwrthrce laborrfbrlcs closer inspection of the iriiirleo graphed scrip indicatcdthat the letter had not registered and the Iiiic should have read tiirc laboratories Election Forceast wrlhcr New Statesman and Nation an eminent English publication has issued painpllletwpicli has been especial ly designed to aid the voters in the forthcoming United Kingdom elec tion proelection sample poll on mass observation asked the fol lowing question Do you consider it ilpliill Work goingsdown hill Fiftyone percent said Yes thir tyliiile percent said No fourteen percent said they had not the slight est idea aiid six percent said Go IOWII Eye The Pie Aunt Susicusiial ly makes I101 chicken pie with rab bit mcat When city visitor at tempted to chide the good cook about such procedure Aunt Susie replicdOh nonsense good rab bit will make better chicken pie than the best veal you can get Have Banana Writing for KTIIC Barrie Examiner 25 years ago Fred Grant said Nature doesnt make mistakes in providing food for her children and tropical fruits were intended to be consumed in the tropics not in the northern zone nativefruits are thats why theyre here Perhaps those who like oranges should take Weekend trips to Florida Where such fruit is must onthe diet Sugar beets afcr saving thcUnitcd Kingdom more dollars than any other cropA accordingtoSirEran Corporation Osman enamel4 cis Humphrey of the British Sugar RADIO PROGRAMS TO AID HOSPITAL Watch for further announce mentof the Radio Programs by local tailent In support of the Barrie and District Memorial Hospital Fund First program will be on Thursday evening this week starting at 830 There will be short talks on the hospital campaign by prominent local and district people dnterspegsed with sel ected music by wellknown Barrio entertainers Ralph Snelgrove will MC the show which is now belng arranged by the hospital campaign pub licity committee It you have requests phone then In Another show will be held Sunday night at 880 and fur ther programs next week Look and listen for the details Two Section to Pages IE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA idOilDAY FEBRUARY 25 195 Emery 111848696 gGiven Reservoir Contract By PUC twtrl12ito1 of ilafll Ila tofrliialgnzl illlu oinziiisiiiii iliiirsoiiy lhe iiiltlfflv 5c per copy lilin AUDlI BUREAU uncommon AUIHORIIKD AS SXCOND CLASS IAIL IN P051 OIFIL DEPPRIIIENI OIIAIA Pages to lHospital Campaign Starts Feb 20 tVLOpen Office at 15 Dunlop Street Plan Drive For Memorial Unit lTwo Car Crashes iBarrie Saturda IiiltiV1f Emery Engineering cumm Tender $204986i Oodrington School The contract for building the new public school on od riiigton Street will be awarded to Emery Engineering and Con Llillt 1111 io1 of ilUllllt tracting Company of Barrie The IInicry Company was also if awarded the contract for the new public school to be erected ed on Toronto Street In both cases tllc Emery tender was tilt lowest lhe Emery Conipuily tender on ffic odrlngton Street School was 3201086 Seven others ranged upward to $2ti2tjtil busy spot right ltl ix 111 op Street ilted Cross their ibaw ll iliic ilililci cltllcil iiilillilftiics 11 hour and women from town and cigt1iillv are aciiiciy tllltl ii preparing for the opening of he ti11l tor the liarra ii13 li lltl Memorial lltislhtai Taiilpalgn tli1 11 13 ill1il at winre llllilllt lCampoign Director 111ml lifltill in Sin ca unil Illw 11 lliizliop bircct LLt l1lzti lhe lllifill 11p to tilt i111 lllllll siiioiiim lllll pierei Lilla liilisll Ill hell liliii tall IEI prilig Iikd lai call IIlill peiliill it1l volr iiifoivcd vollciclc icipacilj of 711101100 gallons ILrithIII islfltlnll ale to be limit ro that on icoiiipletioii the men villi resume appezllallce Till la Elli1111 thun llnliic 3175 1110 llialiiili about and 111111 iii upwinl flllJ 1121 113 klIII1I1 iiltebiui3 111 11 iltlIf reiici 11Ililil Illll If 11mm iNoJlth itll 111r ibll killlll iii wwizd of lt It Ilfli and Illlitli t1 b1111 IIItII illillpdlil $1111 iv pi lliillllitlfi Hillool Iliiald tori Iilbllc nm Awhmiand Alfred ll1rli icing tadiigaI lon UlLil Ugailfsl When 1i 1111 ii tile The tolli liladfoi Htieei by James 11 and and pliillpilli votel 11 fulol IIIItIVIIIJIlK was 111 collision N111 val liar Ilaizli lieniiiltoii iillll1 by HIlillil running 11111 VahF evening 111 lllli Ill ltillii Ilgtllll special liiilldnn eiy tonzpally was nel Il 111cc IIlii idly School Slim iiolll function accordance the parks ncd 1111sday HH and filtIIIUl lii 11ilii lall it till vi the Iii ei is Ill Willi itilsc board 1iifhoilxcd l1e Ilt altlle liieeliilzi Iii pctifltdliillh IIKlIttl liltll MN llleilll1 and glass and the pumping in IIlftl bill this nas gtlllljitl iii lll apploval of the Iiipartlllcilf ol Uf Municipal Affairs and also the lc arlniclil of Education was turned over Icliaiiiliall of coiliiiiliteig Ilil lIlltt lloul ell back Dr of the boaid from and Ilov itpoilcd llaillc Doolittle Slflifi to th liisl car il the sirihid llitllllit tidbit Jodi ilgloi tliaii iiiaii that School coliilact lciidvi the meeting was hand labli clizilililaii pollllrdi hlccl dircossilii AHUIiilll Itriu iill 11111 to be ipl ilfiic 111111i liiu have attractive faced and with slate roof rli11ell Toronto collsiilll Commodores Tomorrow Evening The istalioll will le Quartet EIIII Itll Iillltt stone The motion to menu the 111ch illhiltillii at of file Iiiiicry Coiilpniiy at Sttllllltl the rink hile lllc youngsters ilr lililltiil ikiillli ililnuillill may suffer some gtttbllllll oli gilllit Gladstone Currie the artificial lee parents can hit silre of lillp lhlnll their children Will ilcvcr fall hard enough iJohll llolisoll presented an amend to provide for includinf Iiiiiiiisof Ililrrle as the tlttllllllll coiiliaclor and illcreas the by $1206 as required residence lllllllt lifll plain in lipn11 IllLl if 1111111 lion Vcirta lolh Iliij Ill all tliii lllllrl 1111 lll1si tfllif The Ontario lovcrliiiicill tlcpnlhi fol worded Toronto but John Intmud LIDobsoli icporlcd that Ifnicry had Sttllled preliminary wink on file sile alid was ready to proceed at ioilcc Architect engineer lllf prgscnl fiijlipir1liiiiiiig of fendch IIUIHIIMIII was of tilt llitlllii Gris 111 iailciiit 111111 approval School Illtrlvlis lilci Stlcrl Ilefore the Vol1 wastakonondhei lilolliiil tiITIT inuin Alfird llarrls Illtl Nil lliilllllill Alillill IIIl clayor llarric allil rclirctl railroadcr 1ho iillltlA coilil act IlliliiflIl oniliiodoics nialc iiiiarlet appear Illt on Tuesday evening Icbl liai 111 gt1 ilil cd lllef iicsg 111 item other busi mw aiiioilg was iiiiliorizailoii of extend sixinch Amelia Street between Duckworfh and Dimdonald where houses are planned for construction this year is tailipaigii director for the Hat rie and District Mcinorial llospilaf Fund drive which begins Feb 30 Duff along Ilcailcll iacii ilills for 114 His appoilitel i1i couliiillli iciiicri lili Soddal alut confident Jlllt trance Scrl cs lilst Artists the collegiate band The contell will bevheard at the ttIiIlullllr riiditoriiuii at 1120 p111 onliilodores dnrilig the loiir of the Iloyal aie Show Ili belwccll acts the boys shopping llilllftltI illlligt of lid llf and lifiic lune lieiii tIlltiili ii volluilai II to tai oil the ralivas lcl tUlllIiti 11 one week from lcli inecn 11111 to lie building liiilllltl definite spilii oi about lender 0101 lllillll alladiaii spolisoi ed with John Ir tivc eccli Iilclllllsoll and some 1200 canvasscis and work rrs are giving their time and ser vices quiilaIin ooil was asked to obtain piic on Iltllll lliiolcllin ill the odrillgioii Sellool111d he was also asked to obtain price on green glass chalk boards The original specifications called for mastic tllL 111 file class rooms aiid boards addition of $206202 it Will be necessary raise possibly $20000 for furnish iiigs and six percent on the general contract for the arclllhcts fees It is expected flial work will bcnhrcc weeks ago 11 young people turned out arid on the second night public schools by the spring 11111137 ulwmmr one or botli of lilt schools may be CUllllllilI bi lllt 011d til Ills 10 the band executive states there are no age limits Ihe Arguing Ill support of III aiiiend lriislcc show that provided hoped will lcllcls colillnciiciiii tender electrical road Illliriis additional service above fllonlliliiiniim stip specifications also elliphasicd the importance of using local contractor for this work Charles Newton said he was sai lender electrical work if it met the speci was satisfactory The board members increasing general contract by 3733 to include localroofcr aild George Cadogaii not think it was fair to single out one local contractor However hlr IIarris alld Mr Dob 5011 pointed out that in this par ticular instance the local contract or was going to do better job and they emphasized the import ance of electrical wiring Newton milil IIarris installed Street 111 pl 111 1111 Ilia lllllll ttllll The were formed till xiiilJH illie llillili do coliiliitllill Llll hospital llf you lll bulb tile ill1i hospital done gtlEIIillltIIl llll Elllllltf Illilc ftiiiiisill paigli li I1iff inforllicd Tie IJ 111111ch Town Weekly Lessons bitlilf iiliall llet Navy litgulp harbci dressing rooilis and finally unofficially Tapscolt who was dil arranger Sllaiity llolr as their leader The quartet began to attract at tention and was organized official ly for the colicert parties to Allied troops in the British Isles So well received that if was added to the llig Show and played at the Hippodrome King and Queen The boys reorganized after their dischargc froiil the navy aiid coni lilcliced ulatcd Navy dn mil llifs cart Fire Protection Unit To Be Shown Tuesday Evening standard slat Young pople of Illirric lic rci spondiilg well to the plan of the town baiid to offer music and in struiiicnt Monday nights at the band room iii the Market Iliiildmg night toting half pl 111 tender price quartet formed with arl tllll was illil2IIl IIlllll 11 ihltuilifayi iLclll at the Cilil recs yiltilLlilll roolii lllll the ward lllllllv man and tczilii captains will gather jwlth oih caliipalgn workers to linap our final plans for the canvass liie cziiiiiinlgn office open lion Monday yillroiieh ldaj1 and on Saturday number outstanding will be 11 alcoiilpaiiluif by 5arr 111 lholilioii vii1e theic fol Although is considered to iv eanvasscrs thorough the district Wailvr lliltllefon and John Ialr iLurn to page six please isliud with lowest training juniors l3 there aiid Iolllgh cflll be lISdl lbiillt IIEIII iii the denloilstiafioil of the Scott 111 12111 Iack deuce designed to peilili breathing and IIClIIIOllS and the architect Voted first the plali Home will file illlltilllttl to null1 IVUI tide had types llari 1e 111 ti safe sliloke filiilcs against well under way two new othei to be held 111 the rear of the fire hall Tuesday l1lll ll lilcf smoke boinl small shed for ollslraf roll lwecn It was than although They and tIL said he did ages of pip Iliursday London before night John Dobson chairman of the special building colniiiitlce nskcdlpllipose of the plan is to make the board members to start think ing about ceremony for the lay lllgd the cornerstones Cadogzin said the first school ill Barrie was built 111 1816 on the site now occupied by Victoria School and he stigiilested piece from the cornerstone of this school might be placed in the cornerstone oflhc new Toronto Street School The meeting had been opened at and the matter tenders occupich until meeting lne 1113111 nihitgt off Ill 2120 ayineills new COMING EVENTS lioulid liar flop ill Stioiid Il1lf lciriliiy hflll Willi tircllcslra anti balling sall auspices of tiilller 5t llllied lcillifsiiil to p111 Ix will Lift set loses of the diriz 11 official of tile coir pally prodiiciiigtlie packs to be pliesclit Members signified present invites the public to attend band cchutives stat pltthi contributions ltftlllttl gladly 11 this office or may through Trilsts Ihe iovcnsllips campaign organized IM table cliairiizailsliip of II iSiiiipkin of Stiouti as Mctarioll off able township chairmen 111 the Barrie campaign the foil cxlnayors are working addition to Director Iiiff Canadian National Exhibition last 71an mint They have attracted vlde lslmpm and spread attention with their amus iilig Gay 90s and barber shop num bers band training available to young people who wish it and to develop proiiiislng pupils iiito members of the band At present they are befilg taught music and liially willgo on to in Thc training is being done by all members of the band concerts and radio grains 111 Toronto IN baiik liiiie ISlcri 111 George your and jSatiirdas iSpolfsoleil 11 But N11111 liiii liiltL litlcl Cadogan each referred to the fact that the tender had been increased by $1700 011 the Toronto Street SchooI to local electrical white agreeing with the principle of using local contractors said it vassiill the taxpayers money that was being spent vote was taken on increasing the Codrlngton School tender by report of the regular business adding 81286 to include locallwhich was conducted between 11130 Gladstone p111ZIlII IMF am will be publish towli council intentions lhe quartet liicliibcrs are Ilar =vard lleddick firsttelior Donald illnrisli bass John Iliilgliani bari Etoncl and Carl Tapscott leader and Mr Ilingllain achieved ircal distinction in Toronto musical Tonights KIVIIIIIIIIIIIC lllcet icircles Mr Ilcddlck is well known ing at Community House will ins church soloist aiid radio artist the annual Rosebud Night when land Mr Tzipscotf is church or members take theirdaughters Bob iganislptind has been soloist on the chairman w13101418111iSLlIlIEIy Hour in loronio for 13 of movies and enter is be thcir Club and have being ling rapidly under strninclits have firm and no 111 lie lfroiil tenor Iarisii gsecond and larrle zilld ea March Adliilssioii hnvc ltOSlCIlUI NIGHT radio 1vol the iolliinodores have appeared on various variety shows Concerts owing Saturday Feb 31 Minstrel Show iige Ilzill AYIA St icing Isliiigton of the H110 p111 730 pm and Star Ivy go Chi Daiill dlrei tor ItlTItAL DISTRICTS ORGANIlllJ it 11111 meeting of the rural dlstlictsipital Fund fiti alid 33 cents 121711 Rev 11 Alispiccs Lot 450 Ilrinu ycar Mivol Morrison will consist tailinient electrical cOiitractor tilliceeds for Barrie Currie iycars In addition to Jolin D0bscn Gable ed Thursday their concert aiid Barrie Chamber of Commerce Directors lQSOand Secretary ARTHUR PUGH is Town Council appointee to the board of directors of the Chamber of Com Hc is an alderman He has been active In the Lions Club and other commun ity organizations andis the man ager of the house On lifliu St 11 ILNETTLEION past presi BarrtcwChambcr of Commcrce continues to serve on the board of directors manager of the Barrie branch of the Bank of Toronto and is well known thrughout tlid district He has served as chairman of the In illllSIIHM emmittcc of the Cliamo the Barrie branch ofthe Canadian of Commerce RN CWSS SOCICII he 35 Cam Ontario board of directors of the paign chairman last yearrrHei5chamberrthisycarrwummwmWerr badminton rand PAUL II FISHER past president of the Chamber of Commerce eon tinucs to serve on the board of He is the manager of theBarricbranch of the ltoyal Bank of Canada He is prominent in various other president former chairman of Com munity Concert Association VCHITTICK director of the Commerce again this year was the Ford and in Barrie before selling the business to Corby Mo Mr Chittick various community activities and Is at present president of the Sim coe County ChildrensAidq Society dent of the Barrie Chamber merce iilllr Ii Ward ti Al Ch who Is an alt erman for Ward 011 the Town this ycai is one of the ooiilicils appointees 0n the Iliumm ber of olnmercc board of direct Mr Tuck lit the age of 27 is the youngest member of the council this year He is builder by trade He is the JOHN MITCHINSOIN manager of directors the Barrie Works of the Canadian General Electric Companypls again servingas director of the Chant ber of Commerce has been General Chairman of the Barrie and District Memorial Hos pital Fund and has given man hours to this project during the past two years Hejs also active in the Rotary Club and was the charter president of the Barrie club Monarch agent manager of of Tamblyns RAY LIVINGSTON the Barrie branch Drug Store is director of the Chamber of Commerce again this An executive ouneil tors active In communin ac Oil ware ted Imperial tivities Cross Mr Mitchinson member of ms year He is on the active in golf skiing circles DICK STEELE director of the Barrie Chamber came to Barrie few yearskago from Newfoundland He and his family became citizens of Canada before the other citizens of the oldest colony in the Unlted Kingdom He Is an ac tive totalIan and Is the proprietor of the EnglishCliina and Gift Shop lnrthe prominent location at the of Cnlller and Bayeld Streets He is choir leader at St Andrews Church and active In musical circles Commerce ANIHONY DECARIE ciected to CHARLES KNIGHT director the Chamber of Commercedlrec of the Chamber of Commerce is tors for the rst time this year ethc proprietor of Knights Drug the Barrie Store AYRES Is one of several months GORDON REEVE the Chamber of Commerce is prominent jeweller in Barriellis store on Dunlap Street was re cently renovated11nd an entirely new front was built is active in church work and be Is leading member of Collier Street Unlted Church REGINALD three Town Council appointees on the Chamber of Commerce direc torate this year restaurateur Is member of the Town Council representing Ward He Is on theBarrie Arena Cdmmlsslon active In sporting ctr cles 1L keen lawn bqwler He is or the Lions Club FRANK CRAIG Chamber of Commerce director ls senior mem Is the manager of hunt the firm of Craig and branch of Zellers Limited Since moved to Sons Mens Wear served on the Batrle Town Coun cil and Is past president of the Lions Club ofBarrle lyhullt new home on Mary where he and his family now reside director of The store ne IV was recently locatlon on he has been manager the store has Ellzabth Street and Is quite mod been more than doubled In Size am Mr Knlghfwas the first and It Is the largest rtall store president of the King Edward Mr Decal1e ls prom Home lnent in theKnlghts ofColumbus when It was organized last year imdlie Is serving on the Separate and Is well known school Board REG wuLuAM secretary of the Chamber of Commune came Barrie feweitzllliom To onto In addition to his dutist the Chamber of Commerce 11 also secretarytreasurer of the do Arena Commission Mr Craig has Mr Ayres Mr Reeve comer School He recent in Barrie and Association In the town and dlstrlct member

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