IAUIJ QIA 11 Meeting Held Monday iI1t1 1l1n1il 11 gt 11 11 111 11111 11 i111 11111 iit iv 11 incit lv lillIll tilvly 1111 111 1i11 cztiml ii 111 valor 11113 AN UPLIFT BE 11111 111 111111111 11111 lie llttlgtsill Two detachable pouches made to 11111 specifica l1 111 tlons to give comfort and maximum support Ex perienced Fitters to serve you for all Surgical Sup ports WHIITYS DRUG STORE incipalitie apical lltlllll Iltt 1111 pioccrd f111 31 iil ItlltIllI0ll 1r1nt In IittllllJL 111 past pic the 5111111 tounty Fed aiunc was present Ilc Iltlkt of llic lidcraiIon In re ll and 1311 protests to the 111111ir111111 of 1r1cul1 lo the Sinicoc Count program 11 IIiillllllL ed the 1111111 classes held hunt the county and he also id 11111111111 1111 i11 SPECIALIZED SERVICE on CARBURETION and IGNITION ENGINE OVERHAULSL Boyd 111er IINSIK IIIONI 33II5 SIRUII Independent iaragc Where Ilcltcr Vork Is Done sy SuperService BATTERY Guaranteed Years ForMost Popular Cars Generous lradrin allow ance for 0uJ01d but 53 HERESAMOR POWER BAT TERY FOR EVERY CAR heads again withBattcry price rc luctioiis giving the motoring piib AND TRUCK lie the Benefits of real money sav AT SIMILAR WORTHWHILE ingwith the 821th BuiltinQuality Our service includes Town deliv ery or FFce installation in our own Service Department SAVINGS Plus big tradein allowance yur old battery FlIISTLIIIE TIRES LINCLUDING THE FAMOUS SUPERLASTIC snow AND MUD TRACTIONACTION mas ZSupgrLastic Gives You More SafeiiMiIer AT LOWERCOST SUPERLASTIC mean sup vie Vivaldi7 IIII extradeep hold par 77777 IanII are thick and Wide to put more rubber in contact with Ilio road qnsuiing greater Inc lion and more pogitivo anti rkid brakingadion Not only do you got better buy when you than SUPER LASTIC you also getflu sfrongesl guarantee on rev ord UP TO 5Z YEARS POSITIVE PROTECTION Get Illa Iacts first ANDYOU5L GIT1 SUPERLASTICI 313 lld Isa MARY ELIZABETH STS Barrie Ont 1111111 $31 11 7seliool at Angus where it should be 1l11111c by weed spraying equip and grader attend the Good RoadsConvention at Torontoon February 21 and 22 that they are to consider as their vp11 111lll1l1vi ber of Parliament 1111 smwm Emu 10 llv thought tinre would he somil word from Ottawa kw 111 Other hospital and 111111 accounts School Iluard liinnan IlatI chairman oi Essa School Area Iloard was presl 1111 and spoke briefly ile said he hoped the school board and the council would ect alone well to gether this year Referring to the school situation at vng11s121r Flatt suggested ll might be as economical to have llltv 11 as 111 111 11 thougl11 this matter could be workl 111111 11 ed out 11 Mr Wood said he thought thcl II council and the school board vouldlct cooperate Mr Wilkinson 3said he had always been willing to ctiopcrlkmmtll KIWUM range Deputy Il11v1 lco11k1y though Innisfil was throughout the county ate With the school board and hei felt the 1ieiis taxpayers were witl 111111 to pay for school accommoda tioii Insurance ompany was present to explain hi the township insurance eoyerage A1 previous meetingElwoodl surancc The insurance discussed included road and liability insurance against c1 ment and insurance on bulldoxcr The various prem Thc clerk was tlLllllCIliCd to make reservations for the councillors to Council decided to sell the old mill 101 at Thornton to Mr Spencer for $40011 condition thalhe clean it Lip letter from Toronto indicated that the Warble Fly Act of Illt9 had been repealed and it would ll to obtain the signaturesof two thirds of the cattle owners before taking township action against the warble fly The meetingwasroimned at p111 at Thornton The Councillors then went to Barrie for supper about 5301 p111 and the business was conclud ed at board room Iicar the Depart ment of Agriculture offices in the Ross Block The next meeting of Essa Couli Iicil will be comniencedat 10 am 011 Monday March at Angus Soldiers Restruend Until Canadiansoldicrs began in vading the arctic they were taught that their rifle was their best friend Novwits their tent not their rifle bcst pal and their eidcrdown sleeping bag runs the tent close secondin the friendship race At Petawawa and Wainwright where hundreds of soldiers are be ging taught the basic rules of sur vival in arctic and subarctic clim as mummywows ma illit 11111in but that they should be channeled into whatever typc suitable when lie necessary under the new plan Stop 1001c DRIVE 1N IIIE IIAItIt 1235 Innistil Twp Council Meeting iltarc Dunn tl1 liilgtl1ill 11 1l 11111 11i1 casvs Wot1 111 111 11111 iiislai cc 1111 111 c1l 11111 I11ll 11illiltl l111 11 t111p liozdcii Iii 111 while i111 poiiiid 11111 l1 11011111l 111111x1 1111111111111d lll1 111 from ll1111i111 111 I1j1111i11 His 111111 did not xiiiy the 111l111i1ltl1ll 1x 111 l1 111111 211111111111111 should be 1pccc1l to pi1111i1 10W 111 rmly YIil 11h my mp1 lnflklcgtgt lllllil 111 1111i111 on 1111gt l11s11 This p11111ul1r aniogn 11irltl 11 Iltlrlllllll lull IEic lilll hub Sihum Iwilmd gluuhqui 1l11111 111111 r1111 11 1111111 tounty touiicil had refused pawlll ldilld ill 1119 Sll 11111111 Iaevc Wood said the 111111i km 111 had been taken up with 13111 Itl lkllli llllilhli lllril1lli l1l11 liceyi Ictoiwi iltv bolting tor lllt 111111 I1 cslinialcii the pct 1pil cori Io Illlilll when 1l1 lltllltllIIJ plan is gt Iltl liIst 11 veie also discussed Most of ilicgt11mnmi my 53 31 1m 1ccoiints were uplnmvd lUl lilljica p1111111l 1111 that die small ment lhonics 11111 Iitlllt Hippiicd larg1 poition 111 the pupiis The chat topic of discussion was the lumli 111 i11Illtlll which accd 1li1 liuiiicn 111 the farm sessmcni lhe tlilk 111 that lowping chil cn at until 111 hr rcspoiisinlc tor increas school attvndancc l111y at iiding 111111i he 11111111 at home It is estimated the llltill illnill as to pay for transportation ilcim 111mg II should do tllllt Illtlll of raising 1111 1icv1s1d and tilt endeavor 111 asked what he felt they suggested that piitahle method isis should be this getting ahad 11211111 Conn ook asked what coul1 be done with the pupils 1f Innisfil Mr Evans of the Wilsonfwithdrew from the area No one 1d an answer Conn owan fcl continuation schools could handle the first two grades Dunn had quoted figures from an llcevc Lockhart stated he icli other comptrlly for the township every child should have an oppor for complete cdiication immcncing high school Mr Warnica stated that was the pur pose of the new rooms Tums amounted 111A1i11xiiiizilelythrlilc Ily lylzliv sump 0f may UClCl0d0l condi 5100 or gt800 depending on the cove 111YI1ennosVaskcd on behalf oI Ilium 11 would mm been womb cruge and the company 11 illlll ll Nil 513 woi king towards iWe wouldnt The councillors spent two or three1 159d llilllli liilllillllllll have been building schools botli in hours studying the various policies lll 0r WW illlitlkd lliltl 10 town and in the conning and although the council met until lCCNVitl PVIUW llllilii The township clerk informed the illlltlllllll no decision was reached mild Ill59 ratepayers that 111 townships Where It was decided to liold the matter 19 Ilblli llllllliil Illili 51 tiltill lltll Ol IUILSIIY ovci for day for further infbrmal lg lawn My WINCH Ill WNW lilllil Illiv VUSPIHJCOUH 01L 10Wh Ul llli IU5llll litltl ty land paidonlv the general as C0Cll Illill 211 Ill hmvlll sessmenI of $311111 acre towards merit grant the new bylaw would He explained that cooperation of cattle owncrsI ave to be passed as essential The signatures 11 both those agreeing and those dis grccing1 had to be collected ates instructors Lqire stressing the fact that loss of or serious damage to either tent or sleeping bag can be fatal Much of soldiers time on wint er training courses is being devoted to care and use of these two items They are taught that clouds steam caused by releasing the pres sure from pressure cookeiiinsidc the tent instead of outdoors v111 SPECIALISTS IN COLLISION WORK N0 WRECK T00 BIG NO JOBTOO SMALL PHONE E54 Bradford BARRIE 111 operation school levy will he ltl11l to eight llllllgtill Warn to 111 11 EXAMINER llAitfllE oNtAtuo CANADA gt lly1111111tIiIiiiigo dcidCI tlun Coupe is iiiliible in the Chrysler Windsor series as well as the 4door Sedan shown above No Haste In Vespra iToEncourage Plan 11111111111111l from page one cl1111s IIli11c was only one 121 111111 for tho high school 11 1111ll 1513001 111 addition to lll 1111111 mil of the prchoUs year Iuicsing Station 111111 Mills lichnvalc and Alinesiiig alone had l1 11 taken 111 1111dcrITfncsing ton l111a1on School 111111111 s1130110 had been spent on high school last year to help 1picp it for the advent of the iiilziiesing and other county pupils lhe piovincial Iiicniber George ftl Johnston who is also member 1311 the district collegiate board was 11 the opinion that it was desir hle for Ilarrip to educate pupils 1111 vanud to go on for higher ctlucation Reeve llicliardson emphasized years 111 l11l the township would not neces 11ly be paying Illg for the en 1111 Btlycar prriod The township 11111 pays too much for everything the percentage can change 111111 year to year ever number i111 years general feeling that there was 11 alternative to going in with llairic plans pervaded the meeting toward the close hie spokesman at the meeting voiced the opinion that if the cen tralization 111ov11111111 had taken in grades six seven and eight there by relieving the rural schools of tout the public schools and nothing to wards thc high schools In addi tion forestry lands paid direct taxes on 11 psi pupil basis to the public schools but none to the high schools Macleans Magazine cause it to ice up and lose the tippersl on tents and sleeping bags is also stressed as is care in avoid ing fires Careless handling of stOv es in tents cause flash fires that if they dont completely destroy Elie tent destroy the nylon liner of It would iaisp the rate exactly one value ofits inner lining as protecrl tion against coldvCare inoperating md smoking in sleeping bags can Wider treads new rear fender and moulding treat 1ent massive new design bumpers and grille together with the greatest allround visibility cvcr 11Tcicd are distinguishing features of the new tiirwlcr models now on display at Clnyslcr 11112111ilo l1111 lHIllgtl1ll Il1 high school that 1l1c hgl1 school 11111 system 11111Ei11 full time and one teaclieiltake tl11 pow11 coiiiplccli out oi =11 lthe time of the district 1111algamaboaid was appoiiiad 111 elected and 1f the ratepayers licraiiip dis pias share of the $117000 pct sixtisiicd there was I11tlilllllllt letter of thanks from William Delaney for good work of the llar ric fire department iii preventing excessive damage at Services council Monday Cheque for $331 from Mr Ilelancy to be directed tomtlic firemen The letter said damage 111 stored boats could have Ilttll heavy but efficient work of the fire fighters had kept the damage at mini fire IllIIIII COAIICOOK lQIrnndhlg 111 both only livelihood pension spot in their hearts for children and so scraped together 31 to send UNICEF Childrens to sick and hungry children 111 lcsslo fortunate countries might be fed quickly leave man without warm bed hands 1111111l1cr out of the II Wm Delaney Thanks Town in their eighties mumcum Raspberries 12 32 NewChrysIer Models Announced as standard equipment www llotl Ilicsc iiiudcls provide PrestoMane driving in the tliryslcz Iloyal series there is tdooi Sedan Club Coupe and 7111sscnger sedan The tiirjvslei lloy 11 111111i1vls have Chrysler Fluid Drive standard cqnipiiient vith lrestoMatic trans 11111 available as optional equipment All IIieiisnav 11l 11 at sol 1l1t11gt 1111111 II hiysler Illtidvls 111l1 Irestwhlatic drive eliini 1111 11 iiatc shifting gear 111 practically all driving 1111111 111 llll 11 Iltlilt 11111111l11111i hoax 1t think11111 l1 Hill was not 111 1111 11111111 The carrier 81111111111 111111111 debentures would lip $12 could do exc1pt 111111111131 their 11111 the pr1c1 of the four new municipal Illlltll A1111 two l111i required liy the school ycais they could withdiaw 1l1111 Eire Brigade by the recent Delaney lloat lanes and was received by town IIncloscd was Coaticook and their is their old age But both still have soft iarccau of ll 1111 Fund United Nations Ottawa so that MTV CE 1111 61 DEL HVCALIFORNlALAIGESEEDED NEW IMPROVED BUTTER WAFERS BARKERS CRAX OGILVIE MINUTE on OUR GUARANTEE Waldo whobiannual Wynndull NW satisfactio Elementaryjschool pupils here will have pleasanter time of their studies The Homeand SchoolAs sociation 11111 decided to purchase three small radios for the school NEW CAR4 11111 Drive It Yourself Call 2772 RAREIE DRIVEA c1111 Company Limited HERTZ DRIVURSELF LICENSEE 69 Collier St ButTiflerare not neglectd Once ioldiers have beenimpressd with 11 the need for care in handling tents indSleeping bags they are taught proper methods of care and hand ing of their perSonal weapons on 11 II der arctic conditions ee 011 She flay gt IRIVER HEBERT NSCP for Your Bumped of Broken Fenders Rustedout Spots or Brand NewiPoint Iob RENTP21 All BRAufut 221 Autumncrush Ciirrants I61 CALIFORNIALARGE WWW MEL KNUWIXIUN hports got as eoniiised as the l1 In w1all1e1 i1111 1111111ly Ino iklonticahi played most enjoy1 alilc 11111111i of 1111 the other dav 1Iltlli11l 1111 I51111111 I1l11 lhc taiiaiiian financial 6111s from I1I1 11 until Feb Is to 11114 11l1111111r1111111111 Dominion lcvcls Market Square 1050 IS Phys Muscat RAISINS ROSEDALE Oil PRIDE OF NIAGARACHOICE TOMATO IUICE311225c 181 321301 Gingerbread MIX 13281 IMP N0 NEW 31111911 CARiiors amounts 1N0 1vWAsHEp union BantamsRouiin 21111 Itli wciit liilllll than ltltl yd Ill1tII Its Iiunc II 51111 11111p1in for 1931 33 Its funds for the expansion of and Listen 111111 liitdl pi11inc1al Scouts an lzLSItLAIti you lllitltllillltlllll 1111111111 1i1c lJLlilltIisHIllt it IN THE VALLEY Ill you shouldcrs your 11 1131 ll tla IUIIIsIlAIIL IILIIMS funerals complete from gt100 and up Pelliicli Smith ral Ilornc NE 2530 127 Bavfield St Barrie 1111 530 Chapel Chimes CKBB 1949 Ford Demonstrator Coach 2000 miles Ilcater DeliOster Air Conditioning Pres tone New License Really good buy 1948 Ford Sedan Slip Covers llcatcr Defroster new Tires Low Mile age Guaranteed 11 good looking car 1948 Plymouth Sedan Low Mileage Guaranteed 1947 Hudson Sedan Heater and Defroster clean car throughout 1941 Chevrolet Coach Reconditioned Motor Heater and Defroster Guaran teed Model Coach In dandy condition CHEAP CURRY MIIIIIIIS lIII YOUR FORD MONAIICII DEALER BARRIE 251 GREEN BEANS Porkg Beans Green PEAS lAYMONDMIXED VEGETABLES ONTAIIIO N0 SWEET RED EMP CAL GRAPES IMP N0 JUNE TOMATOES CRISI ICEBERG CAL LETTIICE IMP no1 GREEN 1111111 STEAK or ROAST FEEsn roux snournias FRESH TRIMMED PIIIIK BUTTS FEEsu kiLLED 41 111 30111111 rowr FRESH NORTH SEL ovsrRng or gt WHITEVBEANS Phone 5526 OOl==0=0=a Lm yuanmpcumu 1191 AYLMElDLUE LAKEcm v15 BAXIIIRS IN CIIILI SAUCE 123 LYNN VALLlVSTD4EI 3a29 HARVESTcamcrciirmso comm 12 27c 21112 21b IJill xtr 7R