lIXllIlllliNtiZD THURSDAY FEBRUARY Barrie Examiner Classified Ads AJW HELP WANTED PXPERlENtED senirc station 11 App li11111 11 ill c1111 K111i 1f11111cw llotx 11plie 1111 c11111111111 SALESMAN 11y 1111111 1111111111111 lot 1111l111111th lcil 1Ll1111 11 11111 11gtrd ears tintks 11111 111111 Apply 311151 lip1111 111111111 llli 1111s1111cp111 to small home lo gtl1111 11 l1141111i innretrw 11111111111 Unite 111 com llltllkt 11111111 f11c1 lt Applj llox 41 ll11111c Examine lllll llORlUNllY 1111 111111111c 111 earn hm 111some llc11 healthy outdoor wnzk l111111l12 Piodncls onipany 111111111 littltl i111es11111111c No 1p1111iclt 111c cssaiy Write to M1 lIl1111 1111 100 llcloriniitr St Mount11 lQ for fulludelads lllllll POSITIONS VANTnp lXllltllINlID lllixtllZIl nuts Phone 33H llp PRACTICAL NURSE hasnts pogt1 111111 Phon 11167 llp LlIAN expericnezd woman would like housework by the day Phone 111312 111 LADY WOULD 111 home woik Preferably rlciical Phone Strond 211112 1111 ML YOUNG MAN desires full or part time work Reply Box 119 Bar 1i1 lIxamincr ltHlp POSlllON DllSllllZD as trucl driver 111 Burrit 111 district pre fcrably Mechanic expcru 11cc Phone F1703 llb PinUN SEWING 11111 knitting of sweaters patching and mending Apply Mrs Wisman Shanty Bay Write or phone 0111 1033 llb POSITION DlCSlRlZD as practical nurse or 1111111111 cart of lelderly lady or gentlcman 111 llnrrle Mrs lvlnrgaret lliown phone lulmvale 92 EAllllplll lOSlllON WANTED as house keeper for rclinll gtlllltllllil 111 charge capable reliable lllllll age Miss Eccles co Snncoc llote Barrie Phone 3713 2111211 WANTED WANTEDlarge trunk Phone 3023 3111 CANARY breeding cage Phone 4600 PIANO OR ORGAN for Sunday School Mrs Bellamy Secy Egbert WA phone Ivy 1112 Allp WANTEDHouse that 011 be lTWO CHOICE building lots one on Blake St and the other on Kem good repair Mark Hillel RR NU penfeldt St overlooking the Bay LARGE SIZE 500 rcrib double St 16111 bd moved size 18 or 20 26 In Barrie Phone 81314 3111 POULTRY AND eggs wantcd Highest prices paid We will call for poultry llclaughl1ns Egg and Poultry Station Alliston Phone 71 3l133ptTI LIVE POULIRY wanted any quantity also scrap metals hides furs feathers etc Pushkoff 33 Collier St Phone 2983 Home Stayner 9812 3315pl WANTED1938427 five passeneer coupe or small sedan Must be in excellent condition Write Box 34 Barrie Examiner stating price color and reason for selling illlx Elphick Utopia Phone Ivy 6r22 stainers 91 Bayficldh St 5247 sired Phone 4736 hyphen 1Ross Cowan dale PROPERTY FOR RENT ONEROOM winterized cabin Call at 46 Anne St FURNISHED BEDROOM in new hOme Phone 2732 13111 LARGE BRIGHT housekeeping rooms Phone 2255 11111p 7ROOMED BRICK farm house for rentnydro Apply Robt Aconlcy Shanty Bay 159llp1T ROOM FOR RENT on Dunlop Street Young lady preferred Phone 5661 1151113 VBRIGHT heated unfurnished minus and sunroom Letitia St Phone 806r23 FURNISHED BEDROOM also light housekeeping room Centrally looted Phone 3990 lllp WARM runmsnlin bedroom very central business person ab stainer 126 Baycld St lollp HOUSE FOR RENT Hydro and one near 1511L13ptT FURNISHED BEDROOM in piiv ate apartment Very central Ab Phone 2875 51 ID GENTLEMEN engaged in stores and offices may rent bright com fortably heated rooms 15Phorlie L1 NICE CLEAN frOnl bedroom VGTP ground oor1for rent Suit one or two Breakfast and dinner if de 1511h bR unfurnished FURNISHED heated apartmentpreferably selff contained couple With no chil dren Box 42 Barrie Examiner 1511 WORKSHOP well lighted 1am wiredL self contained separate en trance for rent For immediate 4521 1511p SELF CONTAINED furnished apartment bedsitting room and kitchen Private entrance$9 week Central Adults only Box 44 Barrie Examiner lSllp 2ROOM apartment furnished large wardrobe Separate entrance continuous hot water one block from Camp Borden bus Adults calyxPhone 4555 15111 FOR RENT 4room brick bungalow bathroom hardwood floors full basement furnace Near Allan 0n Consession 14 Innisl AD ply Saturday only Phone 4957 154MB lllp lle Bay 950 ACCOMMODATION WANTED fllllr rooms t11f111111gtl1eti Iiirly Box 43 H111 Examine ll lip llUlISlI lit llilAllrliklJ wanted Foo sAia THE BARBIE EXAMINER 15 you it 11 1m umlem KITCHEN LAlSlNlIl $31 A1131 311119 Si 1111 LARGE SIZE yacht litalto U111 c11111111 1111111 1111 111 1111111gt 11f111111sn 11 112 lliilc mmW Adults lhiiic 134111 ll lvllp lfllICllilL STOVE l1l12il 11d art1 Snl ll111 37121 111 Saint1 iO RENT Slcdiintl rm 15 11l111onn1l ziiodrsin inane VAtlLLVl llfllt P11411111 ll111c111 llozdvn 111111 Box 1141 351111 llitlll 3112 lp It llaiii lisasnlrai ll fllllt VwilZVlZNING DRESS 1l111 UlZNti lllISlNiIHS tutiplc 1111111111131 LL l31111i Tttiltl 11111 1111f=1111ehc11 1p111111111 lhiw iimfiiS 131 tclltil ll ft 11 lltLR ll WM Innvilli Plinth1704 H11 NlZW lilltiTSSlIl li1 e1 11111 111 Lair111 l1111111 illlllilf VltlNllY To rent for 11 i11s1 one year small horm oi 2111111111 11 lutlllllltllt 14111111132 wife and 1111 chili l11111 112 lc tenants Plioru itill littween llllliSS 1111 lli llllLlIil tillnltozil 11111l11111 11111 l11111 111 to p111 111 c11111 ll ll BlZAPIY lCl tllll horn1 11w c111 rmwmw diliorz lltinlillilllli Phone 21111 ROOM AND 110mm WlNlI VlIlgtlR chestertield 1111 llOUAlS all liOOlltl lilll lliltllll 11 I11 umtl tnlitllllnn lllttxli Qutcns llutcl lhornlon 12 1111 271 ilp ROOM AND BOARD icutlcmun MAPLE SKIS 11 llll tii1l1 llltlklll Thompson Slitc1 11111111 App 2111 llziylit 11 81 11 lhunc iiiit l2 lll phonc 1793 11x $110031 AND HOARD for 111111111 ron s11 on 11111x11111 1111 1111111 111 nice home 1111s11nabl1 1111 lltllll puliher Roy Tintv Phone 41332 12 Mb P1101111 11313 H11 PROPERTY FOR SALE ill3Vl1l LOl for sale till feet north isrde Blake Apply Burns Grocery lti flllp IllOlClT lllllll lots in vicinity lilll 11lllN iuiscr fully 1111111 111ll l111 infornialion llox 10 Mcaford 0111 Hip lOUBlJCllrllllllil slitilgttn 11111 intrlcss Apply 13 irovc St 111 phone 41119 1111 itf95 Slim WWV nousiiiom 11111N111111111 1111111 mlmii condition l111p for quick KFIll illROOM house miles south Bar Illvllhmw mil Jm ltilWt l5l WINDMlL 1111115111 Steel luntl mhmlm Slmud Hp wooden tank Write llox 39 innnN 1011 5111112 111 11021 WW mood condition Will sell Clltl2 CLUE Pups mum Am ilhonc 203er Staynu lti llh DlTSIRABLP BUILDING lots 11p 1per Peel and Rose Streets llarry Morrn ti North St lti7l7p1 ifiROOMICD house two cabins with wat and hydro lraxer Street 1Angus Mrs Margarlt Brown lIlin vale phone 92d 169lptl1 Barrie Lauder Shanty Bay RR No or phone Barrie Shirl 71111 ODD SASll Storm Sash Doors Screens All at half price Ball Planing Mill Limited 77llp trennonr 11111 111111111 111 11 Iwith 1021 sq ft of soil Apply 2111 llaytield St or phone 4793 7tfx lNlTW SIX1100M brick house oak 1iloors throughout lire place air iconditioning Owner leaving town SEE THE LATEST styles in tur chy saddles 11 the Barrie Tent and Awning Io lhirtytive cents cacln Apply 31 lheiesa St ltillp YWQMp litPIECE parlor suite antiques NEW INSUI lllllCK Will llllll roomed house Good ltlllllttllllbllld wllm md slmfl $l500 full price Immedi11tcposs llmllos nil05 mm Phone 7ljlilll 131011 Apply Dudley litans 8313124 16 1rOiiD TRACTOR never been used zillb lHOUSllsolid brick oak toorswill so bdow Cosh four bedrooms ll piecc bath good location owners home No delilers Apply 30 471 BaniExllBnooonn STOVE coal burning Sparham 107 Blake $5000 HOUSE in Barrie centrallyPARTS llocaicd $1000 clown wouldbe suff icient to take this place Coutts Rea Owen St 2377 137000 NEWLY BUILT semibun galow rooms East end of town insulated Has hot air furnace in lstalled Coutts Real Estate Broker 15 Qwen St 2377 16111 SEVENROOMED house with ex tra plumbing garage large lot separate school area Possession one month Jack Dyck Salesman Henry ElIlClTRHllOISBTFlCT16Tllp ONE AND onehalf storey bunga low partly finishedi new furnace other buildings suitable fOr pou1 try five acres of land Agncw East Queen St Elmvale l611p ANGUS 5room modern bunga low hardwood floors complete bathroom full basement furnace garage Church houses south of Browns Garage on Highway90 1610le ALLANDALE overlooking the bay sevenroom brickohouse new oil furnace large lot garage house in excellent condition oak floors throughout Box 48 Barrie Ex aminer 1611p BLOCKjoundation 20 25 water and completely wired and nished off inside Opportunity for person to live in while building house lGllp BRICK HOUSE on paved street five minutes walk to shopping dis trict Would make very fine du plex Can be bought at bargain Terms to suit For full particu lars contact How Realty Barrie 161111 BRICK DWELLING rooms two modern conveniences with large lot cedar hedgeand nicely land scaped overlooking Kempenfelt on Highway 11 Immediate possession 203 Blake St Barrie CaSh 11671be FIVEROOM new home for Spring possession Sixroom house loan 91900 down handles Seven room brick house excellent loca tion When buying ahome be sure and see the people with the choice ContactHenry Elrick Realtors Owen St 1611 SEVENROOM brickhouse Allan dale excellent condition double lot hardwood obrs new furnace ideal property for rental purposes fourroom bungalows to choose from various locations terms ar ranged Harry Michie Realtor 66 John St Phone 3551 1611p MODERN RUG bricki bungalow nearly new five rooms and three piece bathroom built in garage to school and down town bus large lott good garden land close passes door Immediate possesston $4500 down balance easy1 pay ments Apply NortherAves 38 Donald Barrie 16le Estate Broker 15 16llp 4626 Half cashilphone 4824 Consult isunroompretandlowergall NHA Cattle taken Phone 80412 7l li las part payment 230 chick capacityJamcsway with hover in good cond1t1on phone 1923 llp Phone 55700 7llb FOR Ford crank shank head lens new tire and tube and other parts Phone 7llb metal with springs WOODS fourcan milk cooler with 60 cycle motor in good con dition Phone Barrie 30lfbetWeZn and 71p ADDING MACHINES 11 type writers for solo or rent at Barrie Business College 60 Toronto St pistons JA CLASSIFIED ADLETS DEADLlNE am 0N SATURDAYS lor the Month issue of The Jininrr ullllx 111 be taken up until 5130 Saturday stirr noon but 1111 lil2lll2 for Cl13lllllltlll nil lH ll 1111 Saturday Miltls retcivetl after that will 11 printed in special column on 1111 11ch page under lln lltJtllll lion 3114 lo l1 sily llis 11111S1lur11 deadline oin hour c1rl1rr is Like provide spittlitr distrihuliuucl the Month minimr lhe Usual 11111111 lltJlllllll re 11le on lidnesilar tor nlltts to be llllltl under depart nicnt llc 111 the lhnrsdi is sllt FOR SALE 2101 SlJttiNllllANIl 111111111 I111 111111l 111 lllltll it ll Appi 1511111 Sipplits 11111 Serrac li1111 l111111 il1 llll1lllNS 11 lucrl 11111l 111111 Sitttlul 1111i11 1111111ptly Illhl l11111 11 111i As11111 11 Pan111111 il ltlll liltip llAHllZli llllli for ponl1y hugs 11111 with LN 11 lino1 your 1c 111111c111111t P1111141 1l11e1y lAlcv 111111111 11111 Hunt1 8111111 lil 111r lIllIlll SlIWlExti machine 31111111 lilcttilt clcctin 1111 store l1111 111111cl lh Hill lilltllcll critili Ilione llllll ill lllllt llONlIlIR l21 Producer 11111 11111wcr1 $01 per ton 1lcl11c1cd to your 1111 lltltl your 11111 moss lenti111 and l11tIl1 111113 Plllilh 1111 ll11111c111111d lihi tlltip lYllIWlllllllS office lllilClllllPS portahlcs adding machines rash reg1s1crs Sales and service iosncy l7 lranc1s Sr llarrie llionc ll1 los 37 111111 represent11111 S111 it hCor 7l fl OLIVER tit standard tractor ncw Used one inonlh furrow adjustable tractor plow lWo ll cultirators 11 anti ft power 1111 Also h1y1n baled Reginald lltttl straw llliornton llllllp lilo Oliver ANYONlI IN llttl of water We arc 1ll1ptl with lltltlgal tank and pinnpcr Wat may be deliv ered fioin your nearest creek Dennis Moran White Rose Service Slaiitin llaylield 51 Barrie lele 11111111102907 117 lllziplTl CAMERA Get1111111 Apia folding 9x12 c111 lilm pack adapter cut lllm holders roll lilin back leather 1case 45 lens llash nun lens shade Ideal for home portraiture 111 press work Reasonably priced May be scrn 1t Smiths Studio lllp TY PEW Rll HRS icash registers and service Factory trained nic chanics Distributor for continu ous forms all makes of machines Barrie lypewriter 11 llcx 147 lel5234 113 Collier St 792l3pT TillI FAMOUS British made Vick ers electric sewing machine port able and console models equipped with llanClSill motor builtin sew light Sews backwards and for 1wards All makes of sewing mach ines cleaned and repaircd Estim 1atcs given and work guaranteed We can supply parts for most all adding machines calciilzilors 721111 11ttlllllll Lltillil sales BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA 2c word cosh minimum 35 iniResults ow in Iost Bring or Phone your AdDial PINBefore 530 oclock Saturday or Wednesday word charged minimum 50c PAGE NINETm 8011 number 25 in MONEY T0 LOAN 1111118121 ll 11 DOGS Elillllli 1Rll lt2111w11 ll1 1til it llll 11111 1113 41 111 1111 1111111111111111111 101111 l1111 111p1lt ti 1111111 111 11111 111111lw 111111 11 LL 511111111 1l ll l111 tim ll11 llltilS llCRlCll 1llll 11 1111 l111l Fink1111111 Scdic N1 LflllH 11111111 tlltlii ll1111 11 1111111 FOR SALE lwo icnialc It month 11h 1111 l1111 111111 lion1 pup ph 11 1111l1 litoin ll11111 31145 11P llliii ltlli BALII 011111111 11111 11 11 11111111111 11 11112 1111 stands 111111011 111l11 23111111111 711 111 W111 11 Phoni llld llr 111111 Ill lllf1l11l AUTOMOBILES Slz1111111 wagon $171001 lOR Stlll 111111 123 lhonc 3211 ll 111 19 srunicnakicns 1111 1111 ico1111 Pal1111 lhont Slayin 11111111 11 llp FOR SALE OR lRADll tor car 19111 111111111on1 tintk Phone 613 litlltll l2 lip 37 lllIV stdan good eoi1ditioii chfrcw halcau 111111 Apply Nollie it John lIl llp llli SALEr 111111111 21 11111111 17111 15 cylindrs 111 hrs class shape D111 132 after 1111 lil Ho too 11111111 OA 1111111 11 11111111 Will sci or exchange for stock 1111111111111 llandy Barrie 13 111 1937 lllfVROLlll Coupe 111motl cllcd $11215sci1gt11 Perfect condi tion radio heater Phone 5031 Ill 1111 1933 DODGE Sedan $150 good tir and heater hydraulic brakts Garthid 1111lliston PO phone 78 illl7 WlLliYS JEEP in wiorkiiu order Apply Walker Stayncr 111 2281 hast class lohnw 11910 INTERNYIIONAL truck 71011 stake body 1for sale A1ply1lc1r Perdncx ll iConcession lnnislil miles west of 1lli11hway 27 131111 lllllfl GRAY FORD Coach new car condilion Extras MEDIUMySIZE floor model separa tor in excellent condition Bat tery radio new condition Apply 87 John Street 71111 BABY CARRIAGE convertible maroon $10 also 15 lb floor pol ishcr in good condition $1 Apply 73 Mary Street 7llp WOOD CUTTINGS for hobby work Pine Basswood Oak Birch Maple Plywood Ball Planing Mill Co Limited 77l4p PAIR OF Simmons allsteel fcribs four foot with mattressesAlso one Eflat Alto Holton saxophone strating purposes only BoydA Tracy Phone 3482 7111 1FUR COATS For Sale Coats We have aken in on nevifcoats Priced to cl ar $10 to$25 Simmons Co The Coat Store 7111 WASHING MACHINE motor 58 horsepowerone gas lantern one gas iron and two baby cots Phone 22112 Stayner 47llb 154TON oat straw for sale Alsp InternatiOnal Farmall 1H tractor in good cimgiitionApply Thos Ly ons Phone 21113 Ivy 7llp BLANKETS Carpets Hugs from your washed rags New inner Spring Mattresses in exchange for your old Phone 5282 7913pT1 500 FENCE POSTS 45 telephone poles Hydro poles Bert Hor vath RR No 21Barrie Phone 814143 Con8 Lot 22 Vespra 7llb FORD FERGUSON 24 plate tan1 dem 18 disc andFordFerguson pulley diameter Slightly used Harvey Whiteside Alliston Illp NUMBER OF dresses checked suit ski suit green winter coat with hood evening skirt 1014 year old Good condition Phone 2393 7111 MODEL Case tractor 10 Case hammer mill hp electric motor electric hammer mill Ciise horse spreader sets used 12 24 tractor tireszset used 10 29 years Big profits furnished on credit Write Raw leighs Dept MLBl28l63 Mon treal 4lle 32 cmcns 11101 SIRED Barred Rock and New Hampshire Barred Rock crossbred chicks Canada accredit ed JanuaryFebruary cockercls 5c Carter Hawkestone Ont Phone Oro l01 249233pT red Rocks and ApprovedHump Rock cross from Government approved hatchery and Canada ac KELLYJGHVIGKsROPSiredBar 1real low prices trade and terms lUscd parts all makes rebuilt gen lcrators heaters tiles and glass lWest End Used Cars wreking and ltowing SClVltC T811115 lIllllSptTl LIVESTOCKFOR SALE YOUNG eics Ernest forth phone 845123 120 PIGS old Phone il42rl3PHgiEr Dru 9111 THREE HEREFORD heifers alga cow due March Jos Pratt Stroud Mow 9111 311111 1111111 111115 1111l Vill sell or trad1 for car llclntughlin Allistoii phon 77 lll lll3ptlI TON 1941 Ford picki111 truck experiment llaxatives when you lushd PROPERTY llANllTD rosr $111710 itiil ll1 11 minis 111111MsAi11 liil 11 111 111 111R fifthl Phone Barrie 131 SEEING IS BELlEVING 11111=1l1 914111111 lllf 11111 Vitae11 3121111 111111111 lluad 1111 1111 1111l 11 tl1l1 311111 111111111111ll1gt l1111 111111 11111 11111 l111 111 1111 11i1111111 l1 11 tt1lltl 31111 1111111 N112 111 1111 111111 11 111 111111 111111111 11llo lz1sl 111 11111 Jmi 11 11 lll l111l 1111l1 Iii1 1111111 111111 1hr 111 litm 5514111 11111111i1111 an yr Ron oxalL Salesman llllADlUlll Al JOHN Rm 111 11 l111111 111111111 ll111111 111111 tl1111 All il flllll trllrdtlll 111w lilntilll 11111s1 lull 111l 11111111 111l splendid ham and 1111 111111 plitllli l11111c 111 oil1blc it llllllllf 1t1d pagt1111 llydru 1111111111l111111 noksloxxn 111111 11ml $11 brick tl1ll111t ccllar 11111111111151 mil f1on1 ll1h1 1111 ground slitnn llyrtxo possession l11 puck sale list wi 11111l11 llrokci llarrn 11 lhnrnton 11111 311 ACRES ll11l11 All persons l111n1 any claims or demands 111 11s the listal lde1rd Murray 1111111y late 111 the Town 111 lln11111 in the utinly Snneoe Gentleman titreused 1111 111111011 111 about the 13111 day 11V 1949 are rp1ired 1o forwardi the undersigned Solicitors for the Ad ministranix 1111u1h1 lll aim we 1111 111 lf11t 1h 111111 111131 131111 ltoo1111o1oo1 their clznnis duly proved to iVil3l 3W 01 Anti ltntlicr take notice that 473 mgmx 69 after such last 111111ion1i date the llllllllgtllill1li with 11c Will 1111 nexctl will lltlttl 111 distributclI the assets 2111111111151 tlic parties cit lllltl DAllID at llarric this 271l1 day January Al lit1 BOYS BOYS Harrie Ontario Solicitors for the Adininistratrix ml lllllblli with tho Will tnlltXPl ONSllPAlION SIIITCIKI1SV1PVl griping with harsh there your conditihH with the lwholesoine gently laxative cereal lRoman Meal llcrc 1s tried and Il formula developed 111s1e1sso MW LICENSED in DAT 1942 Dodge Coupe new motor $100000 53 1948 Dodge Sedan fully equip $175000 35 Dangerfield Motors Ltd 111 11ll11l sill ptlrMfSlhll fill 111111lc thereto l1lllirllllltlllllfy 11o such claims of winch Sllc shall 1then haw titicc lhonc 11111L111l can help re 111 Tnsnrtiis mm l1nlitlt Illslnhulors of SN lllhi and llfl lllllNUS 1111 luimi Pratt is 11 irnitvil liftin St llarrir 11111111u is the lllllt to have your tractor put in top shape 1111 1111 years uork Tractors 11ll11l ilcliytrctl Corby Motors ltd 3111111111111 so 1111111111 101 and AUCTIONEER norsenorn EFFECTS 11111111 srocn AND lllllllINIS llllllllUUlltlllll The Aristocrat of SAUSAGE coPAco PURE PORK SAUSAGE opaeo presents daily Monday through Friday at 111 pvcr KBB lohn harhs THOMAS t1i internatiomilly known baritone and the Kings Men in Hymns of the World 111 1ll lli id 111 1l ll 11 til 00000000 UxlUU1gt III 11 Free Delivery Service PHONE US TODAY 11111 76llllb makes of machines Finlc l01 R0l01l Jackson lll that com 45A Elizabeth St Barrie PliOrilMaggySlgggllihcinggo Mlixfgllli bines the natural food values andl GOODYEAR 60020 truck tires336 7llpl 1clelicioilis flavors of whole wheat 1Alnrost new Hot water heater TF 1and iole rye with the gentle good repair Sheme phone AGENTS WANTED Sglinghgiliihiilnl2737mirilnopeli Tho1 172 Lefroy 7llp 0r 31111 fucks lm buqwl lillld bran Thousands of sufferers HIVO written to 11s praising thc WE REPAIR washers vringers RLlldblC man D9719 175 19le dtm11dt Pg llaxatiye qualities of Roman Meall bicycles etc New and used mach1m Bmle Expelence 01 new5 I597 le 51 Cl hwy sale Licks Repair Shop guy and opportunity to stcplcrbh APP BIUCe DCmIUOU 1W Vahmble CHOU food Ask VO Essa Road 7111311 no Old promablc busmsss mew BAA Grocer for Romhn Meal Rhwleigh Products have been sold for booklet for ProducislGOOD USED cars and trucks at Foods Limited Dept Willin don Blvd Toronto Fmndulc Phone SALESMAN WANTED Age 24 to 30 to represent well known food company Excellent opportunity for right party Apply stating full particulars Box Bar ric Examiner Ou too may find relief with NaturesI Way to Good Health by Robert MD GRAIN AND FEED STROUD 52 RMZ alPrompi Attention to All Orders We Specialize Ii CUSTOM MIXED FEEDS CRINDING ROLLING MIXING TUNli IN 313 1230 on your dial at 815 Mon through Sat for News and Market Reports Farm Equipment ton Robinson Brown Brown 81 Co Barrie 24llbl ll7 Dunlop St IN TIMES like these only the best can show profit Barred Rocks are still hard to beat for eggs and meat Twentynine years of per sonal selection behind our strain Only eggs from our own flock in cubnted Tom Kenny Shanty Bay Phone 84112 241129ptTl FLOOR PRICE announced for eggs Plan your 1950 program now Early fall eggs bring best prices Early chicks produce these fall eggs We must have your orders for early chicks nowin order to ll them 30 day early orderdisi count Phone or write Hunterfs Poultry Farm Stroud 13r5 2494611 DISCUSS your 1950 chick order with us and you will understand why 1950 will be good year to raisechicks Order now1and ben et by early order discount For chicksfrom an Approved Hatchery with real breeding system ofAc credited birds phone or write Gil moresPoultry Breeding Farm 60 Penetang St Barrier Phone 2735 24711pT CHICKS FOR SALELots going out good year to raise brood of early chicks Gilmores arenow setting for March delivery on chicks limited number of start ed pullets now available Get your chicks from reliable breeder hatchery under government super tractor tires set used 10 24 tractor tires Case pickup baler available with automatic tie Heacock Elmvale 7le vision N0 reactors for four years Contact Gilmbres Poultry Breed ing Farm 60 Penetang Street Phone 2735 Barrie 24111615 YOUNG HOG 250 lbs good length cheap Alfred Salisbury miles north Barrie on NO ll Highway 91111 SOUTHDOWN sheep due in Feb ruary and May $25 each Apply Emerson Jennett1Utopia RR NO 9llp GOODMILK cow choice of to freshen the middle of February Apply RIC KingLefioy Phone 15122 COW halfllolstein and half Jer sey1 Bert Horvath RRNo Ban rie phone 81414 Con Lot22 Vespra 91113 YORKSHIRE sow due Marcli 12 3rd litter also Berkshire sow monthsold $38 McSherrygLOt Con Innisk 9llp bulls 10 and 11 months old of Domino breeding Herd accredited gogdon Mason Phone Stroud WANTEDMatched team horses 1500 to 1600 lbs apiece dark pre ferred also seed drill wanted 13 disc in good coadition Caldwell Cookstown Phone 93W 9111 REGISTERED year Old Guernsey bull GlenEcho Foremost Peer No 44406 Sire Cairnpat Majes tys Commando No 32573 Dam GlenEcho Foremost Lassie Belle No 32637 11523 lbs milk 634 lbs BF as year old Two Guernsey grade cows clue march Cecil Morris RR Cookstown 91013pb 19llp 911p 59 ls5to ca5h grim Phone 3079 after 7111 Credited flocks Get our prices 24113 9T4 93 01 0916n Kelly ChickHatchery GSClapper USED ADDING machine in good ton 51 Phone 2320 2411111121pfglsl3f11313 Bgfslmfd 110 Will FOR SALE b1 11 wo usse $2700 BRICK dwelling Stroud Kgemagfy eCanggilgn aw50 BRAY CHICKS You need themiStcwait Churchill 9llb Town of Barrie Good Lo arca Close to Hghway 11 ciate Store Barrie 711b later if not now Get price list cationAPPLY 30XTlm rooms cellar garage Poultry literature Immediate or later dc I1EA1130 cattle ground 80 lbs BAnRin EXAMINER MeanF14 wFQtielmH mixed pallets cooker61s 80 ppy aims hanty about Apm 15 Boake vacuum cleaner usedfor demon AgentsR Copeland MSons NewZ 3331 Phone 846124 9119 Broker Barrie and Ihornton YOUR LOCAL FURRIER MILBURN 299 Elizabeth St Phone 311122 Repairs Remodelling Relining Storage and Cleaning Small repairs while you wait ATTENTION FARMERS We will be pleziscd to pick up udead oi crippled farm anim 1115 and pay highest prevail ing prices For immediate service telephone collect Barr rie 31117 GordonYoung Lidf REGISTERED Polled HerefordTTmcCW gi95011 DODGE HalfTon Pickup DANGERFlELDI MOTORSLTD USED CAR MARKET Bradford St at JohnSt Ken Bell Salesman Wewhdvefbesides new equipment the following used equipment forsale 2L10 20 TRACTORS lCASE TRACTOR on new rubber lFARMALL TRACTOR 1FARMALL TRACTOR 1W4 TRACTOR 1AmiS$HALMEasTc TRACTOR WlJOHN DEERELlAiTRACTOR 141 ROWPOTATO PLANTER wich leiti izi attachment 12 FURROWUTRACTOB PLOW 1PLA1NGRAIN DRILL 111 FOOT HABROW PLOW 2FiELD CULTIVATORS iwALKINQOANG PLOW IAGRAINCGEINDER mitten 3CREAMNSEPARATORS 1DEERLING MOWER 1511 l6CAN MILK COOLER 14CAN MILK COOLER Come in and look over ourstock Watch our Bargain Sale Board special Bargain every week International harvester Healers nouGHETYBDS 59Ivt999$v5