Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1950, p. 8

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tllSo Lzlkil OLDSMOBlLE OFF 11L LnuuLLL Whit l1gt1111111gt1l111111 the part of 11111 employer to assist 1115 mu 111 same IIEJixL 11 gt UL hillan Ir as 11 1111111 11 11 i1 11L1111l gt11gtl1ct111 Mil 1t111 l1e1 11 11 5pm 111 slam311 11 11 11111311111 11111 VL 1lal 1111 11311 l11l l1 111 111111 1111 1111 1111 The new 111311 liuturaniic Oldsmobile 1121 announced 11v ienei 111 Motor is available in either lli1St121 111111 11111 1111111111111 11111 8111111 111 1111111 lltlistllil 111 1111 111111111 highc11111111e11111ltocketengine11111111111111111111 1111111111 but 11 1511 111111111 111 VI 2111111 1111111111=l Win 1112111 lltl21l11lt 111 St111d11l lllllr1lilll Drive 1x 1111111111111111 111 231111 111 11 11 111111 111 1111111 111 1111511111 11 11111111 111 11151111111311111111111111leattlit11111111111111txltlltililtllttdlllltt11 Ii 111111111111 1111111 1111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 sliown here is the Series 711 tltlllixc Ioltr 1111111111 111111 ma Mich 11 ll BQYVleW lOl Ill Your grocery 1111111 51111111 11px p1 111 011 Md Hw ii gt 11 11 11 11 WW who Iv 911 11 11 needs Our butchers are experts They re 111111111 111151 01511111111 gt1L1 11 V1 11141111 1113115 11 the bone that provide 111cc111111 foi illlllll1ll5Ul Ml WIIH 1511M lied LV NH Vm VUVMV lV Confederahon Llie yi11111v 111111 ll would 111 alien 1111 11111111111 111 11111111111111 winch v1tll 1111111111 llrlllh 111111114 111 0111 JV ready to serve Ylou ChOICe Cuts Of llmalty President Discusses ttllUlt 1111111 goes 1111 11c blltlltlllltll 111 company 111111 its 11111 l1111 duc 1111113 cllllc1l MM Mk Hw meat You cant go wrong Shopplng at 11111 111411 piopoitiou 111 the pension fund lllultlr 11111 11 kllUWl 1111 11 HM 1L 1le Demand F91 Pen51ons 1111111111111111 111ll 1111 gt11pp11111rl 11v Skathimmum pvmm Walk tii111i1 not 1= 1111111 crop in mu lmx BaYVlew lttllm lttllslll 11 WWW tlllllldlllL that which 11111111111111sn lVllVl 11 f1 pmamp 17 HHMHNHL pinmmi financial 11 of 11 1illllllltlttlIlllfp mp him cnjuyf In The 1115 v111111 11 first 11 chm Itll MEAl 1111 11111151111 Macdonald INN111 11111 lm5 PW lll 1111111311Vc1r Mr Mat11111111111 said lllr IV plix Awful phmmp dyllmi 7111 Vi 111 during the productive cars of mk pm mm mm Hindus 1111 the situation 111111 51 NH IN em mm It m1 1l11HL1 1Hupmnm 11111 penszunei follows that to Jmd puiploice both contribute 101 lwllo obtained ii VII thlgm it 1111111111 Jan 1111 111 111111141111 911 11131110111111 1111111 desirable 111111111111 one 1111111 Millim ml WU NW llthd 1111111111311 11111 111111 111111111111 gt 11 13 llWlWUW 511V the 1111ployer contributes the 1111 lit Mlm mi 14 111111 11 Mm pm pm 19 111lll1 1111151 l1 111111115111 lbm mum pmmwkun cumme wheat 1s gt11 11 and 111111 of thc lle 11111 11111111111111111 1111 1111 11111111111111 1111 his leulltilldltillh illlhltc tltlll Mm 1111115 should be as phicclitane 111 itll 1111111111111 11419 C0llltltd Emmf M11 mum vn 11111 period of Vvea1s our total mnmm mukmg PMHNC Speaki V1111 111111 income Mr 11 1111111151111 11111115111 1I111 1111 Itls Doddts You May NCNL 311111 11 Vn1x WWW 1111 111Dlilrllltlltm is steadily increasmc mu gimp CHUL1V 1131 lecltuci said 1111 1101111 marked ruinlr tl111111111111y l71vz1tto 117M Wm MilMS up an MERW 1111 1111111 11111 111 work P111111 The funds accumulated for pcn larger pension reduction 111 certain tarur 111111 1W1th 1111 All 11 NW HDM my lmy1 My mp mu npnmmp lump My sion purposes 11e 11111111 111L511tl Smde ii 10 muusmv Mllm11111111 has lcgtlllt 11 subject of 1Itt1111111l7111 amid inlce Ir surommumMW ka illl lttttHIllHl dcpelllllhl 111W 1411 who ht Macdonald declared that 1111pen will Wmmcc JVVV lV plfux Kidney t11qu11t111 1111111111 111111111111111 11111111111111 111 111111151in for their 90111111 ltd SlWlltl 1155151 lHllLf Sm plan should be Mubhyhvd ltl contiacts was tactor in the 11111111 11111111111 11 chill$3111 mmkidneystononmyadiw 1l1 ll1lllll ll lltltltll lllxll llltlc 115 It in his muwuw vhlcll Could not withstand the llllc refiluluml DHCUS ill ll 1m 1M DJ backache and that tiredallllictunc ciency 11111 11tlthilull comes on 11111 of 11111111 piru 1111 11111111 gt101 ll ploicc 111 111111 pension provi sioiis Rather than atleiuptini 111 stop yes 11 1111lttl solution to the basic pension 111111111111 Mr Macdonald llt said was 1111111111111 CO LIMITED 5112 I7 Pp SQUARE llll1 alternative litiop to creating better labor re lations and mutual respect pension Wllt 1111105 1111 110011 filth 10 1118 other features Every lodnilifelnsured 11111111111 extra charge No endorsen renuired 41 113111 lllilihi THE wiLsou autumn PHONE5533 is basically Rates arereasonoble conveni ent repayments Several Loon 911111 11111111111111 Weopsprivote intewiem kV11111111111111111111011 FINANCE concentrate 711 ltuation of good and bad times1 Mr M111 1111111111 said that in alltnwc 31 10 tlltmt ht M11111 and 1le for 111111111l to olfet so and downs may occur 1111111111 sions become payable plan based on individual earning 1111111 ity is think more economically sound than one providing for 1111 amount of pension Funds accumulated for pensloni purposes are being invested 111 1111111111s crc 11s ed as members of the general economy of the country1111111111 11111111111111 said Mr Macdonald adding that in 111111 1949 Confederation Life had place1 1111 the 01111111111111 111111111 on 11111111 Below 111111 11111 in great parnto weather 111111115 1c 11d 1mqu Xouwmm 101m cprwcc 111 realize that many econounc 11ps the employee to on his work knowing that his old HOW and the time When the pen provided for and Afiillgaled Groups Community House Preseiil Reports 1111 Approxiniacly ninety 1111111111711 Association in At the an 1111 111111111111 lillll 98031000 of its asscts in 12161 I11ary 21 the folloilil clubs and lmortgagcs 111 214 c01111111111111cs and groups had reprcstgiitun11115 who $ltiitil0l 111 bonds and stocks rep p1cselilctl brief 111111 rcscnttini 17 tralnsacitioliis in the Kmums er JV 1H s11 is 111 Wit rov 1111 Lu 1L if Lions William 11111111 merits municipahtics and cor pom lions He also noted that as trust 1tllll 509101 1001131V ees for 1113 11111111113 61 111111115 of MEWS sonic 420001 policies and groupl certificates Confederation Life had earned an overall interest rate 1111 379 in 1949 compared with 361 in 1948 in spite of the apparent broad policy of governments to continue thecontrol of the rate 01 interest in greater or lesser dc grcc Stating that repayment of exist ing mortgages continues in vol ume especially witb regard 111 homes Mr Macdonald said it was sign that there are still savings being accumulatcdby thrifty indi1 viduals despite increased taxation and cost of living He also saw the need for zmc the abilityltoI pay for life insurance protection continuing through 1950 and said that the life insurance 11111111111111 was recognized as good baromet er of conditions generally Devlin iviceprcsidcnt and general manager said that Con 420000pcrsons with their protcc ZLSIZZMWCLTcpEELuTTEd service to 35000 individuals taking out policies or certificates under group average protection of $3601 111 all the company is serving some federation Lifes new life insur tion averaging $2400 Compared to this the company had 21000 policyowncrs with average protec tion of $1500 at th beginning of the half century nowending Citing that medical 111111 public health measures have done in re Vducing carly mortality Mr Devlin the company had nevertbc paid71111 $5392095 in 2349 death claims in 19491 Of these Chamber of Commerce Al Coutts Glicss Club Thomas Kerr Collier Street Stewards Chittick Community Concerts Rowe Creed KCITITEIMCTUU EdWrSiiillliTm insurance COIIlIClSV 1111 Art Club Schneider Sinicoe County Arts and ra Mrs Robert King Beta Sigma Phi Anna liuott Boy Scouts Flynn Brewers Warehouse Allan Scott Business and Professional Woml ens Club Mildred Meredith Business College Jose Drama Club Marion Gilbert Barrie Examiner George CadoA gan Gac jvehtics Marjorie Long liurst HEIC Regional Office Ferguson Trinity Junior Guild Mrs 111 21 Kiwanis Auxiliary Mrs Bert Allen 5aycccs Robert Armstrong Ladics Bowling Club Written report from Hazel wugm Woolworth Store Frank lcr kins Lions Altiary lVIrsHarold1 Forster County Library M1slVlo1itag11 Leeds County Laurie Georgian Bay Fur Breeders ll McWattcrs Navy League Rowe Medical Assn Dr Ni UMUHI lililLlug AiirAUA ERS NEW 19 50 FEATU Rb Keith McRuer Reports Cro Average During 1949 year 111 vlllCll the moss 1111111111 111 311111111 111 111 1111111111111 111 drum for OMS Min pins pm he farmer was not as 111111 as 111 1111 11111111 111111 1111 111111111 11111 blue lioxwitli11111re1ll111111l 1111 111111111s 1111111 tt111111111H1 1111 1111411111 1111111111 1111 p11s1111 lChomber of Commerce Committee Chairmen Named By Directors 11 ors 111111111 was 111111 Jan 21 1thV11e lllll 1d11l1lttlgt were introduced and cull lsldcratile business was tllStllettl lhe 11111111111111 111111i111111111111 tiiouitcd to head various Ullltlllh Ices 111111s 1dvcr11s1nu 11111 publicily 11 Fisher lgilltllllllltl 1111111111 Reeve civic 1111pi11veinent ll lct111111111 Iinancc llay liv iiicslon tisli derby lluroma 11 ll Nettletun industri 111 John Mitchinsoii 1111111111111 11ft airs 11111115111 Dangerfield Anthonv Doturic liay Livingston ship Frank Craig lhck Steele re tail 111rcliaiits Knight tou IAUE NINE 22 Mrs lStlttASED Lulansan 11511915111 WW 1111111111 lBORDEN SUBJECTED TO FLOODING IN 138 N31 il 11 RECENT MILD SPELL fiffdi 11 1111c 1118 11 La box lreling liv treatme the kidneys Ask an LOCATED AT 2CHARLOTTE ST 116111111 1111111191115 Want coal or tires or hardwood oor Or library to borrow book YIZMW PAGlSdont sell em or stock cm for you 1151 1141111111 of the 151311 llllll 111 1211111 111111111111 of C1111 Iiiftin presiding Ntu lark1 196 member 1V1 and information 11110111 81111315 iedfor 3892 oftall claims Mr eases public 571 represented claims for $1670 477 on polipies in forccrlcss than 10 years iyhileigVVV04 claims for $1123832 thesolicyowncr wasun der 50 at death In 1949 four principal causes of death accounted for 833 of all claims under ordinary policies Circulatory discasesV489 Canr ccr and other tumors 122 Acci dents and violence 119 culosis and respiratory diseases 103 Noting that circulatory dieases Iwere largely coronary and other rheart impairments which account Dev llinsaid the apparent increase was gpossible to improvement in death rates from othercauses such as tuberculosis and infectious dis He felt the high incidence lot death by accidental and violent means was something whichgthe might well contemplate since it was situation which was to large extent within its own power tchontrol 1V Mr Devlin linked with the in creasing demand for pensions ris 1111 public interest in insurance against sickness and itlie costs of hospitalization surgical and medi cal servicep Health and accident ibenets paid outin 16000claims roseby 40 to $1214209 Group $2059089 to $11653279 with 13800 lives c0Vered Referring to Con federation Lifes widespread in vestments he concluded by saying the wonderfulthing about life insurance is that it aids others while working for the insured Flt gt CNIIPURCHASESV The general price index on matv erials and siipplies purchased by annult es purchased increaSed by the Canadian National Railways during the past year shows an i11 crcase of 33 per centover that of 1948 Canadian private banks are no longer allowed to issue bills The government bank alone has the right Tuber Latmbcr Beaters John Rodgeis Royal Victoria Hospital Willl lam Craig Soroptimist Mrs Amy Sargent Telephone Pioneers Samuel Longlcy Veterans George Rodgers Canadian Club Margarethin Clair WCTU VM1s Andicw Cum ming Hospital Aid Mrs Frank Craig Women Teachers chderation Flora McGiegor Zllers Employees Mrs Jean McEachren The following organizations did not have reports presented but were listed as members ofCom munity Heuse Alcoholics Anonymous Arena Commission Bankers Assn Board of Education Brotherhood of Loco1V motive Engineers Canada Health and Accident Canada Life Cana dian Legion CNRA Lawn B0w1ers 17 Canadian 011 Sales Club Catholiclr Womens League Christian Busi ness Men Simcoc District Coop CopacoA Recreation Court House Staff Curling Club District Drug gists Federation of Agriculture Fuel Dealers Garage Operators General Motors ImperialQil Im plement Dealers Kempenfcldt Crc dit UnionpLadeowlers Life Un derwriters LOBA 51 Loblaw Store Memorial Hospital Men Teachers 1Milk Producers Metro pOlitan Insrance RailWay Con ductors Par Board PublicUtili ties Ratepayers Assn RCSCC Kempenfelt RetailHardWarc Mer chants Rotary Club St John Am bulance St Marys Christian Moth ers ParentTeachersj sn Scout ers Service Mans Wi es Teach crs Council Undcrhills Club U11 ion Cemetery Wohclo of Central Church Womens Institute REVENUE FREIGHT During 1949 the Ctinadian Na tional Railways moved approxim ately 77 million tons of reVenue freight This gure is 10 below the total revenue tonnage hauled during1948 but the average length of haul was greater in 1949 1P13549 CANADAS 11lv9u111n 1011111110 and Try it steaminghot Serve 1111111 dietary source of the vitaniinsVAand way outbidblustering days when the childrgiigo it home from schooL or back from play Its VdelicionsLV gaVrden1fresh and flavourfrich Tollprepare it this wayheat through butdpntboil Libbys is an excellent whichyouiwantto protect becaus anVinsufhciency of these vitamins lessens resistance to coldsand Other winter infections See that family enjoys at 11115101111313 glassfnl 21 of Libbys chry day 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK Wyou dont 119111811101 tibbcys GentleremJ tomato 11 Productsduke Cotchup Chili Sauce and Souparc the best youve ever tasted yl 2414 111a111 151111 111

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