windshield tillioul lllltlb flying in did cut his price to three and got all Twice Weekly MONDAY and THURSDAY AUINORIIED IN POST 87th YeahNo Six lltillili The First Column CURRENT COMMENT lly ililllllili lliN 10 Two Legs Ur Iour lil Tlilll day tour ltitltllI orrrtlri peg irrimorr from the puiiitt to shootr ii skunk oft lil piopxrly lir core lablc lliirllt not on flit polit blotlrr lriiirioii granted pio yidtti is luldIt skunk ho Iownrlfrp Council was llzi Illrl of six rrrttfricrpiililies to warn fly endorse llit proposal of the I1rrr iric lgttrrtl tollcgialc lBoLird to build it near addition Al gr rotating in lb oiriirriinity il Iiifllll lllrl Saturday John Woodrow and olhc leir Vision Illu trial gttzttclr down rnd killed the lilgtliwir and for it arr oiirii icw Hmw Serioii rtcrdcrr during the ice 110 mm Tm Hm merribcrs of his council tut on reasons liliill wii WWII difficult ll favoriin the blilitlllrll licciiuse wrrrdslrieldx tl icing up =l3 IIEIIWI by faster than they could be cleared IMOHN MB my mm mm Out rrrotorfsl solicit the problem IN Iii Swot Bllld if kciprrri his llilililill cltzrr WW lyimmirx Hmwwd up lrflirii his tllgilllt hood an inch iiiitlJllllrilm and said fcll ihe Purl ltlplllllit ltck under rl llisfll Ill hood W05 one lhzil tliclittl in front DolmyRwy 5mm iimlpbxpi 0f ML mimrr mi ml mum of Oro poiiitcd out that his lrgvur crrprrr iiir blowrui on life windi511 hm WU hiugh shield prcvcntcd the rain from 11503111 tdls into to pet flr mum am had WM EIllllix lliclrScliool addrlrorr turtle vrsrorr when he shun4 his wirrd Emu mm Him NS Shlcm mm Hm it mifaror and he would like to 1m 1m mm 11 hm ppm msfllie building started us soon possible Councillor Norrritirr Slotidzrrt oft Oro corittralirlirlctl llie lililil school board on their efforts to provide an addition llrirt would make it possible to enlarge the curriculum ludhop Clerk of Orr said thirl the part of 0m in the Barrie Iliclr School Area would undertake to guarantee 10300 of the debentures Arid replying to lhoso who anticipated changes in legislative grunts he said these llll irtsr Ur 15 his fiicc Whats heqire lortlr Lirslr lhuisdriy there were tirbirlcs about how rrrucli cheque is wortli when two boys vcrc Liven 30 cents for finding cheque made otrt for $030001 This lllotiltlll to mind the story about llrrcc men who each bel dollar that he could be more reckless than the olhcrs willimofr The first look oirl dollar THE Institute illltr tlzrriirrrtlv explirriicd crul torrtrdcl Itrs and 860300 for ill day was opcned ill the ontirrurriiv an itfciiiltdttitsihtl BARRIE ONTARIO CANA unicipalitlies Asked To Support Collegiate Cost $670009 irrrti itrrvrrirrlly twinlit the lllllllltlilillILi ltitrics lildrr Iii rrrir luilllluilltllIlfll113 llni Ifrf Deputyo lllvthr Ichnukcy Iii lrirrll li Ilic the triat Ill gitporrsd Ill six hits in or il bzitli to the people l5 ltt tovrrr of Innis tho irrIizo launching rtn building program effort shorizu be lliiltli to re flu final iirutiicipiililies of of illtll burden llc fell lituliii discrirriinnlcd oi lllt rhttd IJU 11 Ire olxiillo would premlil trwl tlffllloiil Tiny would ircltdc ltrrrlttl lo Illill ch to Sitlnlttl to architect loizr iisliilrjip Ilrl lhc lll1Il im lrILI hisl Sirlzri llrtlo lloirso zit Ill in lliftfs were pro llrcvc worried by Principal ll llowmirrr lwrtr and James Iiiirii xiiril ll rl 1or folllil Ililtli itlo pokc luiiril tierarise of the ter on land Practically ex ry llllllllillli fioirzl If rl illoiriscn said some of the five itiltittlrl itilili vriijhlr orvaris corrl rrlronsi might be plttlil as will is the Mayor ittliilllll but it not for thc hiin Iltlp of ililriit ltozritl ticczdr how the lirllouiriy the illltlltll tire Ircl loid he rlgttti This was itpitsctrliiiivcs of the irrurri the councillors and lpillllltS nitt lll norindie roupu lie Iietrrly an hour It was follow illic btfil rrr lili lifetime wards mi rlili separate lUlilltiI ifllllt4lilil off until tire nitthud of assess mes llill the elsmliilill was lttyull man was cliriugytl tllI lo lrczrr an exprrvision toriricrllor lool of Illlligtlil itorid Uplllllllh llilrrnorotlly gtll sfrctl that Bfrrrit Only the ho tourrciliorx scorned should lake in Itu liiirrl doer to prepared iltlllilllN immediate arci5 luirls llc lhcrr went ofi lo lion may that the srrizrll corrlrrrutrlion islhools would nol have much op porlirrirly lo tzcl teachers when corripclirre zitzirrnst the larger schools and be indicated support for the liltlll school irca program ouncrlld Sproule of 11 tlirrn to page six ploiiscl wt it Ilr INNISFII NSllll IllLlt lifford ockhart of lriiris iil said many of tie rural people believed they rerc curt discrirni inule against and he wondered if there was any wiry of iryiniz forl lillluslllltli mulch and lighted IilS ciemcllc with ii The second IlkIWlSQL usier twodollar bill lo hhl tltli llul it Was the tlrrrd member of the parly who picked up the llllilt money 11 pccpctl iirlo his book book bor rowctl Ill second mans cigar their wrote out cheque for 5100 whichl he itznilod for light lw0ents Worth With some prices beginning to fall how rrrariyl recall the story about the gasoline price war in one of the Southern States about ill years ago service station operator on the cast side of tlic rotrd wtis engaged iri battle with his competitor on the west side lCirch paid five cents gallon wholesale As prices were cut one dealer got down to sell ing it cost Then his competitor on life west side went down to four cents The east side dealer tBy ROS On Thursday ti class of 05 pupils from grade 12 of the Orilliu Col legiate Institute were spectators in the assize court at Barrie prie sided over by Mr Justice Smily The pupils were accompanied by Winch assisting principal The pupils arrived in two char tered buses and brought their lunches with thorn They were the most interested spectators that have been seen in the court for some time The case being heard was one of motor rriansluuglilcr involving the driver of ii truck Most of the boys in the class work sincerely interested in the case and regretted that they could not remain until the verdict tvrrsbrought in by the jury It is understood thattlic pupils twill have to write Elli essay orivtlic the bllsilitSSIlllllil his competitor udroppcd the price to two cents After arrhour or so of such busiv ness the east side operator chang ed his sign and offered gasoline free As each customer droviri the vendor asked How many Then he handed over two cents forl each gallon required and sent the Justice Smin Gives At Manslaughter Trial Need More Chairs Mens Sitting Room At County Home The annual reporl to courtly council by John liicrnarr inspec tor of the lloirsc of Refuge 11 llcttort revealed there were 120 residents lhcrc during llllll llicrc liird been 13 deaths during the yctrr rud llllll discharges gt Most pints of the county were represented among lhc residents The ltirpcst group frorri any one niuriicrpzility was from lcctiniseth and fiuirrbcrcd 12 There were cidlilpcoplc there from Duffcriri County The report subririlted by Court cillor Leonard Ransom chairman of the House of Ilclurte Commit tee said the inspector had visit ed the home twice tr month and found it clean andcomfortuble Mr Kierriun the inspector rc cofrrmcnded however that there Students we have taken for granted the many blessrngs which we have enjoyed instead of truly appreciat trigr them in the fullest rrrczisurc In our sysltni there are thrce branches of eoyernnrerrl the ex ccrilive sonielirncs referred to er the Cabinet or Council the Legis liilive made up of the Legislature outlic Parliament and the Judll icinl As you knowrrrd everyoneI knows the Legislature and Part litirrrcrit are composed of the reprc sciitativcs the people rcprcscn tative dilly elected in free elec tions by the people lhcir in those bodies that is in the Legislature and iii the liiilianrctrt lhtre are enacted the laws which Eire ad ministered and enforced by the Judicial branch We are now concerned with the Judicial branch In no phase of our way of life is the true spirit mens Sitting room and that choir door He stated that Dr laud Mrs McKclvey deserve not should be more easy chairs in the porch Should be built on the kit Annual Meeting Hospital Set For March LIFE MEMBERSHIP FEE NOW $5 on COMMUNITY HOUSE lrr=ifi Iaiicir fI llr If =l IrIlji itiii Il liri tl Itltllli 11Illitlil lri tcrir ll illlillUIL Illltrllllgtlllil William Bell lrrl Doo not ixtiu lr Limit tr Leiif llaroid ho inow Iitiltilll ilrs Ifrunli runs lil Aliltlitll Altliiu ltl iictittc Ilill llilriiis IIIHIi iitll II llorirrioti tpoiitrtl fit in of llii boord rilzui Iilllltgtl from the rfil IlifIIlr In If lirvlor pruhrrt of tho Iiirgtlgtliiil irredrcal lli irl 11 lillMIll lllllll of Stuntt loiirly Ilrc rrrtrtibcrslrip fee for the Barrie onitriulrlly Association It been changed to live 1011 trs However this will not be in annual fee rs was suitd in riport of the annual meeting List Thursday The $5 fee will br life rircrrrherslrip Further more organizations that have pritl $1 53 or gt1 its member SIII be given credit up to lo apply against the Sir liic Irrcriibcrsliip However SI is the maximum credit and my orgntiituliolr that may have paid St or 53 will be granted it credit of only 53 All new orgrrriilatioris will be required to pay $5 to obtain lifc mllll IUNICEF Campaign IStarts Wednesday $1000 Obiective llri local triiliorrgil hill DDGM Pays Official Untied Nations lnlcr lrrldrcrrs llrricrucric Illlll ciirnpzrrarr gets underway lhis ll dirtsilo ltcbruirry and rttlllllllz for two weeks irirlrl Febt ruirry 17 Local clitrirrritrn It At irtlicr announces that iillliorreli liftrt no sel objective for the lrric thslircl they are hoping to furs around $1000 litrtl Nit Al orilhursdtry llill lust Lodge Jlltl accompanied by IIll IlIlltl Sec rclary Clcnicric and lh District liapliiirr Ilev llurruss also large number of the bltlllltll from Slrryrrcr Iode lhie wcri visitors present from Aurora ltlhrrvalc llzrrriillorr and other Centres lhc llil eorrrplrzrrcrrttd Wor shipful Muster Charles Day and his officers on the manner in which they conferred th first degree wilh IllII musical llllllll yolloitijt IIIQ Lodgi work tr banquet was enjoyed and the cus lorrrtrry toasts observed Bro Morrison proposed the toast to the Grand Lodge find Grand lilii icoiitc lZccculivc chairman of llic carri ptricrr is liycrs lrcrirrcf Mrs Smith ill Mary will accept loriatiom from illtllllll1l turd tl1lllileltll Blinks ill also be ctitripiripfr headI ounzl rs for life UNICEF Also strvrrrr on lhe tiiriipiiiczi conrrnjileo lrc Miss Marion Living ritlll secretary and Mrs Ncsl brtl director lhc eorrrnrrllec was set up two weeks ago on lariuaryl l2 Letters are being sent to clubs and larger industries in town risk llli for llitli coopcrtiliori in fire drive for funds The UNICEF was set tip last year by the United Nations All nicmIrospolidcd lozisl to fire visilors ll countries arc participating llleropUscd by Bro Blair was ctrrrrptiigns to raise funds Iizrsl responded to by Keri hchulcy your ii if million dollar DILCIIU111151L1 of Coronation Lodge Ijhro was set in all Canada bill only mile Bro Coulis of or llirce million dollars were raised mum Lodge and 15 R055 11in jlh morin raised iii different lorr of Aurora Bro Beaver octrlifics is being sent lo the Ctrri DIODUWV IOU1 adizin povcrrimcnl who will spend Emd lllc 00W member il hero in Canada for raw materials ion responded quarteth coup to be shipped to the various needy posed of Lzrmbcrf Shepherd Countries where they will be rrrari and Knox with Tllfftlld tifactured and distributed through zitlhe piano delighted with several numbers Lodge officers to which the DDGII Visit to Kerr Lodge Ii l1il paid in lllitlirl ill llc il IEIIER AUDiI BUREAU OF ClRCULAIiOhS the ironic or burntd to the erourzd on children tltlllt yurr Pages BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY 3o MSG amily With Children Homeless Following Fire Vespra Home Dest llolili thi Qlxllillllllltl 311 and llic lttllitl oi the ill lop Services in llirrrie and if Two Sections l2 PAGES per copy oyed ciizl Iltll stile out lr if fi rrrilgg ll as riori at Simcoc District Co mothtr hrrd none to Dirirririllc for short roll at the llillln oi her parents Today the seven children and the parents are at the small ironic of Stanley 1rirntirn on the Siriiriidaic Itozid However their is litllc crioriuii lit for IIll Stanley Iairbairu family Hind lZarl Iazrbarrrr arid ill iniily tlt Ilrlllldltll in need of iiicorriiriodrtlfor trtii they tll IIlJLllltl their home in the Spring 35hr vll lu Slitltiu llr it WOI Illti frruiftifiiiirl lllllt ri iriri lrzi ll hillti ICl liidl ho lulu llirll ivtl it lII Illlrltlltli pom rill ililif1 flllt oop Srryr LIllrli clit and lliilll liltriiifrs it plan miimrrrd of Szrr roll ctiorr rrti Home and School Meeting at Victoria pliicc School lIiL roxvn Ilrll was judged first irlllIl Mary was srcoirti IVllitrh ll llu illliitr lruslct iriri lrtrlrpnycrs lion public Iritllri cfirrlosl took Home the rrlor1a Asynchrliorr rcptrl ill llrifcc Iztrr Louise Ill yr of NcwlorrSniitli Iit Iiitltlts wore ioirr trtlit and or rppoll oi Nlllilldi IIIY BLNLLLILIUIKI Kenneth IItillllgtHl is If cirndidale Lin Il wits lirs lilo lt wrs presided which is still in do It deals yilh lIirlll ti Naphlnli rnanagi of Sirireoc mooiiiir litr ir for the Victoria Annirm flint formed jtisi year ago John Doroth lv of Nzrioniil lilrn Rotltti show ti County iIif of hey new picture Fooling of lloqrb Illlir rl health lit di cl hrldrwrr Aid Society commentedon Sillir ES to rbl ms is icscnl max of lhe llKlilltlllilittl chrl Illtli other loort or ttilittl lrlvti pol and Illllii ool ll to IIll Lily Itoad IIllll tor for the extra liii lmuir are rirrltirsrr were iie how tlcspcrnlc tinti ilicir illicit ytllll 11 lhcii hcrds tifrlil llr llt in ipprrcialed if any hoirrc tlial couldr lit fltrl to tire faintly for if few liiitliill utrrzltf Ilillliilllll llie Stirl lomp helped to tlilu for the the litgt1 lwo riiphls on of log everything llzrrl will tt mil titlilillltt tool the clothes were wearing llu mid iorrr il insured for Exirllll plus roost or llit iurniltrrc liiid rvcrylhirrtt ready for the birth Alis Irrrbtiilil said Siititlcrily llllll Kay ran up to me land itllli tiiiiiriry lrctrr sonic llillL tlilllxiltgrllpsllllx run to the slrrrwry and was nearly caught limb by lliillll corrrrrir down just went lll phone and cirllrd Mrs lellt loolc llicfi look who IiIltIIltgt to the burn lrr he house about lizrlf mile away Mrs loulc gtZrlli she saw lhe flames from hir kitchen jllgtl ilgt Vlrs liiirbaird Ilillltfti Shr gtllllllllllt1 hpr grnd rlarcr took in 3115 Itairbairrr trirtl our tllllllill 311s lfibftiii said it was lucky QBohby ti and Sltrrrlcy who slept lupsrarrs were rwrikiv and down isluirs lho others are Kay iSharorr leek Kenny spud tillltlll riveweeks then rind can be re rlFzlt i1liiclgi1gkfit hmmu lrs larroairn were lukCri itilo praise for the way they tire oper the Uriiled Nations filing the home The neftl is greatest in Greece and llirly although the children of Germany France arid other Europ lean iihd Asiatic countries are tilsol in critical need of milk cod liver tllte homes of two neighbors for the iillllii being 311s lvirrr irirris who look iir three children said they had no oulcr clothing and She dressed lhcni in clothes of her own two motorist across the street For every BEfCCIIISOIICuHDC1Hm gavel away his coinpctitt tiffered 10 loss of three cents Elect Vern Harriny court proceedings as they saw them The Judge addressed the class and it would be educatioiial for more pupils to see how the courts Turn to page sixnplcasct Puppeteer Coming Back Door Policy Toronto cili zerrs continue to debate the meritsf the Lounry ale conducmd of the Sunday blue laws Back inl The muowmg were the remarks the 1880s New JYork Observerl wroto in his rieivspapeiaborii SurLJ toy in rush and roar is slrangelyhushed Even the liquor saloons chronici in front lawbreakers are shirt though conveniently accessible in the rear The street appearance the city is comparatively decorous To the eye the Lords day is ob served Brit under lireqltgorum the devil is viciously active Not Fit For Print famous clergymanwho was starting out on lecture totir tried to dissuade reporter from publishing his ad dress The Reverend gentleman submitted that report might ad versely affect lateriaudiences The reporter pressed by his editor to make some mention of the meeting wrote Rev Mr spoke to large audience in the town hall last night but unfortunately his 67 remarks could not be put into print busy on the third floor of the Royal Victoria Hospital on the night of January 1718 Within nine hours and Winter res therb were six babies delivered The average number in month is usually between 50 and 60 babies at the Barrie Hospital With six babies born between 10 pm and gam it Appears that the stork Continues to by night Cover The Loss After eachl serious re there are pronounce merits about what cbuld have been done or what should have been done to prevent such loss Eighty years ago The Mutual Security Insurance Company constructed moderh fireproof officeat Chicago On October 1871 they published an advertisement warning citizens to insure against theloss from fall the frOnt pagebf the Chicago Tri bune That was the last issue of the AneWSpaper for four daysjA holocaust that devastated the city took 250 lives and destroyed prop erty which included the Mutual Security Insurance Company build ing which had been dcribdvas completer reproof What Time Is It Arguments are still being put forward as to who ther the year 19501is the end of the half century or the beginning of ahalf century The same argu ments were heard 50 years ago The Stroudcorrespondent wroteat that time Fullyjhalf of our Stroud people are living in the 19th cen tury and half iii the 20th Very exciting debatestakeplace almost every night on the subject Aunt Susie says there arevsome people whose arguments would make you believe they are stillliving in the 19th century it It takes42322 miles of railway track to weld all the Widespread parts of Canada into one nation Night iFlyerLWWTIIE nurses were oins Lordship notice that we have with us in this room thig morning and from information which has been Elven to me students from high school in Orillia lhirik it is good thing for the younger people to see at first hand theway justice is adrrrinistered in this country The administration of justioelis one of the most important phases of our national life think it is well for the younger eople to consider just what pair the ad ministration Of justice plays in our form of government In recent years our attention has been drawn to our method of government which we consider to government different from ours and having different implications for ones mode of living and for onesdiberty of thought and ac tion We are brought face to face with the fact that for many years Hospitalv Fund be really democratic by forms of Planning To Remain InCanada Performance Here February 10 One static iriostmnutstmrding lVliirervaWIyIayipoeticsIntel570003V puppet slipws in the world will belforming as Britains largest puppet tshow Their joint ownersL iCorlcy and Mertonarc busy on Friday Feb 10 with aparty of five ptrppctecrs This presentation will be spon rout the original show geitine sored by the BCIKey Club andr heir small actors and actresses the proceedsnyill be contributed to ready for the big afternoonand the Barrie and District Memorial kovenrngzrppwmmees While we examined some oithc The DUPPCICCIS Oppd at T0 Iskilfully designed and entertaining mmo for 1911 0111 Amell small characters Mr MCIiCIIhCll can Plemicre WhiIC the thYiCieaLOi andlchicf manipulator told were VISIICd by L903 DCmff 05 interesting points about the Who Wmle the fOlIOWIhB account oldest stage art in the history of brroughttoBzrrrieanc1 be present ed in the Collegiate Auditorium in the Toronto Globe and Mail mytijatrf Churchill and Jimmy Durante Flippets developed from etood the voyage well andarrivcd idols of the Far East and in the 111 excellent Shpc ready 10 b0 le religious plays it was found that Strung and SGL up the 511139 they could be manipulated byot of Eaton AlidiIOIiumFIidai Feb lashing strings to their fingers They are two 0f large Party and making their lips movable It of purpetsknownias the London wasnt until much laterin Italy 00 Holsteins owned at the Glerreiftori Farm of McCague Allistonl ION abcounted for three AllCan The ad Was on adian awards one Reserve A11Can adiah and three Honorable Men tions The listof winners has just been released rLhe Get of Sire by Mfitlt vic Rag Apple Marksmanvthat aSi first at the Royal Winter Fair wasl named AllCianadian with thePro duce of Little Rock Pabst Colantha that wasbalso first attire Royal carrying off the Alvaanadianr award This Produc consisted of Glenafton Laurel Colantha who was tied withElmcroft Dewdrop on the official vote for Reserve All Canadiarr in the Aged Covv class but lost out on the basis of the popular voting Also included iii the Produce was Glenafton Futur ity the Reserve AllCanadian Sen ior Yearling Bulljointly owned by McCagdetand Central Durham Bull Club Orono Ontario In the Junior YearlingnHeifer Class G1eiiafton Laurel Holly Dutchland was the AllCanadian Winner for MeCague She was rst prize winner at 1116 Royal McCague also received honorable mention on his fouryearold Glen afton Laurel Colleen and on his heifer calf Glenafton Enchantress Vee The Royal Winter Fair Grand Champion Spring Farm4 Juliette Ownedl by Fraser Streets ville was named AllCanadian Aged CowA11Canadiari Aged BullWas the Reserve Grand Chiim pion at the Royal BaraleeAPabst Rag Apple Sovereign owned by George SWElliott Sori TillsonI burg and Weaver Bros Beltrront Mccague Holsteins lWin AllCanadian Titles that the present highly intricate type of imarionette was produced and made to perform by its mani pulator with high degree of skill In Java shadow puppets are very popular and in Japan they have lifesized puppets that re quire three people per each to operate Czechoslovakia has gone so ThefAllCanadian contest which is the grand nale to the show sea son provides nationwide compe tition through the medium of photographs amongst the top show Holsteins of the Dominion Selec tions are made by at committee consisting of the judges at the leading fairs an AllCanadian and Reserve being chosen in each of the 15 regular SllOW classes In special cases honorable mention is given The awards were shared this year by breeders fromvari ousrparts of the Dominion The contest is sponsored by the H01 steirilEriesianJournal tically national industry with 15 permanent puppet theatres in cori stant operation and 1500 puppet groups and clubs scattered about In fact artistic pleasantly youthful Mr Marten observed it is probably the most thickly popu lated puppet population in the world With the Russianinfiuence grow ing we suggested that there Was probably more truth than poetry in that statement any way you looked obit It However Mr Morten himself has been making and maniptilating puppets for 18 years with Vsinglc break during his stint in the air forc He joined Lth force in Australia where he happened to be at the commencement of hos towBritain started puppet theatre which is still going strong This is the sort of thing you can expect to spring up when MrMerten ap pears in new country and we are no exiieption Wiih head start in his trunk fuls of Englisbpuppets the Brit ing couple of Chliadian additions already in his hotel room It is thehope of the two directors that they will be able to jsetup permanent theatre in Canada it country in which they plan to be come permanent citizens On holiday trip to Paris it favorite puppet Figaro was taken along The French consulate in Turn to page six please McoAGUE llic Imp ciilor Wood Oiillia township Pet mad that has become p130ha thegrant of $2000 to the Coun tilities and beforeheWent back ish artistxhas been hard at it malty oil medical supplies leather wooi left and cotlon goods found With Stolen Fire Rangers Pump Charge Midland Men Ag Hambly was elected pres ident of the Barrie Agriculttirirl Society at special directors meet ing following the annual meetin Early lust Wednesday morning police picked tip two men at Pains vvick The two Lawrence Dube ari Reg nala Iland were charng beer and wine was ZOOpound fire rangers prim with having prise aboutllie pump and told policcllhey had no idea how it could have gotten inlo the truck ProvCons Jack Shepherd and Prov Cons Arthur Kellogg who arrested Dube and McLeod at am later fotmdwthe pump had been taken from the Goldwater area Thr two men will appear before Magistrate Foster Woods Plea Far Library Grant Is Made Too Late Wednesday Jan 25 at Community House oOlher officers elected were Smith second vicepresident and 111 the light MilIIIJ Jacobi treasurer Mai conison 15 Secretary The two men expressedgreat sur Directors elected at theannul meeting areD Bell Not tleton Brennair Eugene Smith Scott Hariibly Brown WNew JJacobi Crawfoid Owen Coates Lee Banting and Arthur Dyer Junior directors elected were Brown Cumming Gordon Todd Wainida Cleave Patton and Robert Crawford Honorary directors Agriculture for Canada Hon Kennedy Minister of Agriculture Ferguson MP Johnston MLA Robinson Mayor Ed County Council Tuesday sympatht ized with the contention of Coun ty Libraryiveis ritfibugh but were powerless to raisethe grant on the last day of council when re strictions on grants are in force It was suggested that Mr Wood bringth matter up for consider ation at the June session The councillor pointed out that this countys library grant is among the lowest among Ontario counties He felt the library is doing wor thy Work and that the grant should be raiscdby at least $500 The lib rary board asked for $3500 iiThereis no more worthy Workl than this effortftliat brings gobdl bookstochildren and adults in the backsection hesaidand was of theopiriioii the increased activity of the library throughout the coun ty Warrants larger grant would like to ask for $1000 but would submity$500 for the coun cilseonsideratiOn he said COMING Eveurs Junior Guild annual bridg at Trinity Parish Hall Tuesday Feb 810 pm Tickets 50c 59b Stroud and District Federation of Agriculture meeting Community Hall Stroud Jan 30 Everybody welcome Bring lunch 78p Calling all farmers Churchill dis trict Federation meeting Wednes day Feb Community Hall Speaker Shrp Everybody welcome 8p win Wilson and Widen0V Benson In his remarksD Bell presi dent last year cited cooperation of the Provincial Police and the Simeoe County Health Unit in the handling of the midway in 1949 He thanked the directors for their work and said the system of having director head each com mitteearid haying outside people as assistantshad worked well fried spoke of the many activities at the fairgrounds during the yearIThey were baseball soccer chuck wa gon races horse racing and others Mr Bell also mentioned the regipnalslroWs held in 1949 as well as the outstandinglshereprand mach inery exhibits Hecommenfed on the juniorhdivision and hoped that it might growleven more in the future Secretary ported on disbursement of the government building grant include Rt Hoh GGardiiieiMiniSter oft for Oritario Ilon Earl Rowe MP McLeod both of MidTjfBremranfvicrqncsidewEugcnw Cook Emerson Swain artd said thathe Societycan expect about $2800 more for further petan anent imprOvements He reported that prize ribbons this year will be of thescolors adapted by the Canadian Fairs Association red for first blue for secondand the usual thereafter He told mem bers of the centenary pylon grant of $1000 available to the Societyfor erection of suitable rriemorial to mark the groups100 years ofex istence Stewart Page agricultural representative complimented the adult and junior directors and the committees for the fine coopera lion shown during the year Her suggested rthat everything possible Turn to pogd six please VEric 1950 President Barrie HAMBLY purity Request by AMaleomson re ERIC SIMPSON County Simpson for permission to employextra legalaadvice in de fending new assessments under the Assessor children so they could play out side Libne loolc find son son Dan 15 said they were among the first to iarrive at life firc whichhad got pieces ofrfurnilure from porch Nonrestfiriiflghtmg errriipmerit was at it forestry sliilion few miles away but it would have been use less PUOIOISZIIdI Earl Fair bairrr andzrciimoad of employees from Ctroperativewere rusth out Swain manager when he was notified Mr Swain said the firm and em ployees immediately started fund to gel roomy and clothing for the Fairbairrrs Tire fund had reached $50 Saturday morning CNR EMPLOYS OVER 115000 The average number of persons employed by life Canadian Nation Ial System is more than 115000 Their occupations illustrate Willie widespread and varied operations lof the company There are for ex ample tc1egraph repair men deep sea divers hotel porters sea cap tairisiriacliiriists of all kinds archi tects cartage driversf research chemists accountants doctors and lawyers card index syStem being installer in the county was granted by county council Tuesday Mr Simpson toldeouncilsomo appeals have been made against Assessments which he trcorisidered difficulty in having his slgnd Ida annel beexpected to goyirito licourts andto the OntarioMunvicr pal Board and defend problems with legal aspects It was pointed out Hart thatany extra legal on problems which affeot the county as whOle th county lHe cited the caseeo hotels at Penetang appealing theit assessments before the Municipal Board and said success or failure not the appeals woulldbave beam dog on otherlrotelsin the count Another case cited was in Alli ton where Mr Simpson Sold ridiculous situation of the carry on this wort lo it Turn to page six please by Councillor assistance employed should be only so in they could save only few droidBarrioJriAthiLminLiles by AssessOr Permissioirr To Engage Legal Help ForAppeals just and thatwhe has experienced fended Hcsaid asan assessor hey Agreeing Mr Simpsoll88idf89r peals made so far have affected