PAGE 815m Public WAMINER BARRIF ONTARIO cayaos BARRIE chycee President Coming To Barrie Thursday Ian 26 Retires as Clerk of Medonte JANUARY 19 1950 L11Iiil 111 111111111111yAc11y1 Dont INNISFIL NOTES tliy 21151 Walk Ltn is and Choppel Farm Meeting Tlonuly Ulllltll Itiaugouiion inn111 ultdrzir 1l 1111 11s 11tltl 11111 rie 11111 11111111 l11 Mttll 1111 iitipli Itwa 1131 1111 111 111111111I 111 111 1111 1111 ilill 111 111 Zitfl 1111111 LlZii 11 11111 Kiri 1ir ILiille t111 Imll tl lli IUVIIII ltlers 1111111 nnn1l NIH1111 11 1111 11111111 111111 111111111 11111t11 llid 11111 11111 11111 sail and all1111i 1111s 111111115 1111121111111 111 Ii 11 111111 Hobbs lhutlt Remarks utility ounril time what of ii ltl11f 111111 1111111 Vttnlintlvt 1111111 11111 litttlinp of 1111i11i f111 4111 Key 11111 11171111 111 11 1111111 1111 lhli 1tiii 1i11I 11111111r1 1111119 yovotnzrvnt 111 H1111 11 11111 1112171 OICE HAM li11 111111 to1 cH l11111 11111111111 11 Guess pintett 1111111 311 111111 It IttHilVSUV clerk of ethane loumhip for the past 1i years elections 21111111111111 belinud to have srl record for long trit as lounship Metlonlt has been organiItd as township i111 1110 ldt11l aspijt 1i1ti 11411111 1it1r recent toumbtp luv551 lJl II thing 1111111111 the iaittf 11111 111111111 111111 11111 tliit lot 11111=1l1111111 1111 $11111 1111 911111 111 UIIIJIIU years and in that time there have loon 11111ll1t11r of Judge loon ol Parry Sound nus the first 111111 Mr Robinson was born in 111 l1111111p but has liyid in etluiilt for about tit 1s llittilttllyt xtll 111 llli 1111311 p1 itmui We 1111 11111111 11111 11111111 vanizuze Hmll been only three clerks which Wilson he net and 1lli1n1 111111 1111 111 11111 11111111 1111111 should 111id fitill 51111113 1111111 11111111111n lilo111111111 us tho 111 111111 11111111 think 111 Hi 1111111 till1 11K hot 11111 111112 ECouncil Discusses Fire Protection To Meetilcxn 23 home 111 death 1111111 11 1111111 lhir soil Illi 1111111 11 111111i 11111111 11 1111111 111p11 11 was would 1111111 11 would Pork Beef Veal Lamb lunletl Meal Ioullry Fresh fish 1111111111111111 BREAD CEREALS CANNED GOODS GEO COLES BUTCHER 17 Essa Road Phone 3214 Deliveries all over Iowu 11 1t1 t1l11 JOHN SIIIZIIARI pt 11 1111111 Itlili lllln 1111 1111111 111111111 11111111111 11 11112 cleoned I11i 11111111 511111 f1111tl rctliiet tl llealth fundamental anything that 111111 11iltl annual dinner 11111ltl 11111 MilImus 11151111131311 1111111111nt 11lt 1111 1111 LIJ 111111 and installed 11111 lilif 1tt1111 11111 4111111 The dinner and 111ilii11i by the presidents 11111 1111 tip 11111111 11 1111 year with 111 spathhng show 111 11111 to the 11111111111111111111 Mar 11111 1111 1111111l 111111111111111 dot11 Mrs Locke and Miss 11an l1111 of Williamsburg are visiting 11 liowcs Ihe 11t 1111511111111111 1111 11111 111ml 11 iliiti Womens Institute 11111 lttw 1111 111111111 11111 I111 11111111a 111111151 laddimn 11111111 1111 111 1111 1111lililii should he 11v1 II 111111111111 1111111 hr1 I11 done to 111j v111lihile 1111111t out 11111 11111d 11 mutant 1111 1hiI1 tigtlittltil 111 11111 1111111111115 111111111111111i installahou ohm eulnnnaled This will sure this 1llli111s was 111 ll IlitIlllttIittl that 1111111111 111111 111 iil Yl1111 11111111111 1111 this to111 11111112 11111 9115111 t1ivttt111 llxi 111121 1111111111111 111111111111 lhanlt Yot letitis for 111 1imas 111111 Saw 111tluitii111 lilirabeih 111111 1111 Ito and Qu It l111 to Midland 111 mumV 111111 front our 111111111 llliSltllIlt llzut 11111111 1ilt1 is 111 111 1111111 11111 iiiU niend 111111il1g chairman iitl 1111 ttltiiltililtt explained 111 can 111 any way work 111 with 1111 townships problems use 111tin Iiut our first obliitation 111111111 11t11 1113111111111 1111111l1 11113111115 annual church and 11111 111131111 Siewar toil minutes supper titilitllOKtllitiliitl nieelini will 111 Im day 11111111 Dr Green formerly 11 Toronto service on Sunday number Fartncis lloo 111 111t11 1111111 1111 111111 mll 111111 1111h Mm 111111t11111111on 1111111111 II of his appointment to be 111111r1iulaieti f111 hurth they lia1lesire 111 1111 IIiill 111111111 in Godly 1111111111 We hopp 11111111111 member even 111111111 Allandul church now took hm 11111111111 1111111111111111111 1111111111111 viiw 111142 littptlltl 11111 11111111111 w1s 111 charge 111 1111 telloushtp lllltftttlii and intro 1111 day 1111111 hint ltl 1111 1111111 WW mm um who interestini lllltltllttll and lunch follow 1111111 next 111111t1 l111111 21111 11 t1iy 111 is to our town discussions when lI11v11 pointed out that the town has 11114 actual agreements on tire 111110 111111 111 her hip as 111 115 townships aureed that the service gtllilllltl not be discontinued abruptly and 111111 gt11iiie ariauueuunt should he 111 eitled 1w 01 attendtd I11 11111 convention fioni 11y11 amt1111111 lttttllilllHHS 111111say 1111111 1111 mm 111111 itiIIlllj The next mm 111 Toronto 111111 On Monday evenine the regular iiittliiit of the YIU was 111111 wih members being made for skating party in talk Ways Constable interesting 11121111 have I1ttl ion 11111111111 departmt nt 1o 111 tires 111 the imvnshipi r1f11r11l and lengthy 11f ultlitll t11111111111 111111 their business and sec 111ai value is both 11111111111 111111 111n beautifully 11111 lean Ed this when llans teporletl 11 Help the It was moved 411111 seconded 1111 card party he 1111111 williprot1eds to be list11 lor s11v1 11111111119 Mrs lh1 aimttal Sunday School nite llt111111t1111 1111111 present The treasinet $1111 on lltllltl gt1til 111111s 11111111111 lilti1tl hildien ltlll 111111 with hack 11111 held my last lhinsday eveiiinit oll11ers were reeiected irrlllSIHIt of roads and weather 13 1111111111111 and friends of the WMS 111111 at the home of Mrs Wednesday 115 Andrews Wiggins had charge of the program 111v li 1311111 installed the otii 111s for the coming year and gave splendid talk on Responsibilities of Living Mrs onnellpresented patched 51111111 11111 and also wants the Wiyl lodpiilt quilt for her It was net1111111 to quilt them at Mrs Lee sons on Wednesday lan25 lhe followed 1it RENT NEW CAR and Drive it Yourself can 2772 BARRIE DRIVE CAR Company HERTZ DRWURSELF LICENSEE 69 Collier St Water and Town 1111 Il 1111 to write township officials for list11s on Mon l111111 1111 discussion on the 1117 Ald many The blotted What Have We to Show For lepl1fe1l Surplus An exieeve pointed out 11111 in 11 11 1913 we had surplus arrears enough to permr year tax lr11 lie points out that this is pr111m ablytzone yet have 1111 ptrmans enl surfaced ible asset lo replace Taxes are gtllll rising evrn assessments council that 111y lititl 11111 the 1onnuii 111111111y lIie oyet llu afternoon chair Mrs 1111 the 1111 turned 1il1 Il sion 1i1y i11111d laru iNNlSlll lnnisfil lisiriei landale rantte when the following officers w1r1 1111111111 District Mast lhpitlv then lttltgo lrs 711111 10L 11111 l1 Jan llouizbton and almost Mrs and IllllltlilitQS fliltdtiih said knew 1111111111111 where tliitttitd installa lt1t and piping created chitf er Bro Clarence Master oih1 lane lhis Siiililli toads Ilarrie lli H11tlirnmr $630 Buyer to Supply Bags 11111111111 11111111111111 Iaz Bro William Bro Als arr 111ic llro McDeimoit Reynolds hose Treas Ian ll1rshal leei Bro iauley lhll l11 Arnold llti 111111 hayiznds have 1111 authorization 1111111111 this he said 111111111 out that peo 11111 and Present Mode um lht lire with Chap Set1 lCM Bro Btu Per Ton increased and mm already 1h talk raise the $110000 roads approprias itions considerably IllISt Limited Rec part 811115 11111111111s 1iw11111111s vitlioiii sometimes answer above will be that we have new 31511100 maintain 11111111 ant word sp111r lhcre nclntlcd 1111111111 11111 Bro Davis Mattel install inspection creatin buildshift usual social hoin metling th11 illltl 111 1111 chitf lidants throuch jobs Most Also couple ROUGH OUNIRK U111Lyu Tl 111111111al111 mountains iivers Norway and c11y111liJ 11111 cent 5111151 my 5qu 10 able glaciers which tltltlliitll felt sonicagree twnt 1111 service to liiclfililtliiplt Iiii department Now In Full lli Dominic SIovn gitoi ulunu onceuychv event with uvinqt for New mapper holvn now With finequality oveii 870011 T111111 we educational problems an additional pilrposes someadditional will be needed and higher salari are being asked The high school has to 1511 enlarged might to call 111111118 increased Vo have spending I111 areas accommodatu111 have 11111111 by Iii You an 14111111 you face 11111 and woointh a1 pnm these both grown much 9111o111u1 ram perm 10 that wt mrnn 11119 only few 1111111 0111111 and wulth 11 January 1111111 111911111 Sale linen Ihlougbom the 11am spent efficiency who could lay out anhiKlmt planI which would confine eath depart hunt to set amount ship auditor should maki ruport icfortt the mill1alc Li 51111111117 well rold utyour Doininion State 111111 expert 0011 outuiiitHii 111111111 it untonditionqlly guaranteed to give you gt 1001 SAIISFIGION The town mitting Compliments We have of tail in to mention compliments 1111111113 given Chaslien been accused BLUEBIRDSTDHAND PAcKEp 11015 ry salesman for 11111 vert company advised that 111 an ticipatcd socialibn has not decided on 10 finite price rise but expect 11 is coming soonff Reeve Locidiart had checked Mr Henrys prophes ies before and found Orders as mentioned previously were given later Perhaps we felt this public 111m plimenf sufficient 1111111111 18 Ol 231 271 10 271 IQM CULVERHOUSEoHOICECREAM TYLE GOLDEN CORNZ BAXIERSI TOMATO SAUCE PORK BEANS RAYMONDCHOICEMIXED VEGETABLES oLENWOODCHoicssDICED or mwmemgymm ancy 130 miss 57 for N0 FRESH TEXAS NEW CABBAGE lb ONT N0 APPLES McINrosH RED ONT liwAsnED lJIIHGYW r111 ORANGE Our as 111 OCERY FEATURFSi FALLS VIEWsmsticm DESSERT PEARS GLENWOODCHOICE QUALITY FRUIT COCKTAIL LYNN VAttEsroesuE 45 MGREENPEA PICNKZ BRANDSWEE MIXED ERARDSGOLDEN 151111 or NIAGARA41161 inmatemic TRINI DADhSWEETENED GrapeIrUit Juice MEMPHIS BELLE CAKEJMIXES noumIONcnusugn ninursmrto GUARANTEED MEATS 511110111 WING BONELESS ROUND 51er or Roost 1b 1511 111351 PRIME RIBROAST EASY TO oAnvn SHORT RIB BOA ADE REMOVED LADE 1101151 price rise 20 15 Ol Tim he told council replied that 21 20 them right 20 Oz 20 01 291 261 Sc 20 33 ch 31c itKLES SYRUP 16 Jar 3p January 11 13011 vspentl Mr and Mrs Lorne Wi day in the citylastwee and Mrs and Mary Jane spent Sunday 111 Toronto with Mr and Mrs Coughiin Much sympathy Mrs Eldon Knapp who dost ht brotherinlaw in gold mineoi aster 1nBritish Columbia Peoples 1111111 meet every Tuesday night bave good attendance and hold very inspiring meetings Mrs Thompson with her Laughlin for Bran Mrs Thompsonhas been here her sisterMrs Mason for several months Mr and visited with M12 Jones Newmarket TS Wies to and with friends in Toron couple of Week Lb Mr Frank Coughliu is extended 20 25c 7c r59c ii 19 19 101 35 16 01 Jar 11 20 72 Society The Young last week Mac don Manitoba left daughter 2011 11111111111120 20 Tlns Mrs 14 Pkg rsLenfoncs and sons and Mrs Joe Sunday to for 250s Doz oriol tort11141 Raspberry JAM AUNT SALLYWITH PECT Strawberry CANADA NO CENTRAL Congratulations to Peter McCuaig anniverSary of his 84th birthday January Mil and dauEhter 1402 on 24 Ol Fred Grant and Phyllis Orillia Sunday Visitors with Mr and Mrs Earle Reid The annual con Mrs JAM NEY were 1b5lci WHITE H0 VAN CAMPWITH CHEESE 111 rs 51111611 Eitl ALL PURPOSEFLOUR FIVER DOMINION 411 gregalional meet Central Presbyterian Church be held January 27 at 811111 in the church Mr and Mrs Hugh and MgntWsnda and Glenda were Sunday visitors with Mr and McArthur The WMS and LA held their opening meeting ofthe year at the home of Mrs McKayon January 11 with goodattendance The chapter from the study book To wards new dawn in Japan was taken by Mrs John McCuaig It was decided to send twoquilts in the bale the will IS Titre Hutchinson stiib 513$ 11 52c b1 31d 11 an Mrs Dan 911w 11111113 11121111 BABRIE Peanut Butteril 35 SAL JAN 191120112111 111 IiRESH CODiFILLETS LUES EFFECTIVE THURS FRI