Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1950, p. 6

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PAGE SIX IIF HMIAIE Mirpriw l11t i1111i1 11111 Iiiitltdoht lll1 paw1 1111111 lill1 31 l11111o 111 day 111 11 1111 11111 ti i1 111 1151 Ii11 11111 1111111111 pl 11111 11111 111i11 11111 l11i 1311 Silver liplt Iiible lass 01 111111 tlm iiisilo $1y11 lpl1 1111111 1111111 lllrltueon 1111 Ila111111111 111111 11111 111 111 llttlillli 11111 1111111111 Mrs 11111io11i p111111 latlant in 1111111 tillilttli 11115 11111c11111 tlautation lrlt l1itritliltl lilor 11111111 1111s11l1n1 1111111111 1113111 l11u1y all lerrv ltoll Sec Flower and 1111111 31111 11 president lrs lr 11111 lhompson lettthtt 11 111hers Bear 1111111111111 Hits litilitllMll llieklintt ltgt1st11 1111111 ltla1l1n1 Honorary lrtsi1 1111111 311s 11111111111 111111111 11111 llitiiil hour was 111111 lr and 11111111 congregational Supper lay Jan 1lt 11 1f iylss linuna losiez who 11111 or shortly for Aurora 111511 111 wel come the 1111111m11gt to it llil gtllIIIil 111111111 acted as chairman gtlieiti Wh hey at the piano $12111 llt 1cti11n Mrs 111111115 and Ind 11111 delighted the audience humorous was 1111 aeeoinpanisi Mrs Whitt ney ttVt 11111111111111111 the fartWell 1111ssaue lirovi itchx lostvr behalf of the spoke of Miss Fosters cheer her and faithtuln lowly 5011 lhei 111111 11111 111 church lt Ilhl 111111 111 Lli 1tt11v1111h111 trombone short wiih LiilYl 111111 Mrs luceheo Tyir l11 p11s1nted to Mt 11111111 limin 1111111 12111 Beardsall op and pie chenille The congregation present ed her with cabinet ol silver and llitiTrideiobe in 11 11111 well chosen wordythanked lhe singing 11 ltllo brought an enjoyable evening to close Former members present Dial 455 and CHIPS WI USE HALIBUT FISH 1111 Saturday 12 noon to ANYWHERE BARK 1111s CAFETE her with spread URiIY Duos 3611111111 51 BARBIE rnnngt Delivery its 41pm10 friends lolly 1111 Il Phone 9874 Sing 61111 pm 1111A BABRIE 11ch Po 38BAYF1ELD ST 9111011135354 1947 CHEVROLET STYLEMASTER SEDAN 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL COACH 119411 BtiICKgROADM 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1941 OLDSMQBILE HYDRAMATIC 1941 DODGE SPECIAL SEDAN 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH 19360LDSMOBILECACH 1936 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 19321110111 SEDAN CYL 1939 CHEVROLETSEDAN R60 TONVSTAKE 1945 DO EDUMP 1941 FLY UTH SEDAN HAROLDHILL LIMITED CHRYSLER PEYMOUTH 11111100 3111111113 STER SEDAN Radio SEDAN 1947 ELtvERY vaBHIDGE I11 li 11111 11 1111 111 ii 1111 111111111 11111111 t1li ltli11i 111sl1ii 4111 v11 11 1h 1111111111 11 11 iitiuiii 11111211 111 llitit 1111111111lt w11 111 11111 Knoll 1111 11 311111115 1I IINIil Ill 1111 1111 11 12 opi 1111 111111 11 1111111111 50 l1111 th l11 gt11 lutptiialthl 11111 $171111 11111oiks lly1ho Sititio 11111111 llytiri $1311 lllili 1111111 i111 iltlii 11 11111111 11 171111111 111 110 Stir4 Itli 5111131 liigtiilttll 11111 posizizomtlfilt l111 111111 11 1111111191 l1111 ll 111 itilllltlilgt 111 tl1 1911 l11son $11 Hard 11 ttvi $7 11 was 111111111 1131 111 Weld1 1111111111111 11 11 111411 1111111111 lot 11 111111t1 for 1111 11 Liiilltlalt11111 111111 1111111111 1111 11111 1111 111111I11 Sin11111 1111 Illitll 111 lti 1111115 lr 1111111 and Ir li llt111111 111111111 11111 111 itiltiligt sstit 11 111s111111l 11 11 l1111 1111 11 and 111 311 1111 11 viigt1 111 13 1111 1115111111111 111 silthlllni 1111 Minot11111 1111111 1111 1111111111 111111111111l 111 171r1 1111 1111 11 Death of Josiiclt 1ltms 1111 51111111111 pas11113111 Iostplfll d1111s 11 11 11111111 111 lilnivah 1111 lli 11111111 11130 came as hTx Titrt1 friend sildutlill ll 1111 11 11 11111ythroinbosis lillii11flt Nell 11111111 dual the day bi 111112 l1c1s111 1151 born in lnnis Iillo1nship 1111 1111 lttiit son of th 11111 11 and Mrs John Adm1s lie 1115111111 tin111 until four j1iltgt of age moving to 161111 111 here he resided to lie t11111tl until few ycars ago 111 was tiittiiliii of the Presby 11ianv Church and Conservative quiet disposition bttt very tri1ndly 111 had thost of friends The funeral service was hold 111 Bishops Funeral 11111119 on Mon day January and was largely attendrd Interment was in Elm vale Cemetery The pallbearers wer Gcoruc BearCfsall Lorne Mait ning Lloyd Ritchie Gordon Spring lack Trace and Joel Adams neph ews of the deceasod Left to mourn Mrs Meredith Wilson 1Helen1of lMidland and two grandchildren Ross and his Wilson of Midland 1Also411ryiving are twu brothers Georg Adams of Ehnvale and Fred 1Adams of Cityeland Ohio ve sis ters Mrs Jamicson tMary of Brampton Mrs Morrison Mabel iol Edmonton Alberta Mrs lManning tOliveI of Elmvale Mrs PnRoland tCassiei of Loughecd Alberta Mrs Smith 1Vern81 of Los Angles California lleia 1Mtivcs and Tricndsnttendcd the futi erai from Midland Port McNieod Penetang Toronto and Hamilton Death ofiilghn Henry Bumstead Followianw an illness of several hs due to heart condition 1iohn Henry Bumstead passed away Hospital Midland December 14 1949 in his 87th year Deceased was born at Meaford in 1863 son of the late Mr and Mrs SamueLBum fin St Andrews inn Wednesday istead He moveduto Waverley 11111111111 hercsided until 1937 when he iand thento OutlookSaskatchewan where he residd until 1937 when he moved to Elmvale Since1943 he had resided with his son Freeman Bumstead In 1883 he marrred Flora McAuiey who predeceased him in1889 In 1891 he married Lucy French who passedwy in 1943 Mr Bumstezid was mem ber of thcUnited Church and it member of Waverley LOL No 589 110 was greatlover of horses and horse racing Allistoti RFth EX MINER is ERIE 1111 lii licltl1ts Iulerlaintd Sr HMS I11 Elli 111 111111 tIII 1111111111 Stiii 1I lilv111 51111 l111 IE 1i1i ltr sympathy Mr 111111 1111111 tan 711 1111 11111111111i Iiiih1i11 1111111111 1111 11=11i 01112 lll l1 I1111i11 111111111 111111111 1111 11111 1111 111111 hot 11 111 111111111s 111111 8111111 1111 11 11111 111111 look up 1111111111 RU NDJI 11114111211 $111 l11 it1tlitt Ii 111 11I ll i111 11111 1111 51111I Mix 111111 K1111 the lmpioi iiutvlr 11111 11111111 tookiovn lIl 111111 11 11111111 ion 11 111i 111111111 Milli 1111 lilhnwi i111 111 l111111y 0111111311111 No1 11 was 1111111111ly Ili1l1xih 1111111111 1111 11 Willt1111111111111111111 tld1t1 111113 II11i1 Mrs John 1111l1111 1111 iltl1lt 11111 llsl 1112 11li1 iliittlll 1C III 111H 111111 Soiiutr 11111 1111ll11ti 111Jon 1111hiv lint1 13111y1 iaht111 Q111h1 Alla 111111 1111 lilIillUl1l of I11111l William will 111111 lnti1ry L11 11111111 l1s 1111111 1111 411 11111 111 1111111p11 l11111tl lhonspwi til V1111111t lyn 11111111 1111111311 1111 111111 11liilltl lt11v111 was 111111 on Thin 1111 1111 11111111 l1111111l llvllll dtlt Qtltlu 1111 111 11111 vocal nun11 121111111111 and 1111 wow 111111 111111111 11pr11111 thiirth 511 11 11111 was 1111 1111 11111 1111 11 1111 Nicol Wilson llision 111111 Janna1 at Chapel 11111 and Silly its l11111 11111 Sirl1 111 litvititilo tiioiip year January 11111 chott sons ltirpetttit 5111 11 i111h 11s11 311111111511 11 11 litiltttlllt 1111s 111 111ni Manitoba Nixon 11111 3113 lllll N1V1111111t1111lh 111111111 ii1p1 thureh 111nipeg 1111 1111r martini11 1111l 11v 1111 hostess assiste1 111111111v11 lit and 1ti11 1151111111 ll11i 81111111 1111111111 111 11111111 11 111111 111 11 111i 1111 lt1v ktit assisted pallbearers Ililttrttii 111 11mien ltussell Ihapei NtiIIV and the lloral tiiiunes was on from 111 lookstmvn 1111111 li in Illlttll 111111111 lemv 111 lh1 lhonias 1111111 1111111111 tat l11111111 She was 211111 Zl 111131111111s 11111 It tunsis pre tilllliti 1111111 12 1111111 Hopper 1111111 tiztslutl into hydro p111 1111111 51 11 donation to itie fund 11111112 lflll liisii hiy moved 12 111111 1111 11 1111111 liltli 1111 1111 11111 1111 1111111nuntt1 11111 111 11 111 l1lii 1111 about I11 1111111 United thurth lIllti 111s 11v1n family 11111111 1111111 111111 It ititiiihm iiPPROMIIES HALE EEMURY IN STRONG POSITION Carson PreSident of 1115 31111111 or 1105111011110 AddiiesES 94th Annual meeting 111111111heavilv liij1i1tlft will I11 1111111111 111 that11 unititrts ll pill 111111111 11111111114111 1111111111111 11111111111 111111i1 1111 iilt p11l 111 111 11i111 1111 1111111i11 1111111111111 1111111lol11111111111111111111111111i 11111111111111i11Iiiiy111111 1l11 iiiMdrkeis olndillDeVeIopmeni oiuNorth Essentials of Future Prosperity 11111i11111 General Mona GILLETT announces branchesi in 111pi111 11111 if 1111111111111111 11111111111 polity 111 111111 11111 1111 amount of oili 1411111111lliltll ltltIIIttldIIuiil 1o 1111 1111 111ni 11111 1111111111111y111111 Bacluvartl and For illltttitltllillg of r111111c sources 111111 ind 1111111111111771li1li11llistil intuition11111 interest to l1111l1 and would iltIllIltLuiLi 1O policiis newest111 courageous and 1111111lt111Iop 11111111111111 iJSiI 1hr11l in 111 11111111 1111111 1pt1111pzi1i1l 1111 11111 1111111s111i1hnittaking 11111 111111 7111711111 tist 1111 141111 of 1111 11 l1l111 111s in iliii 111iii Irily 1111111 is 11111 1111 11111111 111 11111111 11111 its place is 11111I11s111l 11111111111111 111 the pioductiou of 11111111 llldlltllllli 11111s1os 1111i11111 uranium 1111 1117 print i1111111 151 Illl in 1111 1111 111 IIIIIII 1111 and gold 11111 in 1111 111111111111 l1111 we 111 agtt 1111 1111111sl11i11stl11111i11 i11 and silver 11111 111111111 in 111111 11 volume of 1111n1 111111 we stand set111111 111r 11pit1 and third in 41411111111111111wen111111 1111111111 11111 nor 111111111 1111 passing1 in 111111111 11si 1111 11111 11111l 11111111l1 l1 1111111 imzigiuatue 11113 sp11 1111111 in11ilprotlucnoucimta just11111i11s1111111ol11111111111111111111a I11lll 11111 hutst 1111p 1111 iiiilitlll produiltiou aggregating 1p pi111111 three billion dollars it is not difficult to fillIiti from 10 per cent to 50 p11 11111 in these industries within few years ii 111111 in 11117711111111111l 111111111111i111 tltlltlltgtl pith hisi 1111rn 111 on 11 111111 1111111i111111I 111111i1111111111 as 1111111111 1111 February 1013 and 1s 111111111111 of 1111 1111111 1111 I111111r 11 10111 s1 result of his long 11111 11111111 1p1r11111 1111111g1111111 I11 grguebec and Holiia 111111111 tunes he hadi Itii1t 777 izrttrllllllles pt 1ppoi1111111111 1031 in store Supt11111111111111 is1 1i1h illilllijttht oi tili ytai 1111111 111111111111111 lor what has already been accom plished 111111 is taking 111111 tribute 11111s1 lirst of all he paid to air transit 11 which anadians have litpi 1111111 forchout in courage 1111111111111 skill 11111 ithotit it some of our most spectacular developments would have been impossible Airtransporia that now serves the explorer the pros Ittt1till the operator and has become iIiecliicf n11a11s11f1111s tothe greater part of the north country widely 1111111111 011111111 not 11111 as 111111111111t for his lilitllilits of 111111 1u11 111i1111 His judgment and counsel were highly iltililtll by and his associates and he was 111111 in 11111111g111si 1s111ni by 1hr members of 1111 staff llis ldss istlttpiy felt by all 111 3111111111 the tide of prosperity to which 11 havi 11fe1red at our 111i11utl 11111115 foilsonic years past has con 111111111 during the year just ended Industrial production isul high apital expenditur coniiuttttytn lurrhasing power remains bow111151 Antiricaiicapital is 11111 ing into anada and employment is plentiful 11111111111 zti1sioii 1ftlte type exper itneed in the l11ited States It is reasonable to expect sooner or later some tapering off in the iligtigtlclil totistiiiiti 111111111111 which has11uailte1l 1111 1tpswing of the past few eat lessening of the urgent actiuty in catiall expaiisit111llt11rt markets yyillrbe less certain Tax refunds and retroactive payments towheat growers are declining factors activity is likely to remain at the present high lc1l for tfic it may well he that 1950 will show moderate decline from the records of 11111petition bucomes increasingly keen aswt go alonguritlr prot margins declining 111net 11115111111 11L1con111nies and efciencies in business operations acautiousinwntoly policy and close loptiii gross volume 111 living standards illtt1l11 and 11111 prosperiiy is reflected in 1111 111 that our gifts loads and 1111111411111 Iltlllsllllilllgtllll 1111111111111111111111111111 gsix billion dollars litre are 1f1w figures which measure our growth of the half century lrom llitlQl 1111 to the Il1s11111111 111pulaiion is tip from 53711100 to 1000 to the niosi recent 11131111 imports are up 111111108170 million 111352500 million exports front $183 imillion 11181000 million life insurancein force from Sll itiilliou to number is up 1111 public 111l11pr1se pcacet llitt Markets 11y 1073 the linited States will 11111 atuiiitof probably Mliou people The U1111111i5111111s will thou pfovide ready market for most of the things we produce By thattinie our own 111eds and the needs of the world will have grown comparably with those of otir great neighbor The United States is largely selfcontained and also highly productive but its very produc tivity makes it an increasipg absorber ate his wife and one daughter 1111111 135600110 111 1111y strong and retail stlts11 popul year ago Canada SILZOO million The branches of our chartered bank from 108111 3343 their deposits Canada from 8111uiillion 1o million and their loans in Cami from $356011illionto$25001nillioi It interesting to note 400 and libeloltil ALUMIII 51 While business lRESERVQIRM TECHNICIAN NEEDED 1rth of coursewillicqtiire the close proyincial governments toutorig out rmjngisihing forestry mineral deposits The federal giWernment 1049 Further developmentof the goooperation ol the federal at mutualand conipens ograms infur ating 11111 1111 tiltll 11111 11111 The 11111 11111 tin i1111 111 Ito1 11 1111 101 11 ll EVERETT White 111111111 310111 1111 tamp lintlldl Sunday 1111111 lit11 1111 11111 t1 1111 1111112111113111111 1111111111 111111 11 111311111 11111 1111111 l1111111 1111 1111 1111111 511111111 11111111111 1111111111 121 1ill1 1111Iirlt1ti 111111 was conducted by Rev Wilhao ltryitoldm I1llt l1l1l1 11111111 1X11t11111111 11 1111 1111 11 Jacob llobhins lh1 l11111 1111111 1i brigade 111111 11111 ll 1111111 you 11111 ar Breaks ll llytlro Iolc car 1111111 by 11 5111111111111 111111 1111 11111l111 111i about 1111111 mile 11111 lloseinont 1111 the 11 It Assets oncl Earnings otRecord Height 111111111111911go1lt011111192 11 1111111111 11111111i11111 1111111 prii111g1111111111111111111111111 11111 111111llt11111111iltiiittil111111 11111k 1111111112 111111 Mei111ml 111 31111 11111 lioliis this 1111 11t 11111t111h1tl 1111 11111 111711 11111 for 11111 1111i 11111111111111 111111 X1111 ii1 11i11 11111 tiililtiioo 111 111 I11i1111 111111 111111 ingsol 31511110 11111 871111073 liigliei 111111 111 ago 111111111111111 laes wit1c ol 11111552 up1111114111111111111 111111 show 111 111111l1 of $294803 11111iti1111lhptiriaiioii1111lrtuli 1711111111111111 1111111111211d1111 11y 5157131 11 51131100 11111111111 1111111111111 11111 ria regtilalt iions Your 11111111g11 1111 hasalsocoii itlflttl it advisa 11 iii 11111 to this write11111111 appropriatiol after laxe growinu rapidly and particularly in 111 and initially the dull 11r1111t 11111 special ol 532110000 lroni l1111i1s 11111 PltlIIISIN 111111111 is view 1ftliepies1iit high level of 11111111 11 costs it ischnsitlered 11111111111si1 is is possible to restrict the 1111111 to all amount in proper relation to our sliiiitlitililt 1s funds Distribution111 shareholders $810000 representing dividends at the 1ttlt11f$l20 share plus yearseudi bonus of 1111iyce11sa share was the sunri as year ago leaving 8315562 carried f11r1 111 to Profit aud Loss less than yearago 111111111er1111 may satisactory showing lur tartlioldcrs funds con sisting of 11111111 litserie 17111111 111111 Profit and Loss Account 11011115111 $21130000 Total Assets Although showing thc sharp incuase of year agoreicli1d 11 neyii iersitics in traininga corps of young men 111 chemistry mineralogy prospecting surveying llllnlellltl by field of technical workers ntight well geology etigtntcrir and soil analy work Thus in forevery phase of developme Add 1011111311 reasonable Umore working and consuming popttla encourage largeamounts of risk to makethe north country play and better Canada 15111112 on receivbitsa 11 AgriCuiWre 011r wheat crop product130 million bushels46 1111111 1tss than 1111948 and 38 11111111 below the ten year Gross farm income while slightly down front yeari ago pill 400 million 1lark2tingL our wheat 111 the immediate years ahead will be one of Canadas major problcms Qur former customers for farm prodttcts71rc bending every effort to become as selfsufcient as pos hrougli well planned courses 41111911111 there 111111111 reservui 111 11511111 natural resources encouragement of immigration to supply lion and pledges to safeguard and al and we will have the foundation its obviously destined part in 11 greater avera on pit approximate 32 assets at the end of November last of The Bank of lortinto areequal to the total assetsin 1900 of the 20 Canadian Chartered Banks then operating Thus while the 20th centuryinay not he ours alone it is one in which we are forging ahead and should continue to forge ahead Oir11fo11omic lcvelopmmrthas are an threshold of new and greater econ omic era Ours is agreat heiituge economic political and spiritual We must take an increasing share in sharp ing human destiny and in so doingr let its also have due regard forshafing our privileges and opportunities and at 1111 same time saltguarding our priceless iterials of cvery kindeven of raw 1111 it Still where it has domestic supply feels the nch of supplementingfrom outside and no source is as Convenient as is Canada In passing one wonders how longless tlinftccn million pttplt Avill be allowed to precmpt half contineulf particularly hall contit the world needs be world of these riches vigorous devilopmcnt he road to national The funeral service Was held at iblc the home of his son Freeman Bum stead Flos andwas conducted by 11119 WMprrison with Waver ley LOL No389 taking part In tetmtttLyyasfinirthgjamilyr plot in Wztvcrlcy United Cemetery The pallbearers were Armon Wood llarvy Rowley Alva Stewart John Miller Jr Alvin and Milton Leon ard Surviving are three sons Walter of Midland Freeman of Flos Archieof Wyevalteften grand children and two greatgrandchild ren Two sons predeceased him Angus in 1947and Duncan in1949 Vigorous Development of the Northiis theRoad toTNationalSecurity4 The Canadian north has possibly the greatest reservoir of undeveloped wealth in the world To date less than 20 per cent of the total artadios been mapped surveyed or up less than half of this part has been prospected th already it antial part of our been iretne 11111 tent so rich in everything We are trustees fort Immediate an of the North is explored security now andin the fittiire praised an DIOVldeS 11 5111191 Canadas economic life is closely Fredkin 77 Current Leans and Discounts 13131911110119 psssoopoo satisfactory gain Loans to cities and other municipal bodies $5900000 are up $2000000 Deposits cached 11 high at $427000000 up $220000001r0111 yeat the increase being chiefly in deposits 111ar inginterest which 2110279000000 are $14000000 higher Branches We opened four newoffices during 9119 1111171111111111111111711 QIZfati intgrettse of 37 since the war ended The opening of six addiiiotial branches is already arranged for this vear including offices at Halifax 1111 Quebec 111 have purchased buildinws 11111111111 points and are 13111s11ETIT1TiLW few months time we will have direct representanion in theseimportant cities 111 program of renovating and linked with that of the United States Vigorous develop and with liruish purchases diminish Orte sister Mrs Archie Kitching of Midland passed away on Saturday December 31 l949 Relatives and friends attended from Midland and national income libtrt tes merit of the north and cnnsequent nu111erniyingr existing premises replac THURSDAY Cecil At When the need 1111111111 1111111t1s 1111111r1fiv 111 2111 111111 1llittl 1i attentive 1111411111111t1i1f 11 All 11111111 111Ixy tiiftitlll 1111111411111y Our estimate plan enables 111w 11 to mole llidwn 111i81 11111 11111 1111 c1 11 Till =rm 1111111111311111111111 111 wuum IiFyNERRL Hoyle mama ruth min 5555 Esidbiished Bank Sfirsgea in 1111111 11111111 11111s11 in 111111111111 germ pupiivi 1111 1111 ltrrTm 11111111 i1lt111111lit1l 41111111 titI 11111 11min 11111 1111 111111111111111111111Qiyttlls 1111111s 1111i 111 111 up in brick and 111111111tlt111111111111111111111111 1111111141 11111 111111i1 Thanks to $1111 It isthv 11111111111 i111i1111111111 111111111 il 1s1iithi111tslti1 1o 11111111111 1111 11111111111111g11out 1111 11111111l o11 111 111111 gratefully 2111 111111111 1111111111 to ktiou 1111 111111111 11111111111 in the way of iltti111=l s1l1r11 1111 cash lttllllllt1 1111 1121 11 1111 111 11lt11111 11113i111h1y Ihis Bank is lltlldl 1111 11111 1111111111111 lliIzltlilnl it 11i olilttt 11111 111I 11111rf1fll1 911111112111 point 111 Iltll 411111 1111111s 2377 111 increase 11 11111 is 58 111111 always on the Iook out for bright young men who have the education and background to fit them for career in banking one of the oldestand still one of the best regarded of all professions to at tract ambitious young men Abanks generally have1 not placed too much emphasis on the security which their employ mcnt provides Security there is to be sure and willhefbnt there are many other moreimportantfactors and to those 11111119 to work hard and accept responsibilities career in this Bank offers exceptional opportunitiesbetter today than ever before ondtr he Future hat dot V1111ldi11 store for its 11 itnd undoubtedly llillliiii 1111 anticipated twelve months ago apital inyestnient 1115111 11ss in general while inoying out of the boom pcti11111w21s1111 51 the wholc 1711411111 The moderate ryctsstott 11liiclroeauredto the United Nates fIlt 11anuot however 1111oc1 hdent of the immediate future 111th lllll eflccts 111 currepcy devaluation have yetto be f1liand with the inter national situation as it is unfavour able siiuaiions further affecting our 1ixpori tratle may develop 0111 attitude 1111111112 cautious not pessimistic l1 or he lo11gpnllvh11wevernoCaiia hair can be 11111 ihan optimistic Two things lam sure iflhat 110 people in the yorld are we and that bar tropltc no country has 11 brighter future han litisftuiada 19 Pride ourselves that The Bank of 11111111111 is regarded as an extremcly sotintl liliittltitiii 11111 desirejtoilriibought1117 seivaiu like to form conncctions Wltll 01lgtlitlt and with new con ctrns 111121113 11 of 111 right type enterprisnig and with good ability they will be our important customers tomorrow Any 511111 are 111wavs wel come at 1111 1111111 111 Ioronto and their plans and 11pir11io115 11s11rcd oflva and understanding 1040111sago1111 1111 well and bus is merely are 1111111111111 than 115 11111111 catas have lllrtl con 511 1111 11111 ic hearing HTS50

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