Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1950, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR ltlh BAIHIE mmmmmc Uzlltillh 11mmwa 11mth iittltztiuix iii 111111 II II WWW HIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIII IA II IITIIHWI II III II he wt AIA Wu Tolk Dancers Ur t1 t11 1111tliITO Wear Shoes Mung itieltmv 111 opusI reginit 515121 the lw tilwu lln path1J1 wndh ll lilk lJxltlll lien lavilx kliii LiL itx Iillig IIIIIIIIIIIIII 11 11211114 ulieal le1lt 111 In ligvulu door 11111 id Er lleuuite iiist1tzit1 ltt llll the HllkllUlHl JIH 111 t1i11ii Iiruiixlm 51111111 to 59m 11x Ila it JANH iIAll author and columnist Nl lib mm Mi Iv 1211 in lo1nu 1lllztltl Mirs l=1tt 31111 Hutu at ill lllli LAY itt 1111 iMeHetiU litiiaitielttn tit tlt 12121111111 iierer1ly ei bedroom skipieisolzl Lttllitei 51111 I1 Lillil gt1 rn1 i1l ite 11 that ii Io lllIlIlIl1 l1 II II1111 1e along Inn on 11tt riIIiltilfliti axiil l1 glint teI IIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII II II 11 II IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIII IIIIIII III 11l 7111111 Rvllllt 111 11111 ttIllIlilill ltll 1poolti start oi lliiiistla 121 11 ichliornip nan 11 my 11 11nd III Immm 1mm 11 II IIIIIII II IIIIIIII Wm INIICIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII III Jib11111 1141 tIllillllIl Itlldbill IIsI IIIIIJ II IIIIIIII MIMI Ierlu 11vllltl lke to 11ieo11ie tn llil lllllll ill lllli tunnelCi titui il 11te11 ellitii iiaitietil1l ii We tIllttt 111111111 take can of llltlil iii llilEIIL tiniiiui tni i111l11ttt FRAGRANCE 111 to harm about those can mu IMI IIII VIM in the 1iioii 1i1111e1 to 1111 tnlI SEALED gt1 I14 111 llli 1lltiiltait Illullttllw 11 11111111 lion llllllrl tutt gt Ill1 llll rtinii to ltrlioiithlttts Illtu 311111 1H mil hell rlllil illll ll liltlll l1itii1ii Alaieli ltiziiegtt lil 111111nei1111ovtl1 or own WW lll1ll NM lrllWlEN 1xl1 1l ll1l PIUIIIIM it the lr 1111ii1te1l 11enl11i 4th Hell NHll lillt Iiliill new Lxlc thaw ot authentic new the Laiiadiaii loundatmu tot Wl 11 ll ill ml 1111111111115 111tiiie1l as capable 1II111III IIIIII 11 III 1w Imam trail and iiiti tat 1111i 11ii 111 11 111lI11i and 1irh eeitiiieatioii 5111ml I1=1t11 siittll11l oi ltttllid 141011 tee 1i rein 111 TI 1iit t1 I1 1111 Ill 1I111111 to tilt lln 1t1 gt1 I1111t 11ln otl 111 la lll Ha that thew canes are atom Inel1 I111 111 tieInn lliursda 11lillil1 and eoniinir III II II 11 111 ll to the lital oi ttlll abilitI rimw 1111 ltztiitte l1 1111i11151 Itiiroulzli until tit 11 in Wontgt11 II II IIIIIII II III IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIII III gt IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIII lltll IIIl 11 llll gtlitltIIi 1111 1111 min 11 to lie vauiidatioii Iiiieiieiiig it 111 p111 711 I1IIIIII III MIMI 1111 II In 11 oi littron 11 sptlltltlng II III II III II Ih tilting the credit ot the petile or 11 ti1 11I i1 11 in musli gIIIItIII IIIIIIII II III IIIIMIII inf11 the Ittlrl wield ml with lltl 11 no 151 Illt hei iiieee M11 t1n11 your 1111l lilltl itittttlzt 111111 111tore ac II III III 1111111 litl Itoiinezon 11IIIIII IIIII IIIIIII IIIII III II II II 111 Itt 1111 11 1111 11 IIIII IIMIIIIIIII MIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII ill ll it 1l 21v Into 1e1I i1ilttritioii In MI MM miI PIN Ii1il the ttl 11111 llil ttiuloiltotetriulliller tlIesliiiiv iie see mini 111 two iiiipath tit ll tie ease llw W15 11tlt1t1=ix ll lw e1 lowl 111111111 wrth ll tle million 11 1111 111111111 li our 1111 Wm ll Mll 111 11 12 lt l11 tvazulieii IIIKI IIIIIIIII IEiI III IIIIId ilIIIlII IkI l2 UH lhlKA Mr dilllmll ll l1i 11111 Iitlll Itiiniiinn lueuay tII7IIIL IIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIII SIIIIIII IIIIII II 111 111 11 Il1 I1 II IIIIIV IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII 3mm MIIII III IIIII Uh II IIvI IIIIIII IIII IxIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII luiI II lltll IllVll litmlll ltllll ll A115 ll Davson lilirliletl 11 mother and 5151 1Innio and Ir and Ellis Aitiitii liohsoii IIIII IIII IIIIII II IIIII II II II III II II II II IrI III IIIx IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII NIH III IIII III III III I1I iIiI IIi1IIiII11oii 111 1111I 11 111hlt lllle It tllllt ipri I1 11111 11 Institutt Imam tan land then do IlIntl lici 11I IIllt 11 it IIti1 11 11 III 1I IIIIIIII NIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII ISIIIIIII nIiI 111 11 won I111 no1 lltl iiiieetiiil oil Illlltlntlily at the home IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII III SIIIIIIIII IIII IIII 111IIonto o1Ii Ihe IIllilllIII II IIIIIm IIII II IIIIIIII 11111 Ull l1 111141 111 1111111 1i to th iiiuenc Iot Mrs illllll tlli LLI iiieiir QUIIIIIIIpII MI htnhlg 3pm Iltl IAllitl MI gtIIIll III IIIII II II III II II II III II III II III111111I11III1II oI 11 II IIIIIIIII IIII tIIUlt inn 111 111 11s 11s1 Iiitsttllttltlitl Iiltbilll ttitt 1111111111111 isitois VIII III lIII Imp IIIIIIIIII IIIIII 1111 llIlIlIlt it out porn llil tr 11 TtlttIlr thorns soon tliiiiil Iliin dill e1iioill liaie 1o no passeo Mis Htlttdtie read ltt Mai II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIII IIIIII itt1 111 IIIKI I11UtLI It 11 IJIHI 11 II 11 II luit 111 11 111gt111e 1lr11111I1o III III MINI IIIIII III yum the linideti lIIIIIHIl l1 the llrlllltlllltlll National blewait eolleet tolloe1t ltIV roll Imei Isinei the tliiistiiias lloli IIIII III TIIIIIHgtI IIlIllm IiVIIIlHKI IMIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII II II VIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III II II II SIIIIIIIII In IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII II II II II II II II II II III 11 Le Ii IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIlI IIIIIIII II III IIIII IIt 11Il1i1 1l 1111i1 till IIIIIrIII IIIIIV IIIIII IIII IIIIII II II ltIII III ItI iII11I 1II111ItIt1I1 II ILItIill II lII1111sIII1I III ould IlIIliIi ilaIII III IIIIIII MIIII IIIXNIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IeIIIImI II Ii II IH 11 ink 11 the lltitiit oi until II I1 In 11111 in stoiy isiiI 1sII 1111111 1111 11 II 1I 1111 I1 1I wont 1III riiLIIIII III IIIIIIIN WIIII III IIIIII Mm IIIII III 1111 tIII 11 1111 i1 tIl tiI IMII IIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIII IIII II II IIII lttlItI iiIIitii at 11 111 in tin 111 l11 ports and tnlgttlttl iiisiiuss tIIIlIIt 1II 1111 I1 11 1IIII I1I11 1I1onII IIIII IIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIW AIIIIIIII Ifm II Ill ISIIVJ llla l1 toiir on liiesday l111111113 Iml Tmmml 30 HHIIIMI mm ml ll Ml Itlltlb illlllltllllml it trill IIIIIIIII mu 15 lst hiitliila and also eoipie It 1111 ih ht llllltl till 1115111 rllltlltlllltl IV 11 iii11 near IvouI Ilq IrIIng menuI vIIII III IIIIIIKIII IImIIIW IIIIIII IIII hm ll lll llll IIII lIIIIII IIIIII KIII III II III II II II U15 Mm IHJmd Alh Vonno MeanvI 11111 WWII IIIIII Imm IIIIIII II II IIIIM gt1 it It Ill ll l0 1h also letteis troiii those who haul IIIIII III II II III IIII CHIN II IIII IIIII IIII II or ltluttr rehabilitation physio thiirles Iav ltiNltlthl tllltidlttlt 1m i111ln111111 one 111 oil li tllI tlH ink st II es iI IIIII II III =hen izolden weduini tllIIltgti mm Itllhdlmm ldmml mi Plans veie made lot ltllge so gttlltltil it being the IttLtrStUII oi 111s ease ot erIlililiiii from 1111niioi slieet ittawzi iitarn ital teti and Irauni to lie lltltl iii UHll gt ltllllttlD Will lteiidinl Fred iruiits salute lirltoliiielitis can he helped ltlltl Send 115 your eontiihutioii todim II IHIIII served them er tllllIlV uIhll the ttlll 111 err hehnnl MINI rlmh No douht many of these eases Mail your iiieoiiietaxexenipt Iiilts II II and lllt six little girls had tt is currently iuiiiiiiie iii nistalnniii MW rllttltl IKCtlVid Lellklmh to llie taiiadiaii March ot Iiiiiegt II Ilv III llilll lllllt lotttllllll III llie Insaniiiier lgt gt11IHllitl ol Llowiiimeiit hell but now redune tlll Blooi street l1t loronto II If lm II III PIGSIIC T110 reielaiioii alter the iiNyJIIIIvII men more attention than the gor know you wont let us down IIIIILIII Im mi ineuioiies ol the past that have t1llll it ltlmldLV itllltll II II IIII II III IIIII IIIIIIl IIIIIIIIIIII lI it llll it IIIl Asphalt Rubber IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIII historical ieSeaicli uiViiii lllll in IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIII MrSI Parsons Ar4fx 1Utlllli ot tlit LIlll and our IIIIIIIIIIII III Floor luliitiiii the llli oi the pompze lllILlItLIIlttlIl of silioils oIt tIn tlI VII IIIIII II IIIIII III IIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIrIIINIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III III ected PreSIdent tIIclst11tiiiurIth the first rwmtl IIIIIIIII III III IIIIIIII WI 1ng Hum STRIKES lwlieii loii cabin was erected in 1111 he re will 11111 he zliltt II IIliIhlI It1I IIIItI 11sI1ILIo IIit IIIoIIi I111 COllleI IIIIIgI III WISI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIIIIII III IIIiIII IIIIII ItIIIIIIIIIII I1IIIIIIIIIVIIIIII IIIIII II IIIIIIIII VIIII IIWIIIHI II 11 11 on ie anuarv 11 lt 11s 11 triiei and less appieeiatire reeoll INN IIIIIIIIIIIIIl Mr and Mrs Hirer Wilson were IIItIIlllItdI IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIlIIIlIIIIIII 1Ii 11 110m 11 htlutltl Nhtl lei lm Ul titINIH tile Ill lt tetioii ot morniu alone lItIpltltlt II III II II WI 111 Toronto last week itII II II llllt Ml 411l NIS Brimitll eoiiliileiite in 11s to Iierloiiii likv prizeirinnnii tleeollllklll iut 1il Tim ll li lll LT im PM Ii Ill11 will Itll Im Iml lti 1iII out 111 tiiet III IIIIII WHII SIIIIIIIIIII III TIIIIIIIIIII LnoIo iti llittlltgt oII IIio IiIisI VI SHIII Ito ieIIoitIIIAliII Ittilliaizi IIII III IIIIEIIINII IIISIIII HI eac iers ant some 11 1e rs tL on is run nne oi tinest private taeilities for il ll il Ithtireli at the annual iiieet Mist Robertson ol ICIiii21l tiiiz held Friday afternoon Jamel was recent Visitor with Mrs Illll blllltilhtt illt WWW l1151llFI II according to Mr ilttlll itli li MilliI 13111111 Ilowiiiht his turn lliwtiihiilpiiiiliiicildhistftldlllllildih Heirni with her on the 1930 hit mm UmmL WV WI ll Sliltml tiller some time With 11111111111 to 113311 11 the First VexN itrtttllimI Ill Ill Illltlll WWW ltttltlltitlours lttlllIlMLu If Imml lrelatives here InIISIIIIHIIIIIC IIIWINIIIII IIIImIIIlHoI Martin and Mrs Martin Sr twists and switches And her Whirl mil5 Ml ICVS hmmlml Annual iiieetiiii ol Minesiiil lll mcIIn CUIIIMIIIII AIIIIIII mmIII SUIKliW gt1 squeezed itito matter ot ter 1mm my MW Ildlllm lirily wrll be held in the school on IIIIICII WWI IIIIIIIIIIIIIW UI Visitors with Mr and Mrs el inches then pushed out iiitotuillth Dlestdeiit Mrs llitlIl Monday evening Jan 23 him over the weekend were Mfr the pieseiit lohn V1llii lIienI ittllILt aiiutliers ot Iiigleliait aiul l11s lst viee ILSlflttll Mrs Il ts 11b llel upon lItl pp111nti IIl IIlm IIIlOl lsllfh ILIl IUII IIIIIIIWIIII 52m IICCIIIIIII III IIIII IIISII II IIIII11IIIII hm Icoppegllcnl 1IIgt will meet at Mis OllVL ihliss lloiotli Dolmaii of loroiito iiliii We hope she will soon lie well again Mr and Mrs Sltsttl iiiid ImI Iriciids and relatives P1111111 Smith PHONE 2530 127 Bavlield St And deeoiated llogit gtllt was New Ilriipcs tor 50 Vi For here nowr youIcaii choose trom SPRNG 50s newest gay est most exciting ltlbllCSillll plans for tIIiQchars work The in those luvs woiiieii tried to ie gt hospital In Barrie iii llrlll llli II patterns You uic sure to iiiid build tiieiiiselres 111 111 the eioihts tip IIMdIWKIll 31d VIUIIIBIlIWII Silltltld ilrn 11 IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIISNIII intramural l1nIIqppuuunuI mm Rimn ltliat were the tasnioii rather lllirIlvi lllv MiiCDltmil1 II lull Will be held in the bisemeiit of th the material V011 have 111 umIII 5I III Weekend Visitors included My day IIllI plans for extension iI IIII LBW NHL 030 llm Ulth build tiltl ilotlus 11onnd tiltII1v 15 tll Ulllltd Cliuicli oii lnnsdix II II II 1111I Mrs oidoii iponu ot loionto ot which made an Mieliiili III1 iI Ch URI gt151wa Llailte Lulllapulldltlg sccictaiy 1eiiinu Jan it at 830 pm 51 mind til the price V011 Willil IIIII MINI GIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIISIIIIIIII IgtIWIIITMawfMIiiidMvIJale telestnig papsi IEIICIIIOIIQ IIIICIImII II gt iies oroii tlll lICS III llie lasting tiisliioiis among eom 11 CONN UL mm II L0 imi HII mIIImIIInI ImII IIIIS II II III Ulnllllllcc CIIIIYLHCIf Il IIlVIIIlIzIHIZIIHEIIIItICEd iccreatIiini period followed hyreI ME mcDCli who IIIIIIII IIIIWIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 100 I1II0IIAIIISIGIK llIlllIlh tIl1IgtIlI woodSI MI IIIIII Mm mm prII treshments II IIII IIIIIII II III II III 1111st111dsliip and tiiiaiice llln DIIVIIIIIII KIIIIII III SIWIKI II III The next Imectniir 4Ill he held IJ Itittiiidiii tIIt in II III III MII I1 II III ieuard are among those Int vne mmn Willi llorightslIr and Mrs Bot 111 Mrs llltwlUVLb lllI ll SICWIIIII Omnmnm IIICIIIISIII II II will tli Coiiitort Bones ainlt flldIll Iromlll dl Pink 3d III IIIIIIIIIIISI IIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIS IIIIII IIIWIIIIIIIIIIIltlrs IN Lloyd associate Iiiieni Priests and Willi other relatives llI mm IIIIIIIII III II IIIIIIII SIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII beis Miss Rix iiiissioiiarv II Three NI Slmcoc Junlors II II monthlv Mrs Reeve iiiit ne and then but Clothes that allow le IIIII IIIIIIIIIOIII IIIId IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW III box Mrs Flook social Attend Ont COn erence III II coiiveiier Mrs JetIs litcia P189 9101llkleml lLllVWUL IUIIIIIISIHIIIIII0 III IiMu The Junior lttltlIiLl Conference II II dti mu ll 11cm um ddm md Allen press Mrs mill 13m animalmmmmmL911r WW III IviIII 3mm 013 IIICMSI CGIT IMISI III MIIIMIII tlicIOntario Federation it Agricul IIIIW II AIKII IUDIIIIIII IIWCI II IIIIUVCI WILJILQJJDGAIICC and citizeiishipf Mrs him was allened by UHCILAHINIOIMI Ii Hum like 10 nor 10 HIEUHHM ll thlsm and Hillf Smjcoo Jln1015iq IthliblthIIli Illiat it is the girl who were the iilld mlSSiOltI circle and Mrs IiIgOlIIfsllIlIIIlcoo IEEIIIICSEIEIIEIIIIIICIII til CIOIIWS who muses InosIIIIIIIII wIanSIIImSSIUII baIIdI II Medernlze Your home glve It the perI among olditiiiieis rather than tliel Rev Lewis conducted the ifclclildi Blziiildn tormdnce 0f thewihome ROCk ungainly commmlml thl llSlallallO 0f Ofcer1 CXPYCSlnli II lI and William Clail of litmtyl Bay the mlud lllCmMh 05 lldlll llliiilPPlIINldllOn OiIlllC W01k dOIILI IIICHded the TIICSZIW Jmmry III wool Sealtite Home Insulation do the about 1111110 society 055I0II IIIIII Ihc IIIIICIIIIIIIIIICDL work it 37 The CXCCmAWQ had held its 131 resentativc III Breakfast meeting on Monday Jtnlary Installed complete in your pics Insurance companies recognize 40 reduction loltlie DUIPOSOI of app01ntlligtlw =4 em IIImm with 200 anon 5mm at Roblndale Fltldmglwmmlltees and making age tank one year guarantee II IIII TI II II My iii Fire HazardsI Increase the warmth ofIyoiirI home BUT Decrease the coStDf tuel by 300 Sludy bOOk 01 the year 35 livc your oil contract Easy terms purehiscd now for future viewed by Mrs Lewis 7W mde 50 lllWutlay hi5 bgenretulneq An interpretation of the emblem illIC devotionalrpeiiod at the lll ll JamalV Hm ym mulmuon vI the Busmess and PIOfebSJUHdl iiual meeting ever which Mrs NnillcsbrflrilhcgiliiLlldlZIth =====A=t= bt1iiiours You VOIlEkllOWyoul own liainelit You insulate todayyou get comfort protection and dollarsIsaved tomorrow Yovlt 101107 Do iiotIquibble or hesitate Now is the time toIinsulatc cw IWomeiis Club was given the iiicni pal50mI presidedI was Iakcn by bets of the BariieClub by the MISI JI AI pcIch and Miss EI II national chairman of the speakers 163g The monthly reports were 13 bureau Miss NazlaL Dane at given and were followed bx Ihe their emblem breaktast The break annual mmms of an the commit last was heIdIat Robindalle Inneon IQCSI Showing veryI sugcessIuI bunday morning January 15 Imd Inspirmg vealI Miss Dane who is president Ol Mrs Phillips treasurer rc ilcI Town BIUSMSI dime ported the allocatidot 5900 112111 lOlldl Womeiis Club and III chaigc been exceeded Twamo and that of the womens divisionand edu II cation division of the Cahadian tIlIVSIILEiEIbe had been made 11 Life Insurance Oiceis Associa II tion read James Weldon Johnsons in commumly lllendsml 99 mittee had made 524 calls during famous sermon The Creation at the breakfast the year in addition to thosemade IEdgatBclanger of Alliston spent Itl weekend at his home here IIIL Th Irma iiitsssraspitt1 Monarch llclrigcriitiuii L0 in Tm Berlhcloue RCAF I118 DUNLOPSl BARRIE PHONE 2059 item Aylmcr was home for the weekend Betty Shiels ot Roscmoriit spent the weekend with her cousin Ter esa Frawley Mr and Mrs Fred MacMuriay ananilI of Pcnctang visited at Bertlielottcs recently 11km iiiissliiiiin Rolly and Jim Belanger spciit lI few days withIMrs RcJlly BelangeIi it and family at Napanee NI OUR MOTTO ll It you find that we should lack We Icheeifully give your money back IWeguarantee our work to your Satisfaction smii llBliiItd 43 Im me SI Twmsolos wem sungI by MISS by the aIssocuite 1nembers con Mr and Mrs Leo BcrtIhelottc US lee You Free Estimate lJoIan Welham accompanied by an and Ililimllyspltelnt Sundpay lmh ME F1 II Mu SI EI II 2111 rs in in ene ang PHONE vA 1th 019 axlel lbI cWis ga If cue Mrs Williang Miller isI patient Monday IanuGr be The club is planning Valentine cnt iep0it on the work of thc OFF ll UJR FRANK ARMbTRONG CGIT and Mrs walls StiIAridIiIeItIvs HOISplttl Midland wrs era spec recovery Dance at Club 79 on February 14 trbm ZIIpin to p111 MR ELLIS win CONDUCT FREE The FarmForum met at the school last Monday night They listened to the broadcast and lively discussion followed tThen Bill Miller gave talkron pioneer days atMount St Louis which proved to be very interesting ported on the work of the Mission Band new mission circlcunder the leadership of Mrs Johnson and MrsA Halfyard held been organized and baleI of clothing BEIGE INSETNOII Clocoa web 211 MINESING amtl STROUI IDistrict Representatives Sealtite HomeIIiisulatiIon THE EXAMINEECAN FILL YOUR PRINTING NEED PHONE24l4 mm MW and hospital supplies rhadwbeIen sent to one ofthe home dress HI CLINIC FOR THE HARD ERABRINGS RESULTS 50011SUB dds North HaStihgs one shoulder is pleated for Mrs ClarkejrceadIa letter skirt IISCRIBERS TWICE WEEKLY OFHEARINGIW ofIappreciation to Mrs GI Rob if cifon the retiring recording sco II retaiygwho had given many years HE WILL ANSWER SUCH QUIJSIIONSI AS 03 Y0 Hearlfeolle Talkitig But Not AIlwaysUnderstand lIiciii of continuousand faithful service to the society on behalf of th group Mrs AMalcomsori presented Mrs Rortsorrwith basket of red roses Mrs Robert son expressed her thanks in fewI wellchosen Words The social committee reported Can the Straiin and Discomfort of Head Noises Be Eliminated rWl1icIIi ls YourIBetter Earth IREGULAR 5175 New $115 REGULAR $190 NOW 5125 REGULAR 5200 now $135 Why Does Hearing Loss Become lrogrcssivcly Worsch How DoestlIIieI Strain of Even Partial DeafnessAffct the Nervous System II II lIlon Many Physical Ailments Can Be Traced 10 Impaired Hearing ALUMINUM lTEAfPTS What aletheimminehl thsical and emotional dangers than can 11111111 ii that we hml serigdiea at me With unconiftirtalille my devemp mm fanny Waring it trub that poor hearing Seating andf 133d hem 93 If fullness 133 hit tIIIJlaIIIIdBAfDBSS unless the proper preventive steps are II IV iaisliang exigens III II II II II II IiioresiiIIIboutIa 502 IIIIIIIEISIIISWSrs LOItEESe and many other vital ques rs arsons in rie ress re you mu isre an our REGULAR $590 NOW $475 10 the meetingmthankedrall thei uncunat mommydisturbiifwleligei 1y toryo in this clinic MnyEnis taigga gligglairlilgil 16er th if mIenIibeis for their help and Imter IIEIiIIII individuh hearing DrobIlems landIWill demonstrate for you how it makmg the year 50 Fumes9 times Then do try famous 15111111 norm earmg ca 333 bl attained Simply attend at the time igoarid Spiesch her desire that piIiIlimurIuiIaI VegerauI Compound to nemwned abOIYe Ant Wining appointmentfor demonstration in won same re eIVe Huc symptoms In your own ome may arrar dI The meeting closed wimIII IIIIIIiiIIIIkIIIgniIIieIclgIrIrIiwIEnIIiIIIIIrIiIImrIiIIEIdIIIgII III II AcqusticbnSjpublic service prograiifewitifdli distaoiefbllizitiiiarit 0f nregu ary AH MiIzpah benediction wunycuMCIIIOWWIYIII IyIII ah II II III 7I II lt IpinkhuIms Compound in river tiffcc 511 $831nginsglpnratnoiliic 40 Ba Canadian farmers this year will SmIItzrzlEcsIeIIIIlIIe Igmnd gmich receive about $100030 for the imparzair organs mm mm 911 iiXiiiEiii Nigel111145 gt II sugar beet crop largest harvest of $ssysssssssssmswsywgysssqgsys this crop in the countrys history It II ll 141II

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