FlliRSiJlY QANTARY 13 twill The Examiner Radio Column Iwo new slums llii yin lilllls so 14 101 Kzl lil imand tiZ lliliIS iLlf Sunday lit1x ll ill lllllllI 44 lllllt IIIR 213 thlllt tilei lmcn tlllll1ltvl tisk ltlij lzt itlt to folkI lI tlltlli Siltltli rent ill lillullli lill vlil unit on ballad cr ic= place CKIil ll inllla ilviclsl the llfl ll ailcl KIiIZ lItI llli Handel ilnzut llli1llm lxil Ilil IMtaro Ittlwt il llj SirvivcithoU to lt Iiitin oua 4= If It Sl Maltollil ulljl it timed Morning II 01111in tlllzlcl Sunday bloatical lle Ill ill Ill Iti lofitliltle lllllll Illv Rlplvy IIl1 splat on 1h whoa tizi Ililnulng Magnuitlrtly Ant lllltill ilalt cliIILItaI luldt wll soplalnl tilll Indii Iaznl Thats what asked the Government Annuity representative was trying to balance the family books 01 the time and told him that like most homemakersl had so many places to spend my paychecks my account was zero at the end of each month v8ut He showed me simple savingplan to provide on income in the future that was as practical as trip to the barber and plan which suited my budget Before Youtoywltso good idea bull lust cant afford it talk it over with CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY representative or write Im glad did Annuities Branch DEPARTMENT OF lABOUR IA MacNAMARA Depuiy Minis ormotion HUMPHREY MITCHElL Minister Coupon toduy POSTAGE Mail this Annuities Branch Depmlmunl at labour OIIOWu IIIPIJIurivtemioCOMPLHE mromanou about Cunudinn Guvomincnt Annuities MM unity ADDRESS Canadas most tomnlele line at links 87 basic Tliesame management the same engine the same productionmem the same test experts who have made heavyduty Inter national Trucks och an Outstandingyalue have developed every single new model Every international Truck in the line is all new And everynew Intemauonal Truck from the lightest pickup to the biggest truck in the line in other words every truck from 02001090000 pounds gross vehicle weight HEAVYDUTV ENGINEERED Come In ricl out who Lhisheayyduty en gineering OI every new International 1mm the smallestpickuptothclargest truck built means in terms of Operating economy That means the new International llurks will give you lower operating land mainte uance costs It means theyll Inst loner Look at the record Come in ndOut Iiuw this heavyiluty en gineered truck stamina is combined with For 18 sumght years Jnternntlonnl has new comfurrund ease of handling been rst in the sole of heuryduty trucks 16001 pounds and over GVW The cost conscious men who buy thrsv Licks buy on 1130591 performance proved by their own cost records Como inInd out about the new features new advancements new improvements each one proved under actual Operltinconn onions In yenFsOI tests IrOni coatiiio canst MEMBER OFIICANADAS LARGESIEXCLUSIYE lRUCK SERVICI ORGANIZAIION 12 51rCKBBl230 on limri KISIS cuoprting $llll the 111 mt II Ifrwillili llg 1i aiti Iliilllll 1111 Elli igh pclroi Hull tlls itltrzltllil 311111 11 1Ii it of Iti t1plt tlfl lni Igur Stravinskys IiriInill Suite Will bc the Yllilt1 woi ozl Illls Sunday Classic Hon Inc lllvl lll captulcd ml llllil Intl Illllllltlll tilklWVIi tll Illar til ltll v1 Strum 1211 litl ll lllt tactk or 11l1 Hiaulayk Iasszc Illoi Illlli oc tlxllll each Sunday at 300 oclock xl tiflll the IItcot Album llilll in more Hilllt ic ln lil It lasucal lllllll The Music Hall heard at 3130 III Sunday tlt tHHll will this wvck tcatuic the ballknown Can 11II113 group IIu Leslie Hell Sinu 5tl3 llay lll Iic Ilthltl 111 such Illrlilliid lllt as Homi Syvcc lHolnsf IItc Hanks and Hracs of Ilonnil lioon and The 13ch iSollg IIu Itlllsrc Ilall tlel also IIIll Iltlcl Bolero The soldiers and airmen stationlt lcli at ainp Ilordcn are going to luccivo some specile attention from ttliHH onuninclng Saturday lownun next Iivlnmutc program lot lttllllSh and ucwsy items will all be dircctctl to residents of lllc comp Known as aiui Burden Salute the program Will be pit parltl and announch by Harry llaulcy vho llltltltlllitIIY ls lrcsitlcnt ot amp lhirdcn and at chds high school at Home Harry has Ilccn parttime employee of KHH for several months and this new show is the realization of hope hc has had for some time ltllltt faintly favorite if each Tuesday evening at 1505 cnd of January Wilson has new car dro installed at Brownslon Monday lltlcl ltditll on In the Chapel will be conduct cd by Rev ardcr of Burton Avcnuc United Church next week Canada at Work is trcctian Public Service presentation ol KRBL heard cach Monday cvcn tug at 730 Radio Hingo sponsored by thc Harrie Lions Club madc its debut on KBB two Weeks ago and already has number of bingo cards sold to Iatcl is any indication It is rcscntcdl lull MonRendezvous with Robin Suggesting that dime be included Iwith cach rcqucst number has pro Iducch most gratifying results on lClub 1230 says Robbie Robinn MI MO 11mm 110113 son who conducts the show ToI 8I15 deI wally 10inan Thurs Local Talent Parade date 3200 has been received from Forum listeners on behalf of thc CanadianI 830 Mon Iayccc Guest March of Dimes The charge to requcsxs will continue until the Mr and llIrsI Tudhope visited Doris Wilson of Toronto the weekend at her home CHE Barman All KBB programs Ilslrd below are heard Monday htlltilld through Saturday except where tllul Saturday Sllllllt l1 lilelh Halnlstazui 030 rilklI tiru 913 Tight 1000 Sat uliay Mott Ililti llgtlllll it IIlt laluh Illllii II 101 1020 Mon rdvlrl lIgtlt1 SIHI by 1030 xIul tltt Sat Tamar lltI liollmizol UH lion utl It llozinnn llltt 1113 Peru or Your llztnghts lSItt III1 Illii NV from Saturday Stow Ihok Illfitlzgan Iiltlt 133 Mon cll lll It iokrs Woman lIY1Lltlill IIngagcimnt till 12 12 Farm Mullch Report llll Mitldlay News 12 oll Bulletin Board 00 Farmer Features 15 lhur Farm Features 110 Novelties on laradc Sat chntown Record Bar 200 lred Russells orncr Sat Music Hos 230 Holiday in Rhythm 2110 Sat llillsdalc Review 01 Mon ch Iri CIttlllUlC Caravan 300 Tues ilrccttlorc Q1117 2100 IIiurs rceinorc Shutins Ill Mon thru Irl lillllltt Highlights 330 Midafternoon Newscast 335 Road Report 1H0 IIouWclFri liarH Ranch 340 Sat lub 1230 345 Iucs1Iuir Barbara Whee 400 Club 1230 until 000 513 Sat Four Illt luncs of the Week 530 Newscast 000 ounty llour until 700 300 M011Vtllll Marching along 615 News from World of Sports 030 Newscast 650 Bulletin Board 650 Regional Wcatlicr Report 700 Eddy Arnold Show Sat Say it with Music 715 Stings of Our Times Sat Close Harmony 730 Mon Canada at Work Wed llolland Today Quiz Fri All Time Hit Parade Sat Hawaiian Harmonics the 745 Mon Leaders in Pops 745 Album Tune 1100 News lucs lladio Bingo Thur Heres Health Wed 1230 Special until 1030 Sat Town Meeting in Canada Piano Thur Box 13 900 Sat Art Daiglc Arnold Forbes is Iliavingt the Hy 915 Sat Ed McCurdy 930 Mon Frank Ctjeary Sings 030 TueThur 0ecil Denny 930 Sat Simcoe lRamblcrs 1000 Sat Time Gill for Dancing 1030 National News Summary JOAlLCharlie Kunz at the Piano The film Growing with the 10I451ntheca Years will be shownvon Sunday 1109 News headlines wehumy tin evening Jan 22 at the church sorI 1103 Sign Off and Anthem vice models thousands of IschlaIiled variationsevery truck heavyduty engineered ginning the new Bomloilisioli tall ROomign cub on lhe road INTERNATIONAL rnuciks 100Bradiord St ART Barrie Ont 000 News 905 OrganInterlude 915 The Bible HOOP 1000 Family Favorites 1030Newscast 1040 Quiet Corner 1100 Church Service 1200 Ivory Classics 1230 Newscast 1240 Program Resume 130 This is My Story 215 Latin Rhythms 230 Hit Parade 300 Classic Hour 400 Newscast 405 Interlude of Music 415 As the Twig is Bent 30 Chapel Chimes 15 Dinner Music 25 Photographic Hints 630 RCA Victor Album 00 Church Service 800Melodic Encores 830 Sunday Star 900 Newscast 910 Modern Classics 930 The Music Hall 1030 Newscast 1100 News in Minute tured quite heavily in stilljshowIa lush top practiced imposters misurift 11171 GILFORD l1 llll1t to lie lialncs Mondliullu Fltllilii Tom Srccial iis World 17 Regional lcatlzcr Report 100 Thur This Davies Group leri Tues All Time Hit Parade 030 Wed Voice of St John 830 Thur Why Do You Worry 845 Thur Frankie arlc an the 000 Fri Hockey Play by Play SUNDAY JAN 22 1245Musicwithout Words 00 Report from TOWn Hall 15 Morton Gould and Orchestra 00 Sunday Western Show 00 The Ave Maria Hour 545 Summary of OHA Jr 600 News Roundup Ear 1040 Sammy Kayes Serenade 1103Sign Off and Anthem Although the famousII family have now moved on tapas tures new last word from North Sgnnidale may not be altogether Out of placeas this community received nota little unfaVOrable newspaper publicitynow proven by events to betotally unwarramV ed Mr Huttons recent letter to the Editor of The Examiner is up dorsed 100 It is now stated on seeminglyigood authority that this was not the rst time these worth ies had stageda similar fuss with resulting prot to themselves Ap parently all accomplished are not employed in the theatre The people OfStayner and North Sunnidale take second place none in their readiness to relieve real cases of need They do not particularly enjoy nding selves taken in by pair of the Diall Thur Wcstcrn Hit Parade andl LAAAIM llssltllltr Nu ictv RTOVALON HAIR RINSE Tints the Hair as It Rinses Available in All Shades 15 35 WJNWNN HQDNUT OILY HAIR Thrce day after F1 agoim What type oi shampoo can Im to get any condition Any soapless 830Frip Wayne King 5th19001 045 Thur Why Do YOu WorryI 900 Tue Rendezvous With Roban 11 77 930 Sunday Morning Serenade 30 Guy Lombardo and orchestra Cox NORTH SUNNIDALEI January 13 Mrs James Harvey is quiteill and patient in theARoyal Victoria Despite the changeable weather wheat the clovers and other over winteringcrops lookgood so far During the milder dayshwhcatI fields take on beautiful emerald tint even those that were pas late falll Findlay actors them veqelablcs moderate dosage of to the hair Complete with Plastic Curling Rods 901mwv mm 325 WWWWM$WWINM Ar BALD HEAD My young son His lather was completely bold or 30 any way to prevent my don going bald Experts have not as yet found only way to mow Nor indeed any way to prevent congenital boldness thotyourusmdry tbcsomovltomj1gs 939139 WQilltgituw Compound WWWNrrvawIW IN LENTH ERIC SUHIIlNiGnVTOUCH Perfumed Hair Dressing for $praying on tlie Hair mun AnnW INVALID SHAMPOO mm anyv mother shampoo while she is still In bed bed shampoo is quite possible Move the patient so that her head bbcr sheet under the head and funnclled II Easier than wet shampoo Brush the hair well port it in oneinch ports Wet absorbent cotton with warm water then sock viith anostringent wRubrrcochianLLqLetulyy9m the neck to the brow Then give the hair B6erOrlbstringeMWATMs mokermv excellent 01 of an involids he or indeed for yourself between shampoos rests on the edge of the bed Ito bosm on the floor makes washing cosy IS one done with on astringent on overOII rubbing with cl hm Don NESTL ICOLORINSE IWIITH LURIUM Adds Beautiful Rich Color and Short Hair Long Hair Page Boy or Bangs No matter how you dress your hair it must be glossy and immaculate with part as clean as white sandy beach Say Tamblyns With hair toiletries so moderate in price so functional in use no woman need have an untidy coiffure straggling ends orstri locks Kate Aitken answers this weeks Questions about IHIIqir are and Health bolt begin to an oily hm this distressing But gs well soy experts your diet needs checking and nch desserts all contribute to oiN hair Fresh fruits amen and yellow Vitamin Compound an odd lustre HOME PERMANENTSCC1 bone permanent be successfully 9kg to oneself It can but it is areot deal easier to luv bee Of it and help one another WHITE HAIRu My huh ued fo be pure white law goes yellow after washing blue rinse or violet rinse will take away reer We ad rescue the pure white colour How can get it back in olouv RINGESS PATJtIIIItIJIETS Mew Lusttools Sheento the Hair TONI Home Permanent Special YARDLEY in autumnal WMMDOoouo WILDROOT 10111 GBEMEiSlIAlIIPO EISSIIIIG CREAM nunumtaunrovim HAIR TONIC PROPHYLAGTIG LADIES 00MBS 18535 CONTAINS LANOLIN Grooms the Hair 11le000 WAVE SET Relieves Dryness Removes Loose TAMBLYN GOGOANUT tiltamnioniii KREMI HAIR Tome BRYLQREEM Perfect Hair DressingI Keeps Hair in Any Desired Position if 29W45 NEW ORENEVt SHAMPOO Shinigglilesauiy For All Types of Hair 35 59 GIOm Phone 3871 verfus HAIR Tom carat HUDNUT FREE CREMERINSE rand EGG SHAMPOO SPECIALJ Fogtheprice Of theshampooalone get IregdlarIJS bottlemf Richard Hudnut Egg Shampoo plus special size bottle ofCrem Rinse This pair er5 wonders when it comes AlkaliFred Cleanses the Hair ya Without Removing PAGE 11 ill IQIIHRS llliil ii lill DRUG STORES 5a iEAquUL HAIR is womans crowning glory HUDNUT TAPERETTE To Taper Shape Thin Your Hair Safer and Easily at Home IgY Lather Oil ISIhOmpoo Lather Oil Shampoo for Dry Hair 75 150 swarmingj ua momm HQz shampoo will help decrease the ciliness of your hair Fats grovies pastries 21 Is already beginning to ion his hair So was his grandfathcv Ia Nye1c air on bold bend Our doctors anneal Vitamin In Mi bo more 91 An Ideal Shampoo for Use When Inadvisable to Wet Hair 29e III mthtcongMny Invalid Oslilss EASTle SHAMPW lAioIden Liquid Shampoo Thorougth Ieanse the Hair so lino 150 LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO Shampoo Witll lacoliifnni Leaves Your Hair CIeanSiIkenl 50th andEasy to Manage 55 RdPHYEACJIO ROLLIWAVEW HIAIR BRUSH Long Rrolonr Bristle Rell Spin Curlers ICrcmc Ringo The Perfect Oily Type Hairdress 85 NonGreg Cream arr6r Lcavesv No Soapy Film cks 160 Uged by Lea lug Hair Dressers 15 hist sonar989 549I9 Removes Dandruff Checks Falling Hair Trimmed In Curv ScalpI II IIIILO SHAH The New NonAlkaline Shampoo That Brings Out the Natural BeautyI Of the Hair tokeping Your hair healthy beautiful BOTHIFOR 00131725 rev etslwmpob VASEIN HAIRITONIC no Delicately Supplements the Perfumed gt Natural Scalp 3me Oilsand Tends II to Overcom Natural Oil 33 5995 55 STORII HoursMon Tue at 830 to 830 p511 Wednesday 830 mm to 1230 pmSOturday 830 Om Open Ovary Sunday 12 to pin DELIVERY Phone 2650 to pm