Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1950, p. 18

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IIIL IIARRIL LKAMINLR BARRIE tin ARIO CANADA OBITUARY Ram cagwiu Rag M9559FIJu99 As Count Mrs Hotchkiss Dies in8lst Year III lli1 tilettt lilll box it liltr husband llai ie and was lieiel in it the Petit lim Home conducted at ere tIiilil It IT Villian lmvers Jolin iIllil liowwni lhoinas uui Wat St Pauls eiiietciy 111 riniidni III lii Ill llll1gti ROlililtt Itli illlllt itns it litv iiul llEiIltl title from Midland and the the Itill gt 37000 tim llepwJW oiltl dun Lee their tin iri inetii or Stinciuitiiu lillnrc Promising Gill11 tiniii li neii iisti lei igiii it ll 11412 1007 Llllll rain tll iLIlztillil lthl tut Lioum lrll Itll =iizti KIN AHIHIR ll IILIZ we ttlll Stil Il lillme l1 tlt gti tlt iii Rev Quinlan Seminary Bursar tllliiilzliil ltlitnH tltllt vll 11 It Ullllll IHTIU 11111 liii air ppzmehed ill caution aint iei eiii front of the LtltJllll and past thint ll lie lillill llttl lliuiiii iitiii that ltlli tlllllllllttll eist ill itli lttli tiin nial to Itl tHYlIlIliill llt littlll litiil no pet ple oil than are aiiatimiis and no n1 liter lllllll 1lllltlttltllllltitil his bank and the desire to trial connections biotin lilttlillll Govt Aid Is Key To Security Says Bank Tor lii= lllllil oerinn nus Quin litlliil of St uiistines Scin at Sinirboru llliitls and llltll liitill master of ceremonies for pinto died suddenly at St Alli Seminary on Tuesday Jan Quinlan mm was name of Barrie stifl llll heart attack early Tuesday reniin and died gtooii afteriitisl in in lnl ilst year Father Quinlan was born at Bar lnne l1Cl llllll and the late Daniel lle gtllllll at St Mary Siliaiate School the llarrie Colle itiit Institute and St Augustines St nuinny Litl lilill ltlillllllw el ltllIl lle reziaailrid ill clesingtliaf tiii belle nt BM tutti nto Preside iii the noih his eni daughter itm Iilltltltl liiitil 011 is the former was 1min minim Hmr 1030 Father Htl IS Moi tMr rlltllll and gtillllliiiiiif my eneoiirazie that iil play such an important role It lliv wellhe in Halifax optnine is li 101ml tilIlLtlIlF iiiil llltlt for Ilie laiil will ll 11 liilltlil llllllliilt 1mm it iiations future 1000 ll11l1llli litaiieli numbers 1113 Tel onto VALE January Jan Wileerupt ulailj ieilhui Ilt llligtivt lltllll Quinlan lilill lltll tum Uni nm In thinLL oi the advantages of Air iillitt siitl it banks liaie not placed too tltll inhiliask on the security llltlt lltll llllllltillltlll provide Salinity tlicie is to be Hiw and xltv lll be but there are many tuters and lttlll respoii and woil hard career iii ltliis llilll olleis exceptional oppor liiltel tlll iil liiiteii Kiri re iltilli1lr iuitiiiiientiiiii lititnu llllil EL tilt it was ordained Alter serving in St Josephs tui St eceliais parishes in IOr volunteered work in Western anada and spent tour years at Campbell Riv Victoria IIC Returning deitilaihcr Quinlan was lirst at St 1raining School lijtiltllltltlll to the faculty of St tlLtlltllllt in 1931 In February SCTIEI 1013 he was named bursar of the seminary and pastor of Markham two responsibilities which he dis ihareed with conspicuous zeal and had been Ordo iiuiliii tutti iz tltll= oiulx iivein toad ilul llril llt1t on to Mr liilitcr piial Alltlltltl Sunday and Mrs Ken foope AuditVs Ho llttith more Worli lilltl isuliii lacl peopl nipziii tlt ei the the 1030 missioti ltlU ll1iiir liiiriirii illllh ability llllllgt 1srtl till lllillltillllll ltlllhllii iziitii oil 1th Il Rel Restrictions ltl lpurt important iilline Im mm Waverley Harmonica Band On Sunday iwenine the iea blind from Waverley attcti Church yoiingboys and girls to 10 iindeithe direction of lItlSSJ lhey numbers tendance at church and all enjoyed the band program lienHim W30 liesideiil batik uuh tario Illllttl tor esllutloip ltllllgt to did III Iliuml NH Expansion Plans Announced antre itllilzil 1niie illlllittllllttl contin ew gt harmoe Ioronto In tiilr IL in Knuuliaii ni hi tll llliv tint inilzi will iittigtl iiiluetien ixpiii Johns United Tlltt Johns until tlt toms llllllt today than ll lnxnitan been ttl ll st when liliili tiiiiiz anuda rendered walt Assets and liarnings lp There good General lluy eminey Manager reported qlsJat an increase over year of 333000000 bringing the to it the year end to record of lIarnings stood at $2 llu lliei sliiitlll lie pohe said etii and take Sllllpllllftillttll el was needed ilr ingenuity iK soul that any llilttllll 1151 ltlLIll der nzliatiie part lit liiiVllllltlllll ttillllttilll lroin exceeded pad 1936 Dioceszin loiocesan master of ceremonies his 000 an increase of Sllban over McKay with memberhwumlm among the dorm had been dominionwideand interna tional llis body lay in Since gttlltLSS filmyale Meeting ct lliil Elmvale monthly meeting at the home oi tot tlr bank atom oi the llitllligt tll5lllltlll twi gt toitluinnii All branches llt Quebec and Hall lhe held Ili1 tigtilt1ll lii 130000000 tllti gree aggressii eness on lllltllllitllgtl tilllillltill piices Ultllttl pitrehaSis triri ixsuin years reVen The read approved was answered by Thrifty Stiplt Aicher look after the Institute chairs wasdecided to send $10 to the Children her own wavraisc moneydroin now until donations Mrs Simpson read in pzipeigin lrue llospitztitv and Mrs Copeland on the subject Home is What You Make It Kilns Beardsall gave oneon cooking ieing The iGod Save the King VLIC roll minutes and present and Board tti state at St Mich aells Cathedral Toronto on Thurs flittlllllll January 12 for office of the lead at eight pan einn requiem mass was celebrated at the cathedralat 10 07clockon iriorning January terment was in the priests plot all St Augustines Surviving Father Quinlan are lns mother Mrs Daniel Quin lan of Toronto Rev Father Allan Quinlan pas tor of St Anns Church Niagara italls Ontario two older brothers Frank Quinlan of Campbcllvillc and Horace Quinlan of Toronto and two sisters Mrs Cyril Filgiano of Hamilton and Mrs Daw son of Toronto Mrs is ti oom lat Barrie GrDWded lAs Veterans Seek Information About Constructing Homes eran doing his Twit construction lillI Ps far as his skill and knowledge will allow At the end of the meeting llltl was lively question period when bombarded both visors with questions on matters the they found wereiiiot clear or we 1tllltlltl to understand The next nieetiiig willjfeilieldl Feb at eight oclock but with such large crowd attending it Hadlf plan inv generalLwhercby etfwill be necessary to1nd1aigci Wm WW mngdnm Show eian mav obtain small holding be laced realistically gt Our purchases Dish Stop have Sick alsi sol member Hospital hue that liillizl amount lredutin population teY lllll iniiiioii inopie by 1073 li VAIillHltll night tne marked in 0xllt Til loaid supply is as lllilllt iii the LS Iii in women teraiis attenu to supplement their own inatural antilit itid that the llllllitIWSlblifri nattiial market for our raw materials met illic ting oliierwise and urged iii VI501 creased production litilion each llltltliri IillSltl be used may llltll and gifts CiiisoliLl room Iniriie was lilitllllt Enabling the tirs eruns Land enee resources xiiJ Citllfl comm Snper meeting closed with VI b10111 llonaiitspn Regional Supl highlighted Settlement OfficerslmElie briefly IQI in Soldier mada lrom the lloer waif in tlie present organization the Veterans lle lllLllntllllllld the sled By Barrie Firemen At Annual Meeting Caldwell was elected assistant chief of the Barrie volunteer tirel brigade at the recent annual meetI ingt which took the ft rm of ban quetiiitteiidcd by Chief It If Ir win and other officials NIRlifriri Variousidtrlieisrofficcseoti lllswbll worlds leader in gade were filled as followed William Stewart first lieutenant second lieutenant Jack executive UK Trade Should Be Encouraged by Purchases The Land Act expert liiture laceommodalions than the agiieui board room lthose who attended Monday nights ting will be informed by of the new locatidn Mire Carson mm However all Ieweller 60 Yeafs BWebb Dies GratSportsman 77 ay Wesley The Constriietion Supervisor for ltiiis region llfmstand Ill id ltli to be preparedlcussed constructionuplans and de mon 101 55351 in tails for building home under the If ACI said tliatit IIlflllllll was to remain one of our best customers Can adians iitt lllLL dollar resciw Titian 1111 if prim Tatar ol hat no lll ted SlalLfllOlllCS with emphasis on the vet iynan Webb Allandalc lwatchmakcr for nearly 60 years died suddenly Essa Road in Barrie on Tuesday morning January 17 1950 whing sawing wood Inhisrtllst year Mr chBL an crlfsiastic is who left home last fall for his last hunting trip north tvas active Lip until the time of his death member of pioneer family of Innisfil Township Mr Webb hc golden anniv marriage to thc mer Mary Robinson of Stroud ember ebb had been watch in spector ofthe Canadian National Railways in llandale for many the railwaymens an tolielp the build fTIIEVvING Mexico is th producing cliiclc for chewing gm Canada with 11 veteran ptan and low cost putchasc noantin but at his home on George Coles WiIliamsJreasurcr secretary Otto lOConnor commissioners Arthur Stewart Dalton Caldwell benefit fund Jack Monkmaii rc picscntatives t0 the Ontario Fire mens Association Cecil McMiilkin and Dave Miller represcntalives County Fircmcn Association Sidney Money and Norman Green George Baldwin captain ladder Williams first branchman OConnor assistant first branchinan Green second branchman second brancliman mild blimChma M09933 as watchcsvat regulah statcdintcrvals sistant third branchmanA Stew every month art and Caldwell axcmen Har vey Baldwin and Frank chrose Essa Road had been me of the landmarks of the Allandalc main Mr Webb started in the the same man Williani West very YOURE FINE orig LAUGHING AT THAT How WILL SHE LEARN RIGHT FROM WRONo OHBOY DID SHALIMAR SCHULTZly AND IHAVE FUN AT HER House LASTNiaHTl wa CALLED HR CRUSTY AND TOL HIM we WEREIHE cops AND THAT THE Neenooks COMPLAINED ABOUT HIM AND H15 WIFE FioHTiN to the Simcoe laid Celebrated crsary Ur hook last Mr and Miller assistant Monkman years inspectin Webbs Jewellery torcfat line aiid Wilfred Lce lIickling hydrant men man Dclbcrt Lennox stewards Miller traf Ray Simmons and JJ Chester Ley ck drivers street jewellery business at site in Allandale about 60 years He had learned his watch making trade in TorOnto and was graduate of the Toronto Hoioj logical Institute Bornnear Stroud on Navembcr 1869 he was the son of tlie late Mr and Mrs William Webb His home and his wifes girlhood home were both situated on the 11th isfil They were married fie officer OConnorfaud and Dan Kcast ago wou causrvmr CAN UU5T PICTURE HiMvHEH HEHHEH THATSTHE BEST LAUGH IVEHAV WONTDoiT AGAIN IF you SAY NOT To MOMMY BUT POPPA REALLY 010 LAUGH DiDNT HE DADDY DIDNT MEAN TO LAUGH youKNow WHAT you no To MRCRUSTY WASNT NICE DONT you Former Barrie Man Victim As Bandits If EScape With$6000 formerBarrie man now cm ployed at Montreal $600010 baridits last Thursday He was prompted into making the offer because themen were arm ed The Barrie manwas Harold son of Albert Brysou former Well known business man of Barrie HaroldBryson isnow the man ageiuof General Bakeries Company When the two arm ed bandits walked in last Thurs day theyherded the office staff of 20 into the vault and at gun point they ordered Mr BrySon to open the safe Even though the thieves made off with $6000 cash they were so weighteddown with silver that they left another $2000 behind On Christina line of Inn in51899 Wesley Webb member of the Corinthian Lodge AF AM No7196 in Barrie for number ofyears He belonged to St Georges Anglican Church Hewas also member of the Sons of England and was treasurer of the group forvabout 50ycars He was active on YMCABoard here some years ago He belonged to ago the Chosen Friends Lodge member Volunteer Fire Brigade in Allah it was handcdoveiz had been at Mentreal He was the TEACH YOU AND THAT SCHULTZ Kioiro CALL PEOPLE IN THE ILL until several years ago Another of Mr Wbb pastimes waslawn bewling which he had participated in for great many years He was one of the oldestand most active memberssof the CNRAA Lawn Bowling Club in Allandale He went north every hiinting camp in the Burks Falls children district with party from town for 35 or more nears and made his at the Jennett Funeral Hom two oclock this afternoon January 19 Rev NewtonSmith is conducting the funeral service In termth will be in St Pauls Cem THEuaHT 15 STILL dale favorite EET LIGHT IF THE STE if LIT Eve the same Mon treal plan wasmheldvuprtilihere were 30 office employees onhand on that occasion and the thieves escaped with $2600 bandits been 15 minutes later they might have picked up a1 $18000 Albrt Bryson father of Harold is now resident of Lindsay La9L Had ah addition For last hunting trip last fall many years he sailed on Lake Simcoe and was reputed to own EXAMINER WANT AD the fastest sailboat on the lake He hadbeen last nun moan 2414 Hampton 11 GREEN FRONT STORES IIIUItSDAY JANUARY 19 I950 HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS BLUE IULII ENGLISH DINNERWARIC 00 Yes $3395 Good Quality Good Pattern Goad Price I69c CHILDRENS BUNNIKINS WARE MUGS and BEAKERS CEREALS 75 PLATES tilg VICEROY MOTOR OIL qt 30c Gal $120 determined person from accomplishing much compliin feats that those with two arms vill 12 Pcs it Pcs $1495 $2495 GLASS SALAD SERVERS Blue or Amber IItllltlltS Physical handicaps will not prevent the in life Many onearmed chap will ie not think of attempting 10c Each $100 title GLEN ILAII BREAKFAST 5818 Special $995 32 Pcs lteti Green and Blue Plaid Aiii less than regular prices Glass Mixing Bowls l5c 20c yllLlAL MEDICINE LAIIINIIIS $lO50 White with Plate Mirror S14 20 Triple Sauccpan Set $395 LIFETIME BRAND SPLENDID VALUE WILL CUT YOUR COOKING COSTS ROYAL PURPLE AND DR BELLS FARM REMEDIES nannvanmsmaw 98104 Dunlop St on Yeszije all be of ectric Toaster Specials $395 Gleaming Chrome Finish $495 $595 CORN HROOMS $100 $139 to $200 Roomy Clothes Baskets $145 $200 $250 $335 VACUUM BOTTLES Special 98c ELECTRIC PERCOLAIORS $500 $995 JUSIRIIE BIRD SUPPLIES GLIDDENS SPRED SATIN COVERS WALLPAPER ONE COAT Pone 801 Andrew Bartholomew Elect Oro Agricultural Society President The annual meeting of Oro gll cultural Society was held Friday Jan 13 iii the town hall The officers elected for 1950are President Andrew Bartholo mew lst vice president Victor Ross 2nd vice president Orton Crawford Directors Wes Storey Mowat Tudhope John Currie Smith Campbclh Gordon BidwElt Gordon Clark Earl Reid Ernest Coatcs and Kenneth Gilchrist Crawford Bartholomew September 1213 EDENVALE officers were reelected The the basement by the ladies Sidney Jacobsof GrimshaerlQ berta spent Saturday wrth and Mrs Albert Maw He walked everywday rode bicycleuntil recentrnonths and untilwa few yearsiago wasga very dISIanded enthusiasticagpare dancer MrWebb was active in the jewellery business until his death and ran it with the asslstanceiof his daughter Mrs Michael Wieder Dorothy Also surviving him are his wife and two sonsJaroch of Barrie and George of Wallacee burg and one brother Lot MLQIL fall to of Innism There aregtourijgrand he etery mutant on Wed lresid in Alliston Ihe 1050 President Discuss Need Agriculture and Gordon Todd were appointed delegates to the Optario Crop Improvement con vention to be holduncxt week in Toronto and these two men will be representing the South Simcoe Crop Improvement Association at this meeting It was decided to hold Seed Fair again in 1950 and niiat this fairshotitd be held inStroudon March if possible Calvin lrc Associate Directors arz Mrs Robert Hall AMrs Walker Cald well MrsWilliam Scott Mrs Or clvillcr Im Clawmd and rs MT Tahgcmcntsfdr the seed Fair Following short address by Llo The Jumor Dime 015 are George Gray Seed Inspector Bar Ireland Preside South Simcoe Crop ImprovementAssn The South Simcoe Crop IlflllVlJ good secd might be available to ment Association directors met at the otlicc of the Departmcnt of Agriculture nesday January cnt Murray Faris called the meet ing to orator and asked that George Gray Seed Inspector conduct the election 91 the new Slate of oili Calvin elected members of the association llcrl Dunn also recommended that the orgaiiization do all within its pow er tohelp eradicate the weeds in tional Plowing Match and should 01 Laboratory Continued from page fifteen ital for December was $1170 ccmber 31 1949 totalled $17139 Parsons chairman meeting Fletcher Gordon Wbodrow Bill Clark Bill Crawford and Lloyd ric it was decided to try and es tablish some foundation seed plots The datefor the 1950 Fair is if the Cgnty so that supplies of Eon Goon RELIABLE USED FURNIi TURE APPLIANCES AND BECONDI sTovEsANDaEATaRs coME January 16 The anniial Churchiand Sunday School meeting was held in the church on Thursday evening with the pastor Rev Clements presiding Splendid reports were given by the church treasurers Russell Maw the Sunday School treasurer Ernest Dickenson and the president of the Young People DDuglas Gilfen Ernest Dickenson was lected for another fouryear term swlder and allthe gier up erintendcnt teachers and officers of the Sunday School were rev elected vote of appremation was given totthepastor alsothe choir leader Jim Rupert and Mrs Partridge Mrs McNabband Deuglas Gien for preparing the Christmas concert At the close of the meeting lunch was served in TIONE To for quick Sale ELECTRIC srovas QUEBEC HEATERS Cook srovas 30710 choose from $10007 up JACOBDANDINING SUITE real bargain Barrie sailing regatta until Ithey were resumed here several years The funeral service is being held Budget Terms meeting offthc good buys ready $92500 up not up $500U BATTERY ELECTRIC RADIOS $800 up 12 GOOD SHOWCASES 5151500 up is thestirnelto andsavelmoney Town or Country sssss3s 55sss This is especially important as we will be having the Interna try to have tlieQOunty looking itsbcstiw Ireland of Everett wasw Robert Camp bcll of Churchill VicePresident and Keith McRiicr Department of SecretaryTicasurcrL The following were elected as an executive committee Nicol Wilt son Murray Faris Grant WilfredDavis and Ken Ralston AsTrccommcndediatsrtheianniiziligd meeting the constitution of the or ganization was rpvigved and twig new clauses written into this con stitution to cover the election of Board of Directors at the annual meeting Calvin Ireland deficit over the years period business manager Cameron explained that the hospital need and more working ca timc vhichithcy no other way of obtaining except by borrowing from the bank The receipts for December 1949 wcrc $17059 as compared with $15941 in 1948 Thcybank overdraft for December 1948 had been $16395 and inDcccmber 1949 it was $31170 The current cashtdcficu Accounts receivable as of De The report of the property eom mittcc was presented by The setting of the date for the meeting to be held ly in Eleft wtt tiTcIi iman and secretary Dues will be pay iandi Gordon TOdd K0 Ralstnlliable 30 days before the annual and Robert Campbell were appoirit ed as committee to look after arll The board decided send Wm ten invitations to all organizations who had made donations of $25 or more during the calendar year 1949 Each may send represen tative with voting power to the gt Free Delivery

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