undersWihx Decision Wallace 111 Strand Barrie Boxing Show lottbe 11 111 inlan oil lgtr slam Wla 111 dill 111111 111 1111 1111i L1 till l1gt 111111 full slum 111 1111111111 rigitlt and hit lullJAttl DAY JANUARY 19 1950 THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRTFZ UNTARlU CANADA PAGE TWENTYONE Barbara Ann Show llll1l 11111 1111211111 1111 Wallace A1 inoiii 1111111 it ii gt111171l EMS l1 To 111 ll 11 i1iitl1 11111 l11i ziit flirt fgIifl rhythm 11 lll11il1l 1111111 stiliiz lzlliltil 1111111 1111111 ltlll Hwy 111 stuntd dynamic 111ad lift tllc laj lllillii 1l11tl UV 111111 11 sun11111 vni of 1111111 tin11 W111 king 1111111i 111112 liltiil111 tlic light 111 111111 111 Stillllrlm puiiclns and two 1111 11 111w vottd Salllltlc 111 11 Wallace put 1111 1111 lllllillilillt to an 1x11111 3rd 11 tin1 which llllLt 111111111 1111 111111 11 iippxlciil lii 1ll Tu 1111 ti 11111 11 all 11 121 1111111 11111111111 l1 lf l1i11 llo Tilli 11111 1111 1llil 111 lull5 ltllllllillll llov1i 1111 lllt liii 11 would have v11y letRic Taylor llii11l 1111 fans what 111 in lllt punclns 11illllli1l lkl 1il1I 1111 S1iixli 111111 in 11111111 Fruit laig 1111 1111 All books 111 ty lootwank 11111nsit1 dilioiiglioiit 1l 1H 111111 1111 11 111111 cnd llc ibrzoibid 1111 of 1111 lllllgtllllltlll fioiii Taylor 111111 111serves great deal of 1111ltt which 111111 ioiig 11111 111 fact 11 long time Qtllllllll Son1 live holds on 111111111111 pio iligslvi Hut 111 uifniltinali knock of skull ltiiCiltlZf drearywit victory over loiiiici flu i11 noxcr Joty Peters 311 1111 1lii1i toroidftl 1111111 of 1111 111w Toronto akwood 111111111i1b11 when Pctcis sustziiiicd cut over the left eye from clash 111 11ads 111115 signalled to 11f1ic1 Bobby Lawrence to stop 1111 boot and thc 1111111 was draw at out 111111111 111111 seconds of the fourth ltllllll punches Peacock iction in the second with 1111 nio1 beautiful llt faked right to 1111 body and glllllltl Dong lliiiiiiltoli col star wcll 11111 lllitilltllnilll 111 first he 111pt lcacock was 1ll iiilX11l II Wallace th second illl hold litt 11111111 1y1 of Silllllllllr but the lat retaliated Wall ncc Niitlici round llllIl ASHLEY 111111 ii11t with i111ilitiiig third and appeared to have an with net1111111 lvtt lair to 1111 Wallaci and clcltctl Neither mixed first nlv millllii fast and furious rounds started to liic Saunders off guard The fourth round was Saiiiiddtr the way as he 11111111 strong hIIIIth NM head 11 Pttcrs into the lops with liii1m mo Iltdmdkd immune 111111 long round splitdecisniii wtiit ltoniiiiiof loioii11190111111111111 1111111 liriiiiiilis of division 111111 11111 lllllltll Lllllll tli lacked Lloyd llxlitic 121111 1111 polish and lllllltll of 1111 morcI 1xpii111111lllomaiii but won iiillaicy with 11111 Nuinr as Mammy liool liiiiiniiis That was 1111 stazl right stvcitil occasions Toke 3rd Straight At Midland 120 1111 11 Iii HUN llll 111 III il 11111 111i III II 11I1 11 it 11lllI II IIIIL11 1t1 111111 II 111 111131l lllllllllll11IIIII III III IIII IIHI III II III 11 lf 5111 1111i1i111111w 1111l1 11 ll 111 1111 KPH 1111 211 111 11 ler ltl II II ll1 ll 111 ll 11 11C 11111 121 11iTI 11 11 do tlltt1l in 1111 11 l1 4111111 111111 119 11111 1111 1i 11 11 1111 nil 1li lll ltl llli lltl llvllti ll1 1811 ilitinstitl 1111 III IIIII IIIII 1111 111111 1111 11 s111111i 11111 Vslull 1Iiiiis pitsiiliiil 111 the lll Boston Bruins ll llH 11111113 iii 11111111111111 1iiil lliiofil ILlib ottoii llllll scout Ior 1111 1111111 1111iiiatloii liarl ll ii111 11111111111i 11 351 iii 1111is lll111l 11 11r1iiiuniis on tlir iiii1i1ir l1iiia 11 Hill flur liulln TH Lalllt iiiiii111t 111 obtain the 11111 tltlillllts 11 lush on llll pro4min 11111 111piiitiiiciit is llt outsliiggcl IIIIII PMIIIIR IIIII II SIIIIIIIIIII IIIb IIlloiiiain lllllllllllSI featured po1 l1t 1iful light but tired in 1111 third tlic noc 11111111 dicu blood ill With ltlllullllll 11 friendship than victory was with bcll Saunders caught Wallace two SlicersSire iippciciits but mica Stroud prodigy shook 1111111 1itllnhdlm his Immaon Wallace continued his 111ll short body ptiliclits lillh caiiitd in the tliiid round Peacock tag tiiial session play and More c1111 was hanging on at the end Frankie Maurice of Toronto Oak wood won TKO at 111 of the Httllltl round ltl Johnny Vcitciii Vlicn Peacock lctcrs cut in this round had hiiit Dtliliis boxing club was always the aggressor In 1hIfindini Maurice with long ltlt llow1vcr the pair bumped heads Mount 1itcli water 1111 1111111111 lttms ktpt ioiuic tactics and landed lads were sitting on lllt out of the ropes judge with blows Petr retaliation dccidcd 11 punches iiid again landed hard right on teis cyc Then came the bump of heads4111 stoppage iii the bout and body cock without fourth continuc round Peacock 11111 cut was opened over VtIitch fight and voting favor of Saunders by ont round Master of ccremonics Ken llob announced the split decision Saunders and it was 11111 with iiiajority of favoritism jumping from Midhiirst more than himself in thoseiiiitinol Gil Geckic nod during the summer months in the Queen City but on Iaylors peifoiiiiziIiiCc in the show it left iingsidcis in lIdElZC as to CTklOCVCl managed to cop decision over the popular lad About all that can be said for Gcckie is he has the heart for lighter and the tactics of wrcst lcr Taylor spent most of the five ci 111d other 0111 llicboiit was stopped awarded to Matinee two cyc lloinc Toronto Oilwood inimotis 11111511111 over 11111 Vychl won unanimous dOCiSion t1 much bcttIrl llainiltoli against Peters than 111 did in his last outing when he suffered K0 in 16 seconds of the first round After two years of successful tight outside Showed Baiiic district fans his true form Kid Rcco woli 3ltllllll unani mous decision fiom Bobby Turn er in the preliminaries Toronto Oakwood featured 10115 100 much Turner Peacock looked Couiiicy clowning match licd Mziiidlcy of Barrie was giv over Hamilton lohn banttiin illlw J1 Illi 11111 1111 11111 11P 1111 111 it1lil1 lli1lltli 131 111 Him Harold otlon llllll answers question by 1rl forc 11 llllllHl 1111 111 111 limi Lina iouii1l 1111111 1liiiis lh back 1111 lllll iiitciilli 1111111111 1111 up 1va mp1 to izztiJ AMD buttcitli 11111 1111112111 11 NH 1Imlll 11111 111111 111111 lll llll 111121 ii liroutllioid lii 111i FYI 1111 1111 711111 llii l1llili1ll 1131 11 onzw tii1 11111 11111111111111 iii Shou 1111 1111 111 111 111111 1111 51 II ilhc 1111 ml 11 lliiit liii 1iii 0111111 olsoit 11111111 111 1111 112111111 gilllillill prim11111 l1k111int 111 1111111 11 11111 111111111 ol loiziiii lulzlIU1ltl litHim 1111 iiiost ctaiioixiii 1111 pit 11111 11 8111111111 Reina11111 1111 1111 1111111 111 2111111111111 11112142 Slou 11111 111 11111111111a1ht 11111111111ii 1s E1t iziti lloat ll Scull mean 7111 M1111 11111 12111 lfllll 1111111 Hi tlllltllillt anti 11171111 11111111 1111111 and piopiitii 11 1111111111 11111 11 tip 1911 ll 111111111111 51111111111 lit 11 ailix ii 1111111 111 liow 111 1111 1Ultgt lie was iiiiiriz 1111111i rtzilts pair with 1111 1111 1111 piolioiliom tiini 1111 1i1i 11111111 hr 111111 Km nu Us UH Bfumhlticld who gtlllll1 with l111111 l1l 111 1111111111 by 1111 oicliiSIit Stxtoii notched7 tundra1 1iil lllllllll loIioiito 01111111111 it110I11 Ulllltlglrlurn IIIIIIII MIII III II hII IIMI IIIIMI mummy WI IIIIIIIII Ivhly IId 11 or ii on no ow lt ll pm Ntl 11 1111111 than tI Ilitni 11111p1 1111111 111111 tiIistI altII 15 Isafly turned up as 1111 plo lly KEN ROBINSON 1111 llaltoi lamx p111 111 1111 1114111 l111 11111111 Illl Ith1 1111111111 111111 InIIIlIm II 11 In I11IIH1Il Barri IrIIIIlIIIII IIIIIIWHIII rIIrI IIII IIIISIIIII stiollcis liltlylilillllilc villi 1t1 1111 111 l111111 cm is dc ballil I1 ll cm 11 pull ln 11111l1 II IIIIII III nitions ilid coon1o tll1tl Is1i11l iii lltlll 121llll1lllilt 1IUIIII Hm HmI II III vt yi 1111l tiio by llll Witt ill1 11 Ill 111111 with 111111 Wilt111 11111 1l 3jIl0x HnnlH I1IlHl twin and Manial l1l loio 11111 111l ivl1l lump Wolui 10111 was two11111 11111 1111l Illlllll 111111 11111 llruuxy =1 llli 11111 I119 111 111 1l solo lanct 11111111 11111111y for the llI11i will llllitllllS 11 LI II II I1 III HI II II tiHa 1i11 ii till 11 1111 11011 111111 titfllgt 111 to llairoii and Hawaii II IIII II HI 11111ttl ilal 1t 11 11 11 Im dam Imm II hi the Midland gti1l1 111 1111 1111 IIIIII II II III II II II II III III Irlul 1n 11 11 1111113 Hm Al liiic Stflllllt punch was coinplctvly 2M 1011111 1111 lull1111111 11111111111 1111 Hnl 51 c1 vital multil ppoiit11111Mirna111111111111i111 lll llll 11 II 11 1111 11111111 11 11 111ns 1111111 II my ml 111 1151 Iw Hmmmw Slllmmtnmu it III I1II III IIIII II II III Il11ll1iili1 toniluist 1115 3pm Mm i1 111u 11 Billy liloiiiain loioiito akwood kit 11 by Manuel l1l loro 11111I IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIN MIIIIIIIIIII 011111111 111 11111 Itilll 1111 woll split decision over 111111 Jtiiy llciihcld iii elaborate blict1I II IIIII gu 111111 McBride 1111 111111 111 1111 il lull 15 0Wt ll 1211 1111lLI111l l11111 may obtain lininiiiis Blllll 11111 lbs 111111 lltl iiiittits 1111y 11211111111I WIIIII III IIIIk IIIII IIIIIIIII III III iymi 111 111 llllll 1111 prank MIIIIIIIII TIIIIIIIIII UNIV also 1111111141114 an llllllcfllv 11111111113 IImI IIIIOIIIIMMI I0 I0 IIII mitts 111 11111 y11 11 Ml 111101 11111111 111 11 11 wood won by TKO 11111 loliniv so lVH JW 81 Mani T010 it him IIII dIAI tosltiizl 11111 ll labh 1111 111 111111 113111 Watch Mnum 11mm In and 11111111 Ktllllt ladies Ill IIICI IWIIII IIIIIQIIIIII IIIII IIIII1Hgt and William tiaig 1111 l0lI waitiii ltllll 111 ii 111 it 11 11111 e11111d 111111111 II lIliom Doug Swales llitir best tor1 11 15 PF 1311 of 1111121 than av DIMI IIIIII TIIIIIIWI mummy tiibiitc to lliibiii Ann oliI MINI II III IIIIIIII IIUIIIIIII tSlllllttl thc liiy11i 11111 111111 1111 III IIII II III II 1I WWII mm mmmlmms Ipmnn Ilici 111st ipp1iiiiitt lll Iliiiii SIIHDIIII Ic11iiiiiiitl11 111 111 1ltoffic1o 1111 IIIIIIIIIIIII nun 11 11 John IIIIIIIIIVV HIIIIIIIIIIII IIImp 1111111111111 Cliflin 1111I WIHI KIIIIIIOII IIW HI II iconiiiiitloi executive will be ap II II II IUI III III II IIIII IIIIIIIII IIII i11111111 of 1111 llairic Clizimbci tl 11 11 st id IIIIIM poiiiit 1111 11111 iiigii 111 111 1111 1y lllll 1ill 1111 III IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIWIIII IIHbe 111111 game developed into III II 1111 11 NIi 11 1111 Hitlllhlldlllll 11 111 11 11111 any hm mm the YUM rctil biinipliig contest After Ia pciil small turn1111 oiitlictiiiu pit nlm unilmlndy 11 III II 111ms have to 111 considered by 1111 II hi 1W 1m 11IIdumlml Ch ilt fltt 11st folii stint1111s 11 III lllll 111111i11I ltlll1l 11 cm 11 Quart 11111 lwud 1m fund wind 1n 11111 loll 111 11 litlsslllllllltis Pltlml 111 Skillmtl lli and finance having major par 11 out 1111s to ul 12mins and Siiiipell ind liilyi 11cc 31gtI1ICdd it ItllWW lllll 11 Will Hm lplav 11 is also assumed that an id US 010111 l1111t 011M II II II II 11mml mwcomlucp 145 HUN 11 111 mommy to bl the on 1111111ing 111 ipptaiaiic1 1111 VIEII Inan of m1ch lil1 i1iis1 1311111 very 511C Syd Taylor unanimous decision Wychciiko Ellandlcyscored with hard loll in 1111 first round and followed 111 iii the second with hard right to Both boys 1111 to draw stopped it lfImd iiiov1 on to North Bay whom mm llic lllll continued iii the llllltlt cy1 SHWd1M mum Btiiiic tonight Barbara Ann andilllimhur lm1 the rings tiiiallf Billy Ioionto 021k Botli lads had with Scmilinal Syd T551013 BMW lltoiis throughout northern niiiinor infractions cs1ipid1li1 calll lizdti the direction of round unanimous itHle 11111 lbs ENIYClltllkUS head ishcd the third tired El Preliminaries Kid llcco Toronto Qikwood decision over Toronto Mount Rcco and Toronto and power right weight Mount Dennis MCAlllllll Barrie fans what the 1illlOWi11 illSin UH lilllll of 1111 icfticc for 1111 good of tliellahtisv Collcy 1111 Vocational dancl tho1 11111111 pi1111ii which are vam Hilkwmli WiV llimlt 1111 LlzltiSCS llilYt lllllt1l 1111111111 1111 1lllla I1111I 1111 111111 are being EARLY ALMANAC liiew year and are advisrd that tauglilaiid iiaii1111 11 the local box Mill The rst almanac published 1111 Canadian 1liboi income was Slllhllt 15 slight discrepancy of 111 ityriiIH ttltlltlllmli llmduce their stuff 111fort the locals with unanimous Turner 1115 lleJ McArthtir iron Bobby Dennis Etltllc Danny Saunders lliiiiilton worrthe liiitcd States camc from 0010001100 for the first iiiiiciiiontlis 11111115 for the mixed 511112111 until split dccisioii 11111 Don Viillacc Bradtoid press in Philadelphia 111 Baiiic in itivc round bout showed word when Eddie fing iriie decis and meant MEN RCOATS good selection to choose frpm Broken sizes at price that cannot be duplicated anywhere AllWCOI materials 11995 $2195 MENS EEYSIAN OATS No better qualitycloth Good forten year izes Here is genuine bar that is give away Values up to $5350 $269 1T oUREAsEMENT STORE to the es VALUES 1N TOWN dylENlS if Gloves MENS MOW Mens Mouton 1111 fabric am or hit as Eonman to Ehlme gm Ski Master Brand well Dress Lloyes anth TANUARY CLEARANCE YA pure OV wool 39 SKEiN Smartlooking nfaterialbliiel Vlue thgitOTlOOOWZIWE or brown Reg $795I To Clem IIIIIZSI ioimd iANUARv 113111 BASEMENT STORE LEARCE $549 BASEMENT STORE 33111h$395 7v WBOXS IGolf Hose ovs Penmahall wool hund reds to choose from Reg$115 JANUARY CLEARANCE OVE wear Brok gain at apr 89 pa JANUARY CLEARANCE pair BASEMENT STORE Boys SHIRTS plaidsor plain shades indoeskin also dress shirts Regular to $235 $156 WEATHEEMAN MANHAS US LICKED Ski Equipment SELLING OETQFSKI EQUIPMENT complete Slgitfgtstock1 musthe sold Greatest Bargainsin ITIistorySkidnd HorneSS Requpto $2000 set II completeI SkiWe IALL MAKES 15 99$ 150Up RY JAN CLEARANCE BASEMENT STORE yuanBOOTS AgoOd felt Extra1ivarm All Sizes Reg to $395 $229 BASEMENTSTORE jiGIloshesf x7 swamneg iiANUART CLEARANCE iiair skillccts minor11s GOODS MUST BE SATISTACTQEYCE Tomi MONEY EEFUNDED 21 iisons will be folmtl 1111 11 111 IM Skating sonsalilmg fcrcc If II II IV tlsrllll 11111111 11111111 11iitie ltss 511111 1111 11A miiii an IIIIIII MI IIIIII IIIId Imssny It ill have tvonilit stilid foll llllfin 5L llltllldlll mllll Wl ii11 ii PW 130W Tllll cmss iiii s11 11 11 111111 ippcalanus in 1111010111 I111C 10 llld Y0 IL 00 lillll 1111111111 1Jin11 i11 llasii 11111111 to continue With ot HHS in increase of eight pug folk dancing classes The class1si1 mli 1111111 111 1111 11 their listicuff cent over tlicsann ptiiod in 1041 llll each Thursday night it 1111 11111 lamp Humps ltilli MaidenMeasure SUITS iiiREE Extra Pants Ill BOYS FUFECELINED 51111115 range of materials all the latest styles tochoose ifomi maw 74 Underwear Very large assortment t0 Good heavy wool Fleece All choose from Smart colors sizes Reg $198 and designs Worth easily JANUARY CLEARANCE Hundreds to choose from All colotaud materials in chided All sizes cg1 to made good serviceable style mitts Remarkable brown or black allV Isizes worth regular up to $450 double the price SPECIAL $169 WITH TWO PAIR OF 710111111 98 BASEMENT STORE TROUSERS Men sf port oats very smart range of patterns and celors to select from Some ranges are broken sizes These are well worth double the price Now is your Opportunity to save money Ionft Sport Coat IROUSERS WV have jiist dbout any material colorand ster oucould name so ifyou have an odd cOat you want 16 get matched bring itln or if ini need work pantsI new is the time to buy You will findjust what you wit4a JANUARY SALEPRICES SINGLEStirs We II 3435