PAGE TWENTY rsw llit iiooii 1111 ll1l Illltll Ill li 1111 l1p liIiinis should rispul lionring litl 1H oiiiior 11111 Ill Illl 1111 111111 who kilo ll1 tillrl iil iiil1o1sl1i loriii lbc leinciits lllc llll 1s ljllllllltl II11r 11111 11i 1v llljllllllll r111iitlI1 1112 ill lliiiio lltl 111 lilllllll in their in top ul tli1s1 11i1=liil llm liiil1i ll llllll 11111111 lloopir 1111 ii11 Link an 111111 111111 their 1111 putrtil Ltlllrtl lfulll lloiiietoiiii 1111111 1lnzlllzl lllll lasi 1l11 111 111111 111111 itl1i111 211 1111111 111 51 111 1111 iiliiriiiii 1111 111 ili 1l 111111111 spoi llyeis Defeat Billniores 64 In OvertimeAt Guelph 1111 outburst by 1111 Barrie llyirs lltt 1111 1111 ilitllll lliltinoics in Guelph lttl 1111111111111av1 the lllycis sole possession 1111A standing The win was the sec 11211 1121 llalters this season both ti1111l hint11 111ton 11 near capacity crowd tir payvolt boy 111 the night as 111 111 titiiiiiii marker wliilc lraiik llatligalc was The llyers had 1111 11111110 111 lltllltl 11 1111 llli 11111 sci111111 gave it away twice in 1111 third t111i 1111111 back to salt it way in spectac An 111 1111111 orial Ari111 111 111111 platv 111111 1111 111 in Gui1111 i1l1 1111111 Real plunked 11111111 sittiiie out tiippiiii gain11 and in otiitiini 11 iilai fashion 1111 11111111111 RhI Suri l1Hl llit 1111 h11lc 11 gtlllll 11 111is11y 1111111 1sitii 1111111I1 gainc coach 111 11 llicks litilh 111 1111 opt11 The 1111111 1110111111 darkened lriii 11111111 11111 littlttlllc 11111v111 11111111111211 primit 111111 1111 111115 illltlllti 11111 17lt gtC11llllgt apart Play in 11111111111 111gtl1 the 1lyc1s 113111 and lllllltv llIllll 1ccii1hi1l lll lils alternating 11 1111111 killed 1111 1111111111 111 great stilt lllLlll2 1111 11111 and shuttling it bi1 toitli 111111111 iiaiiagtd 111113 shot 1i1 CU 111111 111111 11111 11111111 out llliil 11 lim 11111111 1111111111111 iii11l 111111111111111 =1l11111111llt11 inil about 11111 cvciytliiiia 1111111 11 1111 1111 11111 The teams finishtd 121111119 270 1111 IllSlllt ll ll lizght for 111 1111111 111I ptiiotl Hi1211 121111111 11111 11l p1111 111111 fcii11 111 Biaiidow II heath11 111111111111 hiin Gould 11113111 pissi lits Long 11111 1111111111 titally 1111111t111l1 especially when short Stan 11111 frail 11 fciinsnc Lip lVHllTT it fits and hlcfart 11111 $111111 111111711111111 up with his iiist tilnc 11 was hard to individually lluiiib were the litSllltzit flu lloyal ity 11113 skated r13 ili71d for ifli 11 1111 111 11 illtl 1111132 hoe iilt1llf Second Period 2130 of 1111 11court Stan LoiigE 1115 Ltllllllttl for slashing Aiidvl illiiaic iiid liitlpli really applied llimi 1111 pitss1n1 11111 1111 1111111 deftnch ltd ml 1111d tight After 111111 returned the 1111 01 pi1siii1 continued and again 1111 1outlook zis black 11 1111 lill 11113 1111111 1111 prac 11113 llciliy Dickinson jumped 11111111111 111111111410 lllYlt ll1 iio 11111ll unlphlll Illlllliki knocked him 11 1111 11llyllt refer intervened sciiinibltd 11 his 1111 llowcyci 111 11111 1111111111 stary till 01 litt 1111 lathe111 but both boys were assessed majors lllD Explain it it you can Stan Long was again pcn iiiteiftrcncc soft pen alty llowcvtrit was LI1llLl up 111 seconds litcij as Frank was s111oftolJiipping With the teams still playingfivc l1 aside 11 111111 1101 Obciholtlcr was II johnnyonthcspot 111tip in the re Wu SCI 11 ILL bound of blueline shot from StiiiI1oiig put the llyILis away on the right ion from the little1i fioiii Dong livc iiiiniit1s 1115 put the Guelph from lace111 to the left Doug lowcrsI puck hackham past flicks by Cllf trout and Home for 5011101113 and Campbell chance retaliate and 111111 hitrliIoltzLi for 1111111 111111 TflZ Llc lilitl 111 111111 lciitlcssly iiid wcic 111111111 force Bailigatc 11 illlitlli 11 lirst Period 11 Bobciiic 111111 1111 1111 boards and irklacich ltlilii From then on 111111 held 111111 1161 closeehecleing 11 41127 Dziniiy rush Guelph ciid Towers picked tip the 1111111 at the blueline and laid it over to Dobeiiic who let itigo onI the fly 1111 ltlCllQwatll The puck caught the short side and gave the Films 31 margin sidrialjlccd1l prevailed 11 11ii ll 10 Connor IIIIII Then into Guc got the 11121 over to llobcnic who was deflectc Steve Brk Fintcrferengo best power attack of failed 111 St turned the picked it up at the red1111c 1111 1111 and 11111 was sentenced for Third Period At 355 Stan Long 21111111 Guelph rktacich ie player became entangled in the cor for ChevS winning effort uck went loose uidIhe 1111 Referee Jack Hogan standing Al on the spot attemptcc icich 11111 flLtlllt 11111 on theirI the night butt The 913 COUNTY CoUNCiL NOTES congratulating him on attaining TOW the county office3 warden explained Tuesday session for the benet of it the new members particularly the Barrie zone How situation that was now ing the county and the Childrens Aid Sociey Last fall at the Nov ember session The thv c0nfront on at the Tuesday count Warden Bcns mormpg session council had fils whocrelayed councuiexplamed lha It wm voted grant of $8000 to the Bobo went in on theempty net and 1191 be possible to make this scs Children mm COPWUWHM because eistanding that the grant would action being taken by the Townl of Collingwood with regardto as sodQty The Isociw had been sessment Until their assessment $4 000 OIIIn the IIIIsI month II was fixed itwould not be ngssiI file to strike rate The present session would be able to prepare JWmd alsodo clean tip all the decit of the THE EXAMINE system that throughout operationlmcl each of the the county had in issuing clothing lridi night and lllt second in lsliii Sunni413 lmlli clubs would iiipliriali those points so iiitliollt 1111 I1 1lIl1lI In hesitation its going 11 li1 11111351 battle OHA Jr 11 Standing Ito Copaco la iiif 111 topaioI IIIH 11 11lii Jl 111 K1115 it 111 It 121 111111 13 11 11 It Ill 1111111 111 11 217 I11 13 111 il ii 111 L111 11 ill 13 51if11111 Ill it 111 It 31 ii 111 11 it Ill 11lii1s1liys Results ili 1lsiiv1 11 liicstlars Results 111111 s1 11111131111 llaiiiu 13 lirltili 1i 1111 51 51111111111 15mm5 mm ll IIl IIIIII 1111111iis 111111111115 11 11 llllllt lIxiiiiiiiici Collingwood Rdlly To Detect Barrie Ir Pipers 98 lliiiii 11i1111 ll lly1is lost their second liiiitc of iii itorgiaii llay 1111111 11 night in ollingw wood as iilliiigvsiioil came from 1113111111 1111r1ik1 1111 llycis in 11Vcitiiii1 by 011 scori 11 31 1111 11111 of the first 11111 114 11 the 711111 of 1111 511111111 1111111i tlity faltcicd ill 111 thiid as ollingwood came back 1111i1ty to tic the score 11 11 17 th 11111 of lttiltlilllllll time olliiiawood outscored Barrio by 31 111 lb 11iliin1 Tonight 1111 111111111 11 llycrs play Piiutaiig llill at toldwatci liter1 and sonicout iii the crowd blew lIvtiyonc 111it playing dunking that it was llog 111 who had lltll the whistle Everyone that is but berholtzeig111n1 scored by who went1111 iii to scorclhc Bar ric goalttndci made no attempt to stop 1111 snot lloticvei the goal was allowed as neither oltlic Of 11111115 11111 stopped the play 11 =13 Barbir was penalized for tripping 1111 1311 the resulting luciph prcssurc Stan Long and Jiiir Beasley w1i1iipeiliwith their 111fence At 11113 Barrie ganged the Guelph not but the puck came out and w1nt loose lloii Plumb went after it and dashed away unmolested to scorc iiid tic tlic 54111111 That ended the ad on for the third as both Itcams played itclosc ponits via default by Montgonili 111 1111 lJLll Overtime Andy Bathgate uid Beasley were penalicd iiithr overtime for slash ing OConiior Sill out Beasleys penalty The seconds later Br tacitinput lHllplbual ii liionbfor tlie Itiist timiFdas his Sliothcflected off Barrie stick Beasley hadno chIinInce IBaiiicr were upset and unorgan ized offensively but OrrinGould was standout as he held the fort defensively Grabbing loose puck Gould led rush tip the ice and let his shot go Toppazzini stande on the spot slapped home the rebound to tie the scorc indsetthe stage Frank Bathgate was sittingit out mangle for tripping ivhen Chev and Tow ClledIll13 way10 the Guelph goal crs laid the puck over to Chev who tucked it behind Hicks With 15 seconds left Guelph pul Hicks forthe faceoff in the ever Longgot the draw and attempted to shoot down tlic ice The piick bounced off Guelph defenceman to Chevre Wilsons it to Bobenic Aid Society on the und pushed thiuck in to make sure 11 STRlKES 111111 1111 the 111111 11111 11 1111 1111 llll 11 T11 lelll is l11 tfill team won 11111 llziiiic liii 111111 No 11 was 11 bad night for the two high 11iii1 111111 111 1111 51W lllki 11W 11 i1l1ii iiiii l1ltl1ll Normic iitil1l 11i moved into the leadership witl 411 111111 11111111 11 more Ii ll1ll 111 11 lll 111 11igii1 Sid 1111111id with 1131 HI 1lltt ran iiio ll111lllll lioiibl 1t Hind 11111 111 be 111111 1111 10 1111 III 351 iipl1 winlc his chmgt1 iiil lIil l1ll with 2321 11iii1 Is1oi111 3111 1111 1111 night ll illtlll 1st llitlsliili 2111 lii111ii ll1kcvnw Dairy 13111 Planing ti 11111111 Tanning liiIlboys Shariboys r1 El tiiii1li lli1i1l tNlt lchgiaplis iiid 511111113 llIiily were 1111 giant killcis this wetk is they knocked 11tl llfl 111111 lolicciis itspcctiv 1111 sticiipoint lll llll sanit tiiiic TilI N11 took five from lIxaiiiincr to put them in tic for top place lclugiaphs are the hot team in 1111 lctiguc right now and Angus illllitIll is already or1iii iboiit how his team is going 111 111 ible to beat them next w1k Tcd Bell with 1111 lllll govt Lokiview Dairy 52 win over Sportboys iiid gtch them five point margin for first pli1 1111 Planing took five from Canada Bread to iiiovciiilo second place The second game featured 111 111 between the two lid11ff men DlllLt McCuiilcy scored 12133 for Ball Planing which bczit Buck Rogers 321 game The highlight ofthe game btllctllSlllllb05 and 11 Barrie Tanning No was the Slicllboys t1iok five points The weekly prize was for hint single which wciit 111 Biucc Lllc Ctiuley anoint1151 nit11111 Lgioli ti 11 CUE 11 Keuwclls 121 Chicks Men Weai 13 chionr a7 11 Montgomeig 21111 Division izixRCAF 11 AP Bokars ti Barbers T1 to Corby Motois 1l St Smith I21 Examiner Legion No picked ill scicu eryfs which puts them in first pos CQE No 21 is loss to Chicks Mens Wear Down in the 2nd division lZlX sevenpoint win over Exami Art Kcays wastot man with 111 HissZSl gameIalso won the award for high single of the weekJBar bers have bsen hitting terrific pace and were leading the group chill thisJysek they hit theskids when theymet Smith who took them for seven points This was the first win forthe furniture kept CorbySJ in the game with AIand which resulted in 13 W1n for the latter RCAN FILLYOUR com letedAhe third week of th PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 2414 neiseries and we 1111119133 BARRIE LADiEs LEAGUE Le als Lingerie 13 CGE lBlue Taxi l3 Rosette Shopo 12 Lakeside Cabins 12 Harvester Combin ll KenyyIell Stars 11 4I 11 Silks Zellers 1Bayview Grocery ti CGE 1111 1Illtl with tlcllll when 1111115 lilark iiii1lir hitago organization Hamilton to the lili1 iiitl lllt loriiicr Nlll lcfcncc lll plan1 lic junior llaiiks on Mitchell 11111111 i1giiil partlit ltcg only 111111111 111111 lIlil way 21 ltlll 11 oii 111 iii1 11111 1111111 lity l11gtl 11111 poit H111 iiilied streak for the 1111 11111 11111 1l11t11l lltllll0l livi stiit11l lliiucs alternate 111 1111 the remainder 11f tlic s11IUl lll games that local 1111 111111 and liiiiiy 1111 lll first place They 11111 111I1 up playoff ll 1iiii1oii scored 11111 nwclls ltlue laXi 111st score was 1101 by 1111lltsl i1rig bowl average lll lt1l lhar with 1111111 ltnik ll1 111 1111 111 11lung tougher to lle 1111111 only got four points off 1iktsi1it abiiis points 111L wetk Silks Stlll 311 t111I1 111c1111s1 lhcii enough that 112111s 111111 sport 11111 11111 for bowling now tlllilllllcd 1111 1111=1 that help lezigiics 1111 111 N11 play 1111 game lAllKlI CLARKE LEAGIlI litspits Jan 11 Seas Clare RobinsoniCtlldllHdr B1i1is Dodgerz till Indium W11 Row1s A0651 iliiiiibl 1s lciiii Standings 1111111 llli Seas Aces Pts RovclS Ramblers Indians Cziiditials Bczivcis Dodgers lligli scoics ladies ll P111 your 202 men Laur ition lionNerf tliFYi1ieiileadingllli13072 Ithepackat this time in the fiisli 1series so it is possiblethat they can fold up again Ianothei team that is making 1bidll Barth 11 for playoff position They 111i tiedJot sccoiidplaLLdLs pile lit DAliibiosio till Riiynci 030 for SttisoiiSEnglc Costello 346 three Barth lligli scoics Rayner l1 41 215 for iiiglitSiiiglcl 10 An erosion survey in the Unitedl States revealed that on 12 per cent 3111 the land morethan threefourths Iof the original surface soil ha sbcen 11051 by erosion The last censlis showed that 1474009 Canadians Trench mid spoke English only and 2181740 spoke Fiench only men Bradley with 700 triple both spoke 77357486 English wiiiiENvoU HINK Io INSURANCE Think Oi The Ladies League has now orrowm termine expenses for bridges He summedIupliis anI nouncemeInt that they won or em Fro accountITiad been kept of the entire years expenditures Since that time the society had agreedIto make some effort to their accounts roads and with the statement ld do Wm they could andthen call another Session Reeve James Hart remarked lat er at the same session that leared that the mattcrw of Calling woods assessment might go on all year with repeated appeals what each month An Ontario statute April 1949had provided for the provincial subsidy totheIsoci IIWII ety to take in individual mIIuniciL in the Town of Barrie areanxiott panties 01 their equalized tsess Imen wierc anvorder was taken 10 g8t settle IPIIordelIlIgat 319 12 against such municipalities EH the 13 b1 en superintendent ofthe society had made that order on Simcoe Coun ty Council announced the warden peal would have to be made to the The information had meafit that Municipal Board The metre of money would not be paid to the Barriekretaliatcdwthat Orillias as county but would be distributed SessnIiient appeals lacllIIiun foEII two municipalities in proportion to Oll me years ingwoo rc ir equalized assessments plied the warden had engaged ex perts and was ready to go ahead an the society wait on the premf iei if Ontario regarding the mat 11 effective The of March The warden repliedthatch ap Hestiggested that deputation according with the assessment to information he had received Warden Benson read telegram he had received froln Judge MC first report of the finance commit Gibbon ofIVictoria County son tee will ostPenetanS rst warden McIGibbonawho haddieen edIlyyeais ago at The deputation named in the be composed of Char Simpson county solicitor lect MacLaien KC George John he ageIof 22 51011 MPP and Fisher ISARJEANTS 49 DUNLOP1ST BARRIE TitJam IfYouGet EXTRA T110055 With Every inn T0 1111111511111 1311 fronr EBS ill GA MENS WEAR SPORTING 350135 511 ELIZABETH ST PHONE 4542 Exclusive Tip Top Tailor Agents in Sari1e BARRIEI sswssQQsQss ss sQQ QsssMQ5 THE BAReriEXAhlinRR HARKir 115111111111 ctANAbA SPARES 1111 es at 81 Bowling Alleys tiny and the playon ciibs lHllll lit Lthi Llll 111111 it 11111 111111 lit PttWu 11 1I 111f iiiliity linisintl ourtwo 1i 1121 hill iollaliilc 1111 gt1111111litli1l 11211 lhi lone ulnaHandy 111 11 undue 111111 1i1i1 111111 14111 it 1I lill lilitlzc 1111 1111111111a liiiil Il1l livsulcnl 111 has aim1111 11111111 111111 11112 1111 111 I1 tiii 11 II 11 loc11 111121 11 151111 i1 11 II IIII tzla t1111drigt1ii Jan sllltll lIIII 111 1111 111 tlll be 11 stam llli 11 ththIt 11112 131111 111 III l11tllllllllI kings of liiii11i Ilola1 1i 111 111 Ml lill lliitlw fin llic past 11 Huiills llll11Illllll has 111 111fix 11nt his ll14lllllIl1 so 11 1115 11 11Il=It WJllllllk l0 rumI IlmlpliI 1111 my lnso liiiitl1 ltio il1111 llin 11111111 Ilalio Iciillaain 1119 ltn 111 1iiii in 1111 Mli Nlillll 11111111111111111 li Man 1111 11m and IJIlll l1l1r ll 11111l I11 inches of iipsrtting 11 11111 1311 11 in 11 111 l1Il iiiikiiouii lll IIII III IIIIII IIIIIIH IIIIIIIIIII 11 gt1 llwrs on houn or 1111 the List isit main114I lIMW 11 11 11 1111 llllilll 11 1i 11121 IIMII mum MIN hr Mun In IlIV Ii1 111 11 1i1111 1111 1111ls 1121s 11111 111 tli Illnlll Lllu II III IHI 11 11 is 1x niunilis It should In 111 11111r1sting flHII lI HI 111 111 1111 H111 11s in 11cut games il 1s 1111 ls 111111111111 wins Ill 1111 DJ 411111 lll Barrie Arena i1 lit1lll as llil1l ruacli the NJ 21 ll ll 1121111 lli 11111 illtlJllltfl llll scum 111111111at the Satiiidziy iaoiiiizig Allie1151MB 11 llaiiic Arena 1111 111111 l111 but 1111 11115130 campaign 11iiiipititioii ilwillcd iii tlic ptcwcc The headline score was 111 tween Trinity and St Marys with Ur 1111 foriiici chine out 10 tiiiiiiipli The remaining two petwuc games also resulted in shutouts PRC oiii biiics managed to 1111111 111111 two notioiii iii 11111111111111 margin oici ciitial by scor 11111 111 111111 1111 iii1 20 victory ovcilliiidilt i=IIfI 11 while 11111al 1111111111 lliirton 1l lltll byltlic same count is 51IIlllllllg weapon Other St Marys marksmcn were Bobby Marshall and John Hall Central United one 58 17 51 32 111 ==Eloag=a=xo Then is one more week 11 go in liurch llockcy Lea$110 1111 E1 1111 three lillSlODS iiieI itrtady settled Allanttalc oiiibincs 1111 Essa Road ran necki and neck all season long 111 1111 uaiiiam group and wzll be lllt Ina11 clubs that book up 1111 the baht1111 championship set1111 51 Mazy wHMmM 1115 tilt11 1l111 111111 li 31111 l1111 liiitlilii 11 lllallilali Mary 11 11111 1111 T111111 l11111l ljlLWClV liiy 11111111 lllt tiitil lli1l1l1 111111111 511 Town Council Dec1des lCivic Recognition 11 was St Marys first loss of F0 Barbafa Ann ScoH 1111 season and iltlcd 1ii iiiidcfcatT 111 sticak 11f ciglit ganics Liltliotiizli IIIIIIIItluy were tit11 lwicc liiiiiiiiutivt Iloiiiiiiy aiiici sank 1111 winniiiz and only counter of the coiiltst after taking pass from Jack tliav lohii tliiistit in lllt Trinity 1111st 1m 111111111111 111 11ll1l1s1i11l shut lli llziiric town council niovtdi lo cslctitl civic ltLllllllllflll of BarI baia 1111 Scott although Mayor lIdwin Wilson 1111 it wasnt llttlgtlll When the Altl Wilson said 11 has occurred to 11111 1111 11111 llltlll Barbara Ann lltllllt pro iiccclt11 fi V91 l0 municipalities coast11 lllllllil 1isliioicli11l ftssional 1111cs inquiry l1l llariison llic mayoi tltlltlilllfl sli1lcsoiit onto the ice ciiibraccs Barbara and shakes you cant 111legato Hockey had said walks or 1111111 lllC iiiiiikcrs came from 111lt tot111111111111 1101 the stick of Bcigti while Allan 1c1Ntwson and David Hill colltcicdI 111 111i 11 1111 101 iitiilllltlic goals in ciitizils will The halitam rat1 continued lobe walk away from the Allandzilc entries The Combines Stllltltlltd SUM my 1pm 35 lllC Coiiilnlics llJ behind from 11111 display by Larry 111111 George Grocery and 1114ll10 111id collected thicc whilc Jacki 11 mm Clciiiiiiciis llllfl loni McDoIioiigli potted two 1ich Vllll Stewart notched the extra tally Ross Gra II ham iiid llowaid Stccklcy dciiti 2ily 11i No 12 Wolf luck 11 till H3O playoffs 1111 Meanwhile Essa Road 111111 11 tcaiii Ill0 tiiiiiiipli ovci liiiiitviilio liavci 11 how folded lll SUIW 0f y1t to gain their initialwiu of the season Goid Anderson and Gary Iong paced the winners with five hiii1l and this job Mr Alayoi The mayor will iiotbi induced by any iiiins to pill on 1111 show you suggcstcd said Mayor Wil 1111 11111 11 view Fri 900 pm Barrie Fiyers vs Oshowd over CKBB Barrie son firmly The council cotiitesics iiicAiriirni MEAT in normal diet liver is recom mended once week IEREE PANT SALE with every made to measure suit goiils each lwo goal efforts were III III mm than 1511111coiitiiliiitcd by Bobby lloopci and lets get out 1iriy Grant St Marys clinched third place in 1111 baiitain standings with close IPISIllyiought 43 margin over Central 01Lliiitcd John Maloncys late lwol goal performance proved to be the Keith Gardner Tim Hook and lxcn Beaversank single scores for 267 Bra Arrangementsarc c11inplc1Cly settled for the Church League hocl o==omo==lo=o==o=o==o=u==0=l MENS 111 wool CAEDIGA SWEATERS AirelorsaneItrsizesAer SPECIAL $298 WORK PANT Navy blue andblaCk Fleece lined Reg$369SPEC $298 MENS SHIRTS All colors VariOuS Stripes and Patterns SPECIAL FIRST 01 THE YEARSBECIAILS MENs WORK BOOTS A11 Wool so 1180 $1289pij ESMOND INDIAN BLANKEITS$439 AIR FORCEJACKETS zipper $695 AIR FORCE PANTS Heavy MeltonCloth $6 Iv RED PLAID SHIRTS ll Heavy Wool SUBSTANDARD TOWELS ll I20 lunlop ol==ogon===o=6===o=o====o=6===ad=g THTRSDAY 515TARY 111 19511 li has 1111111111 11 iil iii 11I 22 riff 11 11 Colgate 11 Guaranlces Faster 111 11 SmootherSliaves gt1 ti lltiiiisoti Mayor cxtciidcd elsewhere wclconr should be Staged Ari iangcuicnts l1 fell in the hands of the reception committee chair man of which is Ald Mrs Mercer llamiltoii 1ft $5250 $5950 or $6550 ANwEXTRA PAIBOETROUSERS of the some material ABSOLUTELY FREE 5W JEWEBB dfordSt Allandale Phone 3632 kinds PAINT IAND VARNISH 17 THURS Over At 11111 As 1F WANr AD 114 Cod Church Hockey Playoff Posts Settled In Bantam and Peewee ln Midgets PDC CZW BATTERY REPAIRS Fast and Slow HECHARGING BRENLNANS 111110 rircnw lllll l11l1 11111 11111111 ll11l 115111 for 1111 ltllll SERVICES iiitl liltl lilsnl 11511 Slim1111s night 111211 lllli Yhmi 111 1111 Judges lighting 1mm 1111 llt11l 33 Bayflcld St iii PHONE 2464 11l didnt was rt11111 115511111111 cred attraction 1111 1111 iippcicut the 1dg caught 11 Wallace liiidlttt tltct lintl the with the but Saunders like IIIIIHIIIII liofli side in iiison for weight redeemed fiverotiiidci wood gained how draw VMENSpuiidye 100 Pure Botany Wool rimvAlkeolgmamlSizes rafe Mewmi Reg $595 59310 $395 EEVELESS SWEATERS Rare Botany W001 All Colors Sizes Slightly Soiled Reg $298 SPEC$149 LARGE STOCK of WorkSocks and Mens Clothing of all LARCiE SIzE COAL SCVUIETLEJSIAQ SUN ELogR IwIAxI lb tin 19 SUN FURNITURE POLISH oz bottle 19 ttle SUN GLASS oLEANER 02110 1MPERvo ENAMEL qll$I25 SI 1p MUD FLATSioinucis $396 pr II IIIRIEILES BSA 22 Gal i$1995 BATTERIES GUARANTEED wRENenEs AND OTHER TobLs ET Phone 5454 ===o