Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1950, p. 12

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PAGE SIXTEEIL Miss Ieon Hamilton Wed at Trinit PERSONALS Account cl mid event and visitor to Lad from Barrie mud Allmdale are sppreclnted by the social department PHONE 2414 Hot Chocolate Fudge Sundae 20C Ili KmilLI or thorolatc Itl rraim Lwli li llii or Alive ll tt LilyHens in ssxxxsxx LUNCH AT BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy 22 ELIZABETH 8T It IINIIII GROWS Iltlllltllzlll has fntll thiYl In il rii hi jttliilirli Iiwls ltl 5c A$S$ Sa tlllt iit iii IIIIII EXAMINER lllI YOIII ilIllNlIVG NEEDS llItII ltH tollouing their recent editing Thr is the daughter of Ca fe Hamilton Her husband is son of loronlo They plan on making the il gt iintlliiinnniimmii in of the ser it Start Building Today For Better lmm lomorrow Mrd sttnlies on tune inside by Industry F== fllltilllt and techniques may be Alumni BA BB Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley ACM Organist and Choir Leader sides the The first something routine work at home SYNDAY JANUARY 22 ltlt Mrs Brett invCharge Choir Leader pmEVENING SERVICE Itlon at it confusion in the working place Hood rorli habits are worth cul tiiiiting ii you an efficient =l SUNDAY JANUARY 13 1930 liayer Bible Study Wed ti pm rillMORNIch WORSIIIP Worker re you good man THE FRIENDLY CiIURCH NURSL CLASS no you on your toes All Departments of the Sunday SchoolmecLAL239I2U i7 pfin EVENING WORSHIP lSZi UnltedVChurCh Holy eiyices pm and pm Minister Rev Bcwell BA wmcuv Choir Leader Mrs Lenover olii Oman Mr Smm CRcveSSE Lewis MA BD Minister Mr Lloyd Tufford Organist and Choirleader lrs Agnes Campbell Anten lhlills lIl to tlllltlllIlCtkIIIt en moment of her daughter Agnes Campbell to John II Col 1illl7tli New Toronto son of Mr and Mrs William Collins tilcwtngd time to take place early in Feb ruary 5p Mr and Mrs Shanty Bay wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Louisa Gertrude Jaiierxtonghfford Itoss son of Mr and Mrs Iohn iiblion of llandale the wed dine to take place quietly inthe near future 5p SUNDAY JANUARY 32119336 ll amMORNING WORSHIP ViLtor over Temptation rimEVENING WORSHIP Standing in Your Own Light rsirm JAY JANUARY 2221950 ll amMORNING SERVICE On Thinking Magnificentlyu About God Broadcast CKBB CHURCH SCIIOO 11 am mBeginners and Primary 174 p4iSl Boys Class 230 pmAll other classes Come to Gods House on His Day THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 antJunior Intermediate Senior Depts ll amNursery Beginners and Primary Depts cafh0hc gtpmAdult BibleClass Womens League Ineld nonba 99 pmEVEN1NG SERVICE AI Club 79 Feby Religion AtrEveryday Levels Collier St Baptist Church Independent Some World 7RINDAXT JANUARY 22 1950 pH il LillxiiFltlth Which Workcth Byi Love pmBIBLE SCHOOL pgmrProphetic Theme Renovation of the Eartht Mon ilpmrYP Service Wed pmPrayer and Praise Jan 25thMceting with Hunt cancelled Watch for neydatc Visitors cordially Welcome St Andrews Presbyterian Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister Main STEELE Choirmaster Mn AE CHURCHILL Organist Younglfep cs ireside E12Mm Flynn Ml DdMm Ilcffron Mr andlVlrs Environs Mr and Mrs II Shep Gospel Hall 19 ParksideFErlve lLicut Col andMrs William Coop SUNDAY JANuARv 22 3950 ll amBREAKING 0E BREAD pmSunday School and Bible Class pmGOSPEL MEETING Wed pmPrayer Meeting Welcome Seats Freeglito Collection Mrs Mind of Camp Borden General convcner ylrs Frank Guilfoyle announce Ithiithcre will be seVeral noveltie rcluding snowball dance dancing to the music of Don Wylie itickcts gt FREE METHODIST Church 200 Bayfield St Phone 4572 REV AND MRS CHASEl ministers Barrio Lva It SIJNDAY IANUARY 2231950 11 Lm MORNING wonsmp 230 pinThe ChurchSchool pmEVENINCW0Rsrpe SUNDAY JANUARY 22 1950 rune in sooscmgasofdm toij lll lllS STANLEY llIYlNl leave lrinity Anglican hurch Hrs Mercer Hamilton of Barrie and the late Mr Helen McKercher Tells Womeni To SimplifyWork In The Homel management were Many of theirE 930 wSUN DAY SCIIOOL pplnd to our homes What quan ll amIIORNING WORSHIP Burton Avenue united iity of work does your plant pm Subject Church out lloni Jlltltlo the quantity of tonipulsious of tire Christian Lifc Rev Carder Minister torli by how lll you are What ll MirNURSERY SCHOOL to Mr ll DemIiscyOiZiinist and kind of Work habits do you have lrurtration may be the result oft ftor doiiig itwell Editor or may Roy Phillips of CE lcljy tuning VFGKTBBT atsiylfVBEII Patrons for the catholic Womeni REV ItIITCIIELL Minister t2 Living Together 1011 TheSamc League Snowball Dance to be hep Sll0l In The Same Town In Illgiat Club 79 on Tuesdav Februaryl trellis Worship Mayor Edwin Wilson andIVIrYWiIson Mriand John lpard Mr and Mrs Eugene SnlithR Vlcr Dr andMISTN Laurie Mr and Mrs Dccarie and Capt and of the dance iat the annual affair this year in and vsquare dancing as well as round Mrsfpeter Hook iSconvenerthe Wimchestra Dress will beoptional THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRI Li It bride the former lcan Hamilton Mr and Mrs Joseph Leyland of ir home in Toronto learn of new products and im sit when you can wear comfort able clothing It is often good management to ipractice intelligent neglect Each job can be simplified It is esti gmatcd that to ifll ofmmanual iwork done is unnecessary Ques Is the job neces lsary Do reach too far Do bend too much Do stole equip mom and materials for first In conclusion it was stated that tlie responsibility of keeping the liciiltli happiness and morale of families rests on the homemakcrs l1tisnt an easy job Youll get po medals or citations or headlins Youllrlct 110 tthing but the satisfying knowledge that you have played your part ition your work Delivers Address Barrie Kiwanians The 35th anniversary of Kiwanis International was fittinely observed in special program by the Barrie Club Monday night at Community House Rev Ernest Lewis was chairman anniversary message by In ternational President JIlugh Jack son of Yale Alto California had been rchrded and was heard by the Barrie members yyvia Harold Iodds machine Anintcrview be tWeen Barrie President Fred Kel ly and Ralph Sticlgrove was heard of these ta dealt with the aims and objects of Kiwanis andthe trespOnsibilities of its members An lintroduction to President Jackson was givenby JH Rodgers Thermoostenprize given by Norris and presented by last weeks winner Synnott was won by Chittick An inspiring address was given by Alfred Savage editor of YRay and secretary of QM District Mr Savage was introduced by Parsons and thanked by lCraig Kiwanians closed th joining with Past President Morris in the Pledge of Rededication IMPORT swoon The Divine Sword of Jzipan is 2000 years oldand when it was ganizedinmivhiclroverSoomtliper sons took part Ne Today she informed her audi Ilfl in connection with these poor vnl in our lifetime that havei lil breed disease and distress titt we finish the joluiiless we 118 Canadians meeting by moved in 1935 ceremony was or iEuropes Displac lp ed Our He ed Persons olly ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JANUARY 19 1950 Govt Housing Doesnt Require Building Permit his ills minim war in Melly Airlin ide iitlc one in tIikCtissltttl null 13 Burm tom cith Monday of lv Iltilnthaiii Hey it ll IIIl not ttl=t to Kim pavrjuir at thi anoint lilit no lizialdn ptirmt was iv meeting or llic Barrie in ilyieil Amp 30mm it by Hungary and high UL mm in lizrirz illlill of the Ct and In Jim third IALHM llIltlIyl tbi azadr fell in 10 IIVM kWhl mm mm 1h WWIMMUIgym iiiii ittcndanci and inspectmn at in WinIi Aid llrioii volun 330 it itll Plinth 11 im WMlinoury livend information the lltltlrci MCGW dum imhiigtum W0 Johnson Ivho inspected the in IMd WWW zl dcl or with Ill connection imil mitt 11 Pm at A1 Uh Hull ht lnddison ruthenium this gnu war pruhlirn ir itilw till fllhltlllllli Susi Jim MrWI mph leliltillV WW tum lxd ik Ir trip to taizip Iloiticn Sgt Ayn third its itisciiriiiniitmn IM will llm human All Hut was plzicnl in charge of the Clitttl izunl mitt Wink tint Liv cu he lni tsllillgtilll to ryifiirvrrla Wk Hfwwmmbh The llLAI Illtlvtl tianspoitatioti ivalidf 3N1 Lino hr ramps to glut oppoitur WW Silliildlml 0i Little gods to Iluinsele chi vi ptrsons till existent III propli lll them iiispite the igloo that ti had already taken within be there were still about dz trio bakers according to thi cat Wittang of their talents and skillt by the International Refugee lilllilliill Site praised the work ahead it who were it tragic aftermath Second World War Ilu itsf id preventative medicine It Ily after this war that ic have liyt our preventative medicine ll and For centuries it Elliot it has been taken for ranted that the victor took 1h intpuslicd for slave and the Itn zaps still do it cvcstill got those camps that 13 th ijitl lllt The Salvation Army wt weekly ltllvllltltlll proved methods Are you 11le responsibility to inform our Mary Street 30 COLLIER ST to bc held tt illlilllt laxed hostess Do you have the silc about what is over there The Home of Friwmy WOESMbth llzili this winter got ncctrssary coinage to disregard less nd what can bc done to help allvxlmy iyxtwuy my if Sr Captain and Mm iif unlit iill illil londiliy iinpinltinyit things in favor of hosw Ourilpresltigel in1 Eurlope was ozin wr en pr titti1 mart ng sic repor pmWRplmvors MPolmg strynwy IAyrARy 33 inf Hereinr home tltlI0Tlll The Illgtl step in good manage Wild 41150 Wil William pmSUNDAY 5HOOL $11 no1 INFQQ MFFTING lllltllW Ill Imllg ment is to be able to take cri lid OE mall 11 50 inCOSPEL hlllillNG mHn g1n gCEIOOI iilil llrzintn oronto as the cal mm yoursolp Suggos yer to Europe Miss McGee told EVERYBODY WELCOME li7 pii IIlllllltllt Service NHL lions wlnch might be helpfuliir listeners What huiopt isr ii All lrlcrchcis topic was were learning aboub us is ggpg out 31 haikugirl mm Ml Willi IIIIIII and Energy Wise Tum mm Mn hunlmgwork tour kitchen doors mii lumbxr rrrrr AA ins wnd I11hm Chm Lllwlmiiifin is easier for the liealthy home lilllPS ilnlallll5 lhli11illllt tic mras scarier roin ier very wk MM hubn Drum o1 cttcrs iat are going ati FlrSI BOleSI IItmqmilxgullintyyLi gtlilllllllllll and informative talk Ems good hygipno lt not only routle wwimv hum may 11mg mow Em mo mm fwd Rood msluw the camps but in the lllgt mai by and then to cities behind th Iron Curtain The problem of displach per sons was more aCIIIc now than ilv immediately follttwing the war she Claimed About seven to nine million displaced Germans werc now pouring into Austria on of the Russian zones The time of IRQwas Coming to an end she warned and their intiney had been moreor less used The old the sick the blind and the maimed persons still in camp in Europe would bare to becomc charge on the rest of the worldl In addition to them there were the others hardtoscttlc and it was with thelattetgthatanadacould when creative imagination Mandyr help itself and help them This group included the older pro fessional people skilled persons and widows with children Chil men are always an investment We would bebringingmp young The great problem in Etfrope and the reasonwhy Europeigcould not help itself in this situationvwas the influx of people into countries who couldnot hold them In our countrya young country we have room for people in lot of jobs for which we have not enough people with the right qualifica lions She told of the exploitation of these people in Europe and ever cited several cases wherethey had been exploited in Canada We oftcrf take for grantedthat thcso people should work for longer hours aridles pay than we dorsimply because they are foreigners and speak different tongue We are inclined towihink that they are not quite as good aswe are We can be good sCan only help them to adians bybeing good Canadians how the war had brought about IRO had beenfounded as solu tion tothis problem possible As the them from getting on and what could llt dttllt to litilllyli is llIltItl ESupervise Children iWhile Their Mothers Listen To Lecture short course at Guthrie was licld Monday Jan to lunch time and cinliions or hook ed rugs to sit or ill on during rest period attended the School last year and had been looking forward for some time to its ltttlllllt singing games from direction of help lliinipel of the munity who supplied cups extra ourselves Miss McGee traced the story of the problem of displaced persons in Central Europe and how the During the war when ounarmr ies rolled forward they found hun dreds of thousands of displaced personsThe Germans always took them as far away from home as armies ound thse people theytried to keep the roads and going home and they were drivenback and put in You Inns know inp You maul tic 1i at you are doing it ding that needitl till kni botb I4It Iiti that why trot ll unit to Lilli to you lnioimatioiilp iivcs lixis now You are kind on art Enron and Hill are II rsident Mrs Ilic optnine aftmnoon of tliel ilay school for lttllttl chil lren which being carried on in tilljtllltlltHl with the agricultural Eleven preschoul children from MS years or age came to the course along plastic cups for pinging Nu of these youngsters participated in storiis and songs under the The children tilt to l3tl pm Sinicoe tounty recreation commit tee and IIgt It lislicctch of Bar rte There was rest period about the middle of the afternoon fol lowed by lunch consisting of chocolate milk provided by some of the mothers and cookies pro vided by the Simcoe County rc crcation committee Main attractions of The after noon were the childreris phono graph records and plasticenc which held the childrens interest for good part of thetime There were also number of simple handmade toys yvhich the children enjoyed Some Scrap lumber fltHll the Ball Planing Mill proved ttf serve most apprtnniately as blocks This play school will be carried on for the seven succeeding weeks It is hoped that the children will have worthwhile experiences inq feaiiningto play with one another They will have the opportunity of taking part in many forms of play activity which will help to develop muscular coordination There was good deal of co operation evident on the opening day of the play school onthe part of different members of the com and hooked rugs wash basins other equipment Donations of suitable for small children onwhuur ittlllh on An lttillilnltlll subjccts the privilege of enjoying tthc canteen Ifteiwviudsyand for the lltllhpllllilllftn Next Week Only the cadets preSent on next Mondays will iadc on Friday Jan 27 at the usu al time to hockey game between 1035 to the Simcoe committee would be greatly ap preciated County recreation CLEARING inil mtiuctoi lt cadets ha lxami wlii While at Camp tin uni liligiit Sgt tiatvs rowd ytl Iitvtcsting This was follovcdby 45min te lecturi on liio Engines itlilllflll in protiding us with such instructon for parade Jan 13 nn the right to attend the pit larrie Flyers and iztlt Black Iawks on the invitation of ti xecutivc of the Barrie Ilye lockcy Club IIIIICNIWOOI WA The Brentwood WA met at the parsonage with good attendance present on lhursday Jan The meeting closed by singing Insurance these 12 Entitled Deputy Ilene irtffin illuhiIi it was rlltl further by Aid gsiliiiiiison that the project has ll gown ilittlltttgti and not subject Ito inspection the town build 111 lllllttltil ioooil people who did not come vuy under ordinary lltllltlllulltil ml Us Styl LU ID lb ltn NIUJ tlilnm Lunch was served by tin cgtc were no mg in the lit Al tor MW 11 yczns lios ests Mrs Bill Met uav and IL Ii nt iltu byt iS dottots Bot vetermarians hilt aci Barrie Squadron ho 103 wish to ihe club president Miss Marc in I1IIIll 1tt engineers titling thank Ning Committich II Int NLlll Mitt lltdgtih1 makers 2004 butchers amt 11 lm lulu Lccomte DFL for his kind coop WHS All 11 Ci Utto IiIlgttll was answered by verse of scrip turc Business then followed The meeting was in charge the presiltnt Itlls It Homer and iopened by singing nymn scrip ture reading and prayer miss ionary story wu read by Itr Cook URRYS for SKIS SKI BOOTS SKI BINDINGS Ski Accessories 36 Bayficld St riioNE 3874 ll PROGRESSIVE Co of Canada REPRESENTED By 3033 BLOCK BARBIE Help Kin Eactha Healthy Ki HAVENPBRTS Vanrlavaort Suites EANGING moMsssss up All the best makes including Kroehler and Fry and Blockhall Repps tapestrys velours in good assertment of colors camps camps and with the army assist because they would be sent slave labor to Russia When When the war ended UNRRA came in to take charge of thesel ed in repatriating great many Five million Were sent home Bull great many of them did not want to return to their countries it wasifoundiunder What conditions they had to return they were giv achoice and many of them 20 mi The MinisterWhiws 815 pmf+YLIS Fireside Hour 200pmSUNDAY SCHQOL Come to Chllrch VAll Are Welcome lledwwith gt gt IV gt IL Trinity Church 2Yuh Anglicani 3RD SUNDAYAFTER THE EPIPHANY SUNDAY JANUARY 22 1950 MingIIon Communion ll amMorning Prayer SubjecFTE NEEDronAuTHORITE s200pmBibleClass 230 pmSunday School pmEVENSONG fSIIbjec ciiurcii TUESDAY JAN 24 48PM rqur Dons Tunirnnnn BOOK CONTAIN Preacher forvthe day The Rector lltevid deP erghtfRector Mrs MRoberts Organist FOR RNA Rev Fred Sass ASSOCIATE wrru Env BARR TORONTO 2Dr GeoDoxee VIOLINIST IocinBfrron SOPRANO Freddie Dyke BOYSOPRANO YOUNG CANADA BIBLE noun UNRRA gave up gates sent by number of AnatiOn Itspurpose was totakc care of the worldsrefugees gave money them gr Those coming to Canadawe domestic labor The haLincreasedde increascd Europe would wear kerchiefs more there were and active anticommunists stayed in camps One milliono them were still dISplafced pwhen Then1R0 was set up with delel There Were now 18 nations In IRO one of which is Canada Some nations others with room took people The money of mo was used to charteriships tomove selected for jobsfor which we did not have enough people the mines lumber camps farms and movement Most of us had theideathat the people who came over from their heads 3and sheepskin coat remarked Miss McGee Instead intellectuals among lhemJthan among our own nation They were thinking people predominance of schOol teachers the white collar class and profess 11 YE On ith FURNITURE 129131 nUNLoPsr pi tin STEVENSON CO PHONE 5201 as $7 get dimes Buy Ketchup by Hinz is No longer dolyou have to v1 ci tlt thatisobviously bed Skillful designers have created the perfect com jbinanon in sofa and it Comfortable bed asvwell This is the formore sleeping accom handsome frying room answer to your problem modation living room beauty combined srovEs PHONE4492

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