Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1950, p. 11

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VV VV Lyons and the various township appointmrnts IMAM VV Lllllllllll Cltllkt RtV ltl Nllllllli pumonsv mwwrm Push and the county IciiicsentntWes lllUVlmlAll and 1011 EElilff9 inion grants Rev James Ferguson Scott Boys KC lumvcunonoawhon Lot Ltt OBL ML Gioigt Johnston MP1 plllJlltll V10 51 no Walls Ralph blltlglovtV Mrs Wilttltl Mrs afx 5474 Stewart Harold lorster special names 11 ROlJOIlhOIi OMEN mum Hurry Kori Mrs Gable Grant Mayor gment mm iiIIuI mootin Each committee Will have power to add names Ihe general MONOGMM CW iEVE AT c0orcliiiiitirig committee will consist oi the chairman of CIICll pm committee under the chairmanship of Mr Mitehinson EXer TrealS 1501153 99 Tumblers WW U9 VV iiie ill would Presented to COUHCNII rosin riinng out every Former derman duht3 may laboratory tor the piislsiil td ii tin men on be blilll the loril Vltlmlili lilllrtil Hll VV Jug and Vth HIV VVV ospiti toilt lllltilll earn 011 99 lay of approximately $1600 but shill1 dinkvtdvli rloxsiiliriml telephone ex voiild largely maintain itself when Ibl Hi Cxi tildlttl iii Ilamilroii VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVS VVVVVV 11 chairman Warren Wilgru bronchi in WW managean gt ll ld committee ii tilt inspi on ll motini on tll Vellum es av an Jan lti highlyrecommending that pluqnpu cg 30 lung 510 00 Barrie audience last night rent llllltllCt appial had not been less laboratoiw he installed In but In Barbara Ann StottV bLVVV erred by her saeiiiiees in the do The managemontVcommittec as Avrb By mun usyou 001 in 3225 Hm World hmllm 53 lmmlS 51 bumt5 1Cllllll 10k 10 11 mam skater at the age ofV192V Appearing Barbara Aim turned to protcSS more fully and bring detailed bl 15 ll blOth hilill 53100 to $4900 here in the lirst night of Skating ionzil skating only when there report regarding the cost and the Sensations of 1950 the Olympic were no more heights to be at salary of mummy technician CIPLETE AN 131151 WEAK NV STOCK Queen still displayed the perfection taincd as lll amateur skater And before the board at the next ineVVct of style thatV had won her the it is with Canadian company ll ing NlluNS AND 1301 WEAR Tl VV VV Vi womens gure skating crown in an almost entime Canadian Show This committee will also 10CUIC 55 mxuw 513 imam Asleep Smoking 30 MUN the 1041 Olympics that she is bringing her magni information about any arrangc Cundles Youth rnd mp hm gin blmdy Coupled with her incomparable cent skating before her ownpeo inent that could be made with the now 10 ruidmirlny ShowmmlSllli ple SilllCUU count hcuml mmv Who On Arms and Chest LEVSWVVJSVVVEVVMVM til 1le acquired yet not uaneOiii Close to 3300 beople packed the were diiXiUUS it llilVVChil lilb ill osee snout VV lvmcm VV BV VV 91 VVV VVV ll int in ViVn lmllLlll tuinicd profess Barrie Arena last lllLlll to give ti at the expert inu VVVV ltli ripe unV cuttich an lLll chV VkOC up 10le UCV hm Skatmg as SUV warm welcuchVVm the Canadmn Vgoueinmcntn The committee V1 isarruiVe Bullylmddliobz hrsrlutlrcsc1cchins 91111311 rvasstilllwiriostwvaliiablepolg SkatingermenrrllL7i5veSliliitrietlWamlgatCJrthuil Y1ll39 ANNOUNCES 1mm will both 15 ms C330 names 59de to the walls sion as single performer but llCl that an even laruer number will 20 10 U10 101m and ll Tim and his neck badly burned as the and curtains Two other occupants 91 merit ivingr tin be on hand ihls ovum for piotiiicid go 011 in result of fire which started when of the rooinbcat the fire out and tum the bOwnd mum of he mow dllCldl dbblclcllltk he felliisleep smoking Cigarette rushed him to the hospital BarbaraAnn Eno lab 1V BARF 11 mg Wt 310 medic and this alternoon at three oclock for lb 01 tVl D1 PORTRAITS LESSONS T0 OW uSIneSS the school children of the town Elm58g it dliclen JOHN MITCIIINSON has been 0N COHMISSION jun gTUDENTS it More Fund mllhglsitclddotthe ireiii had been Shanahun hmpiml sulmrmmmmm eGigiiirlrll ihSgiilliiiujoflnthzmgdrrzi Studio Vext to Bank of Vora beolir Mild that lllC Lll km Hospital ieiitrziiiee tioin ltlllV Twice Weekly MONDAY THURSDAY FIRST WITH THE BESTlN BARRIE MIDHURST HALL FRIDAY 20 JANUARY LUNGHCQUNTER Three Sections 22 Pages and Sc per copy MINER THE fBARR 87m YearNo BARRIE ONTARlO CANADAVTHURSDAYJANUARY i9 I950 Section 3Poges IS to P05 0le DIFHUIEHY GHANA ThuFri Sal Barbara Ann Scott lHospital Campaign Office lSDunlop Is Already Opened No time is being lost in getting the Barrie and District Mtlilulllll llospiirrl lAnnd completed The Red Cross Rooms at 115 Duiilop Street over Brown To have been obtained us caznpaicn headrpiarters and are already open Mrs Stewart illlltt manager Willi Mrs Delaney in charge 01 the clerical work Meanwhile donations may be left at any bank in Barrie or Allandale iilso at Sterling Trusts At largely attended enthusiastic meeting of the newly eliited directors lnesday nith at the Cxll oiliees John Miiehinson was named as general ehannmn tor the Hospital Fund and plans were laid to get the campaign going as soon as possible The tollowiugY were elected 1st vicechairmanvI McCar roll 2nd viceehairnian Walter Dull treasurer Leighton Clarke legal representative Boys KC Committees are as iollows town campaign Warren Wilgar Walter Diili MeCarroll John Dobson Bren nun Pugh Mrs Frank Giiiltoyle township campaign Sinipkins Louis lrimX Mrs Roy joodtellow Mrs lMlERIAl Double Bill Entertainment For Everybody irnevcc warizrs rrousE or nrrs Thursday Friday Saturday Continuous Show Sol 230 pm Prruount Ieaento ALAN LADD AGAIN DONNA VV Hes lighting eporter avenging mysterious Beauty and igtrict Memorial Fund llc is the Manager of the Barrie Works of Canadian General Electric and has been chairman oi the Hospital Campaign since it was rst organized painted deep turquoise and dee orated with sixsided geometric snowflake patterns for the show The orchestra conducted by Bldyd cooper played from podium at the north end of the arena Preceded by group of young men bearing the interlinked live ring Olympic symbol Barbara Ann VScott made her first appearance facilities aigjcmrt time matter of hm proposed welcome in solo freeskating exhibition Miss Shanahan reminded the Barrie had alousew to quelled 0th repell0119 thaliboard that the department had cor nouggiLgglmgL W0 for her the Olymplc Champ Ecmned the training school three ionshipinrlEMPFThecombination bearkgggmrgpiacie hiin tr of showmanship with flawless for the nurses Althougliiits or of the Cast ot Skating Sensations tCdmllue and the apparent ellOllj stallation would mean the pinpioy of 1950 Barbara Ann 41 her trim 10391955 and 21300 0f 10 llny Sta ing of lulbtime lab technician red gabardmc suit withVa md and blmting brought instant cheers and she explainodlhat his salary would whiteiprmicd 511k kerchi tied applause fromhcr Barrieaudience be paid through charges to pal over her bionde hair and her For this Olympic presentation the ients beatCr coat toVssed over the back star vorezin abbrgiatcd costume Of tlic $1600 it would cost to of her chair smiled andsaid Oh of gold wrtr old 1050 facings and install laboratory equipment MrV isnt that nice when tiny girl gold CiOWn Wilgar reported that $1300 this stcplfed up and showed her pen Assisting as orchbearers were would be spent onusable SUDQESS cil drawing she had made of Harold Shccre dward Brand and would be recoverable The figure skaierh She autographed it stettcr Ray Dusman Oscar Dus lClnainihg outlay would be for and handed it back to the child sault and John Melendez permanent equipment aftegowingpiLto her motherV The younger members Chairman RCV James Ferguson ticilitics at the hospital improved Dr Taylor as sured the board that the capital expenditure would pay dividends in better care He added that the lat would be useful when the new Wingwas built and said he tell that the hospital did not even have decent minimum of lab By JANE lllNDS have laboratory Well thats his piiiilegeVwas Barbara Aim Scotts only comment when she learned that Mayor Edwin Wilson was not going to take any part in civic rcccptidn folloririiigVlier poiformaiiceVheic last night Thc Olympic cham pion turned professional was unl perturbed by the commotion the For Further Information PHONE V3i13 bW BARBIE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Auspices 731 DANCING ROSS RONALD ORCHESTRA ANNUALMEETING Wednesday Jan 25 1950 pm fi V4 Barhare Commumty House All members are iirgecllto be present to hear the annual reports financial statement and to elect new directors BELL President racquets and donation iiom Mrs Rolphr had paid their toes Miss Shanahan reported that there had been no let up since the New Year in demand for beds waiting list had been necessary on several occasions Medical Staff Report Dr John Oillc Toronto heartl specialist had communicated with the medical staff to the effect thatu he would have to begin t04shVarg for reading clcctro cardiagraphsl The board decided to send letAi ter of appreciation to gtDr Oillc thanking him for his services ovcrl the past 10 years and retaining his services on an equitable basis He will be paid $3 for every car diagraph readingcand as result1 hospital rates will be raised from Seated at table in tlic heatrc Grill with four other members ST JOHN AMBULANCE COmmcncing new series or cldsscsiii norm NURSING Starting Ion 20th 1950 KVXX AuALoIirs0N Secretary WWWr TDAN crNo or the who was seated at the next table audience vcrc particularly cn infOYmEd th bdald that 13 Ben nett Estate Fund which was rapid One of Barbara Anns poodles thrallcd with her charmiri child 35 sealed at he feet 35 She rensv feature Teddy Bearsg Picnic 13 dwindling COUId beds 59 g313dud $10 no pad to we For reglstration and enquiry spochand the other one was curl in whichrshe played the role oi up any permanent equipment The mdical Staff was given The management committees rc commcndation that the salaries of the nursing staff be increased to keep them in line with the salar ies of staffs other hospitals in Simcoe County was adoptcdby the board edVV Up under the table Goldilocks The lumbering antics do hope everyone is not worry of the three bears were clever lng abOul 19 leQeDlion think contrast to the delicacy and charm it was very nice of the councilto of the petite Skate want to give me reception She admitted that the mayorhad ap peared at receptions elsewhere in Canada Barbara Ann spent the after noon ot her arrival in Barrie in movie theatre The entire cast of the show spent the night on board their spccialcars which had been shunted off onto siding following the arrival in town with the noon train from Belleville They will leave tonightafteruthc power to act with regard to em ploying student doctor who had applicd for summer internship The same policy as used last year willbc employed with the hospi tal boarding the inlernc and tth doctors paiying him V7 Superintendents Report In explaining the increase in the Thohospital superintendent Miss Tuvm l0 Page twentytWO please reported that VV Mitsuoonziuc 800 pVrnV TRINITYiPARISHHALLV MRS FRANK HAMMOND willlbeVlecturer Oddfellows Tomple JochNcillio Vand hisOidhoriro DANCIVNVG 900 fro 1200 Turn to pagcrtwcntyone please Dog Missing May Be Stolen VProvincial policczarc looking for dog reported missing possibly stolen from its owner Basil Con lin Simcoe Hotel Barrie The dog is described asa female spaniel Wme Helen Shanahan Dccember 1949 had been one of the busiest Deccmbers in the hos pitals history Patient days in December had been 2253 in con trast to 2041 in 1948 The avcr age number 0patientsin thehos arr19FIVBTSHOCKBY Club roiiuiir nriiciiiii Why no dance where you have showwith the Northbound for aboll Mae and half years Old pital had been 727 over 1948s VV first classu roundings 6rd lovely1 Womjgh apipeance in Now It is white with brown spots 658 The peak numberof patl oorV VLVVVR BayVVmem whereth will travel around the nos and browndotVV tents ipVVthcliospital at any one t9 on the crown of the head FVam time had been 84 Vi them towns 13 todprons 0f me OWL th Obstetrical cases had showna ri rosrsiio VMOItlLlaiZClillB Ar COMMUNITYHOUSVE of dog answers to the name Barbara Ann feels nodiffercnt Shine now that she is rofessional Ofcourseyou have Foput onnij Anyonc knowmg 0f ithe dogs show for thepeople and find out Whmiborls TellueSttd Con what they like But like that tact mm vllealqumte 0f the They dont look for perfection OPP at Barri but for what pleases them and that iswhat makes the difference OMlNG EVENTS But nd itjust as hard work being avprofessional as being an amateur Only its morerfun She said that she had made no definite future plans with rgard her career orprsona1 life She wa merely anxiousatthe moment to v1 in the different parts of Canada where the show was tak ingrher his is Canadiansth for Canadian donLthink per formers slioul leave their own country as they wantetho perfoemin the smal centres of Cnada and Skating marked increase to 65 overV 54 in 1948 IMiss Shanahan expressed the hospitals thanks to the board for their kindness in providing for most enjoyable Christmas and New Years AShe made particular mention of donations of candy fromVWoolworthfscnd Dr Turn bull and Dr Postnikoff fruitgfrom CharIESTRobinson and apples from Mrs JB Holden Donations of equipment during Barrie rllyers Judaic Jan 20 810pm BRRRIESMODERN ARENAR ReservedSeaMrrailable StandingRoom Limited MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW At one of the followidgagencies Dixios Phone 9057 Jabksons Phone 9089 moneysroic9052jwhirtysngpgStoierhou2823 Smart Sinoke Shop Orilliai Morrisons Drug Store Penetang Kays Koee Kup Elmvale Somers Electric AlliSton VGmmg aVnd sVonV Lenny Graves and Allen Newmarkot Tickets Available at agencies till pm day of game then at Archa from 80 rpm $150 per couplq gt The VBariie Community Assodlitioni eiitds cordial invitation to All Mem ber Organizations to attend the Annual Prcseiitatiiiiuit 1949 Reports Benevoleth committee of Bay viVew Chapter 105 Order of the Eastern Star are holding Janu the month included stainless arytea Wednesday Jan 25 fromV steel bedside equipment for the 36 at the home of Mrs Cchildrens ward donatedby Chas Lower 119 Sophia St 5b Robinson and Christmas donaV VV Annual grafting 3L VVVVchcVBarriction of combination radio and Union Cemetery Co will be held rcorapirwerfothc student nurses at the Community House Toronto by the Womens Hospital Aid St at pm Tuesday Jan 31 TheBarrie Business and Profes All lot owners are requested to be sional Womens Club had donated present Smith Pres v57bTthrec new lamps for wand 26 Bingo Ladies Auxiliary to Can Ten student nurses had been al 45 Toronto StreetBarrie Tuesday Icrnudry 24th 1950 830 pm AFTERWARDS VRODGERSV Barbara Aani thinks Legion Owen St 815 pm lowed to join the GarrisonBad REFRE Just wonderiVu Everybody sharp onday Jah 23 Good minton Club at junior member SHMENTS Pre 1d been so friendlit to us Th prizes 15 games 25c Everibody ship trees The Simcoe Medicall Reserved seats 00 15 standing Room Adults 500 arena 1901s iUSt lovely xxx 5b Group had bought them four Write MM Muzak lungs

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