Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1950, p. 9

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3WD iiiVARY E6 1950 131mm mm 3mm ONTARIO CANADA PAGE NINE VWINTER TRAINING PROGRAM rxrmos from the amp Borden ltitrn OIE In INNISFIL NOTES in 1108 Lf llg ltilll urn 51 yalli 1211 illrlll Rn Mr Button of RENT NEW CAR Isa AWN and Drive it Yourself it rlitlltllflg liurn sloziawiis BARRIE unau ul the hocking DRIVE CAR IiftvIltf an In Like Company limited llltltTZ liltlvUllSEIA LICENSEE 69 Collier St can 11 tindll Cinrvsr tr uii plutl ii Linc commune chi oi areas wet nd gtllfiiitl pass on all instills il titlltipllllil aIIrtllnc our tilsllwt is whole liiJlt lac HI llltt flli on t1cti 11 dlltl Ittttitili leiinto Ilzxi life it iii11s lla it plan to wall Killll tin Mu 1141 hr lll could Izl limit in rt as ll marizil IiiIL litlay by tile ulicl 1111i lrl Sltrt Hair Hunt at pl to lie LI Illlllli olni lion Nata IIt Liv Thai something must lu done in the mirthl of building control az 111 one of the Inaitu there Loch lai mentioned 11 tlflllillflltl to touncii thzngs that meritd drum lie was must tflflfilllti about tic ling sonw playgrounds at the iod tntis which would be UIIP ol lll lllJIILlS that the illlflllllll 1lIllIllI ire could advisi uli 1t pm lll no FREE Delivery SEE BRIGHT FUTURE KEEP THE lhe township tielk has sufficient tlutns in general lllllllt= of tin township and these matters of plan and building liquirelncnts should lic placed in scparatt itllilll Illlilll There are sufficient public plrltcd persons lIl lan township ho would donate time and though to these matters in order that our municipality does not lMCulllr 1h duniping ground for the distrie also lliatotil lionsinit condition1 do not continue as are at present even though built under the present township permit 11th PROTECTION filATllIlts The suggestion that our lliiifllfl pality go together with those all joinini Barrie and purchase tarer typo of waterCarryin fire truck which viiuld be stored in Barrie and optruled by the paid and Ilillll cd fire department of the town seems to be meeting lIIl the ap proval of other areas It would be incessary that each municipality Kmschens formula is unique blend tllllll illlillk Ii SISfim ill slums of saline minerals similar to those liSLlWils so that the hamlets found in naturalwaters of famous would have plenty of water avail medicinal springs Kruschen offers you these four advantages EASY TO TAKEDissolvcs quickly in water or your morning coffee tea or fruit juice Most folks find the small morning dose is best It would be good fortune indeed to be rid of that sallow pcplcss dragged down feeling Caused by sluggish irregular elimination And so simple to find relicfwiththC worldrenowned 1mimfgently Iaxatiic KRUSCHEN on the tire equipment of Barrie since the last fire in lnnislil The crew did good job and helped considerably but lack of water was iaualn handicap The tank sup plyol the bimonuratcrservice has been alpsplcndldillelp and it should he Vahvays kept loaded and ready This with the new type of for nozzles on the high pressure hose could save most fires if they were there quickly enough WORKS FASTAIlsually within the hour Iocs ndt spoil your day GENTtE ACTIONIts formula is bah lIlLLlI to act gentlyuwithout dis comfort IlererDOver 300000000 pack Farlners would be well advised ages sold throughout the world to make survey to see if they could construct asmall pond that could lbe kept tullof water It would be an ideal place for the ducks and geese if nothing else Butit would provide supply of water when needed Villages could drpin the roof waters from church ije yourself fresh start to bright at future by taking Kruschen regulnri ly for while Youll soon discover what it is to have that famous Krusi clicn Feeling 25c and 756 at all drug stores runners to Minwmmsm IHRIFIY CANADIANS Watch Thursdays Paper anLEirs LIMITED 60 DuniopSt BARRIEW that is Operating out of its Whitehorse beiilighiimj tests are curried out to nature the 40 aviarme high qualityfandlongprIushngbrhi 32 every Generql Electric lump Tholsiwhy its important to on yyu 1410 ask for them by name GE dealerin the handy rs Lirnlllu CGMPANT tied asthc No 9School has still lef isecrotary fROSSHllhhilulp 7Starts Thursday l1INlSlllllll of Montreal poses here in the neat scarlet Canadinn British Empire Games will blazer which nulmliers ot the wear at Auckland jump liampion left recently for the will sail for New Zealand Doc 32 The Empire crest was iiisigned by gel ral manaeer of the team ump high jump and relay lrior Jack Davies 010 mnmp hdd es and other lllll lililllllis llllili large cistern llowcver talk will not provide these services and the sooner some thing is done the better The laki shore areas have plenty of water All they need are places arranged to throttle tipumpcrf They prob ably slioulif have small truci kept in the area during the sum mer It need not be tank type and much less expensive It might be that one of the older ones 111 Barrio would answer for this if new one is purchased by the outi sideV districts Cooperation in thesi matters will add to both efficiency and service SCHOOL AREA N0 11011 INAUGURAIION MEETING The Nil Area Public School Board held their first mtetinp since they were elected by acclamalioni last month Inspector Scdtt was present and helped them getaway lo good start Roy Goodfcllow was chosen as chairman again and be welcomed the two new members tothc board delegation from the teachers Iedcwtioumwas olihandwlit1lfll by Miss Marion Webb Thcy pre sented Inschedule of salaries they were asking which would raise some of the more expcrienccd tea chch couple of hundred dollars now with sliding scale for ad vancement also asked for raise This after consideration was granted to the amount of $25somewhat short of the request There was considerablmm of detail before the board havin accumulated since the meeting car ly in December One thevcl prbposition which is still not set to be remedied VThe matter of providing addi4 tional accommodation did not reach the discussion point The Board are aWare that they are be faced with this matter but as fhey were in session until the early hours of the morning this was nryt gonein to MUD SPLASIIING OnMonday morning the sand and slush on the highwaywasi nbout an inch deep mixcdrwith salt This was an sticky and dirty mess to be splashed oncars and pedestrians Driving alongi behind alarge stock truck shower of this was being thrown easily 50 feet high andVback considerable distancmA traffic officer weir parked on crossroad andwe asked him when the order requir ingthe use of the splashers behind tion ofrthe Northwest Highway Five Soldiers Policing From The Camp Borden Citizeni The famed Mountiesl no longer are the only lawin the north The Canadian Provost Corps has moved in and although fewViri number the rear wheels of trucks came into eflcct 4d Ia st Ii ant hl md if land 0s reach the lial slum order For his and others we wish to advise this has been in etlccl1 since the first of the year The fanadian and Quebec Provincial broad west coast from where site Site It should be are vcnt much of this injurious road illliftl ti illlili loitv lul oplnl lltgt camp IJop arc I111 isulijvcls poslaait lcleu litl llilitlltlllt ina liin llm hand ggan inf weapon lilllllllilll Aliiilltil important llllii 11111011 11 llnsv is the lllfliillllliilllilll of itliclrlll to tillltillt itf thcxciltlt Inllorts ari bx tustandardie equipment ily flillllllill so that the liilli if illtlll 3111 ll IJUnltl 1er limit iimi illic risen14 is entered hp lyrnnd The last luck of tIlfIl 1devoted to Uilltilml oo gsts on infantry tactics Vol illtilliit illitlfif traininc is nearing com llorl fluucliill as some ref Purpose of this liveweek oursi ment at the slush from being thrown around Training Schools and for Lets trallic mcn to see that it is en forced are lending hand in the maintenw ance of law and order military headduarters the fivemen detachment is headed by Sgt Poster of Winnipegand is respon sible formilitarydiscipline along e1221 mrlesm the German sec System In civil cases involving Ser hope to for training As yet all are from the Active For These men are given orders are issued it llv 11 1llllilll IIll UIIUlliiIl iwlll in usvo at the schools and or lope iifll icltlsivily llll the prescut cluphzl VIlfl lti1itlt hov Instructor it help to pre of the lliilfilll Army for empon fo train instructors from all arms inot ommand GRENFEL federation Hertill if FISH and HIIS ISl lllllll Hill pm to p111 Saturday 12 noon to pm llllll IN lilltlli FIVE poms CAFETERIA 1114 Ill III 81 BARIUE tllliii V1gt lirtli iflV ill mi tipwl Siflltltll llllrlifl NiutheriV ingz lllllflt especial nine as instztu tum tilvifUL ltlzllltlll The Perfect Cooking fuel Instant Heat unless Kitchen Work to your illlfct lciscs tcl themselves told how to construct lltiltlS 1111 to adapt lilill irlht In iiu Iiskuiwtxpo liir Ill winter nvccssal In iflfltllli as llltllilh Iliinlporlant phase of llll murso po 40 otltcvllmnnil are LIN1 an introductlrui to the use ivi illlll5 arms 11 Area lit lllllt In llll hurcliill area they havc dlflicult problem 111 tho type of tireless barrenland prcvalE nt there While temperatures arm nol particularly low terrific tindU and the lack of habitation and oalls tisi endurance and Intifllllll thoroueli to the limit Quick Clean Easy to Install ijpigticgqt control Economical For information me your nearest gm opplionca dealer or write Euotana Gui Service imperial Oil limited iilllSt Stratford Pelerborough Carleton Plucc Cornwall IMRILlI LIITED Maple lintc Bellevilla unit vmI personnel DE LUXEANVD SPECIAL DELUXE vicepersonnel th Army police men Work witthhe RCMP Or Brita ish Columbia Provincial Police Vcher members of the detachment are Ptes IA McConnerythoranl da Que Oliver Brace bridge Ont Bryan Vancouv er Tessier of Ot tawaVV Sorfievof their patrbls along the highway take two and three weeks to compiete depending undo the severity of the weather and travel conditions They also keep an eye opeVnJOE ilitary traffic violators report on dangerous highway cox ditions andvcheck discipline inthei numerous maintenance camps scatl tered alongthe thousand miles of wilderness ioad FIRST MOTORBOAI The firstgusolinediiveii boat in Chistory puttputted affew yards on the River Seine4n Paris in 1887 65 E35 toning DAINQERFIELD Morons an LA front side and rar the shining oily lines the wider lower rear end ML Nole its new beaufyfrOm new grille the graceful THE Die ROOMY iNTERIOIIsg the ease Offenlry dnd exit through the big wideVdoors the head achLIegroonif the comforter chairhigh seats lhe perfectvi sion for bothdriver and passengers VNEW DODOVVEquro PRgoor DODGE sDi PE A6111 VSAIFEjTYWAND PERFORMANCEV4 011 ASKANYV DODGE OWWNEVRV You DO or ErALVE IMONKMANS GARAGE Cookstown Phone 68W

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