Twice Weakly Two Sections MONDAY and THURSDAY Mm We 10 Page EXAMINER IMONDAY1ANUARYici9gt 10 OF CIRCULAHONS SC1i0n ZwrPOges lIBond Head Has THEtB 87th 101001 5c per capy WW BARiti chiRio CANADA AUTNOMIED AS SECOND CLASS HAIL IY Nil 05 OFFIC DEPIRIIENY OHAWA 10 Goldilocks and Three Bears at Barbara nn Show Mills $784 $105H Dignam with them parks although angling is per ENotable History unou IAIN tlln folluvi lltlttllllAit has Ethttlllrllttt lEl tin glutigiiila inimit list to tin tltltiii vigilant itllll Ilium than Liniiuiti vlilirUllitl Haiti FIRST WITH TH Mama it stimuli in BEST INEARRIE BARRIE snowmcs II corn will il iI 27 v1 twin it in kall lull of the jlast Cilllttl and named after Sn Eve pIm IFIIIIIIIIII HUIIII IICII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII tI KW mm Umw twat the tlir loItiiiisei winn Iltiiiltl Hunt hos ltltfs 3117 olxiitr pm jttl iii 1137 Ultl HL It in ill in llllJllt MI Jr lairg ltll plant road huilt Urlllltli Jlllt Illaufoitt litll italnn if titilll if it theit 615565 ID gailc tlllt not and oili shed iltii drill alltti nuns litlilt htHIN ithi an in 71i7i the ItitliI yer iluttzillen tlllttl took part ili outl7 II imi chemist snail lciwlivl lilltl it ill lllit tIIIII 11111101 RANK presents IIr IIIItItIItIIII1IIIIhtIlIIsIIIIIIItmIIIIIIItInI lll thin Hall hitlnnv lhc ttllitilllttllillE llAl zlllgt ItIIllllItiItllIIlIlIlIt InI II MI truth to ic prudfuhig IIII III II in 11thlltev llltzlnl rumr ticl ELLiIKlt pastor of the llt51lcllilll tilIWL lV II II isle XJLllllllt list ineuniicnt iI IIiiiilxu 12iIlIiiiiAirs vaI lumiiutue Hnr 0f Goldilocks in the nursery rhyme fantasy Iitte thi Amtllum Church Beth ll CRAWFORD ilra nn see one he most attractive Goldilocks and The Three Bears set to the nitric illmd 71 it Mill numbers of Skating Sensations of 1950 appearing or Teddy him5 mm llionins Multick 311 father of LL II neilnesilny and lhiirsday evenings January 18 and Sir William Motork was the first AN UGLPUOKRHEA getth at the Barm Arena Barbara Ann Hills the part Engraving ollllesy Wtl Sound Sunliinest der Id Hd rminmorcsme Mb WW WM MWM All II lllt lrNtljtlll DIVISION llH 1311 rac Ions VI 1915 of $10 llXIIiIIIfLIIllIlIlIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII VI Sltng WOSlmglon IifiltttI$lIllgitltl125 eoIinIiIyaiiuIi II II IlIIII III I5 II in let platism iere 17 ICU IJll IIIIIIIIIIHII 15 311W ol lltllltlilt rectors was ill vogue ImpI In in 1t111 at IINIIIIII IICIIIIIII IIIIIHIIIIIIIII IIIISIIIIIII KIIIIIIIICI Mrs MIIIIy NCIIItmmum CIll llIlFF1111777NOfnflWhdfittttpnl5IrlIl studied tillI EleCt CeCIll IFlenCh IIIIIIIIIII II II1IINIIIIIII tlllittjot ILUlIlIlIty council cliznnheis Lot 721 Plan 1521 $11133 $140 rtltntit llenty Organization WillISEVIIELEIHSSKitislI12 my PreSldent Th 11 Hd Wm IIHEIIHW 1ka Wsiur Orillia Binghain Lorncilie held in Washington 17 Iiin it Bond mt VII III mgmmmmnl jillt 53 IrVqmlng is innua salt of toulity lands in ummmI L01 13 SQ mm 563 IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIICIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIII IIIIIIIII III IIIICII IIIIIIIIIIIIltIIIIII IIIIIII Ire tee erS tin ItttilIlltllttlritt7 IIlll OloI Lin mum or taxes W35 held 3292 $17 11gt Kiikw Willlncei lr in Ottawa and t$ll1t01 as William llltl liiifcssor of Iii 13331 bfxmnhtlf 0l3 N0 3004 7n main be helbl it 11 NWHm Imnuuuuvs Toronto Uni litiXHtimiiilfit1l7Ablhf739 ii mm Harry Coleman explained that ll acres $5761 84110 ltolJelt litglilnll liml 3Y1 XIL 1llI John Henry McGeai cold imu IL 13f Pb7lid7 7W1mMi If III LI though notices had hm Scm out EIIIIIISI CIIIISIIIIICIII IIIIIII of Lot II ILILIIIIi iii IllllI oi IIICIIIIIIISI III TIIIIIIIIO UIIIIIOIISIIII III on III c1 lItllLl Inlyut EHmit oi the Red and into dctuilmg Hm parcels of hnd 11 COII NO $13 32 $135 lantlc lieaty Organization matters AIIIIIIICIIIIIIICII IIIIIIIII FIIISCII OIII IIII lie was elected at the it0ClltlUllIShow hold 1m Hm the ii Canadian Chiefs of Staff and their annual mcctinc January at the it mil rim or hrml 93 211IIioiIsglatIIiltglsgumle hmI Crceinoie7711 KtthL Mont advisers They Will arrive by plane Epinulf 11 BII agricultural department offices at 31IIn5 lnM1Il Ten ox II III rIaIIIII II 2011101 pan of IImI XUI COIL 5I it WI IHUI Ll rI Barrio With Jan Colcmiin nssistant $228715 $260 InsiggriiuiaxltitnllhIlpfI lttieclilIe first Deon of Irlnity Mcd ENLIch IIKI IIIIIIOIgIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII hlbImdII II IIIIIII treasurer in charge of thcauction V11 II tlwl Hm WT II II II 71211111101111191 LII I01md bkk were IIIImCIIOIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII iIcIItIgtIlia Iai 01 I7 IltillllIcrllgUP ieneial Lawton Lollins Lilltli Bond llezid was twice shed by is AIM OI IIIOIItht Whitms run heir1 milk pioducllion II 531 my llill J01 15 0n of Staff of the United States Atlm disastrous llll One abt ut 1880 59 meme a0 and the llt inllkiiiii llili 01 Iii wind flnluyhcw duly hlgh $5934 ll Kankcc Thomas Cross will 1110011111Cillllldltlns at the mi in the north part of 111Ciilltttlt Ayrshm Afsucmum Bl mllhutl it Inlllilllt WCH Show II part 01 Lot 14Con $11017 $l05 port Members of the Cainidinn pai7Iil0lii the Post Office to Carters SUCGF rhc CW DUI the Suig Company dbl m0 mum 15 Walker Arbour Lot include LieutenantGeiicrzil Cfatin The second fire in the south Cognmon or Elm ommf dels Wm alICYbCIt Kmka Of North William Street Plan 459 loulles CB llll DSO Cl if pttt ifroni the corner to White behalf or the Club the pa Brooks Bench who purchased 13 $97IHI 3325 IIIII IIIIILIIIIIISIIIIIII NIIIIIIiiItI IIidCISI eral years As director of the parcels Dignam Toronto p0 MCNICUH IIHI KIIakcc III IIIIIIgCB ELEMEIIIIII nmgtIIIpIlI the Bond Head Canadian association he was inI iwho purchased four parcels SkcnunI Lots QHI 971 mIIII SGQI 3831 of III AIII SIIIIII VICIIIAIIIIIIIIIII IIIIBzmnOFI had II brief cxmunm struniental lnI getting the pIitJHpI gt These two blddcrs vufd wuh each 370 Kmlkch George Milnmiick VI Grunt CBE DSO Chief lVOllUWllli VUlld 7211 111C lillld hth 51ch WCI chix Ilgo in tl it llit ma 11mm I7 10L91111f39 391church 10151304311 planner $359 $99Initiuuvaisnrn twhlcl 39le Memorml If WW1 meeting hi all Veterrins will anIfIl IIIiIthSothrs for thor parcels Ww litarkwvas purchased Since World I31MI31wIlcmm 77II1ImykcItoucand tip hold in the shldlcmijitemorini crm0 ittxwzz Other froltlce1tutblggcsfjggggglaggd eititcld i111 Rtlhyugziiilli iii1 ilolCLdt Chosen for Hie sixth tllaSSLClLl iidrrlhstciigi nfutinc pi thqu loci RE fnii givlsrlittlmmddhl iiitilbilihhiiliiithlhihiihilid b11111 Ldltgilddthhiiulelccted were Clyii tjliioltlrtoiilhfNetton lint MI 12 mil pilluhlst tohntd 7lIlLlllld EVLlLtt Ntlson Illlltlt iinxon Fetieit rnilnells tiilford ltul is vm 77 Il rnton oI ionm and M1 Dismam rm Ive CCOIandatlon Jersey Breeders blew Wm Firm Jowlii II Two parcels wereQallowed on the 77 D37017411dGi8 5199 or W1 SUMMER II sac by their owners to clear their Elect Bert FrenCh E1 Rainfall 77in WAKEth igt titles by repurchasc for tax ar As President TWO ham mccfmgIs were plam IIICIIVIII IIIIIIIIII IIIII III0IIIIIIS of JIIIIII II rears Those in attendance followed 77 lied one to be held in January at 10 SepmnbelI and in some Pyacc the customary procedure of With IIIIifIillIIII bliglnlcc II 01 Couldd liliIilllJIIccllst lhciLI their IIInust slurp III FIIIIIIIII of EImIIIIIII II dIII the fall or G01d0n Stlalll Elm avcragcs as much as 100 Mm to crossroa on to our in he ion 11 777 7777777777777779 7777 77 ers Ge itself as sonicthiny of hotel No blznl it lied tl Um 0f the Sim as Although thelIice 91 Kcmpenfelt nesday had been good day but iFOmIm fwd 0f the DWPCIW Records 1mm the towh kn aol Sling Kn lggiwlcd onnl tBiccdcrs Association at the annual Bay was considered too thin to sup that catches IhIId mum on on sold can lcclaim the loud up to 12 hehmem If OPP Show IIIIII III in IIvI =mCCmIg Tummy in mCI agricuL ClllIl occu port many fishing shacks dozen Thursda agghsufelsgglemdaggr95331233 1949 total of 9131111115101115 from The tlfiilsitzrits dont complain of 1mm delaltIlem UCCS hat garno DIm 01 I510 helIimg EShIfllrnenlast wdI Most of the fish were conSidcred purchase price to the county tron 11 pilfhrpaqad Wukfnx 5301 94 and hhted bCLpISL1Ct 111 2i Sionso bf thc nes ay oppe 005 in the ice smallI but Specmmn of about 12 WWII nights lodging in the cells IlnsIhas washroom facilities and saves IOI ion IIldCIOI II and fished sheltered from cold inches andweighingI0ver ha II IWaS many more it the UnlbtftitltcniIinclicy hllblct Glitch seagulin last Wind by temporary Windbreaks pound werewooked QWNBIQIL Pludldbvsr 115 Of lawbreakels kept in custodyin Although all of the men clainIiI IdeWHd GOOMCHOV bom The hardy angters were repaid Most of the she milI purchaser fprmer owner 10 the gaol in that period they are 100m 01 workT yum of7MuiCSingI Secretary7treasurer under the uspiees oniheir efforts 00d catches mfin7were 15 Canon Of PalceliIlreals Plus C051 About the same numberbf tran police believe many it thcm iiic DIIUdlel 0131 0f Shanty Bali 135 Bty 45th Tk Regt 51 mg the thr at at their lcoation just off Carleys mg Jrbait and purchase price stems were given lodging in 1946 critters lmsde if sALi ACTIONBOUTS boathouseI mlows are conSldered gd halt Matchedash Township andthc situation has prevailed in However the men claim tho On the Show commluec for 1999 DING FIVE ROUVDERS Jack Reynolds 34 InnisIfil Street tifesiiegidfm when the Dignam Hugh thnston witacres least sincethe OPPtook over hcre employment situation across the ages 511 and RI Sdppalii THREE OUTSTAN 140 ca PI 77 74 ItTA the west half of Lat 3I Com in 1946I once said com Id you yej meg mg ea gal and 3303m law Ray Some of the men believed white $361 $375 Some per the places listed as generhi lskinad dalre 53113555131190 plansiwoum Start at Once for DOUG PEACOCK VS JOEY PETERS lidlurandciggminutes fr Shland lake Wt were Plesehi Essa Township =4 Coriigan home by the transients were siblc to obtain bigger and better Simeoc county Barrie Titmllt Otllmoml 130xan ClUl gt nesday They warenot doings IblIlIFODS 13d been caught John Mime Lois so and piiyi Halifax Prince nEdward Island On llIondayLIQnC youth who had Pdlbh ShOW 311th BlIlIleIFall berm1 mills 118 lbs we Thursday but were getting Later when the iSIIthicker 160AI Bush 5116 SoumI AngUSI Nova Scotta Winnipeg Saskatche just hitchhiked and rode the Abom 35 head JewelS bill TAYLOR Vb GIL rhEth View IIII 7ana 313s formed over III II II $6I91I $46 wan IAlbcrta Montreal British falls from Edmonton and wasISllownIatIthe fau lnI1949 which IMithutstI Toronto OIIIRWIIIIII Boxing ClubII John Smith of Bafe caught50 patchcs Bf Ian water 130356 INoIIaWIISIIgII Heme KIIIIkCII Columbia and many Ontario pointsI bound for MommaL braid 339F511 wagthcfiirw BEJKSCXShitd sD MO ISI Wednesday afternoan aIId was lap the bay Is expectdhe ice WIli RI DI Cain part Lori Con The police point out it is not tlation is the same in all major pcmfd the f3 and 35 also Return Match preaching 77thatv gureEEZiin 071177136ettiidVithrshacks it $22 95 70 Herbert Kakec WWW for Police 0030 hospitrfli cities Patwf 9f theJr5y non WALLlei vs DANNY sAUNDiiiis Thursday afternoon WW about12007shaek7sdo7rmed siggolc Cain vpltpf lot 34 C811 $2291 my to transmms mommy WhewNmnal Employment OD diwtiiigofneltuthttnibt slfgiilldybe 3315c Stmud Hamiltons Weltcrueight star All thev shermen agreed weIng Village on the ice $502 Herbert Kaakeer Le bgwgiibligehbstgletwittiemthgl1mg to show about 75 head this RINGSIDE ed00 GENERAL ADMISSION 75 Iqueric part of Lot 36 Con Mill can get free bcdsa th is iem year Membership has grown from WI 54 dwmgwmm Reserve $1730 $65 Ross EIil Rama at Edmonton 10 at the first meeting to more Weathcrall north half of Lot Con than 20 at the rLccntonC 05 mt 11 Wm Maybe the LmlIUlCd Wm IV 95 Fresh $9913 $3102 Hall money but seek to conserve it as are fewer in the stunmcr but its quc lssmlhtmns PQIIInltm 12300477111110758PilltS Ul L91 24 much as possible until they land JustIIthc same as anywhere else 51 PE 110d nIFCblum3 waft Con 12 $10479 the job unit of them say they are ill the winter hp said and claim to be Wmwd lam Sunnidale Stewart lookingfor cd he tried for work there and W1 bc held idy Haugh the gt Wilmer lots 19 and 20r Blair Ages othc men are as varied failed to find it JFFSCY hm 9f DIdlcy 911V 674 $1485 arrears in cachI $80 $105 asare their homes Although most barber said there is jnothTrig shimyBity if Iii oniincncing MW hutch dbstb III gt $110 $135 Kaakee Mrs Ligr of them7arc youths and the aver much domg in any llltc across gt age gem the um gt SOUth half 0f LOt Plan 32919510 availing themselves of the 77 VS $10750 Kaakee Lenfoot me up 70 years 01 age have I0 Clemwt YWthbovl 20 cells in 1949 rangcdriom low in north half of Lot 63 Plan 829 $1481 been vommaly guests ofthe police fromIIljaIry Sound Sld blttelb September of 45 to II high in MIVII $130 HKaakee JHoidLot Plan Many me areIweusIPOka that DPS 599 1077 have the March of 106 The figures show 853 $1228 $50 and ObVIOUSIly not of tIhIeIIIbum JobsII He said he knew of woods that generally more are fewer Starhng Ian TossommioKeim EwenGeorge type Vocations listed by the mCtl operations in Northern Ontario Mansicms Ijn summer than in win IIIHIIII Ity Turher part of Let 27 Con 43 Includes seaman bumm Rake that employ nomlng hm DPS tcr The average nightly rate in acre51$9634$325 Latimer We reammm machinist WW Seems 10 be full winter is about three orlour men For registration and enquiry Waltr Hale partof IIot 11 C0 farmer clerk barber and many of DIPs and hear there are more On Monday there had begunzu $5 20 $50 Others II Comlllgi the barber added comeinn sojr this month MRS 110009316 The police dont mind havmg the IAll of the four men in the gaol OFOH Dltmlm 311113 som men come in It gives them Monday said they get bccasional pm 0va 17 32 Plan 589r$2463v 3145 niacin trarisients and often men jobs which peter out so they wlLD GAME 5A1 Pm gt 17111143 ave beenprevio Tom could gamn prohibited 589 $11419Wi Hmaakeei 30h orlateIritrouble get sLady jobs they woule Stay in both Dominion and provincial MRS gt9 or Chfldrefi725c The men sleepomeots in the an 62649423 three cellspnless lawbreakersIiill Monthly numbers of transients mittedL Mrs Muir Lot 43 Pl peiicartl510r sue on $111 Ar sniniAf IBQSINEISS EsrAsLisiiuiIzurs =10CeedSBtttll aidDistrict xxxxltxxxxxixt sxisx Memorial Hustlth Li iiii in