YOUNG MAN for dell vice for local chance for adv Box 10 Ildlilt Examiner Lat5 llOUSIleIICPIIR wanted in vrl lage home at Craiglium Modern MASTER H3151 01 mine thwas mentmncd that our as Lc us know your rciliablt This should lliit betii lit ditch Ilione Min Angus Litm itlllClllttilS Prompt delivery Trio11 11 Cable who ha riHid to eroii Moonstone eXcliangc lwlilp mwrrwf only St CUSTOM WORK wanted for lwo man power saw Il Anne Stieeti Sutton 43iTHiAVRIIlCRS poitables POSITION WANTED as house3 keeper or cook to live in with yearold daughter Best referenct Apply Box 17 Barrie Britain111 ltlllthllllllllVC incr LL 11 5p charge by end of Ja able reliable lleaso slate parti Ull culars to Miss Ecclcs cfo John lillll5 rhmlllll Mackay Box 1007 reemoie Oti tario mm WANTED is YOUNG GANDIIR Douglas Ross Cookstown Phone 55r22 3ip IYIEWRIIICR standard model must be in good condition lele phone 4520 1141 SMALL GREENHOUSE wanted also hotbed sash 11 Kams RR Pliclpston 31p WANTED Mail for steady travel among consumers iii Barrie lcrm anent connection with large manu facturer Only reliable hustler con sidered Write flawleighs Dept MLAZSlill Montreal 1Alet AGENTS WANTED to sell 2001 well known and guarantccwl lilo Products from door to door year round business Very little capital required Splendid territories we cant in your neighborhood One months trial with absoltitcly no risks Details 5130 SaintVHubcrt Montreal 4251 ACCOMMODATION HOUSE OR apartment wanted bedrooms unfurnished iii Barrio Adults Fit 5404 118941 ROOM XND BOARD COMFORTABLE Room with board for gentleman Very central Ab stainer Phone 3601 1241x distempercd tricolor$30 Phorlc Stroud 13r101 if 38451 COTTAGES or rooms electric water large lot highway Bus stops atu door Very reasonable Jolin Pearce Angus 1645p MODERN Groomed brick house Elrick Realtors Jack Dyck sales man 164p lt 39 FORD station wagon excel SEPOMEDPPFWK bungalow ms lentshapenew Amotor recently heater 32r101 Stroud 1323741 CHEV coach vale PIGS FOR SALE dwee 51131 don Irvin Alliston Beeton 94p15r21x HELP WANTED Barrie Exaniiner sifie our AilDial HillBaton 530 oclock Saturday or Wednesday Ias Bring or Phone FOR SALE IAY You ll TNI llAIllll um tsunami tittinitr RANGE no mood tram Apply united ltlgtu hot uatti Phone 3413 Tv SALESMAN illlvti iot lZcltpM 531w dinnerware Sell on saga Ntt mm sold in stores Good Ltzittnmsiuu Write William llziriisoa 7t dill St Midland Ont iiiDot AMlllTlOLIS BUY minted to tieHm liver for IOClll automotive totelx Bicycle supplied Apply George Montgomeiy llltlllitlilt ti lo ADDING MACumES mm 81 l34lliiitcrs fOi sale or rent at Barrie 56 Toronto 511vo niontti 7691fblcoinplctcly iccovcitd Iltllll jotts llllli$gt dating back to ltltillxt all HOSPITAL COMMITVIEI tilltlith to the llariic and Dzstiirt DILllltlllul illospilal omnattee last tactit conveniences four tlilltlltlt good mi mm POSITIONS WANTED POSITION WANTED as 11ousvWll0m keeper to refined geiillci an full ml 815 111 105 501 lHW C01 cup per reservoir facing AGENTS WANTED DOGS PET STOCK BEAGLE 10 months spayed and PROPERTYV FOR SALE large lot With trees choice location 6roomed frame house centralu Vincent itv saw $7130 Ilzone 4th sale go 11 ttiutoi iyrtil ltzl get Stub llltl yisitis oi Prank lllllti ltlii lli plat GOOD USED liltrcltoiiygtent vacw attachments Phoni iitt2 ul izicludiiicz 7lp lltl lulu loitda iJntksoinillt and twill rtiiiain affix tumult and type ch wutli lot about until oliiir College 4821 SALESMAN required to handle prefabricated building in llati 11 and surrounding district Apply to Voll UlIlC Builders Supplies 517 Mt 3pm Pleasant Road loronto int 17 11 QUAKER lllllllttll space with Silent Reason 13801 Glow selling cat2c shells moving oil Phone pltonc Craig Illlltltl Stroud ring l3two licsidtiit lllll Womens IIOsplllil Aid illOIIllY BURNS NIGHT ycai illONiTER BACON Producer 1110 GENERAL itocsiavottk tiuyythumri $61 per ton Phone 1001 so combotunatlizitwn$09 ion Those 3dpiare delivered to your phone Craig Hunter ring liitt machines registers Sales arid service Itibllty llhonc Dairy prices foilllillll UltNlMil 411 lflltitlll ll1 rearranging of counters and display leletiicr mmtmg of tile Kiwanis Club pkg ump plume oniititiiiity Hlli Rev lIrncst 1ewrs Will llt in char internationals Meeting Savage illlll Stroud Barrie Iiiillrt 3311 llti Kiwanis Atinivcrsaiy 1L Ibispcakcr Banjul KRay ollicial bulletin of the 11 Qtiebee lt Maritime Districl intchiiiis cash adding or if Francis Box 87 SmitleCoiftario 721il llli There Will also be special atmt vetsary message troiti Kiwanis in tcitiational President ind radio interview with llairii Kiwanis President Kelly SMALL RANGE coal or wood ex iv Jmkmncntirc1y modernized to offer self ittlux ining cotidit ion white llp washer iatigettc elecAi Raymond front Mrs water 3115 77 died in 1018 Mr Love had beeni gfirst manager of the grocery depart Iin the post until his death Vnuv John Brown was connected COFFIELD electric tically prac ncw Force practically sewing machine drophead in per fect condition bedroom suite sev eral wash stands toilet sets coal oil heater shields lay couch Phone 5511i new JOHNSTON toria Hospital Barrie on Jan 1121 Jack Royal 1051 Mrs Johnston Mincsing son TRACYAt and stove ilaivey 7l5p llClllI 11LV DWI Vltlmll Mr Brown has pointed out that Beetott SEED AND FEED GOOD QUALITY straw lIospilal Harrie on Jim 12 1050 to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Tracy Elmvalc tDawn Lotiisct daughter mixed hay or at reasonable prices write Clarence Welter Irucker Angus 103l56b LOST AND FOUND HOUND LOST iii vicinity of Stroud Phone bean delivered See or +1Hnlaw of Brown has taken WILSONAt lltc Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Jan 12 1050 George Wilson beloved husband b115ll55 80 ow 1131 Mrs William Mayne Thdiii Dies Suddenly ZEIHRAtthc Royal Victoria Hos Ianer 70thYedr pilal Barrie Andrew Barrie late black and wrth 174p male tan Collar Maude Funeral llamil ton froin Monday 5200 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES SPY AND Greening apples Harry Morren North St Barrie Telei phone 4510 years residence Service in Christs Church at pin ton Cemetery Jan interment 1950 Donald St Mis William Mayne died sud lll denly of heart attack at her bitumen t1 Parkside DrivcBarric on 2027p on Jan Zeihr beloved Avarina Ellst year Funeral Home Service Tucsd husband Beamish 111 Resting at tho Jcnncit Barrie Jan omens ORDER YOUR 1050 chicks early and take delivery early jifstmretlttccdxwarly ordervols count Barred Rocks Light Sussex and NH BR crossbrcds Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud MONEY To LOAN NATIONAL HOUSING LOANS builders loans properties financed at current rates cliasedqilleiiiy Elrick Owen St Barrie woon FOR SALE YOUR CORDWOOD buzzed Manson RR or phone Stroud 6854p MIXED BUSH for sale by acre or halfacre on 9th Con Vespra Ap ply Jas Byrnes 6th Con pra DRY HARDWOOD 4ft lengths or cut shorter as de sired Delivered Painswick Tele ing 22 it 17l l1 LWRS in her 70th year On 7151in liiyvii Prices pm DIiiterm tery Hamilton Ill 24301 Lif Wood of Waverley she was the Shr report CARDS commits CAMERONThe family of the 23 years ago Before that timci Cafmeon Mrs ETHariiicFiinc ull TL Lake Saskatchewan Mr andMrs 1001 WPCTXMK Mayne 15 Jack OISOD and Mrs Jean Mac gellcml StOICkCLPCI Donald of Toronto and Mrs Roy She vasa member of RR Wom Godfrey mortgages pupilate Mrs William 34116p Godfrey wish to 22113 and Mrs pallbearers and floral tributes and helped invany way during thcig re IVCSbM May Of T010nl blOlh 4b er Isaac Wood of Waverley and HENRYMr52 William Henry four grandchildrenand five great arrie wishes to ex gmndchiidren press to her many friends relatives and neighbors her heartfelt thanks and appreciation for acts of kind FlldaYTDecember at two In at of sympathy and her late residence Parksidc beautiful floral tributes extended Drive Rev gdePehcier Wright those Vcs be av ment 641 to cent 108 Owen StB cordwood in Sheard Stroud 20 6492199 Denis phone ness messages Moderate cash payment Henry me builtin cupboards zispicce hf good basement gar age henhouse stable 74 acre Enquire Mrs Frank McColeman Stayner Phone 79W3 1635p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CHUNKS OFuPIGS about 80 lbs cach Mrs Pr gt 17 PIGSfor sale weeks old Clarence Atkinson 4r4 $11111 Lamoureux Wyevale Telephone 935p GRADE HOLSTEIN htiifers all due within month Apply to Alex Morrison Cookstown RR or phone Alliston 28313 9251 REG YORKSHIRE Hoo with paDQWso 10 Yorkshire pigs months Phone Bradford or apply HaroldMatchett Lot 12 Con Innisfil 945p PUREBRED ANGUS BULLS ser Viceab1e age and younger one aged bull years old Jan 1950 We are throughwith him in our herd Apply Fagan RR Midland 39124p phone4077 OMlwith light housekeep REG HOLSTEIN BULL fit for BEDRO servicea grandson of Clenafton ing privileges closeto downtown Phone 5339 COMFORTABLE bedroom to rent Gentleman preferred Phone 3893 52 McDonald St FURNISHED noon in private ap artment business girl only Phone 50897after pm 2i3ROOMED FLATS to rent partly heated conveniences iROOMED Charnpion His dam has three re cords over 20000 lbs and test Over His siresfdam has over 24000 Ibsnand test 42 Price $150 Ac credited herd and vaccinated Phone 7215 Alliston Elmer Hus sey Alliston 94p LIVESTOCK roti safe Durham cow yrs springer 175 H01 steins and 5yrs batman $165 each Holsteini heifer springer $155 Hereford spitingers 3yrs $140 each dappled grey team matched and yrs$60 each set backSaid harness $30 Apply Stan Applegate Phone Ivy5 ring 22 94p DUAL PURPOSE Shorthorn bulls Hereford bull Pulled Here ford bull These bulls are typed well bred and fit for service Jer sey heifer due in Feb Holstein heifer due in Feb Holstein heifers ready to breed and months old vaccinated and TB tested Five extra good Barefoot calves months old dappled grey wagon horse yrs old Ger Ls AUTOMOBILES ment in the loss of dear band condi May be seenoat 2Penctang St or dial 4230 1325p 1936 Chev standard Apply 1933 Good lion throughout USED CAR good running condition Archer Elmvale Ph 16r7 l345p EV for sale or willtraded for truck Car in good condition ebuilt motoreBoxwli own 1936 CHEVROLET standard coach with trunk Only We oWners since new Phone4740 gifts and cards Cooks l34p 49 ks old J1 condition $500 134p in good AUCTION SALE 1949 ANGLIA used six weeks low heater defroster spare tire tool kit complete $1180 Switzer =Beeton isiti FORD 2ton heater arid cle frostor good motor and tires $875 George RR Oro Station corner of HighWay 11 and Can mileage mile east 1345P Tegms es 924x pm Platform body 133r23415b PROPERTYFOR RENT BEDROOMfiwarJn lfurnished cen ack Dyck 1111 liililltll 122$ tlfyhlt iiAltllll UlilArlilU CANADA t1 Ads High in Estob 80 Years im td Hitaidtan iiourcd Brig adc Sunnis and is iiov holder of tire iiiedaLs llr iiA server tin land Fratice GermanyHolland and llclgittii Mi Packet 15 villlliJlilttl lie was pi from Illti 111 littllt in London England and came to ticoigttoavn intarto in 1928 lie member of the Canadian gain No 192 Centennial Branch ii ioionto llc stated the stoic will operate isonal attention of clerk to their Office manager will be Miss Mur tzarit llurdclte who has been with Browns for about 30 years Also iou the stuff will be Miss Mary lirock smcc the giocciy department was service as well as counter service Manager of the grocery department illltll was 1itnlale Love who tilltlll 20 years before and remained lill1 the business ruin the lllllctilt opened the store in 1871 until his death iti 1023 only the grocery business has been sold The firm of Brown and ComI puny isccarrying on in the seed ltlldi feed business and large new ware house and feed mill is now being ctynpleted at the rear of the presl rent premises Jack MacLaren sonl over much of the iesponSibility Ill ggonncction with the seed and feed Wednesday December 1919 She hirsf Mayne was bornratWaver 1y on January 17 1880 daugh ter of the late Mr and Mr Noan and her husband who survives her iformer Mary Beatrice Wood moved to Barrie from Ottervillc they had lived at Waverlcyrand Ip Edith of Barrie and Mrs Arthur The funeral service was held on to her in her recent sad bereave of Trinity Church conducted the 45 service Pallbearers were Harold Todd Jerry Quinn Harold McCabe and Lackic and two grandsons William and Harold Bennett all of IN BEE IhterentWasin Barriej Union Cemetery Floral tributes were sent by the We wish tothdnk all those who were so kind in sending floWersi Barrie Lawn vBowlingC1ub and and to RevM1Westons Bakery Limited Simmonds and to those WHO VOll Friends and relatives cainb from unteered for blood donors also toi the dodctorsand nulrsels who welre so kin to me whie was in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrieran and Toronto ftp the funeral Mrs Batcman Orange Lodge at Waverley thc Hamilton Brampton Lindsay Mid land StoneyFCrcek Elmvale Brigli L7 MIDHURST January 11 Wednesday Jan lBAlbert Kee at Craigvme Station one Russell attended the annu of Stroud Auction sale of practically new furniture effects and automobile cash Sale at sor Auct day BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Mr and VMrs RonaldTCampbell at meeting of the Federation of Agriculture in Toronto last week Mrsand Mrs Garnet Wait and Lynn CDDtts visited with Mr and Mrs Earle at Grimsby last Stin of Toronto visited gwith Mr and Mrs FredCooke over last week CEMENT CONTRACTING business end with good equipment Henry EL rick Realtors man The new heating system which sales 294p the WA installed in Midhuist Churphwill bejin operation next Sunday EA CUP READING mentphone 5704 154n kinds Phone 5236 TMILLIONS prefer shopping with ULA in their own home 54p FILTER QUEEN yacuums to rent also CGE polishers 154p Phone 3482 1545p 5MP lunch and cup and saucer HQUSE REPAIRS and alterations Ber1isford 3945Ba be held at the home of Mrs EVERY HOME has been waiting Day for high tjuality products in low pricebracket PAULA is swer VENETIANBLINDS free estim ate guaranteed notto crack warp or trade 14 colors to choose from also tapes to match your drapes Phone 3482 SINGER SERVICENew machines etc Phone 3030 or write Singer out of town city Box 5426 1545p Phone Carpente 5919p apartment for rent unfurnished miles south of Bar rie on Highway 11 Elmer Gib Phone 1313 Stroud154p APARTMENT rooms and bath heated stove and fireplace central Avail Feb Adults 0111 an bons 5V4p ing in the school Mrs Adamson selfcontained electric able 4763 Telephone 1541 HOUSE rooms on Highway 27 miles north of Bond Head hydro installed soft water in house new garage 14 acre garden one mile to village school igins Bradford Phone rentals repairs for information Sewing Machine Company Hurontario St Collingwood Daily service it Barrie Gordon Wig ookstown Phone 4922 154p Bill Day has returned tothc Tor Onto Normal School after week FOFBDPOim of practice teaching at Mincsing 51150StardomSchool MidhttrstEast Forum will meet SEWINGiChildren Clothes alt atthe home orvLynn Russell on 5459 January 16 tonight Tepic Par ity andFloor Prices Midhurst United Church annual meeting Will be held in heme Sunday Selim room on uesday Jan 24 at eight oclock Bring The WA met at the home of Mrs Adamson with 15 present The various reports showed verysuc ccssful year The next meeting will Midhitrst Home and School As sociation held their IfrontldTmeet was in charge of the program Topic Health Mrs Jones gava very interesting and educational talk on Health in connection with her Work in the St John Ambu1 541 ance Corps On Friday Jan 27 the Library Board and the Arts and Crafts class are sponsoring euchre in aid of the library The Arts and 37 Crafts Will have an exhibition and 1U Illltll WW hoist RE word charged minimum 50 Box number 25c um 2c word cosh minimum 35c on LOCAL NEWS Arthurwalt itozgc of inch day lot IItillltJi vcntzon of loilt Itill12gt Anti Of Midhurst President North Simcoe Improvement Assn or il ti ONYARiO Tvlr lalin 11 lliiii illiv Lil 11 ii Hit illiii rennininnit Honda Janu trict li iap Illutl 11 xiioi 1050 at tlc at IIlllt ticcti ion of tllittlul rt 117111111 yialt 115 lt tti INliitt itil llllllti licil 113111 protects itii llltll 1w itiori oi ptojtc ctliit lli 11 Ho Star 1111111 I11ili 511114111 will of gt131 tlilliit Illl lti 1ldlit tsii il ltii1tt Itliltitliliilnt licpot lo welt land emitcurl tiiatlii lli1ifttl nicnibctip in 211 11111 llfckltng flar is hoped the lililillrti lly tiicitusiil Stair mt till staff of three including him 1v II Ilt tet will continue and 11thH 5H pctive of the lllllit will be in 3H la oflei fair prices and LUltVtllIttlLlump tcvl courteous gttl11t lta can The dual scrvicc system Will be B1 eat tied or enabling customers 10 pi tgtlklli oither gtOi themselves or get per ril itc li 1ii siiileb lil ill 111 to ill NOTICE tut paint Loldw iiv ll itij =ill lul tzial ill 11 plit t=iotitn if Ivlllllfltlt Dominion ll Page nuliital mo Wu ii and ill Raikt aiiota iont rt tifliil l3t ttiit v1 11 ti ottoig of tin ttt tttoti ducctoi which lalltl At tii 11111111121 tssioti the furl shopping needs He said there ititilvizl liltittt1ll was iilvi by Elilitl to be no immediate changes in the 312 limit 801ml Um Nllilll Wili lh llayout of the store but later somch HUN lilkllfiligtllll eaiitpziigti puriqt tlcelitii lilill 1Ll ldott 115 biidge ltllltlv gtgtltll 111mm it 11e if l111 Tiny Iowtttp twin Petr taint Home 51ttn lliiiiit tiit=iitivi hittllis Darin timothy icoitdtlctwi of lltligt to the lAliniil Ntipiii Wyrvali bitlitttl11t Toronto oit lit 111 Lutiel was attended by delegates ilaiold tile fltflilllli lhrliili ll111 it ldttlilatei lwater rillia seed lllhilitltllint llaivic Earl Painell liltntale was gt1ltCilOlIlllll ed as ticw chairman for lftiitl saga Eloisa 372757 At Night School Classes Ilic gtcliool band was cotnttitndcd cs at llarrie lislrictvCollegiate ln iii the report for its woiik at the Do stitutc for January will probablv annual Christmas danci spotisotetl be between 325 and 1150 stated by the band on the owning litfore llmtman principal in his rc December school board at its meeting Tueslt reopened itti and il ttij liigtti tii lflil Eitrlilfith liviiuttii llitlltititi lowpl lluiiir ee 1tank otliil igatiix taubaurlietn IillLllltll Tu lttiti gtiulr at the ltiltllllilll ing of the td tllllllilllt llmwn 41nd Invinbvrs of hulnt vimh Russell istaff recall that it is just two ycatsm 19m 11il gt511 liar litit Hit 13 till Stan Sh ppaitl olil Harrie 10 Hug IilllWlr $630 Buyer to Supply Bogs Billlllll FLOUR MILL chairman ll illia ltay rillta Robiiiroti llcuitt illia iiiililiitlt 51 man IUI ill Per Ton district Illit Alcdotitc lolai eiiioitiicnt tti evening class muffle Aristocrat of SAUSAGE vain PORK SAUSAGE Topaco presents daily Monday through Friday at unit ever KBB John Charles THOMAS the internationally known baritone and the Kings Men in Hymns of the lilltltlll Christmas school closing Clubs first xplay lllllllfl prcsontcd to full audi cncc on December was well pre pared atid received with cuthusi aim the report said From December 15 to 18 the even log class in artsponsored an ex hibition of paintings of the audi toriuin This required tntteh world and planning and for tempt poit logo The Drama day The classes that night lIt Lzute tho night schools Nov ember attendance as 222 but re ported that new classes will result increase include classes in mathematics and science being atiangtwl with lhv CGE and the mens and womens basketball classes to get under way exhibition alt well gdtended and many favorable continents on the lt The new classes first atr was very creditable ilt shortly under Mr Ncsbilt llc reported that night class project were heard ies were held in November with an attendance cotmncndcd the about 80 caretakers for the fine l1lrlll cent The classes include tiit1lle consistently doing lie report basic English tthrce classesl book ed the schpol keeping chemistry for nurses lea thcrwork shorthand showeaid writing typ and physical Bowman average 1l7fi was cleaned Illltti ougth during the Christmas litili lays and that tntich oi the floor was qu Tinochcontoured1 condition for openinn WnTaldes for the ltt ceiitiy classest O00U00 sewing two Villll ishcd woodworking ixltication yh MM Reporting on attendance at rcgulai high school nglasses Mr Bowman said he was pleased to an excellent record both in regularity and punctuality in Dec enrolment of was iirg Wazcczmsgz CQ OPPORTUNITY large Canadian company established over 20 years riotth iiitimthc arrangcuitiiiiAphin itle last year WzlSuill operation andI reported successful with Miss Mac Dougalls interest and activity 111 the library adding to the succrss of the plan Duetto MissGorcs resignation at Christmas elosiiig L111 be conducted by Miss Kcls ii for the rcmainddfmlisfl is taking over Miss class Out of art attendance This compared ivltlit11tsaiiic month in 048 when attendance was 9015 per cent 17 unexcusezi fates in December of 1019 wilt len Auxdi at Trinit lican thank Dr Bigelow and 1m emsEC in $135140 in the same month ycai be nursea Rev James Fergusonlvd Surviving Mrs Mayne are two Bert Jcnggsg daughters Mrs Bennett all those who cinbcr 710 or 977 average 710 per Client PT girls Mary is flow in position to offeia dealershipfiii th Kclsos changes Irwin mathematics were 1There were only The because determination to make success 01 your life and secure required there were no applicants for the Miss Louise Colley is taking ever Miss Gores cvcning class in PT fore Ch financial independence for your family is more impor ris mas examinations were PT classes being marked and reports were to taut than actual sales experience the sent out onJanuary 13 Delegates Fight in Session Friendly After Although freely expressed opini ions are f0Lightbitterlybypppos United Nations Meetings the UN is force in thel world becoming cctivc Dr Rynard 6f Orillia told Barrie Lions at their meeting in community House Friday councillor of Lions Internation Dr rRynard was Lions repre scntative to the session ill Send details fobbdokgroundyevxperience armor Vendors iiony in complete condece ioBoxF lPutUpMoneY iFor Lucky Draw The enterprising rou of farm1 ying the booths thc market boildinginBarrie purl up prize moiTcy for 31 draw out of thcii= ovtn pockets last week Thtl small crowd at he market on Satl urday morning however didvnotl give promise of any large returnI on their investment Although the demand was and dairy prodl lwmm anW FED Eek Ivr CIS DOW OCCU Mi Eplett Furniture Electric AL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer WE SERVICE SHERS RANGES RFTFRIGERATORS IRONS GRILLS HEATING PADS TELECTRIC BLANKETS CARRY LARGE ASSORTMENI 0F PARTS Phone 3721 ing factions increasingly QENER not at the astterylaigc fowl tpromineniucts were plentiful and there was fair isupply of homemade baking andhandknit goods Eggs remained at 38 35and40 lccnts for grade large medium and pullets Most if the fowlwerc for boiling and sold at 35 cents Roasters remained at 45 He has been in Lions Club work in this area for some years and hasheld the offices of district governorand dis trict deputy among others He said although UN delegates fight strongly for their stand at the meetings most of them are friendly at gatherings afterwards He thought that this tolerance in dicated that differences could but ironed out Five new members were initial Pugh and Frank Ernest WA IRONERS TOASTERS VACUUM CLEANE POLISHERS FANS RS pound Icents Headchccse sold at 20 cents half pound jar with ve ccnt refund on the container Pork hinds and frontskvere the isamc as the previous nveek 34 ccntsa pound for cents for hinds Several baskets of No accountant tosh apples sold at 55 cents ing onions were 50 cents basket and potatoes carrots cabbage and squash were also offered VlIoney had gone down slightlyf in price Whitenhoey sold in four pound icontainers timber were prided at $125 Raspberryand apple pics were 35 cents apiece and raspberry turn overs sold at three for 10 cents AN 139 Dunlop St TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN AND SERVICEMAN ll llISll lie ted by Arthur Dobson They were Dr Bilkey Barrie dentistArthur Har rison sales manager CKBB Armstrong at Bank of Toronto Earle smith womas Tattersall fronts and 36 Meln Cook station salesman and insurance agent The meeting learned $150had been raised to date through the cltibs radio bingo for the Barrie and District Fund The bingos are t0C0ntin10 each Tuesday evening the winter Speaker next Fri dePencier Wright Anglican Church Barrie Bruce Johnston wasin the cents Memorial Hospital tmWgtbur Town ofBarriev Utilities Commission TENDERS iorthe eonstruction oi watwarks reservoir and pumpi Sealed tenders addressed to the Town of Barrie Commission willbe received until 12 oclock noonlon Monday February 01050 for the construction of 500000 gallon reservoir and two pump ing stations in Bayview Park Plans and specifications with bl from the office of the Pu field Streets Barrie or Eiigiitecrsl130 Bay Street Toronto on will be refunded on the return of the plans and spe condition Each tender mustbc accompanied by equal to per cent ofthe tender sum The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted GORE STORRIE Consulting Engineers 1130 Boy Streeet TORONTO ONTARIO day out be Rev of Trinity Presi LPjublic 110M118 USE GAS Twothirds of the gassold in Britain is for domestic purposes and the remaining one third foi industrial commercial and other uses dent Dr Shaulfmiti illuminating NEW on REFINERY gstohpn The McColl Frontenac Oil Co Public Utilities will construct $10000000 refinery in Edmonton rink form of tender may be obtained andBay ESTABLISHED 30 TEARS lllLlAllll REAL ESTATE BROKER Houses Lots Tobacco 8a General Farms Exchanges Insurance MARKLE Mgr 69 Collier St Phone 3844 RR New Lowell rIhone 1021124 LIST YOUR PROPERTIES wrrn us NOTIALL SOLID ThegWatcr content of many foods AisEuTSrisihgly highrwith porter house steak containing about960 percent water OILWPRODUCTION RECORD Alberta oilelds Set new oil production record of 68372 barrels daily during September blie Utilities CommissionSimcoc the office of Gore SiorricCopsulfing payment 0081000 which deposit cificationsin good mzirkcd cheque in an amount ervision of Mrs Wtrlham instruct ress Mlss Colley will give aniout ilab1e for modeling of Work done in the sew line of the course ava 511111 ing class thisfali under the sup next year January 13 I950