Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 May 1954, p. 6

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THE BARBIE EXAMINER rnrnir MAY 14 1954 HELP WANTED CAR SALESMAN Barrie dealer in one of Canadas fastest selling lines requires young married man with sales ex perience if you are interested in above average earnings this should appeal to you Apply Bullock Mot ors Ltd Market Square Barrie Phone 5526 15556 INNISFIL TOWNSHIP SCHOOLAREA NO Teacher required for Kiiiyieagh School all grades south east of Thornton commencing Sept Apply giving qualifications experi ence salary expected religion name of last Inspector etc to II Lougheed Secretary Painswick Ont 15658 THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE AT Comp Borden Ontorio requires STOREMAN GRADE ONE Salary $2490 $2850 Full particulars on posters dis played at Post Offices and Nation al Employment Services Appli cation forms obtainable thereat should be filed with the Civil Ser vice Commission 1200 Bay St To ronto Ontario NOT LATER THAN MAY 25 1954 Please quote Com petition Number 54T5901 156 WAITRESS Wanted Phone Stroud 38 15450 BOOKKEEPER required at once Phone 5515 15657 WOMAN for farm home town con veniences adults Apply Box Barrie Examiner 15556 DELIVERY Boy to use bicycle hours 86 pm Apply Crowe Co Ltd 76 Dunlop St $5156 57 RELIABLE Girl or woman for light housekeeping Evenings and weekends free Live in or out Phone 5177 between 12 and 156 SALESMAN Wanted for well known appliance company for the Barrie area Salary and commis sion with transportation supplied Apply Box 68 Barrie Examiner 15556 TEACHERS wanted for Vespra Area Schools Duties commencing lSeptemberw Applyrstoting quali fications and salary required to Smith Secretary Midhurst Ont 15556 EXPERIENCED married man wan ted for farm work Separate house Close to town and school Good wages yearly employment Apply to Donald Cameron RR No Bar rie phone 812121 15556 FAMILEX invites you to act now for big earnings Sell 250 guar anteed products consisting of beau ty preparations household necess ities farm specialties Familex 1600 Delorimier Dept Montreal 156 PROTESTANT Teacher wanted for USS No 1721 miles from Coll ingwobdgHydro inside toilets open road and bus service Duties to commence in September Apply stating qualifications to Mrs John Smith RR Phone 96J3 Collingwood l5356F EXPERIENCED Crew Manager capable of securing own team of salesmen and canvassers for very substantial company manufactur ingaluminum Triple Track self storing storm windows and doors Salary commission and expenses to proven producer Write Stor master of Canada Ltd 18 Eaton Ave Toronto Ontario 156 APTO SCHOOL miles north of Barrie on Highway 27 requires Protestant teacher Duties to com mence September 1954 One room school modern fully equipped with enrolment of only 10 pupils Excellent boarding facilities near by Apply stating age experience and salary expected to Murray Carson SecyTreas RR No Phelpston 15657 ARE YOU satisfied with your pre sent income and chances for ad vancement If not investigate the money making possibilities and se cure future offered by Rural Watkins Dealership Sell nation ally advertised productsnecessi ties for both home and farm No investment Free training If you are between 25 and55 and have or can Obtain car write immedi ately for full details without obli gation to Dept OB5A The Watkins Company 350 St Roch Street Montreal 13949WF RATES FOR ADLEI COLUMNS Deadline for Copy530 pm week day preceding issue ADLETS MAY BE TELEPHONED To OFFICE 4c wordminimum 80c Following consecutive insertions 3c word minimum 60c CASH RATE 3c word minimum 60 2c word minimum N40c MUST BE PAID wlm ORDER BOXNUMBERS or replies directed to this office 25c extra COMING EVENTS LOCALS do word minimum $100 AUCTION SALE NOTICES Following consecutive insertions 3c word minimum 75c IN MEMORIAM CARD 0F THANKS IN APPRECIATION 30 weft minimum $100 ENGAGEMENT NOTICES $100 Rates and typostyieo for semidisplay classifieds may be obtained through The Examiner advertising department NOTETho Barrie Examiner will not column moonsibilltv lor any omr Iii Idvortlumonto takon over the telephone nor for errors Inconv union notified mrflcm IIIu Insertion Collingwood FOR SALE HELP WANTED lTIMBERKING GARAGES TAILOR or Tailoress experienced Apply Bill Hall Camp Borden RCAF phone i48W 15557 POSITIONS WANTED BABY Sitting at night In homes Apply Mrs Dinning 75 Maple Ave Phone 5711 256 MAN WILL look after lawns or gardens in Barrie district $1 per hour Robert Stleahorn RR Siayner 25550 Mm WANTED DENNIS MORAN LIVE OR DRESSED PHONE 2907 POULTRY HIGHEST PRICES PAID OUR TRUCK WILL CALL THREE AIDS To McLAUGHLIN HAPPY HOME Available at one address Phone 77W Alliston OFILIER QUEEN HEALTH UNIT We will pay for the phone call when we buy your poultry 341409 The finest Home Sanitation System Barrie Metal 23 Salvage JUNO FLOOR POI15m OELNA The Sewing Machine of the century DEALERS IN SCRAP IRON METAIB FURS PHONE BARBIE 3482 For information and demonstra IIDES BAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS tions ROY TRACY LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Highest 87 Maple Avenue $160 to $215 Lake GuindpnZ Que Sectional Buildings GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL TRACTOR LOADING Septic Tanks PUmped prices paid Special prices paid delivered Phone Barrio Stone 98J 298J 2983 MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY lard and Office 156 Tian 81 31511 HIGHEST PRICES FOR Scrap Iron Metal Batteries 3885 NDUSTRIAL lRON METAL Dunlop St West Ferndnle Phone 311131 or 6487 FARM FRESH fruits vegetables fowl poultry honey eggs home baking At Competitive Prices FARMERS MARKET 36 Mulcaster St Barrie at the Market Square EVERY SATURDAY am to pm 72362 LEFROY ELEVATORS Complete line of FENCING NEEDS Just Arrived WESTERN FEED OATS Try Us For Service and Quality STORE ISLANDS wanted Phone Stroud 26r6 35456 $1000 YOUNG business couple steadily employed wish to borrow $1000 Willing to pay average in erest Apply Box 67 Barrie Ex aminer 35657 Accommodation Wanted OR ROOM house urgently re quired in Barrie Apply Box Barrie Examiner 115657 OR ROOM House on main floor apartment wanted Adulth only Apply Box Barrie Examq iner 115557 ROOM House or 45 roomed apartment urgently required for family of four Responsible tenants Phone John ONeill 2449 1156 UNFURNISHED roomed apart ment or bungalow wanted in or near Barrie from July No chil dren Box 64 Barrie Examiner 115456 UNFURNISHED Room with clothes closet in home with all conveni ences requiredby business man non smoker and abstainer Box Barrie Examiner 1156 wOoo FOR SALE HARDWOOD Hardwood Slabs Softwood Slabs Sawed and deliv ered Dennis Moran phone 2907 6129tf Delivery Service Phone 28W Lefroy 6347 56 cheap 756 $125 75556 Machine 756 PIANO Newcombe excellent con dition Phone 32rll Cookstown 75556 cupboards RANGETTE $15 Phone POWER Lawn Phone 4662 USED 15 Peterboro Boat 91 Wellington St West EASY Electric Washing 19 Essa Rd Phone 5881 MOWer TRAILER winterized 24 ft long Blair McCracken An gus 75657 REFRIGERATOR and Rangette in perfect working order $100 Phone 4059 CS75556 APARTMENT sized heavy duty range very good condition $80 Phone 5787 75657 HEINTZMAN Piano first class con dition $350 or best offer Phone 2951 or 6300 75657 4YARD Dump Box with hoist also 3piece Chesterfield suite Cheap Phone 5204 756 ELECTRIC Welders portable Cheap Apply Alex Cleland 11 High St Phone 5046 746th BASKET electric commercial French Fryer with 10 ft of cable $125 Phone 75 Lefroy 75556 PERSONAL Permanent Waves am Special Take advantage of these amazing reductions on morning appornt meats Reg $350 wave $300 Reg $500 wave $400 Cold Wave reg $700 $600 tSh new easona me op Cold Wave reg $600 $500 239 Bradford St Barrie $4556 HAIR CUTTING 50c BOATTrailer 600x16tires fender CAMERON lights good condition Very rea 60 Maple Ave Phone 4351 sonable 89 Collier St 75556 3041Wth RECONDITIONEDLawn Mowers 1954 CHEV leaving for Halifax Cheap Apply Barrie Iron Works NS on Sunday 16 May Can ac 11 High St Phone 5046 756 £g£°ie46figésgngers Egg HOUSE to be removed from prop erty Tenders accepted till June TEA CUP reading by Mrs Price For full particulars phone 5303 New location second house west 75257 of Department of Highways Build AIR COMPRESSOR wrth tank 12 mg con 14 Inmsm Readings motor and controls rebuilt anytlme 30 55 56 Box 71 Barrie Examiner SUFFER no longer from Eczema Psoriasis rash pimples and other unsightly skin conditions Use medicated Kleerex Ointment Pro ven effective through the years 53 SSE All druggists 3056 2ROOMED House 16x20 wired and insulated builtin cupboards to be moved Reasonable Phone 5709 75559WF CABINS located on Highway 11 on old Fairway Lodge property Apply Grant Mayor or phone 2939 756 BOAT Pram Dinghy new Ap ply FO Henry House No RCAF Edgar Phone 3094 exten sion 527 756 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto St phone 4824 713621 3PIECE Chesterfield Suite Elec tric washing machine Norge Day Bed Kitchen Table Mrs Prentice Thornton Phone Ivy 15r5 after pm 75053F WROUGHT Iron coffee tables fire screens outdoor barbecues fire dogs and baskets Apply Barrie Iron Works 11 High St Phone 5046 746th NEW AND Reconditioned used pi anos Terms to suit your bud ct Frank Kennedy Phelpston les north of Barrie on Con F105 STOVE combination coalelectric with hot water front Ideal stove for farm or cottage Phone 3766 PHONE 2414 40 word minimum $100 vale 911 ELECTRIC Range burner near 75556 PLYWOOD 1954 models Prefabri Phone 4485 cated Overhead Doors Delivered CCM BICYCLE in good condition and one mile east Phopoiganfi as new FOR SALE CAST iron recess bath new $85 Steel septic tank $25 Cement laundry trays and stand 7$15 56 with small motor attached $100 755371 cash Apply at 26 Granville St or phone 2773 76658 RELIANCE Treadle Sewing Mach ine new condition $40 Mrs Char les Clark Guthrie Phone Ore 172 after 630 pm 75556 FRAME House 20 26 in Med onte Township Must be removed from property Phone Elmvale 1812 Crowe 75556 MOTOR Launch in excellent con dition powered by Buchanan midget marine engine Phone 2815 Oro Garf Burton 756 RUGS Broadloom save 50 New rugs made from old rugs carpets woollens etc Dominion Rug Wca ing C0 phone 2706 748f NEW Tires Atlas Gri Safe 600x 16 piyregular $2 85 selling for $20 Joftre Averall Cooks town Barber Shop phone 75657 $3500PIONEER Log Cabin cem ent foundation furnished sleep field stone fireplace kitchen with sink and verandah Appiy Mores Store Shanty Bay 75658 EVINRUDE MotorsNew and used Expert motor repair service Tar iff rates Send for used motor and boat list Morrisons Sporting Goods Newmarket Ont 75059F RANGETTE burner with auto matic oven $45 Cook stove nearly new with high shelf $45 3piece chesterlield $55 Clarks Home Furnishings 38 Bayfleld Street Barrie 756 TYPEWRITERS office machines portableo adding machines cash registers sales and service Gosney 17 Frances St Barrie Phone 4115 Box 67 Smith Coronal representat ve 74101be SHEDS approximately 20x60 frame construction to rear of 102 Collier St Building tO be removed within one week agreed upon Off ers will be accepted by Coutts Owen St 756 MOFFAT Grill 34x16 in excell ent condition 3100 Propane Grill $35 counter stools airfoam fill ed $8 each Counter 25 long Graves Bros 305 Hayfield St Phone 3533 75556 CANADIAN Oriental Rug 9x12 one year old used very little $175 antique walnut springfilled chair seat and back covered in green needlepoint walnut corner cupboard dining table and china 75659F cupboard Phone 3285 or 3332 756 15 RANGE Shelters 4x9 wire bottoms and sides with door gal vanized mofing several heavy gauge galvanized wim pens 9xl5x high Wire bottom and top hp heavy duty air cooled refrig eration unit complete very rea sonably priced also quantity of cedar fence rails Crawford Oro Station Phone Oro 75657 Farms For Sale Or Rent LARGE Cabin Trailer insulated and wired Phone 4501 1956 CHICKS WE HAVE dayold and started chicks in pullets cockereis and mixed chicks available weekly Order now while they last Bred from production under ROP super vrsion since 1938 Hunters Poultry Farm Stroud phone 53r5 2456 WE HAVE the new low price list for May on Hillside Chicks Dont pass these up They have started chicks all agespullets nonsexed as Well as dayold And Cocker els Ask us about them Canadian Approved plus this liatcherys 30 years experience Agent Dave Miller RR Barrie phone 805r22 2456 BRAY HATCHERY can give you Wide choice of breeds and crossa You can select the kind you know youll need for your particular markets Ask us for complete up todate price list Remember this IS the26th year Canadian Approval for Bray Agent Copeland RR Beeton Phone Beeton 55r12 2456 DO YOU want layingpull ts in months time Itsnot too ate as we have quantity of outstanding Hy Line pallets all ready for the range These birds were floor brooded and are completely feath ered These chicks are priced to clear as we are starting another group Contact SimcoeDufferin Divrsion of Gilmores Hatchery V60 Penetang Street phone 2735 Bar rie 245461 fFARM EQUIPMENT PRICED QUICK SALE FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR MOUNTED PLOW BCUmming MasseyHarris Ferguson Dealer 30 Sophia St Phone 8755 3956 FERTILIZER Drill Cockshutt No 10 11 disc Also other implements Phone 824 Oro 395556 2ROW JOHN Deere Potato Plant er in good working condition Phone 803r23 Barrie 395456 FORDSON Major Deisel Tractor equipped withpulley lights power takeoff Didicher No Bradford 3956 MCCORMICK Deering Seed Drill grain and fertilizer 13 run in new condition Apply Bill Graves Minesing phone 1101 3956 70 COCKSHUTT Standard Tractor used overhauled and good condi4 tion alsoCaSe 2furr0w plow for power hydraulic cylinder good Phone 860r12 895356 13 6652 Phone2377 PROPERTY FOR SALE LACEY REALTOR 98 Hayfield 81 P11 5298 am9 pm MondaySaturday Reps Carson A1 Rose SALES LISTINGS APPEALS ALB 18261 Angus Room Ranch Style Bungalow in grave of beautiful maples on acres of Toadhardwood floors throughout bathrooms VLA approved Exceptional opportunity for Camp worker Close to bus and school on Highway 90 Phone 4792 evenings ask for Mr Coulson 11150th GORDON STOUTT LTD Real Estate Brokers Aurora Oakvllle BARRIE dz DISTRICT REP GEORGE WRIGHT Phone Barrie 4800 150 Duniop St East Member Barrie dc District Real Estate Board 1645tf CHOICE LOTS Angus Gardens Subdivision all lots 66 230 Flat level land with ideal drainage Al gardening land exceptionally good water Close to bus and school on Highway 90 $20000 and up Phone 4792 evenings ask for Mr Roberts 11336th Barrie Central Location 2STOREY ROOM BRICK HOUSE with sunporch Large clothes closets beautiful oak floors throughout excellent new furnace garage Early possession Mut be seen to be appreciated Box 60 Barrie Examiner 1656 CLIFF BROWN REALTOR Over Sterling Trusts Phone 2678 If you are looking for home lot to build on summer cottage or business give us call Listings invited CLIFF BROWN REAL ESTATE 1647th Butcher and Armstrogg REALTORS 1706A Avenue 133 Dunlap St BarriePh 6642 For retiring couple or young couple with or without one child with $2000 down payment snug little modern home in town on good garden lot close to every thing Full price $5200 Fully modern bedroom home with 3car garage and small new barn on two acres garden land landscaped out of town on high wayUp to 30 acres available if desired Reasonable terms Bruce Rep Barrie 6642 After hours call 2239 1656 HENRY ELRICK MICHIE REALTORS 90wenSt Ph 3752 $2500 down Four room frame bungalow forced air heating $2500 down Seven room home Cumberland St Allandale Coop listing $3000 down Four roam bungalow attached garageNo 11 Highway south Coop listing $15000 Six room storey brick home Codrington School area View of lake forced air oil furn ace attached garage finished rec reation room 10000 Eight room brick home Burton Ave Allandale Farced air oil heating large lot excellent condition 1656 CHOICE BUILDING lot in Puget and Codrington area Phone 5080 165556 BUILDING LOTS 60x165 Duck worth St area Phone 4090 165556 NDW STONE Bungalow rooms near Codrington St School Phone 165556 $700 CASH1 ACRE land high way 11 north of Barrie winterized cabin Phone 3797Barrie after pm 1656 CHOICE BUILDING Lots Strabane St close to school transportation and new park Apply 114 Napier St Phone 5337 165659 LAKE SIMCOE Oro Statibn Snack bar dance hall cabins large lot Must sell Phone Stroud l4rl21 evenings 165556 ROOMED SUMMER cottage win terized hardwood floors th oughr out on acre lot Phone 63 be tween and 165556 8tROOM CEMENT house in Lefroy Priced to sell Would rent Poss ession June Apply James 0x ford or Grace 165658FW ROOM STOREYbrick home large rooms modernized forced air stoker fire furnace This home is in excellent condition garage Location Mulcaster St Coutts Street 58 Real Estate Broker Owe PROPERTY FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE rooms oak floors throughout bathrooms 011 best attached garage Apply 244 Brad ford St Phone 3349 165361 VACANT ALLANDALE 6room brick house in good repair newly decorated inside and out 22 Hol gatc Price $8750 Phone 4465 1656 $70005 ROOMED lnsul Brick Bungalow Stroud Modern bath room 011 heated oak floors full basement Half down Phone 27r4 Stroud 165359F $9500MODERN 6ROOM home two miles south ofBarrie Oil heated excellent well and pressure system tiled bath beautiful grounds Barrie Realtors Coop eratlve No LID545 Charles Rogers Realtor phone 6387 1650 DUNLOP WEST Attractive bun galow rooms and 3piece bath on ground floor large lot nice gar den good garnge and drive Five minutes to down town Barrie in first class condition Illness forces sale Cash price $5500 Phone 6535 105550 ON LAKE Simcoe Leonards Beach5roomed furnished cottage screened veranda 5minute walk to water electric refrigerator stove and space heater Phone To ronto MA 9298 Write Hart man 111 York Mills Road Will owdaie Ont 165661F WASAGA BEACH $19000 Lodge 15 cabins fully furnished and equipped beautiful grounds abundance of water by pressure close to river Business well estab lishcd $6500 will handle Easy terms on balance Keilough Realtor phone 4869 1656 CENIRALLY LOCATED Moon brick home with all modern fac ilities and newly decorated throughout Price $8000 with $3000 down baiance monthly Barrie Realtors Cooperative No Bd54i Contact Charles Rogers Real tor Dunlop St East phone 6387 $70001ié STOREY Upstairs un finished complete rooms and bath on ground floor full base ment hot air heating garageslarge lot Tiffin Street Also at Essa Station room bungalow and other homes in Angus area Mort gages arranged Apply Mart shall Representative Coutts Realtor Owen Street D1631 2377 5658 DISTINCTIVE Ranch type brick bungalow large living room stone fireplace picture window with view of Bay modern kitchen spa cious closets bedrooms land scaped Also other fine homes available seen by appointment Marshall Representative Coutts Realtor Owen Street Dial 2377 165658 VACANT CENTRAL Barriesemi brick rooms with extra living space beyond kitchennewly dec orated hardwood downstairs mod ern kitchen cupboards new steel sink new linoleum extra large levellot stove heated Full price $5500 Large down payment re quired Balance very easy Make good income home or duplex Phone 6378 or 6462 165556 $2500 DOWNFOUR room frame bungalow forced air heating $15000Six room storey brick home Codrington School area view of lake force dair oil furnace attached garage finished recrea tion room $100008 room brick house forced air oil heating large lot excellent condition Contact Henry Elrick and Michie Real tors Barrie phone 3752 ill56 ROOM 112 STOREY house oil heated bedrooms upstairs large storage rooms bedrooms and 4piece bath downstairs Thor automatic dishwasher and washing machine in kitchenlarge Lshaped living and dining storms screens and awnings fully landscaped and rock garden close to school store and bus service $15500 Terms can be arranged Phone 3284 1655thF 100 ACRES good clay farm mile from Cookstown near 89 High way room brick house large bank barn small creek on property 19 acres wheat 18 Alfalfa 15 clo ver all for $9500 with very easy terms 30 acres good land 3miles from Alliston ongood road large brick house 10 rooms well insul ated barn 44x60 well equipped for hogs and cattle implement shed hen house hydro and pressure system 15 acres wheat balance c10 ver this place isin pink of condi tion for $7800 ith terms Hawkins Box 61 Allistop phone 427 1656 DOGS PE STOCK SHETLAND Sheep Dogs months old registered males and females Penny phone 4324 3856 DALMATIAN Pups for sale also male years old females 20 months old Registered Selling outr Ed Webb phone 64W Cookstown 385356FW FREE BIRD Cage value $495 witheach singing canary sold this week at regular price of $995 Harris Flowers 99 Dunlop East phone 2951 3856 Busmess Opportunities 21 SEATER LUNCH room with chrome furniture gas pumps Own er selling because of lack of help Possession immediately miles south of Cookstown on Highway 27 Phone 44r5 Cookstown 295556 DELICATESSEN Store penny ar cade dance hall cottages for sale Situated on acres of land Newly remodelled Good summer business and year round Mustbe sold due to ill health First reason able offerwill be considered Con tact Biil Ruffet Belle Ewart 295661 ESTABLISHED town business Snack bar and Gas pumps doing excellent business worth investi gation Cash required $4000 For further information contact Marshall Representative Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen St Dial 2377 Cooperative listing 295658 POULTRY LIGHT Sussex Puliets 10 weeks old for sale Mrs Ray Adams RR No Barrie phone 4434 1456 LAYING Hens Hamp Rock or Ovlumbian Rocks for sale also monthold Pallets Wiiham Pater son Churchill 1456 PROPERTY FOR RENT APARTMENT or Store Phone 4476 after pm 1556 FURNISHED Apartment Adults only Phone 3371 1552tf APARTMENT 300 Dunlop St West Apply 129 Henry St 155556 LARGE Housekeeping room furn ished 60 Maple Ave 155556 FURNISHED Bedroom suitable for gentleman Phone 4497 155456 CHOICE Furnished rooms brighi cheery East end Phone 4818 155556 FURNISHED Rooms for quiet respectable couple Phone 6643 155556 LARGE Furnished Housekeeping room with fireplace Phone 4724 1556 FURNISHED 2roomed apartment Adults abstainers Phone 5763 1556 NEWLY decorated xiiroamed apart ment mntraiiy located Phone 2659 1556 ROOMS heavy wiring close to Radar Station Box Barrie Ex aminer 1556 HOUSE and garden rooms Ap ply Ward Goodfellow Minesing phone 714 155556 OFFICES or sample rooms near bus station and new Post Office at 53 Collier St 15461i SLEEPING Room or light house keeping room Central location Phone 3275 155556 UNFURNISHED Rooms Call at 19 Cumberland St or phone 5862 after pm 1556 FURNISHED Bachelor Apartment electric stove and frige garage Phone 5220 1556 FURNISHED bedsitting room with kitchenette Would suit one or two adults Phone 3371 155658 UNFURNISHED room selfcon tained apartment heavy wiring Business couple Phone 2736 155556 LARGE Heated unfurnished rooms sink hot and cold water Apply 57 Campbell Ave Barrie 1556 ROOMED light housekeeping apartment complete with sink and rangette No children Phone 4056 155557 MODERN selfcontained apartment with refrigerator stove 3piece bath Available June Phone 3535 155556 NICE well Could do light housekeeping Ap ply Coutts Real Estate OWen Street 1556 ROOM Furnished Apartment kitchen and bedsitting roomsep arate entrance Vacant May 15 Phone 3140 155556 UNFURNISHED rooms separate entrance Suit couple with chil dren under 10 years Spears 145 Cumberland St 1556 LARGE bright unfurnished rooms in respectable home con tinubus hot water Apply 141 San ford St Phone 3714 GARAGE or Warehouse storey building total floor space 6000 sq ft Central Barrie Far information apply Box 70 Barrie Examiner 155556 APARTMENT heated living room bedrooms modern kitchen Com plete bathroom Central Separate entrance On bus line Phone 5013 1556 150 ACRES of land only situated in Innisfil Township Con 11 close to Highways 400 and 11 Apply Mrs Selem RRNO Barrie 155556 ROOMED Apartment unfurn ished or furnished modern kitch enette centrally located Available after June Phone 4385 afteigsigré FULLY Furnished modern 4room bungalow ion Henry St available until Oct 15 $75 monthly Phone 6387 Charles Rogers Realtor 1556 3ROOM Furnished Apartment private bath central location No children Abstainers New trig and rangette Box 69 Barrie Examin er 155556 ROOM Unfurnished house also 3gtroom apartment upstairs room apartment with kitchenette down stairs Both all conveniences Avail able June Phone 113 Cooks town 155556 FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms in east end of town avail able now hot running waterAp ply Coutts Real Estate Owen Street 15350 ROOM selfcontained apartment also bachelor apartment Newa decorated new stoves and refrig erators continuous hot water and laundry facilities Adults Phone Barrie 4268 1556 LARGE well heated unfurnished rooms living room bedroom and pantry One small child or one well behaved child over 10 years welcome Apply Coutts Redl Es tate Owen St 1556 ZROOM Furnished Apartment $60 per month suit couple wrth small child Also 2room furnished apartment private bath suit eld erly couple ground floor $55 Phone 4465 1556 FURNISHED Cottage with living room dining room kitchen bed rooms inside toilet screened ver anda electricity on lake front Toliendai Also garage iniBarrie Mrs Smith 60 Mary St phone 2216 155556 mmu5nm umuidfwDWthJunultux It wand5 crews furnished bedroom 1556 PLANTS tr FLOWERS TOMATO Plants for sale Mrs Hoover Stroud 275859 STRAWBERRY Plants for sale $2 per hundred Phone 4127 2756 RAINBOW GladLori Bulbs 55c dozen or $4 hundred Mrs Sweeney 78 Dunlop St East over Oughs Hardware Apt Phone 2305 275559 RASPBERRY Canes improved Viking $5 per hundred Chiefs $3 per hundred Blackberry canes lllc each Lockhart Cundles phone 4396 2756591 SEED £7 FEED MIXED Grain for sale Phone 48 Oro 105057 SWEET Clover Seed for sale Goodfellow phone Minesing 714 105556 RED CLOVER Seed for sale re cleaned Phone 806rii Earl Carson Barrie 105557 WHITE Blossom Sweet Ciover Seed for sale 1952 crop COop cleaned Price $550 bushel Phone Stroud 10rl3 105657 MONTCALM Barley Seed for sale also Beaver Oats Seed Apply Will lam Crawford Oro Station Phone 239 Oro 105456 BEAVER Oats third generation cleaned and treated for sale also Galore Barley and Red Clover Seed 100 bags of Canso Potatoes grown from foundation seed aLsO Katahdin Phone 812162 Campbell Bros RR No Barrie 10535556 AUTOMOBILES is HONEST JOE WILL PAY Highest Prices FOR CLEAN AUTOMOBILES Liens paid off and we will trade down CROSSTOWN MOTORS 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 131510 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1952 Pontiac Coach 1952 Chevrolet Sedan 1951 Ford Convertible white wall tires radio This is an excep tional car you must see it 1950 Meteor Sedan 1950 Hiliman Sedan 1949 Dodge Sedan radio 1947 Dodge Sedan As little as 20 down 24 months or more on balance SEE WINDICE MOTORS Phone 2856 97 Bradford St Edson Wice Clarence Wingrove 1356 DID THAT $395 DOWN DELIVERS BRAND NEW I954 FORD TUDOR DEMONSTRATOR FOR FULL DETAILS CALL AT BULLOCK MOTORS Limited Your FORD MONARCH DEALER MARKET SQUARE PH 5526 1375556 MODEL in good condition gash Phone 6730 135456 1950 FORD Panel Truck in good condition $600 Phone 5892 1856 52 METEOR 2tone in good con dition Apply 64 ShVincent St 135458 1936 DODGE Sedan good condi tion Phone 2076 after p113 56 1952 STUDEBAKER Sedan good condition Roy Tracy 87 Maple Ave Barrie phone 3482 135556 54 STUDEBAKER Champion hard top convertible beautiful two tone blue new car Bargain Phone 3623 1356 THIS IS It 47 Monarch 5passen ger coupe new tires and brakes in excellent condition Phone 6454 135658 E1941 MERCURY Sedan good con dition new paint job new seat covers $125 cash Elvin Keli phone 54r21 Stroud 1356 1952 DODGE Regent Sedanflow mileage good condition Apply Patrick ONeill Phelpston after six Phone Elmvale lr12 135556 PRIVATELY owned 1947 Dodge Sedan pleasure to drive You can buy this car it sold smartly for $550 need the money Phone 4501 1356 PRIVATE1947 Chev Coach in ex cellent condition new tires radio heater and fan $275 cash and take over payments Phone 5579 1356 1950 CHEV Sedan motoroverhaul last summer air conditioning seat covers Reasonable Apply 190 Saskatchewan Blvd Camp Borden or write Box 175 Camp Borden cw Bs14 Manna 135657 14 pa5 st

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