rm 351mm EXAMINER mun MAY 1954 AUCTION SALE Form Stock Implements Household Effects The undersigned has received instructions from MALCOLM McLEAN 572 Lot Can Gwillimbury One Mile North of Bond Head on 27 Highway To sell by Public Auction on WEDNESDAY MAY I2 Commencing at pm sharp THE FOLLOWING CATTLE The following 27 head of lIoLstein Cattle are of good quality Holstein Cow bred Oct 21 1953 Holstein Cow freshened Jan bred April 11 I954 Holstein Cow freshened April 17 1954 Holstein Cow freshencd March 26 1954 Hol stein Cow freshened April 29 Hol stein Cow due to freshen soon Holstein Cow freshened March 1954 Holstein Cow freshened Feb 20 1954 Holstein Cow bred Jan 15 1934 Holstein Cow freshened April 17 Holstein Heifer bred Oct 15 1953 Holstein Heifer bred March 1954 Holstein Heifers not bred Holstein Calves Bred by Maple Breeders Assoc iation SWINE AND FOWL Tamworth Sow and litter 10 Pigs Yorkshire White Boar year old Fat Pigs 85 Hens year old HAY AND GRAIN 16 Tons Baled Timothy and Alfalfa Hay 14 Tons Loose Hay 400 Bales Straw Quantity Permanent Pas ture Seed Quantity International Stock Food IMPLEMENTS ETC Land Roller horse Hay Rake Hog Scale lScction Harrows and new DT for sections Set of Tractor Discs 32 plates Mower 1way Dise Tiller 5ft Case Hammer Mill Springtooth Cultivator Side lelivery Rake Set 2000lb Scales Set of Slcighs horse Horse Wagon 2furrow Plow 1952 model Man ure Spreader 1953 Case model Rack Grain Chopper with speed belt and bagger Seed Drill horse Universal Brooder House Sin gle Plows horse MH Hay Load er Binder 7ft cut horse 1935 Chev car Tractor Plow shares and parts CC Saw Rubbertired Wagon horse Brace and Bits Case Model Tractor used Elec tric Broader Int Sidedelivery rake horse drawn Fanning Mill with Screens 28ft Extension Lad der Large Moving Jack heavy duty Wood Tank 14 hp Motor Belt for Tractor 40 ft in Rack for wagon used for stock Power Emery Quantity of Lum ber and Wood Root Pulper Horse Scuffler Dorks Shovels Hoes DeLaval Milking Machine magne tic type McCormickDeering Cream Separator with electric mo tor Buggy in good condition Ce ment Mixer Other articlestoo numerous to mention HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS piece Chesterï¬eld Suite Wooden Bed Brass Beds Dressers Wardrobe Bed Dresser and Wash Stand Table ilcctric Lamp Wash Stands Oak Table Single Steel Bed with Marshall Mattress Bureau with separate mirror Oak Chairs Easy Washing Mach ine nearly new Heat Wave Elec tric Stove nearly new Cook Stove Findlay 7918K Condor Coal Stove 10 Kitchen Chairs Kitch en Tables Rogers Radio Alexan dra Piano Cabinet Grand with bench Buffet solid oak Combin ation Couch or Bed Rocking Chair Other articles too numer ous to mention TERMS CASH Nothing to be removed until settled for Noreserve as farm is sold Bob Leonard Clerk Manning McEwen Auctioneer 53 Township of Vespra TENDERS GARBAGE COLLECTION SEALED TENDERS will be re ceived by the undersigned up to 12 Oclock noort Thursday May 20 for the collection and proper dis posal of garbage from Little Lake Collections to be made on the mornings of May 25 June 14 and June 28 and each Monday there after until September except where holiday falls on Monday in which case collection shall be made on the day following EARL RICHARDSON Clerk 15 Owen Street Barrie 53561 Twp of Vespro TENDERS 34 CRUSHED GRAVEL SEALED TENDERS will be re ceived by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon Friday May 28 for crushing and hauling 4000 cu yds or more of gravel crushed and screened so that minimum Of 70 is retained on Vt inch screen Maximum size of stone 111 inch Also price for loading township truck Work to be com pleted by October 15 Marked check for 109 of tender to accom pany same Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted McLEAN Road Supervisor Cundles EARL RICHARDSON Clerk 15 Owen St Barrie 53561 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of CHARLES JOIIN IARIRIDGE late of the Town of Barrie In the County of Slmcoe Retired Farmer All persons having claims against the Estate of Charles John Part ridge deceased who died on or about the 6th day of May 1950 are notified to send to the under signed on or before the ISIh day of May 1954 their names and ad dresses and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities if any held by them Immediately after the said 15th day of May 1954 the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Exccutors shall then have notice Dated the 15th day of April 1954 GLADSTONE CURRIE QC 97 Dunlop St Barrie Ont Solicitor for the Executors 5356F For Sale By Tender Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Thursday May 20 1954 at 12 oclock noon for the purchase of the building formerly used as curling rink on Lot Number on the west side of Clapperton Street in the Town of Barrie Each tender must be accompan ied by certified cheque for 1094 of the amount thereof and the bal ance will be payable when the removal of the building commences In the event that the tender is not accepted the said deposit will be returnad The purchaser will be allowed sixty days to remove said building or such further time as may be agreed upon The said premises must be left in clean and tidy condition Neither the highest or any tender will necessarily be accepted For further particulars apply to the undersigneds Dated at Barrie this 7th day of May 1954 DOUGLAS STEPHENS SecretaryTreasurer 15 Dunlop St West Phone 2566 Barrie 5355 commons Features FaSt Friendly Farm Service REPAIRSHome auto tractor born machinery etc PAINTING House form build Ings implements etc likes to make loans to farmers Cash promptly SPRING PLANTING Sprays fertilizer seed LIVESTOCK Poultry cattle horses sheep etc Bankable securitynot required Write for loan entirely by mail phone ï¬rst for lvisit loan or come in today SYSTEM Loans $50 to $1200 on Signature Furniture or Auto III COMPAN um um TO SAY FINANCE CO convenient Officeswhich Is nearest you BARRIE15 Bayfleld Street 2nd Floor Phone5931 ORILLIA 32 Mississaga Street East 2nd Floor Phone 3505 OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENTPHONE FOR EVENING HOURS loans made to rasidenltof all wrruunding towns Personal Finance ampuny cl Canada Heres Plllllll CHICKS KELLY Chick Hatchery We have on hand number of 12 week old pullets and cockerels These chicks will be sold at low price to clear Hatching Barred Rocks and Hump Rocks Hatches every Saturday Phone 2320 245355 APRILMAY Hillside Chlcks Ask me for special prices on variety of breeds crosses Mixed pallets cockerels dayold started Cana dian Approved from Hatchery of over 30 years experience Agent Dave Miller RR Barrie phone 805122 2453 grammars ENGAGEMENTS Joins Sales Staff Mr and Mrs Vincent DAm brosio Of Barrie wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Margaret Mary Lucy Grant Mayor son of Mr and Mrs Grant Mayor of Barrie th marriage to take place on Satur day June 1954 at 10 oclock in St Marys Church Barrie Mr to Byron Simcoe Motors Ltd and Mrs Peter Loinax of St Catharines announce the en gagement of their only daughter Lily RegN to Norman Andrew Graham of Hamilton younger Iron BRAY HAS Chicks for immediate or Mr and Mrs Alex Graham of delivery Pallets mixed And started pullets Early heavy pro duction is what you want from the chicks you buy now Then get Bray Ask us for complete list Prompt delivery Wide choice breeds and crosses Agent Copeland RR Beeton Phone Beeton 55112 2+53 AUTOMOBILES HONESTJQE WILL PAY Highest PriCes FOR CLEAN AUTOMOBILES Liens paid off and we will trade down CROSSTOWN MOTORS 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 131510 New Used BUYS 1952 Chevrolet Sedan 1951 Ford Convertible white wall tires radio This is an excep tional car you must see it 1950 Meteor Sedan 1950 Hillman Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Standard Sedan 1948 Pontiac Sedan like new 1947 Dodge Sedan As little as 20 down 24 months or more on balance SEE WINDICE MOTORS 97 Bradford St Phone 2856 Edson Wice Clarence Wingrove 1353 52ONETON Truck like new 12000 genuine mileage Phone 3738 135253 1953 FORD Tudor under 5000 miles fully equipped Phone 2590 1353 1950 FORD Panel Truck in good condition Reasonable Phone 5892 13753 1947 DODGE Sedan privately guaned very reasonable Phone 51 135253 1937 DODGE in good condition 5150 Apply 152 Bayï¬eld St after pm 135253 52 CHEV fourdoor sedan in good condition Price $1250 May be ï¬n anced Phone 4960 134953 1937 TERRAPLANE in good condi tion Also garage for rent at 90 Worsley St Phone 3394 135354 I952 CHEVROLET Sedan deluxef excellent condition Reasonable Apply Wallace Cockburn Edgar 135253 1949 2TONE Champion Studebak er new paint job Must be seen to be appreciated Phone Stroud l9r5 135253 1949 METEOR Sedan radio air conditioning heater good tires Price $895 Phone 6472 or apply 25 Wood St 135253 1953 PONTIAC Deluxe 4door Se dan extremely low mileage num erous extras low price One own er Apply 256 Codrington St 135153 1950 CHEV 4door Mluxe Sedan good condition Reasonable Apply 190 Saskatchewan Blvd Camp Borden or write Box 175 Camp Borden 135354 39 NASH Car good motor and good tires sacriï¬ce $150 Apply Doug McArthur Dominion Store bewteen 96 After phone Elm vale 88r21 135354 1950 MERCURY Sedan twotone brown radio heater direction lights overdrive foam rubber cushions clean good condition $1150 or bestyoffer Phonon19451 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claimsuagalnst the estate of LUQILLE MAUDE GIBBONS 75 Essa Road Barrie Married Woman who died on Dec ember 14th 1953 are required to submit their claims to the under signed by May 15th 1954 after which date the Administrator will distribute the estate having regard only to those claims of which he shall then have notice MaCLAREN WILSON Guthrie the marriage to take place May 22 in Westminster Uni ted Church St Catharines 53 Town and County USE MIDLAND SHIPYARD Although there is no word of shipbuilding orders for the CSL yard in Midland Algoma Steel in terests are not going to permit the property to lie idle Announce ment was made that Midland Ship yard would be used on trial basis for distribution of the products of its Sault Ste Marie mills If it works out economically Midland might become major distribution point for southern Ontario The Free Press Herald states PENETANG ARENA VOTE When final estimated figure of the cost to complete Pcnctangs new arena with ice plant installed was presented to Penetang Coun cil resolution was passed which will place the question of issuing debentures before the ratepayers Vote will be taken on May 19 on the following question Are you in favor of bylaw of the Town of Pehetanguishene to raise $109000 in debentures to pay for construc tion and equipment of Commun ity Memorial Arena PLANTS Cr FLOWER RASPBERRY Canes Improved Viking $5 per hundred Chiefs $3 per hundred Lockhart Cun dles Phone 4396 274753F CABBAGE Plants and Tomato Plants early varieties also Sweet William plants and Gladioli bulbs Call at Franks Greenhouse Mine sing 275253 STRAWBERRY Plants Asparagus roots Raspberry canes also quan tity of Beaver Oats Henry Kanis and Sons Phelpston Phone Elm vale 57r14 BECAUSE Mr Sweeney is Sunnybrook Hospital he will not be able to plant all his Gladioli bulbs so am forced to sell some at 55c dozen or $4 per hundred Mrs Sweeney 78 Dunlop St East Apt over Oughs Hardware Phone 2365 275253 Farms For Sale Or Rent RETIRED FARMERS OPPORTUNITY Oak Ridges16 miles north of To ronto just off Yonge St room house all conveniences lovely treed lot Sale includes Tractor and equipment for custom garden work Income $2000 per annum Price $12600 terms arranged Farms for sale ranging from $8000 and up JACK BLYTH Realtor Phoner Hunter Loblaw Rep Aurora PA 74906 215053F AUCTION SALES Wednesday May 12 Malcolm Mc Lean Lot Con West Gwill imbury on 27 Highway one mile north of Bond Head Sale of farm stock implements and household effects Sale at pm Terms cash Manning McEwen Auctioneer 5254 Wednesday May 12 Malcolm Mc Lean Sllé Lot Con West Gwillimbury one mile north of Bond Head on 27 Highway Auc tionsale of farm stock implements and household effects Terms cash Sale at pm sharp Manning McEwen auctioneer 5354 Saturday May 15 Mrs Dave Pea cock Painswick next door to Painswick Store household furniture Sale at pm Terms cash DSproule Stroud 5156 Saturday May 15 Mrs Grace Lafreniere Con 14 Innisï¬l Township on Highway No 11 mile south of Allandale Auction sale of house hold furniture at 230 pm DST Auction sale iof Meadowbrook Cabins 275054 in WILLIAM TEX JACKSON of Houston Texasnas just been ap pointed to the sales staff of Sim coe Motors Ltd according to an announcement which has just been made Mr Jackson was with Turbyville Motors in Houston for twoanda half years after having served in the United States Army Air Conps Before coming to Barrie he was with Hitchcox Motors in Oakville He is married to the former Nor ma Barinecutt of New Liskeard Ont and they have three children Due to an error it was reported last week that John McNeil had joined Simcoe Motors Ltd sales staff This should have read John ONeill and regret is expressed over this error DUNNAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie May 1954 to Mr and Mrs Douglas Dunn Peel St daughter FLANAGANAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie May 1954 to F10 and Mrs Flanagan 81 St Vincent St daughter McDOUGALLAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie May 1954 to Sgt and Mrs Mc Dougall 226 Dunlop St West daughter MlDWOODAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie May 1954 to Mr and Mrs Frank Midwood 187 Owen St son YARMILLAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie May 71954 to Mr andMrs Fred Yarmill 23 Gowan St daughter ARDELLAt the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Toronto onylhursday May 1954 Ida May Moffitt of 126 Essa Road Barrie dear mo ther of Rosebud Mrs Allan of Geraldton Audrae and Jack of Barrie Resting at the Jcnnett Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service private lnter ment Barrie Union Cemetery Please omit flowers BROWNAt St Boniface IIospi tal Manitoba on Friday April 30 1954 Ida Gibson beloved wife of Brown and dear sister of Mrs Jean Ritchie 90 William Street Allandale Inter ment St James Cemetery Ibr onto May NIXONSuddenly at his home Midhurst on Wednesday May 1954 Asa Nixon beloved hus band of Lottie Smith in his 69th year Resting at Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home 30 Wors 1ey St Barrie for service on Friday May at 230 pm In terment Barrie Union Cemetery IN MEMORIAM McCUAIGIn loving memory of dear husband and father Henry McCuaig who passed away May 1953 But still the empty chair Reminds us of the face the smile Of one who once sat there Ever remembered by wife and family 53 McKEEIn memory of Thomas Matthew McKee who passed away May 1953 While you dear parent rest and sleep Your loving memory well always keep Ever remembered by Velma Ross and Family 53 Mrs George Smith Mary Street has retulned home after two weeks visit with her daughter Mrs Dalton Caldwell Poterbor ough Mrs Northstein Winnipeg Hrs George Park Owen Sound ind M13 Temple Day of Annan were guests of their sister Mus MacDonald Barrie Mr and Mrs Douglas Reynolds have returned to their home in Montreal after spending week with Mrs Reynolds parents Mr and Mrs Percy Martindale and her sister Mrs Stephen Osachuk CNR anï¬pk Time Table Effective Sunday April 25 1954 at 1201 am All tnln times quoted are Standard Time CANADIAN NATIONAL BAILWAYS NOBTHBOUND No IlToronto to North Bay leave Tomato 920 am Arrive AI Iandale 1130 am Leave Barrie 1148 am Daily except Sunday No 45Tcronto to Midland Arrive Allandale 802 pm Leav Barrie 817 pm Daily except Sun day No SIToronto to Sudburye Leave Toronto at 930 pm arrive Allandale 1112 pm Leave Barrie 1117 pm Daily except Sunday No3Toronto to Vancouver Arrive Allandale 1248 am leave Barrie am daily No 47Toronto to North Arrive Allandale 120 am Barrie 139 am daily SOIJIHIIOUND No 52Arrive Barrie 415 am Leave Allandale 428 am Daily except Tuesday No 46Leave Barrie 451 aim Allandale 509 am daily NO 42Leave Barrie 756 am Allandale 807 am Arrive ronto 1010 am Daily except Sunday and Monday No 44Lcave Barrie 420 pm Allandale 440 pm daily excopt Sunday Bay leave FROM MIDLAND No l48Leave Barrie 729 pm leave Allandale 742 pm for To ronto Sundays only FROM MEAFORD No loLeave Mcaford 600 am arrive Allandale 750 am Daily ex cept Sunday and Monday Con nects with 42 at Allandale No GibArrive Allandale 410 pm daily except Sunday No liloArrive Allandale 720 pm connecting with No 148 for Toronto Sundays only TO MEAFORD No tilLeave Allandale 1145 am arrivcxMeaford 150 pm Daily except Sunday 63Leave Allandale 815 pm daily except Sunday PENETANG LINE No 397Leave Allandale 1145 am arrive Penetlang 145 pm Daily except Sunday Return arrive Allandale pm daily except Sunday HAMILTON LINE No listFrom Hamilton arrive Allandale 11 am daily except Sun day No 662Leave Allandale 435 pm for Hamilton daily excep Sunday CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective 1201 am Sunday April 25 1954 Train times at Midhurst Station are NorthboundNo arrives daily at 11 am for Western Canada and Sault Branch points No 27 arrives daily at 131 am from Toronto for Sudibury No 25 arrives daily at 1126 amfrom Toronto for Sud bury SouthboundNo from Western Canada arrives daily at 428 am No 28 from Sault Ste Marie arrives daily at 356 am NO 26 from Sudbury arrives daily at 1253 am for Toronto Summer service goes into effect later IIIESEED ITSAIIES PAYS ITS cos mm arm It is unfortunate that Mr Ab botts budget did not provide ade quate relief for textiles which have been one Of Canadas greatest em ployers of labor It is nonsense to expect the Canadian industry to be able to meet price competi tion from abroad without tariff protection WEIGIIIY LITERATURE TIthle tCP Those tomes in the Timmins public library must be pretty weighty matter Councillor Bartlernan re ported the east wall of the building is sinking and an architect has been called in to inspect the matter mnxv MARKET PRICES MAY 1954 1008 CATTLE EGGS POULTRY quoted by ï¬rst Jooperative Packet of Ontario Burt Hogs $3650 IOGI Large Medium Small Over the Special 39 Grade Grade Grade to II lbl Special 38 Grade Grade Grade to lbl Special Grade Grade Grade Under lbc Special Grade Grade Grade Capon 20 over the above prlcea WWI Grade Over lbs 26 to lbs 24 23 21 18 15 14 12 srnme nx 0000 THE LIGHT WEIGHT LOW COST hp outboard motor Rugged Compact Balanced Single Surprising Power Wonderful Value See the £110 EIIO and new EItO 12 at your dealers NOWI Write for literature qnd new Sportsmans Handbook Made in Canada with Sales and Service everywhere listed under Outboard Meters in classiï¬ed phonebook MOTORS Peterborough Canada an up SPECIAL on POWER MOWERS oOverliaul carburetor Clean spark plug Adjust points Tuneup magneto Clean gas line and ï¬lter Change crankcase oil oSharpen blades Oil and grease ï¬ttings Set bed knife All far only $750 We sell and service Taro power mowers Get In before the rush Call us today srnotm IIIWII Mqun SERVICE Stroud BESURE Ilaop 0quin WHEN PURCHASING YOUR SEED To GET IT IS YOUR GUARANTEE OF HIGHEST QUALITY HARDINESS VITALITY AND HIGH GERMINATION LOWEST WEED SEED CONTENT Owen Street Barrie Terms cash Jerry Coughlin auc Solicitors for the Administrator tioneer 5256 424753 Wednesday May 19 Charles Thornton Lot 21 Con 10 Oro BICYCLES Township 13 milesnorth of Bar USED MENS d5 BOYS rie or 12 miles south of Orillia on NO 11 Highway Auction sale of 36 Hayfield Street we Have Good Stocks or ALFALEA CLOVER pRAssrs ALSO SEED POTATOES TURNIPS and MANGEL SEEDS or WIIIIIPIIIIIIIII rtrsrnnrrnn can at These weanling pigs each from different litter weighed TOT AL OF 87 lbs on ar rival at Barrie Farm Supply NOW after two weeks on PURINA PIG STARTENA they weigh 21 TOTAL OF 153 1bs TOTAL GAIN 574 The 5pigs have consumed total of 110 lbs ofPutina Pig Startena PROOF POSITIVE that PurinaPig Startena produces 1b of pork for every lbs fed SEE THIS FEEDING DEMONSTRATION NOW BARRIEFARM SUPPLY MARKET SQUARE Enoer 2982 Listen to CKBB at 740 am for Regional Weather Forecast Dairy Cattle Registered Here fords Slackers Implements Furni ture Wheat Beaver Oats Sale at 1230 pm DST Terms cash Farm is sold Jerry Coughlin lSproule Auctioneers 53 The Brillion SureStand Seeder Available in models and sizes Coop Lulicl Means nirnrsr mun run IIIIIII srrn nonnn gt SolISOwV Coop Send With Confidence vatwin atrial with one color ISfIOUR BUSINESS inconiitsrmcr Coprammvn sunvroas cumming MASSEYHARRIS AND FERGUSONDEALERI 3959PhiÂ¥5lwi 743mb Flinn 3577 Seeds both grasses and legumes faster and easier Actual field tests prove that com job of fining the seed bed sown pared to the usual methods ol seed the seed and packing it in On mg Brillion SureStand Seeder simple easy Operation Thismcans saves titscmuchdas half indseed costs more big savings one OIISI enng to ays see itemmeanssurestandout wï¬li2£i23593525 0111Cle Pays for selfOften 1655 Stand Seeder will add new proï¬ts than two days of seeding Itthelps assure you better catch and sure your grasmnd larmmgglt stand too Your seed is manned out at the exact rate you want and packed gently in the top halfinch of the soilwhere it will germinate best Whatsmore with BrilIiOn SureStand Seeder you do the entire Your arm Needs CHICKS FROST FENCE GRAHAM CHISEL PLOUGHS POULTRY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING IN STOCK FROM EASTERN STEEL PRODUCTS DEKALB conn MASTER FEEDS FERTILIZER sunsundae suds TUCKS EACH SE59 IO EEO IN THE IOPIMIP INCH 0F SOIL nanrrns PIIIIIIIIY an Phone STROUD 53R5 14 vaskinun LI mevpLLaninAuhiwhhMquw