look In at rehearsals of Are senic and Old Lace would be enough to convince you that the Barrie Theatre Guild has another hit on its hands not that this is unexpected after the players first effort Hay Fever Its an other madcomedy but in differ ent vein and will show local play goers that the guild can tackle any thing they want to and do fine job on it Its fair number of years since this piece of madness first hit Broadway with tremendous sucv cess but not too long for the play to remain fresh in the minds of those who have seen it on the stage or in the screen adaptation Just few minutes in the theatre and the eerie tale of the two sent imentally insane aunts their cellar Wedding Receptions Dinner Parties Conventions Banquets Enjoy formal and Informal oc casions in the happy and dig nified atmoSphere of beauti ful BllYSTlllllS lllllliE BARRIE Phone your reservations Our number is Barrie 5198 of corpses and their Boris Karloff and Teddy Roosevelt nephews will all come back to you Youll re member their dainty prescription for elderberry wine with dash of arsenic touch of strychnine and spot of cyanide and the de lightful mad world they live in with only few sane people around for contrast One of the best aspects of the production of Arsenic and Old Lace is that it brings Rhoda Young back to the local stage With her companion in benevolent madness Margaret Woods whose performance is going to be one of the highlights of the play Rhoda is giving one of her expert char acterizations cleverly befuddled and altogether making her part as meaty role as Josephine Hull made it in the original production The two actresses who play the roles of Aunts Abbie and Martha are hard to separate in the play Each adds to the effectiveness of the other and they were delight to watch at work even in an off stage rehearsal that gave only an indication of how good they can be on opening night The expert performances in the production are not only on the insane side Two of the few sane characters Bob McLean and Jean Gremo are giving the guilds Ar senic and Old Lace professional look with their poised and sure portrayals of the old ladies rela For Very Special Mother ommgiéc 20 CARATS ALLllllllllLE Phone 2823 CAILLED FOR PRESCRIPTIONS PLATINE rue de lo Paix Paris Fiona nnucs LTD Phone 2823 DELIVERED BOXOF 12 Regular Super Junior ME AND MRS William Richard son of Churchill announce the en gagement of their daughter Helen Margaret to Keith Ernest Kcll son of Mrs Kell and the late Mr John Kell of Gilford the marriage to take place on Saturday June 1954 at three oclock in the after noon in Churchill United Church Les Cowper Studio tively ordinary nephew Morti mer and his girl friend Elaine Remember Bob in Hay Fever You can expect just as much in the way of skillful comedy from him this time and Jean one of several British imports in the play is find indeed for local amateur theatricals Bill Maynards tall and ominous figure and deep voice are chilling enough without boriskarloff face as he swings onstage at rehearsal Between him and Peter Teddy Roosevelt Ward and his thunder ing Charge the play achieves hysterical insanity with the cheerfully mad twosome of the dizzy aunts ever mixed in to com plete the concoction All this is not to mention Chic Cole in the role of little Mr Gibbs Bud Brockwell as businesslike Mr Withcrspoon whose fate is go ing to be no sunprise Harry Boos as the bewildered but noisy police officer Lieutenant Rooney Alan Shrubsole as Officer Hara and Ken Pratt as Brophy another Brooklyn cop and most particularly man who will not appear onstage but who is one of the busiest people in the guild right now Howard Lacey director of Arsenic and Old Lace who is getting the best out of his cast Unfortunately we failed to see at least one of the actors who is said to be top performer and scenestealer Don Thompson Britisher who plays the alcoholic and slightly mad Dr Einstein the fiendish plastic surgeon who ac companies Chonny in hisappear ances onstage Doug Greenwood who plays the part of Elaines father Reverend0n Hanper was also missing along with Ian Mc Clymont Officer Klein Homicide can be fun Arsenic and Old Lace is not to be missed by either the guilds favorite fol lowers or newcomers to local the atre audiences Florence Nightingale Tea Wed nesday May 12 is National Hos pital Day honoring the birthday of the patron saint of nursing Florence Nightingale and the W0 mens Hospital Auxiliary of the Royal Victoria Hospital is holding its annual tea at the nurses res idence on Wellington Street The public is cordially invited to at tend between the hours of three and six oclock Proceeds of the event will go to further the hos pital projects of the auxiliary Convener of the tea is Mrs Walter Perkins Know Your Hospital is always the theme of National Hospital Day On this one day year cit izens are called upon to recognize that the hospital is the commun itysGreatheart It works un ceasingly throughout all the hours of all the days throughout the year Learn of its needs and of its deeds Its service is as great as the interest and fidelity of the cit izenship Attention All Womens organiz ations and individuals The Barrie Homemakin Barrie Institute Planning 30th Anniversary Party Mrs McKenzie 112 Bayfield St was hostess for the Barrie Womens Institute meeting on Tuesday May The motto was women need to be skilled in any jobs The roll call What job do you dislike the most was answered by everyone As May is Mothers Day Mrs Jacobs read several verses Mother Mine appropriate to the day Keeping House by Edna Jacques also fitted in with the motto Mrs Hogan read very in teresting paper on home economics giving hints on buying canned food and fruit juices and their values and facts about the new cxtiles The district annual will be in Midland on May 19 with Mrs Ley Mrs Adams and Mrs Bowies attending Several members canvassed for the Cancer Society and made number of plastic bags for the Re tarded Childrens fund and $635 was collected by measuring waist lines at the meeting last month Articles for the Retarded Child rens rummage sale and bake sale were donated Mrs George Bowies helped at the sale Plans for the WI bazaar on June l0 at the horne of Mrs Bowles were discussed Several articles were brought in for the apron and fancy work table On June 1923 Barrie WI was reorganized and it was decided to celebrate Lthe branchs 30th anni versary with chicken dinner on Monday June Mrs Tor diff secretarytreasurer in 1923 and Mrs Ottaway County president will be guests Five life membership badges will be presented The members are looking for the minute book for the years between 1927 and 1941 and hope some former Secretary can help them to find it The June meeting will be at the home of Mrs Pringlc 31 Sanford St Roll call will be How long have you been WI member Mrs Galloway won the draw prize handembroidered tea cloth donated by Mrs Baker Mrs Earl Rowe Fishers Corners WI April Speaker The April meeting of Fishers Corners Womens Institute was held at the home Of Mrs Hugh and District Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society is asking you to save or donate clean white cotton linen or worn flannelette for dress ings They can be dropped off at the Red Cross rooms on Dunlop Street East on Thursday afternoons between two and four oclock or if you wish pickup you may phone Mrs Frank Hammond at 6507 and she will collect them at your door The unit is going to have nucleus of dressings here for dis posal to all cancer patients in the area and in this way you will be assisting the society workers in their efforts rD Stewarts at Wu MR AND MRS ROBERT LEE TIMMONS whose April nup tials were held in Trinity Anglican Church The bride is the former Elma Verna Stacey daughter of Mr and Mrs Stacey of Barrie andthe groom is the son of the late Mrs Myrtle Timmons of Barrie After wedding trip to the United States the couple are making their home in Barrie Mï¬ es on Tuesday April 27 Mrs Jackson called the meeting to or der and then asked Mrs Stone to conduct the installation of officers for 195455 After the new president Mrs Edwards took the chair Mrs Connell read paper on What Our Institute ls Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopt ed Final plans were made for the two plays to be given in Newton Robinson Hall on Friday night Mrs Hodgson district director gave report of the meeting held in Cookstown After the business meeting the reponls of the conveners were giv on Mrs Jackson and Mrs Andrews were appointed to hunt up oldfashioned clothes to be worn at the convention in Alliston Mrs Hounsome is convener of committee of life members to get quilt started and knitting done for the fall The Institute is to pay any expenses Mrs Earl Rowe was the speaker and gave Wonderful talk on her trip to the Coronation which was very much enjoyed by all Mrs Connell moved vote of thanks to Mrs Rowe for her interesting and educational address Roll callwas answered with Memory of Sclhool Days gift of acake plate was given to Bernice Hounsome for typing the programs The meeting closed with God Save the Queen after which Mrs committee served dainty lunch Motor vehicle accidents in the United States killed 38000 persons in 1952 In the same year cancer killed 220000 CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS by Home Alaac Sauteeta MONTREAL Lets face facts If youve been looking for the secret of really whiter wash heres something to remember Soaps and detergentsre gardléss of their colourtake out dirt Bleach takes out stain But Laundry Blue and only Laundry Blue uts whitein If you havent been using Laundry glue for your husbands shirts and your other im portant whites try it in your next wash Buy package at your grocers today so youll have it ready to use Itsso inexpensive to use that you can add whiteness to an entlre wash for Just couple of cents And the man in your life will be sure to notice it For whiter wash next wash day get RECKITTS BLUE or KEENS BLUE Mothers Day is never any Feeling Good because the sun is shining and Spring is in the air Youd like to go for walkbut your feet are hurting you Well dont let that spoil your enjoy merit of Spring Try new BLUE JAY Corn Plasters with Pheny lium Thats the new medication chooses problem to me th anks CIRCLE BAR HOSIERY my mothers fav ourite gift of gifts th brand she always herself cti for ï¬t duality at and longwearl So can just see her eyes sparkle when she opens her attractive Circle Barubox containing three pairs of sheer clin nylons shes very fashionmin ed and three pairs of notsosheer nylons for lcs Cowper Studio Barrie Christian Business Men To Entertain Ladies full hoirsc is anticipated for the forthcoming ladies night ban quet of the Barrie Christian Bus iness Mens Committee to be held in hinity Parish Hall on Tuesday May 11 at 630 pm The speaker for the evening will be Rev William McRoberts min STEPPING STONE Set 3150 $175 or $200 depending on cenlrestone sue Set $120 or $220 depending on centre stone size later of Cook Preï¬yterlan Church Tbronto Stewart Davi son of Toronto an outstanding tenor will be soloist An added feature this year will be Mrs William McArthur tal ented elocutionist from Oriliia The program will be under the chairmanship of Harry Frid This is the seventh annual ladies night of the Christian Business Mens Committee in Barrie AWESOME PROSPECTS We are afraid shat human com prehension is just not up to order ed thinking in seeking to deal with the implications of the hydrogen bomb The measurements are too vast the consequences too cat aciysmic for mortal man 1ndian read tSask News CALL THE EXAMINER F03 PRINTING PHONE 2414 IN NISWOOD LODGE residence for convalescent and elderly patients Conveniently situated miles south of Barrie on Highway 11 Gray Coach sero Vice Day and night nursing care Brochure upon request Write Miss Florence Breakwell Palnswtck Ontario or phone Barrie 4268 LP MOORE SHOES flewen Renatot Show CORRECTIVE FITTINGS AAA TO BE 5T011 RESEARCH if you have fired aching feet we have types of heels low medium when to give you relief that only Research shoes can do To every pair carefully checked for fit and type best suited for you Moore Shoes 54 Dunlop St DIAMOND RING WITH THE SENSATIONAL OFFER Barrie As illustrated set 3360 Diamond ring without shoulder stones engraved weddingring Your purchase of Diamond Ring is an iï¬iportantinvestmentTprotect it by choosing Bridal Bellbacked by manu facturer whose reputation has been re spected for nearly one hundred years And Bridal Bell alone makes the Stepping Stone offer full credit for the ring you buy now if you ever wish to turn it in on larger dia mond With Bridal Bell you are assured of lasting value and one look at your jewellers selection will tell you that BridalsBell diamonds are unsurpassed for beauty and brilliance every day my ift to her on Mothers Dayl Ciro eBars excit ing new spring shades are so eye appealing keyed to springa top fashibn colours why dont you too delight your mother on Mothers Day and for monthsto come with beautiful longwearing Circle Bar Nylons SOID COM TOCOASI if FllllltlllSED Illlllll Bill JEWELIIRS that gets under your corn and helps push it out from underneath the first really new medication for com and oalluses in over sev enty years In actual tests Pheny lium went to work 33 faster worked 35 more surely than any other leading remedy So take my tip ask for BlueJays with Phenylium at your favourite drug counter today Why Safer Moments Pain when you dont have to Theres so much we have toput up with but thanks to ABSORBINE JR we dont have toput up with the tense pressing agony of Neo STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS OPTOM ETRISTS DUNLOP sr EAST PHONE 40¢ 79¢ Now available in Pink or White usrmc smut Skinny meltwomen gain 51015 lbs Get New Pep 100 Be Thrilled With Results or Pay Nothing What thrilll Bony arms legs ï¬ll out ugly hollows fill up neck no ion er scrawny body loses halfstarved sickly loo Thousands who never could gkuin before are now proud of shapely healt yloolring bodies The thank the special vigorvbuilding and flesh uilding Friendly IDA Drug Store tonic Ostrex Its topics stimulants invi orliv tors iron vitamin calcium enrich cod improve appetite and digestion so food gives you more strength and nourishment put flesh on bare bones Mrs Savard Matta amt Heights Ont writes gained 16 lbs ired feelin nervousness gone too Another user 56 Bayfield Next to LoblaWa Mrs arc Ga non Cap Chat PQ writes WE PICKUP AND DELIVER BOX OF 48 Regular size only $153 Korex wonornronu ant 35¢ Was Out In The Garden enjoy ing nliylrself so mulch31l florgtét Ego time panic rus in ï¬gzcbfmxsgue 301 kitchenthen rememberedtbank tor pcausin that goodness had stocked up pn yAb r55 KRAFT DINNER In seven mm a°ny bbsg ie thr antes had temptingflavorful £110 dish of macaronr and cheese Pam are e95 to ready for the malnsupper dlSllg ï¬unleTdgl élgeprfgsuï¬rh The fairnin loge IEli Chickeoï¬ sum soothes Feels dead It really is $311335 pgldgsliotszbimdlg The amazing youll ï¬nd hOW uickly were happyand so was Km 901 md getting really fat Sto when you get relief Next time dentale Dinner is not only deliciousbut llï¬kslr13auiï¬of°delgg3f gic Pain strikes at youor anyone mono saying too You can serve Costs little New getacquainted size only In your farm get fast can four rom one package at less than Rem substitutem 08 has given xe effective relief rom Absor ine rï¬ve cents servntg So quick Only $125 longlasting bottle at the shel mto the poton to 311 when nib mics failed Try aiemous ex mmwvflr add alldru counters the table rder somefor sure Your bus and gained 15 lbs New pep ained 13 bs Health fine My rundown YOUR rangsomrrxou pounds this very day At all ggists Wu wt dluerAuIu ta Annaabu1kwni az+lwaLlin€5mlulnidnamrawrf