um0cmouomcuom GOLF JANUARY BELt WED Cow 111 ll cw snnulmund blust hiiliirlu Lt ww had 10 quuttil hue in the latter of llzh lllutttlt its turd to rent Hr that ur did hate some kr Jnm 111 January Mai 11 tux only to he tx unmouom 23 Ono 10 pithtl that llo Merrick Bar must ruthuslastie golfer await1 1113411111 game on Jan 13 gt B111 11 11 kiwi 1313 t1 It lt We rr III II II IIHII II HIM her mung um ll Hal ltlls into takinc few II 1mm UH ML my mum unnt tnttrrly um 1111 1111 1111111 cm the guilt it lltri did have several l1 51 it Initial nu the top holes 1111111 will has 111 $1 No doubt wintrr TI IgtIIIgt IIlIIln lIHtJllttl but the hardy 71 II II 1I Hut tltwklr Mtl then as II IN it 51 17111111I1 12111 tin mum except on No it xrern gt Wm 011 l111 lilts lttt doesnt shoot II xmll 11111191 Hm ll HI air in the dimmer actu 11 11 11 11 11 111 tll had tour on the lung 11 mi mm x1 11 l511 In hath 511 Senior 11zlx 11 ilqu woo1 llin ltllltk has mm had am 11111 4111 11111 11111 ltt 13 IMl 11 mm 11 gulf tltl month of l1 lltti iii rt 141 lll lllt tr tr tt it 11 111 11 A111t1tltl xi 1191111 11311111 1H1 11 run 111 ti1 tne lms were mute 11i 1111112 111137 leile 11 ll Li WHH UH mil right up For the II 1I 1121t11vt 11 tltill ti tte ff 111 11111112111 111111 lkllt1tii 1111 11 will II Hi 11 We 11 51212111 lt 111 1I It lt unet 10 nu mt IIIIIEII IIIIIIV IIWI III JIl IHXH IIl LI tryout with liaiin llIt11s lnn vt 11 21 1111111 MW 11 gm guyH WIi lIlu Im in hi ttllll litIt till 3111 lttvlll 1111 lvi i111 QWML II I74IIIIgtI 77m hlru ii Wwm itll 11 1=1 111 1tllltl i1 11 11 dzviezu WW rwx 1H lII l11l at tillinuwuotl ttlllttil 11111 iIIH H1pr l1 ll left 11111 11 11 111 11 1111111111 11 Wt Ht Ml 111111r 11 11 1112 EDGAR II II lI ltlltl lttllf 1111 of tt 11 111 one 1111 eettna center Hquan 11th TH HI II II with us 1t11 lll in wrist nl JIgIAIlI IIlIlIlrlHIIIIIl 1Iilli hand Saturday 11 111111 Sound Jack tttstttitelf HIIIWIIIII IIII IIIII III III IIIIIII MINI III III hI 137 RMII II 1l1en the Seuuir Dloi11ls innit 11 WU VH1 3111111 11 11 11 tti t1111tt iittt 11 lt llt it 22 1131 11 and lltmtttl1 l1 t1l11 hand lntimllblllll 11 ll hi 111 111 11111111 111 la 11 11111l 111l1n and tilt juit is mind ml 15 he li1tl to 11211 or the seotv would 111 l1e ittttl ltHi til hILHlitH lktl Midland Mum him tln tint our in 1111 tlllli 1111 l1lt1 1111+ 111 11 511 111 11 111111 t11hi 11 1111111 do at teiitic and 11111 out at lxll 111111 llht lltl gt il at nit mt lmit 115ed ill v1 l1r1 It II II II II It vI II ml II Id 1l JibI lA ttlLLrh wilt llarn it Lil to L1 11111Zt Barrie Juveniles Tnm ability to 111151 lltlttitIJ which of llaiiu tulir 111 111111111 lllltttlIV 11 Ytlltltt Aim lit ltmi ud 311 13 11 131 11 1114111 11 11 11 1111111 1111 1111 11 adly l11l111 111 the lllllElllttll ll111 fuloriutu ue 11111111111111 1un at home 111 ltlt 111 Alon111 M111 ll utilv sci1 111 11 1111 will am11 II 11 Guild dWOtel 111111 the 1111111 tattzet tiWtt in has over 1111 new the l11 winters 111 11111gt11ilt1= twp hurlin 11111111 air1111 111111111 111 1pm Lead GfOU UHdClCGlCd the plat won ltllllttl in the 111 llie voltm1 111111 ltitnlnv Stew 111 tel inn1 1111r 1111 111 1111 i1e ltlt 11 tlllHt vat ltlill 1111 to lltttll evztabte f1eturalls it scram gilwtl 11 1111111 1111 anadteir and his taut liintltei buddy ilt 111111 hi1nwa1 111111 11111 11111 11 11 111111 1111111 11gt All 131 llllSl llililfll II 1I1I1II1IIV unmirx mild I11ml I1 Dmt WNW lL Ml Wi 11t111attendancewho llaVv becn 111 at lttl one lt1lllt 1r lHWlteu 11111 111 11 111111111 11111111 at ll1r1e time enls 1211 1111111111 11H 1111 Hm II till tan 11111 tt 1II 1111II111I 11111 lILlIl 111 1111 1151 1mm 1111111 11 11w HHHIUM tun Um 1M1 Hum IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIr IIII IIII II II III Illztlldltlvill unatd 1111 11 11 IIIHITIIU away it the tltl 111 the t11t 1111mm 1111 1111 nest t1s1111 with 41111111111 111 lltllltll 11111 llltli 11 1311l 11 the 11 11 11111 11 11 11 11v lmilm MAIim lid Jib LUV memn the local l1tl traded it 1111 lliltxltlll Stat l11111e Still 11 Jillltlt $1111ie ll1i new tltitHsHtllll iit ev tiiirt ltiul 1lit him IAIN mm Nun MM 11 ll Vt iarler Second talilxa Jlittli ttw New 11s1111 but he preternd to xeniain 111 Pent1111 l11eri111 ll titk 4911 3111 fidniih mm 1m Rimm 2W luu l111 lillllI1 11 51111111 11f flip 111 mmde 11 1111 by 1111 11151 11 I111 1111 1111111114 in 1HH1II 11Illl1I MIN Wk IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIlthblSllllu few 111111ttteIiattIt Joe 11111ther1111 lI 511111111111l tt llti elevated the count 111 Til in to 11111111 that 31rrie Finns llSltlfL tive 11111111 11s and 1115112 thirtiis 11 llmd Bimw ilim 11 11 111 111 11t111111111 and tit Hut JillIN if It ll favor of the 111111111 lyt1 they easy won 111 tlllllllltJlt game 111 Pent11111 by 1H 11 the last week ti WWI IIIIII1IH me 1M HIP IHI Dilll 44 Ilt lllillthl tllt 1001115 lllt MUnt added two more 11 v11111111 1111111101 IIIII 1111Icpy went 1111 Iltllllthl fllllllllIJll let to the luvn twins and the era gt were ret 11 it 11 that final ptitod lloth 11111s lllltitfl lllll ll1l tltlNl ll IV II t1 KI sin lIlap IlanuIisI Iboys whit humorous penalties tltrquuuitit the have 1111 111 f1llttll11 name on the lineup Tm KIIIIIUIHIIURI 3321 Irwin If Inflni 8m 11 illiyhillvnyl outwu111 111 111111111ly M111 out tllillt contest Letty lraleudi 5111111 1111I 111111111 Ill1111111 8111111 1111 1111 111 11 tinluted llltt they 111Fsltltl the and Pat loland were 111 111 111I MIMI Wk mu 1W um IIII IIII lI 111 tspttia 111 the tirgtt at full strength lxauppi stun111 1111 1l wriods when the litLtl Wlt ssst wrl th end dwulual stats lot the home club 11 S10111111 11111101 is 111 In 11 111 1t had 11 definite edoe 1f the ltltltlt 1iegtv 1iv1 sewed mm rm md mm illll MW aitain of llarrte Colts ehaiupionslu tezuit til tivcl Fraleighs advantage vas1 19311 111111qu 10 111111 CW hm llttl early scoring spree 11111111 two nunutes illh tune for 11111 II III II 1n ins 1b1ltty to ttlllttlL his Oiil the keep mxnm mm 1mm 11 TI 11w lIlIH llMI tht ltad t11t meant the NH II ha opponents while luland capi cm MW Mm Imrmwm t1ltltI 11111111111111 scored one 111 each tiglitqiackcd seenud 1114111 11 we llhjul 111 Smlllmdlm hull the ll titan Sll llrotleur the l11111111s1111eIl Inl ll EMMA gm ll WM lm slum TOUR EVERY KIND OF llmlamvmlif Immsmlmly Ola baker who is playing his lilth eonsvtuhn s11ll RIl lIClItllCl lIlllllI Illllll DIIlk IlHl MACHINE REPAIRS wri 31 Whit 1111 111 ma was 11111e 1v scorine anti tun he 1v sun all with Midland exeeit 0111 yea when Kn Alllltll ttlld Altltlll Hwy him gm 1111111001I Sibllinktly 3011115ch 101 ltttlltllt the first wtth lxetula assisting l1lct 110111 OR HEAY nr nk P0 um 1mm Um 1m WHVU 59 JINH penalties wcrt received by 1117 Central Out in Front mantle i111 years 1211 ROUGH man iopy Suvicky Clark and Worth li1e 111110 featured roughness1WD THURSDAY JANUARY Ill 2945 Bantam Church Hockey Two Shutouts in Peewee Last weeks lccwec scores A1 landalc llCcntral United St Marys 12Allandale Last Saturdays Bantam scores Central 2St Andrews Cut 4Ccntral ZWM St Marys Bantam Standing CANOE BOAT 00 2050 Dundas St TORONTO Additional Sport News in Second Section mixW airm3 rm 61m Withbox tops from Quaker Oats Eat delicious nourishing lka Oats for break art and save box tops HAP Famous Coachsays Girls Official rash ltaveabighotbgw1I 4m IIIIIHII LII 1m air fut of delicious Baum Hock cm Quakenoats eat Crest enepnelledin blfue Quaker Om be 931112 00 E1 331 Of one tlil er ins cause itgives energy bomop an 10c and strength Official Maple 55f CREST Just the thing or sweaters and Windbreakers Yours for Seven Quaker Oats box top or two Quaker FREE Auto graphed 10 PICTU RES Maple Leaf tpiii mull Hockey sars Qats box tops and 1c StanlyICup ggfgko Join the maple leaf Bantamltockgy Club Simplyiisethe cou Its easy to loin Use coupon below You er POD in thi57id and abSolutely freeeMemberM Certicate51 ne by send with the required Ha Day MaplclvfeaBadgerBropch nvat able for number of Quaker Oats girls qubersbi oakgiving history of hockey Box Tops and owtngvhowyou can getothcitswcll gifts Mail this Coupon loduyrl The Maple Leaf Bantam Hockey Club Box 310 Toronto Ontario Please send me the items cbcked below mark distiocyio the space oppostte the item or items you desirefot which enclose IQuaker 0m boxtops or Quaker Oats box tops rind to cash AUlQGRAPHED new or Return suns 11 PM Emmas three0M0 70M 0540 777 Sun pictures our Quaker 01m axiom LL will out picturing QWWWS Box tall Three picture We Quaker Oars Box tops punks mm crow picture menisci ipippuTs 13 Kennedy Stgwm Davidson Stanowski Bodnar It cki Ta tor Bzgien Bell Ll Thomson Apps Ll McCool Baldwin album gt Girls Divisionone box to El CRESTsevenQuaket Oats box tops Quake 01131 mp and 10 Boys Dmstomone box too Pratt Ll Goldham Hill Morris Car Schriner Don Metz Nick MctzI Duncanve Qdaker org ox 6155 or one Quaker Oats box top 111131012 Na 191 gt BesltrcIabulmciehtoxlap ononIIrevaopo jIAddrvrznaming iII CityHm laglmvH75 nilIIIII I1msnwnaeqn licr United tTrinity Allandalo Saturday Feb 2lllnitilillvXllllllditle vs Cen tral 11 a1n Allandalo vs Team Central 49 10 12 around 192729 is still gotng strong in hockey as playingIcoach ol Allandale 27 13 10 Acton intermediates After longstay overseas w1th Mayor Conny SKI ACCESSORIES 51 MaryS 31 15 13 Smythcs famous 30th Battery CLARENCE FAT JAMES lSI back SKI REPAIRS Collier 17 11 hdmc in Bradford O11e of Canadas better liicrosIse playmIs and flormIeIr Allandale 23 star defcnccmati with urora juniors 1n l00t07l0 may urn ou w1 by expelts faSt servlcc T111111 17 24 Scotch Settlement Bombers in the 8911111 ISimcocTTcajiiic RODDY Central ti 19 McLECl is Dlayiui hockey thisseason vith Kirkland Lake unorthod Sta Andrews 26 iatcs Barrio Colts about five years ago imported him for centre 1cc THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA COLLINGWOOI Slilllllllllrldill have most of the local tau support because its praeI10lSIlC slVCll 25 11111111165 111 ticallv ziiilewllarrie team with llarry Iivinilwllilllf btlhtftll 1119m Clark SCML Stonflnt Scott Bill 11111111 131111 Rowen Ablimd IEl CW IlilllcS VUIIS Kirby Robbie Saudell Jack Wheeler ltl1xti 11m Wllh IUI Inm llichardson Ken Davie and Roy Brock on the roster HERE AND lllERlIier and Mrs JACK Will heartfelt sympathy of Barrie hockey fans in the it of their three vOar1ld son Johnny who lied in Collinuwood ax ll llospitalattcr i1 months illness Jack wasIa popular forward with Bturie Colts in the 194142 seastin and then played for Newmarkct Army the last three vcars Leading candidate now for the NHL rookie award titllthi GEORGE GEE of Chicago llawks was centre with Owen Sound Greys in 1940 the first year since 1934 that Barrie Colts wore knocked off the leading junior team in the Georgian Bay sector SONNY TOWNSLEY midget ccntrc star of Newmarkcts ureat Redmeh of back duty and he was much the best looking junior prospect we have soon come into town in years but hclcft just before the season started for tryout with Kansas City Chicago farm Then he suffered the rotten luck of an injury iii practice which cost him an eye and but for that he would likely be in the NHL today When hcccgtrcd the IA19 team in the Camp Borden League at Barrio Arena last winter LES DOUGLAS of Perth was one of the most admircdplaycrs of that star packed league run by MAJOR GERRY GOODMAN This season Doug las is playing for Indianapolis in the AHL and currentlyIis the leading scorer with about 60 points He bagged five in one game last week against Hersheyand dont be surprised if Douglas is back up with Detroit Wings before long icons Sink 1111111111101 rather than skiltul hockey as diet was while tarkyhad one 111111131 1111111 11m the ti3 all the wayIfrom try1ngi the rcferees whistle to high tack llllLi did good job in preventing goals all Ivcar just between hut rcfcrcc Bill lhoms could easily1 For Sixth StraightWin Well ih Colts did it again checking of the Midlanders or just They brouglttrtheir string of vic weariness its hard to say but tories to six by defeating Mid certainly hecouldnt hit his stride land Sailors 191 in an OHA Jun KENNY TOIP MAN for contest at Barrie Arena 011 He did manage one assistV but Wednesday last thatmarks quite drop from most The cash customers certainlyren or the Flashs previouswring jftyed the localiph yesi in escapades Ted Kenny was the deed all 20 of them Thats right chief point collector of the 11mm just about that number witnessed with two gods the shellacking It Red Scott did his usual good job isnt exactly encbur logos for Mm but also as Iusual received little if any sup 3g 10 the playels port It was an exceptionally clean 01 sponsors when they th Ch receive that kind of game cam 50 mg one supporb It might be mmor understandame if the Kenny started thmgs going With team were losing 1111 an unassisted goal less than two the record 61 Bank minutcs after th play had started Bain managed another 0118 almost immediately with Kenny setting him up Play in the first few minutes promisedIan overwhelming score but through the good work of Scott and at leastsome tighten ing in the Midland dfence the Icount waSnot enlarged on in the period 54 WYSYNSIKI GEIS THREE Sheffield netted the first tally ofthe second period unasSisted at 815 Then Wysynskitook pass fromLBainrthake itfour Leduc Kenny IIColts sofar this season warrants better attendance than received Wednesday POOR SUPPORT The rows of vacant seats must hayedisheartened the boys for the most they could muster in the first periodwas twogoal lead The second was also atwogoal effort and Midland managed one also Thusat the beginning of the third stanzatho countistood at an unimpressive 41 But from there inhTTpnl talent paradedto the lure of sixgoal blast MIDLAND IMPROVED rElitervisiting Midlanders looked much improved over their previous performances but superior speed and passing ability told the tale However Barrie looked almost in ferior in the shooting department Wysynski in particular missed far too many chances through poor marksmanship NONE FOR FLASH One significant feature of the game wasilhooleys inability to notch himself leven one 215111 ski accounted for Whether it was thepprslitentcdunters 3am and Kenny assist by sinking the rebound of Des champs shot Swalcs earned the only penalty for tripping Sheffield beat Scott for the sec ond time at the 40second mark of the third Bain made it an even haltdozen by again with Kenny to flash the red light After missing some close ones all throughvthe rgamc Lougheed finally sank one on pass from Gilhooley Soon after Kenny sniped for an other goal again unassisted In and four assistsil accounted for Midlrmdrsioiyfgoaf combining the remaining six nunutesWysyn the last two assorted crimes ranged to steal Between penalties he also CLARK IN BIG FIGHT Bir Don Clark took part in the main bout which was one of the fiercest threeman fights seen hch The tussle was rcitllyi Clark and Savickyl be mistaken forIa participant 5n energetic was he in his efforts 1111 bring about ccssatioh of hostilities As Lhoms and tlic unfortunate Hamiltonian will testify Clark isi no softy thn finally the oppon ents were hustled off to the boxI Savicky was awarded minor and Clark major Muzz Richardl son took time out from his hard checking activities to retaliate for blow on the head It was mo ment bcfolc licials saw him so the tough wing man had more than evened the sciore before being waved off 111 the second period one wood chopping Lloyd broke his stick over the back of Joe Lands head lunuy though Joo didnt even1 seem to feel it Oh yes the fact that he had helmet on might have something to do with it SHORT TOO OFTEN 011 the nights play Barrie was shorthanded for 19 minutes which gives one an idea of the type of play going on Such situation in the playoffs would probably prove suicidal to championship hopes the preoccupied of But thcnrnaybe its just Hamilton they cant get along withl Jim my Strachan played wellIgoing all tout to keep the scoredown to two On the whole the defence was fairly effective breaking up not The only scoring of the last per iud was by linutiuk at MSG period penalties were five went three to llttltitllnll and two to Barrie the Ambitious City were Savitky Slifka and Itlclavl1ilt 11 locals Richardson and lieithur of which Offenders 11 131 arid13 Manufacturrs Lilo cheques lifted pressing financial burdens for thous ands of beneficiar tcw rushes Ttrepick ofine for wards were McArthur Richard son andCavotti fJaydee McAr thur worked hard all night and when the team was two men short put on terrific display of rag ging the puck Cavotti beat Fred ericks for the second goal of the night andchecked well all through Richardson was the only playerjto get two points and he deserved twie that many He set up both McArthtir and Gavotti and check ed the opposition dizzyall through the game Knatiuk Slifka and Kemp were thebig guns for Ham thon anatiuk and Slifka ac counted for the two goals and Kemp was constant offensive threat LOST THE PUCK In the second period the game was held upfor some minutes while searching party was or had gone over thcwboards Play was finally resumed however ed on both The last period pen alty wont to Carradonna of Barrie for elbowing gt POLAND HEADS MST 19431001 had father who were natives of Iloland This was the largest of any European group not including the British Isles Scond was Iltugsia with 611 babies born in Ontario USSR fathers from theI ganized itemfind the puckrwwhich Of children born in Ontariofin fes arid policyown as during 1945 NEW TIRES ALL SIZES 1N STOCK Drive outACIIES ASI ELECTRIC WELDING rtNYlVlllIRE ANYTIME TlRES BATTERIES and Accessomcs BATTERY CHARGING WHILE YOU wAirs KEN MCKENZIE Bayticld and Ross Sis llloek North of lionts lhone duh MACHINE SHOP BARRIES MOST MODERN MACHINE SHOP NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS ELECTRIC AND ACEIYLENE WELDING PORIABLII WELDER Barrie Engineering Co PHONE 3744 KAYEKU DAVID STEEL People in all walks lilo purchased 30462 Manufacturers Lilo policies durw inq 1945 The 328690 policies now in force in the ComponyLetveroge $2597 each ivinq total protection of $853687237 to families in hundreds of communities EVefy working day $55189 was dis bursed by the Com pony for Ca total 62 $17273201 Living policycvvneIrs re ceived 1$1Q981847 and the beneficiari W16 dcosed policyowners received $8292354 4x wwt ax inaddaion to poyinoutotol of $320963418 to policyowners crudtheir beneficiaries since itsicbrporationin1887 the Monufoc Es 55138 turers Life has placed 32395001458 in lurid to quorantee therfuliilmegt of each at its 328690 policies MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY win carrier ronomo caution BRANCH OFFICE 70A DUNLOP STREET BARRIE ONT WENSLEY CLU BRANCH MANAGER District Representatives QqCAIANDERISON OwnJ WALKEM Iii