Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1946, p. 10

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lt IQ it II Ii lt ii 4wrny STORE CLOSED ATSpm SATURDAYS in lrhruarr and March due to restrictions in quota ix rationed goods ILUd IItf BRYSUNS 77 Ice Cream vi Candy 22 IZIIZAIIIZIII ST PHONE no IHKRII It in turmoil WWW St Andrews PresbyterianICOIIier St Baptist Church Church Ilitilcpciidciifi REV JAMES FERGUSON BA larvax MITCHELL Minister Minister mu tow Edmund Hardy Mus 1111c 1TCM Organist and Choirmastcr 11 WISH MWW Ilt ttltl Supper SUNDAY FER Ehlr villlild SCHOOL ii lfMOR1G WORSHIP PW GOSII TWIN pmcher yaw 120 FELLOWSHIP HOUR It TINTSUNDAY sciioor III EVENING iioiisiiir Preacher Trc TJZrrcher VIrvl ti pni Prayer and Praise Ii lvib tt put lizxslon Nili lirt Spruce Yl and WMS CW ifrivt llm Whitolzux wuwd Xi Jar roli1ill Welcome REV BEWELL 3mm 8mm Collrer St United Church REV LEWIS MA BD Minister SUNDAY FEB Ii lilitl ll lhlCltllltt and the leariliei MRSlrOPqgllmms lllACbi tinn Responsibility THE DAY SCHOOL SUNDAY FEB 31 1946 ll IrllrBtlIllll1 and Iriirtaiy MyMORNmG SERchE pairSenior loys Iible Class ilttt pmAll Other Classes THE CHURCH SCHOOL me Carl House on 11 1132 liBegrnncrs and Primary Depts 230 PittYoung Womens Class Ml PMJiinior Intermediate and Trinity Anglican Church gem Del REV HOWDEN BA Reno PillAdult Bible Class WRIGHT Organist Iiourth Sunday after the Epiphany PhiEVENING SERVICE joinYoung Mens Fireside Club 800 ALLHOLY COMMUNION 1100 AMIIOIY coMMUNioN Preacher The Rector 1100 AMBeginncrs Dept of the Free Methodist Mission iklxnldallgifholl Clapperton Street Jl RSSQS WWW 100 PMSunday School REV BALL Pam 700 PMCANDLETIIGHT SERVER SUNDAY FEB 1946 number of the girls of the con PMSUNDAY SCHOOL gregation will take part in this 245 pMThe pastor beautiful service Preacher The Rector r1 Thurs pmPrayer Meeting if PARKSIDE DRIVE First Baptist Church My HAIRE Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY FEB 1946 ll AMBieaking of Bread PMGOSPEL MEETING Fri pm Prayer Meeting SUNDAY FEB 1946 All veloome Seats free 11 AMM0RNING WORSHIP N0 common Ordinance of IIlOLOldS Supper Ezzd PMBIBLE SCHOOL PiMlEVENING WORSHIP The Minister vviil preach at bot 5er Gospel Hall services 87 MaryStreeL Barrio Nylon pm BYPU Wed pm Brayerrvrce SUNDAY FEB 1946 Visitors Always Welcome 1130 AMBelievers Meeting PMSunday School Meeting You are cordiallylnvited melSalvaon 69 COLLIER STREET Officers in Charge ANDMRS JAMES BROWN Full GospelTabernocle Cm 20 MulcasterMStret Barries Revival Centre Rev ThomasLatto BA Minister SUNDAY ass i946 230 PMDirectory Class and to museums SCHOOL Sundery School 730 PMDoers and Not Bearers Ladies They then resided in Orillia for Only pm Band of Love four years and for the last six If you appreciate sane sound soul pm Collmcadetws years had made their home in EaiiSfyIng sermons attend the pm Prayer Meeting Collingwood Tabernacle III BURTONAVENUE UNITED CHURCH REV GREENMA ThD DD Minister Dr Green will preach at both services He will be assisted by his sonLieut Douglas Green BA IIAMSubject Lessons Affliction Teaches PMPcoplcWith Whom Jesus Was Pleased and Why lateJohn the Baptist 230 pnrSunday School eHollym 85 all pm Worship at pm Dr Green will preach Evorybody Invited AllWelcome WwMlllhnill+ItllIllIlidlillalhllnII Services It alt Ithithu rcl Im1 ENGAGEMENTS Itianst piaitcr LIINltllltilyItC pursuance tho eriizagerricnt of their only daughter Patricia Aim to iiltloll Edward Itlllli McLeod IZZZZTumw Burr the marriage to take place Central UnitedMChurch JZrlkmny Ruth lilj illutledgc and the late But iicdge Cumpbellford Ont to Kcn Inctlr Franklin son of Mrs Wood 1and the late Frank Wood Bradford EOrit The marriage will take placolLIUdma iifl St Johns United Church Campbrllforil on Feb it oiiiiiiiiii In Howden at the Lloyd and Steck Gospel Hollh ssion FEB 1646 11 AMHQLINESS MEETING 42 sconce Sat pm Public Meeting WORSHIP SERVICES AT 11 AM AND RM Barrie Geo Paris Cookstown Addressed YPU Meeting Central Church Barrie tlg If hf ll iv iriiitzvit Juli riiI IIlii iii iri lwwiii ri luau Human and 11 it Ktlli tlvi IL on Moll uir lllittl limit li= and lilln ltI lirlt ltrtltt tin llit iiItiii on tlflttiihtWI with ro and icirtiiiiil Iitllt Hill nwprisitliirt ii lllilui il iulitlIlill ihl armliwiiiml lxiirl Mr itlItI Mrs John Lavender tl lllton announce the ilinlgiPIllOlll tI their accord Luirzlitcr llciiiict tlyrtii lairon to Sui Alexander Marl Matiluialti of the Royal Canadian Ariiourcd Corps now IlliritlttI at linrripcu The wcd tillli 14 to lair pliicc quietly zit Ililltoii llnitcu liurcli on ItI ti litriti Mr and Mrs Illlllill 17 Fermi Still of Mrs Iivc McLeod The engagement is announced of ncili daughter of Mrs BRUCE FOWLER Bruce Fowler who was well known in Barrie number of years rst when he was member of the local staff of the Bank of To rmrto died from pneumonia last Saturday in Peterboro where he had lived for all his mar He is survived by his ivife one son Robert Maanren Fowler president of the Canadian Pulpnnd Paper Association Montreal and one daughter Miss Genevieve Fowler librarian at the Col legiate Institute In an editorial dealing with his place in the community the Peter oldters and strangers will find ordial welcome at this mission born Examiner said The death of l1B Fowler deprives Peterboro of one of its ablest and most pub lic spirited of its senior citizens He was eight years on the Board of Education for this work alone the city has cause to be grateful But he did even more as member of the hospital board whereon he served for 32 years For two years he was senior 33rd d8213Mason in the city He gavejhrs abilities unstintingly to this city and he may fairly be ac counted one of the makers ofmod crn Peterboro MRS QEORGE MOORE Mrs George MooreJaughter of Mrs Jane Hubbert 104 Mulcastcr StBarrie died at her home in Collingwood January 10 1946 She had been in failing health for six months but her death was quite unexpected Born in Essa Town ship Septemberpl3 1890 shewas daughter of Mrs Hubbert and the late Jonathan Hubbert it She attended school at Cundles and the family came to Barrie whenshe wasnine years old Her education was continued here andshe lateri taught school at Edenvale and Killyleagh She was amember of the UnitedChurch andalways had Cheerfuldisposition Thirtyi three years ago she was married to George Moore machinist They 11AMTheFinstof the Wheat Thurs 230 pm Home League 5017 lived in Barrie until 10 years ago Surviving in addition to her motheriiniBarrie andiherchusband in Collingwood are asister Mrs muuIIIInunnuuuuiuucuunq Dempster Collingwood and two brothers Harvey of Barrie and Ed of Toronto The funeral service Saturday January 12 was conducted by Rev Mr Kerr of Collingwood at the Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home Interment was in Barrie Union Cemetery The pallbearers were Ernie Burgess Alvin Pear son Reid Arnold Dempster William Hubbert Ross Hubbert Friends and relatives attended the funeral from Colltngwood Tor ton arid ltl 11 iiw lr Itll Ti It 231 tI in BIIA Ilh irrrivri lIAIIKE 15 rriilti lt1 Siirlr tliitc tlaliic Hi Le wit Writ Barrie Ll rltlr year tr the County of ii the late Mr rlitli In 2884 ri moved to where shr She then went Sari to visit 11126 to Barrie cure ltsttlfd no fl husband one tters iHllzii lcuy llltiiviiz tlatessai two rlr Izm lriroiy III 11 HI Barrie one rtn livr tinrvcy tlrrrite IXII lr tlaiiw member of at Art lr itil Church EDMUND ALLY litiitlltlrilrl pittiul family tu tllslt liiiuziLirii Samuel II for 11 you zwrwii of Bar rlci ill the ltoyal Vicioria tal liiiinlrju Inii Lrl ISHG you fit illlll lgtc Inlay li lrlly by 111 Sr iiiriiii rim Zlirtitl it ili Ill lic IllI not 113 He offered Lolltll lrji Iti xii rl bruises l1I from his it Isabelle Ward srirt 11x il and rouse tiltI for barn at St Aller until llr was li=i Iiiilnl Itlwtld HHS Illti ttIi PIN to his Ililil Octqu 21 liltili ii Kings and Mrs liilruntl John lly III ltltld Itiii ItIllitlltI Sairiiiil 1lly lizid thirl France diiiiiiu tiic lirvolutiozi iiil Icltlctl lollcirdal and it war he who care Barrio its name in liiltiiiiirrl Lolly came to BtllliO fror Kingn at tho llflt of seven and was about this time his oilitl lied For tune he lived with guirriiliriotlicr and he also llttIt Iii burr lIIl Mr lllII Mrs ll Mutts llo attcntlcd schools liartic and llcllcvrlie Business tolleuc Prior to his appointment iz itsktlstll toi Ilnrric 20 years ago Ilt llilti been an Insurance agent He was ilro court cricr for 23 ycziis IltIillt this position was abolished During his rttcridaiictI at court he look in interest in law and was appointed Justice of the Peace in Sepiciiibcr 1000 he married Isabelle Wirrdiiiair in A1 luiitlirlt 1r younger days he was very attivc in organizing the Woodmen of the World in this vicinity and he also helped with the organiza tion of an OtltlfOllows Lodge here II was member of Trinity An lczm Cliiirch Corinthian Lodge AF and AM and iii lifelong Con servative Stuviivng are his wife twosons Ixrppel Lally eastern district marr nigcr of the Bell Telephone Co Montreal Cecil Lally in Fort mate on an oil tankcr duringr the war and daughter Mrs Olivcl Stone of Toronto Also survivingr are two sisters Maude in New York and Isabel at Al btrt St Barrie The funeral service Saturday Jan 26 was conducted by Rev icy Funeral Home Masonic service followed at the graveside iir BtllliU11IOll Cemetery The prllbearers were Mayor Peter Sinclair Reeve George Clark Thos Lowe Buchanan Geo Uilnian and Fred Dunwortli GEORGE PEMBERTON GITTINS George Pemberton Gittins of RR Shanty Bay died on Wed nesday January 23 1946 in his 44th year in the Toronto General Hospital Death was due to cerebral hemorrhage He suffer ed violent pain in his head the previous Tuesday while working on his farm Medical aid was call ed and he Wastaken to the To ronto General Hospital for special ist care Thought to be progress ing favorably recurrent hem orrhage brought about this death The funeral wni held from his late residence on Saturday the Haire or First BaptistChurch and burial was made in St James Cemetery Crown Hill The pall bearers were Messrs Norman Kelly William Marchwich Gor don Caldwell Newton and Clifford Besse and Murray Dirncan Those from distance who at tended the funeral were Mr and Mrs RrJ Hilliard and Ted Hewitt Toronto Mr and MrsWmHMarchV wich Mrs Austin Kitzmiller De trbit Bert Bellinger Collingwood Deceased was son of the late Ernest Gittins and Alice Pinkerton oLShrapshire England where he was barn June 14 11901 At the age of three becauseofhis par ents death within few months of each Other he and his brother and sisters came toIive with rela tives in the Township IT Oro He was raised yto smanhood bys cousin Mrs Williamrllenry Jermey of RR Shanty Bay on the farm Whichhe now owns rOVer 20 years ago he went to Western Canada where he residedfor some time There hemet hiswife Miss Ellen Jensendaughter oi the late Hans and Patricia Jensen of Norgate Manitoba Moving from there to Detroit he worked forlmany years for the Dodge Motor Car Co corn 111g back toCanada justpriOLto the outbreak of war and taking over the farm on which he was raised He leaves to mourn his loss his wife and one son George Ernest Gittins at home two sisters Mrs Walter Wynes and Mrs Michael Kelly both of Barrie An elder brother Norman was killed in the First World War He Will be much missed in the community where he took keen interestiin all phases of agriculture and where his skill in mechanical matters derivedvfromhislonz us onto Stayncr Orillia and Thorn socialion with motor CNS WAS freely given to his neichbors II Ilwrkllzg 311 Aimi litxlahll Illezitricrl ii 311 lm Iltlttlliilti tar 1Ii orml Hospital Allrstoii 1iiesriavr Itiiii 22 15116 Slic burl tnirciii ill lilt previous Saturday and want ndr rriorirzr on Monday Born October lift 1903 at Baxter she was 11 Iriligllltl of Mrs Martha Andrew of Toronto and the late Willigrmi Ileniy lirniirson of Hunter Slici was llltllliltt of the lrcsbytciiaiii Reeves of Ioronio Nils MzktJoycm Mclliuii at Ironic Norcric of Ior onto and Ruth eight years oldu llrrrc one son Vance McFadden ironic Also surviving arc ai grandchild three sisters Mrs 14 Vcrtch Mrs Stewart and MadI Iltlt Andrew all of Toronto and our bltiillfl Wilfred lrrriiesonl Toronto was conducted by Mr Sca ton of Toronto at the Thomas Fun eral Home The pallbearers were lamicson Ernest Ellis Arthur Grosc Clyde Stewart Roland El 115 and Dalton Dundirs Interment on Sunday evening Jan 20 1946 Although in failing health for some iiiuigh who came from County ale Florida after having been torpcdoed while serving as Tet 8mm mm mm come we RY CURTIS hy illir Wl irIiitL LC tud 223841 1111 Colin his pgllflzi tire urtiw Barre up and educ 03 In it IfltrtIiJ lriiinl be rikxl it llu dill Ilnih it Hi riilgti iI Sldl it ripe AF and ALI and of 111 ltttTVIVCLI by his wfc Alsop iliiuaiiter 315 13 Port Iliicillit anti withers and FiSliIbii Mullen lna hlzs Dill is luioiito Mr llarrv lazy liir IIIII Bert MRS CHARLES McFADIIEN all her life Iltllilil Florence 11ml tohospital with prieui itili rvrviiig in addition to her and husband are four liters Mrs Howard tlivelyril The funeral service January 25 was ill Allistoir Union Cemetery MRS SARAH McCANN Mrs Sarah McCarin passcdoway peacefully at the home of her son Hairy 38 Beech St Collingwriod time she was conned to her bed for only two weeks Deceased was born at Ivy Sept 20 1851 the second daughter of the late John Jcnnctt and Annie Cav Antrirn Ireland and settled at Ivy clearing one of the first farms in the communityvthe one now occupied bny Banting There she attended school in the old school house near where the rec tory now stands Aftersgme time the family mow THURSDAY JANUARY 31 1946 THOMAS EDWARD ENSUN Henson iicivcri hid re Isuilluh 505 Illiti lb Iiifoiri Hi Lat irxlay Business Change Ii IIrZlt it Elm tr ted Lzrnicir Hursttxxztnr in ti IHIlllklul For Itll yrxiis tin been arctrmr ti Zlrrmc rI vuIU SCIHII Iltllwilli itll rVrrldizui irimveis 19M Surviving are his llrilrrl llavnns llcrzwii tingli tlxcirota James Lidaan four lllulhitlllltlltil and one citgr lircrc uiIItalJ ii ri Mr and Mrs Harvey Charette have taken over the tailoring business of Donaldson tllrD Iiri 1537 12c and celeb Itll 7115 uiirlxll llil liiiii StlVttI Over Holland it it tn1111 iiii tin ititli III1ilLtli Eur writ Min llrs tlizrrcttr is an ixpcrt tzrilorrsx having been with IIUIlilItIHtIH for IIItrt riiii otitliilt lcr Mrs iriiirichilrl rl othr thur 5an 311 Saiiiucl Chirp IVlii uiaigxlmtr lmt Uniru IlIitI1 two Sihltl Mr rm Elliot tirs iio twvnniiiilnl gt llogiaiilvorr in lll7lllll Witilit to than his Barrie iriiriii It li llr ztttirvi IIAIIIIXIII Ivltaiiilral killi tI lxnrs zhe lihiral puirounw which enjoyed in was Ililllill 15143 The Iillltltl service January ill 1h ltS ctirzilrictvd family lr1tIlil of Essa lownslripRWWH Vl UH WM trsitltrztt hitith iiItlltItiI $300 ioin Toronto ookstmsir and Mid IIic pallbearers Willait lItnniinPr ti iitly in advance Bar in year Iiclativcs and Hooplall litiia rsml DUIUVUII VIIC OI Cilillitslf Milliddcii dittl at Stevenson Pileiii Iitlkifliil rlt li ui UI IAill itrl IItlllilril IlIIt Head in we liirrincr ILIEIIII1 arm ill Allard comv Iiiitiillj ItllI iiicplicvs Atkinson Tltllill wvi Henson twri lime BARRE NEEDS Full Time WelTrained Recreational Leader BECAUSE Only 481 Barrie children out of 1378 of public age 612 are in ANY organized recreational activity Only 140ml the 250 teenagers out of school are in any organized recreational activity school IMMWW CMMWWMW Approximately 700 returning service personnel look forward to wellplanned recreational activities Barrie lacks trained supervision of its parks play grounds and beaches This recreational organizer would work with representa tive committee appointed by the TownCouncil Such program would not cost the ratepayersm onequarter to onehalf mill MIDLAND BRAMPTON BRANTFOBD OWEN SOME OF THE TOWNS AND CITIES IN ONTARIO THAT HAVE ALREADY APPOINTED SUCH FULLTIME RECREA TIONAL LEADERS are than OUND ARE mm ed to Utopia and settled on Lot 28 Corr Essa where the dcceascds father donated the site and helped to build St Georges Church Mrs McCann was member of St Georges Church teacher in the Sunday School and member of the WA In 1889 she was married to Robert David McCann and set tled in the same locality Her husv band predeceased her 10 years afterwhiclr she made her home with her son going to Calling wood inMay 1944 Two brothers and one sister predeceased hero number of years Besides her one son one brother II Jennett Allandale survives The funeral servicewas held at the Jennett Funeral Home Bar rie where many of her old neigh bors and friendsfrom Utopia Ivy Angus Vasey Waverley and Mid landgathered to pay their re spects to her memory The service wasconducted by Rev Kib blewhite of All Saints Church Collingwood assisted by Rev Dam of Ivy The pallbearers were six nephews John Forest and Joseph Jennett Vivianiwlilbert and Jack McCann Among the many beautiful floral tributes Was one from St Georges Church and WA Interment was in thrAngli service being taken byRev can Cemetery Ivy SPECIAL II you agree that Barrie needs such FullTime IRciieational Leaderiand have not already sent in your opinionlsign your name below and mail this had t0 Box 32 Barrie Examiner MOIMIONNNJ34NOIIIOIMOINO INOONOW OJIIIINOOONOOMI There will be or Public Meeting to discuss this program on February let at 800 PM at the Barrie Library Hall Why 1We Need Community Recreation Program Now HOSKING Nationa1Council YMCA Wumoouwoomunuuoomomcumw Provisional Community Recreation Committee ChairmanDB LAURIE SPEAKERJUDGE Published by the Card Tables Durable hardwoodframe folding legs green top Suitor uses in yourb0me PRICE if ORDERSTAKEN IOR Electric Refrigerators iBahy Slalom HCIIdWOQd bdindoubleTrail and bdckw00d handle with metal at vtcrchments Roundrmtcrlrrunnefrs nLiiGooDMTWZL Mai VALUE crt ble formarry $37 51 NorthernE1eCt5ricr gunmen IStrdmbergCarlson RADIOS Phone umrwoxwmxmrumxmm Cleaners murmurs nqu izeiauniop so BARBIE A492

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