mu pairing iKMINER Samoa ONTARIO UANADK PAGE SIKTATFN IIIIMII II MI II Wwmw monomouowohomomom INTERESTING PRESBYTERY Nb Like Slrncoe IGRIOWlING DlSGUST calom===onooma lPROGRAMME WHITE isVflfVRLfisV The Green Front tores HARDWARE CHINA AND GIFTS ruf hm 7r FRESH WHERE YOU BUY MORE FORLESS ll 1r DAILY at Pads eclut ed BABY SLEGHS 3475 300 and II rho rrr ured with Rail support We 03 ii and Two la ion sizes so pr llIAln rrIur uim NIEATS II Sun Health Lamps SbIQDI SUISO ne whom iIrIorlrIIrIlrudtII VI IVI IV Stable Lanterns pamwd ed VsiVoti uiiliitiii 179W lrfSSUIFEIIIUIWEVITS $7429 able Brooms with handles 5135 Fire Screens guards each $450 Vl 7r UCOJ 0001 Audi3 KOUd 12 W101 your Open rtpmce 777 bile luinlis going at 5295 HAHLBLLS ll TVUTS C0 and Flatwalls W7 106 121 310 SI vmWy Aum mI Q15 25c Gals 89c aI Ir tr 5dva IIIII 1020304050 5A1 VI =IfI lwl rt Beautifully hide and 163 or 7II VI II Re lter gt we have few already 01 115 Mm RlHCVMJEIlinI Bjnlw llll WWW 1V VVV 1131 ENAMELLhD UlthSILS 1V0 30 211 Hot itrr an gum Strike wlll affect till Sthli lilies lLuker Inks Qulrrk red blue blrrck 21m VI IV IVI VI II VI IIVI II LWw We have good StOCk 411d Fm msos pluin and ICIIllOICCd 31 if 0V8 110 Slgyr iwfmwwa 1in Lilis Round an 03 $150 to 95 V1 Rockwool Insulation to sq TI VIA Nun av IV Vr Vl VV 810 $175 so 95 Combhmum Screen and Storm Doom VIA ll lull HIM Mm HI II II III Double Boilers ilrrura Vegetable lotswttl18lmlnr 5110 Baby Blitlllncttcsburguin 5093 1V JV 1mm ll imms Jilliifrcui Sill Baby walkers mmhm Slimli VI VI II ma III IrIIoIrrrll rIIrrIIIIII VI II II luroVV mitts Sauce 1111s oOL Jot g1 75 Otllrr nlodrls lit SMJIMH E6 VV II rlircsl roll on roll Dolls Dressers with round mirror JIII lrom plus irsorxri nnri piovili Mixmr Bowls 50 00 Mid 89 Dolls Chest of Drawers $37 IVIII IIIIII IWIII II II II II rw INK pich 30c an 50 Ivory and Rose v0r an III UIIRII WI IIIIHUH MI II II II II III II II II IVIVIII irrddlrrg Bowls II II III Murr Uiitiiin ll VV pir plates Zoe 30c toe ll Iv Wm Wins 30c 35c 40c 52 mm We 10 us II WM lr ombinettcs or 9101 lull 315 1011 Bakers 67 81c 11 1Vrrr irrvn rlilr Vrlzli lrll S3 95 lf ltlll 7t 740 jilirl 960 Vfr 3M1 ii Will ltllr rr mu 11 Kettleb C04 LID VJ rgy II II II II gt1 III II IIIIII IIEIIII IiIIIIIIIVImVIIIIi Stew Kettles IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII $L00I $125 $139 Custard AIDS Sell for 12 Wrnli rmd to $3 ll Individual Pie Dishes 150 230 II IV II IVI IV 51 II 32 hwy Iv 10 llt lrlV rll 111511011 OVCIHl liOiiSleri Sig90 md Pyrex Flamcware Sets $360 V1 711 in row 53 Water Pails 3159 saucepans skillet and handle EI ll Vl ll in IrrU ltl 51 11 Ir In 77 Vr lg 11 11 rV slam Kitchen Sinks with back $1995 15 Kindergarten SetsVVV $3350 $495 3075 51 1er fdlgtor Size mm 18 343 scarce tem it to 95 II VH VV VH VVrV7V7V777 7V ll Vr Vrll Au r7 77n 77 VV rlgu 31 m1 songs tr lrrr lr ill in 511001 FM VV II Yourself To Be used as Doormat Anyone lrw runs tall Mf 9mm MVP 3V illmum rllrlw Imilll Surfme llrriirv VMI1IIIV Iliiigisiltii vl rm IIr VV lrlr rm mill Vru lu rVlrr itrllr an VV 1an lt2er II ch llrllvl rrVltilriV lllitlv My rm Viki lllltKlZNS Vo Vrrrh duostlllrr il runoil ST SPOTDirt ERUSS Him it PM Grade lllltltl Vrl rllrulrlstzurlcsI Eu lerl rVlnlu tr 1211 lV Vr dIHIIIIII DI III CIICIII IIlIllrIlIriiIr IIut IIIllrrllV liiIIIllrIrIllIx MI IlIVIIIIII III IIIIIIIII III 1erde BI IV IIVIIrl rllIIltlllIrlIlItIlI Hill THANK CANADA which MW up now been VIIIL rw gtv gt VlV rrV rll 1m rr Mm have SIMI mych WHV er IV lro lltlnlirhV iiiJliutl 30 IIHIWHIW MN Tm may DHKC m3 Blvmm able lch rm lrrnst part been 72 chair of roroI 1er pntrlI Spot Ilium hp IV lV ul WV mm horn IVVII NI WVUHHIV Vucewcd from hm 55 used or hrgirflylrrhr lilhlluctipn and VII LCIIZtuIIIrcIIlIoliI the llro 17inlydwlh IIIIrIlIi lIlIII llV il 29 VV lirrllllfp lillVrrr Vlrlm lulrVrrrrvsrm in EssexI EnglundI the follow for other purposes not appllcablc to mm IiI IIII III II II III II II II II II II IIIVI i5 trusses his so rnuqlv you iorgcl ULIIIIIH lIrrViV III llVV 311 llllrrs llrrdI Iillt lIllllIlIlItllilt 111 rlrpplan ironl an Ellgllb 351ICIZVldeAn23131 Stole you are wornVa ltiSS Rink it olililrir llucc lillllltl rll IIc rt rill nrerrrlr riff11 Li rerufpzlpcr VI rrr ifiililltll FOWL mm rmhm 11 mm MWHVhem the mum timemmdm go Up mm hm Thcignition of your car cllcck IIMI ch mm rgi rmly 1r groups rm to lil successiulIEngland in this pelltid of postwarllzlglv 313K333 ed regularly No spark No 31 iour lm tiI it mo limit Ml WAN Vb Huger ismucune wmpunpg ilnliive i1 Um Igfvquci CS is go Do the generator parts uHV lire r10burl IV II lIlliI wcu nu Irlmull Hui this IurI UIlIlI scnsorr vrtir Ircar ago will sayl 1y OII I0 need replacement DRIVE IN II VV Ti Wm 1er L3 VVV llr Vulr um Vi whom mm 1m mo onltnkc placr vcry soon so that mass Cw nu lra Vrom VII IIV1 7V or IIId It II DD III III TODAY WW or at lc p9 5r mum aVV II II mm mr er subject to inlunulll lulrorv would limit15 llrclI Who stopped the bombs and the Comlrig springV VFUVmCYmOW BRENNAN FREE CONilLitiTGl l1lll Al Frth Gimme V0 cents per budton Willie rockets Who cleaned up the We have be We to is 3w Vw ilr rr 11 rr VLRFECI FITTING llJILLLI ATP11711 Il IslIrrlrlVV III VilV HUM Vlll ml on lth if mm Il fllI tI Qs 1th Wolfdles Fldlce 13 bthfolb to mam ccolanda All Electric SCWlCB Com and com VII Sac th new lVrrIV lVl lVilllV tr IV Vrrl MO llrr lrrrrV lo rill Vrr rlrr lrlll llrll kCySI forblrds dClhCICd alive to IC roun Vrrrd who Vrrr 300 gt1lrlllg ulth Holland and Belgium and gave us tron for the expected pupils BARRIEIVONTI wt vr TlrrlliV rlilt On HE INomSlrdISI 7loIrl 1H 1th pm in lill IIIIIII rIllIINIlIilllIrIIrlIiIIII IIIIIIlIIIlI LIrIIlIrIIIltIrII plrrIrlItVI IDucArs KulcrIl UIIB rI lIlrIltI ddIIrIr thIrllI 11ch tom resplth Int IlrlsIt cvcn befalc the II II lical mum to rupture trouble VIIVVH 8V II III purchased 10512 liltllill llolLLV on till othrl hand will was won In the 02 years smcc its first II IIIIIIIIIIII1 I77 erIlIrIIIII rr ElIItIItI rlr rlt rrrrVrirl in nitrnri non nishpd poultry not being accepted is to fill in the slzrrrlr time after It was the Canadians with our successful commercial production of worlL is 13 times greatenthuii xr il H7 Quahhed Fltters llllotll on Irrosllry frer 11 ITS IIEVflflmVmV at present me Idml hm lrmmm Hm wmtllmc ho dld It at yo has grow so play that SH lid surpassed only by COt 110 Hi his llurutV lll luv rrn MAM WW I1I 1d WWWCM ICoglclt mum New Should It its World Consumption CXCCedS that tOll to serve You 15 1orurllsttil lilc 1llllrll srglrzroitlllildlilblvtl ll 11001131013 luYVl lczrtctolizl ill the Stllrrul is itzrllylbc forgotten Here for ever is We Carry Complete rlls held on irrerly rllurhvlulz llrVl rkluiluu MINmud willv cl ucccsszui for inc students to bondu new bond of one were 111V rrr Si erlrlls llclll IClltlltll tire rVVlrl llLLtgtlly ilrl litill lul SL453 pm 100 leI mum UHVVCQUIII SUCMII jnmllneedcdbetwccn Canada and Lon StOLIk OI burglcal II IrnrlutolrInV lntcrulcllt in St JollllsIrcrlucstcd cooperation Deputy IiAltRllJ FLOUR MlLLS 001109111110 00001 mlmy CCUS ion Appllances CCPCICU Reeve Woodrow and other lllClllr Wriwml arise when it is neighborly Bless the name of the Can 777 VHVV ms BAllltlE LARGEST TOWN mm NgulleIIIIl ISIECIIVIC lIQflIiSllnlCIIlF It Tm Utuht mags Who came so far 10 so our policy is to prOVlde for your present and future electrical According III the pmm1 II II ICCIIeIIIIIOtHEIIIICIVIlen CIIICIIIIIIICIIICIOCIIICIIIC muc requirements tistcs for 10421 Barrio with pnp QNHU Lamps light bulbs extension cords small electrical appliances DR Doc 13 was accepted irs snitsfhci olJCnllousc turd those are dllect LIDING As SPORT 11L ll 1y Connected Willi hint under the on hand ZI In town in Si we Orillirr vln lrmzlmryI Britains Air Ministry have pre RE DE mongrrim Alarufda vrtir ran ostrlrtrrtcd 10021 MldlhnrlII HitIlIlrIl LIrilIIII11ltILIIIIIIl IVlIIdI IlIllIuIlriI Bolt1rlirirtnliiitltigllLtU consider the Dllred extensive plans to make ORDER YOUR Immo Now FOR FUTU CHAMBER 0p COMMERCE was third 0000 And Collingmlorl Ed Hk M1 linemen ll Currlrwillc ma ll we gliding 909111 PaStlme TWO rI owmgciuaguugouonumJiliul 0378 IIVIIHIIIIIIIIII IIIVIVIIICIII we IIIIIIIIIIIIl AT mmsim WISE am the BIIIIV1scatrzr gliders of the most modern crl lrll l94Kliplirllntiilcnls to be trilli of Education tell it Could promote amaze giggles 51112111 44 Essa RoadAllaudalc Dial 3609 rmed by bylrrrv at next sessirllll the idcaof lunches at the Com II ANTEED SERVICE ON RADIOSI AND SMALL These zrreiszzrrctukcr Fred Elliesii lnulrity House just who would seat 511 only were available GUAR 7ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES for training The few twoseatch Medical Officer of Health Dr 142 shoulder the responsibility The 10 contorm With tli Board of Education is responsible Bluelrlu Sanitary Inspector 131 Guest member LB of ii Al mus or work rm fol pupils dullllg school hours and MEDICAL rWoodrnw School Attendance Oil cations With Pay Act the Community House has its own LEGAL mumI Wm 5mm weed Inspcc th Provincial Gov Board of Dlmclom AVVJVVITORMNI ORDER NURSESI IIIII BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICW Show CI Doeg Bmie 10va swim 1008 lsrc 3mm Elam We cm BOYS Vzrluutrrls lion erngnmn Flodl mm allegiance of the puprls from herl Irom 230 to 430 oclock every Wed BulristcrsVSolicitnls Notaries lillli nesday Application of nurses ser lic CtilltCylllCLlSV etc Money in SunderlnI Dugum McKay WV Jooperative Services high school or does she wholel heartedly want to develop esprit wees maybe made med lhrouob lorrrr rt lolct rates of lntIcrcst Of Cdldutll lUlLC VICUaI til II docton Telephone 241IgchzII13 Owgn ISL ngsrlnlIC TcPIlelo Poundkccpels or 104 rcrrpporlrtchVi 111 Close dCIIQItIJIlpb of the school Within 11 urclllu zrrrle runCl we se VOSTFOPATHPir Elmvalc Boys oljmidlEmil31amlicillizd at Noon Thenp swllerc should BCI stu lol 1m Saturdays EEEEillllVC lunches 1041 This was approved and orI VV VETERINARIAN Your trrri rr EDWIN WILSON BSA DB clcrcd sent to Dept of Highways Sims I33CtKirlgZQCk Banh DR Fr EnnNGr Pomim SLbSidV beginnlng FRANCES KNIGHT 77 77777 777 001 one lIVETERlNARIAN and SURGEON Ross Cinrlc this present ul 777 10117752 homing pm i5 5013th SL Eu Barrie Phone 4543 135 gm cml IWCllli saturday Ian Three Midla Men Icy 13 GLADSTONE CURRIE Association and Seed Fair 81100 All other hours remain Vi Successor l0 was voted exactly as at present Morr Gwen selences For MUSIC LESSONS VAMFRON CA III ML 4L own 13 lb 11 Qs ivtsxr ndles VBARRISTER SOLICITORE1C 38 New 333cm 771 3113773 JEssrr BRYSON ll Owen sr Barrie Telephone 3175 Rd 059 10 glad to know that 1945 was another year of roranm aha Choir Direct MONEY T6 LOAN Bylaws llplrer1le for 1040 rrarlIl Inn Saturdays only we will Md chritral United Church CXDendllUFQS md to 1041131301t RUN 010501 1330 11000 During Ide Elle were 215 szntlnecee 35 Very saHSfaaory Progress The returnfof Peace TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING= COWAN COWAN Supt Besseavereipasscd allthcsc hours we will opcr tcrdII In Imam WRITmy nds the Company fully prepared for still greater and MUSICAL THFORY all grades lBarristcrs SolicitorsConveyancers PGllllOllS from owners at Srm are full strff to give our including ATCM Modern Methodsl tharicsPublic etc 0051ch asking bullding mslrict cusuners the Best most Ef CQmmllCId 1390 13 ill the 591 expansono sences swam 27 Bradford l1170fwenvssttrfv Briirigm or we Sidelied md Clem and most omlimus diielvliitlgnESEaspggdntdlgge us Edmund Hardy Mus Brio 171001 ram GVICAelltoiznrEWan llmmued wk ms 1th SOIVCQ We Vale able Dube was given one month for MnmmldVthign of more tIhan 5751000 fr Tenher Ofwpmm inging am my imiim WM the Towmmgu Fiedsrmqmiirryg3r rihe 0f HumFEE Arthur Dube Other thes bevelomed togehe d3 Canada ggstlgfloggfOhyddgdvasngieiyggggiilBragfgpk The various aClenlS before and lm up got the same term for receiving iLifet8wmmefortym mm and your Church Gold Medalist Toronto Cqu Masonic Temple BlngI Barrie Came were passed for paymentI To help maimam the QIIIIIIL IrIlIlveo anIrIlIIVI limiter IhlrIlgrrlgley selves measure of saga11y and naucml mdeI servatoryof MuSlc and Jnlversm MONEY T0 LOAN and Counciladjourned till Feb 5VI my of Scwice you have hef El aI eeIn pendence which very few People could Possibly Of T3f0n10113worSlcy St To 2215 riuht to evpeci from your Chfrgte thwm of dbntdlll pa hi in other wa Last this cov 7777 77 DOROTHY JOHNSON Assocme ggggisqrgi CoiopVrrour Markervsuuale ifralabv lilreetizls lreaiiooslrlred in tile paymyem oilryover of Toronto Conservatory ot Muslic Bram will be open Saturn VIrV Ir LAMEW realizedragonstother VV $24000000 policyholders MuSlcPlanoan eoryirl DONALDF MacLAREN BA completeltho limited Stock lthe station which was closed at 152 Maple Avenue VV vq Theirstoty of the years operations 18 told p4V BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Mr and MrsLJ Barker and baby ofv Coop VFVeeldsv as We the timeI VLittle Fred Lucas lrau LE Money to loan from WinIdSOr are visiting Mf=lld the fullxlirle of Maple Leaf $32133 sill 33mgng Church Masonic Temple Building Barrie MrsVB Barker Products and cafeteria reeos 22icdffi$$2 graphically 11 new booklet Thc Calledthfe Teaclligrnolah all 13190 wfgfdEllahaihs9l0 USiIllly carried in stock mg to get whthV gas was Iin ReportsIItoI Policyholderso copy QfIwhlcthrllIlV al9m St 53 BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR er Robert Gare Cl there We suggest that 1f she mnkV Taken by pmvlnciar gladly sent to youVonrrequestgwwvr V7 Bankpl Toronto Bldg 2v0wen St Mervvyn Dcnrricyh and Earl Hub you WiSh Feels 01 Farm Sup rpolie foMidlhd Slater FrdVposi gt1 OPTOMETRY phone 2361I Money 10 Loan bard are attendingxthe Agriculturalt plies on Saturday afternoons ltively identified rthe Dube car classes at Ivy this week N9l11910C6 Em Older 0t later there anthhe arrests followed OMVJ BARRE FFS JOHN REID Miss 011e RuddickI Bmcb Edrur than Ieairly Saturday morn OilfOMETRISgh 296 BARRISTER SOLICITORI ETC andDonVald Gauley Toronto 51 ingVIVtVo ensurepur having SMALL STAFF MEAFORID 01 one 24 Dunlop St Barrie Out the weekend at their homeshere the stock atI our Market Although public auction sale Attendance 96 ROBERT SMITH OPTOMETRIST 53 Dunlop StP one2586 Hours 96 daily Thew annual meeth of the Square Branch for you of VKI of CI Auxlhary Serv1ces ACCOUNTANTS church will be heldon Friday At extra busy times such equipment was held recently at ening Vg00d attendance is 16 as during Spring Seeding Meaford Tank Range part of the WELCH ANDERSONGOMPANY quesmd part of our staff will work Camp Borden Command skele Chartered Accountants Trustees etc The worst Storm of 15 Winter overtime and we will adver ion staff will be kept at the Range 3mm Life Enildingr 59 Yonge Sin StrlCk here On Frlday evenmg use that we will remain throughout the winter AssuranceComparry FUNERAL DIRECTORS Toronto explainSignlgdmlllearllgllllbsigzg Dpen Saturday afternobns Sports equipment radios pianos VI rV TFCKLEY high in places and made it difficult then as an extra Service andother pieces of furniture and LLOYD QHIROPRACTORS for those who attended the dance articles were dlSposed of due to the decrease in strength of the FUNERAL DIRECTORS IV AMBULANCE SERVICE WEOI RI ELSIE AI BURNSI Dsc Itteget hom Some report frost SIMCOE DISTRIICT 5L Phone 2103 camp Since the warhas ended Pp aralaigesil $311933de Home FIlom Overseas many soldlegsguhOIIhadmbeegstau We are pleased to see bred Leacn timed at the Range have bee Mechano Therapy 115 Dunlop StI Phonermg home again after being OVerseas for SERVICES BARR momo other campsI and at pres Established 1116 three years em only 3111311 fraction of the NNERAL DIRECTOR CORBETTVDB IgIwI original camp strength remains AN EMBAIIMERS BarrleI Examlner $2100 098 InvigoDAeXN oIl PlI67 30770 I726 McDImaulstI strictlymVadvanceV al ware lane I7Examinervgubscriponswarewpay 77V 01 Inc mme Examiner Classifiedg costl little 3061 lo strictly in advanceI Your ad BY APPOINTMENT but give mg resmm dress label shows duerdate