PAGE EIGHT ISAltltlE EXAMINER BAILIIIE ONIARIO CANADE lfl STROUD LEE ERNEST Miiiiiiia NAMED Winn CuhilLued ms fiiiiiii iiiiis CONTEST Ieiioini IIIIllt Park for lIetIIrIIed lion Tins Al 1m oiii Ii iIi iIil Illllllt ilittiiial rst lur oIIii to iuIis BELLE EWAH reiIIIII tIlltIIl Siiiiiia Lamps light Iiulir liliIliI ivtiir rill illitiiial lIiIItllit tltl IiiIiizeih fir dag on hand IIIIIHI 101 It IIIIH ltlll ll II Illtl IIIIIII iithtr iiiI rill ftlat ZI ind New onuniinity IIaII held last WuinesI iuiniiiiindj hall iiilii hall tillttt thei 9m years GILFORD TEDS RADHO SERVICE iliiiiI IIil Il It ItoiiI IIiiiiIiIi it xllftfi fli about Welcome Home Party Iliill tllltlll1 at fiiiiiih List it home pai ty ttill Til II Mukmbh Fe 50 Much Better TheVitamin BtTonic IiIIIIiii ii lil iiiaim it Io witstint iiiHon lib ltlilaliiiit Itlllitllili fatigue and eI5iIlioii of the liltlll7iltlll Iltt gti iIt irunitdl ii hail It who time IiiiI itl IIl nIxs ioii meant aso tliltSllLlJ Iioisiiaxs Hummer wowsr tllllttttPn the pit lads rot summer lii hem broken into couple oliiiers Iii oi Irtlttlt Il hlita It tei ell tiilllllfil aiat yoiiIiLI from Toronto ileiniles at bomb in one about wuek until they were Lilli up an by the police itt Iiiiiili thii Ilonoiahio elizoaiv llltlll 11itti itvitittitlldlin hlintiinis the IItiIltlll rillvaiiir Iiiiaii ittltltsl Ieailt oi whet iiasi been ainiouuied oil cts Iieonoiny size 5150 wiii IittIl is Ilttill Hiltlttl three times mm for clothes but never moiiey 1111 Clli lIxaninmij 14 Iiiug tvri Hm nviiay fit your my iirly liiariiloi Sun F026 back to Japan the sick calls we that am Well we are not prepared to argue that point Miss Jones 5pc insurance busincss however we feel that insurance annual reports should be ofintercst to women if for no other reason than that 70 of all life insurance in force iseither for the benefit of or is owned by WUIllCll aking for the life life Iake the report of The Imperial Life for instance justprcscntcd at the Annual Meeting of the Company today Women we feel sure are interested iirtlie fact that $6888000 was disbursed in benet payments duringr the year You see that money goes in large part to widows to orphaned cliildrento WlVCS and their husbands in the retirerifemyears offxvrr life Since the Compain began business iit 1897 more than $3157 millionshas been distributed in this manner Women too will be interested in knowing Life35ubscribed to cry Bonds in 1945 money Which helped to bring back sons husbands brothers audsisters from overseas as $12994000 so it will be seen income frompremiums that The Imperial $12500000 of Vict Ins itcccivcd llOIII pi IVleIltlltlclS during the year The total of prein in ctoty Loan commitments approximately equalled lt that the Companyser hjgif thefact that iiiSuratice in f0rccis 8535000 But as you point out thatthe Com No obligation of course pany is indicated by ons to itspolicyholders of til 12 so perhaps we should jus ha copy ottheir 1945 Report Tliat tIIeImpcrial Life is aprogressive com now $595487000 with assets to meet obligati Jsay Miss Jones women dont read annual reports patiyw111 be glad tofurnish your menfolk wit Imperialeife Annual Report Well the mpany Just ask your local Imperial Life man In HEAD OFFICE TORouroranApA Whats that Miss Jonesyoudliketothave an will Izedclighted to supply you with acopyittio Iowa reuuprn 1897 ii Iluiiie from ltl Snort Iiile Ilild li IV my my lintiil Iriy aiI VI in itii out iizi relief for iziziscizlar pains IlilUK IIHH IIfiili TilIf LOST IlfiffK 535 ii Charla Oxford refJ lie Sloth an Iitoli vhc niitl In 051115 113er against his nitn irrIir allure fun Ill lifltt ristilialiizo iIiil firriiii one iriiiI sioiiiri read it oeu rrafi in in tJrLIf of fliffhilIIi un iiirsraritfirm of latnan llltiiti ll Sew1 IIinItI 14 II III ll Lend wdh his 1l LiI NI Ieitttisoii Ioiwiitli tst her aunt Mrs linilllt Iiill In the weekend Iltiiizs loio to ziiiiin It spent the we ti 11 our school iill Il Iitli well The tttllli and il ivr IIiiiay was tir gm Meetiiia The first 1010 lItillIl of WMS wa held ban The roll call was answered is by yliltlllllls paying their lei The eaurer reported years ill above the illoiutiin Mrs uck gave talk Ieuardin Iik apaiieseCanadians being St taken by Mrs IItlLtIltn iier the list of books read durinu the month was icoided by Mrs hlcRobcris Mrs ItOss Neilly and Mrs Gcrviii Sawyer were elected pianists Mrs Grenville Hughes as record chapter of Angola Now Mis Neilly had called at port on the east coast of Africa several times during the last war Mrs Kell reviewed theichgpter of the study book dealiinDril CLTiries work at Chissainba whichwas very instructive and interesting Mrs Gorham and her assistants Mrs Neilly and Mrs Todd served delicious supper The attendanc wusi2ilrikr WV IT OAKLAND HILL Mrs Ausinan Toronto spent week at Mumbcrsons Mtimbetson spent few days visiting friends at New Lowell Miss chma McGilliIray New Lowell is visiting her sister Mrs Franklin Hickling Sorry to report that Harry Smith is apatient in Royal Victoria HosI pita Allwish him speedy re covery We welcome Mr and Mrs Demp stct and family to thifs community They moved here last week from Guthrie their first gamehlonday night and won over Shanty Bay 50 They playArgyle next Monday Luck home here ronto last week aispeedy recovery lvvlti1liilii iillI Iii tIliIllli lloine Presentations iiiiio Itll1ll 1ILtIi Iotal Receipt of Benton Itetl fross Ital new final tlll iI Llntiol ll Iil It IIiJ iiltl ii in in Txin YMI Hay Ilye iiziii itlitl IiII1t In IIKH to spend ity ii Ly iI itftIiIi Nlll Iiilii my the till itll an inn IllIII Arm ltllillI at the iioine of Mrs iiiW ii m0 Iimmwil II Stiaiieitays on Jan ii the It land was it 1llIl in HK iiirllti Mr WI HUIV4 midi iNll tiff the Iirihanv home ihliiiy and man Neilly iiit anti iini llellMMl mi mx by Mm ntiilitl for th ninn are ery iIierestind ItittrriIit illi lestnts lbs lieisoii conducth Mrs CorIll our ted by Plans were made for dressmak ii lieimds to the YWEA lhursday evening Jan 10 with over 30 in attend ance Airs Cecil Reynolds presid ed The devotions were conducted by Mrs Ii Dorsey assisltcd by oral members Mrs lent Slicrcmry Mm Mme NeillV 9ij lianis and Mrs Niirval Stowiirt rc itictctl the devotional service 111i viewed the my Chapter he leilly gave talk on the first Stud bmk Ahicay ypmyers were offered by Mrs Halbett and Miss Brown Arrangements were made to hold St Patricks supper Mrs Norval Stewart in vited theWAtiiniary to her home in February Harinfrr llalbert conducted the 1040 installation ser vice Choice refreshments were served by the committee lheld in Trinity SS room Jan Despite very inclement weather there was fine attendance Jim Porter presided Alter devotions ycry gratifying Itepobtsvwere re The local hockey teamaycd HILLSDALE Miss Morita McGill Shanty Bay is visiting her SlstCI Mrs Edgar Mrs Pledger and Gladys Barrie are spending few days at their Mr and Mrs FisherGanton and Blanchespent few days in To We are sorry toreport that John ny McEadden fell at school last week aindbrok leg All wish hint Visitors at the home of Mrs il if it ii nor Iriii il li hIiI IItaiieh Iotal 513503118 1i illfitl tutti Ilei iiiidiilf va lJIIIIlt ilto Welcomed Iloini II If Wilcox tlllt1 it II illl tIlllI Io tiiil tiitaiiis bro1 Wilcox Lltilii 1Ii fiix it in Der may stormy till it the Atlantic on an IIIstinliarlunu at till viitlili al flospital Ameri ontins liistlmtt Ihc loaiens lnstitiiiiWiw In of ltllii withh Ii11 lhe IllIIt li Milton Reynolds The roll call was ltilt New Years ItNIIttlliin class III March Mrs Stranuu vi Mrs Dobbs were hostessi Aixt ineoiinu illbe a1 Mrs YWIIA Meetint Mrs IIIIlll Dorsey was hostess Woikmenls Wearables that will give plenty Of service strong nellinat1e garments to stand up under litllgllltlllgll wear At typ Illll Zellerlhrift prices SHIRTS Still Ll Ill IIlNllttlh blui to 10 With filtiiit IIlllt lieglItzie tiIiIil IotitiI tlleriltie $109 Splendid tlllIN IIIIH SHIRTS of Chintz1101i LTHI doubliustitcliiit Niizli with Huttonfront or what poilzet Szrcs 111 ZilIerloprieeil ton itillllh Illig Washable Denim Cn Ilnginteis stylt 733s Striped blue and white or whitebacked blue dciiiin chlerlowpriectl rs sizes 574 to 33C KROMER CAP Winter piece cut with car weight railroad capw bands Yru Elects Officers The TYPU annual meeting was ccivcd Roberta Kcarns reported contribution had been givenfor missions Joan Cainplin reported net balance of $1635 in treasury The Young People have ordered three new electric light fixtures for the Primary Department which creational period Rev Hal Anne Shanty Bay impure blood condition blood of its imIImities Ask at any Rumble lastweek Were MrsAn drewiRonald Mrs Murray Ronald Mrs Thomas McKee all OerinesI ing andMiLand Mrs Day and Read and use Exammiar Classieds gt Itching Burning Stinging Eczema or Salt Rheum Eczema or salt rhcum as it is commonly called In one of the most painful of all skin troubles The intense burning itching and smarting on cially at night or when the affected part is expose to heat or the hands placed in hot water are most un bearable and relief is gladly welcomed The relief offered by Burdock Blood Bitters Is based on the knowledge thatsuch ailments as eczema and other skin troubles are caused by an Bring about inner cleanliness by using to help cleansethe ug counter for Price $100 brittle Thel Milhurn Cm Limited Toronto Ont Kasha liningpin striped den Sizes 61 to Smart low prices will be installed immediately Jack Dale conducted an enjoyableae bert presided for the election of the following officers Pres Jim Porter Christian Fellowship Con vencrvRiiberta Nearns Missionary Tailolefi BLOUSES an 01 CANDY STRIPED ShortSleevers 14 to 20 sac KAC IIE petalcrepe KStyle assl10wn above ZellcrValue Backaclie may ber Signiil your kidneys are failing to filter excess acids and poison ous waslcs fromlhe system Daddl KidiIcy Pills help relieve this copdilion often the cause of backache headache rheumatic pains ordisturbedurest Dodtls contain essential oils and medicinal ingre dients which act directly onlhe kidneys Xand help lhem regain normal action GetDodds Kidney Pillatgulay I38 $139 RAYON IBENGALINE SHIRTWAISIS sizes 14 to 20 in white lime aqua pown der blue gold rose sleeves Zell Short $l98 LONGSLEEVED nLousus tailored shirtwaist style of spun rayon errValue White blue lime gold aqua tan Valour rose in 51209414 to 20 Zellcr $198 IVaIue neckline value lllUltSlmI JANUARY 17 1946 rrvww 01105 Is ASHLN Sizes 32 10740 OStripcd lottonatle live loeliets Nothing iiinnby painby about these Work lants Theyve been made to take hard wear and lots of it ZellerThriftPricetl batch iof blouses and one stick skirt make wardrobe iSee Zellers as sortment of smart Skirts and Blouses at chlcr SKIN rs ori ALPINE CLOTHin sizes 1440120 Style pas shovim and many others including Ipleatedeall around boXPIeated vorwith fkick pleats Your choice of zipper or button closing Black brown blue green TedA grey ZellerValue $293 eweINeck iBIOllises for Dressup Occasions DeLuxe lovely Blouses to wearfor great occasions in frosty White crepezlShortsleeved buttonback style at will show up yourfavourite necklaceor clip ELLEHTS TIMITE with theykind0 Zeller $298