Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1946, p. 10

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iy Thurs 230 min Edmund SUNDAE WITH SALIED PEANUTS 15 an BRYSONIS Ice Cream Candy 22 ISLIZABIIIII ST ll Collier St Baptist Church lllllllllllidtll REV MITCHELL Minister SINDAY JANUARY 20 lfilti ii AlfWORSHIP The Lords Supper 1i IiiBIBLE SCHOOL PMIlll GOSPEL 210 IMFRIIOWSIIIP IIOUR Wed pm Prayer and Praise 123 it pro Young Peoples Service Visitors cordially Welcome 122237 Trinity Anglican Church REV HOWDEN 3A Rector WRIGHT Organist Second Sunday after the Epiphany ti in AZsiIIOLY COMMUNION II AMMORNING PRAYER Preacher ihc Rector lliio AMBegiuners Dept or tllt Sunday School 215 PMBible Class 300 PhlSunday School 700 IMEVENING PRAYER Preacher The Rector Prayers will be offered at all ser and the extension of His Kingdom througllout the World First Baptist Church REV HAIRE Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley AICM Organist andChoirLeader SUNDAAE JANUARY 20 1946 ll AMMORNIN WORSHIP r3 PMBIELE SCHOOL PMEVENING WORSHIP lheMinister will preach at both services Mon pm BYPU Wed pm Prayer Service Visitors Always Welcome The Salvation Army so COLLIER STREET Officers in Charge SUNDAY JANUAIIY 20 I95 Ii AMHOLINESS MEETING PMEVENING SERVICE 2130 rimDirectory Class and Sunday School Home League for Ladies pm Band of Love pm Corps Cadets pm Prayer Meeting Sat pm Public Meeting drevvfs Presbyterian Church nsv JAMrerIIGUSON BA Minister Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY JANUARY 20 1946 Preacher The Minister PMSUNDAY SCHOOL RuEVENING wonsmp Preacher The Minister Come to Church BURTON AVENUE any GREEN MA 11 Amenity Arm lip PHONE 21562 BARR uiI+ gt in Collier Hardy Mus nacvrrcM 11 AMMORNING WORSHIP ii rt is if lo 11 is CHOCOL Grace Gospel Hall 37 Mary Street Barrie SUNDAY JANUARY 20 1946 1131i AElllelicvers Meeting PhiSunday School Meeting You are cordially invited L1 53m St United Church REV LEWIS MA BD Minister MRS GRIFFITHS Organist SUNDAY JANUARY 20 1916 ll AIlIORNING SERVICE Till CHURle SCHOOL 11 AMBeginncrs and Primary 113000 Dcpis 230 PhiYoung Womens Class and IIIJunior Intermediate Senior Depts PittAdult Bible Class PittEVENING SERVICE ll pinYoung Mens Fireside Club Lf vices for the advance of Gods work Free Methodist Mission Ciapperton Street REV BALL Pastor SUNDAY JANUARY 2071946 EMFSUNDAY SCHOOL 245 PMTlIe Pastor Soldiers and strangers will find cordlalwelcpme at this mission Thurs pmPrayer Meeting czzxzd Central United Church REV BEWELL Organist Miss Jessie Bryson SUNDAY JANUARY 20 1946 ll AMEFellowship of Believers PMThe Ladder of Prayer THE sFNDAYSCHOOL 11 amBeginners Class 230 pmAll Other Classes fCome to Gods House on His Day lCAPI AND MRS JAMES BROWN Full Gospel Tabernacle 20 Mulcaster Street Barries Revival Centre Rev Thomas Latte BA Minister SUNDAY JANUARY 20 1946 10 AMSUNDAY SCHOOL gt ll AmeDevotional Service v30 PMThe Kingdom of Heaven What Jesus teaches conderniNg His Kingdom Come and enjoy this Bible study Stranglers and visitors invited Gospel Hall it 19 PARKSIDE DRIVE Lords Day All WelCome No collection UNITED CHURcH Till Dill Minister LAYCOCK or GRILLIA 280 PMsSUNDAY SCHOOL Holly Service at pm EMFREV ALFRED LAYCOCK Visitors cordially welcomed SUNDAY JANUARY 20 1945 11 AMBreaking of Bread PMsGOSPEL MEETING Fri pm Prayer Meeting Seats free it ran BARRIE Visiting Preacher And Local Clergy are Guests Ol Laymen for Luncheon Av eoavoclaa oooocattoeoooo GREETING CARDS OR EVERY OCCASION Hahn WEAYMUUIHS BOOKSTORE $10 lilimhclli SI lllone lit lllrriI Out movNOnocuoowOOl IIIIIOIIODJIllillllloillottla Teacher for 50 Years Vulllltt wwwomoooom llll illo In Nifllldl Illuiin Iiu illll Slim Nwi lli tlll ll lllil l1 Graham lil lliilLtlill if then lllllw ilIlillLl lltiJ to Hi IIIll liloill iIitil lltlli and Mrs iilsi llil ll Ii marriage take llaiw In Illl Ieai Lituri Kit and Mir lllill Ilt llii rar anili inii tEli engaytcmcnt of Hi 11 elder daughter Mtiliil Jan MM ilia NIIIII armxuilh StillL Who on inf Lil tillllilllil Till ittgtd wl ii M11 and My FITl year iiiIIi iitii 1i Silli Siuall Albert Nil llzo viddillg dag Sii toiloer iilil ilill Ii lake placi in Toronto mo il ii Alix fit lhlilcd Church School lltl and pupils ltliiiiiii of poll cudz was made to vlivgtililltin by Gordon Reeve tlilf lilrtlllllllllll and an address by Iv IIrnesl Lewis par of January The engagement is announced of MIIIgiiIit Niilelle second daughter of Mr Orlill Bates and 1110 Ian Lizs limits Ivy to Dewitt Harold 1tll Bentley son of Mr and Mm Elli Maliinns in begun teaching Wilmut IE Billm ond Head thy at VyIvale lltltllllll Chiliin III liitlli lllfl Ifllt ililtt years came to Ilillric For tiv months he taught ill the hint Baptist Church Caokgtown announce mo lngzmpand then for some yours at St An inent of their eldest daughter Rose illV ljliFliilMlsliu lIHlllHVLii yenrs ago he transferred to Col Ellen Dales to Pie Harry lilvciclz marriage to take ace the brim part of January Mr and Mrs Wm Ii Dales Ilolbrook youngest son of Mr and 1M lfllln illllldml mun Mrs Gordon Iiolbrook VIillilpcltI hf llllyl ilXfll active and has Iillssed only the marriage to take place earlv in la very low Sundays Ills classes Inifpfmh have been Tteenzlgo boys although liillfl ills lllillllllSBlfiCliHIIfm several years he had the nHume gluedIgiiLilllzlliililg 8131331lllillllllstl class ctgirls lie was younger daughter of the late D11 HIDMWFHdHll Ml Um51 lm one veal Ml thlltliilbltil Is univ andjlrs Sutherland Steele 1o lpr hm Wm lk Peter Edward Waller son of MI and Mrs Edward Waller of Moni full and London The marriage Iii Read and use Examiner Classifieds take place at Calvin Presbyterian Church on 26m of January CLOSING SERVICE WEEK or PRAYER AT ST ANDREWS The attendance at the services of the Week of Prayer which took Ilacefroulm to isuasih best since the services were iII augurated in Barrie by the Min isterial Association The address each evening was given by Rev Dr Chalmers 1hD Associate Secretary of the Board of Evangel ism and Social Service of the United Church Dr Chalmers is an unusually gifted andforceful speaker and his sermons were source of realvinSpirationto large congregations At the final meeting Dr iChaI mers spoke of the keenesense of fellowship which had marked all the meetings This had been big factor in the success of the services feeling of real Christian kinship as all worshipped together Concluding his Week of Prayer messages in Barrie Dr Chal mers delivered message last Fri day night to large congregation in St AndrewSPfsbyterian Church onlthe theme For to Me lOLIVC is Christ taken from the words OllrislvP8Ulr Referring to Moffats translation The clergyman quoted To me life isChrist Emphasizing Nd poleons one ninth of power and suggesting that thLErench military leader might have said TOme life is powenfvar Chalmers stress ed this was not what Paul rmeant Relating how Arinas thehigh priest hada one aim in life to amass money and more money the minister said hemight have quot on To me life is money How ever thiswas not right Dr Chalmerssssssuggested three thoughts First Christ is plan He stressed thatit Was as necessary to plan our lives as it was to have plan to irrigate land Second Christ offers purpose Thespeaker referred to Pauls pur peseinlife to bring theentire civilized world to the Gospel mes sage Third Christ means power in life We must have power with which to carry out ourplan stated Dr Chalmers For such power We must go to Christ We have only to go to Christ in prayer and all power will be given to us but first we must make Himour plaanurpose and power in life The previous night Dr Chalmers had addressed large congregation in Collier StUnited Church on the subject The Supreme Wis dom Barrle Examiner $200 year and worth more fiend and use Examiner Cluesieds msmmz BARRIE ONTIARIOCANADA diss Heres your chance to fi Ullt tlllv Lilllsllillll xJan 1i Illlt avivv OBITUARY ll HA Elli mi from lllrnl 52 lefilllll Ii lttLiI pin while at 1111 illlry geiiiid tiillvil Ii lll el uni thsir illllltNlIlsl JllIlJll the fraud frulzl iitliil Ii 1911 unwittiul lo liiaililliisl iii in MN II lJlJ fir Ilia EH are Hall In Itlflizllittl 1111 gt uri llIllli in izii Iiiiiiillil iui ii 2Lll Illzialitli liIiiu zizltli llli lii Iiils lll riplil 19H if illllivl If liiil mph in text Lolxllf II lllll lilo Illiioiiti my 139 ii Elilllltll11gtl lui ii NH till 11 ill 2i illl Iruniz Supervisorsl lie was also incin oiilgieillollil lilllCll at it lll viv Illariivil in Barrie lillll Mr lilili survived lie llililrid Noi lilt dauph llll ilI and Ellis flatly of liliiiii liltlirio two Illl lill lllrs Iicll Norlm UP 12111 lx llgiilialn Illlllll 1301 and II John Thomas Ilell all at lslti Mrs Helen Auden soii at Toronto iiiil two brothers l2 liripli loll stationid with the llllllllll army at Ottawa and VlllilllJ ilvll of Vancouver British ii7 hr liti lllU til Il Iti lluM iliiiiliI iiii lliiiliul service at First iiixzli Lilltillill llurih Iixitlle Itlll Sat Jan 35110 lS conv ductid in Rev lleslilonil llle illle tflllIll In which Mr Bell was hold evidenced by the beau lifui flowers and llll luriu attend ilil ForPrompt ELECTRIC Appliance AND RADIO Service Danie 4540 101 DUNLOP SI BARBIE RADIO APPLIANCES 3C aiioupno 712 REGULAR PRICE neg $695 to cleanse neg $109510 charts Re $1295 to clear $648 Reg $1495 to clear $748 Reg $1650 to clear $825 Iieq $1595 its clear $848 Reg $1795lo clearings wwo IINIWIOOIDIOIN00 IIIOIIIOIJIOOIIIIONOJJII DIOIIIOOIJIIJIIIOIIOOWJOVOOIOPoO NEW YORK ICE FANTASY Beauty Wonderful Action by some of the Worlds Finest Figure Skaters New York Created cyeovve Dazzling Professional Skating Show BARRIE ARENA ONE NIGHT ONLY and Thrills Costumes and Lavis Settings CAST OF 60 PERFORMERS ALL SEATS RESERVED $15 Standi and $100 ng Room 50c Now on sale at United Cigar StorcDixies Smoke Shop and Whittys Drug Store BELOW znao AND SNOW Tl The early part of January was and there was very mild snow However TUESDAY JAN 22 830 PM Ill Worlds Rhythm ARIINF THURSDAY Starring AlllANl lowly Ilinopian champioth JANUARYE 1916 17 Le VAIHANT BY MILEAN Spiitl Skater GLORIA IIAUI Dancer oil skates it featured stars lieautcmfs llorns Girls IllPiboelOrchesira WWMOIOWNWWWWM mwwommmm WEATHER Maximum and minimum tempLian lIi ll HS WEEK cultures for the past week were iisliaii lti lit follows below zero High Low little Jan 10 3st 29 Examiner is $200 in advance in the past week Jan 11 34 26 Read and use Examiner Classifieds the mercury has dropped consid Jan 12 35 20 izinflii 22 ll Fine Job Printing Prompt Ser Jim 14 vice Fair Prices if crably and there was II heavy fallI of snow Sunday and Monday ix resses and Millinery et that and dress you have been wanting Balance oi our 1945 stock at prices reduced to clear Crepes spuns and Woois in good assortment of styles and colors Sizes from14 upincludIrrrXV ing womens and half sizes Aboutjone hundred dresses togchoose tram but shop early for best selection GROUP No2 13 oil REGULAR PRICE feq $695 to clear $463 Rege $8954ac1ear $597 Reg $1095 io Reg $1295 to clear $86 Reg $1695 to clear $11130 Beg $1795io clearsusr Beg $199510 fclear $1330 Reg salon to clears1400 16 clear $730 from $295 to $395 REDUCED GROUP No All linessregularly priced P1th oo OURENTIREVSTOCK or MILLIN ERY RED duodenal All lines regularly priced from $450 t0$595 gt IIEDIICEDPRICE Airs UCED so CLEAR $198

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