Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1945, p. 1

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coat In Masr stinitiwmOri naema 001000O60 oooo None0 teammate Wuemxeeeuzemwvxww urnH uunmxmanigiuwwuhmn+i+ Ibappr Illcw 12cm to fill Ice Cream Candy lIIlillll gaft hurch gttiltnr1 it Ittiiill St Andrews Presbyterian Church MKS FERGUSON TIA Munster It 31 Edmund Hardy Mus Boo IlCII Organist and Choirnizistcr lli Illt LII Eiii MORNING ltlllil tttilti lllt iilil ll SUNDAY SCHOOL Ill lIVlCNlNU WOIISIIII lreacher The illtinifrt Come to Church T73 77 Central United Church til1V BISWELL Organist Miss lessie Bryson Ilu IJlfi llll ll ltote lli rm summvfscuOOL ll lhe Beginners Class 3o pinAll Other Classes aaysows IHIIXI lfoil lilillilll COIlier St Baptist Church may dlitfllfll in The Salvation Army till tlll Itll Slltlfl Officer In it tltb it Il 220 Ill ititfil SlimHi Illit IlI itll ii In lillljp llliilt Itllt lIlI Full GOSDeI Tabernacle CI Ilitll ltd Slltti Barries Revival Centre Rev Thomas Lotto Minister SINIIAY DIIC III IIIIII to Gods House on Ills Day 10 AidSUNDAY SCHOOL Free Methodist Mission Clapperton Street REV BALL Pastor simui DEC cowl PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 245 PMThe Pastor Soldiers and strangers will find cordial welcome at thismission Thurs pmPrayer Meeting Grace Gospel Hall 37 Mary Street Barrie SUNDAY DICC 550 Illl3 ll AMBelievers Meeting PMrSLlllflEly School RBIGospel Service Wed Jan piii Praycrw Meeting DYou are cordially Invited litklllluiltil SllYltlE zvnx n1 ltnd yourend gtllllt 11 ll 73 IIVM tin liontisetl lonely Alton11 illt 111w Piano SAXHDIIHIIU bl Trinity Anglican Church REV HOWDEN BA Rector WRIGHT Organist Sunday after Christmas Ill 711013 COMMUNION ii AIIAlltNING PRAYER Preacher The Rector AIjecinncrs Dept of the PllrSlJN DAY SCHOOL PlCll Mr Wright New Years live Monday Dec 31 1llAMVVntchnight Service ii mq LnnmnnncmncIl+ US BURTON AVEN BEYT GREEN Edward EdivardATCM Organist lell ll AMREV UNITED CHURCH ThxDu IID Minister Choirmnster LFRED LAYCOCK OPLQRILLIA 30 ElliSUNDAY SCHOOL Holly Service at pm 7700 PithSpec ial hiltsicetlwieeHr brief organ recital will be given by Mr Edwaids at the close of the etching seryice and it held in the Sunday Schoolion 1lS4lllllGWGIl to Members andfriehds are invited Sup llIlfIIlIIIlCI5llIlwllI am LEWIS Minister 11 CarollLo How Rosebud AnthemSing Heavens Piano and OrganmlertoryJ SoloMiss Helen Lambert SermonThe Carpenter Who 300 PMJunior Inter AnthemGesu Bainbino COLLIERSTREET UNITED cutiRc ffSDfNDAY IDECEMBERTBO 1945 Miss Edna TheodOre at the piano THE CHURCH SCHOOL l100 AMBeginners and Primary Depts 230 ILLYoung Womens Class 800 PMAdult Bible Class 700 PM soloist Mr Victor Knox QuartetMisses HelenLambert Bernice Baldwin Messrs Alf Shepherd Wm Lambert SermonwfCross with the agony of new idea ongregational fireside hour will be Mr Edwards nuu dlIIllI Mitsw GRIFFITHS Organist Prhctorius lllaunder 4SaintSaens La Cygnet Was God mediate and Senior Dcpts IPietro Yon obeywilgnuuunuIIuuuuuIIaunmuuunuuuimnuaui CAPT AND MRS iiis IlROW Fpl tli id lti Lilcl Il IItiI Mei nntl rilihliltittl Sttij or of Sinaiiitoun l1iiftil of tile ttt llit In tl ini liltitl tl tilliitllti iii Ildilti Ilt has littll with llli totnpinj more lllll 113 Mr wet llt 157 Mill Ur it uo oi llll lli Iltli litlllll coinpnziy in llmrie he l1i Lind lel Ltllt llis wile is the torm tr Gertrude lliplii Iler Win Iii in Ipusior onui catiomd Church Ilipkzn lllll of and Isilo hit llJ WELCOME lltnlli AlllY The Veterans Welcome Home aparty Illtllvl to have been held in Strontl January ll has been postponed until Inn 11 so more of tlic returnin holiday Fcuson may be present The Coniniittct desire that iIS ninny Veterans and their friends as pos iscs to be even IJctleitlizin others It is also expected that Veterans Visitor tiid gtIltlilLlLlS izititcthlm mumC their gifts the IllSl party rill be all Iltllid again to receive these WEDDINOS aonou IUNIIRAINICY IIhe Stnhdard Vermilion Alto quiet and interesting wedding was solenmized at the Unitcd church manse Vermilion Alla on Saturday Dec 101 at oclock in the afternoon when Lila Rainey laughter Oi Mr and Mrs Freder and ick Rainey ofCOOkstown Ont be came the bride of Pie Max Munro 3911de Thornton son of Mr and Mrs Munro Of Dewberry Alberta The young couple were attended who gave her by Mr and Mrs Davt son Dewberry and inimCllilliimlllhql whitestreairirsf OI the grooms family were present The bride was The grodiii has just rc ur omtoverscas and will receive his discharge git the end Of the month The happy young couple will Spend Christmas at Dewberry and after Pte Munro receives his dis charge plan on making their home in Calgary PATTERSONWRIGHT pretty wedding was solemn izedhttheFirst Baptist Church in Barrie Saturday afternoon De Cember 15 1945when Marjorie Pearldaughterl of Mr and flVlrs ErnestWright of Barrie was un it ill marriage lOMaUIlCexples ilorontof Barrie Cookstowit and tort sonotMrI and Mrs Ross Pat terson of Harrington The cercv mony waslperfortned by Rey Hairc Given In marriage by her father the bride wbre floorlength dress of white bridal satin cut on prin cess lines with Shirred bodice and full skirt she had fingertip veil and carried bouquet of Better Times red roses and baby mums The bridesmaid Irene St Clair of Barrie wore floorlength dress of baby pink sheer silk with matching halo and carried Briar cliff roses and baby mums Mos tyn Patterson of Hartington was groomsman Wright and Melville Smith both of lBarrle During the signing of the tregister MissBessie Lewis sang eds dininr tr It was ItlLIillttl IunitttlI lroint IIll tluuchter oi the that Veterans who are expected home over tliei isible be at this party which prom becominle was of fIOOrlength whitewsheer dlCSSCd 111 gold Crepe With brow chiffon itvithTsilIVsemlins Velitmtrimming and accessories shoulder and ngertip veil and to match Mrs Ivan Caldwell ofvlvyplayed llt tlth ttit Womans Viewpoint on This and ilr llw our dogging it hi llm and Bow dinner moon nt dunno Ii rislnnix ft ltidt5 go lItttIlllL Hp of ImI litltl ftiltnii IllllL dirliil llic itlliillll tilt tttndid it tml intuitth to III3 lt lltlt ii in itlnit1fiil tree Itlrtt it flit lltl IIIII1 irtrtx tltt It Iirislnins pirl Jill lIiiililfti lll hold trite2 tizt Jttiiiesdojt lt Ill NHLk neon decoloterl it ii IIIII itliit sectint II it Xllllllilllti sotith anyone for the sittttsslul delluiiltul liiitfet Innc and iiiiij Want ilittl Mill icsponziible iiztcnnnti llilltllli ylln kus dllttl hour with All lllhlt louulilvy til the organ reception tilintsolir its hold at hc home of the brides aunt dill lil iibctli St lIlClt buffet lunch ton was served The brides inotlicr received the guests tllllL tl inuuvc twopiece silk crepe dress with black accessories and corsaue of Talisman roses The DIOOEIIS mother wore black Silk dress with black accessories and ti cor sage of Johanna llill rosesGuet were present from lefroy Crcc more lliirlington loronto and Buffalo For travelling costume the bride wore twopiece green crepe dress with brown topcont and red fox collar and brown accessoriesl liollowine wedding trip to Hunts ville and points north the bridal Couple will make their home in llarlington Ontario llAlGlIBETTERIIGE bei15 1913 at oclock at the home of the brides parents Rev Robert Manning of Hiin Park Presbyterian Church Toronto per formed the ceremony which united in marriage Charles Otto Haugh son of Charles Hauin rot Egbert Bertha Louise Betteridge daughter of Mr and Mrs William The bride entered the dining room on the arm of her father away and she took hei place under Elli arch of pink and Ireens wed ding bells and veTIIerdress 011 of whites violets She mouquet of red roses Her bridesmaid Miss Blossom Terry of Egbert nieceitf the groom wore pink Ffepe with black se quins on shoulder and corsage bouquet of mauve and pink vio lets Thb groomsman was Milton Betteridgc brother of the bride head dress the wedding niusic The grooms favors were to the bridesmaid goldwearrings other groomsniangtalatlier wallet to the pinpisbaVgoldbrooch Following the ceremony re ception attended by 35guests from lhornton was held at the parental home of the bride wheretheubride was assisted in receiving by lier mother in mauve crepe and the grooms mother in black crepe Assisting in serving the guests were Mrs Mel Howie of Barrie sister of the bride Mrs Errol Banting1hornton and Mrs Jen lHE BAKED EXAMINER BARBIE On Saturday afternoon Decent nle Green ongarrie After the reception the newly wed couple left for trip to NiaT gore and St Catharines the bride travelling ina tw piece fuchsia crepe dress plun colored hot black suede shoes coat and fur muff to match They will make Ushers were Dalton their home at Egbert lte Have you read this weeks Classi 45th uu n+ wagW lIItliDrlY DE Quality Guaranteed LOSE that 765645 7eelzu iii SPENCE SUPPORT DESIGNID ESPECIALLY FOR YOU The Boiler Dial 3984 Dress Shoppe Barrie Attic11s null lIIXIiR Really Fin Tea corcrinkle Pltt LGELAWS when mixed Red Label iiriiie oi skitidly Ilfllitltl and icrcziorz lattice Airtime Sluts 03b itroz Ic Bottles with GRAPE JUICE rloiiimr iiioz Rollie corrsart comma izitANn gt150 PARTY SANDIVICIIESI mmxn ESL 2101 Loaves iiiirtzmmrnniwr CRACKED WHEAT rt3fg MINUTE peelieieiesae souiosi 11 sheathed Tasty CHEESE wagers Canadian as alwaisfricri uibmm Fd Wil is to Llstlcctrtiii of so sites in cur1 storc Wei import or for Sandwiches trim WHEIZIE CHEESE INCHES Ode iui Lot lllllc in each store 2Sizmccriiuphonic gt TOMATOES cniiionlxvih INGERSOLL CHEESE Assettrim aeolian casein CANADIAN stirciiD Otjrrr oscrln 72 ll JNTAlth no onion DUDE libUs ltlO NO lilADL lrALjillli Jumdtu ONTARIO no armor wrtxci aurooaeae CIANI YELLOW WtbG Arman CONDENSED Whistle hocETEhmS 00 utilise PLAIN on PIMENTO CHEEgg fluzilllrg PLAIN PIMLNTO OF RELISII El CREAM CHEESE ll oau eon endear BIIIOOEIFEELDCEEEESE MAPLE LEAF CHEESE tgib Pkg coats earth are sour 49 23 to trot ISM 19 15 1440 lkg lot Pkg tent Pkg Iiioz 11ng 10 lins all

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