Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Dec 1945, p. 6

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PM as wm BARRI EEXAMINEEW mutuqu ma mom WSDAYOMER 204945 uww WWW cod it believed gt min umlests likely lone 294 ltwvm out Deputy llstvgt ill ullwl lllllL5EleS alc laiilonsg AdelA llgf Moon Elftvvl GE an Frzgurin Ellllv Illlltl Ame lftlpv Supine 3mm WWI Wt more will lGEORGE LATIMER lKIWANlS CLUB toms AT ANGUS hm hm Mom Canadian Weekly Kcmm Amado Icouiinucd lluli nice in mm Clam Weeklies Cum Audit Bum Circuhuou duty IilCHc out cle iv MacLAREN SUBSCRIPTIONS int lllt Exit 15 fungi ills can or it it bln Iu II Coid gcenmlp lNTERESTING EVENT WHI iing do is nlwnyn lull of lntcrmt for mum ll midi wuph BM 21va day is full of interest when Lullle IJPIIWHB Iw LH nerwd Ilptmg 14Lriiliis If WIN WIT ENS llinour Make tVcry llttixI an lllriili NIL Chung ow to Liptone Ieu IIlt ltd hut export IIIIIIIy my Ilnii brink avour ilmiyn fresh lplllltll find tillIliltllld litttl dull PURHVUFLH HRM or insipid Ad ltltl llI Ivsnzd puguiln liSftI Illtl Tiiinut 01 any iniucru ltlllIJlI Wm first The Examiner gives all the news Il ll Inc pin usde ill inc ltltli century by Ihc for Barrie und District while It is liiillm Lid lltIllt llclitzilunsu in India newsx will ARI nucleic emu HM ml chairs and ac unlit czn uIwammw my WALLS mum 81m mm mm SMMM dii LtHtc BMJW vinomin Alto mum qun All LJ1 k3VUeA$ Illuidil rid ll Ilixlilz Ix Ion up IIaIIrw itil THOUGHT FOR CHRISTMAS ll mold lliutsil and Illltdltl 1lc Iilr admit build up iinlium Ilornc So long as Faith With lilccdlriu itcnzixg And loytll Hope gtllltlt tal1i lgin I=c incl Sing cope li litfllllt lit re thunk 13 Ltblc in lil XJIMI fililti30 lli bid for shut tiziic inc Iztlilt iii med mink mm Al iliiiIcslzng highlight of fill 394 IN lisirs life ms the time Hi My IpIII Spunky liilii vtlllll lv mnducicd rhi iI MIth II IIIIn trtilil tour by lliiln ltllzizstcl WW My um the gel ilklul Surety iic dcpdtlntilll During thc past icw Wfflihll inclc have been several tragic fires all acrOssI liv wic lhc country and many lives have been 1013 IETXEMMII ll Christmis thltmt his le Agl llah lldlt fl on My Wm 11h Lilul Ixl Rcmcmbcr Christmas is for the kicidlcs lL ti tor thcni time of unrestrained cxcite for llttlininll Loud Unidili Abdul ill llitllillcts likely gt9 tn iiiliilliic Victuilu llnztmur Bruce lir r11 lZllll And 8m ucni lticv do not appreciate the dangers mulzi be iglticli lzm lint Wu lullr trilllbllhllfil ofce iIIf import Inii luliljplett Wmt lwilliililinly Edgar To lcavcn lowly lives Ill tI Siiiiinriule lIltI Herbert Til land Willlzui Guwaniock Toy Wadi millnilci Curly uui imrgc Wid Iz liilllltil id lcruinscth Harvey and Ilch lluntcz liiey Robb and Slow Dc Miles luSSVlultllU IJJI tun McCuzcken Tulltliltalll Hurry 11 tuivcs inc lllnt by tho lIlp ll IEtltIl Mr Ildlillktfl dial tnguI 1x Bum Hum M11 hi bct lillil int Inputhint illd yo1 II gm there is one Wt Lil Illl liil 13 35 pLIlelllS USP CHI aSSUItI II For intelrctujuuu l1 301 llir illlllllcll 1t Mcrry Christmas gt the 83 you II ll iitt lUIE lrlli 12 If ililll lIIl1h Nuillzllilii billingl H1 am lulur Hwy hull ttltlilhlxil lineI Mud In iir Council in tho muons lllllllltl ti llri Ill tlll LifJ bt lutilA wilt Jillvslltlttil III2 unwilling LifllilCtlSlil Lltlflnjj in SILIIi Scum day for litluidi Wth lltil one lttciid tlilzich lIttYi llit RUELKMELIV Ml lflt lulu vll liiilu lltiii lullxlv illitl llwiidiiis in ILlIllIi one Itrl ziul ulltl not cicn ilc lllIIII mi xi lllt 13m vii itlimil And men are free to mini and ua Life is worth living on EDITORIAL NOTES llzlcd istizi lhc Doiiliiiion Bureau of Statisticslq II 11 ct tl IMJ 1Lllli Lino liIIi=liIc Ilt Lot Mtlxut lill we ms ISL 05 1E lova pnx VV LMtW rurujwlVtlth Ill Ill1 IIIlilicul lltlillr llziil Di Ill ll ll ChrLstmas comes but mlcc your fluid filllc ll goods and sauces lOl IIlLk ll nltz Ill tlzr lvuliidtini in HIV lul WI II Stunting Ir hirc Millie hut Thts IS phrase which has tiriImv bl iillllllly LN it 11019 had lllmpcd over 100 trite by constant use and yIi is voril lhIzllijy lliyl 1wk lids an II II mHllzllll lulilml lf Angus tutti tuilrx til from SSi8lt0il000 in 1939 to $11727000000 rlk Hi If illuli llllu iiilllllttlt Mr lL ui ll at remembering that Christmas docs hellllillllll ill lI44llilb IlilllOllCll product rosc from pm Hi Lit Hi llrtlllvli Ie llllll clock to human nature which might xvill bc lllitlt way cf life for the wholc ycur At this season men and women uccoiuc lllllti thoughtful of others more CONSCIOUS oi tllc need for kindness slower to ulcer and quickcr toIrcspond to thc finr instincts oi human conduct Behind It all of coursc pcrhnpx uncon sciously to some is the spirit of ilic Son born to the lowly carpenter and his wiic Belli lhem nearly two tliousnnd =ll 119 it was He who introduced new way of liic Prcv iouslv men lived by Uilc which ncccptcd certain law because they Vizi laws The new way taught men tilill limpincss ond contentment came from titinc thoughtful and helpful to others He said of ilimucli am among ye as llc who sciwill At Christmastide thc basic Christian prin ciples are put into practice Mon and women strive to serve to be helpful to give happin css to others and in doing so they gain more happiness for Itlicmsclvcs It should be obvious that Elisit spirit cor rlcd forward into the days ahcud would have thosame result Men would inorc inicr csted in giving service than in stcpping on the toes of others in frantic ciiort to bet tcr themselves It may seem likc over sim plification to say that if all mcn obscrvcd tlic principles Of Christianity thcic would bc no more wars no more crime no povcrty no bitterness and yet it is absolutely true Thc difficulty is to get mento carry forward Ill spirit they so readily exhibit during the Christmas season but if it can produce hap piness and goodwill at Christmas it can produce it at any time in the your YULETIDE FIRE HAZARDS Christmas is time for bright lights Warmth and cheer On Christmas Day the tree will be lighted candles will and charm to the dinner tablcfand there will be warm glow in the fireplace Red and green paper decorations willfestoon the rooms The liv ing room will be littered with gift wrap ptngs All this adds up to scene of gaiety and happiness But from the office of the Fire Marshal in the ParliamentBuildings comes note of warning During five wartime Christ moses in Ontario there were 125 fires caused by holiday decorations Two 11ch were lost and property damage totalled $18467 Can dles extra electric lighting tissue wrap pings and paper decorations form danger ous combination of fire hazard This isrthe first Christmas since 1938 that forward to the Yuletide season with holiday spirits and soldier fathers of many children will be home for the first time in four or fiveyem Fire Chief Patterson of Barrie says he wants to caution all parents to use extra care at Christmas Do not leaVe young chil dren alone with Christmas wrappings and candles Use extra care incsposiiig6f matches and cigarette ashes At the slight est Sign of me do not hesitate to calgthe plioid scarlet fever influenza year diphtheria Isak billion to $199 billion Britains from $24 billion in $40 billion ilic interruptions in power Monday even intz rliilc causing some inconvenience llllplil lllllkl pcoplc realize how littlc wc lliivc to complain of in this respect Con xidcring tiic continucd cxpanslon of thc clcctric scrvicc and the greatly increased loud the local wircs have to carry it is rc inzirkublc how few liitcrruptions thcrc arc Tlic LetterReview offers this for the con ildcritlon of Canadian Socialists Thc llritisli Strikes which arc vcry serious uic iiol against privzttc enterprise The dock workers are chiefly cliiploycd by the National Dock Corporation The bus conductors arc cmploycd by thc London Passenger Tmns potl Board That is the British strikers are not strlking against capitalist profit cols but against the community The Timcs of High River Alberta an nounccd on Dec that its editor and pub lisher Charles Clark had just completed two score years in that position He claims to have the best community in the best country in the world and ofits people he says The story of mutcrla progress is heartening but for above such record are the incidentsof generosity and good neigh boring whih gladden the pages of the paper so frequently These reflect the spirit of our people and their art of living together harmoniously and helpfully And Charlie Clark is just the kind of chap to helpbuild such community We know of no Canad ian weekly newspaperman who is more highly thought of by his fellows of the Fourth Estate As his son Charles is business man ager of the Times and two grandsonsore coming along he looks forward to seeing the Inuitill It by llllllt Intnimi Iitllitv Ell ZIII whole Domini ill tllui Sunni itl pinch LI lilzlil il lll1llll ll five Ifitlv nu lllll HI pct li bi lIvidcd into iltle litfl ttllltllllig llltllllld one of lc lw lulgzcxl lltvl where llltli is iiuxplIl llciriic lrlllln Midland Iillinuximnll lllld Allis lllll llic vu Inr and lllringl lhc sliilgplc vc vcrc lulll that ourl boys fch II till lllllell ilinvc litw ol iiic IJLIl tiltinle llli moi crunc Inulc unrest llld llilt lllltJlfltHS llllll ft lCl hail if we dont strut tel build at lltt Wit of lifts iiiur iilllllllllhi IitIi Sililtlillllllg ix going to inippcli Eilmpcnn countric Iic fillle with isms of vanmus kinds and if wot Ltlc no ulcit illcsc arc gluing fol ciccp in and Iltlli us We are told that 17 per ccut of tho pcwplv uti producing the food for lllt World and with iinplovcd Inncllinczy won six to 10 pcr ccilt null be producing that food Furni inc is bcclvinznlz pucinlizcd lllltl nnmy Iic lllotilit from tlic farms Now huvc hundreds of men living dISclizirgcd froiiithc Irmcd SGltlClS What are we going to do with tliclli Ir for lhtllS The conunlinity we wont to build will extend to point where IllC pcoplc go to the next town llitl Ithis community lltlll be built by the Cooperation of the rural and urban folk and it mind he com inunin whcrc oil are happy and contented We grow good crops and are getting improved stock but wealth alone will not make for happiness Our greatest asset is the people bill have been neglecting this nssct Wc want tlic best system of edu cation possible not only for the boys and girls bill for adults III centre such zis Barrie there is Iliecd for number of small manu facturing plants where boys may be employed and not have to go to thecitics also openings for family name at the masthead of the Times for many years to Come gt One of themain objectives of Kiwanis International is to promote closer relation shipsbetween rural and urban people The Barrie Club has always emphasized this activity and as result there have been many pleasant meetings with the farmers and much worthwhile cooperation The gathering atMidhurst Monday when farm ers of the surrounding townships entegained the members of the club was one of the very best gettogethers local Kiwanians have ell toyed with their farmer friends Taking an enestdiLvaIiousagricultural feat ures the Kiwanians have been much inter ested in the marked progress Simcoe County farmers have made in organizing along dif ferent lines to improve production market ingyetc The extent and variety of this work was realized at Mondays meeting when Mr Page read the list of Organizattons repre dented there The bountifuland delectable turkey dinner provided by the Midhurst la dies was bigrfacoor in the evenings suc cess Galbraith wag driving Townfs finan threshing outfitdown Mulcaster 11 st atembnt she wedi assets ofi Stampth e1eam74caredbyai immm 16 1920 Barrio Local Nous Ala Walker made numerous charges against Geo Hagarl Sanitary Inspector for alleged fail ure to enforce the health regula tions Town Council voted com plete mmdence in Health Dept Council ordered police lo punch 1y when on their beats Peacock carpenter Bad his nose cut when Scaffolding RtfLuk Spearnfs Mr Jam wager Assesounvgdlr of the National Citylmkjo llainork Which had votian Board oi Edu cation uhfgovmiment to increase grants schools proportion my rschoblh WIIwuured m4 1L the gt Bank of Nova Scotia Barrie made mrgtants to rural buy at Ingle Rome $37121 and surplus of $1335 Harry Heasmanson of Mrs Heasman Elmvale killed by shunting engine at EdmoritIoIn Over 4000 people heard Premier CDrury when he spoke in Winnipeg Officers of Bradford Hockey Club James Webb Pres Ceilings manager Mc Kinstry secretary An unusual operation performedTiy Barrie veteriiiaryyzWasfor the removal of large abscess the Iresultof kick below the left eyeI which Simcoe County Briefs suffered frilde wrista ctack catischIItlie bones of the head to ed rib he and Donald Jacobs fell from bulge The horsepr put under In complefebanaesthesiu by injecting solution Iinto the blood stream 50 earssquj IN Ira incurring ADVANIOB nrcmmm 191895 Bimielgcal Notcs This weeks issue of Advance carried an illustrated supplement printed on ne paper with var ious View of Barrie whichwas described tas Undoubtedly the Prettiest Town ih Northern On tario general view taken 1mm the fact of Maple Ave then John St showed from the bay to Trin ity Church and east as farIaIIs the gas Works The steamer Lillie was tiedup at the Hayfield St dock Must interesting information was lvenregardlng the town Notice was gimmiblllall advance notices of ooclety church andoier meetings were charged otde line senator admin con1 traders at $50 yeap Allandale dTWagrie dog ran away Near the market the machine upset and fell upon the driverwlio received fatal injur ies Council passed bylaw fixing the license fee fortranslent Town Council approved terms of propos ed agreement for amalgamation of The market clerk having failed to turn in any fees since March the town treasurer was instructed to collect from him $150 the amount of his tender Bay frozen 0ch on Dec 13 Slmcoe County Ertefs Fodder scarce othinesing IlaiTiesSDuff elected IMaster of Lot I89 CloverjIHni fill McKee Reeve of Tiny building skating rink at WyebridgeI First class dry wood selling in Penttang 3152 $250 cord 0t Orillias $27000 tuxes $7000 has been paid Even ingtliose days sheep flocks of Essa suffered from depredations of dogs Bay at Gilford has been frOzen several weeks Building known as the Crown Hill HOtel burned with all its content lJolln Galbraith or Tollendal roller flour mills advertised grist Iing and chopping daily DONATE 750 HAWKS The Boy Scout Swimming Club of Hamilton Ont has made pos Isible the gift or 750 Scout Hanu books for former occupied coun tries through its of to the ChinoUp mu the candida Scout Fund which is helping in the Tb habituation of Scouting in Europe INDIAN WM IIDNNETS Indians made war homitts from graduated upongretuihlnjglhls Illst tail feathers of ihefgold eagle vfa professions such as accounting etc Then there is community planning make it place of beauty provide facilities for recreation for music handicraft and sports Lastly we must not forget the Church To day many Ispcak apologotically oi the Church Fifty years ago the church would be crowded at service today it is not onethird full Them must be something wrong We all know that the best things in life are prompted by what is taught in church Now is the timeto start to do something about it to give the Church full cooperation and support The speaker was thanked by LT DAVID IRWIN FOR EXPEDITION Continued from page five which Col Baird said they will live in additionto tents That phase of training will betaught at Churchill and Col Baird hopes llltvulimt Anglia and Mrs Intinc fttul llll TIM lli Illilllllill of Allulltldlt llm 31 gluinilliillllvl IImiyiilidihlltlicli llcv Kclit of lhIIrnton ttllltllltlttl fullcinl sciricc zit thi lcsidclicc oi the into Mr Lillllllil iIid ltcv ll IIitV of Angus conducted SClVIN it tho Unliclll hiiiclt Iiitcinlcrit took place it Angus Olllcltl llic pallbearers Ivclc Williuni lltill Gordon Bush Arthur Wilkinson William Kllby ikcn Andcrson and Andrew Mis cnliipbcll The funeral scuvicc vnsi lullgcly ziliclidcd with treat ntlthI llcl of ivlntivcs illli ricndx pros cilt lIi nddition to the floucr from lllilllbtlS of thc Iniilily llltll wdso inigc tllli of floral llIIJlllr from fIlclidx and tllgtillllllillli tllil Penetong Legion Builds Additions to Club House Employing ninc skilled IlIllItS mun six of whom are 0lllll ihc Canadian Legion of lCllPIHlll for tho lust fivc lCkS has liccnt rapidly transforming the formcr lzlrgc lSlIllCIt0l Dr NPIIIP ton into In liptodatc club house for veterans It is expected to ho completcd in three weeks The main hall will sit about 250 people at banquet llicrc is also spacious kitchen attached to the hall for sclvlnp meals In lddi tion to ciitcrtuinmcnts for Cunn liuil Icgioxi members the hull will be available to other organi zations of tho community The second and third floors are rc served for mcmbcrs quarters The third floor will be used for games such as darts table tennis pool etc The second floor willIIhuvc large lounge room with fireplaces Therc will also be card rooms and the clubhouse canteen will bc on this floor as well is complctc librniy lhcrc will also ho scc Ietzilys oificc Rottec on behalf oi the Kiwanis Club and by Lee Banting on be half of the farmers lt that by the time they break camp Feb 147three men will horrible to construct one in 112 hours At Churchill threedayaci sevenday scheme will be held and the men will be forced to live in igloos so theycan become accus tomed to them Living under those conditionsmilliedongestatu bridge Bay where part of th force is scheduleddoremain for nine days Visit Remote Bay MY HUSBAND lOLDMEABOIIT IT FIRST Eirst my husband told mewthen my neigh bour told me now cverybodys telling me about Liptons the tea with the brisk flavour Ycs cvcrybodys talking about brisk tasting Liptons Tcathe tea that experts say has brill flavour always fresh lively and full bodicd never flat or insipid Change now to brslmsrrg Liptons Tea At that point Col Bairuald the force will break into two sec tions one remaining there while theother mOVes on to Denmark Boyfmorethan 1000 miles north of Churchill and visited only once before by white mana Lt Han sen of the Danish Navy who dis covered it in 1904 when he was on the AsmundsenArctic ekpedition ItIIisI the most northern point the force will touch Clinibridge Bay as life exireme raugeyllmitI for thesupply aircraft from baseystatfons and the belt to Denmark Bay by part of the force is being Imade Ito see hbwsa small forceIcan handle ltselfundr selfsupported conditions After the wholeforce moves off from combridge BaLtIty will be head ing in asoutherly direction for the first time since leaving Churchill Thc party will hit the Alaska Highway at Fort Nelson 30 and will move Over it to Edmonton The scheduleicalls for lthem to reach the Alberta capital May and C91 Baird has $5 betnoth ing will prevent themfrom being morethanI 48 hours late Major Wallace of Petri broke will be secondin4command of the moving force Airliaison Officer is Major Cutbill DSO of Hamilton Other Ontario Officers connectT ed With the movingvcolumn or base unit include Capt H5 Elliott Arthur air supply officer In itlis St Thomastraining airmen anst Irwin Barrie base headquartermaster Attached ot ficets included Lt Watson Kingston 17 Willow hfiinmownuiuwuiimumuuummum midpointIliummuolillmclwmlnlll wwvmzie WE n3

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