Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Dec 1945, p. 15

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fmuasmr ascension 20 1945 RUSS CLARA BRERETUN Alix lettgtrty Elne5 3105 lath Bieretwn posscd sway her name on Darthp Tuesday morning In June str was so what her to but for Jtiz She seuned to Dr actin this illness When with Zlullc from which site Mrs Brereton she barn Scltoztiberg When Dr Ilzeieton tired she came to Buzllt tutti father and mother and land lltt resided in this town liiriity Attuiicatt int was an active uiuker in the 171 Aiil uni Alberta Beltlsh Inlutnttl in ornIaJVrlie WllcblphullrlurrrduveI 0th ram riniutiltximl that Ililhtmw NWV IMH tonne 5L Turning hlugodalc 5125 1le FNl Sllllllillll nuns PACKING MUFFINS in HOME it nutter There is reason for 77 years increasing business GREETINGS THE SEASON TO EVERYONE FOr an appointment and service telephone 4051 Grllawkes 12 Albert SLPhone 4051 Whmmhammzmmzammgmgmg Following their marriage zzanwmlnnmuwnm ioltx it people 531tllLKl of lie lilUlt tirotnboi is iztllV lllLliilElllll illAnti lliiictutt Barrie tl l11lllillllll ill the lvlll3 lllv funeral takes place lllli itetitmzi from the Lloyd Sitrit ii Funeral Home to Home WESTJHJRuinlet titzt iiiv Rnwltnwu lJlHlllJ regularly nuke Ind Ihlp Household lurixlturr lam Inlldllcd Pacifiers lu Mutilltibu3usknltll triuMl it 1m and lpgilliwnnizs will lli Ilt lillllulll limit WWVWWWCWWQWEK utts CAMPBELL WATKINS iAllislon Herald Quality Products ldue to heart condition DEALER suit Donald 31EMEERRZZKZEXizirEtZEKDSnZLaR GET ALL mi VITAMINS WITH THE IUICEX from Fruit and Vegetable jtiiccswitlt flick of finger SEE THEM AT GRIBBLES RAD 125 Dunlap St 75 beaten FOR VNGtcwartVWdrncr and Philco Radi ltgtrneye we Vv Made to Order Iroaisrrrusf BOSTON FEBNS Tax Changes AlfeCting PriVate Companies Draft Legislation has been introduced in Parliament covering proposed amendments to the income War Tax 2AM These amendments include the new provisions relating to Private Companies and implementing some of the recommendations of the lves Commission We shall bepleased to forward on request copies ofthose provisions which deal with Private Companies Please write or Telephone llnimrley 3681 DOMINION TSECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED ESTABLISHED not WRONTO MONTREAL WlNNlFEGVANCQUVER NEW YORK LONDONENG 15 King Street West Toronto MacrameWucccccecmmmmumw svtmfandupz retraction cumin VEARL oulimrrtrmmnn iln Illi tit2 tilt thtlBWiitlt guitar size size mos platenht avg in great dutxxrtd she 21stlptllllli1tdf Zi family around the contributed the titCth iI lt the artutiait lied all zhrotici She had Llil chpt tccviuhl ntli out xltl of in litany lgt it Liiitic Statin Canteen sue dunghlgy it Hall1N her furl rlitilc of its ittitiiiegt 11121 and gracious ll1hllii ti ltiv igt much iiiYul lIi liif Ilitlm ltilliilt relatives All jv lini lllill llJXllL ilci till 11 ttii inchrecmicthREnxxzmmxtmnrxntmuxnn lin as the iiiltiitiltitzt Netti lvllltl by Her ilititii lRt ul i111 Since then have resided in TO Silllclt syzilpathy brim ltfl to Dr Campbell of lozotitri tiattVe son of ICsi in his bereavement occasioned by the sud den death of Mrs Cattipbeli at their home 103 Erskine Ave Toronto on iSaturduy Dec 1916 Death was Just ovcr 42 years to age llls Ltitpliell was born at Minesint on Sept 1003 Site was the diiilt her sister Mrs Wititeside in Essa ter of the late Mr and Mrs lidtrin McLean and was married iittcrnoon Rev Wigntore and Iiir Rev James Dorrian took part in husband the son of the late Mr the rervicc at the home and the and Mrs Addison Campbell of interment in Alliston Union cente lfssa 11c survives with their one ttry llte pallbearers were Alex it her home on Jan 20 1931 John McLean Ernest and Robert 05 and Refrigerators thcr Roy Black conducted con Were there no glnd bells ringing schools and Wed Ontario College of Pharmacy in abbot 1898 begwent into the if of luscious yellow candiestwmengrmimteho its axiomsmotto van titthehorhq11rszlukmmm mm we iwunnxmnquiroean zansisiupplvl 1111 and venenbmtoers 1ka Mosttlar qatidnoage story Mugamlogtmdracmdinterg institute women Ninc Maxine Jamiegan fShe bemg dead yet mmmvervsmwg prawns am TIME East Acacia Ital wry is ALBERTA COAL BEING PROMOTE TO SELL STOCK IRKKIRKKKXW11KWItFKKlKKIKKItilt WIIK Haven Picture Taken Ol The finance committee of the Barrie Town Council grin to investigate the matter of Alberta coal and why is not being Christmas Tree MAKE APPOINTMENT ARL blOughl to zltalio lins actzon was brought up at RISTMAS the Lurchhl icetng Tuesday nigzt SPEC 18 10 Photo for $250 whet letter as rend which twill been rcllt from Nirtt Bay some itlltlllill declared that Alberto Could be mid ll ButIKE cheap Untied States coat ha lite reinrd in latter the liilt portraits SlIlClJll referred the taken in the Studio up to Saturday night will be ready on Christmas Eve rAtu yrs BORDEN srumo 112 Dunlap Street BARRIE it EEIIIDDMMIMIIMD many large advertisements in To runto newspapers and Stiltl be had been told by coal dealers it was vii stuck Stllilf scheme lie suggest ed that tubers of parliament were 11111 tlll the gtiltuliigtil and it on matter for Ilwurde vision thers asserted that the western members of parliainin lind been tryimt for years to tilt consideration for Alberta cozil with out success Referring to the Mziyors sugges tion thtt it was stock promotion plan Aid 11m sziiil that those op posed to Alberta coal for Ontario night be financially connected with American coal interests After some discussion the letter from North lltty was referred to the finance committee for te port IiiiniliwllliXIIIXilblxliliuhllllilillli and Mrs Campbell lived in Allisi tun lot about seven years and main Surviving also are five brothers and two sisters Jack Harvey andJ Wallace McLean Minesing Stanley of Olllllil Eight of Watson Souk Mary of Minesitig and Mind Mrs Harvey Whitesidci of Allistoit One sister Ethel died at the ago of ill years The body rested at the home of me Turkeys and Five Chickens GivenAway Five turkeys and five chickens were given away 111 draw In intr bingo sponsored by LTD 337 until the funeral on Wednesday in the Orange Hall Elizabeth 51 Monday Dec 17 Winners of the turkeys were Bob Ross 13 Bcrczy St Corier 53 Iowan 81 Bur go 16 Jane 51 Mrs Robertson 22 Hayfield and Arthur Glass Wallace and 81 Mrs Shapiro 259 Brock Ave Toronto Catiipbcll Winners of the chickens were Personal friends zit Minesing tendered profusion of oral of ferings that reprised with the many from this district and other cen lrcs where Dr and Mrs Campbell were widely known Friends attended the funeral from Orillia King Toronto Minesing Kitchener Barrie Alliston and other nearby points More 101 Bradford SL Mrs Norman 34 Essa Road George Dusome 125 Bradford St Ruby Batters 18 Iiffiit St Craig 69 Maple Ave The money raised by selling tickets on the draw will be used to further childrens work sponsor ed by the Orange Lodge JOSEPH BLACK DeathcametoJoseph Black on Wednesday Dec 12 1915 at his home inirLuseland Sask 171301th in failingr health for the past few months he was able to be about un til recently He was born in I902 in Stroud Ont second son of Mrs Thompson and the late Robert Black When 18 hewent to Lusc Ocr all the earth is streaming The light oftltc eastern star Gently its rays are beaming On all peoples near and far CHRISTMAS And in each heart the story Of ihatswect first Christmas lay Chimes like the halo of glory That was bright where the Baby lay land where he and his late bro struction business until the death Were there no Christ star nor of his brother in 1942 light lie leaves to mourn his loss his Then there would be no singing wife Alina and sonEar1ot home Or joy on this Christmas night his mother Mrs Thompson Edlth Hill sister Mrs Geo Ackerman KIKWKKKKKWKKKKKEKK EIaIEiltolpazland his brother Robert ac oron SEASONS treatises If mzxzmzmmzxzmxmmxznxm WKKMMKKEKMIKKK9KKKKKKQKEEKKKKKKiKKKKIE mezmmluwc KKKKIWKKKIKWKKK HMKKEKKEKKKKK WKQKKKKI The funeral took place on Dec 14 to Luseland cemetery JOHN GEORGE BLAIN Daily Star 500 Out John George Blain pioneer business man of this city died in the War Memorial Hospital Sault Ste Marie Michigan Friday at five pm Mr Blain owned drug store on Queen St for 45 years He is the father of Dr Jameso Blain Fume of Sault Ste Marie Michigan and Dr Edward JBlain of Billings East Mjintana NUXDIMIDINMXBMDBQ Besides his two sons he is surf vived by two brothers Thomas of mmglmwwmgqu Angelers Quebec and Edward of Hanna AlbertaiasistervAliceS linger of Long Beach California and four grandchildren The late Mr Blain was born in Barrie on December 14 187IHis wife predeceased him in31937 He retired frombusiness six years ago While here he served on the city commission and for many yearsq was member of the Childrens Welfare Board and of the Colleg iate School Board He belonged to the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Order of Foresters being treasurer for thelatter organization for many years Burial took place in the Sacred Heart section of thloly Sepulf cmCemeterrbeside is 1247mm Phone 33214 grave Member of ML Pallbearers were John Husseyr Chambu comer John Gorman John Ryan Flynn and Michael andJbhh Murphy 31223693659652332562236 36566636 3656 we sitan BARRIEVONTARIO CANADA mailEKtItKKQQfQCMQYRtHWWMQK simulate John George Blain was born in arrie in little log house on McDonald St hat for from the corner of Mulcastrand McDon rvARMY aid He was educated in Barrie 1895 Aftergradnntion he worked forbsome time in the drug of John Woods Going to the 800 business forhlntselt Fosters Alyclmdlci Emmi Foil THE ARMY7 BY amount mammam grimy Snu th frorm +2 launderHyman DodxeDcSotoCars read paper ohmic Trucks new in STOCK msrmrron llttt mmmurocs We on nanan atrium and interciitincof our and Mrsllicion my goutifully5tar of the Elbow afternoon to so close Willa setw edby Mrs Newton and M8 Otta CAR Pm ORENAMEL CHENlLLE KIMONAS 26 years RRY CLOTH KIMONAS 26 years PLAY PENPADS HIGH CHAIR PADS Ilcrc youll find complete collection of water rcpcllcntwind resistant snow clothes for outdoor work and play Gay SKI JACKETSw UP plain or quiltele unwrrnrARKAs it gt EECE fEEEE5636E36EBREEEZECEEKEEEKEKKZKEKKWWKKW PRACTICAL XMAS GIFTS PRINTED BRIDGE AND LUNCHEON SETS if1i1 $159 up BRIDGE TABLE COVERS plain or quilted $125 to $298 WGHENILLE BATH MAT SETS 395 and $450 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS SATIN COMFORTERS NOVELTY CORK AND PLASTI CnPLACE MATS 390 PRINTED TEA TOWELS 590 to 79c llllgtlzlclllilliiEEECEEElaWEECEEQEMEEKEECQCEMltidlldeKEEQEEEIEWEECE CHRISTMAS 1+ WEARABLES Dress them up for Christmasland after Weve super group ofwarin gtwvtvearablc gifts they want most Sweaters skirts for indoors warm snow suits f9scuttleasshalldatprrettyfrocksfprpartieoozfracticahgiftrforther IWooIPullovers Biaiiet Cloth Snowf $695 W061 Cataiqcms $11987up studio shes Fortsnits KlElElEECldWafeEEZEIKQGECZPEEEEEEPEEEEldlilllilllzl E5KEEWWWWW GIFT LLKMABUNTING BAGS pCHtNOHiLLA BUNTINGBAGS Iyoigsters on your list Gabardine Show Suits $995 Parkas mauuukucmmuccccumcm mama cum 15519 DUNLOP sr accumulatecommutesmariauncuuuuuxuccmccicmmmm Wttttl mmwuwumuccm Say Merry bristtnas with gifts that live up to our reputation for dis gifts that are sure to please Here you are certain to find something that will satisfy everyone from grand mother to baht onu ltl today and end your shopping Hires awkxazmmiamma anakins1mmanmmmzmzaaasnmma tillttlull and fine quality Writ Viki Toasty Robes Prettiest warmest Hiittnecuats robes in town ltonderiul tailored Ilamtcls Kenvale and tiington Ilaydns cuddlesomi quilted Slum soft and prettyclicnillexeztclt one Winn for leisure hours lt ltomt All colors wide selection of styles grand ideafor Christmas giving or 2i 212 SKI PANTS 2123324 SKI SOCKS 79 1212 2232232 sir2122 $1095 up $795 75cm 1212361 ZIP3 2321 $495 $395 $1149 SATIN CRIB COMFORTERS $4953 FURTRIMMED SLlPPERS gr$l00f Wainwright We THE Homo

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