rid mm Miss 513 Robetzwn li Wiscansin is spending with Mr and Mrs 11tttnew littw son Mrs Wilkins Barrie 331 the past returnsc last week Squadron Sprott resilerat three tl her home Leslie lil RCA Headquarters lil spent the wwkczu parents Dr and Mt ry HUGE Pint ll merry Christittao to 111 BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy ELIZABETH rnons 4562 NTERNATJONAI Gillie gt it Ill ill ill 11 tit2 tiiil ili 111 sr BARRIE Proludo ll 83 arborire 15 83 Pm 55 lambean hirnqvotadurcrimglaiumvi deiuviiln REEVES Iewelle 65 447 NCHAWMSS Cl army tunes have you intcl to in her something dilletenl tor that special Cccosionwel have you ever titmolt ot Sterling its so inexpnsive We have made it possible lot you to porcltase smgfe place setting of there pieces as law as $l455 so tomorrow see these amazing sets lCr yourself IYCOFA new ccmenient war to purchase Sterling Silver single place setting at time Melo 145$ WWW IS rm ornamentatisz airmung gating the near aizid as clitsiritiaii for lzd hr cuxiplw QKKIKMQCXWQKKKQKKKMKIKKK hmhmhhhh DANCE EUCHRF and BRIDG WEDNESDAY NIGHT DEC CHURCHILL Bells Orchestra ADMISSIOS 50 cents Proceeds for Mens Fund Ladies Please bring sandwiches iilil it ll him Mrs Friiltck iolidtiiltil am that left the enaps lllr like trtat ill the Lido out Wedding superstitaiiis portrayed by Mrs Douglas For to the young guest presenting their with the viillllig hey drew beautiful and use Mr Patterson replied with iim thanks atttt lillv loud Fellows was stirrt After the lzlfltll hearty vote of thanks was who lll made such very irippy wt itlllllii posxiblc vM limit and use Examiner Classifieds don lllllfllilltl where he vii born 1iilltli fi iiiittlti jiijv Jill 1519 ttt llii ttritivut to illi llt iiiiitilj 131 Littltl iii lll ph lA Happy Event HALL lFor Brideelect ll front tit iiil tl1it It 1311 Tliilv Hm Th2y An Returned ct it tendered ii stess titttllill tzii year lilltiit twilv ltlll wm 1l Hit gm mum Collier St Baptist Churc REV MITCHELL Minister ST GEORGES GLICAN CHURCH may NEW MglMllll IlA nottor Mics Maydei McAuley ATCM Organist Choir Leader filorntng Prayer Candlelight Service DEC 23 illll Holy Communion nuIlnll1iIIQvaMnnslllIQIHIu vsuunaymrc 2319l1 CHRISTMAS SERVICES 11 AMMORNING WORSHIP PMBIBLE SCHOOL ClassesBeginners to Adults Christmas Treat Dec PMEVENING WORSHIP pm Fellowship Hour Wed 84pm Prayer and Pm Visitors cordially Welcome Grace GOSpel HalI 17 Mary Street Barrie 1030 2130 pm pm Carol Service Holy Communion iu MW BURTON AVENUE UNIT CHURCH IlliV 111171303 11iD DD Minister 820 11 li1iEV ALFRED LAYCOCK OF ORILIJA SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MUSIC 230 P11SUNDAY SCHOOL Holly Service at pm DEC 23 pair ChristmasPageant The Nativity in story song under lite direction of Edward Edwards Choirmastcr You are cordially invited to this beautiful pageant GOOD VCONGREGAIIONAI SINGING lpWbw and ATCM SUNDAY DEC 23 1945 AM Believer Meetttr PMSundaySchool PMGospe1 Service Wed Dec 26 pin Prayer Meeting tot llldldll tnvttea TRINITY REV 11 HOWDEN BA Rector WRIGHT Organist NGLiCAN CHUch Fourth Sunday in Advent 800 AMIIOLY COMMUNION 1100 AhIMORNING PRAYER GOD WITH US 215 EMABIBLE CLASSES 300 PhiSUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS SERVICE THE ANNUAL CAROL SERVICE 700 PMThe Christmas Cantata While Shepherds Watched The congregation will sing the Old beloved Christmascarols CHRISTMAS DAY 800 AMHoly Communion ll00 AMHoly Communion The Rectors Christmas Message WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 1030 AMHoly Communion uunuIIIunnmnnh III IuIdIInIInuiIIInnnz The Salvation Ar 80 COLLIER STREET Jiuiets in Charge TLLCAH AND MRS JAMES BRO Preacher The Rector SUNDAYIDEC 23 1945 11 AM AND PM CHRISTMAS SERVICES 230 IMDirectory Class and Sunday School Thurs pm Home League pm Band of Love pm Corps Cadets pm Praise Meeting Sat pm Public Meeting uuuun+ 700 AddHoly Comm union ullIIulnIll1IIIllIlI vi uniummlwmumwniununuun SILVAN DREWS PRESBYTERI FEW JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister Hardy Mus Baa FTCM Organist and Choirmaster CHURCH Free Methodist MissiOr BCIapperton Street any BALL Peon SUNDAY DEC 23 1945 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 245 PMsThe Pastor Soldiers and strangers will find cordial welcome tit this missioi pmPrayer Meeting W7 First Baptist Church any HAIRE Minister Miss Elsie Cloughfey ATCM andChoil Leader emu DEC 2231945 MTMAS SERVICES Wt minister preaching by the choir under of Miss Edmun CHRISTMASSERVICES SUNDAY DECEMBER 23 1945 1100 AMSIFTCEVJESUSCKME CarolThe Merry Bells are Ringing SoloCOmfort Ye My People Mr Thomas Adam Gaw Is Thy Name Praetorius From Handels MeSSiah enor AnthemoGlorious SOIO33 tatIVe Ihtis Saltli theiLo ria But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming Fl From Handels Messiah Baritone 7W3M015rl177 vtb Mr IIOward Carroll 700 PiMTHE WORLDWITHOUT CHRISTMAS CarolIn the Little Town of Bethlehem DuetWatchman Whatof theNight Messrs Glow and Correll AnthemReverence and Praise MoonlightSona SIMichael Moore TJ SarjeanL ta lstmov Beethouen sAdolphe Adam Gospel Hymn BaloaCantique denoer rb31hezHorne1ess Stranger Mr Carroll aiiunum ma Inni nnIIuuIlIIIuIIIIUI unuo lw ewesww co LEWIS Minister Wmt4nm 9lv pTUNlTED CHURCH BARRIE ONTARIO MRS GRIFFI LLIER STREE Elsie that mama men woman fSCHOOL ympm WAlways welcome Jig Titstorganlst CHRISTMAS SERVICES DECEMBER 23 1945 MORNING Mem SUNDAY AnthemRejoice and Be AnthemafAnd the Glory ofthg Lord Solan Victor Knox AnthemAChrtstians Awake Bancroft 4Maundcr dealism Unashamed CHURCH SCHOOL ners amt Primary Depts 230 PMYoung Womnls Cress 300 PMJunior Intermediate and NoamAdult Bl Anthem4Sing Noel AnthemSing Heavens AnthemsChrlstmas Song 3010 par Little Village GaspelTabernac1e MasterStregtr wmmcmr itoo Kari4M Senior Boots blerCIass French Carol Mnuner umlam Antennaey West Himmler tMiS Heath Quartettembnly Anthemmee Amid the WlnterSnow SoIoAThe Mystic Star Mr Shepherd II vlitlill ltlltflll and Atll iiiu liouldetfel Blake St it 0110 am liiisdriy llee iii For fire years he itud been in pout lltullll and his death ended three tltlilt of vervl severe illness iii which he endur ed great ltlllliliii The end how ever came iiclillij he slept Mr was native of Lon in 18130 His father Horatio Nel son 1iy was the first llllllll iti spector of Chinevi ustoitra Later he was liitiese Secretary to the Earl of Eight Aiitoassztdor Mr Lays titother this the first white James image of Oxford University iiiissioitary 11 ltiiti tvlio traits lated the Chinese Classics into line lislt was his gtiiiidfzitlier When 32 years of age 11 Iiay came to Canada and went in to bankitte his first post being as initial7h lvnllillliill lttoiit titerclhhd ldrrdilllglllelsylvm MW he went to Coderielt Berlin and London Ont Ills next motif was to the Yukon 110 had many interesting and lgtrcatlttaking experiences while in the service of the Banii of Commerce in Yukon Territory and Alaska after the Gold Rush Ile was there frotii 190000 having been sent to open branch au Whitehorse where he carried ont business in tent for months and endured the hardships of pioneer days Later he was sent to Skagv way as lililllilgOl There he narrow 1y missed thrilling event day after Mr buy had gone ottvaCa tion it stranger walked into the bank held up austick ofdynamitg= er of the llazrti Branch of lhl Western University twii daugh Mrs Gordon Dunlap iJean mt Ottawa and Miss Iiosabel at liolllt The funeral tprivatel will take place this ilhttrsdayl afternoon Her Lewis will conduct short SCIVICO at the family resi dence and interment will take place lll flatrte Union Cemetery Prime iIlllill of illllt lottii 4l1llt 1910 died 11 his home ibrollier of Mrs Lay and Group Minister Mackenzie King apt Gordon Dunlap Director of iltaining RCAF Headquarters Ot titi are expecteit to attend the funeral lhe pallbearers will be Parsons Maclniren Rr Grant of Orillia McCuaig KC Maurice listen and Neil Mitc Donald MRS WILLIAM FRENCH Waverley Correspondence In her 72nd year EmmaCatlt eiine Miller beloved wife of Wil liant French of Watctley died at her home December 13 1945 Site 1874 and lived all her life iii the vicinity She was member of the United Church and in 1898 married William French at Hills dale Surviving in addition toher Robert Strcahorn eight grandchil dren and one great grandchild One brother survives John Miller of Waverley Rev George Morrison conducted the funeral service at Waverley United Church Interment Was The pallbearers were Thomas Cecil and Freeman French Armin Wood Glen Murday John Miller Jr There were several lovely flor nl tributes and friends and rela tiers and Croighurst DARCY GAULEY Death came suddenly Sunday in the face nfone of the staff delDec 71945 to Utility Gauley in mandcd 320000 and threatened to blow up the bank if this was itot forthcoming The teller pretend born iit Malaya Prof ingvhe was going into his cage to set the money called warning to the other clerk and bolted for the door The holdup man fired at both men and instead of getting either shot exploded the dyna mite wrecking thc bank includ ing the office where Mr Lay would have been had he not gone to Whitehorse From the Yukon Mr Lay came back to Otttario where he acted as supply in several lplaces before being posted to Ayr as manager iii 1906 and three years later to Walk erton where he was manager until become to Barrie in 1919 It was during his term here that the Can adian Bank of Commerce absorb Bank of Hamilton Mr Lay associated himself with variousiactivities here and added mttch to the life ofthe commun iity One of the things in which he was especially interested was flowers and he had held offices in the Barrie Horticultural Society very sincere and faithful church member he taught Bible Cl ndtwas an elder in SigAndrews Presbyterian Church and afterun ion held similar offices in Collier St United Church Insports he was keenly interested in curling and 1aWn tennis Before he retired in 1930 he had three years leave orebsence He and carried on the business suc cessfully until 1940 when owingto impaired health he sold out to Cox Plans for RCN Ottawa John Squadron Leader now taking Central United Church REVJFJABEWELL Organist Miss Jessie Bryant Spatially DEC 23 1945 Joy Anthems The First Christmas Morn Newton God Mom on High Hath Heard Turner SolowNight of Nights PMCandlelight Service Anthems Holy Night Brahms Christmas Carol from and41 Snowy Flakes lire Falling ftly rim SUN17A 11 amtThe Beginners lass 230 paneAli one Classes visiting friend with Mrs Gauley Spell and drew his car over to the Mr Gauley died as he was being taken from his car ed the Standard Bank and the established Boulderfel Greenhouses Mr Lay is survived by his wife the former Jennie King whose father JOhn King KC wasa noted lecturerinLaw three sons Capt HoratioNelsonl Lay Director of Lay Meriico City MasseyHarrie representative for Mexico and West Indiesparry Lay former course in Business Administration 11 AM+jsharing the Shepherds Came to Gods House on Ills Day Born near Alliston Dec 23 1877 he lived in Barrie for many years beforegoing to Toronto in 1925 to engage in real estate He was widely known in the Masonic or derhavingbeena Past Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Canada He was memberof Corinthian Lodge 96 Barriepa charter member ofSimcoe Lodge 644 Toronto and member ofrthe Scottish Rite Besides his wife the former Mabel Fisher he is survived by daughter Mrs Sinkins bro therrRJ7 Gauley of Ottawa and sislir Mrs George Russell of Thornhill son Flt Sgt John Gauley was reported missing witlrthe RCAF some months ago and iS now presumed dead The funeral service Dec 11 was conditcted by Rev Johnston DB of the United Church Inter iii Cemetery IlIVIIIIIIlllmlllllml pocket htibk for the given We are Shouting trem endous variety of stat tionery from gMotIier Goose boxes at 25c tor the children up to the handsome Wood Ghosts and lovely Red Plush Boxes at $335 Sometingnewthisgyear are the boxes with three radiantsot paper7s these subunit mm 50qu so oipugughqnhnonnunn 1t daughte tives attended the funcralifrom Toronto Midland Sunnidalc Cor Toionto On his way home from he was seized with coughing DD and Rev SimpSon munsosrrnscmen ALFRED ERNEST HOOK Ir toiling built for twilli 122 Allied Eire lit hmtte Snort Si i133 Dice 1945 years hmdies he Full of Mr Hith lCllllly lziQ triirxIlirli bectt employed in ticitittist the motive power depaztrtzezit of the NR He the an atin lawn bowler belonged to the independ ent Order lt1 Fu1iter the Sui n1 Li iitciiibf Church I1 er Funny Franklin Elziiinll and Bttrtin Aw 11 wife the for predeceased hint thrw Silt wttvtg are tinte =ll and Vern and George of Dan rte Waiter of For Williniti Mrs Siiiitrions llittli of Harrie Mfr l1tl Var Patter llazell of luiiiliiu Mi 31 Toutulnw lhlabell of Ottawa 315 Matthew iEtltell of Ottawa and Jeanette it ilottte 01w xxfer and four broi triers also suitate M131 Till11in Stilton of Miiihttrsi JunieI lluoii ufo1dtvater and Harry Walter and Albert all of Barrie Rev Howell conducted the funeral service at the ltllt1lk of the late Mr Honk Dec 11 Pull ltiltl were 11 llolli iilltl limit brothers ll Hook and Willytlllr Sitttttions and Silllilltlth grandsons Interment was 11 Barrie Union Cemetery Among the many lovely flowers Were wreaths lliitll Sons of En lniitl Barrie Officers Mess and Foresters Motive lower Dept 01 NR Lions Club lliirtie Whole sale Dixie Smoke Shop MISS MARGARET NELSON Miss Margaret Nelson passed it way at the home of her brother William Nelson Weyburit Silrk on Sunday Dec ll 19 Although iit failing health for nearly two years she was up and around in til ten days previous to her death when she suffered stroke Iler remains were brought to Barrio by ltcr sister Miss Elspeth Nelson After the funeral service on Friday Dec ll ititernteitt was made in the family plot at the Sixth Line Cemetery innisfil The pallbearers were three nephews Douglas Dwttiht and lrvmy Nel snn and three Cousins Roy 11ick ling Murray Duncan and Franl Cowati Left to mourn litr passing nrel two sisters and three brothers Jean and George of Strand Will Robert and Elspeth of Weybttrn Sitsk brother Irving predeceased her 13 years Born on the 10th Line of Innis fil on Sept 1870 Miss Nelson was the second daughter of the late George and llelcnNclson Stroud Shejtvas very earnest and faith ttil mentbOr of the PFCSlSytertan Church and was alans very ac tively engaged in the workof the Womens Missionary Society of which she was life member She was Sunday Scltcol teacher most of her adult life When death lelllllv ed her she had several pieces of work incompleted that were to go made in United Church Cemetery to her church bazaar Ilcr very was born in Wyebridge on October years and Sister Ilclcn four kindly disposition homeloving qualities and neighborliness won for her large circle of friends at Stmud and Weybtttn cutb doctorwas called and nudism or so easy on thew ilr Netwvza News lifltlfflli in Barrie sell in 1510 copies of The Ilar week No Clitxbilltxl illiltiS received forg current LVJf ifur Wedites an an lrie 11 subscriptth to this gives total of 2530 mines in the town Dslli1iflilf0 circulation too KI mt Plumbing Heating etc 19W9S Plll$ FinitGWiltMliltllltliiitlKWQKKHECHHZWQQWCKW itriitte every Add day Additiorul Obituaries on page fifteen And its 1l39es 9626 Io iiurmany Patrons and Friends we wish very very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR KAYS Beauty Salon IECCMWQCEWGZ Mr and Mrs Harold McMahon Props Ione Thornbury Operator 432323222zhhththmthtkhhhlhhmmA uva am szazaazmzanmmzzzzamz2222 zzzzaazmma ihfilhl TRIPlE TESTEDW QUALIT DEILVIE FIJIIIB nnwrerwmuwi or rnur quality quality 133193 Milling during Milling ovum 055nm For Baking quality Milling For enlgrtainig smartly heres stunning little number with swank and Style Written allover it Its artistic lines and festive tones fairly bieathe exhilaration its platlorin wedge heel and chromewtun leather sole help make yourjaot feel as good as it too and thats plenty Ger yoursNOWl This and many otherettually intriguing styles in wide range of colors including MSEBLOERE1YanmUK agifims