Tuesday by 54 TRuRsmvprCEMBRR 13 1945 F==onon===rouo===ouom===o=a=u omenomomomo IlAllIilfi FLYIZIl tll am well just Lou fIIiIts soixlewilal in lllal this is the first year Iii ll IWT the lien ckey LItil havent Ab flown went out of junior class this brittle uIIIfI gt iziihi now is good dose of nil ability to get that purl ii too old for iiliirrr Hes ilgll now ilohiivr wsrcs Iiid for ecoixl place II II In last Fil What the Barrie Byers Ab if EAII Levi fist lllii reniiv and getting goals iii the Arena in exhibition game No need IQ give any further information about De know Alvin Donald and Vernon it if season in the Prep School group at Maple Leaf Gardens Wand Owen Sound Greys isillrcthiil players are the Harrie olis meet De la Sahel ziklailds of Ioroiiio Friday night OIlA Junior Sill All Barrie hockey fails it team from pas exper iry irll Us Ilie Oaklands team If beat seam Is Al lice Tile Tolls have been grouped his year in Junior With Midland Midland sorprire entry but we pre Yoz Moves toSt KENT iIisfvrr Al been THE BARRE Paul ed by have lloi IiI allho late in the tlilid Iir who made such good showing In lax lllllfl= lflhl Lilip to wicial days and kept him from Ijtlhl ic gas winter Owen Sound 11 51 Pool in She till In fail Ill UNIn Sound lost all exhibition gaiml ltVf1 fails to come up Illli fair Whey ixnliiic Klilil to vliclliII Tifoha were minus Bowtll Paylletllib having most of last yrnrgt itll Ill11 Ila I3 II and lindrlx 1l lllt CIIIA found the follegiims IIIiveliilcs to depend on lwl dint31 lm it f1l 2Il liiwilacr formerly of phlcago Iliiwks 011A hupmg IploigfI llitillnlt Ittiill illt 1W What IlII itliaiis puzzled most of all was the no b0ltlylgremry Hewm Tnmnm lite curly nIilcs of lm Mil 1tfl reason but rctian of fI II ililiiillhf litlt II was tllfttitttl also no red line at elltromS gtka There are nine groups grin III Iiolwiz II II 1w IIIII III tIlnllt over the weekend and was all Jump and winners must be lmiup Slowly II nunI Mohowh II at IIiililtoIl to the Pats lady for playoffs hyfhlulill Illowever Belleville and Pcterlwro ICII illXlAIll rare playing harbor IlrIlt boy has been doing series of which mam 1w more clubs fill in Junior groups Kiiiltx hm been fir Illc pm two ye aided Illitl Elm llic itwo Eltlt tliCef fII Itttl Jllllll Iitllllw itPIiitlLIll daily newspapers on stars of thch playoffs Meleer won IM 01 Nilltlllml III lt lt lad Il olri illusIciall friend of the ntililesmmd IImveiwr of lroilb IIiwcll vllllti IIIIII irlillfrliil iajt and no illeail artist on the Itllljlii IIlQItfyiguP six xrcIIiu ILHIHI Hwn Mid Iliril cl Iliciis none bwIIr lil llllf prnvnlcv il cartoonist and we at glad toi we IliIll flIllII sirtime Iluc reward for Ills talent The first sketch we dimly xiw o1 lids wax 115 North Bay Ntilll several weeks ligoviind idly tlsitlltlll ll vI alloiit Illllly Lulu Iiii larric olt goalie of l94243l now tlZiIIIIIJ for Iltlt ll Itcd WI In fact Harry was the subject of full page Itllllll ili none other llan Life Mauilline not long actor and liullt now III tops the lltlnlllltlilh III the NHL with the lowest goals against ltflutl In It itilliliF only 55 goals have been scored against 10yearold Harry and III is Iltilll izl line for the Vezinii llophy Theres Illtll so much lllllt wriiicn about Lullllcy weVc decided to set few people 1l1lll tomb is native of Owen Sound lie unlOillpllllullull ilio minor Ilocliizl ranks as IIrwiilil and when he went back to Ilie not IIlIli tl tvII otllvr IIIll tilted ahead of him lord Ileiliy now III the IlilfiltlIl Stairs Imauue Iild Doll Sutherland playing for Owen Sound Iollnil IIIItI II III Ilarry IumlIy blossomed out iii goalie foiinuIII Sound Ipllallr Il Illteilllcdiatc Ii not being collsiil orcd Itoml itlllltlll for llllll llll junior or juvenile teams tllen Orphans Iiitlkl III will lilo llA championship in their class ill 1942 and Wes Allqu lllaliaucr of Ilarric Tolls surged lliasterly move when he vIIII Io iwIil Sound and tllkerl IIimlcy into making his home ill Ililrric for the non wintcr The sales angle was that he was more likely to be noticed by Illi big league scouts in Barrie than at Owen Sound Swallow that one our dear Owen Sound friends but it was true in the care of Iluck Jones in 193 and it was equally true ill 1943 Iuliloy was IloI IIII smoothie when he chine Iollarric that he was on leaving Ilap lllllllls was coaching both the local ItthlllltS and juniors that will tor and he starch liullllcy off with the juveniles llairy himself givcsI llap PllLtl dcal of the credit for making him goalie that winter Ilo not real ioacliiniz theres no doubt of that Furthermore llap had Detroit connections ilicll Ilow did Carson Cooper happen to be in Milton that slccty night Barrie Iolts played off there ill March 1943I You ItlSltl it IIap Illllnls called hinl and told him to look over his great goalie prospect We were right there when Cooper walked into the Barrie dressing rool after the second period hauled Emms and IAIIIIIPY out into the corliidor and siilicdllle latter up for Detroit right then and there And tiltintjhllrlw Ifarly Iumlcy moved directly from larrie IIIIH In Detroit RNI Wings HERE AND THERE Ilalldsmall BILL IIOWE former Barrie COILlids received his discharge from the Navy and alld is back Oil the job with his father at the furniture store Bill may play hockey with Iollillgwrlod Shipbuildiis Another former Barrie Colt home again Flying Officer EARI LEIGIIIiall RCAF piIOt who is back at his job with the Canadian National Express here The publicspirited Town of Silncoc has now raised by subscription the fine total of $43 500 ill campaign for new artificialice arena They have all objective llt $55000 and the committee claim theyll get it by Christmas Sports Editor IIRII JESSUP of North Bay Nugget clldscaell of his Iilily columns with the slouull Target for 1946Artificial Ice North Bay isallotllcr place with fine big Arena but dependent on the whims of the weather Editor Jessups previous targets were with an RCAE bombing squadron over Gelmany After eight straight wins St Mikes lost their first game of the OHA Junior Aseries at Gulf on Gait Red Wings after fourgame losing start the resignation of Coach Murray his reconsideration after beating Barrie Flycrs then series of wins look to be the hottest club in thegroup right now They will take some beating by Oshawa or St Mikes from here on Tile Red Wings must have cut out some of the rough stuff They play in Barrie January Sorry to note the sudden death of FRED MAW Colliiigwood sportsman who was popular umpire in groups One of these is in our incliidIng Orillia Arinv Midland Owen Sound Orphans ollingvmorl Sliipbuilders and Illlffmlg which is ofhll ratlnu Jack Rutherford of Midland is group convencr and the schedule meeting is slated for Barrie IIlei ollinuwood club will have number of former Barrie players vllilc Midland may have some from amp Borden who played here lasi winter De La Sallc aklallds played at Kingston recently against ilil strong Vics of that city Milit Itodden sports editor of the Who Standarrl gave some coniincnis which should be of interest Io Ilzlr atioils ill the Junior series They were herc last season and made fine impression and although they have lost some of their stars they have added capable replacements InAha season of 1918 the Dels rang the bells ill junior hockey They were mighty force and they captured the DNA crown by defeating the Killgstonialls ill the semifinals and the Barrie Colts in the finals In that lineup they had AI Koster ill goal the late Jess Spring ili one defence posi tion and Jack Cain ill the other the great Babe Dye was at right wing Red Green iii centre and Duke McCuiry on the left rail Felice Illgoldsby and Eddie Rodden were the substitutes Dye Green McCiirry Spring and Rodden eventually became Na tional leaciiers with Dye one of the most successful marksmen of the hockey ages Green went long wily too but fell victim of the lights of Broadway with the rest of the charmed New York Amerks McCurry and Spring played fortlle Pittsburgh Yellow Jackets while Rodden was with the Chicago Black Hawks Toronto Maple Leafs Boston Bruins and the New York Rangers After the great Del team broke up the school carried on and inadc the county baseball group prior to the war He was active in Calling woodhockey and baseball being connected with their winning ball team of 1033 and the champion intermediate OHA club of 1938 Barrie Clubs liacla sincere regard for the late Mri Maw real credit to sports According to press dcspatchcs from over Dufferin Couhty way they had hot time in Shelburnei last Saturday night with local selfformed posse of SOUnatives tracking down suspected molester of girls Thats the way the Owen Sound SunTimes reportedthe zit fair After twohour hunt the folks grabbed 21yearold from Sim coe Although this is in Canada there were actually cries ofLynch him heard from the crowd The provincial Constable Frank Dobson formerly of Barrie arrivedto take over the prisOnerand he was taken to jail atOrangevillc undone of those who first spotted the suspect was none other than homas Gilchrist now bank manager at Shelbiirne but formerly accountant at the Barrie branch of the Royal and catcher for Entries Ontario finalist baseball team of 1930 It is significant that Tommy armed himself with bat BRADFORD GROUP HERE The Bradford Baseball League baseball players and supporters Followingthe banquet the party heldfa dinner in the Corner Cup attended the Oshawa vs Barrie board Barrie last night The en Flyers hockey game where sec joyable dinner was Zthended by 90 tion at seatshad been reserved ANNUAL BOXING DAY JACK HUNT WED DECEMBER 26 wMEEl AT ARMOURIES HARE ATE AM im DINNER AfrIVY mth IVY LADIES CATERING PRIZES ShotGuns OnlyI Tickets $125 Tickets mayjbe purchased from VERN HOOK ALLAN SCOTT MIKE CHEPESUIK TED TWISS cilme aESchiCk InjectorRazoru Foi meals smoother Quicker shaves 3653daysga Year The ig ckrechr is the On razor with Canto miVideade Change saves time savestroubl wanA WONDERFUL collation doom cmcx INJECTOR RAZOR 2911 17420 MfrAIrMffI 1405 tilAli good showing for several sea sons before tossing ili the sponge However about six years ago the Irish entered the lists againand since that time have been potent factors in thefamous Toronto Prep School group where many great players received their hockey bap tism of fire andwill be placed on trial Active in the search School Next Week The students filed into the As seBWUTMOHdRYmoming to the jaunty rhythm of the bands new march After conducting Open ing exercises Mr Heath promptly commenced the serious dutyiof as suring the students that the school twill be open for business as usual friextr week and allrstudentswwill be welcome In fact Mr Heath went so as to say that all students not attend for the entire five days So 11 you conscientious par ents take secondlook at your sonspraoghters as they leave to make certain that they are headed In the right direction Following this sad announcement Mr Cock burn gave brief but effective talk on the value of scholarships in pro moting interest in the education so necessary to the welfare of any country be it in war or peace At sketched verbs outline alulytfa constitutes band such as we have In the BCI The brass alone played excerptsfrom one of the current choirlike tone obtainable Iwheii horns of different types unite and play in uigison meeting was held of tlie Stu dent Council last week and gelera issues were taken up It was de cided thefts ix paintings of histor jical events selected by Miss Mac Deugall mediate All gmnt of $40 was given to the oys Athletic Society to acquire new basketball unr IOrms The old uniforms besides blng in an advanced state of dis integrationdue to moths are con ently lost art of daneiri Christmasde BCI swing il under the 1w the As and Its played gtIIltltII tic dcfinitlyL be ex Mr Heaths re Nest Mr Fi her outside lighting band numbers to demonstrate the should be purchased ims structed of some highly scratch provoking imartetial and cannot possiblybe worn for any length of time with even the slightest degree of comfort On Miss Kelsos request it wasdecidai tobuy Mall piano to Ireplaced in the small gym for use inteilching the girls the appar Christmas will be celebrlgted in theischool this year by giant arty sponsored and presented Sol dly by members of thevbamf llhe orchestra under the leadership of Mr Fisher tenor llll past two lllts Ilt lam Illa Iockiw for 1111 Bordon Alum cd illll Imnl II IlIliii Armli Two Tie Games At Church League Opening The Ilarrio 111 with Ill llll IIcwcc St Marys llfftlllt ll lllt IItlltr IliflfIllrlll Ill the Ilitlllgilll grill The complete seller ready for this weeks yfll llSl this Saturday Here is the schedule 04 Collier United vs Central ll St Marys 1011 9ll lriility vs Central vs Allalldale Il lcc wees 111130 Trinity vs Allan diilc 113012 Allalldalo vs Central At Biirrle Arena Needllani wings Wilkes Kauppi alternates MiArtllIir Cook 1or Itlll Fife OSIIAWA GENERAIIS Goal Crowdis defence Cults Salllis centre Marshall wings ilrik Hildebrand alternates Gray Arull del Bauer Pogue Lowe Aitkcn HOIIIICSIILIW ronto linesmall John Dobson Bar FIRST PERIOD IicfereeKcn ric OsllawaIIIarshall POHUC Gariepy No score BarrieNecdham IKaLlppi Gariepy PenaltyPogue and to climax llilrc Ilmiiiulc ot away to lllc Arena last Saturday IIEIIIII four glflllItx played slicics Ii tltll littli1 Ranger big lonelier floili the ii Ii hf If 1Il It Allaililale Illllfl lliiiilty llIiItrll ll lib lirldcrl the boys played two IIIIIN that harbors championship aspir of power for young club snow cd under St Andrews by 01 isi lule paper Barrie 3Oshawa Dec 12 BARRIE FLYERSGoal SlftICIl an defence Liind Gilllfpyi centre Hildebrand 010 PenaltyMcArthur SECOND PERIOD BarrieWilkes Kalippil 1050 OshawaMLowe IPogueI 1435 BarrieNeedham McArthurI 1540 Penalties Samis McArthur THIRD PERIOD PeilaltiesGaiiepy McArthur OVERTIME sax artist will give out with what is expected to be their best musical effort of the year There will be dancing games Christmas carols it all friend Santa Claus or reasonable facsimile is expected to pay usia visit And this should make the 10 cal lads happythe price is pal try 35 cents Even thethrifticst ill our midst should cheerfully pay that for ticket when the proceeds go to such worthy cause11amely that of helping to provide new uni fdiilfthmbersof the BCI concert band Everyone must real ize bupwjust how essential these even IIIIcEIIw giliiri lt1ll bo cause the league lost one lloiii at the Arclla which had been booked by Ovclldcll College as for many This is not starting un til after New Years so the boys will be able to get in five games Bantams To IIZIIIL III IIall lliiii II Illili illfl land vaIn IIIIII IEIIII III the XUIIHI Iillrlills ihrll llIlj Alin fstlIIle ilris Iawiit proHon limit i111 ll Meeting at Hall Tuesday till 233 OUI THE ROARIN GAME 20 TURKEYS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY GAME HERE WEDNESDAY im rl lo 51 B4rrir then allldflun toriiurrou night for their flrxl garlic lgsltbl lied Rcymlds ehsv Ialioiis ill 1hr UNA Junior with lAllUlls are Il farm team for Buffalo Bison and have smart club four of their players arr right up ii the top of the INA wor ing records St Catharines plays back at Barrie llet Wrdnmds night and by Ural lhfltltJIS hopi to have SUIIl Jildcd playrr strength II will be the list garlic until Ittrr New Seals There is liig added future for lllc anlt against St Kitts lltl Wednesday it Burrit Arena Ilieri will be 10 tur lien gtlrii tl io tiulilrrs ol lucky nuner programs And the big attraction will be up lilllnis trading Ilis lilI turkey around the Ariiii itlf ioodA man program manager calls it the Arena Turkey Trot The largest rllll of the lJsllll IN mprctcd nrxt Wednesday to sic one of the best junior tralllv in 10 group and the special lllEkly ftulltrl Ilanquct lridal Night IIIIIIIIJI If at even lot lllili Iaiz lili IIl fifiltiLlll IIli IIIIIil All TIItIIIIIIIt illil rlIollictlvi rip falls IIUllI Animal IIIIO the liI AIIIIIIImmum bf 1113 MM up IIfl Sallc who will oppose dalc trams and Il played Iii WW mm mm Victorias tomorrow are said to be other no but Ill scored two Tm mm i3v Ipotcllr aizgrcgution one In fact goals cniral showing lap Hump wdl III llllLLIL to season rtiirlcrl Bill Keller Sells lilrilgc iziiiIo llillttr and 1olfirs ill be lllllltrlill Io Ittlll that II Ilillt Keller of Midland IIII sold his lentrat Motors to the Beitiiilll llros of IIilorllo Bill will orltinilc wuil Illclli as sales man but no doubt will filld more time to lcvolc III Ill favorite rillllIS oil the llillir and wl bcsoiIl and lllllll Lose ill Final at High lark Once again it Ililrrle Iiilk Ila reached the final of the IIioilialt il lIII Ihaiiburll Alellloiial Trophy at Illigll Park Ioronto but again it was defeated ill the playoff This IMHO it took one of Canadas Itrfll7 ed top skips lorry Hall of Kit chcllcr to oust the Barrie quartet of Johnny Johnson Jack Kennedy Ilarfy Arilistrollgi and All Simon skip IIlcscorc was just litll Barrie llloved into taking the sIIllifillal by 08 from Ed Young of Toronto Royals Hall beat Owen Loveless of tall In the other bracket 138 Harrie won their preliilliliury round on Tues Iiiy by heating Howard of Glilnites oa arach ol iiigII PalI 94 and Cross of Hamilton Thistles 116 Two other BflllltlllllkS were down on Wednesday but they fail cd to reach the playoffs These were Dixie Corbett lack Moore Frank Hargreaves and Selvin Meiedithskip Ellsworth Craw ford Herman Osborn dry and Walter Craig skip Friday The Telegram commented In an almost perfect exhibition of curling Perry Hall piloted his Kitchener rink lo victory Match ing every angle of the game dished in by skip Ab Silllon of Harry Armstrongs Barrie lllilllellC Hall triumphed by 1010 score with two rocks still to play on the last end Simon made gallant effort to build up count on the final end which he entered three shots 75 pr JUST ARRIVED them secretary uniforms are to the organization and although large amount of money is required the cooperation of everyone an buying tickets be help All members ofihehand will have tickets for sale should be no difficulty in obtaining so there HOUSE LIGHTING FOR CHRISTMAS The Barrie Horticultural and Town Improvement Society are of felting three cashprizes for the best Bucha nan 50x naturism imam or ALI MECHANICAL REPAIRS PHONE CEREMORE 4521 arms IN TRAIN SERVICE There will be certain changes intrain service between Dec22 and Jan Consult Your Local ICNR AgentiFor Full Information Illllllllltll IIIIIIIILjIIIIIIIIIs His gmm All members and Capri lfiimw Irwin Vail CIII who wish I0 pinII II become members hjhv please attend 17 iiI IriI 4w acoroucnaunaoutnonaaunuuuuununautumn ran CHRISTMAS ft We have CI complete stock of Panchromatic Films for indOOr pictures Also Photo Flood gt Lamps and Reflectors Radiant Hy Fleet Screens 311 For those who wish an Exposure Meter Imri 33 we have General Electric and DeIur li moronic FRAMES the final by Russ Loil Of Simons filial against Hall on Roll SKATES IMPORTANT CHANGES Isports tire freely indulged in as 11 McCogoe warrent Holstein Breeders of OPEN Trip to South America BOWLING livery afternoon and evening from DEC15 IO IAN mens nowmle and SNACK sitrum Ic I5sili Lth ASLK Biarltf aunslr ii Barrie Bur tin lub In ivn mm+ GENERAL MEETING at the Barrie CURLINB CLUB Annual Meeting South Simcoe Crop Improvement Association Dec 14 fur wlrc lion lm TUES DEC 18 at pm week two bowlers will have turkey to take IIIIIlli On bolll erlllil Illlll and llicsday lIlLll there will be turkey LI prtrci for lllt high llltili wIIh handicap The bundle will mountIn WI lllt dilfciirlcc lJiliJttIl Inc boxilmr average and 320 With handsome travelling bar as privc for the most llllpIUVLtl av srugc IIIIIIIL the last four weeks some of th boys have been really turning on the Iiiat Sonic notable improviilltnts were Dixre Corbett 30 points Grensidzss 10 Million 10 Brut McCaulcy 19 IIt1 these were not quite good enough as Tom Flear increas ed his iivoiasze from 171 III 209 for 1IlIl of 37 prints III is Illf vIiiiIc DEVELOPING ICQUIIOIENI AND flIICMICAIIS IIIOIO ALBUMS II COLOURS wE GIVE 24 HOUR DEVELOPING SERvICE studio CAMERA Slim ONIOIIllllrltlIIIOII10IIIIIOOOOIIIIIIIOOIOOI ourmmc If JL ivi er1 Ladies Auxiliary anadian legion high three Taylor 509 Spitfires 37 Lancastcrs 31 Ill Flying Fortr 40 Til Atomic Bombs 37 54 High averag ITaylor ll lalkc Clarke League YOUR BATTERY Shippers 20 11 Jill Dyers III 13 42 IDeanllcrs llllSlql must be on the lobr 13 34 Mcchtanics See us about new MS Ti 12 airs it and W1 need NEVRFREZ and WINTER OILi DUNLOP TIRES TUBES FAN BELTS and HOSE house When he took out the last Barrie rock with only two to play fnillllettilittiln RE and BATTERY SALES game of the fiveday competition did not get under way until afterl Ave Barrie Phone THE SHOP WITH THE NEON CLOCK oclock in the evening and finish tiff ht em the ma MURRAY THOMPSONw PROPRIETOR MEMBEROF BARRIE CHAMBER or COMMERCE High scoresLadies Single Pat Barth 22f three Mary BTlll 525 average Vera Tcrsigni 131 Men single Sid Martin 290 three Amb iosc Rivett 704aveiage lllllIISt Rivett 225 down but Hall kept clearing the ltheglass skips stuckright to the finish One of the largest crowds in the history of the Thauburn competition was on hand for the final LAW CONTROLS NORTH BAYSDESIRE FORSUNDAY SPORTS North Bay recently voted iLLIL vor of instituting Sunday sports and OiganIZEIIonplans were well advanced to commence the weekly program when the Ontario Attor Huntsville Forester iieyGeneral began to delve into ENGINE HEATERS MOFFATS the musty pages of the Lords Day PetrThereheediscoveredttugio E3763 ELECTROPAH Silndaysportingivent may be leg LL LTV ally carried on if an admissiii BATTERHOCSTER charge is made BUMPER AGKSy $798 This is throkerVin the Aer vm $1 which has disturbedtheNorth Bay 7Jfi sportIoving fans After allj they FROST SHEERS BLUE SPOT LAMPS declare there is financial side sets 39 $175 to successful sports andtSunday is exception MOTOMASIER 77 Now it is learned additionally SPARKPLWS SEATED BEAM that the opposing barriers are in EgADLAMPS creasing The AttorneyGeneral 390 each Pair $1365 lstates that the same governing act provides that Sunday sportsmay INSULTEX WINTER FRONTS be stopped bylocal authoritiesif there is oppdition expressed by the piiblip The Lords Day Act Of Upper ll Cover $10 SLIP COVERS gt It 3195 tier Set $885 ASSORTMENT OF Icahn passed in assisppiieigmiy GAniiilmini wINTEil Goons ANN to Ontario While ingrecentiyERrs SLIP COVERS SPORTINGSUPPLIES there has been considerable floosr $1125 INCLUDmgz 5K1 POLES IEnirlg up of official authority the main features of the Act still stand largely asthey were drafted 86 SKI EQUIPMENT CARRIERS JUVENILE SKI SETS allow scholars yearsaqu gt $498 In most parts OT Ontario there is Strict observanceof the law in gt lsOfar as itrelates to athletic games GRINDER HEADS in several northern towns But $298 lfeatures of entertainment but without any financial benefit One must admit that Ontarios Sabbath is more cthistently ob served because Of the existence of an Act which protests against the disturbance of its quiet sanctity And perhaps it is better that itis 50 ADI 53min CORPII Examiner advertisers get com Is ipletc coverage of Barries trading gt one