152m mommad NEWS OF ELMVALE Hrs Ctmtlcs Tho rlesday with Mrs l8 gs ftliall ALL 37 hum fa fJTi my Murine St Johns Hurry azn spent the weekend with Mr and on Bri Hon Maser If Ar Kempiville ml Family Mr and Toronto in Pic Idit I33 Sim td If Elizabth ii 12m for 3in rab Zft 3ch tji 21539 TIRE SERVICE ATLAS TIRES more libl ii it Slinth for Mr Ulll virx vlliln ST litll Wm In It lrali Nauru 11A ilk Iifllt Sgt Jolprs IDI rolizillole Tart Death of Miss blstor Tilt mail II VI ii Ililstl tl rw Christmas Gifts or our ets tIIJt II1dtltt ow lIfc II IILilbiII llrc III II =IEoicii Allistoii lIlI Gaines Dog Meal INS unlnlciicemcnt ixccllczli pioggialll Irt Master Doq Feeds if md lnu Ilv it witi llIx Canary and Bud trill llilll Il fur large IllCIltllilHU Feeds etc ISIIIII IxlIcIvo Jolli Iillolini Ir ll MZIIUI Itlllltt Mr Brown 51LIfI mp WiltxIIIIIAIl and IIJYIIE gt 3g pill Illltll for tile vitriol lloiird IIItI TEN iitl thc pIclt to tile IIIIIHJllltt Jack fill rI IAIIIIE Illi for Izillliral proficiency iii IiiI LI III on lI IX IIIIIIIIIY Ilill ii J1me ftp lllialli Ii HI prion IIHIKJI llltllltt lr Icail Mitchell lr VHl 1L IV All on Uzfi III and Dorothy Hill for Ill WWDMIIjr+ ye II II vii rv WWII IIIII or gtIiilllli who clllol lIliIiloilliIIIilt Gr IX Muunhnh WU lim MI Dilll lilldlli XI Jane IHIIII iIllx NIIIIII lilo lililitllltgt liadis XI and XII 11li1 ii III1I huhplane IIaIlllili but by reversion to IIM SirIII 17 will llcty Vcitcll languages Dor Ailllllll of Illzsinllsltllll IIIII ll WVUVIWI RUbfTId IIIus on the Rotor4 IIIIIII IIIIIKIHIHS ucoiiiIry and Ill$ilt Gm II ri Iltllli funded oil the IIl limo XI and XII Kathleen Iliiycs Eng an rlend IlI IX Iiick Daleby reversion to gt Lillian Melyllchllk as District Representative for lg f21217In D1911 Frere Inc it Iv llllillli Arthux 53 EpLLER BRUSHES OF CANADA Ste Theres THORNTON rdcr your NVIOH Bristle lklil IUSIHS HOW Mi lv ii ml II ll Im III Killncill Mr lv III=i ILIIFIW IIIIIIH Ioo Lennox and Ivan Maw were IOl NuWNJsl II Irlcl lI Illiiclillosll Mr and Im the jun in Barrie his T31 il IiJIl DiIilir AII Genoa TINS NI Silo Miss Idilise Sheers TU lhI Ianl slriv II rt Ilit Vli mun and Mrs Clam tillers are now available for Iweekcnd ill Toronto with Mr and Rum anshfrgk Landll 1811 The Board Of Health Of West Gwillimhurv Township proposes to hold series Of Tonsil Clinics at York County Hospital Newmarket as soon as possible after the New Year All cases Of defective tonsils have already been reported to parents Those inter ested are urged to cOmmunicate at once with either Dr Sinclair Medical Health Officers or with Miss Kathleen Abbott RN for full details and hope to merit share of your trade We invite you tOCoine inand get acquainted OPEN to 8pm Clpsed Tues ay and Friday nights atugrday nidht till pm CLOSED SUNDAYS MOHMOIO TONSIL CLINICS West Gwillimllury Board of Health WWWWW LEN CAMBBELL Having purchasedthcBroperty and IBfisiness at Pains wick we want to take our part as citiaelis of this locality gr El vi gr gt BLAKE Mr and II lill Bellrc IlIol 11 loiolito Sinner Ivi the we lftllll itlil Il gltIil IHI ltNliiIll it Toronto where Mrs Johnston some lLIIIL with her pa SD clits Mr ccntly come from California nd by lither who has moved Barrie fred Armstrongs Shirley Johnsons The sympathy Of the communi goes out to the bereaved relativ fore her marriage was Miss Ve whose death occurred suddenly her home ill Toronto Minesing WI Oil Dec Mincsing Womens stitute met at Mrs Geo Joh slolls with 25 present Plans we autograph quilt Lirnll19gti3 Selll local boys stil overseas Andrew Orchard made wheat bread and cinnamon rol This demonstration on Ithe Lise whole giain products was much was answered with white gift The program was in charge IIIII imam ii CAMERlilgslpoaiguvem isiiceetetatiogwofrtthe appmssconsiss no in Gene Store mswmk Ont having and getting but rfTrrn hnuu giving and serving others Half the world is on theiwrong scent in gailndustrial stirii 1HESE EXTRAs fertile and Housing ENGINE Carsand Trucks Suitablc anyAlixiligfr PW Mil L4 patio and pus0T0 DISTRIBUTORS Phones183 Users contender noun Draughtreafher Distributor wmill wiringCarburet6l Starter Clutch Housingrfand diisc slinkringsFanwruiiey1mm and Beginner rump ManifoldiAir Cleaner BatteryStrapsFtiel Line Water COMPLETE Dodge Plymouth tDeSoto glirysler angerfle Mm Barrie old Riddell gave splendid stc with the same theme Miss jorie Crick sang solo wit Spratt as accompanist Johnston read demonstrated making paper 110 ing will be further demonstrations twhole wheatproducts day night Dea19 Mr and Mrs Fred day Read and use Examiner Classlfle help Is hard tovget Ygur tractormust do more of the work gt all the time Make sure that the magneto is in good shape BRING IT TN TODAY BRENNAN Auto Electric Service 31ng ONT If llrx lii5ll1ng Order cari as SUDIIIN is T313 wxmfillllb Immuw Wm W91 Illtlllllim III lips 1mm l3 hmhv if at is uays on Thurs ll4 no mil low 20 III iris Itoll call Silg 9m Mb II lactic itlolls for all Economical Christmas TIIQlli mamu offmmm bacilli 10 13 MOREAU Gift llcv ll Dallll vlll address Ull WMS ml WA 3m McKee gtltll last week Alf Florihex was wiIIl friends at lIiIir Hayes and rlay with relativir Jack Illusion spent Sunday ii Jeff and gt111 who have rc iir living oil Coll on the farm vacat Vlsiiors luring the weekend Mr and Mrs dos Ilosklns and flow JONst last Flldy night when the com Rimlargmwtm Tumml mumty honored Ihree Of my refill Federated Farmers was held at turned men LAC Ernest Trombley George Slildalls Vllh lIhOI it and Marion Murphy Barrie at Lloyd of Mrs IDrl Citlllpblll who be Meliean of Millesing Station and made for the distribution of Charist Inas cheer Reports were given on Mrs Wesley Johnston and Mrs whole joyed as weretheifinished products when lunch was LsiVedeoIlcalli Mrs Orchard Mrs George Dus the pursuit of happiness Mrs Har an article on therlife of BeethovenlIrs Johnst ers lilies roses etc Mrs Bewen and Mrs Mayes serveddelicious refreshments At the January meet at Mrs Maguires there OAKLAND HILL lt VMrsnAgnewi and pupils are busy preparingthe concert fer WEKDESj Miimberson andMrs Bates New Lowell Visited atJJ MumbersonsSun PROTECT Your Car from Winter Wear WE WILL WASH SIMONIZE AND WAX IT LAMONT hawn milling years Mis John Slott llt IIospltill following all appendixr INJIIIQSCIH afternoon at Mrs Gor xion Clarks Mrs Pilkie as presi dent of the sionary Society lcd In brief open 11g worship SCIVICO Mrs Gilchrist conducted the CRIXICIlCIlglllllll service with Mrs Pilltic taking the Scripture read Iilus and Mrs Frank Wiltsllire the solos and all joining in the Christ ANTEN MILLs llloni 52 It It Illmvalc the meeting Recent visitors Nicholsonl Sundridue George Peacock Ha verivvylnplalaislyp Vieddcli and Shirley Toronto Mr nd Mrs Oswald McKenzie and rilyll St Cntllarines at hlclinzies Mr and Mrs Gordon erguson To nm Reid5 mas carols Mrs Howard Czillln Den dined Maw blll missionary study wascntitled The In of th com IIstialr Education in Angola mun where missionaries are still at is extended to Maw who lie ceived thest news of the sudden death his youngest brother Fred in Cor lingwood The deceased was well known around Egbert having spent his boyhood days tllercand attended Moullt Pleasant school Interment took place ill Cotliiig wood Oil Dec Three Service Men Honored The capacity of the Orange Hall was once more taxed to its utmost work at four stations During the WA meeting plans were made to send boxes to the Guthrie boys still overseas at New Yearis AlltliosLvho wish to give donations are asked to bring them early The SS Christmas concert tree and hot suppcr were planned for Dec 21 Mrs Clark served re freshiliellts Federated Farmers Officers it to VCiudlmad pm Newman Moors and LAC small attendance Cliff Besse and The annual meeting of the Orol NEW ADDRESS 44 ESSA ROAD ALLANDALE NEW PHONE NUMBER DIAL 3609 RAIIIII SERVICE ELECTRICAL SERVICE SALES We thank our old friends for their patronage We pledge to new and Old alike our guaranteed service Ii JICWS items have the Item written Lloyd McLean The chair was any Grittensiwere asked to act as fined by Jag Lennox J05 Lew Iauditors There was quite discus rox escorted the guests of the EVI Sion re salary for thechairman of ening the platform very the buying commission and the temsting and varied program was secretary The followmg officers given including several solos by Grant Mayor Barrie The address to the boys was read by Mrs Pur nell WCarr Each boywas present ed with purse of money Gleil Hunter Vernon Jennett and Clar ence Knupp made the presenta tions Each of the boys thanked the communityfor their gift andralsn for parcels they received while ov erseas dainty lunch was served after which dancing was Enjoyed until the small hours Beattys orI chestra generously supplying the music 3piece DRESSER SETS in plainiboxes Reg $900 iosizno at 20 off We have only two dozen of these Sets on hand so please make your choice early CROSSLANDS Druggist 7750 DunlopSt ty CF Ross VicePres Jamieson SecyTreas Caldwell Asst McArthur Buying commission Stoddart Ichairman Besse Cameron and Caldwell Social Committee Mesdames Ross Campbell Gittens and Mc rrArthurngloweeromq MesdamesE at TC er Mrs Jamieson Asst Mrs McArthur Next meeting Jail at home ofVrRoss Jamieson thanked everyone for the coopera tion given him as 1945 president ls of Examiner is $200 in ad III ailtigtiglgitgt32225123122275 DidYou Do as Well asilhisr These are few examples of returns received by producers shipping poultry tolls lastiweek Producer A44 FowlReceived Aliv of Christmas concert Dec 19 Miss Moore Toronto was weekend viltor with her sis lieHandy LAC Lloyd McLean and Miss Cohen Galt visited here few days last week Dalston friends welcome Cpl lwere elected by ballot Pres Vic Hastingsand Besse press report DALSTONL TZZZT TH DAY DECEMBER 13 15 OAKS If phoning Classified adlets or phone Examiner ls $200 in advance it so that no time is lost at the and worth more We still have some snowfence available Also iron posts and clips YES CAR OF pOCAHONrAs COAL TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK LARGE SIZE WANTED WINTER WHEAT BAGS SUPPLIED Will trade for Western Wheat and pay good bonus WESTERN GRAINS and BLATCHFORDS FEEDS Always on Hand tefroy Elevator JOHN ALLAN KNITTED SUITS if WHEN SANITONED REGULARLY Sanitoric dry cleaningjemoves Harold Handyand Alex Johnston Dressed Grade and Wehsht who have returned from overseas tiny gut and Parades that 12 Grade 83 lbs 25c $20T75 LOrne Handy Jr has returned dama osoft wool 11 on 25Grade 150 lbs ID 22c 3300 after visiting in Hamilton and Lon 63 GradeC 36 lbs 12c 432 don where he seemed his diS among Cleans an the way Less 5c per bird Dressing Cost 220 Charge from the 166 semes thighmakingcolorsfreshend Total Returns 558 it Yguthale ngdiifllyninvitedilok brigistagain en can lg mg service in Avemge N9 Return Der Brdslm Dalston United Church on Sunda Sanit Dec 16 junior choir will be Iyf ms ores mhmg gt DTOqu 17215d0v1vufrs KEEN Alve Vapgiganee The service Wm begi Oils that add softness andlustre resse ra can eig 51 gt Om83 MilkFed 35 lbs 32c 1120 SundanVIS 051 Mr and Mrs mimersgnimg mchuigs Ii Milk Fd 52 lbs 30c lseo iiiimmfasfrn find WSW1mm with extracare 11 blocking Grade l3 lbs CD 206 Cameronaagdyfsnrty nIShlng ito Less 5c per bird Dressing Cost 975 Mrs Mooreaiid friendTorento prfect 1otal Returnsfir 2865 at DebenhamS lt Average Net Return PerBird$19l Meeting on and WMS 03 day Tlie DalstonWAand WMSmeet Prodlucer 3212 ChickensReceived Alive ing was held atithe hOme of Mrs Dressethrade mi Weightjj Milk Fed Acliix 5316s 32 Milk Fed chix 24 lbs ng Zlc Less per bird Dressing Cost Total Returns Average NebRcturn PernBlrdSm Producer nss ChickenseReOeived Dressed Mtiss Osborne tooklthedevotionals Officers for 94 ere elected as follows Pre wEWilliiils VicePres Brown Secy Handy Trees Mrs Wright WMS Presl Mrs Handy Si SecyTreas Mrs Brown Visttlngand Welfare Com Mrs Spence Mrs LJory Mrs Mc In DressedwGiade and warm germ Iiiiks gealtdwin Parma 27 Milk Fed 171 lbs 32c 5472 9m rs and 11 Milk Fe 17137772 lb 30c Nelson representative to Official Board Mrs BroWn PreSs Cor MlSSV OsbornF16wciCorn Mrs McLean Mrs Bertram Total Returns Average Net Return Per Bird$201 The First Cooperiitive Packers OF ONTARIO IIIMlTED BARRIE ELMVALE hBertram and Mrs Nelson Under the terms of the will Of the late Mendenhall of Leth bridge Alta the Boy Scouts and =Giil Guides of thei ciliy wereleft $500 Wood with 14 ladies presents Iand Mrs Jory Pianists Mrsl send its linersummer Things to storefor the winter we Will clean them and Ihdv meal ready iOr you tO Wear when sprihq comes 2634i olivine