10 Floyd Griesbach on Faun VearsiAgggForum Broadcast Monday in sum IXAMINEBi VV in 3mm 56 no Telephone Production Increasing Cumulus Weekly NannyI Aucdltlal Clan Wealth of Cmtdx Audit Burnt of Clmlttlom BLESCRIZTIONS Canada or Great 19mm 8100 you United State 150 you 8le thpli hblhlml My Mom by M3312 W18 mm MacLARliN mom up limitach 11 WALLS flunle Infill um DECRMTZFR W30 It Barge Loesl Notes UFO literinn vt thiiilfd llilzml ligli ampnigh The president ll but Stou ruel good pio Lt ill Wilcox Bertiii Viitll ol the liltlllll There is plenty of room lit the top That all sounds like very sensible talk hicli youth will do Well to heed Youth has IUR ii iiiOgTilglgngsrgsl lltllNllildtIS advantages today that were not he VV enjoyed by their parents and grandparents it ltil =i ii li=ili it liin if igllil inviting citi7elis to inncum Christ Jim Klan 1de mm mall lilllt illllDlllUIlS and forward looking this lx ititti7tilll All mm couiitry need have no fear but it cannot Sutherlund him cannon iA bylnw givilig the flu Al llllltll limit all WW until hf if MMMMI If lakes on lxcopllollnlly 14 huh iineriish to in chil lllllrttiillltln ll Uirlllltttlil Vi null no liltl IIiWilli mil yILAW plainllttl furl coriiplctc Prince of Wowr Ghoul Hockey Chili ilfflCtIw Iittlf lcs lid SiltLll celes llr 1m to make tea txpgfls sly it has iii hos so il inastl vswollil bill me meld FB Tl lupdwl mdnlclvauce ii the youth has the outlook that is alum its gill will llltl lln linohlt 1Hlain iifill mwxw iit iiiL KNE rlv DH hurled ml MM hf llii woliu owes them on easy lltlng and that imm Aim Unt lulnillvi Ml llm Wnhlfiexviniig inioynnnt of Illwh the Association iicszrolzs ol to llllbli iii Vhlllll ltrrlpltr rill C3lifi iili cm of ltu vlliil inml illliti ninth1 oi lilltliSS clin come without lizirdwork sV VV irtss illirour inons Il lively Vl Ll ilitl fullbodied never Iklt or insipid ill pi CIIIlgtlUfrflf lilbllllll Iililulillrll fiiiu dealing lli llllltxlV Ilcels ul fered ti esibh ll plalll Ziirc fmwph $30000 tijiyllll lil l3ll3 Wiflc SiilllVVuV here llli pziltcls were llliliilr ill the lfivwn lreusurei sale Single copier of ilhe llxzilniner Barrie Examiner $200 year of kind fol rises Nearly llI llll yfenls from local liiviliilcr3 lilliilly ili llllvullic properties llt south of Pr Vw Si on lredlriis topping the lot With 32 It ll the inst sillt nil zilliny yours gilill only 13 lots were paid Very Rev llcun filoynn lllllll oi llnlllv lIU ililll IEI Iozonln left on istiliv lls lirililh slut in pelmlinl rillTs $3Hll37 Il lstotlcs llltl Illlid $344 czlsli null library valued at $173 lnoru iwtll only three rppcuk flotn llli lilfs lssessillcill roll The Ex lliizilur iliil ll 2lltplluv issue due to holvy utirililtili11 vcr 201m people visited New lrlinilinil llliullt lo Ht lilo p1llllt Open Your Eyes rilliu Millluldisl knowing where the liltinch contruiutc nod for what purpose The sale of these Stlil provides money with which to carry on important pliYtlllilt work in Canada The moiuy Viirovllicd in thit is needed today is less appeal to the this way has purchased all Xrzij to uncut common people and more appeal to common lor both perliiuilelit null lllUIJIlt tlillltssvllt observes the Hanover Post wherever chest cxuininillions lulve btillV wo lliiuic available free of likliill ll 1111 ill0 The Exumincr extends congratulations to lllilll for surveys and for the rontnnnnnl oi Scarborough manager of the Hanover the viluily necessary heinlh duration pro push who hst commoni 40 years with that pram in homes officcs schools and indus lplight wwkly newspaper It has been trial plants In other wcrciswhut the ml 1ny edited by Mrs ll Mitchell since the of those souls makes ptwllllt it llmiltl ll dcuth of her husband some years ago lirliln for the suppression of disease llllll 5m MVV my if left unchecked would be czlpliblc oi killing Om of the pleasant futures of wwkly hum lnri off very large percentage of our pop lichpaper work is the occasional chatty let imll 13 ill ii lMlltlllI at lllition ill the oilm 01 ltillhVlers that come along from subscribers at mmou Innl llittl EDITORIAL NOTES Irphoncs for civililns are now coming off production llncs again In Te addition to llltllllfillt instruments millls lnllcimipln suitchbourds are needed to IIYR usiliiig customers at many locations but tollphone iiiuiiufacturiug pluiils Llit also being geared to Increase the production in of this equipment with 11 pllulllll lttiL Reflections on the Windsor Strike sinki is six yinlrs lilll pupil of nneniployincni eliple of In fife lnztciil likllillcd unii lllpnnixxill tiiils ii HIlvlllllAiSttl li liiliil in Windsor was hit Inndi til llliiiiminsz liil illil Depression Lvrllllililllllll all that miserable lillllltl ult oi Itiii howl nleniployiiulit LipplAlkLI of ih Bv LEWIS MILLIGAN DIIIJill tli not an issue Wwvquvw is de nil illllt ill ll 11hr ost to your mind is not it homingth hugva coluntn of liio Vilitl Kumhv qlJUi Md in The mom from llli NW VI IlSllllP toiiiiiielitlng on conditions as they Lliltl Iliin sulfllli 1lliiill= ig Slur entitlle liyllono liuys 1gtfhi hh md uhnl practical issnc wlrn you areconsidering tllr appoint ll 59d fl minim Olk lm 1mm find them and relating interesting exl3erV my lit liilllil of siurvuin llltll were KllilIHI excerle mm by public authorities through FIB hump mops for the benefit of the home folks We tlonlliinii Iillll ill that l1hr from tho rnews columnsT of tiizlt Sile umy riffs mm mm knrml huh as yum ort vn ll lni plzittt in prlpr in orniir yours lll was form but is How to 0150mm ll WVll welcome these letters from our old boys ant hhl mm VVh NWPMW Hum hummus Ltd Onilm lt cxrcutors and trilstiis lilt IIIIIIitI or the disease mid so make rules not onle girls Ki ll il easier but more speedily accomplished The importance of this work run hardly be overV By nmjomy of 213 ratepayers of Smiths cstimoted for if TB is discovered in its in Fang harm bylaw to provide $75000 for ed disease and by forewlillliilll WWI Placemunity centre projects Smiths Falls is the were burned out with loss of lltzlrly $40000 Slizlnty leiy orrin sponden reports lilo lishinu indus Iry revivniu Disappearance of lln mow gith many farmers vl ccdurc lipplltilllli lvpullly to ill of Iiim for assessing chance to got out their plows and Countries ILTlllllill seems to have set ill on tins coiillinnt and mi litlte chunged from it Sluiv of Will lime pence in oni if pollcctilni labor Vill These were my first lillil llnlis being mildo for lie lsiolilislnncnl of on old clothes Ililtilll in lids Windsor for the re lllI of the needy and joiilcss to Ilt pliiil and there is zililtstlillisllcl Icunl plo rcflcci ion I1I llli hnics are also we means of hsmvermg memorial The RCCOIVdNeWS claims that on mume mimmm cm hm was yum as rho illiiititiillik2172th Illlltllllllgng vCllLlllI tilt inlount of Him iliiplilsulon lh Vt tendencies and picdispOsitioiis to this drcad while mom has been lot of talk of com 01 who we hf hsuclo no stillles Ill Luise lilys con 7V View pull debut on ithIizit you obtain skill long experience nnd depend Ilcsolvcd lhlil everyone should have zni old lice pension the not olive Winning by two points Partridge Barrie shippcd 271 hogs for UFO The price rcal izcd was $1475 cwt Siliicoes stock judging teiun ill Guelph Winn lei Fair was 13th in 23 teams coni ppting In loss of 69 Ewart Lockhzirt was first in judging beef cattle and Oscizir Billcs wzis sixth both from New Lowell 50 Years Ago IN THE NORTHERN ADVANCE there was no Work Vor wages to strike over Tntluy there islnorc work in higher wages than ever The people do not need on old lcloihes buieiiu but thousands of no signs of physical itllrleic for the residential lind busincss scr tions of llicicity were quite pczico fill und things seemed to ht going on is usual But as illll inlo VV Cmhm Wm hwmo v11hlhliitiii lilt Jobless and flinillles have walks of me oh that they whwihccn impoverished by the strike living 51h Hf hmm hm lliilfltiilllttl stivnigs have been sion The sirikc Iliill been on for Sillma llllcell bill lliV been TU nearly 1h thlt hm mmlll lilll business is szlid to have entered into by the men with cil MIG 50 in many in thusiilslii illll confidence in it quick Slilmls Dllillg ill hullng victory for their union But lls ihcilhillllg ll 15 Silid ml hall weeks illd months passed by and SCHWHY mill Illillll and 115 one conference after another hilvilllSllll like 35 failed mng ham ppmvofmlilIllIllililPl Work and wages zimld settlement ii tense feeling of hopc 13le Smildly 0i labllV ii deferred and 0f futilitvnf has been well said that the people 51mm mVhihdVV have short memories took the bus to No Ford Uliioii lenders can surely lliink pllint where there had been riol out some other way of improving oils scenes some weeks before but the working conditions mid rais found the streets around descrl mg the wages of their members llbility for the lliiml compensation by choosing the Toronto Central lliisttstll atlvnlitligcs in flirt of ill alert and competent organization spcciiilly equipped to administer your entitle under IIC complex Ull ditions existi up today lulu Wc invitc your inquiriis GIINIIIIII TRUSTS BRANCHES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES HEAD OFFICE 253 BAY ST Ciplenl Stage9 ll 31 Pit9113 lllld TBlhe erection of community centre as awar them in position to safeguard themselves0my municipality which has reached the TB is II99880 01 Which ll illliwell Sill state ofpassing an enabling bylaw less costly than cure even if the patient impression that the Town of Orangevme 19 be forewarned by meansof clinics and ap the Orange Order The Banner however in the disease is assuredly to be iorcarmed against its inroads lby the village inasmuch as part of it was in IHE that an ounce of prevention is worth 21 pound of cure for prevention is much cusicr and Most people no doubt are unuer the jm treated In the early Stag 0i lmek Tolrived its name from some connection with Dimme 30mm 01ng the leSCOVVmy Oflan article on the incorporation of that town Villly hitherto unsuspected predisposition to Shows that wasfounded by Orange Law grence in 1843 unique position was held Wellington County rind part in the County MUTUAL IlNDERSTANDmQAlDrirlEACEj of Simcoe necessitating the residents in that if The W911d has been lelefbe flomVSlwgyisection coming to Barrie for High Court but peace by no means leigiis acmss ie business of any kind earth There is fighting in China and Java and trouble in Palestine Persia Europe and The forest resourcs of Omar as re South America The dark shadows of world DECEMBER 12 1895 Barrie Local Noles ported in the Canada Year BOOK 1942 are ed except for lbout 25 pickets without putting them out Of work TillszlflblVic 1003 Pliiznidfirhtigg war have lifted and the threat of the elleshmated at 71031 million cubic feet In milling two nbrcnst in closo and rendering them wagelessto th bpclrwo lard rm tinction of the hllmilll 100 through the usela circular to field Officers MacDougall circle of the main entrance say nothingr of the injury to local mlp am Central School 30 cords it West Ward and I4 cords zit Elist Ward New Cool stove in council cham ber couldnt rinse the temperature lilich 50 degrees John Maili prize and John Carley directing the search for bodies of Alfred Warn ion and son lollcndzil supposedly drowned Ours and scat of their boat were picked lip on south shore of bay At special meet ing of Allundalc Village Council the question of amalgamaiing Al lzindale with Barrie was discussed at some length On motion of Burton and Hy Dollery the Coun cil was directed to negotiate with Blillle Council and ascertaiil upon larger group was circling about the business and the disrupting of ill enlruiice of the Power House duslry ill general Strikes may blelik wind was blowing from the Ill0lll necessary III the early river and the men were liuncilcdldoys of the struggle for the rights up with the cold felt sorry for of liibor lilltl union recognition them and was rcniindvd of much but there is little ill the present lalgcr groups of unemployed iucil dziy deliiunds of labor immediately gathered dziy offer dziy outside of giffccting the interests of the work plants and employment offices iiiers lhzit could not be settled by Toronto during the depression negotiation strike is usually years But here the siluniioirwlis settled by that means eventually reversed for instead of seekingmo why should the Workers and jobs these men were there to pro their families and the community vent the work of great iiidustryibo mode to suffer in tliemcan from being carried on tiliie BREAK FOR THE REPORTER VICTORIOUS LIVINGQ The ITUChszused newspaper four bushy haired natives what terms water light and sewer poner gallllg13Strbl01lk their black skins shining in the age could be supplied and have The SCieVWC Vt eleCllOniCS has Pm tropical sun They eased out silent GTR taxes fixed Vided him With perfect defence from the jungle undergrowth 3551 the Person Who 533s W113 and surrounded me Here was miSQUOled1 did 593 ml expecting to get scblped or eaten PCnetnng Herald reports neither DOCkelrmOdel Wlle liemldel alive or something and what hay nor straw available at any Pmdl13dbe Ulah EleCllOniVCS Call do they do They pull out Bibles price Miss Allinglizim whose min Limited and now available to tragic death on the railway hth CiVilianuselS Will lakedolvnnWiIh The above paragraph is quo at Oro Station was reported re 77 absomle mEcuchyv anything any tation from one of the dramatic cently deeded site for an An Speaker 01 llervmwer 5335 After episodes in the Victorious Liv glicbn church at Hawkestone the OIIOW them wherever they go the SPGCCh 01 inlelVieW iS0V91r 16 lug broadcast prepared by the In night before her death Brad reporter can play it back in his own ternational Council Of Religious ford fire brigade threatened to quit Office With accuracy guaranteed Education These are being used guess the village council paid the The POCkEl mime runs 01 66 mln now by indiEiiian 112 radio sta men for work at fires Patron utes lionspin the United StateS With Lodge at Batteau reported replaced To young people the days and weeks seem longbut how the years glide by To the people in the icture it seems only VVVVlithvimile since evhusbandtook out an Imperial RellJ of atomic energy seems to have passed for the time being at least Here in Canada thch is industrial unrest Men and Women are showing signs of wear physically rmentally and spiritually Their nerves are frayed and it may take some considerable time before the unrest is worked out of our system and we can settle down to more normal consideration of peace time living It seems to us that now is the time to realize that if we are to how world peace it must be built upon mutual understanding and sympathy for the other man This can never be achieved on worldwide basis until we have learned to achieve it upon national baSlsIf industry cannpt or will not see the viewpoint of laborhand labor will not try to see the viewpoint of industry we can hardly expect our world dealings to be based on mutual understanding ThlsVreasoning applies in the wider field of national life Unless Canada gets rid of 7itsprmliitcuh never be very ef fectlve partrierin any world movementHere in Canada we are cursed with an absurd provmclallsm Which has tendency to set thevvest against the east the east against the west both against the Centre and the centre against the rest We have our racial animoSitles and our religious bigots Per haps it is too much to hope that we shall warm an these things it ageram this irisnarcissicrpzilssrits but unlesmmWELSMHMemember their own preceptgthiit wageaiid salary Linak6llttlrheafdwayEloifgcthcfhighwwmlncreasesarnustimaiElllauouaW Iwmoiigsn international understanding Deputy Minister of Land and Forests says Assuming period of fifty years for the removal of mature stands the allowable an nual cut from volume of 71031 million cubic feet is 1420000000 cubic feet Against this quantity the drain for cutting and loss from fire VisV625 million cubic feet In this connection further undetermined allow ance should be made for loss throughinsect and fungus damage ltgt The Huntsville Forester makes this timely protest against type of objectionable pic tures which have been appearing in some of the dailynewspapers The sensibilities of many Canadiancitizens must be shocked at the policy of the daily press in publish ing pictures of the morbid aspects of the German warmongers trial Even on th front pagevof the Globe Mail the prospect ive hangman of Goering et a1 is pictured with his rope and the hangmans knot al ready tied This looks too much like an ef fort to emphasize feature of the Nuremberg trial which might well be eliminated Opmious Or riiis IS nor Tm 38 PAnLIaMENrARv WAGE GRAB Toronto Evening Telegram milrkmmv invlmu Ru W5 In ll Simcoe County Briefs IfVaflel areaSOnable PeriOd I01 enthusiastic listener interest and by farmers club Some lowing publication the Speaker 01are now to be heard in Canada over prices Wheat 6770c oats 2324c interwewer has not complained CFRB at 140 pm5 miiiutes peas 5152c beef hindquarters that he was misquoted the Wire is Monday to Friday for weeks $6 cwt dressed hogs $450$5 Vcwts Simply demagnetiZed and used The purpose is to make an ap Spring lamb 89c butter 1518c 8E9 If there ill any complaints peal on behalf of the Christian chickens pair 2550c turkeys 89 lhe complainant lsgtSVmlJIy invited Church to those who are at pres 1b eggs 1518c 162 potatoes1520c to Come Into 111 Office and listen ent indifferent Indeed the pro bug wood Ski$350 cord washedf 1071148 oilrrnvmce and his VOWgramdnighl bedescnibecLamRadiLwool 1bLamhraciIe10051 wordsV evangelism The broadcast also $6 per ton 1th gomg tobe tough on audio dollars year may appear to be smll change to leg bll marks the 80th Anniversaryof the 139 15123 cgeuulf0nkfpvg Egnfvis3mmfa rest of youbut awfully nice for Ontarmagious Education Coun Have you read this Weeks Classi Now in their Sixties 15 hangs their IN THE POSTWAR WORLD the reporters VV them to use their unique position to vote themselves cl There are some Very plainV truths contained privileges which theycontinue to withhold from the mihiemonhly the Royal ofeeopleim On innumerabliecccasions in recent years the calladal mill lane qulesflg 0f OyOzuth mg Minister of Finance hasstood in his place in the VVPOS VVVWOI if er an Commons anchleclared that price arid wage controls may 50 that the hopes 0f the World are must be maintained it Mr IlsleyVhas respect for now centred as never before on the youth of consistency how can he recommend and Vote for the Whd $2000 salary increasefor himself and his colleagues While every faith is expressed ingthebbii this me ltyor muting tackleft pro ems of the fir 45in Jgdk regular income They live in comfort dependent upon no one In their perpetual hollday they know that go where they will as long as they live theirImperial Life SIMCOENOT humour By McAree hrrGlobe and Mail Last Week one of our correspon dents under our owri eyesrefer retho Sir John Graves Simcoe alfd Lady Simcoe This was double eiror Simcoe had no title con trary to general belief William Colgate gives us theinscriptioncon cheques will followtlremi Thiic ahead Why not provide for your sunset years now through an Imperial Life income policy It will give yOu condence from dayitodayi free you from zin the debateon theemergexicypovveifs billlast week members in all the parties agreed With rare tore thletter givesa Word ofwarnilig that unanimitythat ii is yet 90 early toremvethe ceil 253332 Em Camilla into ltiiestwgVVVivhiVV VVMWVRVMMMVV dstdbe salcllhese da It does not imam earnings ChiiSfchse manoeuvre so artll his new io nostril22 it NanWileepitomizesum these controlstonic extent of lining their owii Liulenam erl th halethtefsade IePllcellYmhnglm b333me thelmegforces They know pockets and commie 36 $3M ggiigg VVgoggdlg pygmy for Im erial Life protection If you atein MillWSWiiiciancl hard Wk mien Therisomusaderiiatitn flll139lllaes of Fact Yovlialiouseliold nanceroll 25 amount Seol 360d ealthlmtoday You hever know 149 Vlf timing DeptLennowere and 58133583 appointslizensggwgllkriowg it gwlio diedVgnVVtheZSthjdayor1 VbuaiglikVVVblisjgVng olryomi gout 12 YT7215 you Lord abouttomorrowijmperlalLiferepresciiia not oldinough to join the forces the war wasemimaSIZPd fe Qfmwail9hcour last week October 1806 Bliilndlsillerlsolhersomedcliiswlms vtiv 4g 56 emeritus w848 Representatle as se made sacral security yted mress1 during the trial of firmifor increasmg the wage Of Aged 543 inglwemnauomauhc R0 313m years pusW ill to 61$ awskstenompher Without Nmissmm when It is strange indeed that Simcoe alienrmyilie bankouioiiilnln We the crown prosecutor arosesandvdplared that unless missed title in those Vdays when bymnvehhn monthlyvimalmm 131 29 They have found wages good jobs have wage increases are cOnerIled inflation Wilfset in lsuchhonors were lavjsmyawmded Rites are surprisingly 6w For e1 00 months 1696 basftogetad work has not been very and ruin the entire pricestruclure Vand when much less useful an mp1 100 My 12 8601 haild Mollyiinvezcome bOElcceDtIllleSe can Th gimml 3gi 13353 important men were raised to 191 nibbrilfltalmemfdwr 18 582 seno ap rwas ss graV lounge vV the World as Structure 1a million salary increase the bank is be mlStazke Cpnad V10 members of parliament would conga Rural School Lunches is the charge 40119 6mmth tan addptlhis attitude quencesuto the price structure wouldgbe small coin title of recent filmstrip produced VAPPIY at any 001ml 12 1721 rloihrdf the first esters tolbe swept from pared to the 1125mm effect on public morale of by the NotionalFilm Board and lent branch 18 1164 of young mph gaps melanin Dmlimmaly 88131 ab at We ill AtlmeVmy available for the use Vof teachers 24 836 come when an increase in the indemnity is Warren tlirough regional film libraries dikforhhvkkh MOnlhlyropllyihanm iliclulro twimmlm not patle are ed but this is not tile timefoir it ital palith across Canada IIsallaboulperidndl mm dam W615 11303 1021881 V8 premium beWare of spreading he impressionpmt is Estimates place the number of 10am ed thnaxectimt cling womb My 56311er of morality in ooun ryidne Curlknown cases of tuberculosis in vV Ofciant advghmhight gdg standard for lawmakers and public serVants andand his City of Montreal at 10000 one Warhols Wilding monolith it loo sincere and ser libel mild pammm in iser of the chief duties of the Montreal 1mg for AntiTuberculosis League is to boil1 shirt lilac it contains men sufcldifiIIY mnemo lnd these cases lhrmrgli tilt aid elbow your way to the foot if to arm gill the salary grab at this one oi chest Xrziys allure much niiJlsiislsnlmf warriesalfoutyourfuture aqdtl1tn drealns