THIS VWEEKS ISSUE 7250 Copies 52nd YeormNo SO sh MNNOOOOINil rNOMJONllmnlvoovionto Allow HOUSE OF HITS KTKKKKQEEKHKEIKKKKKKKKKHKKRKKKKKKIKKKI GlVETllEATRE Tlciliiis FOR CHRISTMAS Theatre Tickets lnGay Holiday Gift Envelopes Ready to Convey your Christmas Greetings ARE NOW ON SALE at the Roxy or Grcm crdcx ilikhlNESTEZQETEUZ2231521023mkhhahmbiihiihkmhlh THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ontinuous Show Saturday 230 pm YEARS KEEPEMGASING SEATIONL HUMPHIEW Wm Kiss IWllleE Kill inns THE HIGHEST HEIGHTS or susmsr SUSPICION AND MANWOMAN MADNESS IKZKKKIXVKKKKKCKXKI oltorrha AthlSSMli nomvtm BREENSlREEl VAWarnor Bros Picture EXTRA lIVlIS and 11m COLOR CARTOON and NEWS AY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Mot Wed 230 pm Eves and PM MOND SAMUEL GOLDWYN LAST SHOWING TONIGHT THURDAY JMW7WA COJVAIIINO unlit oarlioa LAURENCE ounnl Dilllo Elm umymwoqromuhorwkkwigbumn Quin MuAnhur Dawn WILLIAM WYLER ExtralA BADMINTON REEL ON HOW TO PLAY THE GAME GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT fTORRlD ZONE FRI sAT CONT SAT 230 GRAND AOTION Hrs it 735 mI gull IGRABLEAHAYES no Vapa oil TED DONAiDsoN MARGARET llNDSttf CONRAD NAGEL IShoclung as it SUNDAY MID MON and TUES lt is Sensational lla run Aliillsuli 1555 SEE TrHls GREAT siibwl VLWEDTHUR 1MAEi WED2V30V RETURNED BYVPOPULAR REQUEST YOURLASTOHANOE TosEE 1T unummnxhunauxnmxxuxmnnal MAMMNEHEIGHTS WARD RYAN THE BARR E1+E1XAMINR BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY DECEMBER ii lDis 0verseas from Nome of Men Ind Women Returning from Oversea Welcomed for This Column Please Telephone MM Despatch Rider lle itoss lliltt son of Mr and ers Sam ltiltz Millesing recent ly returned to Canada aboard the illinpress of Scotland Enlistlng triggeeylio 310 not the nolmzlntlrig cozltlniltec for inert ls vas adopt uiontlis in Italy as dcspotcli lldCf gJaliuary l9tl he went overseas in i0ctober the same year After is with the HCASC he went into flrlilit ill Gernlany Belgiulli 0n PLC Staff lIm Hog rt tile llgtllll tf the Ninth Sllncoc Ciop llllpreelilent Atrilllll at annual meeting held in the flcgioll Hall BJIHC lucstiay af ternoon Other officers elected were as follows VicePres John Kidd 2nd HCCPLKX Arthur Walt The ltll of ed as lotions denotes new dir oczol for 1946 llNY Jonciil Liar EFrance and served on the Western Ullolld andE llumney Rubi Capt if John Murphy an the trical engineer on the staff of tile ftnn clllldoli try Emil iarzllllcr Morin Dar Nelplll IAY Frank llalold oivdell Kel in JAICHEDASHwHur aylor lillnbiill Dull llllrvle Bert Bray MliDthlr Carinali Holy Barric Public Utilities for lwuzlllvill Boyd rltllti illfft Gra fyears before he enlisted for activeilllilh H055 ll liffclz iservlce has returned after throeiSiWnCC Earl Parnell John Kidd and onehalf years overseas and SUNNllVJxllbwll til iliilkci Espendlng some of his leave lll Bar35 Grunt lluili Gordon VES lllc He has also visited Wllll hisllRAWR lllklillhzii MUW lern Ontario Capt Murphy made his home at Perry St Barrie land following his release from ac tive service he expects to resume fhis work with the Public Utilities seas Nov 28 Elizabeth Ptc Moore Holland Belgium ibeing overseas 16 months Home for Christh Among the district members of the armed forces scheduled to ar lrive home recently on the Queen Elizabeth were the following lilt isllliject to additions and deletions Ptc PiicRCASC Eliza beth St Barrie ltc Clark RCAMC RR lllillsdale Cpl McKeever Maple Ave Barrie ltc Jallz RCAMC 79 Blake iSt Barrie LCpl Patterson RCEME 13 Cumberland St Barrie SSgt Morby RCEME RR New Lowell Cfn Irwin RCEME Angus Cfn Green RCEME RH Craigvale Cpl McKeevcr CAC Bar 1lC Cfn Johnston RCEME RR Barrie Tpr Walton Sophia St Barrie Bdr Carr CRA 85 Mary St Barrie served in RCE 139 else 18 tcr llllgtgtll NHLfillies Crow ford Ross Currie George Home Hex Watson lcilge McKay ltllc meeting and Germany Ontario Home on Queen Elizabeth cclor of Crops Seeds and Wood lte Harold Moore ill138894 Branch of the Dcixntmml EStayncr arrived home from over AKIILUHUN W345 llltlnrllwl aboard the Queen Eric Sililnson Mr McLeod Crop reel led years ago At the Turn to page eighteen please his falnily are now making their hoillc ill liaronto FSgt Henson was member of the 2nd Reserve Bttn Grey and Simcoe ltil0$ll until he soincd tlle RCAF ill July 1941 Four Years Overseas Among those who recently ar rived iii New York aboard the Queen Elizabeth was Cfn Lloyd Green soil of Mrs Frank Green Craigvalc lle enlisted in Sep tember lElll and went overseas ill November the slime year After serving some months ill ltaly he was transferred to the Western Front arid was awarded the com nlandcrinchicfs certificate for OllllllAl parents at South River in NorthCOCO Flankcoln Arthur Walt llall Roy Hickling Reelected gPres North Simcoe Crop provementAssn BARBIE FLYERS llitlLllng vm lcclccted Murdered by Germans Son of Mrs One volllan and inell littrlldcil fold St Barrie who lltllltltltfl at Th Willi ltlm MElNKlv Di in June ltlrtil arcEdna to till lllltltlfl by illll lll tllc Germans thi 19 Yesterday Coldest Day TIR LAYTON PERRY 5a ali il lttl it luau the while serving Sherhioille lllliis prisoner of So Far Below Zero tcdllcsday Dec ti was the cold est day of the season dropped to six below zero and di not rise above l1 during the day Over five inches of snow kttl73LV inches on Monday no inch on Tuesday and little lossMmwsi yesterday Maximum and minimum tcriipcz atures for the last seven days as recorded on meritorious service He came home DC with the RCEME 5th Division Met at Toronto Wllcn lle Edwin lalll arrived ill DCC Toronto after trip across the At lantic on the Queen Elizabeth he Doc 13 was met by his wife the former Ipr Anscomb RCAC RR Evelyn LeGear and Mr and Mrs Guthrie Lt Frederick Bremner CH of 111 Maple Ave Barrie Ptc Park RCAMC 6l Keele St Barrie Thorntongdwgi Sidney LeGear vs Mauretania Among those scheduled to arrive on the Mauretania were the fol Sgt Baker RCASC RR lowing list subject to additions Pie North CIC Wood St Barrie Elmgrovo Man Home Cfn Kenneth Wllitesidc Of the RCEME arrived in New York 1on Friday on the Queen Elizabeth He was met in Toronto on Satur day by his wlfe his parents Mr and Mrs Whiteside his sis ter LAW Whiteside RCAF Clinton and several friends Ken spent thretrand onehalf years over seas and saw action in France Hol land and Germany He met his sis ter Lieut NS Jean Whiteside in England France and Germany And again in England the day before sailing for home Now in Toronto FSgt Bert Henson brother Of Mrs Jack PlantBarrie recently arrived home from overseas and MENS LEATHER GLOVES Tpr Selwood RCAC Old Sunnidale Road Barrie RETURNED SERVICE PERSONNEL SUITS ilaifillitfli $3400$3750 TAILOREDTOMEASURE $3400 $3750 to $5300 BRING us YOUR PRIORITY MENS TlEssso $100LsL503BOXED BOYSVflVIES 35c MENS SCARVES $125 $195 $350 $395 $495 MENS WOOL GLOVES WI LF TODD Sgt Watson CIC 30 Cum berland St Barrie Spij Griffin RCE 140 lif fin St Barrie Sgt Martin CIC GunlliSt Barrie Cfn Worsley St Barrie Tpr Kettle RCAC 57 Wil liam St Barrie Sgt Mason RCEME RR Shanty Bay Pte Cowan Sophia St Barrie Spr Furzecott RCE 203 Bradford St Barrie Pte Green RHLI 14 Owen St Barrie RCAsc 66 Tpr Strachan CAC 47f Gowan St Barrie SprP Hart RCE Hawke stone $100 tor$225 $150 to $295 Grimm WISH TO ANNOUNOE COMMENCING Sat Dec15 Barry RCEME 103 The Examiner lnometer were as follows Ill Doc 37 Dec in Dec ll 10 28 Dec 11 lJ i9521 newEEHEEEEEEAEREHHEEEHHE 1uu nlunu uwuuun ind CRAWFORD GO INVESTMENTS TORONTO AND RACE SATURDAY FOLLOWING NEEDED Achilirenfsrsei Warm plothing THE SALVATION ARMY CLAPEETQNT Below LL10 Read and use Examiner Classifieds between the ages of two and tell Please leave at 60 Collier St Barrie Phone 3794 unnuuunuun NOTICE Having secured theservices of Bert Conn of Colling wood former operator of own business we are now in position to give you better service BIBBYS BARBER SHOP lBARRIE IVnSpecidl VV MEMBERS OFTHE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE FLYNN ERANCA5MANAGER BRANCH89 DUNLOP ST mmmmmam NewiYiearis Eve DANCES Rustic RoOm iVTablesemay be reserved for New Years Eve by buying tickets early Now on saleat bog office or Harmony Grill rlilll tl ll if awn flat only in tle n1 SI cilidllt heat it Cpl Req Smith Awarded Cdn Efficiency Medal in 2141 lpi ltl1y um captured xllt llliil 15 reported to have been shit olic llllltttllltlll As 13mm mic sociatioil was organized only seven it maiim Iocpiycd mg in llttSLlil UH lliissini in June and llt polled killed in action in Anguistt the 1epartnlcllt of National lu Harrie has been aliaitlcc the 1234 tlll lfcillljl lrlia lll Itlttllll is vice li ilu ill has then with the Vrtetil tillage ioz llt and onehalf yearn Slti lii3 llllckuxrrl St XltLl ilci hu clld hoaxc cl Th WU furlough next week lfew Rftlfr he ll at lllplcaa fcll tnh detail lllClVl lligll Loxvl Iv iii it it Fl gmii ii SJ All or +unT zzmzzazzez BEAT OSHAWA 32 IN OVERTIME llJiIA liyci amed liq lflty 1lcil ml lztl their Sia was ll local 2l llltit llyers tlL without Llitlt centie Starla ltzciliiigtili who was ill the Royal iii llospdd With an llfectelidcii Ule rest uf the liot playv lllilltd ijaille that itll Ugt stalliird The same TllJL at Hz lltl ills two Mcclis ll tla ilotol 2th hll ilt lU lel lt tia pc ht lnzt lllrc had every hit as llILitl of lt Flyvz litd itull ft the gtttiillt lost the lltl lull baciiV to Elliot the count lwfoie the period was ovel llic third period lovely p2 Kalippl ti NPLlilltlll 11 lo ii Llltt pass to Score lttl it llii it was clean game all lllt and for sliced and fillill Nerdilalll won litfll llaille lnld on to that illllll ll Altlltlllttllltlll illixs been manly Mince tlat tpl Hog Slli ill on and tflitltlil rcrs tpl Smith ervcd dinnllg lllt lltIl War iliilli tillt to llll tile Second llll llristlnacl for too pastl been stationed lil tlll llll Dr McDowell DENTIST is now in practice with DR srROTT Dillllop St Barrie over Eatons order office FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 3452 will be held in the LEGION HALL Friday Dec 21 from pm to pm forchildren of the mem bers and of the Ladies Auxiliary Eimaamaaazzaaamaamaaaamam ETEiEIEEIPIBzPlMEIEtMBthBaBIEWtBIEIA HARRIR if TELEPHONE 24435 mmmztgl Omiwllli Irmrlormcmwummovuvmmo Imperial ThurFriSat WON Ouwooow omvow owwlmm tion AQLDQJIIIIKLIQJHHL jsohaLIossessiDlfOlHpractlcallyL ANY cause ANYWHERE at ANY time SEE tlzllmlgZlglltllllltiEdglillllllglllglERE KEKEEGEKK Ehlk Section SWPoges l5 to 22 BRAND NEW FEATURES MONOGRAM GU12 IIITlRIC HIT NO HONEYMOON GALE STORM PETER COOKSON ARLINE JUDGE ilt STARTS SUNDAY MIDNITE 1205 ANTHONY ADVERSE Frederic March Olivia le Havilland Claude Ralns Anita Louise Donald Woods Louise Hayward STOOGE COMEDY EXTRA manilaiily Wait Have you renewed your subscripv It pays to read and use Examiner Classifieds OUR Personal Property Finale PRACTICALLY COVERS ALL RISKS IN POLICY AT PREMIUM Personal Property Floater Policy protects you againstlmss of MALCOMSONS INSURANCBTGENCY 41 Dunlop St BARRIE PHONE 3735 BIN Thursday Evenings 815 Oddfellows Hall the stairs GAMES 25c GOOD DOOR PRIZE PRIZES THIS WEEKChickens and Other Prizes Also aGood Door Prize and SharetheWealth Gam SPECIAL BINGO IN ODDFELLGWS HALL MainFlow 35 Collier StBarrie Thursday Dec 20 at 815 pm GOOD PRIZES POULTRY ETC 15 GAMES 35c 734EXTRA GAMES FOR TUE KEYS signers IYOungtPeoplesgciub Wisfma stamina 11 Gealiillliill to NOVELTYADANCESer RNRRMETWRREREEDTRRHRRME ENTERTAINMENT DOORPRIZE Dancing 8i30ipm to ADMlssioNasg MUSIC BY THE Amnmmnmnmnnmnn